Ure Museum Database

There are 78 objects for which Decoration contains → fired
13.10.7 Fired black in patches. Incised decoration: groups of zig-zags and intersecting straight lines which stop at base without meeting.
14.9.2 Painted black, fired in places to red. Relief bands round neck.
2005.3.11 Band on mouth, black fired red
2005.3.13 Black glaze fired to dark brown, fingerprint is visble on one side of the vessel
2005.3.16 Black, section with white slip, interior black which has been fired to a dark brown
22.3.4 Glaze fired partly to red and partly to greyish-black. Inside is reserved. Two high, curved handles black on top and reserved below. Under handles are crosses between pairs of vertical lines. On each side are four palmettes standing on four larger, inverted palmettes all joined with a chian and half a palmette at each end. In some areas are groups of very short incised vertical grooves. Below pattern are three bands and then black (faded to red) to foot and including top and side of foot. Resting surface is reserved as is base.
22.3.5A-B Glaze fired red throughout. On the body below flanged rim, is key below a broad band, on reserved base an incised spiral. Inside is reserved with a broad band immediately inside the rim and a line below it, at the centre are two concentric circles. Lid: around the rim the pattern consists of leaves surroundered by parallel lines. A broad band separates another pattern of palmettes and decorative tendrils. Another broad band of concentric circles leading up to an acorn shaped knob with ridge at its base. Knob is red around bottom but reserved at top. There are also areas of white and black deposits on knob and inside on the underside of the lid and at base.
22.9.7 Black, mostly fired to orange-red, on buff ground. Possible added colour (white?) in groups of stripes. Mouth: broad band between two narrow bands. On the exterior of the mouth, band; shoulder: tongues. Body: three bands at top; deep painted zone divided vertically by incised lines (two parallel) dissecting into segments; four bands below. Base reserved. The exterior of the ring foot painted.
25.8.2 Paint fired red. The rim of the bowl is red. Inside has an eight pointed cross whose spokes reach from the rim to the base. Outside has a red band around rim and a main design of seven long-necked birds facing right with dot rosettes in the field. On bottom is an uneven, eight-spoked wheel with two holes pierced in bottom, one opposite the other.
25.8.7 Seated woman (or goddess). Hollow. Back flat, slightly tilted. Clay fired to dark grey. White slip all over. Pink on hair, lips, chiton, yellow on cloak.
25.9.2 The inside is black at the base and reserved up the interior walls. On the upper surface around mouth are alternating black and red tongues surrounded by double row of dots between lines. Outside these is black around the curved body down the stem to the foot. Black glaze badly fired revealing many colours. Side of foot is reserved as is resting surface and central base section which is flat but raised a long way inside the footring which is black inside.
26.12.26 The vessel bears an uneven black glaze, but it is partly fired red. There is a wide groove at the rim and two more at the upper part of the neck, from which seem to be hanging seven, double, semi-circular, white lines, each one flanked by vertical ones. There are also two grooves that contour the upper part of the vessel's shoulder. The latter bears decoration in white, of a branch with double-leaved (teardropped) motives. There is one last groove below that pattern.
26.12.28 Clay pale buff. Decoration streaky brownish-black, in parts fired to red. On shoulder, two wave bands between two straight. Rest of vase black. Bars across handle, black line round lip. Side of foot and bottom reserved.
26.2.12 interior: reserved band at top of lip, glazed black (fired red) below; top of lip glazed; exterior: lip and handle zone reserved, with black between; glazed below; black around handle root.
26.2.15 black band over top of lip; interior: reserved band at top of lip, rest of interior glazed black (fired brown in places); exterior: lip and handle zone reserved with broad band between; glazed on wall below and at handle root;
26.2.16 interior: concentric wide and narrow glazed (fired red) bands; exterior: glazed (fired reddish in places); reserved underside of bowl with inscription.
26.2.24 Fragment A: interior glazed black; exterior: palmette and lotus frieze with added red between pairs of narrow glaze (fire brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands. Fragment B: interior glazed black; exterior: lotus and palmette frieze with added red on calyxes; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands.
26.2.29 white slip; interior: unclear decorative motif, possibly part of black lotus flower petal; to the centre, dotted triangular pattern with dot and cross as filling ornament; exterior: two bands fired orange-brown;
26.2.33 Black (partly fired red) on thin creamy-buff slip. Outside, on edge of rim blobs; on body bands. Inside, on flat rim solid triangles and dots bordered by narrow bands of diluted black, on body key pattern; between this and the rim two bands, the outer and broader red, the inner black with thin, almost golden, inner edge.
26.2.38 Glaze fired brown; pale slip; interior: from outside, part undetermined black fire decoration; black band; maeander frieze between two wide black bands with added red bands lined in white; exterior: ring foot glazed; on underside, two narrow bands.
26.2.47 glaze fired orange-brown; pale slip; from top, black figure decoration, possibly a duck; maeander frieze between wide bands with traces of bands in added white and red; glazed area;
26.2.52 white slip; from top, frieze of tongues; narrow band (fired brown); black-figure decoration consisting of goat to left (rump with added red, one hind leg with added red, and part of tail remaining); large incised shaded rosettes as filling ornament.
26.2.6 Interior: black with added white and red bands; exterior: top of lip black; one dotted rosette preserved in lip zone, above wide black (fired red) band; outside of handle black;
26.2.60 pale slip; interior: reserved band at rim, glazed streaky black below, with lotus flower in added white and added red; exterior: band of short diagonal strokes between black (fired brown) band; below, top of undetermined motif.
26.2.62 white slip; interior: glazed streaky black (fired yellowish brown) with traces of single band in added white; exterior: painted decoration consisting of seated sphinx (part of belly and hind leg remaining), to left; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, in handle zone doble saw-edged metope pattern; at right, group of five vertical strokes; part of ancient repair hole on right edge of sherd.
26.2.67 white slip; interior glazed (fired greenish brown) with band in added red framed by added white lines; similar banding below, around floor motif of tongues interspersed with red dots, around white rings (centre lost); exterior: alternating bands in black and red.
26.2.71 whitish yellow slip; interior: reserved band at rim, glazed black below; dot frieze in added white between pairs of white lines; below, part of lotus bud in white and red; exterior: dot frieze (fired brown) at rim between narrow bands.
26.2.78 interior: neck painted black, reserved below; exterior: black (fired red) on neck; narrow band in added red at turn to shoulder; four framed tongues preserved of frieze above panel below; handle zone to right painted;
26.2.90 glaze mostly fired red-brown; interior: glazed with traces of one band of added red; on top of rim, chain of incised lotuses and palmettes; on handle-plate, black-figure decoration consisting of winged creature (rump feathers remaining) to left; on edge of rim, frieze of stepped zigzags; traces of painted band at junction of rim and shoulder; reserved shoulder.
26.4.2 The rim on the outside has a thick black band round it, which stops at the top of the handles. On both sides of the handle, the same images are repeated, showing the figure of a bird in between two palmettes with stems ending in a curling ventril with a pendant pointing down towards the foot. Beneath each handle is an ivy leaf with a curled stem. Below these images, is a thin black band, and then a thick one that also encompasses the top side of the foot. The edge of the foot is grooved and reserved, as is the outer rim of the base of the foot. On the base of the foot, there is a well approx 3.8cm wide and 1.5cm deep. The inside of this well and a rim around the edge is fired black, but is mostly red. The inside of the Kylix shows a thin black band that has been extended from the outside. Then there is a thin reserved band, the rest of the inside entirely glazed, except for a small reserved circle in the centre.
26.5.2 Inside is reserved except for two bands in centre. On top is a double row of black dots between red lines. Below are three black bands. Turned in rim is black on inside. Foot ring is black. On bottom is a central dot and two circles. Black but largely fired red. Handle is reserved.
26.7.14 Fragment. The top of the fragment has a black line around it, below which is a handle. Shape of the handle is completely round, with a flick on one side. To the right of the handle are two lines of dots that run one above the other. Below the handle are two parallel lines. The inside of the fragment is black, fired red.
27.4.15 Pale clay, paint fired red. Trefoil lip. On neck, a central panel with bird (?), flanked on either side by two vertical lines, panel of zigzag (?) or oblique lines, three more vertical lines. Top and bottom of body broad band; thin bands filling space
27.4.2 Large part of one side smeared(?). The paint is fired red throughout. On the rim is a red band, the inside of the pot is completely red, though the glaze appears black towardes the centre. On the outside, a thick red band lies above two rows of leaves, separated by a thin band. Below the second row of leaves is another thick band, which reaches nearly to the rim of the foot. The foot rim and base are reserved.
27.4.3 Decorated with black horizontal bands, fired to orange-red, and purplish-red wavy bands. Base decorated with two concentric circles on bottom. Interior reserved.
27.4.6 The bowl shows linear decoration in black (fired orange-red) and (purple) red on buff. Groups of four bars on rim and inside, a thin band just underneath the lip. Large red/orange disk in centre of bowl. Outside of bowl features a pattern of wave-like pattern beginning underneath the handles, with one thin band either side. Below this, more plain bands are evident, one thick, the rest thin until the base. Foot contains one thin band right at the top, and then a thick one on the inside.
33.4.1 Four handles, three with decoration, one without. Decoration black (mostly fired red) and red (purple) on creamy-buff. Zones of pattern: vertical bars (which go up onto the rim and three handles); zigzag; dotted lozenges; triangles separated by hanging loops or dot rosettes. Red used for thin bands dividing each zone. Stem and foot have five redish/black bands round them. Rim of foot edged with small vertical lines. Foot and stem decorated with two more bands. Inside kylix, two black bands round outside, then three smaller in the middle.
33.4.2 Black, often fired to brick-red, and purple-red decoration on creamy-buff. On top of rim and handles groups of bars. Main zone, palmettes in panels (divided by vertical herring-bone bands). Stem has two bands at top, two at bottom. Inside bowl, three broad bands. Rim and base of foot reserved.
34.10.5 Inside, is black but partly misfired red around the rim. Outside, from top to bottom, red and black depending on how it was fired. Traces of two red bands, blank band with leaning vertical lines down to base. Red foot and on base black, red, black lines.
34.10.6 Black, partly fired to red, all over inside and out, including base. Base is raised. Foot is a grey colour. Paint is very streaky all over.
34.10.9 Glaze fired red except around mouth and in patches on body. Two grooves below lip. One each side of moulding at base of neck and two round top of body, with glaze rubbed off. On shoulder incised horse shoes. Below shoulder on body two groves.
37.11.1 Black, partly fired to brick-red, on brownish-buff. On mouth and shoulder daisy pattern; on handle three bands of vertical zigzags. Main zone: scales, drawn with parallel incised lines with red teardrops occupying angle in alternate rows. Two bands below, then tongues. Base shows one band and a dot in the centre.
37.11.5 Black gloss covers the entire vessel, except for the underside of the foot. The gloss is not lustrous and on the exterior towards the foot is fired brownish. Inside the bottom of bowl, a brownish band caused by foot of another vase fired within it in the kiln. Inside is stamped design of four palmettes outside two concentric circles with an egg and dot pattern attached to the second one. Red paint is applied on the underside of the foot. It is decorated with a wide black band and a black dot at the centre. Between them, two thin concentric circles of almost invisible thinned glaze.
39.9.2 Inside is reserved in body but black fired to red on rim with a reserved band near top. Two handles with vertical grooves to make three section - black on top and reserved underneath. Neck has two rows of palmettes (lower inverted) and lotus buds on cable. Shoulder has framed tongues with ivy leaf and dot at each join. Body has similar scene either side. Side A shows combat of three warriors, with white detail on spear, helmet, shield and armour. Side B is similar but there are no spears, instead they appear to only have shields. Below is a broad band with narrower ones either side. Rays to foot. Foot is black and moulded with a reserved band around side. Base is reserved and conical.
44.6.1 Clay and surface of vase ferruginous buff, black glaze fired in parts to a pale orange brown. Inside is black with traces of red bands and there are red bands on the inner rim. The upper surface has circular patterns of dots (lotuses?) alternating with vertical rows of dots. Below these and above the handle are three bands, red between two black. Below handles are two bands and another around foot. Three bands on base with central dot.
45.6.34 Patchy brownish-black glaze fired red in places.
47.2.12 Small circle, fired red, at the centre of the medallion on the underside. Black gloss except where noted; half of interior and some of exterior misfired red.
47.2.5 Black glaze covers the entire vessel, except for underside of the resting surface. It is not lustrous, of not good quality and on the interior it is mostly fired reddish, as well as on small parts of the exterior. Reddish paint is applied on the underside, which is decorated with a black dot at the centre, surrounded by two concentric thin black band at a distance of ca. 1 cm. VEry close to the external band, a thin band of thinned glaze. The interior of the bidy is has stamped decoration. Four stamped spindly palmettes arround a small circle.
49.12.1 Black glazed all over, but fired red in places, especially on the underside.
50.12.41 Interior: glazed black; exterior: part of a spiral motif, black faded to (or fired) brown.
50.4.5 Interior of the neck until almost the beginning of the shoulder black. The rest of the interior reserved. On the exterior, neck and handle black. The lower part of the neck is decorated with a row of eggs. The lower part of the handle, at the height of the shoulder bears part of the decoration of a palmette the rest of which covers the body and is hown upside down. The body is decorated in black figure with a palmette-lotus frieze below with double-chevron palmette heart. The lower part of the body remains black fired brownish.
50.5.3 Shoulder: two cocks facing each other, heads downwards. Purple for comb and wattles. Body: two swans facing each other with their heads down and wings open: Added red on wings. It has faded on the left one. Added white bands on wings of swand and cocks that has mostly faded. The rest of the body is black, fired to brown. Ring on the junction of neck and shoulder, foot and handle black. Underside of the foot reserved.
51.1.2 Interior and exterior of the mouth, neck exterior of handles black, fired mostly reddish brown. The underside of the rim has a reserved band. Underside of the handles reserved. The body is all black apart from the metope carryint the figure decoration and a reserved band decorated with radial-shaped motif beofre the black foot, decorated with two red concentric bands. Resting surface, underside of the foot. The top surface of the rim is decorated with two, concentric, red lines. Another marks the junction of the neck with the shoulder. The neck is black (reddish brown on the reverse side). The main scene begins from the top of the shoulder (under a red line), down the main part of the body. There are two confronted bulls with their heads bent downwards. Added red on partsof their bodies. Between them, there is an ivy leaf (heart-shaped). They step on a thin, black line, which separates the shoulder zone from the body metope. On the body, two warriors attack other two. All warriors have spears with teardroped terminations (three terminations are visible, the fourth is on a missing area) and wear helmets with coverings for the cheeks (only the right pair's are visible) with details (dots for the first and fillet for the second warrior) in added white (now fadded away). They all held shields as well. All are round, except for one. The right pair's episemata on the shields are visible (upper part of seated lion / tripod, rendered with added white that has fadded away), while the other pair's shields' interior is visible and so the porpax (handle) can be seen on the left warrior. Additionally, they all wear greaves. Added red on the contour of the shields, the interior of the shileds, helmest, one hoplite's greaves. Between the pairs there is an eight-pointed star. There are also two horizontal red lines below running around the body of the vase. Two horizontal red lines frame the reserved lower zone decorated with the linear motif. The foot is black, with two red horizontal lines. The base is reserved.
51.7.2 Lid: The centre of the top of the lid is reserved, surrounded by two concentric bands—one red, one reserved— then a red circle, from which a band of tongues radiates. This is surrounded by a scallopped black band (fired red on one side), then an inverse wave pattern (waves leaning to the right), and finally a reserved band. The outer edge of the flange and the upper part of the body are glazed black. The remainder of the body is decorated with an egg and dot band (for which each eggs is a thick u circumscribed with a thin u), then a black band, then a wave band (with waves leaning to the right). The lower rim is reserved. The interior is glazed black, misfired to red on the underside of the top. Pyxis: Entirely glazed, fired mostly black on the exterior (with some red patches on the flange and the top of the body), and red on the interior.
56.8.7 Interior glazed. On top, curved surface, are tongues which alternate black and white, the black ones also framed by black lines. The underside of the rim is black fired reddish brown. Thick stem and wide, with a plastic ring to the joint with the base. Flat base, curving upwards. Resting surface and concave base both reserved.
60.8.2 Decoration in panel, shoulder: Two black lotus flowers (fired red) with white sepals alternating with buds (purple). Body: mantled woman in profile standing to right holding wreath between two mantled male figures. Black dots decorate part of their garments. The rest of the body is very patchy and is both red and black. Base is reserved. Rough reddish-pink fabric, fired grey on the surface. Parallel ridges in pairs on neck and shoulder.
61.6.4 Decoration fired medium-dark reddish-brown rather than black, except at the centre of the front. Interior glazed, except for a narrow reserved band at the top. Exterior glazed on rim, exterior of handles, lower part of body, exterior and interior of foot, and thick band around a bull's eye on underside (namely a band around a dot. Body decorated on either side with a tall 5-petalled lotus between two 15-18-petalled palmettes. A single ivy leaf, upright, floats beneath each handle. Beneath the palmettes and ivy leaves are two black bands.
71.12.1 The interior and the exterior of the mouth as well as the handle glazed. On the exterior, the black is fired brown. At base of neck, ridge in place of drip-ring painted purple. Shoulder: ivy leaves on each side of central purple line(six above, seven below); on body five inverted opening lotus flowers with central petals white. Above them row of white dots. Lower half of body and exterior of the foot glazed black (turning red in places). Resting surface and the underside of the foot reserved.
73.10.1 The top of the knob is covered with brown paint, apart from the central part.The knob is decorated with three parallel brown bands ; reserved at join with lid; 9 rays radiating from the edge of the knob.Two thin concentric brown lines, red-brownish bands framing a band of double dots. Black line at the edge of the lid fired brown. The edge of the rim is painted black, fired to brown. The underside is reserved.
83.5.2 Base of 4th c. BC coarse ware open vessel, painted black, fired reddish brown inside. Clay pink, with shell inclusions. Graffito on base (see drawing on card). Foot concave with central peak projecting.
REDMG:1942.5.6.2 Black glaze on top 2/3 of body; some accidental drips descend over the remaining third of the body, at the back. Some areas fired red.
REDMG:1951.157.1 Entirely black except for reserved line around edge of rim, ‘ribbed’ zone (comprised of five vertical lines in panel) at front of neck, and figural scene on the front of the body, and reserved underside at front half of lekythos (similarly the front half of the interior is reserved). Scene: double tendril, with a blossom emerging from the larger tendril; female head, profile to left; rosette in upper right field; small tendril in lower left field. The female wears her hair in a sakkos, tied at the back, from which emerges a tuft of curly hair around the ear. The reserved areas are ruddled, except on the underside. Some of the glaze beneath the handle has fired red.
REDMG:1953.25.17 Black glaze on top 2/3 of body; some accidental drips descend over the remaining third of the body, at the back. Some areas fired red.
REDMG:1953.25.20 Black glazed (but fired red in places) except for reserved underside including resting surface. Shoulder: six narrow red bands between two pairs of narrow white bands. On widest part of body, two red bands between white lines, with an intervening white line. Broad red band on exterior of foot.
REDMG:1953.25.30 Black glaze (mostly fired red) on mouth, upper part of neck, lower body, and upper surface of foot; vertical surface of foot and underside reserved. White-ground on lower part of shoulder and body, with traces of red decoration.
REDMG:1953.25.50 Black glaze, fired red in places. Red band on lower part of lip; traces of white palmette, with tendrils, on shoulder; red line between two white lines at shoulder; red band just below middle of body. Underside reserved.
REDMG:1953.25.51 Black glaze inside mouth and on entire exterior (fired red in parts), except for reserved lower part of foot and underside.
REDMG:1953.25.59 Black glaze fired red in places; ghost of a palmette from the bottom of which emerge two volutes, in added white on shoulder at front; red band between two white lines on shoulder, just below handle attachment; red band on widest part of body; underside reserved except some black glaze overlapping from the sides.
REDMG:1953.25.61 Glaze fired red in places, now changed to brown, through secondary burning.
REDMG:1964.1621 Fired Brown (darker towards top).
REDMG:1964.1626 Black glaze, fired red on one side; small patches at lowest part of body and on underside are reserved.
REDMG:1964.1628 Dipped (black glaze). Interior: black glaze with red band on rim. Exterior: black (fired red in places) on upper 2/3, but reserved below.
REDMG:1964.1630 Traces of glaze indicate that the entire surface was glazed black, but fired red in places, especially towards the bottom.
REDMG:1964.1648 Covered with wash, fired alternately red and black; vertical ridges (ribbing) at the bottom of the shoulder.
REDMG:1964.1666.1 Shiny dark red glaze with black areas fired.
REDMG:1964.1705.1 Flaring lip tapering to straight cylindrical neck. Two small round vertical handles (string-holes) at base of neck, joining almost spherical body. Black slip but fired red on the base. Some incised decoration representing segments, with dotted infill.
TEMP.2003.7.43 Wide mouth, fine rim 1.5cm body which then slopes to base which is flat, not fired particualy well, warped.
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