Ribbon handle with projecting ends. Inside is black with two red bands at centre. On turned-in rim, one black band (level with the bottom of the handle) and one red band. The body is decorated with black lanceolate leaves bordered on the outside by five lines alternating black and red, on inner by two lines and band in black. The foot is decorated with black band and, on the base, a wide red band, two thin black bands, two central bands and a dot.
Black on buff, there are leaves around the inside and outside of the rim. Below the rim on the outside is a band of horizontal v shapes. On the main area of the fragment are three redish/black bands, the middle thicker than the other two. On the broad black band, Greek key pattern in applied white paint is still visible. On the lower edge of the fragment is the edge of a black circle. The back of the fragment, except for the rim, is red.
Inside and outside is black glaze. Curved foot is black on outside. Resting surface is reserved. Inside foot ring is black. Base, from middle to outside, has central dot and circle in thinned glaze and broad band in black, then a reserved band.
Creamy white throughout. Patterns in dull black. Rectangular patterns with lines inside with a right-angled crossings on outside and similar rectangle design inside but curved.
Creamy-white clay. Patterns in dull black on pinkish ground, rectangles and lines on the outside and a curved pattern inside. Small section of rim (?)
The ground of the clay is pinkish inside and creamy outside. No finished edges. Patterns in dull black, curvilinear, on both sides. The pattern is curved on both surfaces.
Coarse ware with a white core. Inside is white, with red curved line around fracture. Outside is also white with red bands and dentate band (see drawing on card). Fragment is angled suggesting that part of it may have been the base of the vessel.
Inside is white with wavy red line. Outside is also white with red chevrons and slanting line.
No finished edges. Red core and red interior. White on outside with dark brown / red detail in a triangular shape.
Two fragments joined. Core is reddish-brown. Inside is white with two wavy lines in red. Outside is white as well with two thick and two thin straight lines in red. Curves as though it may have been part of the neck of the vessel.
Red clay with white slip on both sides and decorative red stripes, angled like very open chevrons, on outside. Inside, trace of red across on corner perhaps evidence of lost interior design. No finished edges so it is a middle piece.
Pink, with decoration of red stripes on creamy ground on outside. Very coarse material and no decoration on the interior surface. No finished edges.
Pink with wavy red stripes on white ground on outside. Reserved on the interior surface. No finished edges.
Fragment of coarse Neolithic pottery, pink with grey core, traces of decoration in red on outside and reserved inside.
Pink surface with white slip on each side. Linear decoration in red. Outside is horizontally striped and inside is half red with half the surface with white diagonal stripes. The fragment is a middle piece as there are no finished edges.
Fragment of thick clay with rim attached. Buff clay with black paint. Inside is painted black. The Outside has a black narrow band at rim with a coiled leaf pattern below, followed by blurry bands.
Clear buff clay with brownish-black paint. Outside broad band at rim with some red showing through. Below, on body are linked spirals with red glaze appearing through black. Inside the rim is black with the lower part of the fragment reserved. There is however, the start of a line running downwards at right.
Panel decoration. Broken wave band on neck; below this the end of a broad band and the beginning of a thinner vertical line bordering the panel on the right; within this frame a network composed of papyrus motives, horizontal and facing left with circles in the blank spaces. Inside a broad band extends from the top of the fragment (and presumably from the top of the vase) to the level fo the top of the band on the outside, the rest reserved.
Shiny red-brown paint on pale buff clay. On outside is a broad band under rim with a loop with cross-piece in centre hanging from it. Both parts have transverse bars. Below and along fracture is a curved line. The interior surface is reserved in the lower part but has as broad band covering rim at the top.
Core is grey and the surface is red. Both sides have a linear pattern formed into rectangular shapes. The interior surface has lines with adjoined rectangles with lines inside them too. A similar pattern is reflected on the outside but less clear.At one end remains part of a bored hole, perhaps for suspension.
On the outside trace of a groundline in black glaze followed by a narrow line in reserve, a stripe of 0.5 cm in black glaze, another narrow line in reserve and black glaze for the remaining surface. Inside is unadorned with 3 horizontal wheel marks.
The face is moulded, with ringlets at forehead, beaded hair at sides, and wavy locks as a beard, tongue protruding from mouth. The face is encircled in a u-shaped element terminating in volutes; petals on the outside. The face and other decoration are painted brown; a painted band beneath the face indicates the top of the dress.
Black paint on inside and outside, very chipped and faded.
One half of outside is grey lines on a white surface, in an unidentifiable pattern; Other half is hatched grey lines on white paint with brown spots in centre and red band just visible at very edge of fragment; all decoration appear faded
Brown circular lines on both inside and outside of fragment
Worn black paint on outside with red paint line following curve
Inside painted black with red band at rim; Outside dark brown band by rim, with black paint below chipped band
Black paint on inside; Black lines on white paint on outside, some running perpendicular to others, very worn
Black paint on inside; White paint with parallel black lines on outside
Solid black paint on inside; black lines on outside
Black paint on both inside and outside; outside has four white paint arcs that could be concentric white circles, inside has single white paint arc; decoration worn
Grooves on inside and outside possibly part of decoration or could simply be relic from manufacure
Black paint on inside; some bits of black paint including a line on outside but possibly worn
Black paint on inside; red and brown parallel lines on outside
Black paint on inside; Scraps of black paint on outside
Mostly worn black paint on inside and outside
Black paint on inside; outside has lines of faded brown on a white background in both parallel line designs and chevrons; heavily worn
Worn black paint with thick white paint band on inner surface; worn bands of black paint on outside suggesting more complicated pattern but difficult to recognise
Hard to distinguish;coloured in black on inside; some black lines on outside
Vrey faded black zig-zags near rim on outside; two rough faded black lines on edge of fragment.
Thick black band below rim on both inside and outside of fragment; two black lines on rim; part of zig zag pattern at bottom of outer surface of fragment.
Black paint inside and outside, but not on underside of base; worn
Black paint on inside; thick bands of red paint on outside
Black paint on inside; black line around rim on outside with two black lines running perpendicular to it
Worn black paint on inside and outside
3 red lines on outside
Black lines on outside with very faded brown lines perpendicular, red paint on inside
Black paint on inside and outside, worn
Dark brown paint on inside and outside
Displays a coin showing the head and shoulders of a young man wearing a wreath, profile facing right, with unrecognisable writing around the outside.
Displays a coin depicting a large bird, possibly an eagle, with unrecognisable writing around the outside.
Displays a man, wearing a hat and a cloak, kneeling down and tending to a small animal. Some letters around the outside.
Displays a man, wearing a hat and a cloak, kneeling down and tending to a small animal. Some letters around the outside.
Painted a matte black on the outside, a more glossy black on the inside.
Slightly glossy black paint on inside surface, matte black on outside, very fine incised lines on outside of clay body.
Displays three women, standing together with their arms around each other, mostly naked except for one piece of cloth wrapped around them. Some Greek writing around the outside. (Box Index = The Three Graces).
Displays the front view of a naked man, standing by what may be a tree stump, holding a tall, thin object in his right hand. Some Greek writing around the outside. (Box Index = Palamede).
Both inside and outside painted matte black.
Inside surafce painted matte black, outside surface painted white.
Surface slipped with red-orange wash. Strap handle sloping inwards; black glazed on the outside; inside in reserve. Row of uniform parallel black lines at the junction of the shoulder and neck. On the shoulder, five black palmettes, the central one inverted, with black tendrils and dots in between. On the body, black glaze misfired with two red parallel lines just below the junction of the shoulder and body.
Black glaze on the outside of the fragment.
Outside of fragment covered in a plain white ground. Red glaze seen on the top right area of the fragment; potentially the start of a depiction? Thin horizontal stripe of black glaze at the top of the fragment; start of the neck of the vessel.
A scene depicting from left to right: Hercules , Athena, and a clothed woman. The two figures on the outside are looking towards a helmeted Athena who is holding an olive branch and spear.
inside of the fragment is undecorated. The outside of the fragment is decorated with part of teardrop and coil pattern.
Inside reserved. Outside: feet and bottom of garment of figure running right; vertical line to right, bottom of stick or thryssos. Meander and dotted square pattern. Ruddled.
Inside reserved. Outside: tendril; meander and dotted square pattern. Ruddled.
Inside: reserved. Outside: legs of youth holding stick - thyssos?; woman robed from neck to foot, running or dancing. Meander and dotted square pattern. Ruddled.
Inside reserved. Outside: bust of woman with arm outstretched left; postion of tendril. Slight trace of ruddle. Patch of black inside, overflowed from rim.
Inside is black apart from reserved rim. Two oblong handles, black on top and reserved underneath. Black rim runs around outside of the rim which is slightly offset. Main design is a satyr and maenad with tree between flanked by palmettes. Thin black band and black stem. Foot is black on top and reserved side. Resting surface is reserved and inside is half black and half reserved. Small central dot and circle.
Clay greyish. Inside, with reserved circle, woman running with tray in one hand, uncertain object in other. Rocky ground shown by black spots on reserved surface. Around the inside rim of the kylix are heart and flower shape patterns attached to long flowing lines.Added white, sometimes touched with yellow. On deep rim, ivy beneath. Outside A: two men facing each other holding different uncetain objects there are three circular objects around them, two with a dot in the middle and the other with a cross. Three palmette patterns surround each of the men, but as some of the kylix is missing these patterns are not all complete, the patterns also change slightly when under the handle. The lower quarter of presumably similar picture of the men can also be seen.
Rim has black wave design. Two female heads separated by palmettes. Knob has whole palmette design. And white, and yellow residue colouring around the whole of the pyxis. Central knob with rays and circle in middle. Inside and outside of rim on knob is black but top is reserved. Underside is reserved.
Black inside. Wave pattern around rim. Outside shows winged Eros on his knees (all above his waist is missing), garland in right hand, ribbon in left. Added yellow and white. At each handle is a palmette flanked by tendrils. Attached to tendril on left is a serrated leaf. Foot has ruddled band, black side and inside and a ruddled, flat base.
On the outside are several patterns, likely painted on as part of a larger decoration upon the original artefact as a complete object. The inside has a single large, slightly curved light orange line; again, potentially part of a larger pattern on the interior of the artefact.
Black inside and out. Two superimposed red lines just below level of handles. Painted black on the outside and inside is left reserved. Just above foot is left resereved with black vertical lines serving as rays. Outer foot ring is black, as is resting surface. Base is red with two bands in centre.
Stamped in the centre is a single palmette, surrounded by ring of eight palmettes at irregular intervals, outside an incised circle, and beyond that a similar ring of sixteen palmettes outside another incised cirlcle. Foot ring is black inside and out as is resting surface. Base is flat and ruddled with central black dot.
Black glaze inside and outside. Purple band on exterior of rim; narrower white band below. Reserved on underside.
Reddish-brown glaze outside and inside; two red stripes outside
Black glaze inside and outside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze inside and outside
Black glaze pattern outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside; two white stripes outside, on upper body; one white strip inside, also on upper body.
Reddish-brown glaze outside and inside; two white stripes below rim outside; one white strip below rim inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black inside, with 8 ivy leaves reserved on rim joined by a stem and with groups of white berries. At the base of the inside is a stamped pattern of 5 linked palmettes around a horse shoe pattern with ovules inside, and there are ovules around the outside between bands. Side A is a youth with discus and athlete holding aryballos and side B is an athlete and youth with a discus hanging on the wall. Below each handle is a group of three palmettes. Moulded ridge above foot, which is black all over. Base is reserved in centre with three black bands, two broad and one narrow.
Paint fired red. The rim of the bowl is red. Inside has an eight pointed cross whose spokes reach from the rim to the base. Outside has a red band around rim and a main design of seven long-necked birds facing right with dot rosettes in the field. On bottom is an uneven, eight-spoked wheel with two holes pierced in bottom, one opposite the other.
The handle is black with a reserved line at the foot of each tier. The surface of the lid shows alternate palmettes and lotuses, four of each, joined by tendrils. Towards the edge of the lip is a thin black line, with a thicker one outside it that goes right to the edge of the rim. The underside of the lid is reserved.
Lip inside and outside black. Shoulder: five lotus buds separated by spots, body- probably a runner facing left between youthfull onlookers; the figures in the center and on the left completely repainted. Below, thick black band. Rim of foot missing, but remainder is reserved.
The inside is black at the base and reserved up the interior walls. On the upper surface around mouth are alternating black and red tongues surrounded by double row of dots between lines. Outside these is black around the curved body down the stem to the foot. Black glaze badly fired revealing many colours. Side of foot is reserved as is resting surface and central base section which is flat but raised a long way inside the footring which is black inside.
The vessel bears impressed (stamped) decoration and is black inside, as well as outside. There is a rope-shaped plastic motif above the shoulder of the vessel and the body is ribbed (long, tongue-shaped motives). Below the handle there are ten impressed palmettes (voluted with narrow divisions), arranged in an inverted triangle. The resting surface bears traces of a red line, its shallow inner side bears a black band, the central part is red and there is a black circle with a dot at the centre.
Inside is black with reserved line at lip. The rim isblack on the outside. The object is reserved apart from the design of two boxers between two seated men who are facing them. On each side of the scene are the tips of the wings of sphinxes, who were presumably facing the handles. Red is used for hair and folds in garments. Detail is incised.
Inside is black with a reserved line halfway down rim and a reserved centre circle with a black band and a central dot. The rim is vertical and offset slightly. Two handles are black all over. Outside design, from top to bottom is, black rim, lotus bud and dots linked with chain, black band with narrower bands either side, alternating buds and dots slighlty diagonal, black band with narrower bands either side, rays. At top is a red ridge that then leads to a ribbed and reserved stem. The lower half is black as is the top of the foot and the side. The foot has a thicker ridge around the edge resulting in a channel effect going all the way around it. The resting surface and conical base are reserved apart from the inner ring of the foot which is black.
Handle black on outside and reserved underneath. Shoulder: rays and long, thin lotus buds; black band at join with body. Top of bod: two rows black dots bordered by smaller white dots. Body: ram in cauldron set on tripod over a fire, flanked by two females holding wreaths on either side. Below is a broad black band with a thin band between reserved bands either side. Lower step of foot black; base reserved.
This is probably the scene in which Medea tricked the daughters of Peleus: she killed an old ram, cut up its body and threw it in a boiling cauldron. Medea, a sorceress, restored the ram's life and made it young. Whereupon Pelias' daughters kill Pelias and toss his body into the cauldron. Medea did not, however, restore Pelias' life and was driven out of Iolcus.
Outside, a dozen daubs of paint irregularly placed. Inside, uneven band round rim and black daub in centre.
The inside is streaky black, the outside is unpainted except the ledge at the bottom of the body which is streaky black. The flange supports the lid. The lid fits over the body to rest on the flange. The top of the lid is also flanged. From the middle of this flange rises a cut-off, grooved cone. The main surface of the lid is decorated with a streaky glaze with a repetitive pattern: two reserved vertical lines followed by a reserved oval. This seems to have been repeated around the whole body but one half of the glaze/pattern is missing.
Handle has black glaze on the outside. Shoulder: broad band at base of neck. Between two dolphins a crossed rosette with white dots round edge. White also for line at back of head of dolphins. Body: two panthers facing, necks red. Three shapeless blobs in field. Below main zone, thick black band onto top of foot. Resting surface of foot reserved.
In the top zone, oblique palmette, wild goat to right with head turned back (only tip of beard preserved), added red on black and haunch, reserved line on belly, in field dot rosette, crossed dumb-bell ornament, dotted double spiral; black zone with bands white-red-white superimposed; rays (tip of one preserved). Inside black with a reserved band a little below rim and two groups of bands, white-red-white, roughly on a level with the top and bottom of the broad black band outside.
pale slip; interior: black band on short up-turned rim, extending slightly inside; on floor, from outside, key maeander frieze; black band with added red band lined in white; large black dot rosette; further similar band; exterior: accidental black line extending from rim; four narrow black bands and wide band;
Outside, a band below the rim, three lower down, faded black on greyish-buff clay. Inside, on a thin pale slip, large dots on the flat rim, a broad black band with thinner bands of red (and white?) superimposed, and what might be the top of a horse's head to left, showing the beginning of the eye on the extreme left, the ear in the centre, and the main impinging on the framing broad band.
Black (partly fired red) on thin creamy-buff slip. Outside, on edge of rim blobs; on body bands. Inside, on flat rim solid triangles and dots bordered by narrow bands of diluted black, on body key pattern; between this and the rim two bands, the outer and broader red, the inner black with thin, almost golden, inner edge.
Glaze fired brown; pale slip; interior: from outside, part undetermined black fire decoration; black band; maeander frieze between two wide black bands with added red bands lined in white; exterior: ring foot glazed; on underside, two narrow bands.
On top of mouth frieze of dots between narrow black bands; dots on edge; horizontal strokes between narrow black bands down outside of handle; ring hole painted black; around ring hole, wide and narrow black bands with incision lines; around edge, black-figure decoration;consisting of horse riders (only incision marks of horse's head and traces of black remaining) to left;
Interior: black with added white and red bands; exterior: top of lip black; one dotted rosette preserved in lip zone, above wide black (fired red) band; outside of handle black;
Clay the usual grey, but the white ground of the outside is more stony and less milky than normal. Outside, back hair in three tresses and a spiral curl and part of wing of sphinx. Inside streaky black with one band of better preserved black due to disappearance of superimposed red or white.
pale slip; interior: black-figure decoration consisting of part of Gorgoneion's head and hair with added red; exterior: from outside, parts of frieze of short verticals; black band; two narrow dilute bands; broad black band with added red and white bands on top; three dilute bands; dot frieze;
Lid are palmettes and tendrils, three ridges painted black and bars to edge which is slightly raised. Underside is black around edge and reserved in the centre. Body is black inside and on outer rim. Design on sides comprised of alternating palmettes and lotuses (three of each) joined by tendrils. Below is a broad black band, ridge with red either sid eand rays. Inset tripod foot which is black at top and red on outside but black inside feet. Base ruddled
The rim on the outside has a thick black band round it, which stops at the top of the handles. On both sides of the handle, the same images are repeated, showing the figure of a bird in between two palmettes with stems ending in a curling ventril with a pendant pointing down towards the foot. Beneath each handle is an ivy leaf with a curled stem. Below these images, is a thin black band, and then a thick one that also encompasses the top side of the foot. The edge of the foot is grooved and reserved, as is the outer rim of the base of the foot. On the base of the foot, there is a well approx 3.8cm wide and 1.5cm deep. The inside of this well and a rim around the edge is fired black, but is mostly red. The inside of the Kylix shows a thin black band that has been extended from the outside. Then there is a thin reserved band, the rest of the inside entirely glazed, except for a small reserved circle in the centre.
The rim of the mouth has a thin redish band round it, below is reserved, and then there is another thin reddish band. The handles begin just below this band, but rise above the mouth of the pot. The outside of the handles are black, the inside reserved. On either side of each handle are small blunt spurs (four in total). The main zone of the body is decorated, on either side, with lotuses between palmettes. Between the spurs and the handles are ivy leaves (three with stems, one without). Beneath each handle, there is a palmette. Below the main zone are three red bands, a thin one on either side of a thick one. There is then a reserved space, before another thin band, below which is a thick one. The molded foot has reserved ridges on either side of a reddish-black one. The base of the foot is also reserved. The inside of the pot is red.
On the flat top of the knob, there is a 16 rayed astar in black. On the stem of the lid, are four seperate bands. On the lid, there is an ivy wreath with a faint red stem running through the middle, in between two thin black bands. Outside this, there is a band of leaves and then a plain outer band that reaches the rim. The underneath of the lid is reserved and has a ridge about 1.5cm in.
Handles have a mixed pattern of horizontal lines at the top and bottom with vertical lines in the middle with the underneath reserved. Inside is almost ribbed in texture and painted black/brown with convex circle at centre. Outside is reserved apart from pattern which is similar both sides. Central design is a four-spoked wheel within two circles flanked by two horizontal patterns of crossed lines and three vertical lines. Below is two bands then brown almost to bottom except for a thin reserved band at base. Underneath is flat and reserved.
Greenish ground. Inside is purple/red band then brown paint inside. Outside from top to bottom; black, white, red, white, brown, white, red. Eight black rays radiating from bottom. On base are three concentric black circles, the outermost is the broadest.
Large part of one side smeared(?). The paint is fired red throughout. On the rim is a red band, the inside of the pot is completely red, though the glaze appears black towardes the centre. On the outside, a thick red band lies above two rows of leaves, separated by a thin band. Below the second row of leaves is another thick band, which reaches nearly to the rim of the foot. The foot rim and base are reserved.
Black band round rim. Handles also have a black gaze, but only on their upper half. Inside the bowl are two seperate thick black bands. On the outside are two more black bands, though roughly half the width of the first, starting just below the handles. The smallest ridge on the foot is glazed as an extention of the band that surrounds it. Heavy fabric.
The bowl shows linear decoration in black (fired orange-red) and (purple) red on buff. Groups of four bars on rim and inside, a thin band just underneath the lip. Large red/orange disk in centre of bowl. Outside of bowl features a pattern of wave-like pattern beginning underneath the handles, with one thin band either side. Below this, more plain bands are evident, one thick, the rest thin until the base. Foot contains one thin band right at the top, and then a thick one on the inside.
Inside black with reserved disk within one black circle in bottom. Reserved band at lip, just inside. Offset rim is black on outside. Two handles are black on the top and reserved underneath. Main design is similar on both sides and shows a seated man between standing women and youths, and a sphinx facing away from the group on eiach side. All the standing figures are facing the seated one: this is perhaps Zeus at the centre of the Pantheon of gods. Footring is black inside and out and the resting surface and lower third of outer edge is reserved. Base within footring is reserved and convex.
Inside is black, as is the outer rim and the outside of the two oblong handles, although the inside is reserved. Thin red band runs under black rim on outside of pot. The main design is the same on both sides and is of two cattle (bulls ?) one grazing between palmettes. Possible traces of coloured bands on black portion. Black band beneath and then the stem is also black. The foot is black on top, side, resting surface and part of underneath, although centre is reserved.
The rim turns sharply out and has a thick black band round it, below which is a thick reserved band. The interior is mostly black with a well (approx 3.7 cm) in the centre of the dish that has a thin reserved band just outside it, and a small reserved disk in the centre. The handles are rounded at the far end, and have black tips. On the main zone; A: Curling tendril and leaf between upright palmettes. B to A, with addition of vertical wavy line between palmette on right and handle. Below is a thin coloured band, a reserved band, and then colour down to and including the stem of the foot. The edge of the foot has two ridges on it, the lower of which is black, the upper one reserved. The base of the rim is also reserved. The base of the foot slopes inwards, the walls of the slope are red, then the centre is reserved except for a thin red band and a red dot in the centre.
Black glaze; purple stripe outside; purple top
The outer edge of the rim has a thick black band. Below this, is the main zone and the handles. The handles finish above the height of the kylix, and are black on the outside, reserved on the inside. On the main zone: A. Nike flying with garland; B. Pegasus. Either side of each figure, are palmettes which end in a curling vendril with a pendant. Below this is a thin black band, then a reserved one. The rest of the body is black, until two thirds of the way down the edge of the foot. The lower ridge of the foot is reserved. On the base of the foot, the edge is reserved. Most of the base is black except for a thin reserved band near the ridge and two bands on the inside of the well in the foot. Except for a reserved band around the inside rim, inside the body is entirely black.
Outside, thirteen palmettes separated by dot rosettes above and single large dots below; coarse incised line across heart of each. In handle zone zigzags. Inside and outside foot-ring and base within foot-ring black. Top of rim black. Inside black with reserved band, then black band, than reserved circle with image of Sphinx inside it.
Four handles, three with decoration, one without. Decoration black (mostly fired red) and red (purple) on creamy-buff. Zones of pattern: vertical bars (which go up onto the rim and three handles); zigzag; dotted lozenges; triangles separated by hanging loops or dot rosettes. Red used for thin bands dividing each zone. Stem and foot have five redish/black bands round them. Rim of foot edged with small vertical lines. Foot and stem decorated with two more bands. Inside kylix, two black bands round outside, then three smaller in the middle.
Inside, red rim, black band, red band, black and red band around centre. On outside, red rim, black with two red bands and two more above the reserved zone with vertical lines to base. Red band on outside of foot and five band and a central dot.
Inside, is black but partly misfired red around the rim. Outside, from top to bottom, red and black depending on how it was fired. Traces of two red bands, blank band with leaning vertical lines down to base. Red foot and on base black, red, black lines.
Rim and inside black, except for reserved disk in centre. On the outside, a black band which stops at the top of the handles. Main zone shows palmettes and lotus buds standing on degenerate cable. Palmette, or degenerate lotus, of three leaves under each handle. Tall stem to the foot and band around it is black, with thin reserved band around it. Side of the foot and resting surface is reserved; on bottom of foot, broad black band. Well is also reserved.
Originally black inside, outside and on rim, as was handle and neck. Small ridge at base of neck. Back of lekythos is black and the design on the front is reserved and is of Nike (winged victory), flying with her hands outstretched presumably holding a wreath which is now lost. In front and below her is a swirling tendril. The detail on her clothing is drawn out in black. The foot is black on the top and reserved on the side and underneath, which is flat in the centre.
The vase is black, both on the inside and the outside, with the exception of few, red lines. A sloping rim allows the lid to sit over the aperture. There is a reserved line on topside of the body, a red, carved circle and a groove around. There are also two, concentric carvings, one in the middle of the body's upper surface and the other one at its side. At the level where the body is divided in two areas there is a reserved line, while another one is apparent at the point where the body is narrower, above the point where it connects with the stem. The latter is divided in two areas by two, plastic, thin, red rings. Below, there are vertical ridges, one third the way down, wider towards the upper surface of the foot, whose larger part they cover with their moulded, tongue-shaped terminations. There is also a carved circle, surrounding these terminations. The foot is grooved and reserved in places. The surface underneath is irregularly painted black, with the central part reserved.
Cup mouth black inside and out and reserved on the rim. Single handle is black on outside and reserved underneath. Shoulder has inner ring of spots and outer ring of rays. Body has two rows of dots at top above the main design of a chariot with horses galloping right (heads of two horses, five hind legs). Beyond horses is Athena running left. Added white for Athena's flesh and helmet. Bands below and bottom of body os black. Foot is stepped with the side of the lower step reserved. Base reserved.
Mouth red on inside and outside, with lip reserved. Single handle which is red on top and reserved underneath, as is neck. Shoulder design is a cockrel with red on is facing right between stemmed ivy leaves. Black band around shoulder, faded to red. Body design is, from left to right, a standing man facing right, a seated man facing right, a standing man with robes draped over shoulder, facing left, a man standing facing left. All men have spears. Men are balck faded to red but eith red headbands. Detail is incised. Irregular black band then balck stem. Foot is balck on top and reserved on side and base which has central concave circle.
Inside is black with a reserved band below offset rim and a reserved circle at the centre. On the outside is black rim, band of lotus buds and dots linked by a chain, two narrow bands, thick black band, another two narrow black bands, wave pattern with dots between bands, black band, rays. The top part of stem is reserved and the bottom is black; the top of the foot is black as is the side. The resting surface is reserved as is the conical base. The inside of the footring is black.
The top of the rim is reserved with a black line round the edge. The outside is decorated with two vertical bars between two horizontal lines; below which there is a line of black dots. The pot slopes inwards towards the foot and shows a black band. The rim of the foot itself, also has a thin black band round it, which is repeated on the inside of the rim. In the middle of the base of the foot is a roughly drawn black circle. The inside of the pot is completely black.
Inside black with a reserved line at rim. Outside, head and shoulder of boy with his himation pulled up over the back of his head; on the wall tablets hanging vertically; behind his head part of a fillet hanging up. No relief contour; hair contour reserved; brown lines for marking on tablets; surface an unusually deep red.
Inside, part of a meander border. Outside, feet and lower part of himation of male leaning on a stick. No relief contour; brown for border of back fold of himation.
Inside, 20b, meander border broken by cross, small piece of drapery. Outside, 19, two males in himatia facing, standing by a cushioned stool; hanging on the wall a shield and sheathed sword; 20a, tendril and corner of drapery; 21, tendril and part of himation; 22 and 23, bits of himation. No relief contour; brown for border of himation on 12 and 22, markings on seat of stool, cushion, and sword sheath.
Inside, 21, 22, meander border broken by square (rubbed and indistinct). Outside, 20, arm and part of body of woman dancing, the sleeve of her chiton pulled down over her hand; watching her a male in himation with stick, behind him a dropping lotus; 21, legs of male in himation with stick; 22, palmette. No relief contour; brown for bottom edge of himation.
Inside black with no reserved line at the rim; 27b, meander border. Outside, 17a, ivy leaf springing from handle base, foot, and lower part of himation; 28, corner of drapery, fillet hanging on wall; 29, head of male wrapped in himation, halter hanging on wal; 30, part of body of male tightly wrapped in himation. No relief contour; brown for bottom edge of himation on 27a.
Inside, a fine reserved line round rim; 5b, a pair of reserved lines framing a medallion; 6b, part of the outer line of this fram; 7b, shoulder and lower part of face of bearded man. Outside, 4 and 5a, part of palmette complex around handle; 6a, part of figure wearing chlamys, tendril, and lotus; 7a, foot, two reserved lines beneath figure zone. Relief contour for most of the tendrils, but not for drapery nor palmette leaves nor lotus. Remains of red ochre on the reserved patch under the handle.
Inside, reserved line around the rim; in a medallion framed by a key pattern broken by a chequered square, a male in himation leaning on a stick in conversation with an athlete (legs only). Outside, between palmettes an athlete with his arm resting on a pillar over which his cloak falls; on his right a man with a stick, on his left another male (face missing). Relief contour for pillar, walking sticks, and back of neck of all the figures. Hair contour reserved. Added colour, probably red, for fillet of bearded man, white for garland of the clothed figure in the medallion.
Inside, 8, meander border, part of head and shoulder of a woman wearing saccos, chiton (a very small part of the neck border alone remains), and himation; 9, bottom of himation with one foot. Outside, surface destroyed, leaving only a tiny piece of tendril. Relief contour for foot; relief lines for ear, saccos, folds, and ankle; thinned brown glaze for bottom edge of himation and line of dots ornamenting saccos.
Black gloss covers the entire vessel, except for the underside of the foot. The gloss is not lustrous and on the exterior towards the foot is fired brownish. Inside the bottom of bowl, a brownish band caused by foot of another vase fired within it in the kiln. Inside is stamped design of four palmettes outside two concentric circles with an egg and dot pattern attached to the second one. Red paint is applied on the underside of the foot. It is decorated with a wide black band and a black dot at the centre. Between them, two thin concentric circles of almost invisible thinned glaze.
Reserved resting surface and reserved and ruddled band around outside of foot. The interior of the bowl is black with four stamped palmettes set roughly crosswise in centre with rouletted ring.
Mouth is black inside, outside and on rim, as is handle and neck. Body has black glaze apart from design on front which is a sphinx with face and hind feet missing. Below is an egg frieze. A diluted glaze has been used for fine dots and strolus on wing. Foot is unevenly glazed on side. Resting surface and raised base are ruddled and flat.
Inside is reserved with black rim inside and with crosses on the outside. Handle has horizontal bars and crosses. On neck, grazing horse with degenerate long-legged bird between each pair of legs. From shoulder to base bands, lozenge and other ornaments in the field, flanked by vertical lines, slanting bars and horizontal zigzags. Horizontal handles, attached halfway down body, decorated with vertical bars. Lower part of base is black to foot. Base is concave and reserved.
Black exterior, except the inner side and beneath handles. Black interior, with gorgoneion framed with red line. The hair of the Gorgon is black and red alternate and the tongue is red. Stem has a red band around it. Foot is reserved on outside with a black band on inside. Base is raised and reserved with black dot and circle in centre.
Originally covered in a black slip. The top of the mouth is a darker brown, the inside and outside of the walls of the mouth are a darker colour.
Inside and outside of rim is black and there are five dots inside. Main design is two pairs of female heads all wearing head-dresses, facing one another. Detail painted in black. On outer rim are rough dots. Underside of lid is black.
Finer fabric than RM.87.35.13 and 29.9.2. Black interior with reserved band on rim. Exterior of rim is black followed beneath by further reserved band. Black band above handles followed by reserved band. Handles black on outside only. Lower body and foot black. Reserved resting surface and inside of foot.
Inside has black bands and a central black dot. Outside has a rim with dotted rosettes in handle zone. Black band above main design of 9 inverted swans with red bodies and black necks. Groups of dashes in the field. Black band below design with vertical rays to foot. Foot is black on top, reserved on resting surface, black badn and reserved centre, which is convex.
Handles: black on top and reserved underneath. Inside and outside of mouth is black but the top is reserved, with accidental smears of paint. Neck is reserved and there are black tongues on the shoulder. Side A shows 3 mantled onlookers separated by objects like long leaves tapering downwards. Two are facing left and one is facing right. On side B is a runner holding an indistinguishable object. Ivy leaf under one handle and leaves in the field. Below picture is black to foot which is reserved on the side and underneath.
Black mouth, black inside, reserved lip. Single curved handle black outside and reserved underneath. Bars at base of neck and lotus buds. At top of body are two rows of dots alternating black and white between black bands. Main design is of man reclining between two seated women. On couch beside him is a naked hetaira. Remains of branches with white fruit just visible. Figures are robed and detail is in white. Two reserved bands below on black glaze. Foot is stepped, side of both steps reserved. Base is reserved.
Brownish-buff ground. Inside is black with traces of red lines. Outside from top to bottom, vertical black (now red) wavy lines, two red, one black, two narrow black, wide red, two narrow black, wide black, two narrow black bands. Foot is brown and base has four concentric circles. iddle thick band red, rest of decoration brownish-black. Worms in handle zone, then two thin bands.
Knob raises slightly from the centre, flat on top. Lip rounded and sloped. Grooved concentric rings around the outside and inside forming stepped ridges. Warped.
Bowl-skyphos shaped and inside was painted brown. Outside, from top to bottom are concentric yellow, white, orange, black circles, with triangles between and pendant pairs of white spots. Below are pairs of red and white vertical strokes. The lower part is reserved. White band around foot. Lid is dark brown with central knob handle and steep shoulder but flat rim. Pattern matches that of circles and triangles on base.
Mouth and rim all black and black inside down to base of rim, then reserved. Two handles, one each side, all black. Both sides have a wave pattern above scene. Between tall tendrils: Side A a youth running with a rosette in the field. Side B is a woman running with garland in hand and a fillet hanging up. Black background carelessly applied, overlapping parts of pattern. Reserved band under scene. Foot black on outside, the rest of the underneath is reserved and flat.
Mouth black inside and outside. Reserved rim. Handles painted black on top and reserved underneath. Each handle has two lines down the back dividing it into three sections and a dolphin (?) painted in black below each one. The neck has two rows of ivy leaves separated by a band of dots. Ridge at base of neck and petals around shoulder. Both sides have a similar design of a warrior setting out between two onlookers. Detail is incised. Below is a double row of staggered dots and rays. Foot is black on top and side, but reserved on resting surface and base.
Mouth coloured black inside, outside, neck red. Handle black on outside and reserved underneath. On shoulder, black rays below fine ridge at base of neck, then lotus flowers - white outer petals alternating with black buds. Body has a silvery black glaze with two red lines at top, another just under the figure scene and another just in the junction with the base. In added white, bearded charioteer with two galloping horses. They are in profile to the left. He is holding the reigns of the horses. Naked with fillet on hair and belt, both shown incised. Row of white dots above the scene. Details of man's body and horses' incised. Disk foot has reserved edge, base is reserved.
Clay reddish, glaze thin and streaky. In upper part two pairs of vertical bands; in lower a broad horizontal band. Inside black to depth of 2.0cm from lip, rest reserved. Handles black on outside. Foot reserved.
Three careless thick vertical bands of white slip, which start just below the join of the knob and the bell, and slip onto the underside of the bell; otherwise reserved. Striations on the inside and outside of the bell indicate that it was formed on a wheel, although the knob and striking ball were probably not.
Lid: Straight sides and a moulded rim at the top and bottom, both red. The plastic ring at the top of the lid black. The top is decorated with a depiction of a male figure, perhaps Dionysus (Ure) or Pan (Boardman) with horns springing from his head. He wears an animal skin (brownish dots) over his shoulders, with a hoof dangling. He seems to be stepping or sitting on another animal skin. In raised left hand he holds an indeterminate instrument (Ure: handleless fork; Boardman: syrinx) and he rests his right hand, brought before his body, on an oar-shaped object (trumpet; Ure: winnowing fan; Boardman: 'lagobolon'). To his left is the forepart of a pig (or dog?), and to his right, a basket with three corn stalks. There is also a red, thin line at the joining point of the plastic ring and the lid. The decoration of the side surface of the lid is a motif of vertical, hanging, wavy tongues, between reddish brown bands. There is also one inverted heart-shaped motif at some point between the tongues.
Body: There is a red line at the rim and another one at half the way up the body, both on the inside and the outside. On the interior there are two, concentric, reddish-brown circles. Exterior: There is also a red line at the bottom of the body, while the disk-shaped ring is reddish-brown. Wide rim at base. Underside is reserved and central section flat.
Inside is reserved except for picture of Heracles in a black corselet over spotted chiton with flame borders. Club in his right hand and bow and arrow in his left. Originally only red for framing circle inside the black band around rim but much has faded to red that was black. Two handles, one either side have been dipped. Outside are dots around rim with band below. Reserved then to resting surface and inner foot-ring which are red. Base is concave and reserved except for small red circle at center.
Bowl of rather coarse clay. Interior glossed black, although only traces of brown remain. Two rounded handles, one on each side, with traces of faint brownish-black gloss. Outside, narrow bands immediately below rim and at base of handles. Between the handles is pair of parallel wavy lines (only on front). Black gloss from below handles to foot. Foot is rounded and base is concave and reserved.
Flared mouth, black inside, with flat rim which is reserved. Outside of mouth and handle black but neck and underside of handle reserved. Shoulder has two rings, the inner of dots and the outer of rays or lotus buds. Body is black with lustrious glaze except for a reserved band at top and bottom of main design which is a woman walking to right with her hand extended. Stem and foot are black and side of foot is reserved. Base is flat and reserved.
Interior black glaze, except a reserved band just inside rim. Upper body reserved with darker red and black decoration; Three horizontal brown lines around the outside rim, six sets of five vertical lines spaced evenly around the upper body alternating with four occurrences of three concentric circles surrounding a central dot. Three horizontal lines below it separate this section from the lower body which is black except for one reserved band in the middle. Handles are a darker reddish brown (2.5YR 4/6). There is an incised cross on the inside of one handle only. The slightly flared foot is also black with a reserved resting surface and underside.
The rim of the mouth has leaves all round it. The outside of the rim has a thick black band. On the main zone are pairs of ivy leaves (one pointing up the other down), joined by their vines. In between these are pairs of dot flowers. All of this lies between two pairs of horizontal lines. The slight slope towards the foot is black. The top of the foot is reserved but appears to have once been black. The base of the foot is reserved except for a thin black band on the inside of the rim, another about halfway in, and then a small dot in the centre of the base. The inside of the pot is completely black.
Interior reserved except for red central interior surrounded by thin red and black bands. The vertical part of the interior of the rim has black and brownish bands. Decoration of thin red and black bands, with dots at edge of mouth and outlined tongues round shoulder. Outside of handle black. The underside of the foot decorated with three concentric black bands and dot at the centre. The ring on the interior and exterior covered with brownish paint. The resting surface has two thin concentric brownish bands. Sloping part of the body two thin brown bands. Above the ridge, brown band and that part covered with brown paint.
Mouth and rim all black. Single handle is black on the outside and reserved on the underside. Neck is reserved. Shoulder has a row of rays and a row of lotus flowers. Body design is 10 rows of debased chequerboard. There are irregular drops of paint on the back. The decorated part of the body is followed by a narrow black band followed by black stem. The foot is black on the top but reserved on the side. Base is reserved.
Inside is black with a reserved ring in centre (around hole) and a reserved band on the junction of the offset rim with the body. Rim is black outside and there is a moulded, reserved ridge above handles on the junction of the rim with the body. Two handles, one on each side are black on top and reserved underneath. Below the shoudler ridge is a band of lotus buds with dots all joined by a chain below, black band, band of eight inverted birds (cockerels and hens (?) one smudged) with a dot rosette. The figure zone is framed by thinly painted brown lines, two on each end. Black band follows and three thin brown lines which encircle the black rays rising out from the root of the stem.
Inside and outside of mouth and handle is black as is neck and back of body. At base of neck is a key / meander design between two moulded ridges and only appears on the front. On the body, metope bearing the figure decoration. On the top of the metope. black tongues.Main design is in a panel showing a Quadriga moving to the left. Horses' heads turned towards different directions. One to the left, other three run their heads to the centre facng each other. On the quadriga, hoplites in profile either side both facing right, holding shields and spears and wearing helmets. One of the shields is decorated with a feline picked out in white, only the back part of which can be seen. Behind the quadriga, a hoplite in profile to the right. He is holding his spear and seems ready to attack. He has a shield decorated with three dots with added white, he wears a short chiton, a cuirass and a Corinthian helmet. In front of the chariot, hoplite in profile, moving to the left, having his head turned backwards. He is wearing cuirass, short chiton, a helmet. He is holding his shield and two spears. Added red-purple on reins of horses and headbands and tunic of warriors, as well as contours of the shields. Added white on lion of the shield and decoration of the shield of the second hoplite which is not clear, the edge of the sword of the first hoplite, the dots on the shiled and a band on the body of the last hoplite. Red band at base of panel running all around the vase's body and foot is black on top, but reserved on side. Resting surface reserved.
Interior black. Main zone, lotus chain, dotted. Lower part of body black with one red band. Purple moulding at junction of stem and body. Top of stem reserved and channelled. Outside of footring rounded and black inside of footring black almost up to top, tip of interior of footring and resting surface reserved. Underside of the handles reserved.
Inside streaky black, worn. Outside, dull black with a horizontal band 3 mm wide in the top third of the fragment.
Black glaze is rather silvered. Rim offset outside and inside. Two oblong, horizontal handles bending upwards, one higher than the other. Resting surface and underside of the base are reserved with a dot and black painted band around it. Foot is moulded in ridges.
Neck and mouth, inside and outside, are black. Decoration in a panel. The top of th epanel is decorated with small balck tongues. Under them,lotus buds and flowers, purple patch on each flower, with a row of black dots above them. Cock to the right faces swan to the left, with extended wings. Added purple on wings. Above cock, dots and small line, ramines of an unidentified decorative pattern as background decoration? The rest of the body and three handles are black. The resting surface and interior of vessel are reserved. The glazed interior of the neck is decorated with 3 thin purple bands. Under the decorated panel, two thin purple bands, running all around the body of the vessel. Underside of the handles reserved.
The rim is black, both on the inside and on the outside. The back of the handle is also black, but the underside is reserved. The neck is reserved, but glazed apart from a thick purple band on its lower part. On the sloping junction of the neck with the shoulder, black tongues. Both interrupted at the joining point of the handle to the neck. The shoulder is covered with a guilloche (pattern of interwoven fillets) with teardropped terminations. In the middle of two upper and two lower black lines there are two rows of black dots that begin on the edge of the second left figure of the main scene and stop at the edge of the last person. In the centre of the scene, a male figure in profile to the right with as short mantle, a quiver on his back (Herakles) is attacking a kneeling Amazon. With his left hand, he is gradding her from the air and with the right he is holding a sword, with which he is ready to kill her. The Amazon, in profile to the left, is wearing a helmet, holding a very long spear with her arm and her shiled with the left. From his waist, her sword is hanging. This scene is flanked by two other battle scenes. On the left side, an Amazon is attacking a Greek. He is wearing a cuirass, helmet, he is hloding his spear and his shield and he is shown ready to fall down. Tha Amazon has atteacked him with her spear. She is wearing a helmet and a short chiton. On the right, an Amazon and a Greek are shown in profile running towards the left, projecting their spears. The Amazon is wearing a ahsort chiton and a helmet. She is holding her shield, covering large part of her body. A frontal head of a lion decorates the shield. A sword hanging from her waist. The male warrior wears a short chiton and has a shield and a helmet. The Amazons have long hair and wear helmets with longer and bigger crests. Incisions and added red are used for details. Added red: parts of the chitons of the warriors anad the Amazons, hair of the warrior in the middle, fillets on Amazon's heads and the frame of the shield of the running Amazon.
Below the scene, there are two lines (not evenly formed at all in their length) and a band of added red. Below that, the vessel is black, with two concentric circles on the surface of the foot. The resting surface is reserved.
Inside is black and red, very thin and streaky in a swirl pattern. Handles are painted black. Around outside, between handles are vertical bars. The rest of the surface is black with some traces of red bands, except stem which is reserved. Side of footring is black, base is concave and reserved.
Upper part of the outside is buff whereas the lower part and the entire inside are both pink. On the outside buff section, are coarsely incised groups of lines in groups of three. Some are vertical and others are inclined. Pink foot and resting surface and base. Base has central convex section.
Reserved inside. Paint on outside is black, lustreless and largely worn towards base of body. Two handles painted black on top but reserved underneath. In handle zone, within a panel framed with bands of dots is an ivy spray (on both sides). Lower band of dots carried round below handles. Bottom of object is black until reserved band just above foot. Flaring foot, black on top and reserved and conical underneath.
Lid: lowest tier of knob black, upper tiers reserved. Stem and band around stem black, then another black band, main design of trident-lotuses and palmettes. Side of lid black, underside reserved.
Lekanis: interior black with a streaky spiral pattern through which the clay shows; handles originally black; broken wave pattern around outside of rim, then black band; lower part of body, outside of footring and resting surface black; base reserved.
Inside is streaky black showing red through. Handles and outside are also black. Side A: A woman standing with her back to a chair, holding out a fillet in her right hand. Side B: A youth in himation holding two spears (?) of which heads are not visible, being too tall for space avaliable. The detail on both figures is picked out in black paint. Two ruddled bands run around base of pot below figures. Foot is black on top and side and inside foot ring; resting surface and underside reserved. Base is ruddled and has three black bands and a central black dot.
Fragment appears to be showing two characters, though only their legs and part of the robes they are wearing are visible; it could be part of a story being told. Beneath the feet of the characters are two circular lines which, probably part of a pattern. On the left side of the fragment are several lines with dots around the outside of them which could be a visual representation of grape vines. Around both the vines and next to one of the characters are several larger black dots that could be larger fruits. The right side of the fragment appears to portray another pattern consisting of several wavy lines, though this one is harder to fully make out than the others.
On the outside surface is a figure zone, on the left edge of which appears to be the edge of a square. To the right of this is the lower half of what appears to be a swastika and below, a dot rosette. A vertical palmette is figured in the middle of the surface, to the right of which is the tail end of a bird, the head and neck missing. Below all of this, is a curved black line, and then the edge of what could be a circle. The inside is covered in black gloss.
Singular arm of handle remains, outside of which has a black glaze, the inside does not. Remains of rim, same colour as this handle. Dot rosette and dotted swastika below handle, tip of palmette leaf on right of handle. Two dark brown bands at bottom edge of fragment.
Several lines on the outside forming a pattern, likely part of a clearer image on the original object it comes from.
Plus symbol and a straight line symbol painted on outside, likely part of a larger pattern on the object it is originally from. On inside are two differing shades, one a dark grey colour, and the other a dark brown, the grey being on the outer side, and the brown on the inner.
The inside is black with a reserved band around the inside of the rim and again roughly half way down the inside. In the centre is the remains of a brown disk. On the outside, only part of the rim and main zone of skyphos remains, as well as one handle. The handle is mostly black, but reserved on the inside. The main zone shows: parts of three palmettes, one upright, one reversed, then another upright in black. A thick black band runs round the outside of the rim, a thin one underneath the main zone. The stem is black as is the upper ridge of rim of the foot. The lower ridge is reserved, as is the base of the foot, except for a band of red/brown about half a cm in. The inside of the foot is hollow and reserved, except for a very thin red/brown band, and a dot in the centre.
The rim, leading to a band on the ouside is black, as is the entire inside of the fragment. Below the band on the outside is a horizontal 'S' shape pattern with small dots above and below it. To the left of this is a big black blob, which is slightly raised to suggest a handle ? Below the 'S' shape are four parallel lines, below which is a thin brownish band, a gap, and then what looks like the edge of a black circle. The second fragment has no rim and also shows a black blob which looks like it should be the base of a second handle. The inside of the fragment is againentirely black. On the outside of this fragment, there is no 'S' shape pattern or parallel lines, but there is a brownish band, below which is the edge of what seems to be a black circle, the same as fragment 'a'.
About half foot and side to H. of c.1.5 cm, of small cup. Clay pink. Red for black inside and out, with res about 1 cm wide running diagonally across side and foot. Underneath, broad purple ring in centre, and groove near edge. Outside, two narrow pu
Moulded ring around the filling hole, depressed ring outside the moulded ring. Black glaze on the interior which has leaked out of the wick hole and run down part of the nozzle.
Black glaze on the outside and inside, the surface shiny.
Flat, black, open bowl with moulded foot. Base of foot is reserved, with black inner ring and a tiny black dot in the middle of the inner ring. Outside the reserved area is a thick black ring outlining base of foot. Above the black ring there is a thin red line around the bottom of the body.
Plain black glaze across most of the fragment. A small line is imprinted on the outside.
30 fragments, largely side B, small part of side A, handle and rim fragments. Side B three youths. a) The top surface of the rim is black and so is the interior, apart from a reserved area at the end of the rim that bears a thin, black line. The neck is decorated with a vague representation of a brach with laurel leaves. The joining point of neck and body that is preserved bears part of a black, thick line. b) The interior and top surface of the rim is black, with the exception of a reserved band on the end of the rim (interior) that bears a thin, black line. c) The handle is black, except for the surface that would not have been visible if it was attached on the vessel, which is reserved (but glazed). Around the spring of the handle there is a motif between two thin lines that resembles the ionic cyma (egg-and-dot). The rest of the vessel is black, both on the outside and the inside. d) The handle is black, apart from the surface that would not have been visible, where there are two dots. Around the spring of the handle there is part of the ionic-cyma motif. e) There is part of the ionic cyma motif that the handle bears around its spring and the rest of the surface is black (interior and exterior), apart from part of a small chess-shaped motif, framed by a line above and two below. f) It is black apart from an area that bears a small part of the motif that contours the springs of the handles, a small, diagonal, reserved band (exterior) and a reserved band (interior). g) The surface is black (interior and exterior) except for three thin lines that are reserved. h) The interior is black. Exterior: Above a double-meander pattern, placed on a reserved band and between two lines, there are two heraldic lion paws, even though the details have fadded away. i) The interior is black. Exterior: The lower part of the drapery and the foot of a figure, surrounded by black colour. j) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of a vertical, reserved thin band is standing on a broad, reserved band that bears between two black lines part of a pattern that consists of a meander and a cross on its right. The cross is contoured by a reserved area (around its sides), while its is executed on a black background. k) The interior bears a thin, reserved band. Exterior: The back part of a male figure's head and shoulder, as well as part of the drapery. l) Black interior. Exterior: The male figure's shoulder and part of his draped body. On his right there is the outer part of the motif that contours the springs of the handles. m) Part of the male figure's leg, knee and tibia, which is projected, as if he is ready to take a step. On the left top side there is part of a vertical, thin, reserved band (upper part of a walking-stick). n) Black interior. Exterior: The lowest part of the figure's drapery and a vague representation of his feet ? He appears to be standing on a pattern that consists of a chess-like motif close to two, double-meander ones, framed by two lines above and one below. o) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of the figure's walking-stick that seems to stand on the double-meander pattern. On the left of the walking-stick, there is part of the back side of another draped figure (male), with the same careless rendering of the feet. p) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the walking-stick and drapery of the second figure. q) Black interior. Exterior: Small part of the second figure's drapery. r) Black interior. Exterior: Small part of the second figure's drapery. s) Small part of the second figure's drapery. t) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the lower termination of the second figure's drapery as well as his right foot? On the left, part of his walking-stick. He seems to be standing on part of the double-meander pattern. u) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the pattern that consists of the chess-like motif, next to part of a double-meander one, on top of which there is the lowest part of a figure's foot? (clumsily rendered). v) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of the drapery and right foot of another similar figure that satnds on the double-meander pattern. w) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. x) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. y) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. z) Black interior. Exterior: Part of a male figure's arm and hand. aa, ab and ac) Part of the rim and neck. The exterior bears a broad black band and the interior bears a reserved area between two black bands. ad) There is a reserved line on the interior, while the exterior is black, apart from a reserved spot of unclear shape and another, similar one that bears a thin, black line.
Amphora stamp. Round circular stamp, with words around the outside of the circle and a picture or symbol which is difficult to make out in the centre. Stamp is on lower part of handle. There is a small hole on the break of the handle.
The internal beads are sewed in a diamond form. The ones on the outside frame the bead net. There's a sacred scarab in the upper area of the net. Beneath it, there are 4 ornaments/amulets, that appear to be the four sons of Horus.
black and jade green glaze inside, green outside.
Outside: vertical worm pattern (curved zigzag) on handle zone; below, wide red band between two narrow red bands, two black bands, black around foot. Resting surface reserved, red band round inside of foot ring. Inside black with hints of a red band.
Inside of mouth and exterior of rim black, while lip is reserved. Body is mostly reserved. Handles are black on the outside, and reserved on the insides. Below the handles are three thin black bands. The top of the foot and a thick band above it are black, but resting surface and base are reserved.
Two handles, partially painted black. Inside is a red rim, then black with two red bands superimposed. Outside (from top to bottom) are two thin bands, three rows of uneven dots, middle row red, three bands, two rows of small dots, three bands, broad area left clear, three bands around foot, foot red. Highly ornate base with dots, red band (repeated) and in centre is a cross with four dots around it. The base has moulded ridges for added decoration.
Inside black, reserved line at lip. Two kylix handles, black on the top and reserved underrneath. Main picture is in handle zone and is similar on both sides. Shows Dionysos seated, flanked by palmettes with vines running either side of him. Detail picked out in red and white. Foot rind reserved outside, black inside. Base reserved with central dot, small ring in dripped glaze, thick black ring and near circumference also fire circles in thinned glaze.
Black inside, outside and rim. Handle is black all over as is top half of neck. Lower half of neck has an umbrella pattern with 12 tongues on top. Large palmette with tendrils under handle on body and tendrils either side of scene. Scene is a woman standing, facing right, holding mirror in right hand and a box in left looking at seated Eros who is holding a mirror in his right hand. Added yellow over white, and white on Eros's wings, mirrors, box and headresses. Traces of miltos. Reserved band beneath scene. Black foot but reserved resting surface and base. (Modern) red cross drawn on base.
Red rim; two handles, coloured black. In the handle zone pomegranate pattern in three rows, the middle row red; below, one red line between two black; a broad black band with a pair of superimposed red lines at top and bottom; one red line an done black immediately above foot. Foot-ring black outside, two black rings on resting surface; inside of foot-ring red; on the bottom a central dot and pair of small thin rings, near the circumference a broad ring, all black. The edge of the flange supporting the lid, red. Handles black. Inside of bowl originally black with traces of one pair of red circles.
Mouth is black just inside rim but interior walls are reserved. The handle is black all over as is back of neck and back of body. On neck at the front is a wave pattern which forms the horizontal part of a reserved outline to the picture. Within this box is a woman with flowing robes, facing to the right holding a wreath in her right hand and a plate / tray in her left. Tendril pattern to her right at bottom of picture and a rosette in the field. Added white to bracelets, head dress and rosette. Foot was originally black outside with reserved resting surface and flat base.
Mouth is blacked just inside rim, leaving interior walls reserved. Handle, back of neck, and back of body are all black. Wave pattern on neck forms upper part of a reserved frame around a figural scene. This scene depicts a horned youth, running to right but facing profile to left, with cloak over his left arm, carrying a tray in his right hand. Tendrils each side of him emerge from the base and four rosettes and one fillet are in the field. Added white and yellow on horns, rosettes, tray and head dress. Foot is black on outside and the base is reserved.
Inside is black with no reserved sections. Outside is black with a groove just below rim and another two at top of stem. Foot is flat and black on the top but reserved on the side. Black band around very bottom of side of foot. The resting surface is reserved and the inner foot ring is black. Small reserved circle raised up inside foot with a black band and a small black central dot.
Entirely black, except reserved on the inside of the spout and the underside including resting surface, and red figure decoration: line at middle of neck; ray band at lowest part of neck, above dots; figural scene between two sideways palmettes, enclosed, from the outside bottom of each emerges tendrils; short ray band at interior of lower handle attachment; 10-leaf palmette at exterior of lower handle attachment; flange decorated with egg-and-dot band, beneath a black line; the sides are decorated with an ivy design, effected through incision (tendrils) and added white (leaves). Reserved line band just below join of body and foot.
The figural scene on the shoulder depicts seated youth seated profile to the right, facing a woman, seated profile to the right, but turning profile to the left. The youth, nude except for a hairband, sits on drapery, alongside which he hangs his left arm, and reaches a wreath, held in his left hand, towards the woman; she, wearing a crenellated stephane and a belted chiton, is seated perhaps on a cushion (comprised of dots), helds her right arm, slightly lowered, towards the wreath, and holds a box in her slightly raised left hand. A four-petal rosette is beneath her right arm.
Mouth black outside; reserved neck; black on exterior of handle; band of black vertical bars above band of black rays on shoulder. Body (at front, only): black line; two rows of black dots alternating with white dots; two black lines; figural scene. Body, below: black band, black line, broad black band, black line, black to foot and on top of foot; black band on lower part of concave element; otherwise reserved. Figural scene depicts a male figure wrestling a bull. The figures are flanked by trees with black and white fruits and thin vines. The heros clothes hang on the left tree and his quiver hangs above him. While this scene might depict either Herakles with the Cretan bull or Theseus with the (same) bull of Marathon, the incisions on the head covering (slightly stippled) suggest that this is a schematic rendering of Herakles lion-scalp helmet. Added white is used for the rendering of details such as fruit on trees, as well as the forepart of the bull, and his tail, while incision is used to indicate the drapery, quiver, and musculature of the hero, as well as his head covering. On attribution, cf. CVA Cambridge 1, pls. 22, 21.
Black glaze, with red lip, two red lines between two white lines at shoulder; red line on lower part of body; red band on outside of foot. Underside reserved; trace of black on the resting surface.
Moulded decoration around the shoulder from outside in; a depressed ring, three bands of raised dots, (all three disturbed by the handle, one disturbed by the nozzle) a raised moulding of sets of three lines radiating in a band, a moulded ring surrounding the discus. Handle has two lines on its crest extending to the base. The base has lines delineating the base, but also has two small circular indentations along the handle nozzle axis. Dark red wash all over.
Rim and handle of cup. Fragment is completely reserved. Handle is small and pinched in a triangular shape. Handle is attached to a lower rim, suggesting that a lid was once present which would sit outside this rim. The higher rim is almost to the top of handle. Towards bottom of fragment, the slope becomes steeper as it gets nearer to base.
Small fragment with part of rim remianing suggesting trefoil mouth. Ridges inside caused by sloping shoulders outside.
Coarse clay with many inclusions making it rough. Simplistic design. Colours vary but are not painted and object is reserved all over. Sides are uneven. White deposits on outside toward base.
No visible decoration on the inside or outside, though on the base part there is a slight fade to the design, which could simply be put down to fading of pigment over time.
No visible decoration on the inside or outside. Whole outer part appears to be singular shade of black glaze.
Bowl with two handles, the rim has a black band around the top which goes both inside and outside the bowl. Below this on the inside, is a very thick black band that stops to leave an empty circle in the centre of the bowl. The handles begin about an inch below the rim on the outside of the bowl, but curve up and out to finish roughly on level with the rim. They are painted with black glaze only on the underside. Above the base of the handles there is a subtle ridge, below which there are three lines of pattern, which look like petals. Below these, there is a thin black band, a small space, and then a thick black band which goes down to the ridge of the foot. The foot itself appears to consist of two flattish disks, the lower with a black band round it. On the bottom of the foot, there is another black band part way in, and then a smaller one with a black dot in the middle.
Long light-brown/buff object, from part of a figurine. Slightly thinner at the middle than at the outside and also slightly bent inwards. Small hole at one end.
Fragment of pot, including slight buldge where handle begins. Exterior, black lines on white background. At the right edge of the top there is a triangluar bit of black that looks like it originally belonged to a square surrounded on both verticle sides by twin sets of thin brown verticle lines. Less than 1 from the top there are two brown lines that follow the curve of the jug horizontally spaced .3 apart. Under these lines on the left is a large2.5 hieght figure eight pattern made up of three lines that swirl around to create the eight, with little v's on the outside of the eight pointed away from where the figure eight lines cross. On the right side, two bworn/black lines curve around where the handle would have begun. The handle section is all black, although chipped. Under the figure eight is a .6 thick black lines running horizontally around the pot, broken by a thin pink line a little below the middle. there are two other thin pink lines equidistant from this first one, one above and one below it by about .4, the top pink line being right above the top of the black line. Underneith the bottom pink line is a segment of a different pattern. Interior is black over pink and white, which is worn away enough in many parts to see the pink and white colors. two thin and faded white lines form bands near the top.
Inside is dark grey coloured, whereas outside is more light orange coloured. Upper part of outside appears to have a black line across the top that has been worn away over time. The middle section has a thicker brown line which likely went around the entirety of the original artefact. Lower part of object is dark grey, again likely part of a larger coloured section of the origional, complete object.
Fragment, glazed black on both sides. On the outside half way down are two very thin, parallel, slightly faded, white lines. On the inside are two thin, parallel, brown lines along one edge.
incised decoration on inside and circular pattern on outside, possible base of circular vessel