Rat-tanged dirk (sword blade used as a dagger or spearhead), with long thin blade, pointed at both ends, with sloping shoulders. A rib runs nearly the full length of the piece (flattened in the last 2 cm of the blade end). The middle of the rib, near the attachment end, is thin, rhomboidal in section, narrowing to pointed tip or tang which is turned up slightly at the end. Approximately 1/4 down the length of the blade the flange broadens, so that two flat sides spread from the centre rib. The blade end of the dirk has nearly straight sides, but tapers gently to a rounded tip. Catling's type 1d; near Åstrom's type I4. As Catling suggests (1964, 56) the rat-tailed weapon, the most characteristic of prehistoric Cypriote metal forms, occurs in so many sizes that it is impossible to classify them as swords, dirks, daggers, or even spearheads.
Ovoid with a piercing through the longest axis and a ridge around the middle.
Uneven sphere with a hole though the middle.
Barrel-shaped jug, deep-spreading lip, half has broken away. One handle, with a raised area along the middle. Clay on body rounded into a point in the middle of either side.
Deep bowl with slightly pinched in, uneven rim; wishbone handle; body tapers to flat base. Typical Late Middle II-Cypriot I shape (perhaps near carination suggests something earlier).
Fragment. Middle fragment with no finished edges.
Fragment including curved outer edge, underside has distinct curved ridge halfway in. Whole piece sloped higher towards middle.
Rectangular fragment. Getle dip in the middle curving upwards either side to create a waved shape.
Central vertical handle reaches across middle of vase.
Doughnut shaped ring stand with hole in the middle for small vase (34.8.15B)to rest on.
Neck amphora with wide mouth; long, wide neck; two vertical handles from top of rim to middle of body; donut shaped body slopes into thick stem; small, flat foot; flat resting surface and slightly raised underside.
Small bowl, 'later and light', according to Gill. Cf. Reading 14.9.106
Shallow bowl with incurving rim, concave on inner face, torus ring foot, circular ridge in middle of underside before convex centre.
Deep bowl; almost vertical sides; two rounded handles progress straight upwards from the middle of the body; slight groove before small foot; concave base
Disk-shaped mouth with flat rim; cylindrical neck; flat strap handle reaches from rim down to middle of shoulder; body is a slightly flattened ball, round on the bottom.
Everted, nearly flat rim, with round lip, curves sharply to a cylindrical upper body, somewhat concave, separated from the lower body by a ridge above a flange. The lower body is comprised of four horizontal ribs, above a shallow bowl that narrows to a thin, short stem, that curves continuously into a conical foot, finishing with a broad groove above a rounded edge. The underside is hollowed. Two strap handles, which flare on either side, rise up above the rim and then descend to rejoin the body at the flange. A spur projects from the lower part of each handle, approximately in the middle of the upper body.
Bell-shaped mouth with convex lip and high out-turned rim; tubular neck joined to ovoid body; short thick stem curving out to a carinated moulded foot, concave on the underside; vertical strap handle curves up from the middle of the neck and rejoins at the base of the shoulder.
Thick, wide rim with flat top, broad neck. Two rounded handles curve upwards from the top of the body to the neck, from the middle of which they continue in a broad, vertical strap handle to the rim. The body tapers into the narrower bottom and thick, wide base.
Moulded rim, grooved, with flat upper surface and sharp lip, on a short cylindrical neck, with attaches, at a ridge, to an ovoid body, attached below, also at a ridge, to a slightly flaring stand, with splaying foot, slightly ridged on upper edge, bevelled on exterior, hollow on the interior. From the shoulder, on either side, rises an m-shaped handle (half of one chipped off) with short projections in the middle. Three holes (to enable air flow) are drilled into the upper part of the stand, just below the join.
Trefoil lipped; high handle with ridge down middle curves up from the shoulder considerably higher than the rim; neck progresses smoothly to body, as body does to foot; foot is stepped with the side reserved; underneath is ruddled and concave with convex centre.
Bell mouth, flaring at the rim, with a convex upper surface, offset from a narrow neck, broadening and curving sharply into the ovoid body; strap handle rises from the top of the neck and joins the lower part of the shoulder; molded ring base, divded into two concave parts, divied by a ridge at the middle; convex underside.
Round body somewhat pointed at the base. Cut-away neck spout (derived from Anatolian precursors). Handle attaches to the middle of the spout and then rejoins the jug on the shoulder.
Pagenstecher lekythos: cf. a more elaborate example from Lipari, 'scavo XXXV': Bernabo Brea and Cavalier 1997, fig. 108 (middle)
Pagenstecher lekythos. (Restored rim); thin neck from the middle of which handle protrudes horizontally before sloping down to rounded body; broad foot; concave underside
A plaster cast head of a Lapith from a metope (South 6) of the Parthenon.Broken off at the middle of the neck; the face bears a gouge on the left cheek and most of the nose is broken off.
Deep circular body with a large circular filling hole in the centre of the discus. Flat long nozzle with a small circular wick hole and a rounded tip. Circular raised foot, slightly concave with a ring in the middle. "Kick" on the inside at the bottom of the reservoir.
Rounded, everted rim, long neck, piriform body, ring foot. Thick strap handle curves up from the middle of the thick neck and down to the shoulder.
Disks with spindles through the middle (one hollow)
Round. Slightly convex surface, with a central stem protruding in the middle of the inner part, with a wider slightly convex tip.
Stem of a glass vessel, with a ridge at the junction of the stem with the foot. The stem narrows in its middle part. The bowl seems to be wide, with a flat bottom.
Broad projecting rim with flat upper surface, overhanging lip, and concave underside curving into a short narrow neck that broadens to a globular body with rounded base; flat strap handle falls directly from the rim to the middle of the shoulder.
Small trefoil oinochoe, group iii. Pinched trefoil mouth from which rises at the back a high swung strap handle that rejoins the body above the middle; small indentation on lower part of handle; short, wide neck that curves continuously into the baggy body; short, plain ring foot, slightly concave on underside, with central nipple.
Oinochoe with trefoil lip. Broad neck, widening into grooved trefoil lip, from the back of which extends a vertical tripartite strap handle that reattaches at the middle of the shoulder; broad ridge at the bottom of the neck to which is attached the ovoid body, tapering to a broad ring base, convex on the exterior, with a flat resting surface.
Guttus type askos: swelling rounded body with bearing at the top a large relief medallion (frontal female mask with puffed cheeks and a lock of hair knotted over the forehead) offset and raised from the body; at a distance of ca. 0.5 cm are two incised lines beyond which the body is covered with fine vertical fluting down to its midpoint. A long diagonal spout with slightly concave sides rises obliquely from the shoulder below the medallion, and terminates in a three-stepped flanged mouth. A loop handle (semicircular in cross section) rises from the shoulder at a right angle to the spout. A tall thick foot, offset from the body, with a ridge at the halfway point broadens toward a ring base, slightly rounded on the exterior, with a concave underside offset from a concave element within the narrow resting surface.
The foot is particularly tall, and is ridged in the middle: otherwise in shape this askos corresponds to Morel's type 8141h 1 (Morel 1981, pl. 209).
Overhanging everted lip with rounded rim curves sharply a near cylindrical body, narrowing to a tapering stem, which in turn is joined to a hollowed, moulded pedestal base;.the upper surface of the base is nearly flat, surrounded by a ridge and then a groove from which the nearly vertical sides descend; two incurving round horizontal handles are attached just above the middle of the body.
Everted rounded rim, from the back of which extends a round vertical handle that reaches to the middle of the biconical body with a flat, rough base.
Everted rounded rim, from the back of which rises a round vertical handle that joins the body at the middle of the slightly baggy body with a flat, rough base.
Type B, formerly known as 'glaux' variety. Slightly incurved rim, below which is attached a one side a round horseshoe-shaped handle, canted slightly up to the level of the rim, and on the other side a ridged strap handle that rejoins just above the middle of the body; convex side walls; torus ring foot with slightly convex underside.
Globular oinochoe of Archaic shape. Trefoil lip attached at the back to a broad strap handle, high swung and descending vertically to the middle of the shoulder; slight step at top of shoulder, below sharp join with cylindrical neck; squat body; broad, angled ring foot, with flat resting surface; slightly convex underside.
Trefoil lip attached at the the back to a broad, high curved strap handle that curves in slightly to the middle of the shoulder; short cylindrical neck joining stepped shoulder in a continuous curve; globular body curves into a short ring foot with diagonal resting surface and slightly concave underside.
Small trefoil oinochoe, group iii. Pinched trefoil mouth from which rises at the back a high swung strap handle that rejoins the body above the middle; small indentation on lower part of handle; short, wide neck that curves continuously into the baggy body; short, plain ring foot, slightly concave on underside, with central nipple.
Kalathos-shaped body, with a flaring rounded rim, to the top of which are attached the looped ends of a pair of strap handles, concave on their exterior surfaces; the tubular ends of the loops rejoin the middle of each handle, and below the bottom of each handle, attached at the bottom of the cup, is a spur. Below a carination, the bottom of the cup narrows to a nearly cylindrical stem, ridged at the center, below which it widens, and smoothly curves into the top of a moulded foot, with three ridges, of increasing diameter, on the exterior surface. Within the narrow resting surface is a concave underside, with a conical hollow at centre.
Flaring rim, with a flat lip on the upper surface, at the top of a tall neck with concave sides, alongside which is attached and rises a small strap handle (lopsided) that rejoins at the middle of the shoulder; sharply joins barrel-shaped body, above a broad ring base, convex in profile, with a thin resting surface and slightly concave underside.
Broad projecting rim with slightly convex lip; short narrow neck curving into a globular body with rounded base; flat strap handle extends from the rim to the middle of the shoulder.
Round mouth with slightly flaring lip from which rises a vertical strap handle that reattaches at the middle of the shoulder; mouth curves into a short, thin neck, which curves out sharply to sloping shoulders on top of a squat, rounded body; broad, slightly angled foot, with slightly concave base.
Round mouth with slightly flaring lip from which extends a short vertical ribbed handle that reattaches at the middle of the shoulder; short, thin neck, which curves out sharply to a nearly flat shoulder that broadens to a squat, rounded body; wide vertical ribbing on widest part of body; short, angled foot, with slightly concave base.
Two thin vertical strap handles arch up from the top of a cylindrical neck, slightly offset at the bottom, and rejoin at the middle of a sloping shoulder; shoulder curves sharply into a conical body, slightly rounded at the bottom where it joins a short stem flaring to a disk foot, hollowed at the bottom.
Rounded rim on a concave lip, above shallow bowl; just below lip are attached two round horizontal handles, rectangular in shape, slightly incurving. A short stem, slightly concave, attaches the bowl to a thick disk foot, convex on the underside (a continuation of the rounded resting surface) but hollowed through the middle of the stem.
Slightly flaring cup mouth, with a slightly convex upper surface; strap handle (lopsided) rises from the top of the neck and rejoins at the middle of the shoulder; cylindrical neck, broadening at the bottom, offset from the globular body, above a broad ring base, convex in profile, with a thin resting surface and slightly concave underside.
Cup mouth with flat rim, tall cylindrical neck, slightly widening at the top, curving into a diagonal shoulder, below which (from a carination) the body tapers slightly, and then curves sharply to join a tall moulded base, with straight sides, slightly concave on the underside, with a cylindrical depression; a vertical strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above the carination.
Very narrow neck, from which loops up a small, narrow strap handle, which rejoins at the middle of the broad shoulder. The shoulder curves into a bulbous body, grooved just above a slightly raised base. The underside is slightly concave at its centre. Some circular ridges (comb ot wire marks) remain on the underside.
Cup mouth on cylindrical neck, slightly narrowing and then curving to a slightly diagonal shoulder; narrow strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above a carination, from which descends the nearly straight side walls; body narrow sharply at the bottom to a short stem attached to a tall moulded base, which tapers down.
Trefoil lip, attached to a short neck curving smoothly into a squat, baggy, body; high curving strap handle reaches from back of lip to middle of body; slightly raised base with flat underside.
Large trefoil oinochoe. High swung strap handle emerges from below the trefoil mouth and reattaches at the middle of the shoulder; slightly concave neck with a step at the top of th the slightly sloping shoulder that curves continuously to a squat, rounded body; broad angled foot with slightly raised base.
Projecting rim, with rounded lip and with slightly concave mouth, from which emerges a narrow cylindrical neck, grooved at the base; sloping shoulder; narrow strap handle that curves down to the middle of the shoulder; globular body with a flat bottom.
Everted thickened and rounded rim, from the back of which extends a round vertical handle that joins the body at the middle of the biconical body with a flat, rough base.
Ovoid aryballos, with a rounded mouth, narrow cylindrical neck, pinched round vertical handle reaching from just below the mouth to the middle of the high shoulder, which curves continuously into the body, with convex side walls, narrowing to a slightly flaring raised base, flat on the underside.
Phanyllis shape: Cup mouth with flat lip, cylindrical neck broadening to a diagonal shoulder; strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above the carination, from which descends an ovoid body that narrows at the bottom to a flat disk foot, with a conical depression at the centre of the underside.
Palmette. Rounded rim on a concave lip, above shallow bowl; just below lip are attached two round horizontal handles, rectangular in shape, canted and slightly incurved, rising to just below the height of the rim. A short stem, slightly concave, attaches the bowl to a thick disk foot, with a groove at the outer edge of the vertical surface; broad, convex resting surface; hollowed through the middle of the stem.
Plain rounded rim; tapering walls, slightly concave, broaden slightly at the bottom of the bowl, which is moulded with two carinations; diagonal profile to bottom of bowl; tall cylindrical stem, slightly bulging at the middle, curves out to a flat disk foot, with rounded sides, but an indeterminate bottom. Two vertical strap handles swing up from the rim and rejoin the vase at the lower carination, where they comprise a smooth curve with the bottom of the bowl.
the shape is similar to an askos (a jar used to pour wine or olive oil but askoi generally have a pouring spout wider and parallel to the handle, and they are very often zoomorphic), this is a cruet for daily use. Rounded body jar with flat base, a pouring spout and a bigger filling aperture; a single handle from the middle of the neck to the upper part of the body.
the shape is similar to an askos (a jar used to pour wine or olive oil but askoi generally have a pouring spout wider and parallel to the handle, and they are very often zoomorphic), this is a cruet for daily use. Rounded body jar with flat base, rounded neck to insert the oil, a pouring spout in the upper body to pour the olive oil; solid handle from the middle of the neck to the upper part of the body.
wine jug with rounded body, wider at the middle of the body, with flat base and one handle from the upper part of the neck to the upper part of the body; there is a groove which divides the body from the neck; the rim of the neck is circular and made to pour the liquid