Deep bowl with slightly pinched in, uneven rim; wishbone handle; body tapers to flat base. Typical Late Middle II-Cypriot I shape (perhaps near carination suggests something earlier).
Slightly incurving lip, with a carination just below the rim, narrowing with convex sides to a flat base, with convex sides just above base. Wire cutting marks in circular design on base. On the interior, the centre of the bowl rises up slightly.
Lid: tall, conical, flat-topped knob on a sharply sloping conical lid, with plain rim, vertical profile, flat underside, leading to a short flange (0.3) to sit within lekanis.
Lekanis: slightly everted, rounded rim with flat lip, on a deep bowl with straight walls in two parts, separated by a sharp carination near the bottom, attached to a short disk foot, angled on inside and out, with a slightly convex underside. From either side of the rim extends a semicircular horizontal handle, round in section, that rises very slightly, flanked by short pointed spurs or lugs on either side of the handle.
Slightly everted lip with nearly flat rim, on a cylindrical bowl with concave sides, divided with a a sharp carination from a convex lower that smoothly curves into a short stem on a rounded foot ring, with rounded resting surface, tapering inner wall, and nearly flat underside. Two suspension holes are arranged horizontally just below the rim on one side.
Slightly everted lip with rounded rim, on a deep plate that is convex at the upper part and then curves, with a near carination to become concave in the lower part, on a flat base that is beveled on the outer part. A single suspension hole is on the lip.
Mesomphalos phiale with a thickened rounded lip, with a slight carination on the inside edge, with convex walls, sloping down to a flat plate, at the centre of which is an omphalos (raised central boss), decorated in relief all around.
Slightly convex, rounded, overhanging lip on a tall, tapering rim, a carination at the junction with the sharply sloping body or bowl of the lekanis, on a tall, sloping ring foot, with flat resting surface, angled walls on exterior and interior, and a nearly flat underside. On either side of the rim is attached a horizontal, u-shaped ribbon handle, between a pair of lugs.
Tall inslanting rim with plain round lip, sharply turning to a short shoulder that broadens to an ovoid body, which tapers to a tall moulded foot, comprised of a beveled top, two concave elements, a carination, below which a scotia above a torus. The resting surface is ridged and the underside consists of a pointed convex centre, within a tapering concave part. Two u-shaped handles, round in section, rise from the bottom of the shoulder to high above the rim. On either side of each handle is a pointed lug.
Everted, concave rim, with round lip, offset by a carination from a shallow bowl, tapering sharply to a short stem that broadens to a moulded foot, concave in profile, with a nearly flat resting surface, grooved just within the resting surface, hollowed and conical within; a slightly incurving d-shaped handle rises up, on either side, from the centre of the bowl to the height of the kylix.
Tall knob, circular in section, flat at top except for a grooved section; knob which narrows then widens to a carination towards the bottom, and narrows again to the join with the concave lid. Flanged rim.
Large lekanis with a slightly convex, rounded, overhanging lip on a tall, tapering rim, a carination at the junction with the sharply sloping body or bowl of the lekanis, on a tall, sloping ring foot, with flat resting surface, angled walls on exterior and interior, and a nearly flat underside. On either side of the rim is attached a horizontal, u-shaped ribbon handle, between a pair of lugs.
Central circular knob, with a round tip and a sort of carination in the edge, hollow in the underneath; rounded rim, hollow inside, connected to the knob by a quite sloping lid.
Missing tip; carination on 2/3 of height. The lower part is flaring at the bottom; the upper part is narrower on the top.
Fragment of body of a vessel, with a part of rim, rounded. On the lower part, the body slightly narrows, with a slight carination. Fragment of a big open vessel.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset slightly from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a slightly diagonal shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from just below the mouth and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is slightly convex; the slightly concave underside has a conical indentation at centre.
Cup mouth, cylindrical neck, to which inside of handle is attached and rises, rejoining at the shoulder; body with straight sides descending from carination at bottom of shoulder; lower body curves in to join molded pedestal foot, with slightly sloping upper surface, scotia above torus on vertical surface, and flat underside.
Mouth has a rim that slopes downwards. Concave sides with two small lug handles, each placed ca. 1.5 cm below rim ; carination and further concave element near flat base.
Chimney mouth with everted lip, slightly concave on the upper surface, and ridged on the lower surface, offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem.
Rounded rim on incurving lip, curves into a top heavy bowl, with a slight carination in the lower third, beneath which the walls become slightly concave, above a flat base; rounded interior.
Chimney mouth with everted lip, slightly concave on the upper surface, and ridged on the lower surface, offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, slightly flaring at the shoulder, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, comprised of a scotia above a torus; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is concave above convex; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a slightly diagonal shoulder. Small strap handle rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering gently towards the base, which is attached to a moulded pedestal foot, tapering down, with a profile that is slightly convex; the underside has a conical indentation at centre.
Cup mouth with flat lip, slightly offset from narrow neck, which broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle rises from under the cup mouth and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, with concave side walls, tapering down, and straightening out towards the small disk foot, flaring on its upper edge, rounded on its vertical edge, and with a broad, flat resting surface; nipple at the centre of the underside.
Narrow cylindrical neck, broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle rises from the top of the neck and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then straightening out towards the small disk foot, flaring on its upper edge, rounded on its vertical edge, and with a broad, flat resting surface; nipple at the centre of the underside.
Narrow neck (mostly missing), broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving in to a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot with a raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
Narrow neck (mostly missing) broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving sharply into a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot, tapering down, with a slightly raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
White-ground lekythos, group iii. Conical mouth with flat rim, slightly offset from cylindrical neck which curves sharply into nearly diagonal shoulder; vertical strap handle (missing) reached from top of neck to bottom of the shoulder, below which a carination marks the join with the straight body that tapers down to a high, molded, pedestal foot, grooved at the top of the slightly convex vertical surface, concave on the underside, with a nipple at the centre.
Kalathos-shaped body, with a flaring rounded rim, to the top of which are attached the looped ends of a pair of strap handles, concave on their exterior surfaces; the tubular ends of the loops rejoin the middle of each handle, and below the bottom of each handle, attached at the bottom of the cup, is a spur. Below a carination, the bottom of the cup narrows to a nearly cylindrical stem, ridged at the center, below which it widens, and smoothly curves into the top of a moulded foot, with three ridges, of increasing diameter, on the exterior surface. Within the narrow resting surface is a concave underside, with a conical hollow at centre.
Flaring rim, with concave profile, joining bulging body at a carination, below which are attached two u-shaped horizontal handles, rounded in section, canted slightly up; below handles body curves sharply towards stem, broken off.
Cup mouth with flat rim, tall cylindrical neck, slightly widening at the top, curving into a diagonal shoulder, below which (from a carination) the body tapers slightly, and then curves sharply to join a tall moulded base, with straight sides, slightly concave on the underside, with a cylindrical depression; a vertical strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above the carination.
Rounded, slightly incurving rim, which which rise (at slight angles) two high swung strap handles, rejoined at the bottom of the bowl in a continuous curve with the bottom of the bowl; between the handles, the bottom of the bowl is set off from the side walls. A flaring, broad ring foot is convex on the interior; the underside of the bowl is slightly convex. On the interior, the bottom of the bowl is offset from the side walls at a sharp carination.
Cup mouth on cylindrical neck, slightly narrowing and then curving to a slightly diagonal shoulder; narrow strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above a carination, from which descends the nearly straight side walls; body narrow sharply at the bottom to a short stem attached to a tall moulded base, which tapers down.
Trefoil mouth attached at the back to a high-swung vertical handle (missing) that reattached at the bottom of the diagonal shoulder; below carination, body bulges and then tapers to a flat base, slightly concave on the underside. For tall trefoil oinochoai see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 133, e.g. Corinth T1298-99: Corinth 13, 312 nos. D 49-f-g, pl. 57.
White-ground lekythos, group iii. Tall cylindrical neck broadening to a diagonal shoulder. Vertical strap handle rises from top of neck to bottom of the shoulder, where it broadens. Below the handle attachment a carination marks the join with the straight body, which narrows at the base to a molded pedestal foot with a slightly concave outer edge, convex underside, indented in the centre.
Everted rim, slightly concave on the interior, concave walls broadening to a carination from which the sides taper sharply to a flat base.
Rounded rim on incurving lip, curves into a top heavy bowl, with a slight carination in the lower third, beneath which the walls become slightly concave, above a flat base; rounded interior.
Phanyllis shape: Cup mouth with flat lip, cylindrical neck broadening to a diagonal shoulder; strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above the carination, from which descends an ovoid body that narrows at the bottom to a flat disk foot, with a conical depression at the centre of the underside.
Plain rounded rim; tapering walls, slightly concave, broaden slightly at the bottom of the bowl, which is moulded with two carinations; diagonal profile to bottom of bowl; tall cylindrical stem, slightly bulging at the middle, curves out to a flat disk foot, with rounded sides, but an indeterminate bottom. Two vertical strap handles swing up from the rim and rejoin the vase at the lower carination, where they comprise a smooth curve with the bottom of the bowl.
Cup mouth, with a slightly convex upper surface; tall cylindrical neck, from which rises a thin vertical strap handle, that rejoins the diagonal shoulder just above the carination; straight sides, taper gently towards the base, to which is attached a molded pedestal foot, slightly concave on the underside, with a cylindrical depression at centre.