The handles are almost a rectangle shape, and are shaped to angle straight out from the edge of the Kylix, turning up slightly at the end.
Rounded, deep fat body with a small down turning discus and a large filling hole in the centre, small 'kick' at the bottom of the reservoir. Straight sided flat long nozzle with a slightly oval wick hole. Small foot with a slightly concave base.
Tall inslanting rim with plain round lip, sharply turning to a short shoulder that broadens to an ovoid body, which tapers to a tall moulded foot, comprised of a beveled top, two concave elements, a carination, below which a scotia above a torus. The resting surface is ridged and the underside consists of a pointed convex centre, within a tapering concave part. Two u-shaped handles, round in section, rise from the bottom of the shoulder to high above the rim. On either side of each handle is a pointed lug.