Some whitish-grey deposits on the lamp surface, especially around the handle section and on the sides of the lamp. The surface is also worn. Burnt patches on the nozzle.
Intact and complete. Glaze worn and lost in places, particulaly around the back of the body and the handle. Grey deposit on the interior and the left hand side of the body and nozzle.
Handle missing; end of nozzle worn as is top of knob and around base and lip. White deposits on body surface.
Intact, tip of nozzle and area of base chipped. Smaller chips all over the lamp. Glaze wearing, white deposit in places.
Intact. Chipped at mouth of nozzle, small chips and areas of glaze missing are now showing white.
Intact, chip off the body opposite to the spout; Handle missing ? Nozzle slightly blackened suggesting use. Wash worn in certain areas, white deposit on the surface and inside the lamp.
Nozzle broken off, small amount of foot chipped away. Greyish white deposit in areas of interior and exterior.
Intact, small amount of chipping on the base. Blackening around the tip of the nozzle sugggesting use.Large amount of grey deposit on the front end of the body and nozzle. Small amount of wick hole cut in still apparent. A piece of grain? in the wick hole.
Intact, small chip out of the back of the rim. White deposit all over with areas of blackening around the nozzle and around the rim.
Intact, slight anomaly on the left hand side of the nozzle, ware all over the lamp with considerable amounts of wash missing. Outer ring around the discus is misshapen in one place, probably happened in manufacture. Protruding form on the discus has been broken off. Grey deposit in places, blackening at the end of the nozzle, probably from use.
Complete, but with nozzle glued back on with B72 glue. A few cracks on the discus, wash wearing in places. Small hole where spout joins discus.
Intact, handle is missing the top half, decoration is very worn. Wash is mostly intact with a white deposit in areas. Very slight darkening around the tip of the nozzle probably from use.
Intact, chip on the base, underside of the nozzle and at the wick hole, small amount of chipping on the surface of the discus. Wash becoming worn in places, small amount of white deposit, mainly on the underside and on the interior.
Intact, three small pits in the body of the lamp, none pierce through to the reservoir. wash is worn and chipped all over. Tip of nozzle is blackened, probably due to use. Small amount of grey/white deposit.
Intact , hairline cracks on the surface of the shoulder, wash worn on the discus. Folds of clay still apparent from the joining of the upper and lower discus. Small amount of discolouration and blackening on the nozzle, probably due to use.
Intact, upper right half of nozzle is missing, long hairline crack reaching down into the centre of the base from ths damage. Signs of use visible on nozzle. Fracture around the edge of the discus continuing along the nozzle to the wick hole. Brownish red wash is worn, large amount of white-grey deposit
Intact, slight chipping around the nozzle obscuring one of the volutes, the other is very faded as is the moulded design. very small amount of grey deposit. Unglazed.
Intact, wash is worn and there are slight chips on the shoulder. Slight blackening at the tip of the nozzle, probably from use.
Intact and complete, Wash and some of the decoration is very worn. ther area around the nozzle has largly lost most of its wash, however there are traces of black indicating usage. Some white deposit on the base and a small amount on the discus.
Intact and complete, decoration and wash worn in places. White deposit all over, especially on the interior, nozzle tip blackened, probably due to use.
Intact and complete. Wash is worn in most areas, White and grey deposits in patches over the base, handle and nozzle.
Intact. Handle completely missing, left side of the nozzle is missing. Wash is worn and chipped in places, large amount of white-grey deposit mainly on the base and the interior, blocking air hole.
Intact, missing handle, small hole in the base. Lumpy deposit over areas of the lamp, wash wearing in places. Blackening of the nozzle due to use.
Intact, small chip to the end of the spout. Wash is wearing, especially at the back of the lamp. large amount of deposit visible through the wick hole. Small amount of deposit on the exterior, more on the base. Nozzle tip blackened, possibly from use.
Complete and intact, the black glaze has worn considerably in places. Deposit in places, a hairline crack is starting on the nozzle.
Complete and intact. End of nozzle blackened due to use. A few chips around rim.
Intact, upper portion of handle missing, filling hole shape slightly obscured by missing area of discus. Wash worn in most place, superficial chips in the body blackening along the left side of the shoulder, nozzle and all though the interior.
Complete and intact but surface very worn. Handle and nozzle blackened possibly from burning. White deposit in places. Slight depression on left hand side of the nozzle shaft.
Intact, lug is missing outer face, tip of nozzle is slightly chipped. Glaze worn off in front half of the lamp and on the moulded ring. Small amounts of white deposit, blackening around the tip of the nozzle.
Intact, chipped on the moulded ring around the discus, decoration worn. Wash is fading especially on the underside. Tip of nozzle blackened, probably from use.
intact, chipped at the tip of the nozzle. Joind of the handle and the nozzle are rough, small ammount of white deposit.
Intact, worn wash and worn decoration. Nozzle blackened probably due to use.
Intact and complete, brownish to black wash waring in places. White deposit on the base and blackening around the nozzle, probably due to use.
Complete, decoration very worn, filling hole is irregular; this may be due to it's production. Nozzle tip is blackened; probably from usage. nozzle end is scored with many lines. White deposit in places.
Both nozzles mainly missing, handle missing. Left hand nozzle volute has been restored, small hole from missing fragment, from this hole are radiating hairline fractures to the base. glaze is worn in places, large amount of deposit covering the entirety of the interior and the back portion of the exterior as well as other areas.
Intact, chip in filling hole rim, top of wick hole, left side of nozzle, left side of body and two chips on the foot. Wash worn and chipped.
Complete and intact, red wash worn in places, white deposit on exterior and heavily on the interior. Blackening aruond the nozzle due to use.
Intact, wash is worn and there are numerous chips. Tip of nozzle is slightly blackened, due to use. Small amount of pale deposit.
Intact, chips all around the edge of the foot, on the left hand side of the shoulder, filling hole rim, on the top of the nozzle and at the end of the nozzle. Wash worn and chiped in places, deposit mostly on interior.
Intact, many small chips in the surface, grey deposit over large amounts of the exterior and interior. Large amount of blackening around the nozzle, probably from use. Remains of a modern candle in the reservoir.
End of nozzle completely broken off, Handle has numerous chips, glaze is worn and chipped in places. White deposit over the base, handle and nozzle.
Missing most of the nozzle, small amount of wick hole visiably blackened, probably from use. Large amount of white - grey deposit on the interior, small amount on the exterior, concentrated mostly around the discus.
Nozzle tip missing, wash and decoration are both worn. Small amount of deposit all over, blackening around the wick hole may have been produced though use.
Intact, small anomily at the tip of the nozzle. Relief is worn and indistinguishable. Wick hole and nozzle ar both blackened from use.
Right side of nozzle tip is missing. Large amount of white-grey deposit all over.
Intact, large chip on the left side of the nozzle, score from the rim to the filling hole, large number of small chips. Grey deposit in areas, small amount of blackening around the nozzle, probably from use.