Ure Museum Database

There are 419 objects for which Condition contains → small
11.10.13 Fragment. The leaves on the inside and outside of the rim are slighlty worn, with a small chip and crack evident on the outside. The front surface is smooth, the back feels rougher, and has areas of white/yellow deposit.
11.10.14 Intact. Surface shows little sign of wear, except for small areas of pinky deposit inside handles and at the top of the foot.
11.10.21 Comprised of rejoined fragments, restored where fragments were missing (e.g. in handle zones) and slightly repainted. Blaze is not shiny on the interior and exterior. On the lower part of the body and the foot it is fired brownish. Parts of the clay have been scratched away om the lower part of the body and the exterior of the foot leaving an uneven surface. Small chips on the body.
11.10.3 Complete and intact. There are tiny air bubbles over the surface, as well as small areas of brownish deposit. Detailed markings on face and hands are slightly worn away. The left eyebrow, left eye, nose and mouth however, are all still clearly visible. Material on the resting surface has flaked away in areas. Originally painted red all over. Intact, White residue covers parts of the bead. Small chips on both ends of the piercing. Intact, slight wear, some small chips. Intact, small amount of ware around the holes. Some scratching and chipping on the surface. Intact, large and small chips on the surface. Black deposit.
13.10.13 Intact, missing only small chips from the interior of the lip and the foot. White and black deposits in patches all over.
13.10.16 Intact. A few small chips. Paint worn inside obscuring some of pattern. Some greyish deposit on exterior.
13.10.18 Good, one handle slightly worn, rim worn away round edges. Large amounts of browny-grey deposit around the rim (exterior and interior), causing wearing of some of the interior decoration. Small string tied to handle (modern)
13.10.27 Intact, small piece missing from one side of the wick rest. White deposit in places, blackening around the wick rest, probably from use. Unglazed.
13.10.7 Complete and intact. Chip on the lip. Deposits on the body and deposits completely filling one handle hole. Small area of pattern chipped off back of body.
13.10.8 Intact with few small chips to the rim. White deposit all around the exterior of the mortar.
14.9.106 Gloss worn and flaked, especially around rim. Small chip on foot. Gloss is not lustrous.
14.9.11 Small surface scratches. Paint is wearing off of both sides but the design is still distinguishable. Small piece on the corner has been repaired.
14.9.118 Intact, a small section from the left eye to the nose is missing, chips around left arm, right arm broken. Chips on legs.
14.9.16 Small dots of deposit on the white slip and also on the fracture edges. The interior red colour appears a little streaky, but this was probably since production.
14.9.17 Traces of glue hint at a previous repair but the repaired piece is missing. Small spots of deposit on both surfaces. Slight surface damage to the concave surface.
14.9.19 Small spots of deposit on both sides. Red paint on outer surface fading in one area and all red line on interior surface fading.
14.9.21 Joined unevenly due to erosion of the edges. Small spots of dark deposit on exterior surface. Surface damage to underside where paint has been rubbed away.
14.9.33 The white areas are almost all gone leaving only a shadow of where they were on the black background. The black is wearing from the exterior surface. Some small deposits on the interior surface.
14.9.38 Small areas of paint have flaked away from the surface allowing reserved clay to show through. Larger flake from rim. Streaky red inside. Free from deposits.
14.9.39 There are sharp points where the fragment has broken away. The black on rim is eroding and some red is showing through. Some small chips to the rim.
14.9.44 Small areas of pink deposit. The outer ripples appear somewhat blurred. No damage to rim.
14.9.79 Intact, paint faded, a few small chips on the decorated side.
14.9.84 Small flakes of paint worn from underside. Not at all a clean break. The colour and design on front remains in good condition.
2003.7.18 Intact, paint slightly faded on both sides. A small chip on the rim on the base.
2003.7.25 Intact, one small surface chip on the black interior, slight wear of the paint on the exterior in the centre.
2003.7.26 Intact, paint has worn off and faded a lot on both the interior, where only a small area of black and dark red remains, and the exterior where the white is barely visible, yet the black paint remains.
2004.8.7 Worn surfaces, with the base of the loom weight heavily worn away and missing. A small amount of white deposits on the surface. Surface of loom weight is scratched and worn, with a partial piercing, cylindrical hole on one side, 1.2 below the piercing hole proper.
2005.3.28A-B Condition isn't good on both fragments, interior is faded and and has some deposits of white visible, exterior is discoloured, faded, stratched and chipped. small holes are visible on A, possibly due to air bubbles during firing.
2007.10.2.3 Small crack running from the top right side
2007.9.2.12 Intact, one small but obvious stain.
2007.9.2.4 Intact, one small stain.
2008.7.100 Fragment; completely encrusted in dirt throughout other than a very few small bits where black glaze can be seen.
2008.7.107 Fragment, chipped. Wash has small chips.
2008.7.113 Complete except for two small pieces, one from the base and the other from the body. Several pieces glued back together. "MN6 648" written on the bottom of the base.
2008.7.116 Fragment broken on five sides with a small piece of rim as one fo the sides; interior: "1931" "K 5.5-5" "[Theta symbol] IV-V" written in pen
2008.7.124 Fragment, chipped at edges. One large chip on bottom left-hand edge. Other small spots and stains on interior and exterior. On interior is handwritten in ink 'A3 2.5 1.V.31 LS'.
2008.7.131 Fragment, chipped at edge. There are some small chips to the wash. There are some small intersecting lines hand-drawn in pencil on interior.
2008.7.133 Fragment, heavily chipped around edges. Wash has some small chips and scratches. Handwritten in pencil on interior is: 'I-II'.
2008.7.138 Fragment, chipped. The wash is almost entirely worn away, leaving just small spots.
2008.7.24 Fragment. Several small chips throughout and one significant chip on the exterior.
2008.7.42 Exterior: overpaint has small patches scratched/chipped off; Interior: overpaint has larger areas chipped off
2008.9.19 Fragment, darker spotting on interior and one small round chip to exterior.
2008.9.34 Fragment; black marks throughout (dirt or burning?); small chips throughout.
2009.10.2.288 Slightly damaged around the edges and a small circular hole in the bottom left corner
22.3.15 Two Fragments have been rejoined at upper body of figure. Chip on small fragment. Chip on large fragment.
22.3.16 Two Fragments have been rejoined at upper body of figure. Chip on small fragment. Chip on large fragment.
22.3.21 Large fragment. Outside speckled where soiled. Several small chips, the largest of which is above the figure's foot. Inside discoloured, soiled, with a tiny hole and a large oil mark, measuring ca. 5.5 x 5.0 cm.
22.3.22 Single fragment. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the bottom of the exterior and ca. 5.0 cm from the top of the interior. There are also small bits that have been peeled off from the interior, which is almost covered with white plaster. Traces of plaster are also apparent on the external surface.
22.3.26 Part of rim (about 1/4) is missing. Several very small chips and scratched areas can be found on the top surface of the plate, as well as one larger part that is gouged out. Also very small chips are visible on the underside of the plate and a patch near the missing rim is unevenly fired (red instead of black).
22.3.27 If there were handles then they are both missing along with the whole of one side and parts of other side of body missing. Small section of rim remains.
22.3.34 Incomplete as entire mouth is missing. Large chip on bottom of body and small chips on the foot. Small area of deposit on the base.
22.3.36 Fragmentary with numerous chips across the edges of the exterior and interior of the artefact, the face of the object and its handle. Countless, small chunks of paint are missing from both the outer and inner faces of the artefact.
22.3.5A-B Intact. Three small chips on the body of the lid. Also there are patches of wear particulary on the lid and also there are scratch marks on the lid marking the decorative patterns and inside the pot. Paint has worn off of handle and areas of lid.
22.3.6 Complete but repaired. Small chip to rim. White deposits on outer surface and yellow ones on inner surface.
22.9.1 Intact. Indentation at top has yellowish deposit in it, rim uneven. Front reveals scratches and small chips at ends of arms. Back has small patches of white deposit, across shoulders, neck and near base. Base is smooth but covered in white deposit.
22.9.6 Consists of 7 fragments and 6 more fragents yet to be reconstructed. A small fragment seems to have been missing when most of the cup was put back together, therefore somebody has used plaster to refill the small piece. One of the side handles broken off and most of the side of the cup is incomplete. Bad condition. Black glaze worn. Small soil deposits situated around cup.
22.9.8 Intact. In good condition, surface shows little sign of wear except tiny cracks in gloss, and a scratch on the horses back, near hind. Small areas of white deposit on back right horses leg/tail, neck and front right leg and top of riders head.
23.11.31A2 The head is missing. The left arm has broken off below the wrist, and the feet are missing. There are two small holes in the lower skirt.
23.11.31B1 The left arm has broken off at the shoulder, and the lower part of the skirt has broken off diagonally. There is a small chip on the headdress.
23.11.31HH Part of the rim and side of the shield has broken off, and there is a small hole.
23.11.31Y The tail of the helmet crest is missing, and a small projection at the top left of the shield indicates where someting has broken off. Both legs have broken off at just below the lower shield edge.
23.11.31ZZ The tip of the back protrusion has broken off, as have the ends of both arms and the feet. There is a small crack below the lower arm.
25.4.2 Incomplete. The surface condition is not very good, there are small holes and scratchs all over the surface, in and out, as well as fading on the decoration. The rim shows several chips, and the handles are very uneven. The resting surface of the foot is very chipped and uneven.
25.6.10 Small fragment with some chippings around the edges, and numerous spots where small sections of paint has been removed.
25.6.2 Intact except for the edge of the rim which is missing on one side. The inside show small areas of general wear, as well as a small patch of what looks like yellow varnish near the broken rim. There is also some white deposit in the reserved disk in the centre, and on one of the handles. The black glaze on the handles has been rubbed away in patches, as has the decoration on the main zone. There is more white deposit on the main zone, some of which runs in circles, showing the gradient of the material. There are cracks on the glaze around the top of the foot, below which are some denser patches of white deposit. This deposit is also evident on the base of the foot and inside it.
25.8.4 Difficult to see main design due to erosion of paint but intact despite small chip in body.
25.8.5 Complete but made up of seven seperate pices stuck back together. The handle has several chips, on the middle and lower tiers. The tip of the highest tier has also been chipped, and all over the handle, the gloss shows evidence of wear, with tiny cracks and scratches. The top of the lid shows a few small flakes and chips, mainly on the decoration, and eratically over the surface, there is brown/grey deposit. The inside of the lid is reserved but still shows patches of dirt and a small amount of grey/white deposit around the rim.
26.12.16 Intact, paint faded slightly on exterior, small surface chips on exterior.
26.12.17 Part of one handle missing and restored from ca. 15 fragments, with some portions filled in with plaster on both sides, and some repainting. Small chips on rim and slightly worn on foot. Interior surface remains shiny and picture remains clear.
26.12.20 Missing handle, but we can see the remains of where it should have been. There are small chips on the rim of the neck, and the black has begun to rub away. At the base of the neck is a small amount of white deposit, which we can also see on the main zone. The main zone has been worn away in the middle and near one edge. There are small scratches and flaking decoration at the top of the foot.
26.12.23 Intact. Band around rim covered in scratches and small areas of wear. Daub in centre also scratched, very centre is chipped, with a small crack in the middle and small areas of white deposit. Scratches also evident on the outside, some blobs also slightly chipped. Bottom of base uneven, with a small crack running across the middle.
26.12.24A-B The flat surface of the knob on the lid has a white deposit on it, which can also be found at the base of the stem, and around one side of the rim. Small cracks in the glaze are evident around the the base of the stem, and small scratches are clear around the surface of the rim. The very edge of the rim has some small chips in it. On the inside of the lid, there is one deep scratch, and a hole, as well as more of the same white deposit. The rim and inside of the main body has got more deposit on it, but this is a brighter white. The gloss also shows signs of wear with scratches and flakes in the surface. Near one handle, there is a chip on the rim. One handle is covered in a yellowish/white deposit. More pale white deposit can be found on the foot and on the black band above it. There are several small scratches and chips in the base of the foot.
26.12.28 Complete. The rim of the neck is chipped and underneath one side of the rim, there is a hole in the neck. There are small holes and scratches over the surface, some deeper scratches around the base. Inside the mouth and on the resting surface of the base is some white deposit.
26.12.3 Small hole in body has perhaps been filled to repair. Much wear on paint although lion remain clear.
26.12.32 Complete and intact. Small chip on footring. Glaze slightly worn on rim and interior.
26.12.34 Complete and intact. One fragment on lip rejoined. Other small chips around lip and one chip on resting surface. Black glaze faded and worn away in most areas to a dull grey.
26.12.6 Intact. Much of the paint has eroded leaving traces of the pattern. Small chip to rim.
26.12.8 Incomplete. Most of neck and all of mouth are missing. The decoration all over is very faded, especially on the body, leaving the surface very smooth. There is a large hole in one side just at the bottom of the main zone. The top and edge of the foot is chipped, on the inside of the resting surface is a small hole. There is a small amount of orange deposit on the resting surface of the foot.
26.12.9 Complete and intact. Very small chip on base. Black has faded to reddish brown colour. Paint and gloss worn of on some areas of the body.
26.2.2 Fragment with small chip on one edge, otherwise edges are smooth.
26.2.32 Small chip on bottom of rim on topside. Red paint is slightly faded throughout.
26.2.34 Top band on underside very badly worn and almost indistinguishable. Surface scratches and discolouration and small deposits at top. White on topside is fading but still visible and the shiny glaze remains on the black/brown.
26.2.35 Smooth surfaces except for a small chip to topside. Some bands on underside faded but the white on the topside remains in reasonably good condition.
26.2.39 On underside paint has faded to red in some areas and in others the paint has flaked away. The topside has lost much of its white dots and bands. Small bits arte flaking away as well. Black meander faded to red.
26.2.68 Fragment worn in places; white spots all over the interior, and small chips along the exterior.
26.4.1A-B Much repair to lid which was in fragments but now almost complete apart from small piece of rim from underside. Paint dull on lid but remains clear on bottom piece. Two feet have been repaired and repainted and small part of lower rim is missing.
26.4.2 Complete but stuck back together from eight(?) seperate pieces. The glaze both inside and out is very worn, and the rim shows chipping and flaking. The inside of the pot is not completely smooth and there is a grey/white deposit, especially around the inner rim. Both of the handles have a lot of the same grey/white deposit on them, as well as big worn patches on the glaze. There is more deposit on the outside, especially around the foot. The surface outside is also in fairly bad condition, the surface revealing lots of small scratches and chips. The top of the foot has two significant chips in it but other than that it is in good condition, showing only small cracks running through the glaze in the well on the underneath of the foot.
26.7.1 Intact. Small crack forming at one handle. Streaky paint on bottom of body, showing red through black/brown. Paint is wearing from outside of body on one side particularly. Dusty white deposits on exterior surface as well as uneven lumps in the walls.
26.7.10 Incomplete. Apart from the head missing, there is little damage. There are small holes and scratches on the surface, front and back. The white slip has almost completely worn away, evident now only in small areas.
26.7.11 Intact. Beneath the handle, the top of the bell is not smooth, it appears to have been a hole, which has been stoppered with a ball of clay that remains connected and does not move. The lower black band on the main zone has been completely rubbed away on one side, revealing a darker brown clay. The entire surface shows small scratches, and some whitish deposit is evident, especially around the handle. The inside surface is rough, due to a lot of brown/grey deposit.
26.7.14 Fragment. The gloss on the rim of the fragment is a little worn and the surface on both sides shows small scratches. On the handle, there are a couple of flakes missing, and a small hole, possibly from an air bubble. The gloss on the inside is much more worn, with big flakes missing, with a couple of substantially longer scratches. There is also a yellow/grey deposit all over the inside of the fragment.
26.7.15 Intact. All over shows small areas of wear, on the main zone there are small chips around the base of the handles. Above the stem, on the top of the foot, and inside the handles, there is a small amount of white deposit, including one large patch (which looks like it could have been used to fix a hole).
26.7.8 Complete and intact. Small chip on spout mouth, and slight dent to one side. Wash worn in places, small amount of deposit.
26.8.1 Complete, comprised of rejoined pieces: decoration is worn; small amounts of deposits inside.
27.3.1 Intact. Small chips to rim. Paint worn near top on outer surface.
27.3.3 Complete but has been restored on one side and one handle has been repaired in two places. Small chips in base.
27.4.11 Repaired from many fragments, but heavily restored in the lower part. A small hole underneath one handle where a sample was taken (by conservator) for research.
27.4.12 Complete; repaired from seven pieces. The rim is uneven, and contains two small but definite chips. All over the surface are small scratches and patches of wear. The pattern on the rim contains few subtle patches of red, the same colour as patches on the handles. Patterns in the centre of the bowl appear to have rubbed away in patches. Underneath, the patterns remain more prominant, but again small patches of wear are evident, especially around the rim. Inside the foot are greyish white deposits, that are also found underneath the rim in small patches near the handles.
27.4.14 Complete and intact, small chip on side of lip and decoration faded.
27.4.2 Incomplete and repaired in seven pieces. The band on the rim, has mostly been rubbed away and on the inside there is a lot of greyish/white deposit. There are lots of small scratches all over the surface, including one long, deeper one at the base of the pot on the inside. On the outside, the glaze has also been rubbed away in patches, and on the leaves there are patches where it has come away in flakes. The foot is in pretty good condition, except for a white/cream deposit.
27.4.5 Intact. The rim, inside of the bowl and handles, all show evidence of wear, and there are considerable patches where all of the glaze has been removed. There are also small chips to be found on the handles, and on the inside of the rim. Where the glaze has been rubbed away, it has revealed a grey colour. There is also a thin crack running from the edge of the rim, to half way down the first black band. The well in the centre of the bowl is also slightly worn, to reveal a whitish grey colour, as well as a small crack running across the side. On the underside of the bowl, there is more evidence of general wear, including a chip just under the rim next to one of the handles. The bottom rim of the foot also reveals small chips, as well as a crack running across the middle.
27.4.6 Intact. Some of the glaze appears faded through use, with patches of wear around the top of the rim. Red/orange disk in the centre has big patches of wear in it that has rubbed away the colour. The handles contain small chips and one has a patch of brown deposit. The outside shows one or two small holes and small chips. The base shows small areas of grey deposit and small flakes have been knocked away through use.
28.6.1 Intact. Crack around the base of the neck. Small chips of paint from lip and mouth and handle. Main design is clear and the glaze remains.
29.11.13 Missing (part of) head. Large areas of brownish-grey deposit all over body, with areas of white slip showing through in some places and chipped off elsewhere. On stomach, in between two front legs, is a small hole, perhaps from the firing process.
29.11.6 Reconstructed by many fragments, there are a few gouges and many small bits of colour have fallen off, especially from the interior.
29.11.7 Intact. There is one chip on the edge of the rim, as well as a bit of wear. There is evidence of greyish/white deposit most noticeably around the rim and below one of the handles. Main zone in fairly good condition, with the usual evidence of wear and small scratches all over the surface. A large area of the the firing is red instead of black. There is a small whole in the stem of the foot, and some whitish/grey deposit around the edge of the foot and inside the base.
29.5.2 The rim next to one handle has a small area of sandy deposit and shows where the glaze has been slightly rubbed away. On the rim near the other handle is a larger amount of a more whitish deposit, which is also on the inside of the pot. The glaze on the handles is marred by large amounts of greyish/green deposit, which also covers a large amount of the glaze lower down the body and on the base of the foot. On the main zone on side A, there is a whiter deposit. On side B, at the foot of Pegasus, there is a deep scratch. In the base of the foot, there is a crack down one side of the well.
29.5.3 Intact. Some wearing of paint on the body of the swan. Small chip on body where an inclusion in the clay is showing through.
29.5.5 Complete but not intact it has been pieced back together. On the inside, there are small scratches on the surface and patches where the glaze has faded to red or even its reserved colour. The glaze has also faded on the handles, and the edge of the rim is chipped. There is evidence of a greyish/white deposit on the inside of the rim. On the outside, the decoration is much more worn and faded, and the surface has small chips and flakes. The resting surface of the foot is chipped and in the centre of the foot has been scratched the letters T and I.
30.11.1 Complete but not intact. The top of the mouth has some small chips in it and a small crack inside the mouth. The rim is worn, leaving only a little cross-hatching still evident. At the top and bottom of the handle, is revealed where it has been stuck back together again. There is white deposit on the handle. The surface of the body shows little scratches and wear on the glaze. On the base is a small patch of greyish deposit.
30.11.3 Mended by two joining fragments and with section of rim missing. Paint has faded and top is dirty, making pattern hard to distinguish. Scratches on the surface and knob. Small chip to the top of the knob.Small chips around the vertical edge of the rim
30.4.1 Incomplete. Two missing handles and pieces glued back together. The decoration has faded and shows red instead of black. On the outside especially, much of the decoration has faded or flaked away. Band around the top of the foot very worn. Some small patches of grey deposit on the surface.
31.6.1 Intact. Crack appearing inside and an area exists where the paint has cracked. Small chips to exterior paintwork.
33.4.1 Complete, but not intact. One handle and part of rim restored. Stuck back together from six/seven pieces. Decoration around rim and handles is worn in patches, with small chips in the surface. Small gaps where the pieces have been rejoined. A few scratches are evident in surface of main zone. Top of stem is rough to touch. Resting edge of foot has chips in it, inside the foot has some sandy deposit and a crack across the centre. Inside the body, the gloss looks silvery, with small scratches on it.
33.4.2 Complete but not intact. Rim of foot made up with plaster. Decoration worn in places, small holes and scratches all over surface. Lower bands on foot half missing because of restoration with modern materials, as is one handle.
34.10.1 Intact. Small chips on mouth. Paint on shields partly worn away.
34.10.10 Intact. White, gritty deposits inside the object. Lustre has worn away on mouth and top half of body. Small chips out of rim. Small scratches on base.
34.10.13 Intact. Small chips on rim and foot. Design remains clear. Small chips to paint around mouth. Body beneath handle is red in places, with small amount of white deposit.
34.10.16 Comprised of two rejoined pieces. Decoration on the front has faded, and resting surface is very uneven, as is the back. There are small scratches all over the surface and small holes at the top of the head. The back reveals lots of small cracks and holes. There is a white deposit on the chest area, which can also be found inside the base, as well as running along the cracks on the back.
34.10.2 Wheel pattern is worn badly as has lower part of cinquefoil. Intact. Small chips to underside of mouth rim.
34.10.20 Intact and complete. The figure is almost entirely covered by a grey deposit, which makes the surface feel rough. Small detail still remains, on the face, the nose, mouth and one eye. The right foot is also detailed.
34.10.23 Comprised of one large piece and three small pieces at the bottom, which have been rejoined. Missing the left foot and lower left portion of the figurine (previously restored or reattached: traces of glue and modern white plaster remain. Almost no traces of colour remain, except red on some of the head. White surface covered with grayish-tan deposits. Chipped on the back of the top of the head.
34.10.26 Intact but not complete. Detail of the hair remains very clear, but the features on the face are less so. The eyes have been worn almost completely away, and the nose has a chip in one side. At the top of the forhead, just where the hair begins, is a hole. The top and back are uneven and show small holes on the surface. There is a small amount of dirty deposit at the base of the neck, and inside the hollow of the head.
34.10.27 Much colour loss and erosion of relief makes it hard to see. Some small parts have crumbled away at the base. Dark deposits in small amounts all over.
34.10.5 Intact. Badly fired. Some small chips to interior surface.
34.2.1 Intact. There are four noticeable chips in the rim, as well as evidence of wear over the black surface. All over the Kylix are patches of wear and small scratches. The reserved disk in the centre has a lot of grey deposit on it, as does the inside of the rim. This deposit is also evident around the handles, and in small patches along the main zone. At the top of the stem, leading to the base, are lots of cracks and some flaking. There is a chip in the side of the foot, and the well in the base of the foot contains a lot of grey/white deposit.
34.8.2 this small lekytos is not intact, it is composed of five big fragments and five very small fragments, some flakes of clay are preserved in a little plastic bag. Bigger fragments are composed of more fragments brought together with glue. The paint is not uniform, is discolored and it is missing in some points. On the inside, in the upper part of the belly, there is a clay excrescence.
34.8.3 Neck and handle rejoined. Small chips to shoulder; small areas of white slip have flaked away.
34.8.5 Neck and handle have been reattached. Deposits inside the mouth. Decorative paint worn on the design. Small chip to the base.
35.4.3 Intact. The rim of the pot shows two chips on the inside and three on the outside. As well as this, there is a grey deposit, which is evident in small areas all over the piece. The glaze on the inside is worn and there are small scratches all over. The outside also shows signs of wear, with small scratches all over the glaze. At the base of the foot, there is more deposit, but this is a white/cream clolour.
35.4.6 Chips from rim and a crack runs down one side. Glaze worn in small areas on handles.
35.5.37 Consists of four fragments glued together. A few surface chips, very shallow and small.
37.11.5 Handle has been repaired; rim chipped; Gloss flaked off at places on the body, handles and the resting surface; small crack in centre of underside. Intact but assembled from 2 pieces. One handle, part of rim and body assembled.
37.11.7 Small dents to rim and body and scratching of paint. Deposits underside of handle and in groove. Chip in base. Lustre has worn off in places.
37.7.4 Intact. Small chips to rim and interior. Paint worn. Traces of white deposits in base.
38.12.1 Glaze remains shiny and the paint has only worn away in small sections at the back. Large chips taken from the front of the object obscuring parts of the picture.
38.4.2 Complete, intact (?) possible signs of repair on the body. A chip on the true neck on the side facing the false neck. A crack on the false neck. Numerous small chips on the shoulder and body. Two chips on the base.
38.4.3 Complete, appears intact. Paint extremely faded. Inside of mouth has over three small chips. There is one noticeable chip on the outside of the lip. The paint on the neck appears to have been worn away, because a pinkish clay is showing which does not appear to be a fading of the black decoration. There are at least two hairline cracks on the shoulder, with some of the clay worn away. The handles are in good condition with no noticeable chips, whereas the body has several chips and cracks. The base has a few small chips but is in very good condition.
39.1.2 Glaze worn on interior and on rim. A few small chips in rim.
39.9.5 Clear red paint remains. Intact. Wearing of paint on body. Small chips in side of body.
45.10.10 Sixteen fragments that belong to the same kylix. There are parts of the rim and body (a,b,g,k,l,m,n) of the body (c,h,i,j,o) of rim, body and part of the handles (d,e,f), and the base (p). a) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Layer of white plaster and small bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Interior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and small spots that have been chipped off from the left and bottom edge of the fragment. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: White plaster and two areas that have been chipped off from the top edge of the fragment. Exterior: White plaster and two small spots that have been chipped off. d) Should be rejoined to e. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the rim and bottom part, as well as some pitting off (rim). Exterior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the upper part of the body. The handle is also missing, apart from its lowest part. e) Should be rejoined to d. Interior: There are two spots (rim, bottom) that have been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Most of the handle is also missing. f) Should be rejoined to g and h. Interior: There is a layer of white plaster, few tiny bits that have been pitted off and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Exterior: There is white plaster, a spot that has been chipped off from the top right side and some peeling off of the colour on the handle, whose largest part is also missing. g) Should be rejoined to f and h. Tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior. h) Should be rejoined to f and g. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. i) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. j) White plaster on the interior. k) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: tiny bits that have been pitted off and slight traces of plaster. l) Could be rejoined to n. Interior: White plaster and a spot that has been pitted off. Exterior: White plaster and some bits that have been pitted off. m) Interior: Layer of plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the bottom left edge. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off from the bottom right edge. n) Could be rejoined to l. Interior: White plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster, some pitting off and a large spot that has been chipped off from the decorated area. o) Traces of white plaster on both sides. p) Slightly faded, with a few surface chips on interior and on foot.
45.10.11 Comprised of several rejoined fragments. Only two small sections of rim remain, traces of handle positioning and small protrusion of stem. Nearly all of the main design remains but the lower part of the figure is lost.
45.10.16 Three fragments of an incomplete mouth of Black figure amphora. i) one chip on top edge of rim, one chip bottom tip of inside edge. Outside edge multiple small chips and marks. ii) multiple small scuffs and chips on top edge of moth with one larger chip. Inside edge multiple tiny chips, left outter edge glaze chipped. Exterior edge a few small chips and marks in slip. iii) smallest fragment with lots of damage and chips, white deposits on rim and top of external edge.
45.10.20 There are six fragments probably from the body of the same closed-shape vase (amphora). i) Small bits of the colour have been peeled off and few small spots have been pitted off. ii) The fragment has been burnt. Tiny bits are pitted off. iii) The colour has faded away and has been peeled off from spots. Chips are missing from the edges. iv) The colour has faded away on the contour of the motives. v) The fragment is burnt. Bits of colour have been pitted off. vi) Bits of the colour have been pitted off, especially at the top and right side of the fragment.
45.10.21 Two small fragments that Annie Ure has catalouged as coming from same vessel.i) chips along the edges of the exterior of the fragment as well as on black decoration, White deposits on both external and inrternal sides. ii) exterior shows damage and places where the decoration has rubbed off
45.10.22 There are only 18 fragments preserved from this vessel. These consist of parts of the rim, neck, shoulder and body. a: It is repaired from two fragments, rejoined. Part of the rim (the smallest part of two), neck (including the spring of a triple handle) and shoulder (these consist the second part of this fragment). The fragment is chipped off in many areas (rim: ca. 5 spots/ interior of neck: ca. 10 spots/ neck: ca. 4 spots. There are also gouges on the joining points of the two parts. The upper part (bigger part) of the handle is missing. Apart from tiny bits that have been peeled off from the interior and few deposits, the glaze and colour are preserved in a good condition. b: It consists of three rejoined parts from the vessel's neck. Few bits are missing on the joining point and a spot has even been chipped off, there are deposits and cracking of the colour on the interior, as well as another spot that has been chipped off. Three shallow carvings are also apparent. c: It consists of three parts joined together (two big ones and a small one). Deposits on the interior, three scratches on the exterior, tiny bits that have pitted off and spot that has chipped off from the lower left end. d: Part of the body, colour has fadded away in some spots, and a part has been peeled off. Deposits. e: Part of the body. Deposits but in very good condition, apart from two areas that are chipped off and small bits that are pitted off. f: Part of the body. Apart from deposits in a very good condition. g: Part of the body. Deposits, otherwise in a very good condition. h: Part of the body. Few, tiny bits have been peeled off, also few deposits. i: It consists of two parts of the body. ca. 5 bits have been pitted off and three spots are chipped off; deposits. j: Small fragment in very good condition. k: Small fragment from the body; deposits. l: Small fragment from the body; deposits.
45.10.9 Ten fragments that probably belong to the same vessel. a) Tiny bit of the vessel's lower neck, part of the shoulder and the spring of the handle, which is missing. There are scratches on the exterior and two bits that have been chipped off. Deposits and plaster? on the interior. (The rest of the fragments are from the vessel's body) b) Should be rejoined to c. White plaster on the exterior and traces of it on the interior. A small bit has been chipped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. White plaster on the exterior and traces f it on the interior d) Few deposits on both sides and a small bit that has been pitted off from the exterior. e) Few deposits on the interior and traces of white plaster. A tiny bit has been chipped off from the exterior. f) White plaster and deposits on the interior. Two bits have been chipped off from the exterior. g) The decoration appears as if it has been scraped off and there is a spot that has been chipped off from the exterior. h) A small spot has been chipped off. Deposits and traces of plaster on the interior. Added white colour has fadded away. i) There are adhesives on both sides and white plaster on the exterior. The decoration looks as if it has been scraped off, a tiny bit has been pitted off and a small spot has been chipped off. j) Traces of white plaster, especially on the interior. There is a small spot that has been pitted off.
45.3.1 Good condition. Scratches on the body. Small chips on the body. Gloss flaking off the rosettes and the body of the animals.
45.6.10 Intact but missing a small chip on the rim and a large chip from the foot. One further very small chip on the rim. Surfaces are slightly pitted with red showing through black surfaces.
45.6.21 Two large chips around rim and two small ones. Base broken and chipped. Black glaze worn on edges.
45.6.32 Badly damaged rim and mouth. Small chip to base. Decoration is in good condition.
45.6.34 Perhaps repaired handle? Gloss is not shiny and s fired red and light brown on parts of the body. Small scratches on the body and the handle.
45.6.47 Small chip on rim. Glaze worn completely apart from in two very small areas. Areas of grey deposit over surface.
45.6.55 Complete. Large chip on mouth 2.0cm, small chip on base. Deposits omn the surface of white and grey material and few scratches on body.
45.6.66 Intact, one side of the top of the central tube has chipped away, numerous small chips to the outer body. The black glaze is worn in places. There is a white deposit over areas of the exterior, the interior has a deposit too, wick hole is almost completely blocked with deposit.
45.6.67 Intact. Chipped at mouth of nozzle, small chips and areas of glaze missing are now showing white.
45.6.69 Nozzle broken off, small amount of foot chipped away. Greyish white deposit in areas of interior and exterior.
45.6.70 Intact, small amount of chipping on the base. Blackening around the tip of the nozzle sugggesting use.Large amount of grey deposit on the front end of the body and nozzle. Small amount of wick hole cut in still apparent. A piece of grain? in the wick hole.
45.6.71 Intact, very small hole bottom left hand side and a few small chips. Large amount of white deposit all over the lamp.
45.6.8 Handles missing? (Four small legs)
45.8.1 Small parts pitted off from the whole of the surface.
45.8.2 Intact. Deposits inside. Small chip to the rim and one to the foot.
46.9.1 Intact. Gloss has lustre and white design is undamaged. Small chips on body and top of the rim. Black gloss flaked off handle.
47.10.2 Incomplete. One handle and part of side missing. Surface of body in fairly good condition, showing only very small chips and small amount of greyish deposit underneath the handles. Inside the remaining handle is small amount of white deposit. The handle itself is slightly bumpy and chipped on the edges.
47.2.1 Most of vertical handle missing. White deposits on handle, where broken, and on interior. Gloss remains lustrous on the exterior but it is worn and rough on the interior. Small chip on the horizontal handle, scratches on the body.
47.2.14 Intact. One handle missing, other handle in three pieces and glued back together. One one side three pieces joined together. Small chips around rim and scratches to the surface. Terracotta itself very fine.
47.2.17 Good. Two small chips, one on inner rim, one on outer rim.
47.2.3 Glaze chipped at rim and worn in patches, especially in interior of bowl. Small chips on the exterior of the body. Scratches around the body. Gloss is not lustrous.
47.2.6 Intact and mended from 6 fragments. Small part of the ring of the base is broken off. Small chips on rim. Glaze worn off at a spot on the interior. Gloss is not lustrous especially on the interior and the lower part of the body of the exterior. Deposits on the underside of the foot.
47.2.7 Mended from a number of joining fragments. Small parts filled in with plaster (especially on left side. Gloss flaked off on part of the handle,rim and body. It is not lustrous. Towards the foot, thinly applied gloss that leaves parts of the clay to be seen.
47.6.2A-B About two thirds of the top rim of the lid are missing, while one third of its side surface has been reconstructed. The rest of the lid has been repaired through the joining of three fragments; the figural scene has faded. The body is almost intact, only a small bit has been chipped off from the rim, three tiny bits have been pitted off and a small part of it has been reconstructed. The rim of the base also has some pitted off parts.
47.6.3 Complete and intact. Small chip on base. Surface scratched slightly and worn.
47.7.1 Rivetted and mended with black sealing wax (according to P.N. Ure). Some gloss worn off handles. Small chips to rim and to foot ring. Gloss worn on handles. Scratches on the body.
48.12.10 Mouth missing. Some flakes of paint from body have left a rough surface. Part of the white paint flaked off. Gloss is silvered on the lower part of the body. A small chip on shoulder. Gloss flaked off the handle and part of the decoration on the body.
48.12.11 Half of mouth is missing. Paint worn on handle, but remaining iridescent and lustrious on body. Small chip from base. Repaired on back of body and cracks on front at shoulder.
48.12.12 Intact. Paint badly worn on mouth and handle. Small chips from body towards foot.
48.12.13 Intact. Rim has small chips, the body has chips of varying sizes and also small holes which do not appear to go all the way through the fabric. There is a piece of debris in one of the handles. Colour is fading in some places, maybe due to firing process.
48.12.2 Complete, small chip on rim by one handle, small chip in opposite handle, barely noticeable. Paint slightly worn and scratched in places (not affecting decoration). Interior blotchy, as if water had been spilt while material still wet.
48.12.5 Intact. Much of paint flaked off. Small chip to lip.
48.12.7 Some patches of glaze worn off. Small chip to rim. Deposits to underside and lower part of the body. Gloss is not lustrous. Chips on the body and part of the gloss worn.
48.12.9 Intact. Good condition despite a small chip on the underside of the lip and some scratches on the surface.
48.2.1 Intact. The inside is covered in sandy/white deposit, which can also be found in the inside of the handles. The rim shows wear on the glaze and slight flaking. The main zones have small scratches on them, including deep scratches on three of the swans (could be intentional?). There is more deposit around the top of the foot and on the base of it.
48.4.1 Complete, but stuck back together from six seperate pieces. The rim shows one definite chip, and several small ones. The leaves on top of the rim have worn away in patches. The main zone also shows patches of wear, the surface revealing different colours, some paler clay, and some more orange. A white deposit is evident on the thick black band above the foot as well as some small scratches. The thin black band around the rim of the foot has mostly worn away. Inside, the black has scratches and flaked away to reveal the reserved clay. There is also more white deposit on the inside walls of the pot.
48.5.2 Major repair work done on one side and to neck consisting of nine pieces. Large chip to foot. Small chips to body. On most part of the figure decoration, handles, foot and mouth, black is fired to brownish. The gloss has flaked off from part of the figures, mouth and neck. White deposits around the mouth.
49.1.1 Intact. Small chips to the foot. Paint flaking on shoulder, body, handles, interior, ringfoot and underside. Chips on the surface of the body and shoulder. Black paint at parts fireed brownish.
49.10.1 intact, decoration almost completly lost apart from small patch showing a broken or hook meander.
49.10.2 Intact, small chip out of the back of the rim. White deposit all over with areas of blackening around the nozzle and around the rim.
49.4.2 The vessel is repaired but incomplete, since a large part (1/4) of foot is missing. The lip is also repaired (from two fragments), but a small part is still missing. There is also a cracking on the interior of the rim. Many small bits have been pitted off from the vessel and a few small spots have been chipped off. Additionally, part of the paint on side A is wearing off. There is plaster on the interior of the mouth, as well as plaster and adhesives on other surfaces ((area underneath the rim and on the one handle) and resting surface bears traces of plaster as well and deposits?
49.8.1 Intact but very small chips along the rim and body of mug. Small areas of paint chipped and deposit areas can also be found on the body as well as the base of the rim. Gloss is not lustrous. At parts on the body, gloss fired brown.
49.8.11 Intact. Small chip on rim and on the body. At parts the black paint is fired reddish. Paint faded on the top of the rim, underside of the base and on some rosettes and on one of the lions.
49.8.2 Almost intact (only one bit has been pitched off). The gloss has lost its lustre but yellow and white remain clear. Small dark deposits on underside.
49.8.4 Intact except for one chip on body and some small around the ring foot. Paint worn on mouth and especially handle and parts of the body. Most of decoration survives and body pattern is clear.
49.8.5 Chip in mouth and a small on the ring foot. Paint badly worn. Flaking on mouth, body, base. Scratches on the body. Rust on mouth.
49.8.8 Intact. Small chip on the neck. Gloss is shiny and picture remains clear. On the back side of the body, gloss is faded. Paint worn on handle and under mouth rim. White paint has faded. white deposits on the top of the foot. Colour remains clear.
49.8.9 Intact, except for tiny chips on the rim and three small gouges on the lower body. The vessel's condition is very good, as the paint is not worn and the glaze remains. There is a dent in the body but this was made during production. Only slight wearing of the purple dots but not so as they become indistinguishable.
50.10.1 Complete but the neck and the body have been mended from a number of joining fragments. Some repainting. Deposits inside. Large part of the painted decoration fired brownish-reddish. Worn on many parts. Small chips and scraches on the body and a chip on the resting surface.
50.10.3 Intact. Preserved in a very good condition. large chip on one of the handles. Glaze flaked at small parts on the rim, on the interior, arund the foot ring. White depositions in the interior of the footring.
50.10.6 Intact. Large piece rejoined from side A, but doesn't obscure decoration. Some pitting and chipping all over body. Small chip in rim by one of the handles.
50.12.15 Fragment; one small chip on both the exterior and interior, near the rim.
50.12.18 Chip on the exterior to the lower left, while the interior has a small hairline crack (?) beneath the orange circles.
50.4.13 Comprised of rejoined pieces, missing only a small piece interior piece near the handle. Glaze retains lustre on exterior.
50.4.14 Comprised of several rejoined pieces. Gloss is in excellent condition, although the two chips out of the rim appear to have been repainted after repair. Small chips around the ring foot.
50.4.18 Intact except for a small chip on the mouth, and a few on the footring. Glaze on rim worn. Not lustrous. white depositions on the junction of the foot and the body.
50.4.19 Comprised of rejoined pieces (check?). Gloss has lost some lustre; small chip to rim.
50.4.24 Comprised of two fragments rejoined with B72 glue. Wash has faded considerably in places, small amount of residue; handle slightly chipped.
50.4.25 Complete, but with nozzle glued back on with B72 glue. A few cracks on the discus, wash wearing in places. Small hole where spout joins discus.
50.4.3 Intact. Gloss worn. Rim, body and underside have white soil deposits. Small hole on the outside of the body. Rim of base chipped. Inside of bowl has brown soil deposits and gloss eroded.
50.4.5 Intact. Pattern badly worn away. Chip to rim at front and a few to base. Part of the decoration fired brownish. White deposits covering the entire underside of the foot. Gloss worn at aprts on the neck. Small chips and scratches on the body.
50.4.6 Mended from a number of joining fragments. Small fragment from the body is missing. Gloss is quite lustrous on the exterior, but rough and worn on the interior and the underside of the foot. Chips around the rim and the body. Deposits on the underside.
50.4.7 Mouth and upper part of the neck assembled from a number of small fragments (repaired by Cameron Hahn, 17.08.2005). Large chip on shoulder, smaller on neck and small chip on foot. Quite ggod quality of glaze that retians its shine. Net pattern designe dcarefully although the maendar is quite rough. Scratces on the body.
50.4.9 Mended from a number of joining fragments but incomplete; noticeable piece missing from front of vessel. Lustre remains. Deposits on base. Interior worn with small amounts of grey deposit. Slight wear and small chips on the body and the resting surface.
50.5.2 Complete, but foot repaired and paint is therefore missing. Some repainting, specifically on reverse. Small chip to rim.
50.5.3 Mouth and upper part of neck modern and intact handle. Most of the black has faded to a light brown color. The neck and mouth has been rebuilt by modern material. The surface appears in fairly good condition, except for some deep scratches around the neck. Left swan scratched face, right swan intact face. There are other small scratches on the surface and bit of flaking and chipping, especially around the edge of the foot.
50.5.5 Foot has been rejoined and there is a large crack in the underside. Interior slightly scratched with surface cracking. Reserved areas stained. Missing 5 large chips and other small chips on rim.
50.5.6 Intact. Paint appears extremely dull and matt despite being badly worn. Flaked off from most part of the decoration. Peach colour on small areas inside and corresponding exterior surface. A number of chips on the lower part of the base. The larger allows the clay inclusions (white stones) to show through.
51.1.1 Intact. Surface dulled by greyish-white deposits, especially thick at bottom of bowl on interior, small scratches and patches of wear all over.
51.1.2 The vessel is reconstructed by many fragments and has been repaired (it has been conservated and parts of the shoulder and body have been filled in). Some bits of the colour have been peeled off (rim, handle, neck, body) and there are some small spots that are pitted off (rim, body). Lastly, there is a gouge under one of the side handles and another one on the central part of the base.
51.1.4 Intact and complete. Surface slightly scratched, especially around rim and on the siren's left wing, with some yellowish-white deposits above the siren. Small scratches over surface, especially around the rim, with adhesive on the underside.
51.4.10 Intact. Colours and design remains clear. Glaze remains shiny. Very good condition. Small chips on the lower part of the body and the rim. Glaze thinly applied on the eyes on side B and clay can be seen underneath.
51.4.4 Chips missing from the rim (ca. 7, including damage on the meander pattern) and the neck (ca. 5). There are also small bits missing at the joining point of the two parts of the fragment.
51.4.8 Complete. The body mended from a number of joining fragments. Glaze flaked off on the top of the rim, body and handles. Small chip on one of the horizontal handles. The main zone decoration remains similarly intact, except for a few scratches on the surface, and in small patches, a misty light grey deposit. There is also some of this deposit around the ends of all three handles. Thinly applied glaze, especially on the back side of the vessel, allowing for the colour of the clay to be seen. On the resting surface of the foot is a chalky white deposit.
51.7.13 Intact, with the exception of some spots that have been pitted off and few small gouges (on the interior of the mouth and on the body). Added white details are dirty.
51.7.3 Intact. The rim mended from 2 fragments. Small chips to rim. Lustre remains although some paint has chipped away around rim, handle. Slight scratches and chips on body. White deposits on the underside of the foot.
51.7.5 Complete but repaired at neck. Two small chips on the rim. Small areas of deposit found around the foot. Black very smooth and shiny, as is some of the red.
52.3.1 Complete and repaired. Glaze remains. Body and neck mended from a number of pieces. Small chips around the neck. White deposits on the underside of the foot and on the top of the rim.
54.2.1 Red paint is scratched on interior. Small chips to rim and body.
56.8.1 Intact. Very small chips on the rim. Extensive areas of colour loss mostly around the handle and body of the piece.
56.8.5 Piece broken off rim and one or two chips from edge. Small chip on the top of the knob. Decoration is excellent condition. Handle appears to have been reattached. Browny-black deposit (?) in rough circle on underside beneath knob handle. Gloss of good quality, still lustrous.
56.8.6 Stem appears to have been repaired just above foot. Small chip in rim and edge of the foot. White has faded at parts. Surface is in good condition.
57.3.11 Deposits. Small chips to top of head. Patches of very pale brown.
57.3.4 Paint on outer surface in very good condition with only a small area fading to red and small cracks appearing in surface. Not a clean fracture.
58.2.2 Deposits all over body, worsening at neck. Small chip to rim. Dent to body.
60.1.4A-B Complete and intact. Small chips on rim and the edge of the lid. Decoration faded in places on both lid and body. Scratches on body and white deposits.
60.8.1 Intact. One of the handles broken off and restored. Small chip under this handle. Bad quality gloss that is not lustrous. Thinly applied on the exterior of the body and the foot ring. Deposits on the rim, handles and the underside of the foot Intact, few small chips in rim and scratches and pinprick sized holes on exterior. Intact; but part of the body of the container have broken away, and there are small chips on the rim
61.6.3 One handle is missing, and there is a piece broken off the foot. Small scratches all over the surface, both inside and out, as well as a whitish deposit all over.
61.6.5 Lid: complete and intact, with slight chips to rim; surface inside and out marred with small white deposits, dark stains, and scratches and chips. One-handler: intact and complete except for a chip missing from the lower part of the exterior body, just to the right of the handle. Black-glaze pitted and scratched on interior, with slight white deposits.
62.10.1 Complete and intact. Small chips on rim, decoration faded and worn on rim, mouth, handles, and parts of the decoration on the body. No lid.
62.5.1 Intact. Small deposits inside and some flaking of paint. Small chips in rim. Black has faded to red in places.
64.7.1 One handle and the attached part of the rim are missing. The black colour misfired to red in certain places (e.g. at the handle and at the external side of the rim, underside of the foot, tongues, below the tongues, where the thin line is now reddish-yellow). There are deposits on the exterior of the body and the underside of the foot. Small chips to the rim.
65.6.2 Broken off at the shoulders; small white deposit at fracture. Highly polished with no surface damage. The scratches caused through production are still visible.
67.6.3 Dark deposits which look similar to mould on front mainly left hand side. Small hole below her right shoulder on the body. Features and clothing remain distinguishable.
71.12.6 Large parts of bronze have broken away from the sides of the curved section. The most important aspect to note is the deterioration in colour to blue, green, black and brown. Only in a couple of areas does the true colour of the bronze show through. Deposits under the handle where it joins the body. Small hole to one side of the curved section.
73.6.4 Single fragment. The surface reveals few, tiny scratches, but does have a big flake missing on the palmette. There is also some deposit of a grey/brown colour. The inside gloss shows some scratches that run with the grain of the material, as well as some small flakes missing.
73.9.2 Fragment. Handle covered in scratches and patches of wear, especially on left arm. At the bottom of the left arm of handle is a small chip with a white patch in the middle. Rim, and both inside and outside of fragment show more small scratches. Larger scratch diagonally down left, through black band directly beneath the ivy leaf.
73.9.23 The surface of the fragment appears to be in fairly good condition, except for a few small areas of grey deposit. The back of the fragment varies in colour, moving from red to black and then grey. The surface however is again in fairly good condition with no real evidence of wear except for a few small scratches.
73.9.3 Fragment. Handle broken at tip, with small patches of wear all over. Scratch on the left side of the handle, pointing towards rim. Only a suggestion of rim remaining. Pinky, grey deposits on inside of rim and suggestion of the same up the outside of the handle.
73.9.5 Fragment. Both the inside and outside edges of the rim are worn, and there is a small chip. The outside surface is chipped slightly, and has a few small areas of a grey deposit.
73.9.6 Fragment. The front of the fragment has a few small scratches in it, as well as a patch of pinky/grey deposit at the top of the figure. To the right of the figure, the fragment has split in half, so only the back half remains. The back of the fragment has small scratches and a couple of chips in the surface of the glaze.
73.9.7 Incomplete, only a small amount of the cup remains, including one handle. Two pieces are glued back together. The glaze on the outside edge of the rim has completley worn away, and there are small scratches all over the surface. Both inside and out, there are traces of a whitish deposit, except on the foot where the deposit is more of a pinky colour.
73.9.8 Two fragments. (a)The glaze on the rim and the inside of the fragment shows a few small scratches. On the rim and the outside of the fragment there are a few small areas of milky/white deposit. The black blob reveals an area which may have been the base of a handle. The colour of the clay inside here, is a more pink colour. Like the first fragment, fragment (b) shows evidence of small scratches on the glaze, both inside and out, but seems in fairly good condition, with no evidence of deposit.
74.7.3 Small chip on rim, where gloss is worn; Good quality black gloss; Gloss flaked off rim and around the ring of the foot; white deposits on inside and on handle. Red misfired line around the ring of the foot probably caused during the firing in the kiln.
78.12.1 Intact, top part of the vertical handle is missing, small hole in the left hand side of the body, chip on the edge of the base. Wash is worn in places, with a small amount of white deposit around decoration. Some blackening around spout.
78.12.12 Intact and complete, wash worn all over, especially on the left hand side of the body, small ammount of white deposit.
78.12.14 Intact, small hole in left hand side of the body, wash fading in places with a large amount of white deposit on the body and on the discus. Chip on surface of discus.
78.12.15 Intact, chip on the base, underside of the nozzle and at the wick hole, small amount of chipping on the surface of the discus. Wash becoming worn in places, small amount of white deposit, mainly on the underside and on the interior.
78.12.16 Intact, three small pits in the body of the lamp, none pierce through to the reservoir. wash is worn and chipped all over. Tip of nozzle is blackened, probably due to use. Small amount of grey/white deposit.
78.12.17 Intact, small chip on rim, blackening at the end of the wick rest, probably from use. Large amount of white deposit all over.
78.12.18 Intact, a few chips around outside of rim, scratches on inside and underside. Base roughened. Small amount of black at the end of the wick rest, white deposit in places. Two small holes, one on the underside of the rim, the other on the base. Unglazed.
78.12.19 Intact , hairline cracks on the surface of the shoulder, wash worn on the discus. Folds of clay still apparent from the joining of the upper and lower discus. Small amount of discolouration and blackening on the nozzle, probably due to use.
78.12.20 Small hole in the back of the body, decoration worn, small amount of white-grey deposit on the body, especially on the interior.
78.12.3 Intact, slight chipping around the nozzle obscuring one of the volutes, the other is very faded as is the moulded design. very small amount of grey deposit. Unglazed.
78.12.6 Intact and complete, Wash and some of the decoration is very worn. ther area around the nozzle has largly lost most of its wash, however there are traces of black indicating usage. Some white deposit on the base and a small amount on the discus.
79.1.1 Intact, small chip on the rim of the discus and one on the edge of the foot. Small hole on the base of the foot, black glaze is almost all worn off.
79.1.10 Intact, missing handle, small hole in the base. Lumpy deposit over areas of the lamp, wash wearing in places. Blackening of the nozzle due to use.
79.1.12 Intact, small chip to the end of the spout. Wash is wearing, especially at the back of the lamp. large amount of deposit visible through the wick hole. Small amount of deposit on the exterior, more on the base. Nozzle tip blackened, possibly from use.
79.1.18 Intact, missing a section at the back of the lamp which could be where a handle has been broken off. Small amount of white deposit all over the interior and the exterior.
79.1.2 Intact, small section missing from the surface of the lamp on the left hand side causing hairline cracks. White and grey deposits over much of the surface of the interior and the exterior.
79.1.3 Intact, lug is missing outer face, tip of nozzle is slightly chipped. Glaze worn off in front half of the lamp and on the moulded ring. Small amounts of white deposit, blackening around the tip of the nozzle.
79.1.5 intact, chipped at the tip of the nozzle. Joind of the handle and the nozzle are rough, small ammount of white deposit.
79.1.9 Back section of body missing, could have once had a handle attached, Chipped all over, small amount of white deposit on the interior.
83.9.14 The plate is not intact, multiple pieces are missing with two parts glued together. The paint is not homogeneous, there are numerous points where it is absent and the small hollow in the middle is punctured
83.9.34 Fragment; worn, with some gloss chipped off; Ssme small, white deposits.
83.9.36 Fragment; a few small chips on black gloss. Terracotta has fired grey (through burning).
84.5.2 Two pieces glued together (adhesive visable on reverse), chipped and dameged at the bottom of join. Small amount of damage to top left edge. Damage to section of bottom edge register.
84.5.4 Complete but joined from three parts, glue used to repair obvious on reverse. Joins clear on front, with the right-hand side join more damage is visible. Small chips on top left hand edge.
84.8.1 a) There are some spots that have been pitted off, especially at the edge of the rim, as well as some shallow scratches. There is a bit that has been chipped off from the neck and few deposits. b) Many small spots have been pitted off from the edge of the rim, few bits have been chipped off from the neck and there are traces of deposits. c) Should be rejoined to d. Few parts have been chipped off and there are deposits. d) Should be rejoined to c and e. Tiny bits have been peeled off, there is a cracking on the internal surface and traces of deposits. e) Should be rejoined to d. There are some scratches on the exterior and some parts have been chipped off from both sides. f) Should be rejoined to c. Some spots have been chipped off and at some areas the colour has been peeled off. g) Tiny bits have been pitted off, two spots have been chipped off. h) Traces of plaster, especially on the interior. The colour has been peeled off from some areas and there are spots that have been chipped off. i) Traces of white plaster, streaky black on the interior andtwo small spots that have been chipped off. j) White plaster on both sides, streaky black on the interior and many spots that have been pitted off from the exterior. k) Should be rejoined to l. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. l) Should be rejoined to k, m and n. Few, small bits have been pitted off. m) Should be rejoined to l, n, p and o. There are some scratches on the external surface, as well as some bits that have been pitted off from both sides. Two spots have also been chipped off from the interior. n) Should be rejoined to l, m and o. Many shallow, small scratches and few, tiny bits that have been pitted off. Also, a spot that has been chipped off from the external surface and a smaller one from the internal. o) Should be rejoined to m,n and p. There are some scratches on the external surface, some tiny bits have been pitted off and a spot has been chipped off. p) Should be rejoined to m, o and q. Few tiny, shallow bits have been pitted off. q) Should be rejoined to p and r. Two small spots have been chipped off from the interior. r) Should be rejoined to q and possibly s? s) Could be rejoined to r? t) Should be rejoined to o. There are some tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior,as well as a shallow gouge and two scratches. u) Should be rejoined to v. White plaster on the interior. v) Should be rejoined to u and w. There are some scratches, some bits have been pitted off and few spots have been chipped off. w) Should be rejoined to v and possibly x? Some scratches on the exterior and a shallow gouge. x) Could be rejoined to w? There is a shallow gouge and three spots that have been chipped off from the exterior. y) Tiny bits have been pitted off. z) Small bit has been pitted off. aa) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and surface seems to have been scraped off? on the top. ab) Should be rejoined to aa and ac. Bits have been pitted off and colour seems to be scraped off? on the top. ac) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and colour seems to have been scraped off on the top. ac) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and the top seems to have been scraped off? ad) Small spots have been pitted off.
91.12.3 Complete and intact, small chip on bottle rim.
E.2002.8.1 Intact and complete, shallow and very small holes in various parts of the body.
E.23.10 The actual pallete is covered with many small scratches, which, combined with the reside of pigments, have left it a light grey colour. There are chips missing from two corners of the base, one larger than the other, with two other chips in diagonal corners of the trapazoid.
E.23.20 Several small chips on lip. Some dark red and black has worn away. There is a large amount of white deposit all over the vase, sometimes in large patches.
E.23.27 Intact, missing some small chips on the lip. There is a large amount of brown deposit all over the body and there are remnants of a Liverpool label.
E.23.32 Intact, there are several chips on the lip and a small hole in the lower body of the jar.
E.23.35 Intact, one small chip in the lip and a slight dent near the neck. Otherwise the vase is still smooth to the touch.
E.23.37 Complete but not intact. Small chips in the lid. The lip and mouth are detatched from the body. Large crack in the lip, deposit on the shoulder, small chips in the base.
E.23.40.1-4 Glaze remains shiny. Small deposits on complete ring.
E.23.41.1-25 At least nine beads have a good glaze remaining. Some have deposits and at least one has lost colour. Small cracks in a couple of beads.
E.23.5 Intact, if it did have ivory handle it is no longer there. There is a small amount of brown deposit around the edges of the artefact.
E.47.1 Complete and intact but worn. Small amount of deposit especially around the decoration. The wick hole is blackened at the tip due to usage.
E.47.6.6 Intact and complete, small scratches around the base.
E.47.6.8 Intact and complete, with some small scratches near the base;
E.62.1 Intact. Small amount of deposits in natural crevices.
E.62.14 Single fragment, with several small chips in the surface.
E.62.20 Small chip in the top lip, large amount of reddish deposit on one side of the stand.
E.62.26 Intact, two large chips out of the lip next to each other. Small amounts of white deposit on the outside. There is also a small amount of wearing of the red pigment.
E.62.33 intact, small chip at the bottom of underside
E.62.37 Intact and complete. There are several small chips around the rim. There appear to be several water marks on the inside of the bowl. The base and some parts of the body are covered in an encrusted light brown deposit.
E.62.4 Intact not complete (the head is missing). The detail is becoming less desinite and the underside has become dirty with what appears to be watermarks. There are small amounts of black deposit sparcely placed around the artefact.
E.62.41 Slight chip in lip and several small chips in the base. Two cracks starting at the top and terminating approximately halfway down.
E.62.43 Intact, but with a large chip missing from the lip. Several shallow scratches in the body, several small chips in the rim of the base.
E.62.46 Due to deterioration the sharp edge has disappeared due to deposits. The tip is missing and the bronze has discolored to green in places. Two small holes near the nail have appeared perhaps due to deterioration as well.
E.62.47 The coulouring (perhaps a wash)has worn off in some small patches, particularly around the edges. There are some shallow cracks around the details of Hat-Hor.
E.62.50 Intact and complete. There is a large chip missing from the lip from which a small crack eminates. Several other smaller cracks also begin at the lip. Base is pitted.
E.62.61 Intact and complete, there are several small chips missing from the lip. There is some discolouration of the Alabaster.
E.62.8 Intact and the surface remains smooth although discoloured to red, green, yellow, black, brown and orange. There is still lustre on the surface and the incised lines are still clear except for the two on the outer surface. Two small holes have formed in the folded over rim.
E.63.17 Shell is chipped at edges and small shard of inner surface has come away but remains with the shell.
E.63.20 Intact. The point has a small amount missing but still sharp (and sharper than Reading E.63.19); slightly tarnished.
E.63.25 Intact, with several small defects on body and one quite large one towards the base, and large, elongated areas of deposits, one at top of body the other towards base. Surface of base is worn.
E.63.5 Intact and complete, with a large crack half way down the body, and several chips missing from the base, a small crack originates here, the blue glaze is intact.
E.63.7 Intact and complete. Some amount of blue glaze has rubbed off, and a small amount of white deposit can be found on the mid-rif.
E.63.8 Intact, much of the blue glaze survives although what detail may have existed is now rubbed off and only basic detail now survives. There is a small amount of brown deposit on the flat underside.
E.63.9 Intact and complete, the glaze is still present although the light green colour is somewhat faded. Aside from one crack and two small chips on the facade no detail has been lost.
E.65.10 Intact. Slight discolouration to bronze due to deterioration. Small surface scratches and deposits make surface appear slightly uneven although it feels smooth.
E.65.11 Intact. Small area of polished metal showing through on rectangular extension but not reflective. Major discolouration and deterioration to the surface of both sides. Small surface scratches. Does not sit flat so the object must be slightly bent.
E.65.2 Intact and complete. The pot is covered with small, shallow scratches and small amounts of white deposit. There is also a large scratch going from the mouth down one side, accross the base, and terminating near the base on the other side.
L.2011.1.58 Pipe fragment with a large section missing from the bottom half and some small cracks, with ridges around the inside of the pipe.
L.2013.10.2 Fair condition, small crack on the bottom right hand side of the beetles back.
L.2016.3.15 Exterior is worn; small chips on interior.
L.2016.3.7 Complete and intact. Small scratches on the surface, especially on the underside. White, slightly light brownish deposits on bottom part of rim, whereby lid would have sat on the pot.
L.2016.3.8 Complete and intact. The surface is worn. Small chips on lip and slight brownish deposits on body.
REDMG:1926.99.50 Complete except for a chip missing from the mouth; comprised of three rejoined fragments (two of which are small rim pieces); surface slightly gouged
REDMG:1926.99.59 Intact, apart from small scratches on rim and base.
REDMG:1935.87.14 No lid preserved. Small hole in body and slight chips in base.
REDMG:1935.87.19 Intact but with a couple of small chips on the body. Decoration very worn around mouth; images remain reasonably clear despite erosion of colouring.
REDMG:1935.87.2 Complete and intact. The amphora is in good condition, showing little signs of wear, as the glaze has flaked in little patches. There is one small chip on the rim and a few around the foot. There is a little bit of greyish deposit around the top of the foot and the rim of the mouth. On the resting surface of the foot is a small amount of brown deposit.
REDMG:1935.87.24 Very good, only a few small bits have been pitted off, particularly at the rim.
REDMG:1935.87.28 Repaired but still missing some sections. Gloss remains shiny inside. Decoration is worn in small areas inside and outside at rim.
REDMG:1935.87.8 Intact. Paint inside has flaked away in small areas. Glaze remains shiny on exterior.
REDMG:1951.132.1 Missing a small chip from the base. Light grey (lime) deposits on mouth, handle, stem, and foot, with build-up of tan deposits on the underside; resting surface stained grey in places.
REDMG:1951.133.1 Comprised of ca. 10 rejoined fragments, missing half of one handle and two small rim chips, as well as some small fragments around the joins.
REDMG:1951.135.1-2 Two small chips around rim and base; areas of decoration eroded.
REDMG:1951.136.1 Two small chips around edge of the knob.
REDMG:1951.137.1 Two small chips on the outside of lid, and a larger chip on flange; white and reddish-brown deposits on the underside; glaze cracking above the bird.
REDMG:1951.138.1 Very small chip on the disk on top of the knob; surface stained.
REDMG:1951.142.1 Missing two small chips on the rim and one on the foot; surface slightly scratched and pitted, with slight grey deposits near the bottom.
REDMG:1951.143.1 Small grayish-white deposits on interior and mouth, as well as foot; glaze on lower handle and body slightly pitted.
REDMG:1951.153.1 Comprised of two or more pieces rejoined at the neck. Small cracks around the body.
REDMG:1953.25.1 Comprised of three rejoined fragments, missing only three small chips from the rim; one superficial crack emerges from one of these chips; glazed surfaces slightly pitted, especially on interior; whitish-grey deposits on underside.
REDMG:1953.25.101 Deposits all over. Small, elongated hole in back of head with a white stone in clay above. Features are worn.
REDMG:1953.25.102 Intact. Small scratch on top of lion's head, and cracks running from top of back, down through back right foot into base. Crack in front right foot. Front shows traces of white slip. Back shows areas of grey deposit on remaining white slip.
REDMG:1953.25.16 Superposed colour faded and glaze worn on widest part of body, scratched on rim, handle, and body, small chip on mouth.
REDMG:1953.25.22 Comprised of four rejoined fragments (three of which combine to form the mouth, upper neck and top of handle). Greyish-white deposits on mouth, inside of handle, and lower part of body. Small chips on top of foot. White details have faded.
REDMG:1953.25.40 Comprised of five rejoined pieces, missing only a small chip from the rim; grayish-white deposits on rim, under handle, and resting surface.
REDMG:1953.25.44 Comprised of four rejoined fragments, missing bottom of bowl, stem and foot, as well as three small chips on rim. Light tan deposits, especially on interior and tops of handles; decoration chipped all over.
REDMG:1953.25.56 Intact. Base is a little unstable due to minor chips. Small traces of deposits. Slight scratches but is very good condition on the hole.
REDMG:1953.25.74 Small chip to rim. Base has dark brown deposits.
REDMG:1953.25.75 Single small chip on base; surface slightly scratched at rim, with some gray deposits on exterior. Stamped on base, 'Ld A Hill Coll'
REDMG:1953.25.77 Both nozzles mainly missing, handle missing. Left hand nozzle volute has been restored, small hole from missing fragment, from this hole are radiating hairline fractures to the base. glaze is worn in places, large amount of deposit covering the entirety of the interior and the back portion of the exterior as well as other areas.
REDMG:1953.25.78 Handle missing. Surface in good condition, glaze remains all over, a few small chips, one between handle joints has two radiating hairline fractures. Small amount of deposit on interior.
REDMG:1953.25.79 Intact, two small chips on the left side of the foot. Wash worn, especially on the back and right hand side of the body. Small amount of white deposit around the foot and on the interior.
REDMG:1953.25.88 Deposits lie on surface and in hollows beneath shawl. Facial features slightly worn on lower part of face. Material is very soft and crumbly. Some small surface cracks.
REDMG:1953.25.91 Seemingly intact. Small chip to back leg of horse. Some deposits.
REDMG:1953.25.97 Features remain well defined despite having collected small white deposits. Back of the head is more worn than the front.
REDMG:1961.150.2 Broken and reglued in several places, some small pieces missing.
REDMG:1964.1601 Intact, slight chips around the filling hole andthe handle. Black glaze is worn off in large areas over the lamp on the exterior and interior. Small ammount of whie deposit.
REDMG:1964.1603.1 Intact, wash mostly worn off, small amount of pitting on the base. Large amount white - grey deposit on the interior, lesser amount on the exterior.
REDMG:1964.1607.1 Intact, wash is worn and there are numerous chips. Tip of nozzle is slightly blackened, due to use. Small amount of pale deposit.
REDMG:1964.1609.1 Intact and complete, moulded decoration very worn, small superficial cracks on the base (these could have been caused during it's making). Large amount of dark deposit on the surface.
REDMG:1964.1610.1 Intact, many small chips in the surface, grey deposit over large amounts of the exterior and interior. Large amount of blackening around the nozzle, probably from use. Remains of a modern candle in the reservoir.
REDMG:1964.1611.1 Intact, centre of discus is obscured by damage, many small chips in the surface. Large amount of grey deposit on the interior and the back of the exterior.
REDMG:1964.1613.1 Missing most of the nozzle, small amount of wick hole visiably blackened, probably from use. Large amount of white - grey deposit on the interior, small amount on the exterior, concentrated mostly around the discus.
REDMG:1964.1614.1 Nozzle tip missing, wash and decoration are both worn. Small amount of deposit all over, blackening around the wick hole may have been produced though use.
REDMG:1964.1615.1 complete and intact, handle is restored from three pieces. small amount of scratching and pitting on the body. filling hole is chiped, Wick hole is blackened from use and air hole is filled in.
REDMG:1964.1616.1 Intact, small anomily at the tip of the nozzle. Relief is worn and indistinguishable. Wick hole and nozzle ar both blackened from use.
REDMG:1964.1617.1 Handle is missing, rejoined from two main pieces. Glaze mostly intact, small amount of deposit on the interior.
REDMG:1964.1619.1 Intact, large chip on the left side of the nozzle, score from the rim to the filling hole, large number of small chips. Grey deposit in areas, small amount of blackening around the nozzle, probably from use.
REDMG:1964.1620 Small chips to rim, base and one side.
REDMG:1964.1625 Small chips to mouth; four gouges in surface; glaze barely preserved.
REDMG:1964.1630 Almost complete but missing one large and one small fragment from the rim. The surface almost entirely worn away.
REDMG:1964.1639.1 Handle is unchipped and in good condition. Paint has worn away and there are small traces of deposits on handle.
REDMG:1964.1651.1 Entire neck and mouth missing and base badly chipped. Deposits inside and out - greyish colour. Small surface scratches.
REDMG:1964.1652.1 Mouth and half of neck missing. Small chips to side of body. Deposits in neck.
REDMG:1964.1656.1 Half of mouth and some of neck is missing. Base damaged. Small scratches to surface.
REDMG:1964.1657.1 Complete and intact; areas of deposit around the foot and the main body. There are also scratch marks on the body and a very small chip on the rim.
REDMG:1964.1659.1 Single fragment preserving half of the body; foot and base is missing. Small chips to rim. Badly fired.
REDMG:1964.1675.1 Handle and spout broken off; much of glaze has chipped and eroded; small white paint blotch on shoulder.
REDMG:1964.1682.1 Small white deposits under handle and on interior surface.
REDMG:1964.1683.1 Fragment in good condition with no chips or scratches. Only very small deposits can be seen in the rim.
REDMG:1964.1688.1 Repaired in two pieces. Paint has faded on exterior surface and there are white deposits on the exposed clay at fracture. Small chips to rim.
REDMG:1964.1693.1 Small scratches with small amounts of white deposit.
REDMG:1964.1695.1 Paint has worn off leaving only small traces. Dark deposits on interior surface.
T.2012.11.28 Fragmentary and mildly chipped across its face and the edges, with small parts of paint having been rubbed off over time.
TEMP.2002.7.1 Intact. The rim suffers from several chips, one in particular quite large, opposite one of the handles. There is also evidence of wear on the glaze, as there is on the inside of the bowl. On the band inside the bowl can be found three deeper scratches, as well as the occasional small hole. The handles of the bowl also reveal small chips on their glaze, as well as small scratches. The band which leads down to and envelops the top of the foot, contains small scratches, and where it meets the foot are lots of small cracks in the glaze. There is also some yellowy/grey deposit, which we can also see on the base of the foot. The base is chipped slightly in places and there are small scratches in the glazed bands.
TEMP.2002.9.1 Complete, but worn. There is one small chip on the rim and considerable wear. The handles are intact and one is chipped. The black gloss has faded in parts.
TEMP.2003.6.10 Three fragments of the same vessel's base. It appears that the body has mostly been scraped off around the joining point at the upper parts of the fragments, apart from a bit on b and two bits on c. a) There are adhesives on the interior and few spots have been chipped off. There are three tiny spots on the interior and a spot on the central part of the base, where there are also three cracks. b) Two tiny bits have been chipped off from the interior and a spot looks flaked off from the inner side surface of the foot. There are also traces of adhesives. c) Four very small parts have been chipped off from the interior. There are also traces of adhesives, especially on the interior, as well as two cracks on the central part of the base.
TEMP.2003.6.11 Three fragments that belong to the same vessel. a) Should be rejoined to b. Part of the rim, small bit of the neck and part of the handle. Few, tiny bits have been pitted off and a spot has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a. Part of rim and neck. Few, tiny bits have been pitted off. c) Part of the neck. Few, tiny bits have been pitted off.
TEMP.2003.6.12 Four fragments that belong to the same vessel. a) Part of the rim, body and the handle (intact). There is white plaster on the inner surface of the handle and many bits and spots have been pitted off and colour appears peeled off, especially from the back of the handle. b)Should be rejoined to c. Part of the rim and body. Four small bits have been pitted off from the rim (exterior) and there is a bit of plaster. c) Should be rejoined to b. Part of the rim and tiny part of the body. Part of the decoration of the rim has been peeld off. d) Part of the body.
TEMP.2003.6.17 Fifteen fragments that belong to the same kylix. There are parts of the rim and body (a,b,g,k,l,m,n) of the body (c,h,i,j,o) and of rim, body and part of the handles (d,e,f). a) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Layer of white plaster and small bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Interior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and small spots that have been chipped off from the left and bottom edge of the fragment. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: White plaster and two areas that have been chipped off from the top edge of the fragment. Exterior: White plaster and two small spots that have been chipped off. d) Should be rejoined to e. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the rim and bottom part, as well as some pitting off (rim). Exterior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the upper part of the body. The handle is also missing, apart from its lowest part. e) Should be rejoined to d. Interior: There are two spots (rim, bottom) that have been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Most of the handle is also missing. f) Should be rejoined to g and h. Interior: There is a layer of white plaster, few tiny bits that have been pitted off and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Exterior: There is white plaster, a spot that has been chipped off from the top right side and some peeling off of the colour on the handle, whose largest part is also missing. g) Should be rejoined to f and h. Tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior. h) Should be rejoined to f and g. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. i) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. j) White plaster on the interior. k) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: tiny bits that have been pitted off and slight traces of plaster. l) Could be rejoined to n. Interior: White plaster and a spot that has been pitted off. Exterior: White plaster and some bits that have been pitted off. m) Interior: Layer of plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the bottom left edge. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off from the bottom right edge. n) Could be rejoined to l. Interior: White plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster, some pitting off and a large spot that has been chipped off from the decorated area. o) Traces of white plaster on both sides.
TEMP.2003.6.23 Nine fragments of the same vessel's shoulder (a and b) and body. a) Interior: The upper part seems to have been left reserved, but glazed?, but the lower part is streaky black. There are some bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. There are two small spots that have been chipped off from the bottom of the fragment and some bits that have been pitted off from the joining point of the neck to the shoulder. b) Should be rejoined to c. Interior: Streaky black and two small spots have been chipped off. There are many bits that have been pitted off at the bottom of the fragment. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. There are tiny bits that have been pitted off. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Streaky black, and a spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Two small spots have been chipped off from the left bottom of the fragment. d) Interior: Has been scraped off. e) Interior: There are spots that have been chipped off. Exterior: There are two large spots that have been chipped off. f) Interior: Streaky black and several bits have been pitted off. g) Interior: Half of the surface has been scraped off and on the rest there are several bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: One small spot has been pitted off. h) Interior: There are large areas that have been scraped and few bits that have been chipped off. i) Interior: Part of the surface has been scraped off and there are bits that have been pitted off on the rest of the surface. Exterior: Two deep, short scratches?
TEMP.2003.6.25 Small broken fragment piece, fairly worn.
TEMP.2003.6.26 Fragment worn in places. There are white spots all over the interior, and small chips along the exterior.
TEMP.2003.6.6 a) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one handle (the other one is missing) and body of the vessel. Small bits have been pitted off, as well as parts of the colour on some areas. The glaze also seems to be scraped off, apart from the surfaces decorated with palmettes. There are traces of white plaster (on the exterior), especially at the upper part of the handle's springs. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Part of the rim and body of the vessel. The area above the decoration on the body seems scraped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one of the springs of the other handle (that is missing) and part of the vessel's body. White plaster is apparent on most of the external surface. Traces of adhesives? exist on the internal surface of the rim d) Part of the rim and body of the vessel. Adhesives on the rim (interior and exterior). e) Part of the vessel's lower body. Tiny bits have been pitted off from both sides and colour has fadded away on some areas. f) Part of the vessel's resting surface. The foot is missing and there are adhesives and white plaster on the joining point of the foot with the base.
TEMP.2003.6.7 Seven fragments of the rim, body and handles of the same vessel. a) Traces of white plaster. Small bits have been pitted off (interior). d) Few bits have been pitted off. e) Few tiny bits have been pitted off. g) Part of the handle and body. Spots have been pitted off.
TEMP.2003.6.8 Seven fragments that belong to the same vessel. There is white plaster on both sides of each fragment. b) Adhesives on the exterior. The black gloss has been peeled off at some areas. e) Adhesives, especially on the external left side of the fragment. f) Small bits have been pitted off, and a shallow scratch on the lowest part of the body and a cracking on the central part of the resting surface. g) Looks like it has been flaked off from the vessel.
TEMP.2003.7.49 Intact. Both sides of the coin are worn down, and the sides are chipped. There appears to be some small bits of green weathering around the coin.
TEMP.2003.7.55 Single fragment; glaze chipped in small places. One side covered in white deposits.
TEMP.2003.7.56 One side covered in white deposits and other side small white deposits. Crack on one side, near handle fragment.
TEMP.2003.7.58 Single rim fragment. One side good condition, just one tiny chip on rim. Other side half covered in white deposits and small chip in middle area.
TEMP.2003.7.59 Slightly scratched. Small white deposits on both sides.
TEMP.2003.7.70 Single fragment, with a few small scratches and marks.
TEMP.2003.8.14 Single fragment with faded colours: black band faded to grey; black glaze on the either side a few small patches revealing the terracotta beneath. Grey and black deposits on edges.
TEMP.2007.2.70 Fragment of base with small chips in the glaze all around the base
TEMP.2007.3.61 red in colour, but well preserved; only worn around edges; 2 small dents on edge but mainly complete
TEMP.2007.3.63 fairly good; reverse is very worn; small chip missing on the edge
TEMP.2007.3.72 red in colour, white in recesses; not too worn, reverse is good; 3 small cuts and uneven edge in general
TEMP.2007.3.75 red and green weathering discolouration; images quite worn; 2 small dents on edge but mainly complete
TEMP.2007.3.77 red and green discolouration but good overall; slightly worn but still clear; 2 small dents in edge and extra bit on the side
TEMP.2012.11.29 broken into 10 pieces and glued. Small part missing from lip
TEMP.2014.9.19 Fragment missing. Multiple small chips and scratches all over interior and exterior.
TEMP.2014.9.20 Small chip in rim
TEMP.2022.5.10 small fragment with surface deposits and discolouring 2.5
TEMP.2022.5.11 Small and fragmentary
TEMP.2022.5.4 Fragmentary and small.
TEMP.2022.5.6 Small, fragmentary, and chipped around the edges.
The Ure Museum is part of
The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading, RG6 6AH