Ure Museum Database

There are 64 objects for which Shape_description contains → narrow
11.10.15 With vertical ring handles. The whole of the body fluted horizontally. Side of foot ridged; underside concave with a narrow flat resting surface and a slight projection in the centre.
13.10.22 Fat Body, narrow neck leading to an out turned rim. One handle joins the shoulder of the vase to the neck directly beneath the rim. Low ring foot.
13.10.23 Elongated ovoid body, tapering at the bottom to a convex but nearly flat base and at the top, more gradually, to a very short neck with concave sides, then a broad rim, slightly concave on upper and lower sides, with a narrow mouth; two lugs (with wavy ridges), parallel to eachother, on either side of the vase, approximately 1/3 below the rim.
2008.7.100 Spout fragment with very narrow opening, fragment only extant down to shoulder of vessel.
2008.7.29 Narrow thin handle fragment.
2008.9.35 Long narrow handle fragment. Potentially part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.48, 2008.9.51, 2008.9.52, 2008.9.53 and 2008.9.54.
2016.5.1 Projecting disc-shaped rim with rounded lip from which emerges a short tubular neck which curves into a globular body with a flat bottom. A narrow strap handle curves to the shoulder. The bottom of the vase has a small flat recess in the centre.
23.11.31XXX Female wearing a long patterned skirt. The upper, larger section of the skirt is divided into four vertical bands made up of wide plain, narrow plain, wide plain, and single-line zigzag motifs. These are terminated with two horizontal bands running around the hem.
23.11.38 Miniature cup with broad lip and narrow opening; no handles
23.11.39 Miniature cup with broad lip, narrow opening, and no handles
26.12.23 Miniature. Stem thick and solid. Handles narrow and pinched.
34.2.2 Small hydria with plain everted rim, with a round lip, curving continuously to a narrow concave neck and a sloping shoulder, then an ovoid body attached to a short disk foot, tapering on both exterior and interior, with a flat resting surface and a pointed underside. The vertical strap handle, slightly concave on its outer side, reaches from the lip to the widest part of the body, where it curves into the shoulder. Two horizontal d-shaped, upcurving handles, round in section, also rise up from the join of the shoulder and body.
39.1.1 Vertical ring handles, spurred, start directly from rim and finish at the moulded rim around the body, and tilt slightly upwards. Moulded foot, all black, conical inside with narrow, slightly concave, resting surface.
45.6.17 Flared mouth with flat lip. Handle starts halfway down neck, curves up and then down to join shoulder. Long, narrow body. Broad foot. Central concave section on base.
45.6.9 Foot conical with narrow resting surface
47.2.12 Rounded, slightly incurved rim; shallow convex upper wall divided by a reserved groove from a sharply concave wall that runs continuously down to the foot, although only a single curve is perceived on the interior. Short torus ring foot, with a narrow reserved resting surface and a reserved medallion at the centre of the underside, circumscribed by a concentric ridge. Convex-concave profile.
51.4.5 Sack-like body with narrow mouth (missing, as is handle), broadening with slightly convex sides, and rounding gently to a flat base.
51.7.12 Offset rim; origionally two handles of which only one remains, protruding horizontally from just below the rim; body initially rounded but then tapers fairly sharply to very narrow, raised footring; base flat
51.7.5 Bell mouth, flaring at the rim, with a convex upper surface, offset from a narrow neck, broadening and curving sharply into the ovoid body; strap handle rises from the top of the neck and joins the lower part of the shoulder; molded ring base, divded into two concave parts, divied by a ridge at the middle; convex underside.
91.11.1 Tall bottle with wide flanged lip; very long and narrow neck; stout conical shaped body with flat resting surface and slightly concave base.
E.23.19 Tall pointed jar with flattened, narrow base. Wide mouth with narrow lip and wide neck. Lugs at either side, perforated with thread holes.
E.62.22 Oblong in shape and is almost flat except at the ends of the teeth which taper. Double edged with narrow teeth, close fitting at one end and wider teeth with larger gaps at the other. There are 42 narrow teeth and 10 wide teeth.
E.62.9 Rectangular in shape with a wide back tapering to teeth. Teeth are short and narrow and there are 22 plus two larger side pieces, one either end.
E.63.23 Thin lip, narrow neck, curved shoulders and pointed base.
E.63.27 A small lip tapering to a narrow mouth. The neck is long leading straight down to globular body the widest point of which is the shoulder. The body tapers to a flat base.
E.63.28 The lip is narrow, no neck and a weak shoulder. The body flares to the widest point in the lower half of the jar just above the foot. The widest point tapers to the foot, which is approximately 1cm in height with a flat base.
L.2016.3.11 Flask made of thin glass. Long, narrow neck leads to an ovoid body with concave base.
REDMG:1926.99.52 Broad projecting rim with flat upper surface, overhanging lip, and concave underside curving into a short narrow neck that broadens to an ovaloid body with rounded base; small round vertical handle is tucked in under the overhanging lip.
REDMG:1935.87.21 Broad projecting rim with flat lip, narrow cylindrical neck, sloping shoulders curving into an ovoid body, narrowing to a flat base; flat strap handle extends from the rim to the bottom of the shoulder.
REDMG:1935.87.6 Rounded rim on tapered flange, below which the walls spread out to a thin element that would have supported the lid; just below this are attached two horizontal horseshoe-shaped strap handles, slightly canted upwards, to which spurs are attached on either side. The lower body is offset from the handle zone, rounded in the lower part where it sharply joins a moulded foot, with groove above a spreading upper part and a broader, rounded lower part, hollow on the interior, with a narrow resting surface, and a pointed, slightly offset underside.
REDMG:1942.5.6.1 Broad projecting rim with flat upper surface, overhanging lip, and concave underside curving into a short narrow neck that broadens to a globular body with rounded base; flat strap handle falls directly from the rim to the middle of the shoulder.
REDMG:1950.25.1 Type 8B oinochoe. Wide mouth with rounded, slightly overhanging rim flaring out from a broad neck, attached sharply to the top of the barrel-shaped body, with a moulded ring foot, with a vertical upper part and a grooved, slightly broadening lower part; narrow, flat resting surface; slightly concave underside. Two-piece handle, knotted at the top, splays at the attachment to the rim.
REDMG:1951.131.1 Slim alabastron with narrow mouth, projecting rim, slightly convex on the upper surface, and beveled at the edge, flat on the underside; tall, slightly concave neck, offset from a tall ovoid body, with two small lug handles on the upper 1/4 of the body; molded pedestal foot is comprised of a tapering upper element broadening into a disk foot, with a diagonal outer surface, with three ridges, a flat resting surface, and a conical indentation on the underside.
REDMG:1951.132.1 Guttus type askos: swelling rounded body with bearing at the top a large relief medallion (frontal female mask with puffed cheeks and a lock of hair knotted over the forehead) offset and raised from the body; at a distance of ca. 0.5 cm are two incised lines beyond which the body is covered with fine vertical fluting down to its midpoint. A long diagonal spout with slightly concave sides rises obliquely from the shoulder below the medallion, and terminates in a three-stepped flanged mouth. A loop handle (semicircular in cross section) rises from the shoulder at a right angle to the spout. A tall thick foot, offset from the body, with a ridge at the halfway point broadens toward a ring base, slightly rounded on the exterior, with a concave underside offset from a concave element within the narrow resting surface. The foot is particularly tall, and is ridged in the middle: otherwise in shape this askos corresponds to Morel's type 8141h 1 (Morel 1981, pl. 209).
REDMG:1951.133.1 Shallow ellipsoid bowl with rounded rim, underneath which are attached two horizontal round sections, curving up above the rim, rectangular in shape, and bent in at the tops. Deep angled ring foot, with a narrow, rounded resting surface, convex on the interior vertical surface, and flat on the underside.
REDMG:1951.151.1 According to Trendall and Cambitoglou, RFVA 1.278.149, this is a special lekythos shape. Cup mouth, slightly flaring at the top, with a broad rim, convex on the upper surface; the mouth is offset from a short cylindrical neck that broadens toward the bulbous squat body; short ring base, rounded in profile, with narrow, flat resting surface and recessed underside; strap handle rises from the upper part of the shoulder, along the side of the neck and curves to rejoins at the lowest part of the shoulder.
REDMG:1951.157.1 Cup mouth, flaring at the top, with a broad rim, convex on the upper surface; the mouth is offset from a short cylindrical neck that broadens toward the squat, high shouldered body, from which it is offset; tall but narrow ring base with rounded resting surface and slightly convex underside; strap handle rises from the side of the neck and rejoins at the lowest part of the shoulder.
REDMG:1953.25.16 Trefoil mouth at the back of which is attached a hook-shaped round handle that begins above the height of the mouth and turns back to join the shoulder, with a slight spur; short neck curving into a baggy body in a continuous curve; short ring foot with narrow, rounded resting surface, diagonal inside wall, and pointed underside. Handle attachment is indicative of the Dotted Spray Group
REDMG:1953.25.26 Cup mouth with flat lip, slightly offset from narrow neck, which broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle rises from under the cup mouth and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, with concave side walls, tapering down, and straightening out towards the small disk foot, flaring on its upper edge, rounded on its vertical edge, and with a broad, flat resting surface; nipple at the centre of the underside.
REDMG:1953.25.27 Narrow cylindrical neck, broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle rises from the top of the neck and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then straightening out towards the small disk foot, flaring on its upper edge, rounded on its vertical edge, and with a broad, flat resting surface; nipple at the centre of the underside.
REDMG:1953.25.28 Narrow neck (mostly missing), broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving in to a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot with a raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
REDMG:1953.25.29 Narrow neck (mostly missing) broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving sharply into a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot, tapering down, with a slightly raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
REDMG:1953.25.32 Kalathos-shaped body, with a flaring rounded rim, to the top of which are attached the looped ends of a pair of strap handles, concave on their exterior surfaces; the tubular ends of the loops rejoin the middle of each handle, and below the bottom of each handle, attached at the bottom of the cup, is a spur. Below a carination, the bottom of the cup narrows to a nearly cylindrical stem, ridged at the center, below which it widens, and smoothly curves into the top of a moulded foot, with three ridges, of increasing diameter, on the exterior surface. Within the narrow resting surface is a concave underside, with a conical hollow at centre.
REDMG:1953.25.34 The vessel presents a rounded belly with a very narrow neck, which ends in a flat rim with a inner lip that would prevent the liquid from falling.
REDMG:1953.25.39 Flanged rim and tapering body, to which are attached broad horizontal strap handles (rounded but almost oblong in shape), slightly canted upwards, with spurs on either side. The lower body is offset from the handle zone, rounded in the lower part where it attached to thick stem broadening to a moulded foot, with spreading upper part, slightly concave, and a broader, rounded lower part, broadening towards the base, with a conical depression on the interior, and a narrow resting surface
REDMG:1953.25.40 Rounded rim on tapered flange, below which the walls spread out to a thin element that would have supported the lid; just below this are attached two horizontal horseshoe-shaped strap handles, slightly canted upwards. The body is rounded in the lower part and sharply joins a moulded foot, with an angled upper part and a broader, rounded lower part, hollow on the interior, with a narrow resting surface.
REDMG:1953.25.41 Flanged rim and tapering body, to which are attached horizontal triangular strap handles, slightly canted upwards. The body narrows sharply to short stem, slightly offset from the top of a moulded foot, with a vertical exterior surface and a conical indentation on the underside, and a narrow resting surface.
REDMG:1953.25.43 Broad projecting rim with slightly convex lip; short narrow neck curving into a globular body with rounded base; flat strap handle extends from the rim to the middle of the shoulder.
REDMG:1953.25.5 Plain rim below which are attached two horizontal round handles; concave sides tapering down to a narrow, angled ring foot with convex resting surface. Semi-glazed skyphos, type ii: see Corinth 13, 125 fig. 13
REDMG:1953.25.64 Narrow neck, nearly flat shoulder, curving to a broad body, tapering slightly down, to a slightly raised base, concave at the centre; two pinched triangular round handles rise from the edge of the shoulder, on opposite sides of the bottle.
REDMG:1958.19.1 Jug with tall narrow tapering neck, beak spout, and bulbous body. Vertical strap handle joins the base of the neck near the spout and a thrid where the neck and body are joined.
REDMG:1958.23.1 Wide body that tapers at the bottom towards a slightly convex base. The rounded base forces the jug to lean to one side. The tall narrow neck has an everted rim. Single, wide flat strap handle joins the base of the rim and the shoulder.
REDMG:1961.150.2 Slightly flaring body with a rounded base. Tall narrow neck and beak spout. Base is uneven and therefore the vessel leans to one side.
REDMG:1961.199.1 Very narrow neck, from which loops up a small, narrow strap handle, which rejoins at the middle of the broad shoulder. The shoulder curves into a bulbous body, grooved just above a slightly raised base. The underside is slightly concave at its centre. Some circular ridges (comb ot wire marks) remain on the underside.
REDMG:1962.184.33.21 Cup mouth on cylindrical neck, slightly narrowing and then curving to a slightly diagonal shoulder; narrow strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above a carination, from which descends the nearly straight side walls; body narrow sharply at the bottom to a short stem attached to a tall moulded base, which tapers down.
REDMG:1964.1620 Small, squat variant of the Classical round-mouthed oinochoe, type B. Round mouth, slightly concave lip, from which extends a short vertical strap handle that reconnects at the bottom of the shoulder; narrow neck, sloping shoulder, sharply curving to a hemispherical body; high ring foot, slightly angled.
REDMG:1964.1628 Plain rim below which are attached two horizontal round handles; concave sides tapering down to a narrow, angled ring foot, concave on underside, with circular protruberance.
REDMG:1964.1648 Projecting rim, with rounded lip and with slightly concave mouth, from which emerges a narrow cylindrical neck, grooved at the base; sloping shoulder; narrow strap handle that curves down to the middle of the shoulder; globular body with a flat bottom.
REDMG:1964.1661 Everted rounded rim with flat upper surface, tapering to a narrow neck that broadens to a piriform body, conical in the lower part, on a tall, slightly flaring foot, with a flat resting surface and conical depression with a nipple at the center.
REDMG:1964.1662 Everted rim with concave upper surface narrow to biconical body, slightly narrower towards flat base, which preserves comb or wire marks.
REDMG:1964.1668.1 Unguent Jar. Miniature amphora with an everted rim, long and narrow neck, and foot with a concave base. Handles on either side and completely attached to the upper body.
REDMG:1997.209.2 Bulbous vase, with rounded outturned rim, a tall cylindrical neck tapering down and then broadening to a baggy body with a narrow, flat base. Striations on the exterior indicate where the vase was scraped by the pottery during creation.
REDMG:1997.209.3 Ovoid aryballos, with a rounded mouth, narrow cylindrical neck, pinched round vertical handle reaching from just below the mouth to the middle of the high shoulder, which curves continuously into the body, with convex side walls, narrowing to a slightly flaring raised base, flat on the underside.
REDMG:2003.92.1 Squat rounded body that tapers towards a ring base. Single strap handle joins the long narrow and leaning neck near the thick rim and shoulder.
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