Ure Museum Database

There are 123 objects for which Decoration contains → outer
11.10.2 Cup mouth originally black inside and out with lip reserved. Shoulder had rays and lotus buds. On back, long verticle smear of paint below handle. Main zone is palmettes and lotus buds on cable, perhaps with white outer continuous lines. Bottom of body was orignally black, as is top of foot. Side of foot is reserved as is base.
14.9.40 Buff clay with dull black paint. The outer surface has a band at the rim with a double foliate band on body with another plain band below. The inside surface is chocolate brown faded from black.
14.9.41 Pinkish clay with black paint. Outer surface has a narrow band at rim above two rows of dots between thin bands with plain bands below. Interior surface has a creamy-yellow slip.
14.9.44 Top edge of rim is painted black. Buff clay with black paint. Outer surface has a ripple pattern based on horizontal band. Inside has similar but the ripple pattern does not extend below the rim, and sits on two bands inside bowl.
14.9.46 Black decoration on the outer side of the handle finishing in a V shape at the false lid. The lowest part of the false neck also is decorated with black paint which has discoloured in fierinf process. False lid has a black disk surrounded by three concentric circles with reserved areas separating them.
14.9.48 Brick red paint on pinkish buff clay. Interior surface has Two red bands, on on top of rim and one just below. Main scene is a chariot with three passengers facing to right. The broad band below rim has practically obliterated the heads and shoulders. On outer surface is a red band just below rim.
14.9.60 Series of bands; 1 thin followed by a thick red band with several darker lines through it, 2 rows of dots set between three faint red lines followed by a thick darker band and 2 thin bands all on pale buff surface. Outer edge has traces of painted line and underside is reserved.
14.9.61 Outer edge has row of dark brown dots. On top, first band is same dark brown colour which is followed by 3 redder bands, a row of dots the same colour and 3 more reddish bands. All the bands are approx. the same width.Background is pale buff. Underside is reserved.
20.4.1 Resting surface black, base black with cushion mouldings. Inside, remains of an incised pattern showing part of an outer zone of tongues from a double (or triple) rosette.
2006.12.10 Inner surface painted black; outer surface painted black with unpainted spiral on it
2006.12.105 Black paint over much of the outer surface, although it is worn and chipped.
2006.12.111 Very faded black and white painted lines on both inner and outer surface.
2006.12.114 Worn black paint on inside; black triangle on what remains of base and two thick worn black paint bands on outer surface.
2006.12.116 Black paint on inner surface; black and faded brown lines on outer surface.
2006.12.119 Black and white paint bands on inner surface; black and white paint on outer surface but badly damaged.
2006.12.12 On the inner surface shallow and thick black/red-brown lines with thick section of black paint. On outer surface there are spiral patterns in between two sets of lines in brown.
2006.12.120 BLack paint on innser surface; unevenly shaped black lines running in different decorations on outer surface; worn.
2006.12.124 Black paint on inner surface; bands of faded brown and thicker black paint on outer surface.
2006.12.13 Inner surface painted black with uncoloured band; outer surface has worn lines perpendicular to rim, with hints of further decoration lower, unidentifiable due to chipping
2006.12.2 Black paint on outer surface, worn
2006.12.24 Lower surface painted black. Upper surface divided into two parts by raised circular ridge. Outer part painted black, inner part white with concentric red rings near centre
2006.12.28 Rim and inner surface painted black. Outer surface may have been painted white. Five raised bands on rim.
2006.12.32 Inner side painted black. Outer side decoration is very faded, consisting of black, white and red painted bands.
2006.12.34 Inner side likely painted black, although is now mostly gone. Outer side has black ring in center with concentric white ring. Black rays extend out from white circle.
2006.12.35 Inner side painted black, outer side has unpainted raised bands with black paints in between
2006.12.4 Inner surface painted black with unpainted band near rim; outer surface painted black near rim, area below unpainted but with curved line suggesting part of larger design. Paint is worn near rim
2006.12.8 Black glaze with red band on inner surface; worn red and black paint on rim; black paint on outer surface, slightly worn and chipped
2007.10.2.318 Possibly the image on a shield. With a chariot and horses in the inner circle and on the outer circle are images of the horoscope star signs.
2007.10.2.319 Oval shaped shield, with chariot and horses on the inner oval, and images of star signs and astrology on the outer oval.
2007.10.2.320 Oval shaped shield, with chariot and horses on the inner oval, and images of star signs and astrology on the outer oval.
2007.4.116 Very faded black paint lines visible on both inner and outer surface, but not enough to assess decoration
2007.4.118 Concentric black paint bands on rim; black paint band following rim on outer surface with perpendicular black lines coming off it; worn and faded
2007.4.119 Outer surface deocration heavily worn, possible scraps of white and black paint but no discernable pattern; inner surface has irregular black paint tongues on rim and black and white paint bands on inner surface, worn
2007.4.121 Scraps of black paint on white background on outer surface; worn
2007.4.122 Black paint on inner ? surface; brown paint on outer ? surface; small size of fragment makes definitive assessment difficult
2007.4.123 Black paint on inner surface; black paint with two uncoloured bands near rim on outer surface; uncoloured bands have tracces of white paint on them suggesting they were previously entirely white
2007.4.127 Hatched black ? lines on outer surface, heavily worn and faded
2007.4.128 black paint with band of uncoloured on inner surface; Thick black bands with thinner faded brown bands on white paint on outer surface; worn and chipped
2007.4.136 Very worn, but evidence of ridges on outer side
2007.4.205 Thick black band below rim on both inside and outside of fragment; two black lines on rim; part of zig zag pattern at bottom of outer surface of fragment.
2007.4.228 Inner surface has faded black-brown-red lines running round inside of rim with area below painted entirely black; outer surface has three sets of three concentric circles.
2007.4.234 Very faded black paint on outer surface, very faded white paint on innser surface
2007.4.72 Close inspection of outer surface shows a very faint parallel lines and zig zag pattern. Paint has presumably almost entirely worn away.
2007.4.73 Black lines on outer surface, very worn and difficult to tell what original design was
2007.4.84 Outer surface half reddy brown, half black
2007.4.87 Two black and red painted arcs on outer surface
2007.9.3.48 Three female figures - the 'Three Graces'. The two outer females are facing forwards whilst the middle female shows her back.
2007.9.4 Outer and inner surfaces painted black, the inside paint being of a more glossy nature.
2008.9.29 Outer side of fragment covered in a plain white ground.
2008.9.33 Inner side decorated with four horizontal bands alternating between black glaze and natural fired colouring. The outer side is also decorated with four horizontal bands of alternating black glaze and natural fired colouring.
22.3.6 Black inside and out. Two superimposed red lines just below level of handles. Painted black on the outside and inside is left reserved. Just above foot is left resereved with black vertical lines serving as rays. Outer foot ring is black, as is resting surface. Base is red with two bands in centre.
26.12.10 Inside black with reserved line at top. Two handles are balck on top but reserved underneath. Outer surface top to bottom, black band on offset rim, ivy leaves, black line, inverted ivy leaves, black band, thin band, main design, three black bands, alternating red and black tongues, red ridge, black foot. Main design is similar both sides and shows a wedded pair in chariot with many onlookers or attendants of both genders. On far side of chariot is a bearded man between two women. Onlookers appear to be mostly in pairs. Women originally had white painted flesh. Clothing detail is incised. Foot is black on top but lowest point of side is reserved. Inner foot ring is black and base is reserved except for a black band in the centre.
26.12.11 Inside black with reserved line round lip and reserved disk with one black circle in the bottom. Handle is black on top and reserved underneath. Outer surface, from top to bottom has black band, ivy leaves, black band, inverted ivy leaves, two black bands, main design, three black bands, broad black band, three narrow bands, red and black alternating bars, black band, red ridge, black foot. The main design is similar both sides of Amazons fleeing a quadriga (four horse chariot). Four sphinxes, facing handles, one each side. Horses are black with detail in red and white. Lower part of side of foot reserved, as is resting surface. Inner foot ring black with base reserved except for a central dot and two rings in black.
26.12.18 Inside is black with reserved rim and central medallion outlined with bands and has a picture of a man with a staff. Figures in black with incised detail. Two handles, one on each side, are black on the top and reserved underneath. Below each handle is a single ivy leaf. The outer surface has a similar picture both sides of a satyr attacking a maenad between two palmettes. Branches with fruit in the field.
26.12.24A-B Lid: The knob of the handle is flat and circular, the top of which is black, with a small reserved well in the centre. The rim and a band below it is reserved, but the rest of the stem and a thick band surrounding it is black. A reserved zone on the upper surface depicts six palmettes, with an ivy flower after each three. The outer rim of the lid is also black, as is the inside. Lekanis: The resting surface for the lid is black. The two horizontal handles are decorated around the edge with vertical bars. On either side of each handle is a small protrusion, with a black line on each side. The walls, in the handle zone, are decorated with vertical wavy lines. The lower part of the body is black, as is in the interior. The base of the ring foot is reserved.
26.12.9 Lip black. Exterior of handle balck and interior reserved. Shoulder: broad band at base of neck, from which hang bars with a white dot at bottom of each. Body: six ivy leaves above six lotuses, buds alternating with flowers with white outer petals painted directly on the clay. Remander of the body and the foot in black. Resting surface and base reserved.
26.2.33 Black (partly fired red) on thin creamy-buff slip. Outside, on edge of rim blobs; on body bands. Inside, on flat rim solid triangles and dots bordered by narrow bands of diluted black, on body key pattern; between this and the rim two bands, the outer and broader red, the inner black with thin, almost golden, inner edge.
26.4.1A-B Lid are palmettes and tendrils, three ridges painted black and bars to edge which is slightly raised. Underside is black around edge and reserved in the centre. Body is black inside and on outer rim. Design on sides comprised of alternating palmettes and lotuses (three of each) joined by tendrils. Below is a broad black band, ridge with red either sid eand rays. Inset tripod foot which is black at top and red on outside but black inside feet. Base ruddled
26.4.2 The rim on the outside has a thick black band round it, which stops at the top of the handles. On both sides of the handle, the same images are repeated, showing the figure of a bird in between two palmettes with stems ending in a curling ventril with a pendant pointing down towards the foot. Beneath each handle is an ivy leaf with a curled stem. Below these images, is a thin black band, and then a thick one that also encompasses the top side of the foot. The edge of the foot is grooved and reserved, as is the outer rim of the base of the foot. On the base of the foot, there is a well approx 3.8cm wide and 1.5cm deep. The inside of this well and a rim around the edge is fired black, but is mostly red. The inside of the Kylix shows a thin black band that has been extended from the outside. Then there is a thin reserved band, the rest of the inside entirely glazed, except for a small reserved circle in the centre.
26.4.5 On the flat top of the knob, there is a 16 rayed astar in black. On the stem of the lid, are four seperate bands. On the lid, there is an ivy wreath with a faint red stem running through the middle, in between two thin black bands. Outside this, there is a band of leaves and then a plain outer band that reaches the rim. The underneath of the lid is reserved and has a ridge about 1.5cm in.
27.10.1 Reddish-brown on pale buff ground. On shoulder, five groups of concentric arcs, three based on outer circumference, one sideways, one base towards neck. Eight black narrow band are nestled between two broad black bands. The pattern repeats itself on the body and base three times, with a variation after the first group where there are three reddish-brown narrow bands in the buff area. The base is buff, with an overlap of a broad black band.
27.3.7 On lip rays and a circle around the outer edge. Rays on shoulder. Five broad reddish-purple bands on the body, each with two thin black lines superimposed. Between bands there are double rows of black scales. Triangular rays radiate from bottom upwards. Slightly concave base. Object is top heavy.
27.4.12 Rim decorated with black lines/petals. Inside of bowl, there is a thick band and then two smaller circles, accentuated by thin black bands. The outer circle contains small black dots, the inner circle, a star shape made out of seven lines with a black dot in the middle. Underside of the rim, shows same line/petal motif as other side, but then there is only a thin band. Inside this is an alternating swastika and dot rosette pattern, and then another thin band. A thick black band is around the neck of the foot, the rim and base of which are not glazed. The foot has a thin black band just inside the rim.
29.11.4 Inside black with reserved disk within one black circle in bottom. Reserved band at lip, just inside. Offset rim is black on outside. Two handles are black on the top and reserved underneath. Main design is similar on both sides and shows a seated man between standing women and youths, and a sphinx facing away from the group on eiach side. All the standing figures are facing the seated one: this is perhaps Zeus at the centre of the Pantheon of gods. Footring is black inside and out and the resting surface and lower third of outer edge is reserved. Base within footring is reserved and convex.
29.11.5 Inside is black, as is the outer rim and the outside of the two oblong handles, although the inside is reserved. Thin red band runs under black rim on outside of pot. The main design is the same on both sides and is of two cattle (bulls ?) one grazing between palmettes. Possible traces of coloured bands on black portion. Black band beneath and then the stem is also black. The foot is black on top, side, resting surface and part of underneath, although centre is reserved.
29.5.2 The outer edge of the rim has a thick black band. Below this, is the main zone and the handles. The handles finish above the height of the kylix, and are black on the outside, reserved on the inside. On the main zone: A. Nike flying with garland; B. Pegasus. Either side of each figure, are palmettes which end in a curling vendril with a pendant. Below this is a thin black band, then a reserved one. The rest of the body is black, until two thirds of the way down the edge of the foot. The lower ridge of the foot is reserved. On the base of the foot, the edge is reserved. Most of the base is black except for a thin reserved band near the ridge and two bands on the inside of the well in the foot. Except for a reserved band around the inside rim, inside the body is entirely black.
34.10.13 On front of body is the head of an Amazon facing right. Hair black and wearing head scarf with black dots. Foot ring is reserved. Base is ruddled and the outer circle slopes into the central circle which is convex.
34.8.7 Cup mouth black inside and out and reserved on the rim. Single handle is black on outside and reserved underneath. Shoulder has inner ring of spots and outer ring of rays. Body has two rows of dots at top above the main design of a chariot with horses galloping right (heads of two horses, five hind legs). Beyond horses is Athena running left. Added white for Athena's flesh and helmet. Bands below and bottom of body os black. Foot is stepped with the side of the lower step reserved. Base reserved.
35.5.30-33 Inside, a fine reserved line round rim; 5b, a pair of reserved lines framing a medallion; 6b, part of the outer line of this fram; 7b, shoulder and lower part of face of bearded man. Outside, 4 and 5a, part of palmette complex around handle; 6a, part of figure wearing chlamys, tendril, and lotus; 7a, foot, two reserved lines beneath figure zone. Relief contour for most of the tendrils, but not for drapery nor palmette leaves nor lotus. Remains of red ochre on the reserved patch under the handle.
37.7.5 Black inside and on top and sides of handles. Underside of handles and the body in between is reserved. Lip on outer surface is black with a reserved groove incised below. Two handles, horizontal and one either side curve slightly upwards. Below each is an ivy leaf with three long petals below and on either side of both handles is a horizontal palmette with grapes (?) attached. Both sides have a similar design of a satyr pursuing a woman (possibly a maenad), whose flesh is white. Dot rosette on peplos of A with red tunic and skirt and satyrs tail, beard and hair. Below design is black band, separated from black foot by a reserved band. Foot has black sides, inside and out but reserved resting surface.
38.4.3 Black detail faded to brown on pale buff background. Interior of mouth has faded remains of a 0.6 cm thick black circular band. The rest of the interior is reserved. The lip has indications of one, possible two extremely narrow black bands around the circumference. The neck shows signs of either having a very thick black band or several narrow black bands painted closely together. On the shoulder there are two narrow bland bands, then an 1.5 cm area of cross hatching which is surrounded on both sides by a broad black band. The handles appear to have been painted in black on the top and side, and reserved underneath. The main body of the pyxis consists of two narrow brown bands separated by the reserve, then a black band, the pattern is repeated once to the base. The base itself has a black band which overlaps from the body, then two groups of concentric rings, three in the inner circle, and four in the outer circle.
39.8.5 The inner surface is framed by a reserved line. Design shows part of a left arm and body of male seated on cushioned stool and playing a lyre. Relief contour, diluted glaze, very pale, for marking on arm and less pale for pattern on cushion and hatching. Outer surface is black and shiny.
44.1.2 Black lip above reserved neck which has black tongues below fine ridge at base. Single handle is black on top and reserved underneath. Black lotus flowers with white outer petals alternating with black buds border the flat shoulder. The body has shiny black glaze with two red lines at top and another just above bottom of body. Disk foot is reserved around edge. Base reserved.
45.1.1 Mouth has rays from outer to inner edge. Handle is black (perhaps horizontal bars?) and on that side are three rings, middle one purplish. Five rows of dots join the two sides. The triple band pattern is repeated on opposite side.
45.10.10 The interior of the vessel is black apart from the lowest part of o, whose lower part bears a reserved but glazed line. Exterior: a) On the right side, there is the upper part of a seated woman (part below her waist is missing). She is draped and wears a stephane (fillet) on her head. On the left side there is a floral motif whose stem is a wavy line that expands to the left. b) There is the back side of another seated draped female figure. c) The front side of the previous female figure. She is holding an alabastron with both her hands. d) On the lower left part there is the largest part of a voluted palmette with petal shaped divisions, connected with a tendril. The area next to the spring of the one part of the handle is reserved. e) On the bottom right there is the rest of the previous palmette, also connected with a tendril. f) On the bottom right there is the upper part of a palmette and on the upper left there is part of a tendril's volute. The area on the left of teh one spring of the handle is reserved, but glazed (plaster on top). g) Uneven black surface. h) A small part of the volute of the tendril of f and the stalk of a flower. i) Part of an inverted palmette, connceted with (part of ) a tendril, with (occasional) leaves on its sides. j) Small line, part of a tendril. k) Part of a tendril's volute. l) A figure's projected forearm and hand (figure's depicted on n?). m) On the right side, there is the stalk and part of the stem of a flower and a line that seems to be part of a tendril. There is also the spring of a handle. n) Part (head missing, neck and shoulder are scraped off, area below the knees missing) of a draped standing figure that has the left hand around the waist. o) The lowest part of a figure's drapery. p) Base. Inside tondo: seated woman with septre and standing woman holding out box. Exterior: part of floral ornament under handle. Outer and inner side of footring black, resting surface and underside reserved except for central black dot surrounded by three concentric bands. Moulded circle c.1.0 wide houses thickest, central black band.
45.10.4 Inside and outside of rim is black and there are five dots inside. Main design is two pairs of female heads all wearing head-dresses, facing one another. Detail painted in black. On outer rim are rough dots. Underside of lid is black.
45.10.7A-B Lid: The top surface bears part of a central medallion (dots contoured by double, semi-spherical line), encircled by a black line, a red band, a broader black band and a red line. There is also an ivy spray between the last red line and a similar one. At the rim there is a rather careless tongue pattern, with inner dots (identical to the one of the central medallion, only frammed by thin, black lines). Sides: There is the representation of women pursued by the winged Eros. The naked Eros is flying and his himation with white spots on its top is falling over his forearm. At the level of his face there is an inscription, with white colour KALOS and underneath, KALH, above a bent fillet with thin, short, white lines emerging from its endings. The first of the women is headed right, having extended her right? hand towards Eros and holding and raising slightly her drapery (in order to run faster). Her head is missing, but she is probably looking backwards, to see the advancing Eros. The scene is reproduced again: Anoher Eros pursues another woman, who is running towards an altar? (rectangular, altar-shaped constuction, higher than the figures with a decoration of a large cross and dots in between). Among them there is again the inscribed KALOS, KALH. Many fragments have not survived, however this woman's head is not missing. She is looking backwards and wears a diadema, made of white lines. At the other side of the altar? there is another woman approaching it, having escaped the first Eros, but looking back to see him. She wears a white diadema and the same inscription is between her and the Eros. The scene is framed by two red, concentric lines (above and below the figures). The bottom surface is left reserved. Body: There is decoration of laurel stems and berries around the outer surface with details made of added white. This motif is framed (above and below with red, thick lines). The interior of both pieces is black. The feet have a black band on the side (ca 2 cm below their joining part to the body) and the rest of the surface is left reserved, apart from a black line at the rim. Half way up the inside surface of the feet there is a thin, black band. The base's central part is decorated with a broad black, circular band between thin black lines.
45.6.15 Black lip on mouth. Neck is reserved as is the underside of the single handle. Black tongues under fine ridge at base of neck followed by a circle of black lotus flowers with white outer petals alternating with black buds. Body has black glaze, rather ruddled. Two thin red lines at top of body just below shoulder and one two thirds of the way down the body. Black disk foot with edge reserved. Base flat and reserved except for a concave central circle.
46.9.1 Mouth coloured black inside, outside, neck red. Handle black on outside and reserved underneath. On shoulder, black rays below fine ridge at base of neck, then lotus flowers - white outer petals alternating with black buds. Body has a silvery black glaze with two red lines at top, another just under the figure scene and another just in the junction with the base. In added white, bearded charioteer with two galloping horses. They are in profile to the left. He is holding the reigns of the horses. Naked with fillet on hair and belt, both shown incised. Row of white dots above the scene. Details of man's body and horses' incised. Disk foot has reserved edge, base is reserved.
47.10.3A-B Lid: glazed black, except for the underside. At the middle of the lid are two purlish-red narrow bands; a third narrow band surrounds the rim of the lid. Lekanis: glazed black, except for the underside. Interior decorated with a purplish-red band high up the outer wall, and two red bands in the bowl; exterior decorated also with three purplish-red bands, two higher up and one lower on the outer wall.
47.2.8 Black gloss except reserved bands at junction of foot and body, on resting surface, and on underside. Black concentric band on interior of foot ring; centre of underside decorated with two black circles and a central black dot within a black band. Interior decoration: at centre, 8 stamped palmettes, linked at their bases; outer band of 20 stamped palmettes, also linked at their bases; each palmette band inscribed by a band of eggs.
47.7.3 Outer rim has round pattern. Beneath each handle, palmette with side tendrils. A: Woman's head in hankerchief with hair out the back. B: Woman's head uncovered. Around foot is a broad black band then a reserved zone with a thin black band in the middle. Base is black and depressed in centre.
48.12.11 Flared mouth, black inside, with flat rim which is reserved. Outside of mouth and handle black but neck and underside of handle reserved. Shoulder has two rings, the inner of dots and the outer of rays or lotus buds. Body is black with lustrious glaze except for a reserved band at top and bottom of main design which is a woman walking to right with her hand extended. Stem and foot are black and side of foot is reserved. Base is flat and reserved.
48.12.13 Rim of the neck is painted red on the inner side, the outer surface of the neck is painted brown. Two black lines on a white wash decorate the shoulder, the handles are painted black on their outer surface. The upper body is decorated with a red band at the top then (on one side) a white wash, followed (on both sides) by six black bands with reserved areas between them. The rest of the lower body is decorated with a dark red wash.
48.12.4 Decoration brownish-black. On mouth, one broad ring, one narrow. Ring around outer edge. On shoulder are tongues. From top to bottom: bands, double row of dots, 3 bands, double row of dots, 3 bands. Two bands on base.
50.12.12 Although there is no decoration, there appears to be a line painted just that has faded to the colour of the clay. Below the rim is a roughened area where a handle may have placed. The outer surface of the pot might have been burnished while the inside is less smooth.
50.4.25 Two moulded rings around the outer edge of the discus, within stands a ram facing the right with odysseus straped to the underneath of it. The ram satands on a base line. Dark wash all over.
51.7.2 Lid: The centre of the top of the lid is reserved, surrounded by two concentric bands—one red, one reserved— then a red circle, from which a band of tongues radiates. This is surrounded by a scallopped black band (fired red on one side), then an inverse wave pattern (waves leaning to the right), and finally a reserved band. The outer edge of the flange and the upper part of the body are glazed black. The remainder of the body is decorated with an egg and dot band (for which each eggs is a thick u circumscribed with a thin u), then a black band, then a wave band (with waves leaning to the right). The lower rim is reserved. The interior is glazed black, misfired to red on the underside of the top. Pyxis: Entirely glazed, fired mostly black on the exterior (with some red patches on the flange and the top of the body), and red on the interior.
54.2.1 Interior red for black. On outer surface are horizontal parallel bands of brownish black, increasing in width from neck downwards. Rim is slighlty outturned.
73.9.32 Plus symbol and a straight line symbol painted on outside, likely part of a larger pattern on the object it is originally from. On inside are two differing shades, one a dark grey colour, and the other a dark brown, the grey being on the outer side, and the brown on the inner.
78.12.13 2 Moulded rings around the outer edge of the discus, within, a ten petal rosette. Single volutes on either side of the nozzle. Red wash all over.
78.12.7 Radiating pattern on the outer edge of the discus, single volutes on both sided of the nozzle. Red wash.
79.1.18 Around outer edge of discus is a band of raised dots within two rings. The inner area of the discus is decorated with eight individual circles with concentric circles within each. There is a ring around the filling hole. The ring base also has two lines extending from it along the longest axis of the lamp. Pale buff wash.
83.9.31 One side of fragment is glazed black with a palmette design. Flowers are situated around a small, indented circle with six tiny indented 'U' shapes inside it. The other side of the fragment is mostly rserved, with a black band at the rounded part of the piece. Near the pointed part of the fragment there is an outer black circle, followed by a smaller black inner circle. Inside the inner circle there is a black dot.
83.9.9 The underside has a circular striped pattern an additional spot on the outer ring of stripes. The upper surface has a series of three rings of different imprinted patterns. The middle pattern of outer rings appears to be repeated in the center of the rings.
84.8.1 30 fragments, largely side B, small part of side A, handle and rim fragments. Side B three youths. a) The top surface of the rim is black and so is the interior, apart from a reserved area at the end of the rim that bears a thin, black line. The neck is decorated with a vague representation of a brach with laurel leaves. The joining point of neck and body that is preserved bears part of a black, thick line. b) The interior and top surface of the rim is black, with the exception of a reserved band on the end of the rim (interior) that bears a thin, black line. c) The handle is black, except for the surface that would not have been visible if it was attached on the vessel, which is reserved (but glazed). Around the spring of the handle there is a motif between two thin lines that resembles the ionic cyma (egg-and-dot). The rest of the vessel is black, both on the outside and the inside. d) The handle is black, apart from the surface that would not have been visible, where there are two dots. Around the spring of the handle there is part of the ionic-cyma motif. e) There is part of the ionic cyma motif that the handle bears around its spring and the rest of the surface is black (interior and exterior), apart from part of a small chess-shaped motif, framed by a line above and two below. f) It is black apart from an area that bears a small part of the motif that contours the springs of the handles, a small, diagonal, reserved band (exterior) and a reserved band (interior). g) The surface is black (interior and exterior) except for three thin lines that are reserved. h) The interior is black. Exterior: Above a double-meander pattern, placed on a reserved band and between two lines, there are two heraldic lion paws, even though the details have fadded away. i) The interior is black. Exterior: The lower part of the drapery and the foot of a figure, surrounded by black colour. j) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of a vertical, reserved thin band is standing on a broad, reserved band that bears between two black lines part of a pattern that consists of a meander and a cross on its right. The cross is contoured by a reserved area (around its sides), while its is executed on a black background. k) The interior bears a thin, reserved band. Exterior: The back part of a male figure's head and shoulder, as well as part of the drapery. l) Black interior. Exterior: The male figure's shoulder and part of his draped body. On his right there is the outer part of the motif that contours the springs of the handles. m) Part of the male figure's leg, knee and tibia, which is projected, as if he is ready to take a step. On the left top side there is part of a vertical, thin, reserved band (upper part of a walking-stick). n) Black interior. Exterior: The lowest part of the figure's drapery and a vague representation of his feet ? He appears to be standing on a pattern that consists of a chess-like motif close to two, double-meander ones, framed by two lines above and one below. o) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of the figure's walking-stick that seems to stand on the double-meander pattern. On the left of the walking-stick, there is part of the back side of another draped figure (male), with the same careless rendering of the feet. p) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the walking-stick and drapery of the second figure. q) Black interior. Exterior: Small part of the second figure's drapery. r) Black interior. Exterior: Small part of the second figure's drapery. s) Small part of the second figure's drapery. t) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the lower termination of the second figure's drapery as well as his right foot? On the left, part of his walking-stick. He seems to be standing on part of the double-meander pattern. u) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the pattern that consists of the chess-like motif, next to part of a double-meander one, on top of which there is the lowest part of a figure's foot? (clumsily rendered). v) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of the drapery and right foot of another similar figure that satnds on the double-meander pattern. w) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. x) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. y) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. z) Black interior. Exterior: Part of a male figure's arm and hand. aa, ab and ac) Part of the rim and neck. The exterior bears a broad black band and the interior bears a reserved area between two black bands. ad) There is a reserved line on the interior, while the exterior is black, apart from a reserved spot of unclear shape and another, similar one that bears a thin, black line.
E.62.1 Curved round on the outer surface on the rims. Colour is mainly white but has naturally occurring veins of colour. Very smooth interior surface.
E.62.26 Polished red pottery bowl, faced with (black) haematite (iron oxide) and burnished. Much red pigment remaining (outer surface). Flat base and flared sides (cf. E.65.3 for shape)
REDMG:1935.87.11 Exterior decorated with vertical black/brown bands. Both handles are coloured brown on the outer parts, but reserved inside. The base is decorated with a black band on its exterior. On the interior of the rim is a broad black band, then a red band. The design in the tondo shows two ears of grain on either side of a red rosebud on a stem (or a lotos, according to the authors of Corinth 15.3).
REDMG:1935.87.16 Handles painted black on the top and reserved underneath. Reserved thin line inside lip and on outer side and bottom of footring. Ring foot is black although underneath is ruddled, except for black centre and one small black ring. Streaky glaze in places.
REDMG:1935.87.22 Tongues emerging from mouth between two bands. Dots around the rim and tongues again on shoulder. Zigzag with two dots on handles. Main design is five warrior figures facing left, carrying large shields. Each shield is bisected with incised vertical parallel lines and coloured one half red and the other half yellow. The outer ring of the shield is brown, and the helmets which the warriors appear to be wearing are yellow. The base has two bands around tongues with two bands the other side.
REDMG:1951.140.1 Upper surface of rim reserved, black ridge, and outer edge of lip decorated with a wave pattern to right; black below lip, on neck and on handles except forward handle attachments (on horizontal handles) decorated with rays; reserved patches beneath horizontal handles. Lower part of neck decorated at front with a short laurel wreath, to left, between two narrow reserved bands. Beneath the figural scene is a groundline comprised of a frieze of alternating maeanders (three) and saltire squares (one). Narrow reserved line at join with base, bottom edge of base, and underside. The figural scene is framed between a tendril, above the left handle, and a larger vegetal ornament, from which emerges a lotus bud. A Youth stands in 3/4-view to the right. He is nude, except for drapery slung over his bent right arm and held in his lowered left hand, and a white taenia on his head. He also holds a staff in his slightly upraised right hand. At centre is a bird (crane), seated in a perirhanterion (basin), supported by a fluted, tapered column, with a dotted capital, on a two-stepped base. The steps are decorated with small black spots and thin diagonal lines that suggest a marbled appearance. On the other side of the perirhanterion stands a woman, in 3/4-view to the left, with her weight on her right leg and her left leg relaxed. She wears a belted, sleeveless chiton, double bracelets on each wrist, a beaded necklace, and a spiked stephane, as well as a short pony tail. She extends her right hand to the bird and holds a box, decorated on the sides with black spots and lines, and three white spots on top, in her slightly upraised right hand. Above the bird is a rectangular frame (sometimes called a window but perhaps a votive plaque); above the box is a cogwheel. Most of the reserved areas are darkened with red wash, and the jewelry and other details in added white.
REDMG:1951.149.1 Wide flared mouth. Black inside with two reserved bands either end of rim. Outer surface has a laurel band around rim. Handles, all black, at the base of the body extend upwards. Side A shows seated woman (skin painted white) and Eros next to her with a satyr seated and holding a thysseus and pointing on Eros' left. Tendrils above and plants in field. Side B shows a woman standing, draped, facing right, between two satyrs, one reaching to a box the other dancing with a box above him to the right. Egg and dot pattern below both scenes. Black to top of foot which has a reserved band at top and bottom of side. Base is concave and reserved.
REDMG:1953.25.26 Black mouth, interior and exterior, with a red band on lip; handle black on exterior. Shoulder: inner band of black tongues and an outer circle of daisy petals. Black body and upper part of foot; black band on resting surface; otherwise reserved.
REDMG:1953.25.27 Handle black on exterior. Shoulder: inner band of black tongues and an outer circle of rays, black alternating with white. Black body and upper part of foot; two red lines, one at top of body and one 2/3 down the body.
REDMG:1953.25.28 Handle black on exterior. Shoulder: inner band of black diagonal lines and an outer band of longer black diagonal lines. Body: reserved band decorated at front with a pair of black lines above a simple maeander to right; broad black band; reserved band decorated at front with a band of black sloping ‘z’’s between two black lines; black on lower part of body and upper part of foot; otherwise reserved.
REDMG:1953.25.29 Handle black on exterior. Shoulder: inner band of black vertical bars and an outer band of black diagonal lines. Body and upper part of foot black; otherwise reserved.
REDMG:1953.25.3 Each handle is dipped, so that it is black only at the outer part. Interior: black with three red bands, one on the floor, one ca. 1.5 cm below the rim, and one on the rim. Exterior: two red lines; band of vertical bars, black band between two black lines, red band, black band between two black lines, red band around foot. Red band on resting surface; black band and thinned black circle near on underside.
REDMG:1953.25.44 Interior: black line above reserved band on rim, below which entire surface is glazed black. Exterior: black line and reserved band at rim; black line at top of body; reserved band in handle zone; indications of black glaze at outer parts of handles (dipped?); glazed black below (glaze is thin in sections).
REDMG:1953.25.56 Red on outer surface. Slightly flaring mouth with long neck. Moulded rim at base of neck. Single curved handle. On shoulder are long tongues, band, 'sigma' shapes, band, broad band, bands, pointed tongues up from base. Foot flares out and base flat. Down each side, below handle and opposite side are flat strips that reach from neck to base.
REDMG:1953.25.77 Ovoid or tongue mouldings on the shoulder, not no the areas covered by the nozzle volutes or the area of the handle. Discus is surrounded by four concentric moulded rings, the filling hole is surrounded by three concentric moulded rings. The nozzles have on their outer edges large volutes, these terminate at the body with horse heads instead of the usual ? the termination by the tip is in the usual form. Within the base are three concentric moulded rings with a small nodule at the centre. Red glaze all over
REDMG:1953.25.79 Dark brown wash all over inner and outer surface, darker in patches. Wire cutting marks on the base.
REDMG:1958.33.1 Rim painted black. three horizontal lines around the upper body, one zigzag line around centre of the neck and single wide band around the base of the neck. Two narrow black horizontal bands around the upper body. Four sets of seven narrow black conentric circles and one wide red circle around the body. Horizontal and vertical bars on the outer handle.
REDMG:1964.1650.1A The inside and outer top half is reserved and the lower part has a black band around foot. Base is reserved and is concave.
REDMG:1964.1651.1 Reserved all over outer surface. Thin stem down to flaring foot. Base is damaged but appears to have been flat. Moulded bands on body - deliberate or as a result of production (?)
REDMG:1964.1680.1 Possibly the base of a handle where it joins the object (?) Reserved on both sides but the outer surface has a build up of deposits. Small section of pot attached making it hard to distinguish a shape.
REDMG:1964.1713.1 Deep bowl with almost vertical sides made of fine fabric. Unstable due to uneven base. Outer surface has almost vertical sides which then taper inwards to base. Base has moulded ridge circle and flat base.
REDMG:1997.209.4 Mouth black on inside, with reserved lip, black exterior; outer part of handle black but otherwise reserved; shoulder reserved with band of dots above a band of rays reaching to the carination. Body: band of fat palmettes, decorated with slender white lines arcing over the the palmettes, and incisions, alternating with long lotus petals, above a 'cable'; black band; reserved band; black zone in lowest part of body and upper part of foot; lower part of foot and underside reserved.
T.2012.11.28 Two large lines upon the outer part, one at the top, the other at the bottom, that spread across its face and form a sort of box. Within the box appears to be a painting of grape vine with a series of heart-shaped leaves forming a pattern, as well as several patterns of what seem to be four lots of grapes. There are no decorations on the inside of the fragment.
T.2012.II.27 No visible decoration on the inside or outside. Whole outer part appears to be singular shade of black glaze.
TEMP.2002.9.3 Inner surface is reserved. Outer surface has part of a man in robes holding a lyre in his left hand. Detail is in black paint.
TEMP.2003.7.5 Curved and painted on both sides. The "outer" concave side is painted light beige with two small brown bands running lengthwise along it. One band has another smaller brown band (about twice as thin) running beside it throughout the fragment. The other band has a smiliar smaller band, but only measuring about a quarter of the length and running off into the edge. The "inner" convex side is painted dark brown with two white bands running lengthwise. One of the white bands is dashed, while the other is complete.
TEMP.2003.8.1 (a)Part of the rim of an open jug of some sort. The inside segment of the rim is painted black, with numerous small bits having been chipped off. Moving outwards, the rim consists of the inside of the pot wall, which then splays out in a flat top rim, and then falls down again in a second wall that is left dangling from the outer rim. So, moving from the inside outwards on the underside, there is a valley of about 1.0 wide and 1.5 deep until the top of the second rim (which is peaked) is reached. The outward facing side of this downward pointed rim consists of alternating lines of black dots and thin black lines which run around the entire outer diameter of the rim. There are two rows of dots and two lines, alternating which each other, all of which are heavily worn. The top part of the rim, which would be facing upwards if the pot were complete, is about 2.2 wide and flat, marked with black raised lines that repeat about every .3 and which start at the outer edge and are 1.7 long, and painted black. These lines are heavily worn. There are also two significant chips in the top of this rim, each about 2 long. (b)Another part of the same rim to the same vessel. The same dot and line pattern runs around the outer diameter. On top the lines which are thicker at the end pointing into the pot are repeated, a palmette decorates the larger flat area of the handle region.
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