Black on buff, there are leaves around the inside and outside of the rim. Below the rim on the outside is a band of horizontal v shapes. On the main area of the fragment are three redish/black bands, the middle thicker than the other two. On the broad black band, Greek key pattern in applied white paint is still visible. On the lower edge of the fragment is the edge of a black circle. The back of the fragment, except for the rim, is red.
Perforations at the lower end, of which three out of four remain, two on each side, the upper two level to each other, both just below the widest part of the spear. This is presumably where the dagger was attached to a shaft. The width of handle tapers on each end. While the centre of the fragment is thicker, raised on one face, the thickness diminishes towards the sides, which are rounded at the thicker (upper?) end.
Core of this fragment is white with the interior surface painted red. The exterior surface is white with a bold red zigzag. No finished edges.
Red core with both surfaces covered in white. The fragment is curved in two directions suggesting it is part of the neck of a vessel. Convex curve white and the concave curve is white with a red zigzag. No finished edges.
Coarse ware with a white core. Inside is white, with red curved line around fracture. Outside is also white with red bands and dentate band (see drawing on card). Fragment is angled suggesting that part of it may have been the base of the vessel.
Fragment of coarse Neolithic pottery, pink with grey core, traces of decoration in red on outside and reserved inside.
Pink surface with white slip on each side. Linear decoration in red. Outside is horizontally striped and inside is half red with half the surface with white diagonal stripes. The fragment is a middle piece as there are no finished edges.
Sherd with fragment of handle attached. Interior surface is reserved showing the pale clay. The exterior is covered with dull black paint and has superimposed bands of white with the suggestion that there is some pattern inside the band. Small section of handle is black as well. No finished edges.
Fragment of rim of vase. Interior is reserved except for a black band around rim. The exterior is painted dark brown with four horizontal bands of red covered with white dots. There is a narrow band of orange just below rim. The walls thin at the rim.
Fragment with part of handle, probably belonging to a large vase. Interior is coarse and coloured red although undecorated. The exterior surface has a design of dull black with bands of white. There is a heavy white band round base of handle. Handle round in section. Surfaces are most uneven.
Fragment belonging to the rim of a vase made of fine fabric. Dull black paint inside and out. The exterior surface had white band around rim above spirals or tendrils with three horizontal bands below. The interior had a white band round rim. The material gets thinner at the rim.
Fragment of a flat base. Chocolate coloured paint inside and out, including a flat base, all glazed. Exterior has 6 horizontal bands of white near the bottom, the lowest one broader than the five upper ones. On base two white parallel lines.
Fragment of thick clay with rim attached. Buff clay with black paint. Inside is painted black. The Outside has a black narrow band at rim with a coiled leaf pattern below, followed by blurry bands.
Clear buff clay with brownish-black paint. Outside broad band at rim with some red showing through. Below, on body are linked spirals with red glaze appearing through black. Inside the rim is black with the lower part of the fragment reserved. There is however, the start of a line running downwards at right.
Panel decoration. Broken wave band on neck; below this the end of a broad band and the beginning of a thinner vertical line bordering the panel on the right; within this frame a network composed of papyrus motives, horizontal and facing left with circles in the blank spaces. Inside a broad band extends from the top of the fragment (and presumably from the top of the vase) to the level fo the top of the band on the outside, the rest reserved.
Thick black bands painted over pale buff: 3 on main part of fragment, 1 on shoulder and 1 on narrow neck part.
Fragment with no finished edges. Exterior: animal procession consisting grazing goats (only head, part of one antler and one foreleg of one and one hind leg of second ramaining)to right; dashes, quatrefoil, and hooked swastikas as filling ornament; below, black band and part of lower frieze - antlers of goat to left; dashes as filling ornament; at right, possibly more antlers.
Head and part of body of woman and siren, both facing left. Shapeless rosettes in field. Red for hair, breast and base of wing of siren and large spot of breast of woman. On top of the rim there are two uneven rows of black dots. The interior is black with a red band along the bottom half of the fragment.
Base fragment of a small pot, decorated with three straight lines at the base, two of which are black; the middle one is of a faded purple colour. Above the lines is a large black pattern which takes up nearly all of the space left on the fragment. The interior is decorated with a black gloss.
Two lines, one black and one red, towards one end of the fragment; covered with a white ground, which has worn of around the edges revealing the darker coloured terracotta underneath. Black glazed on the interior.
Piece of fragment made of red clay with pattern both sides. Fragment is slightly curved, with a small rim at the top suggesting it could be part of a decorative plate or bowl. Side A, which is possible the interior, has a broad black line at the bottom - possibly this was the colour of the interior, with five rough circles in a row, alternating black and red from the left hand side, painted on top of a white background. Side B has a similar broad black line at the bottom, with a broad white line painted at the top and several faded black vertical lines painted over the white. The shape of the fragment is rectangular, and it slopes to a point at the right hand side.
Curved fragment with rim and stump of handle suggests it was a bowl or cup due to how it open it appears as a shape. The interior is painted entirely in black, with a hint of red (fading?) near the top. The exterior has two black bands, one on the rim and one below the rim which also covers the handle stump. Beneath the handle there is a strip of faded white paint, followed by a red/dark brown stripe, then the rest is white with a thin horizontal black line and possible a thicker vertical black line dividing the white decoration in half.
Possibly part of rim and body of a bowl/jar, due to the smoothness of the top of the fragment. Side is shows indication of being the interior, due to the plain black colour painted on. The exterior, side B, has been painted in white with a narrow area of black at the bottom. There is indication of two parallel lines of small black dots, in between which are two narrow parallel black bands with squares of black between them.
Fragment of rim, body and stump of handle of a bowl/jar. Interior is painted in black. Exterior has the rim painted in a broad band of white, with signs of parallel lines of black dots at the edge of the white. There are also indications of two narrow parallel lines, with black squares in between them. The body/shoulder and handle are painted in black.
Single rim fragment of an open vessel. The interior is black. Exterior: rim white, between two rows of black dots; two black lines in the middle, with black squares between them.
Very small fragment, interior (side a) is painted black. The exterior, side b, has a narrow red band at the top, with a white background beneath it and two narrow black bands, a strip of small black dots and a black filled in shape at the bottom.
Probably part of a jar due to the way the bottom of the fragment juts out at an angle - possibly the body of the jar. The interior is painted black/dark red, although most has rubbed off. The top half of the exterior has been painted white (barely visible), with parallel lines of small black dots, and black squares in between these two lines. The rest of the fragment is painted black.
Small fragment, possibly part of a jar. Interior (side a) is painted black and curves slightly at the top - possibly a rim? The rest of the fragment has been painted in white, with four black narrow parallel lines, and a black square nestled inbetween the first two lines. There is also a dark red line at the bottom of the fragment.
The interior is painted a solid black. The exterior has a black band at the top. There is a white background painted on, with three black parallel lines. Between the first two lines is a row of small black dots, the second and third line has a black circle lodged between them and there is a small black dot at the very tip of the fragment.
Wide flared rim overlaping body. A broad black band encircles the fragment at the top of the body.
Small fragment with thin horizontal red line across the middle.
Curved fragment with three faded black diagonal black lines across the bottom right.
Fragment of large twisted rope handle.
Black, leaf-shaped decoration, interlaced with thin black lines, with two small, black circles beneath. Black on reverse side of fragment.
Thick black band, with horizontal incised lines. Tips of black palmette decoration visible. Black on reverse side of fragment.
The rim is decorated with a thin black band, with a reserved band below and another black band below this. Two youths (black in colour) stand facing each other, with the figure on the right presenting a white cock, of which, elements remain (painted over the figure). Behind each figure the tail and part of a sphinx can be seen. The sphinx behind the right figure has incised lines dividing the wing feathers. The centre of the sphinx's wing appears purple in colour. There are faint, incised lines that give the outline of the youths' heads (where paint has been worn away). The reverse of the fragment is black with a reserved circle on top of the rim.
Possible decoration on exterior of fragment
A: foot and base reserved, stem and exterior of kylix black, with reserved band. A second band has floral ornament with a chain-like band below. Interior is black except for a reserved circle in the middle, two small black circular bands mark the centre. B: Floral ornament on this fragment joins up with fragment A, pattern as before, interior and rim/lip black. C: interior, rim, lip and majority of exterior black, patterned floral band as before
A: Whitish slip with bands of decoration, zigzags in added red and straight lines in brown. Interior has a wide band of red at rim, rest is white slip, possibilty of an interior ornament, circular shape in red visible at edge of fragment. B: exterior and interior same as A.
Rim is black, below leaf shaped spots in black, another black section is visible at the edge of the fragment
White slip with added red decoration, red lines still visible as well as a patch of red at the edge of the fragment
Surviving section of rim has bands, handle is painted although pattern is unclear, traces of paint around edge of fragment suggests that main body of the vase also carried decoration.
Decorated braid whiplashed to main fragment
Bands of thick black, unpainted and red-brown across fragment
Large area painted white with red and black designs at edges of fragment suggesting complex design
Worn black and orange red paint over most of the fragment; unable to recognise larger pattern
One half of outside is grey lines on a white surface, in an unidentifiable pattern; Other half is hatched grey lines on white paint with brown spots in centre and red band just visible at very edge of fragment; all decoration appear faded
Brown circular lines on both inside and outside of fragment
Chequered pattern on rim with large squares; brown glaze over main body of fragment. There is a thick layer of red/brown glaze on the inside.
Three brown painted bands with two lines joining them at right angle, with two small lines at right angle at edge of fragment, possibly an animal's leg
Black and brown lines on white background running parallel; near edge of fragment others at perpendicular angle to other lines; worn decoration
Black glaze with strip of later glaze on edge of fragment.
Exterior side of fragment is coated in a plain black glaze; some wear is visible.
exterior of fragment is decorated in a plain black glaze; a band of wear is visible.
One side of the fragment is decorated with two brown stripes. The smaller of the two shows signs of wear.
single area covered with a small amount of brow/orange glaze; no distinct pattern. flat fragment with cylindrical shape protruding from it.
Plain orange glaze covers the fragment.
One side of the fragment is decorated; a thick band of brown is present with a undistinguishable pattern underneath. Two thin lines are indented into the piece.
One side of the fragment is decorated with a black glaze.
Both side of the fragment are decorated in a light brown glaze. No distinctive pattern.
One side of fragment covered in a plain black glaze.
One side is covered with a solid black glaze. Concaved side of fragment is decorated with a thick stripe of black glaze.
Plain black glaze decorates the whole fragment apart from one band that is not covered.
Concaved side of fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze, some areas are worn away. Convexed side is decorated with a single thick band of black glaze.
Two thick stripes of brown glaze decorated one side of the fragment.
One side of the fragment is partially decorated with a thick stripe of black glaze.
No decoration, however, two lines are indented into one side of the fragment.
Faded orange glaze decorated the whole of the fragment, it is indistinguishable if there is a distinct pattern.
One side is decorated with a series of parallel lines. In the centre of the fragment is a thick black line with a thinner one present above it. Underneath this lines of a light brown colour that increase in darkness.
Both sides of the fragment are decorated with a plain orange glaze.
Black paint on inner ? surface; brown paint on outer ? surface; small size of fragment makes definitive assessment difficult
Bottom of fragment painted red, slightly worn
One thin red line around the middle of the fragment, a thicker red line at the bottom, both bordered by darker red lines
Very rough areas of brown-red paint; at edge of fragment is part of a geometric design.
Vrey faded black zig-zags near rim on outside; two rough faded black lines on edge of fragment.
Three black parallel lines on one part of fragment; hatched area on other part of fragment
Thick black band below rim on both inside and outside of fragment; two black lines on rim; part of zig zag pattern at bottom of outer surface of fragment.
Single black band on inner surface; 3 black bands on white paint with black paint "S" and dot design on lower part of fragment.
Two lines of a wave-like pattern, followed by two further straight lines. Completely gone from half the fragment
Painted lines, some a reddish-brown colour while others are grey. Lines are quite distinguishable even though fragment is worn.
Thin red band on edge of fragment, slightly obscured by wear
Red, orange and brown lines in parallel, with lines from a ore complicated looking design perpendicular to them at edge of fragment
Rim (A-D) has tongues on the top, a design with dots and traigular shapes on the sides, with palmettes below; Side A (H-K) shows a symposion, with a bearded man (Dionysos?) and possibly the hoof of a satyr; Side B (L-N) shows a battle. A, B, C: Rim with tongues, side design and palmettes below; D: Rim with tongues and side design, no palmettes below; E: Fragment from just below the rim with the palmette design; F: Fragment from below the rim, all black with part of a palmette on the lower left; G: Black on both sides; H: Head and shoulders of a bearded man(Dionysos?) with the circle and triangular motif running vertically on the right; I: Arm and torso of the bearded man on the upper part, on the lower part there is another object which could be his couch; J: Left half is black, right half contains an unclear section of the symposion scene; K: Drapery, most likely from the symposion scene, with a drinking horn in the lower right corner and possibly the hoof of a satyr; L: Top half of the battle scene, with a nude man holding a spear, and probably a tree running vertically along the left side. The scene is bounded by the circle and triangle design; M: Lower half of L, with the lower body of the nude man, drapery on the left side; N: Leg of the nude man, with the lower part of the tree running vertically on the left; O-P: Plain black; Q: Black, with part of the circle and triangle design; R: Black, with part of a design on the top; S: Base, tongue design
Interior: Traces of a darker wash. Exterior: Traces of a greyish wash. 2 wide raised parallel vertical ridges at centre of fragment.
Brown glaze/wash over exterior of fragment
Exterior: reddish-brown wash. Fairly wide horizontal ridge across top of fragment a dip in the middle.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: greyish-black wash. 7 thin non-parallel vertical lines scratched into surface from rim to half-way down fragment.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: greyish-black wash. 5 narrow, parallel, horizontal ridges accross centre of fragment.
Exterior: A fairly wide, flat lip starts about halfway up fragment and curves over to form rim.
Exterior: greyish-black wash visible towards bottom of the fragment. Three horizontal, narrowly-spaced parallel lines etched towards upper edge.
Interior: small spots of a darker colour are over painted. Exterior: 6 diagonal lines, forming a diamond pattern are etched. A narrow horizontal groove forming a lip is etched towards top of fragment.
Exterior: black wash. Curved horiontal groove impressed half-way down fragment with short vertical narrowly-spaced grooves within it.
Exterior: greyish wash, 3 narrow, non-parallel ridges towards top half of fragment.
Interior: redish wash. Exterior: greyish-black wash, fairly wide horizontal ridge running accross centre of fragment, with a shorter, narrower ridge diagonal to this.
Interior: greyish wash. Exterior: greyish wash with 2 diagonal lines forming an 'x' shape etched at either end of fragment.
Exterior: two horizontal parallel lines etched towards top of fragment. Below this, 3 vertical, non-parallel ridges, with narrower ridges coming off at shallow angles towards the bottom of them.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: greyish black wash which fades gradually into a brownish colour, and then a reddish colour across fragment.
Interior: grey-black wash. Exterior: greyish-black wash with a brassy-coloured metallic sheen overpainted. 11 smallish oval shapes in a horizontal line engraved across the middle of the fragment.
Interior: 3 yellowish-brown horizontal parallel stripes towards upper edgde. Exterior: small handle towards righthand corner at 90 degrees to fragment. Underneath this, three parallel horizontal stripes overpainted in brown.
Exterior: black wash/glaze, possibly used to cover entire fragment but has now worn off on interior of handle fragment
Black glaze on the outside of the fragment.
Exterior: beige/white slip, overpainted by one horizontal maroon lines, traces of black decoration on the very bottom of the fragment. Base(?): continuation of the beige/white slip from the side. Interior: black glaze; continues down onto the interior of the base(?) as well.
Exterior: line of red overpaint from one corner of fragment to a middle side of fragment
Interior: black overpaint; Exterior: horizontal line made up of two black overpainted dots just under rim of fragment. Possible other decoration but too faded to discern.
Interior: red/brown overpaint; Exterior: possible horizontal line red/brown overpaint across centre of fragment, but too faded to discern
Interior: black overpaint; Exterior: remnants of some black overpainted dots. One larger dot in the centre of the fragment, and smaller dots under what could possibly be the rim of the fragment.
Black glaze on interior of fragment, with circles incised (?) on the base of the fragment.
Exterior: light beige wash over entire fragment, two thin brown/black parrallel overpainted lines at one end of the fragment
9 parallel lines of brown slip beside which there is black glaze. Brown slip on sides of fragment
Exterior glazed black overpainted by five horizontal parallel lines on the bottom half of the fragment. Three are brown, two are beige. The colors alternate. Interior glazed black.
Exterior: one horizontal dark brown line running along the approximate intersection of shoulder and body. Just below this are two small dark brown dots of similar but different sizes. Above the line is a thick, wavy, erratic, dark brown line that dominates the fragment from the line up utn il just under the rim. Interior: two horizontal parallel dark brown lines. The top one is right up on the edge of the rim, the other slightly removed below it.
Exterior: base has an area of black overpaint, which is followed by 3 thick lines of black overpaint towards the top of fragment; Interior patchy area of black overpaint
Exterior: three parallel black horizontal lines on the bottom of the fragment, a squiggly irregular black lines on the side of the rim, and a black line following the exterior edge of the rim; rim: seven parallel short brown lines, all perpendicular to the rim; interior: reddish-brown glaze, darker near the rim and fading slightly down the fragment.
Exterior: single line of black overpaint at top of fragment, spot of black overpaint at base of fragment
Exterior: 2 parrallel red/brown overpaint lines across centre of fragment with 2 parrallel diagonal lines of the same colour running between these lines
Exterior: sigular line of black overpaint at top of fragment, parallel to this line but towards the base of the fragment are a further two parallel lines (closer together) in black overpaint.
Glaze appears to be of a darker brown on the rim than elsewhere on the fragment
Interior: black wash. Exterior: thin parallel lines faintly visible at top and bottom of fragment. Between these, patches of overpainting in cream, black and brown remain.
Interior: black overpaint; exterior: two horizontal parallel black overpaint lines across centre of fragment with three spots of black overpaint in between them, either side of the parallel lines are small parellel lines of black overpainted dots
Overpaint on entire fragment
Interior: black overpaint on entire side of fragment; exterior: across centre of fragment a set of five parallel horizontal overpainted lines, the central line is slightly thicker and a dark red/brown, the adjacent lines are a lighter red/brown colour
Exterior: Greyish-black wash, semi-circular marks suggesting base fragment.
Interior: black overpaint; exterior: along one side of fragment are parallel black lines of overpaint with a spot of black overpaint between them in the centre, on one side of the parallel lines is a parallel line of overpainted black dots
Decorated with two thick bands of brown/black and three smaller bands between 4 bands of the natural fired clay. All bands are coplete and decorate the fragment horizontally.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: 1 fairly thick, slightly uneven, horizontal line overpainted in black accross centre of fragment, parallel to edges. Diagonally from this, above and below are shorter teardrop-shaped marks - 7 above and 9 below - forming a horizontal band, and greating a stem and leaf-like effect.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: one horizontal line overpainted in brownish-black along longest edge of fragment. Underneath this are 4 solid figure-eight marks, forming a parallel line, overpainted in the same colour.
Interior: greyish-black wash with a band of unfinished terracotta running parallel to longest edge of fragment. Several narrowly and irregularly spaced parallel horizontal lines overpainted on the wash and unfinished section. Exterior: greyish-black wash overpainted, covering roughly half of exterior of fragment. Next to this is a band of unfinished terracotta bordered above and below by parallel lines overpained in a brownish-red colour.
Interior: brownish-red wash with a narrow band of unfinished terracotta parallel to one edge of the fragment with a thin parallel line of a darker red within this. Exterior: 2 widely spaced horizontal parallel lines overpainted in redish-brown.
Interior: traces of a pinkish wash. 1 short diagonal line overpainted in brown remains. Exterior: narrow horizontal raised lip across longest edge of fragment with a narrow parallel line overpainted in brown below this. Several narrow vertical parallel lines join onto this and there are traces of a redish-brown wash.
Exterior: 5 parallel horizontal lines of differing thicknesses are overpainted accross one corner of the fragment. The bottom three are narrower and overpained in brownish-grey, above these is a pinkish-red wider line and above this another greyish-brown line.
Interior: greyish-black wash fading to a reddish-brown colour, leaving a small section of unfinished terracotta across one corner of fragment. Exterior: greyish-black wash with a narrow band of unfinished terracotta parallel to one edge, with 7 small dots overpainted in the same greayish black colour within it.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: several narrow parallel horizontal bands overpainted in a pinkish-red and greyish-brown across fragment, interspersed by a band of unfinished terracotta and another similar band above.
Exterior: 1 fairly wide curved raised ridge running across centre of fragment. 5 short vertical lines overpainted in a pinkish-colour faintly visible upon this ridge. A small patch of brownish-grey remains below.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: 3 thin narrowly-spaced lines run parallel to one of the edges of the fragment. The upper of these is overpainted in a greayish-black colour, the 2 lower are a redish-brown. Below these lines are three greyish-black dots interspersed by vertical thick greyish black and thinner redish-brown lines.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: 2 curved narrow parralel lines run along one edge of fragment, the upper overpainted in greyish-black and the lower in brown. Below these are 3 solid crescent shapes overpainted in greyish-black.
Outer side of fragment covered in a plain white ground.
Outside of fragment covered in a plain white ground. Red glaze seen on the top right area of the fragment; potentially the start of a depiction? Thin horizontal stripe of black glaze at the top of the fragment; start of the neck of the vessel.
Plain black glaze covers both sides of the fragment.
Black glaze covers one side of the fragment.
Both sides of the fragment are covered in a plain black glaze.
Both sides of the fragment are covered with a plain black glaze.
Both sides of the fragment are covered in a plain black glaze.
Exterior: 2 front legs of an animal, joining onto a body is overpainted in greysh-black. 5 short vertical lines are etched across the body and a few other etched lines define the back legs and chest of the animal. 2 back legs and a tail are partially present. A thick horizontal band and below a thinner band run parallel to the bottom-edge of the fragment. The animal appears to be standing on the thinner band, and there are 2 circle between the front and back legs, and two circles to the right of it.
One side is completely covered in a plain black glaze. On the other side, half the fragment is covered in a plain black glaze.
One side of the fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze. On the other side, half of the fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze.
Interior: reddish-brown wash. Exterior: reddish-brown wash. One half of fragment forms a horizontal raised lip with 2 vertical narrow ridges within this at 90 degrees.
Fragment of Symposium scene of female lyre player (exterior/convex side). Haimon Group. Black figure pottery. Interior (concave side) completely black.
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
inside of the fragment is undecorated. The outside of the fragment is decorated with part of teardrop and coil pattern.
Part of handle-palmette. Teardrop and coil patterns on each fragment. Inside black.
There is a red line on the joining point of the rim and body (the bit of rim that is preserved is reserved). In the middle of the scene, there is a draped youth facing part of a second draped figure (on the right), who is holding a walking-stick. The details of the drapery are rendered with thick and thin lines. In the left bottom corner of the fragment there is the lowest right part of a palmette or tendril. There is also a double-meander pattern beneath, with a saltive square (cross with dots) and the rest of the fragment is black. The interior is also black.
On the exterior of the object, a series of wave like patterns can be found upon the upper section of the fragment. Beneath this pattern are a series of other decorations consisting of several relatively large lines, and in between these are numerous thin lines with moderately large dots above them. The interior of the fragment has no decorations however.
The fragment bears the depiction of a youth in three-quarter face, while drawing a bow. What is illustrated is the face, except for part of the hair (left side), part of an himation over his left shoulder, the arms (the right one before the hands, the left one before the forearm), the chest and the left side of the abdominals?, behind which emerges the ending of the himation. The cheek and the back have been executed with relief contour, whereas thinned brown glaze has been used for part of the hair. The interior is black, with a reserved band ca. 1 cm wide.
Singular black stripe on convexed side of fragment. No other decoration present.
One side of fragment decorated with thick stripes of black glaze. A small loop of decoration goes against the direction of the stripes. the other side has no decoration.
Small amount of brown glaze coving fragment, no distinct pattern.
Fragment is decorated with a series of stripes. Stripes are not uniform in size, all vary in thickness.
Large portion of the fragment is decorated with a thick stripe of brown glaze along with a series of thinner bands. Another small detailing appears underneath the large stripe, however, it is undistinguishable if this is part of a larger design.
Fragment A:
interior glazed black; exterior: palmette and lotus frieze with added red between pairs of narrow glaze (fire brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands.
Fragment B:
interior glazed black; exterior: lotus and palmette frieze with added red on calyxes; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands.
Red painted designs on cream-buff slip on orange red clay. On the underside on the rim there are four .5 wide dashes at one side and a 2 horizontal bar at the other while on the underside body there are four red bands following the contours of the dish all between 1 and 3 apart. On the topside, from top to bottom are four verticle bars alternating with 9 dot rosettes on rim, of which survive from left to right two verticle lines, nine dots, four verticle lines, and nine dots before the fragment ends. On the top of the face of the dish itself is a ca. 1.5 broad red band and below this is a zone of lotus flowers and buds with a final 1 broad band below.
No finished edges. On the underside of the dish fragment, on creamy-buff slip, are the slight remains of floral(?) zone above a black band thinned to golden brown at bottom with black rays and rough dots below that. The topside is onate with a meander pattern inside two bands at bottom of fragment with black above with white-red-white band superimposed. Above this band are red and white swirls surrounded by dots.
Fragment. The top of the fragment has a black line around it, below which is a handle. Shape of the handle is completely round, with a flick on one side. To the right of the handle are two lines of dots that run one above the other. Below the handle are two parallel lines. The inside of the fragment is black, fired red.
Fragment, showing the very top of a man's head. Has a thin stripe around the edge and the main picture is curved inwards, both suggesting that the fragment is part of a plate or similar item. Some writing is visible around the inside of the stripe. The other side is also black, with lots of small chips
(27) Interior, remnants of black background, geometric border at the bottom. Exterior, clothes of a human, possibly male to the left, with signs of another human beside the person to the right. (28) Interior is reserved, with a line around the rim. Exterior, head and shoulder of youth; tablets hanging on wall, strings in added red; also a head of another youth. (29) Interior black, with signs of a border in red at the bottom left. Exterior, pattern of swirls and leaves iin red - covers entire fragment.
(a) fragment, three joins. Decoration on both sides. Band of geometric pattern above which is person's foot and bottom of leg standing to the right, wearing a hymation. On the opposite side: floral pattern to the left of bottom half of a person and to the right of this person the hand and lower body of another. (b) curved, palmette on other side black. (c) large roughened patch to the top right where possibly a handle was attached, floral pattern around this. (d) small fragment, on one side band of geometric pattern, on the opposite side floral pattern. (e) large piece, three fragments joined. Bearded man in the centre facing to the right, left arm raised and holding a long stick, right arm tucked into hymation. To the right of the man, the arm of another person and to the left a floral pattern, inside black. (f) Very similar to fragment a. three pieces joined together. On one side in centre bottom half of a person, feet and lower legs facing left and wearing a hymation, to the right floral pattern. Opposite side, band with geometric pattern. (g) On one side to left part of a hymation, to right an arm. Opposite side band with geometric pattern. (h) On one side the feet and legs of a person standing on a platform with the bottom of a stick he/she is possibly holding to the left, in the right hand corner the edge of a geometric pattern. On the opposite side the feet of someone facing to the left wearing a hymation dropping behind them, to the right of them a floral pattern. (i) Small piece of two fragments joined together. Chest of a male with right arm extending, his hymation drapped over his right arm. (j) Head of a male facing left with hymation over his shoulder and part of large palmette to his right. (k) Small frgment, part of hymation. (l) Small fragment part of hymation (m) Small fragment part of hymation. (n,o,p) small fragments with no detail.
(i) There is a small part of a motif (partially covered with plaster) that consists of wavy lines. Below it, there are two lines and underneath there are parts of two inverted, palmettes (voluted with petal-shaped divisions) that flank a three-pointed flower with two dots to represent pollen. ii) Between two pairs of lines there is a guilloche (fillets with teardropped terminations interwoven together) with dots among the lines. Below, there is a broad black band, which seems to be interrupted at the right side. (iii) At the left, three parts of vertical, black bands and incisions create part of an object (garment hanging from chair or couch?) In the middle, there is an object- as if it was a grave-stele with a cross-shaped ? ending above which spring two heraldic, white, voluted palmettes (now fadded away), a chiastic motif with dots and horizontal lines on top- but inverted (leg of a bed or couch?). Next to that, there are a figure's part of thighs, knees and calves, close to part of a palmette. (iv) A bearded satyr (seilinos) plays a chorded instrument (lyre), while his himation is hanging in the background. Next to him there is a draped female figure (Demeter?), holding a wreath (black circle) and branches with dots on both sides that surround her. The details on her drapery have been executed with added red and so are those for her head-dress. There are also traces of added white on her neck. On top of the fragment there is part of a motif of tongues contoured with ellipsoid lines and a line that encircles this pattern. v) On the left, there is part of the satyr's lower legs (above the knees towards the feet) and the lower end of his himation. Next to him there is the termination of the female figure's branch, close to a similar inverted grave-stele? and part of an object that resembles an animal paw (lion-shaped foot of chair or couch) . Below these, there is a line on which they seem to step on. Next, a guilloche between two pairs of lines and at the bottom part of a radial-shaped motif with a line that contours it on top. vi) A line and black, teardropped spot. vii) There is a line on whose right top side stands a rectangular object with a rectangular surface in the middle being reserved. Below, part of two lines on top of part of the guilloche. viii) Small part of shoulder and neck: there is a black spot, a thin band, a red line on top of a plastic ring (joining point of neck and shoulder) and part of a tongue-shaped pattern contoured by a line on the shoulder. There is also a part of two lines in the interior. ix) Part of the guilloche, the two lines underneath and the radial-shaped motif at the bottom. x) Tiny bit of the guilloche and the two lines below it and part of the radial-shaped motif. xi) Part of voluted palmette and tongue-shaped motif. xii) Part of the floral motif (of a three-pointed flower)? with lines that form a rhombus with a dot in the middle. xiii) Part of the shoulder and the spring of a handle. On the top there is the tongue-shaped motif, encicled by a line and below it an inverted palmette. The spring of the handle is black and next to it there are short, diagonal incisions. There is also a tiny spot of black colour in the interior. xiv) On the left, part of leaf-shaped (heart-like) motives (part of thyrsos?), close to a band of black colour, of undecipherable shape. Next to that, there is the lower part of a female draped figure, with small crosses on it. At the right side there is black and white colour that forms ovaloid shapes (?). xv) A black band and on the left part of the female drapery.
Interior: The rim is reserved and the neck is black. Exterior: There is a red line on the plastic ring that joins the rim with the neck. Neck: There is a black line, below which, on the left of the fragment, there is the right part of a fan-shaped? palmette (three, short divisions and a rectangular central part, the details rendered with incisions). On the right, there is part of a floral motif: part of a petal (vertical) and part of another one (horizontal).
18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (riders leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
i) Part of a voluted palmette with petal-shaped divisions seems to be connected to part of a three-pointed floral motif by a thick, black, curving line. On the left there is another, identical three-pointed flower, only bigger and illustrated inverted and vertically and at the left end of the fragment another curving line. Below these, there is part of a perpetual meander pattern and the upper part of continuous, teardropped motives. Some form of greyish (light) brown plaster has been applied to the surface around the voluted palmette. ii) Small part of guilloche (thin fillets with tongue-shaped endings interwoven together) with dots among the lines. Below, there are traces of thin, black lines (but not visible because of burning). Underneath, radial-shaped motif. iii) Underneath two thin lines there is a meander pattern. iv) Part of the upper ending of a radial-shaped motif. v) larger part of a radial- shaped motif. There is part of a thin, horizontal line on the top of one of the divisions and more to the left there is a circle with a dot in the middle and two vertical lines (part of the guilloche). vi) Small part of the guilloche and radial-shaped motif below that.
a: The upper surface of the rim is reserved, although glazed. However, the side surfaces (internal and external) are black (apart from a reserved area that would not have been visible if the handle was not missing). The neck is also black on the inside, however, there is a perpetual motif of palmettes on the external surface. These are double palmettes (5 narrow divisions upwards and 5 similar ones downwards) that look as if chained together by a horizontal row of small rings and each such palmette is separated from the other by a vertical line with wider endings, while thin, curved lines (above and below) frame each palmette. The sides of the handle bear a black band each and there is also a thin line underneath them that contours the end of the neck. On the carination that divides the neck from the shoulder there is a thin line with added red colour. The shoulder bears a motif of tongues, divided by vertical lines, while a line underneath contours them. The motif does not appear under the surface of the handle. At some point underneath this pattern there is the beginning of another motif (black with 3 dots of added red and scale-like incisions). The interior of the rest of the vessel is reserved, since it is an amphora. b: It bears exactly the same motif as the previous neck bit. c: From the branch of a three-peaked floral motif there emerge two curved lines that are downwards and upwards, each forming an ellipsoid-shaped frame from whose lower (in the case of the curved line that goes downwards) or upper (in the case of the other line) endings form one floral motif each. The left one is a voluted palmette with 5 petal shaped divisions and the right one is a three-pointed flower, similar to the central floral motif, but bigger. Although the upper part of this pattern is not preserved apart from the starting point of the motives, it is certain that this would have been the heraldic motif depicted. Underneath this area there is a thin, black line and below that, a pattern of guilloche ( branches with tear dropped endings interwoven together) with a row of dots, framed (above and below) by two pairs of concentric lines. Towards the end of the fragment (which is also towards the end of the vessel) there is a radial-shaped motif, two lines and the rest of the surface is black. d: It is a part of the body's area that bears the guilloche pattern and the radial-shaped motif underneath, but one third of it is not preserved. e: On the left there is the upper part of probably a palmette (two endings of petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is the depiction of a draped lower body part. The drapery is formed by the incisions on a black surface. There are diagonal incisions and wavy endings to denote the folds of an himation, as well as the lower termination of the chiton, which is suggested by two almost horizontal incisions, a wavy line and another horizontal incision. the drawing is detailed and clear. f: The part between the surface above the knees and a bit below the calf of a male figure that wears a short chiton (incised, wavy folds are visible above the knee), as well as grieves with out curving terminations (Hermes?) of added red colour, now fadded away. On his left there is the upper part of a palmette and on his left there is a diagonal line, with rows of dots on either side (characteristic of Dionysus). Very clear drawing. g: Half of the three-peaked flower, a bit of a black line and two petal-shaped motives. On the side, there is part of the dotted branch and what appears to be part of a figure's drapery (upper right body part ?), with some incisions used to render details. h: Between the lower body part of two figures there is part of the dotted branch. What is preserved from the right figure is incised lines and circles on a black surface. The left figure's drapery (peplos and himation ?) is preserved (below the waist), consisting of incised diagonal and wavy lines to denote the folds. i: A central male figure's (Dionysus) body from shoulder to legs is visible and surrounded by a dotted branch. He is standing between two figures. The male figure (there is part of beard with added red) on the left holds part of the branch with his palm (upper body without the head is preserved). The only visible part of the draped figure on the right is part of the legs. Incisions are used to render details. j: Apollo playing his lyre (kithara). The head (in profile, facing right), right hand and part of the god's front side of the body is visible, as well as the largest part of the lyre. Part of a dotted branch exists in the background. Incisions have been used to render the chords of the lyre as well as for the eye, contour of hair, ear and contour of the god's body, while a taenia (fillet) on his head is in added black colour. k: Only part of a thin, black line is preserved. l: two broad black bands that overlap at some point. Incisions and the ending of a dotted branch (part of draped figure?). H & J on display in symposium
The handle is black. On the shoulder there is a voluted palmette with petal-shaped divisions between two draped male figures facing each other, holding their himatia with their left hands. There is part of a thin line that contours the lower part of the shoulder. The upper part of a warrior is preserved, wearing a red helmet and carrying a shield. There is also the lowest part of a figure's drapery and his feet. He seems to step on two red lines, and the rest of the fragment is black. A fragment shows part of a figure's feet, which also step on two red lines. There is a broad, black band on the foot, with the rest of the underside is reserved.
Large portion of fragment covered in plain black glaze. Two thin parallel black stripes decorate the same side.
A plain black glaze covers most of the fragment with a small brown stripe and dotted pattern also present.
Fragments that join 45.10.23: a)The handle's back is black. On the shoulder there is a voluted palmette with petal-shaped divisions between two male draped figures that are facing it, holding their himatia? with their left hands. b) There is part of a thin line that contours the lower part of the shoulder. c) The upper part of a warrior, wearing a red helmet and carrying a shield. Behind him , there is part of an object? in added red. d) The right part bears the left part of the previous warrior's shield. The left part of the fragment depicts the upper part of another draped male figure holding a spear.
Shallow and conical fragment comprises part of a gently sloping side and part of a flat base.
A thick clay fragment showing below the rim and in line with the area of the handle zone; a pattern of joined arc-shaped bands and immediatly before the handle a vertical line joining the horizontal lines that surround the arc motif. On top of rim there is a single narrower curved painted band.
Fragment of fine clay cup or open dish. Exterior: series of five thin parallel curved lines, cut through by a broader vertical band. The curved lines have faded to orange while the more densely painted horizontal line has faded to dark brown. Interior: three thin parallel curved lines that have faded almost completely in parts. .
Fragment of wall of krater or other open bowl. Pale clay, white slip inside and out. Glaze yellow to brown for black. Interior broad black band. Exterior, bands of curved and straight lines.
Black inside and out, except a patch beside handle that slants away slightly to the top of the fragment.
White clay fragment slightly curved and the exterior shows detail of a pattern; parallel lines curve accross the fragment to the left there is part of a feather pattern that has a single scroll at the top. On the bottom right the the pattern may be bulb shaped and six curved lines across it. The black paintwork is faded in part while some is still dark. The interior has been painted black while the area below the top has been completely worn.
Inside streaky black, worn. Outside, dull black with a horizontal band 3 mm wide in the top third of the fragment.
Jar fragment, black, faded to brown, on the interior. Exterior: across the top part of a horizontal band; below, a quarter section of a spiral motif painted black, faded to brown.
Single fragment preserves the cylindrical torso of a 'phi' or 'psi' figurine (probably the latter), with red-brown painted lines running vertically down its edge.
Fragment, appears to be the upper body of a sculpture of a woman. It has a net like structure of brown lines on both the front and back.
Fragment of comparatively fine open vase. Very pale clay. Interior black band about 1 cm wide just inside rim. Exterior lip grooved and painted black. Small bit of painted ornament.
Fragment of kylix (? very little curvature). Pale buff clay. Interior polished. Exterior three shells.
Clay pale, paint greyish brown: large closed vessel, interior unpainted. Exterior broad black line, and part of a circular spiral in black. One small faded black line in middle of fragment, a section of a semi circle to the left of the broad black line.
Decorated with white slip reddish-brown paint. Row of dots between narrow and broad horizontal band. Most of the fragment is taken up with three radiating lines, crossed with small bars. Below this is a broad curved line. The underside is reserved and the clay is ribbed.
Fragment appears to be showing two characters, though only their legs and part of the robes they are wearing are visible; it could be part of a story being told. Beneath the feet of the characters are two circular lines which, probably part of a pattern. On the left side of the fragment are several lines with dots around the outside of them which could be a visual representation of grape vines. Around both the vines and next to one of the characters are several larger black dots that could be larger fruits. The right side of the fragment appears to portray another pattern consisting of several wavy lines, though this one is harder to fully make out than the others.
Fragment with both red and black on it. On the surface (depending which way up you hold it!?)On the left there is the edge of a curve with two black dots inside it, to the right of this is a vertical line. To the right of this line are what could be the edge of two big petals or leaves., in the centre of the first there is a dot and a line. Underneath all of these shapes is the edge of what seems to be a big circle in a red coloured gloss. The back of the fragment is covered in a black glaze that has come out as red in patches(?)
Singular arm of handle remains, outside of which has a black glaze, the inside does not. Remains of rim, same colour as this handle. Dot rosette and dotted swastika below handle, tip of palmette leaf on right of handle. Two dark brown bands at bottom edge of fragment.
A small fragment with possible figure of bird (front part and head missing) and above this, a circle design with a dot in the centre. The back of the fragment is covered in black glaze.
The rim, leading to a band on the ouside is black, as is the entire inside of the fragment. Below the band on the outside is a horizontal 'S' shape pattern with small dots above and below it. To the left of this is a big black blob, which is slightly raised to suggest a handle ? Below the 'S' shape are four parallel lines, below which is a thin brownish band, a gap, and then what looks like the edge of a black circle. The second fragment has no rim and also shows a black blob which looks like it should be the base of a second handle. The inside of the fragment is againentirely black. On the outside of this fragment, there is no 'S' shape pattern or parallel lines, but there is a brownish band, below which is the edge of what seems to be a black circle, the same as fragment 'a'.
The interior is reserved (although covered with plaster on most of the fragments), apart from the upper parts of 13, 14 and 15, that are black (unevenly applied). 1) On the left, there is part of a naked male figure (thighs to toe), facing right and next to him there is the lowest part of another similar figure facing right. Below them, there is part of a black band. 2) There is part of the right part of the previous figure (chest to toe). On the right side of the fragment, there is a figure's forearms (projected to the left, the right hand holding a round object) and part of the right knee. 3) Part of a naked male figure, leaning to the left. Details with incisions and added red. 4) Part of a lions's paws and below it part of a broad, black band. 5) A male figure's thighs and part of a bird? (executed with incisions and added red). 6) The right part of the previous bird? and the right tibia of a male figure , facing left. 7) The thighs of a male figure facing right. On the left side of the fragment there is part of a black and red motif? 8) The upper part (chest to thighs) of a naked male figure, facing right. 9) Part of a male figure's thighs, facing right. 10) The previous figures lower part of legs and part of a black band. 11) The biggest part of a bird, executed with black, added red and incisions. 12) On the left, there is the rest of the previous bird. Next there is the lower part of a lion, executed with black, addeed red and incisions. Behind the lion, there is the lower part of another male figure (chest to feet), facing left and behind him there is part of a bird. 13) The upper part of a satyr (head to thighs), facing right. His hair and beard have been rendered in added red. 14) The lower part of the satyr, chasing a maenad on the right (her right leg is only visible). The details of her drapery are in red and her tibia is white. 15) The left left of the running maenad. On the right, another satyr chasing a maenad (lower part of the figures is visible). 16) Part of a broad, black band. 17. Bit of plaster.
Fragment of base of cup-skyphos (or possibly stemless kylix). Arrowhead graffiti underneath. Red splotch inside when another vase rested in kiln. Inside base, black bands and central spot.
The upper side of the fragment is decorated with an imprinted floral pattern. The underside decorated with a plain black glaze.
Covered with a brown glaze on both sides of the fragment. One side is imprinted with a floral pattern.
One side is decorated with a black glaze with a singular stripe of brown. The other is decorated with a black glaze and an imprinted pattern of a circular floral design. Further into the middle of the fragment is a banded pattern.
One side of fragment has two patches of black, which continue off the piece. This side has a reserved patch in between the black and two small back dots. The other side is black and appears to have two small flowers on it. Also there is a third half of a flower, which continues off piece.
One side of fragment is glazed black with a palmette design. Flowers are situated around a small, indented circle with six tiny indented 'U' shapes inside it. The other side of the fragment is mostly rserved, with a black band at the rounded part of the piece. Near the pointed part of the fragment there is an outer black circle, followed by a smaller black inner circle. Inside the inner circle there is a black dot.
On one side of fragment it is mostly terracotta with a small patch of black gloss, located on the end which is squared off. In, almost, the centre of this side there is a small, black circle with a tiny, black dot in the middle. On the other side of this fragment it is glazed black with a palmette design on. The flower pattern has a circle around half of it. This circle has 'U' shapes on it and appears as if it would have continued around the pot, from which the fragment came.
One side of this fragment is black glazed with four flowers on it. The flowers seem to be separated off into pairs, as in between them there is a line with up-side-down 'U' shapes inside it. The other side of this fragment seems to have the remains of what would have, perhaps, been a rim. The rim has black strips on either edge and a strip of terracotta on the top. This 'rim' has more fragment on each of it's sides, which are glazed black.
One side of this fragment is all glazed black and has three flowers on it. It also has two rounded lines, with up-side-down 'U' shapes inside them. The other side of this fragment also has a black glaze and seems to have a rim coming out of it, which could have been part of a base of a pot.
One side has a single flower on it. If you are looking at the fragment with the flower at the bottom, then above that there is a band which has up-side-down 'U' shapes inside it. The other side seems to have alternate black and terracotta strips on it. One of the terracotta strips appears to be indented.
One side of fragment is black and has a single flower on it. The other side is plain black gloss with a strip of black missing from edge.
An almost round, single fragment of a foot to a pot. Base of foot is reserved, with a black indented inner ring; inside this are three more reserved rings, surrounded by thin black circles. In the middle of the rings is a tiny black dot. There is a thick black band all the way round the sides of the foot. The side of this fragment which would have been the inside of the pot, is black and details four flowers grouped together.
Plain black glaze across most of the fragment. A small line is imprinted on the outside.
(a) fragment of base of bottle, and part of neck, shape resembling 91.11.2. Opaque opalescent lustre. H. (pres.) 4 cm (b) fragment of neck, possibly from same bottle (though glass appears thinner). Max L. 2.7 cm
Decoration in mauve pigment, consisting of two curved lines below five triangles that originate from the edge of the fragment.
Triangular shaped fragment of white limestone, with inscription in relief as well as a bull in the bottom right corner.
Fragment of Memphite stele with figure worshipping and offering to Ptah, god of Memphis. The God can only be seen in the form of an arm and the crook he holds. The offering table between them holds a vase and two loaves. The underside of the frament appears to have rough inscriptions like some kind of practice work.
Fragment preserves part of the lip and also the base of what was a shallow bowl. There is is a darker blue curved line following the angle of the bowl suggesting that there was a decoration at the bottom of the bowl. The piece comes from a spoilt lot from the lower levels of the city, which is suggested by the extra thick layer of glaze that is present on the lip.
Blue glaze fragment, once the lip of a flat dish or bowl. The top of the bowl was apparently decorated with two sculpted concentric lines, one following the lip of the bowl one just below. The interior is flat.
Blue glaze fragment, part of the lip of a flat dish or bowl. On the exterior two concentric ridges encircle the lip. On the interior a series of darker blue lines run parallel to the exterior ridges.
Fragment of glased faience inlay, blue in colour, rectangular in shape, slightly serrated on one edge.
Fragment of glazed faience inlay, blue in colour, flat underside, shape unclear although detail suggests scaraboid or serpertine.
Terracotta fragment coated in a black glaze.
Glass fragment with a raised ridge across the middle and remains of a pearl-white glaze
Fragment of medium blue glass embedded with a white-grey sediment
Carved, continuous lines on black exterior. Two different parts of the parallel running lines; they intersect diagonal at centre of the fragment.
Large fragment of coloured relief from a larger work (building or fireplace for example). Flat upper surface. Decoration, from top to bottom: red line; band of red with semi-circular patterns with leaf patterns; band divided into blocks painted into different colours (blue, red, green from left to right). Inside the red panel is a drawing in white of a four legged animal with a tail, possibly a bull.
Marble fragment; perhaps a slippered foot resting on a carved base.
Single fragment, completely reserved, comprising the base and small part of body, probably of a cup. Base is flat and circular on a small foot. Sides slope up towards the top. Inside is a swirled pattern with a central raised section of excess clay. Fragment is completely reserved.
Rim and handle of cup. Fragment is completely reserved. Handle is small and pinched in a triangular shape. Handle is attached to a lower rim, suggesting that a lid was once present which would sit outside this rim. The higher rim is almost to the top of handle. Towards bottom of fragment, the slope becomes steeper as it gets nearer to base.
Small fragment with part of rim remianing suggesting trefoil mouth. Ridges inside caused by sloping shoulders outside.
Slightly curved from left to right and curved from top to bottom, becoming steeper towards bottom of fragment. This suggests that the fragment may have belonged to a cup of some description which has straight rim and a sloping body (?) Fragment has the rim of the object. The rim is black and flat on the top. On the interior surface is a black band below rim, red, broad band, thin black band and red again. The exterior surface appears to have been black all over but faded to red. The material is thick and dark in colour.
Appears to have had a black glaze. Triangular fragment which seems to have one edge that may have been a rim.
Two large lines upon the outer part, one at the top, the other at the bottom, that spread across its face and form a sort of box. Within the box appears to be a painting of grape vine with a series of heart-shaped leaves forming a pattern, as well as several patterns of what seem to be four lots of grapes. There are no decorations on the inside of the fragment.
Almost flat but with no finished edges. Underside reserved and topside has a red zigzag pattern with transverse bars between lines. There are three rows of zigzag on this fragment.
Chunky fragment which is flat. The underside is reserved and the topside has three bands at the top and eight rows of irregular zigzag below. No finished edges.
Fragment including section of rim. Rim has a flat top and is hardly offset at all. Interior surface is black. The exterior surface has black bars on the rim then a black band below with a panel of vertical bars next to a panel of three horizontal zigzags with a final band below. Below this but mainly missing at fracture are two narrown bands.
Fragment comprising the entire foot, completely reserved underneath. Red band on top with a rosettes in the centre, black to red.
Fragment with the head and torso of a figure, white marking on the figure's head. Quite deep incisions to outline the figure.
Fragment with man with beard visible, only left hand and upper body are visible. He appears to be holding the branch of a tree (Dionysus). Quite a few chips and markings on the front. Inside is not coloured.
Fragment of pot, including slight buldge where handle begins. Exterior, black lines on white background. At the right edge of the top there is a triangluar bit of black that looks like it originally belonged to a square surrounded on both verticle sides by twin sets of thin brown verticle lines. Less than 1 from the top there are two brown lines that follow the curve of the jug horizontally spaced .3 apart. Under these lines on the left is a large2.5 hieght figure eight pattern made up of three lines that swirl around to create the eight, with little v's on the outside of the eight pointed away from where the figure eight lines cross. On the right side, two bworn/black lines curve around where the handle would have begun. The handle section is all black, although chipped. Under the figure eight is a .6 thick black lines running horizontally around the pot, broken by a thin pink line a little below the middle. there are two other thin pink lines equidistant from this first one, one above and one below it by about .4, the top pink line being right above the top of the black line. Underneith the bottom pink line is a segment of a different pattern. Interior is black over pink and white, which is worn away enough in many parts to see the pink and white colors. two thin and faded white lines form bands near the top.
Fragment of the middle segment of a plate(?) chalice(?) with the stem that would have held it up broken off. Exterior, white, interior black with two slightly faded relatively thin white lines that would have made a circle, with a white blob (part of an X?) and a red dot on and in between the lines of the possible X within the circles.
Fragment of the bottom part of the cup of a chalice(?)or bowl(?). Exterior white with one small red/brown section of a pattern at the highest point and one thick almost 1 red/brown line abour half way from the top. Interior is black/brown with a pair(?) of thin faded white lines .5 from the top edge, below that a repeating pattern of black teardrops, and below that a pattern of white sploches interspliced with red dots.
The interior is black, but there is a reserved band on the fragments that come from the vessel's rim (a, b, c, d), which also bear a reserved band on the upper internal side of the rim. a) The black colour appears streaky (it varies from reddish brown to brown) on the rim (interior and exterior), as well as on the handle. The colour of the decoration appears brown and reddish brown on some areas. There is a broad band that bears two palmettes (one on either side of the double handle), while the surface between the two springs is reserved. On the left side of the fragment there is the right part of a motif (front legs of horses?). Below, there is part of a black line. b) The rim is black. Below, there is the upper part of a charioteer, riding a chariot with four horses (part of them is preserved). Details of the horses have been rendered with incisions. c) The rim is black, however the black colour is uneven and leaves part of the right edge of the fragment's rim reserved. Underneath a thin, reserved line, there is a palmette and next to it part of the line that contoured the spring of the handle. d) The rim is black. Below, there is a female figure's head and in front of her (at the level of her face) there is part of a curving branch, with dots on either side (part of wreath?). e) Part of a palmette, a black line and a black band. f) There is a dot in the middle of the resting surface, contoured by a circle. There is also part of a wide, band, between thin lines, above which, there is a graffito? in the shape of X.
The interior is black, apart from a reserved line on the upper part of the rim. a) The rim bears a black band. Below, there is a palmette on the left of the fragment (an almost round centre from which emerge petal-shaped divisions), as well as part of a carelessly rendered curving line. On the left there is the right part of a figure next to three barnches with dots on either side. There are also four large dots on the background. b)The rim bears a black band. The rest of the surface appears to be reserved. c)The rim bears a black band. On the right side there is the largest part of a palmette (round center, rendered with added red and petal-shaped divisions). There is part of a black line that contoured the handle (partially covered with adhesives and plaster). On the left, there is another figure (carelessly rendered, between three similar branches (on the right) and part of an (undecipherable) object that consists of black colour, incisions and added red colour. There are also four large dots on the background. d) The rim bears a black band. There is part of the object on the left side of c and on its left there is part of a black dot. e) On the left side there is part of a curving line with a voluted ending (tendril?), which is connected to a palmette (voluted, with round center and petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is an object that consists of three parts. The upper is round and the details are rendered with incisions and added red, the middle part is a small dotted branch and the lowest part is a short, vertical, thin band (thyrsos?). From its middle part emerges another dotted branch. There are five large dots on the background. On the right side of the fragment there is the left part (small part) of a figure? (carelessly rendered). f) The part of the lowest body that is preserved bears the terminations of palmettes? depicted on the body (short, clumsily rendered bands are preserved). There is also a reserved thin line between two broad brown bands. The foot is also brown and so is the inner sude surface of the foot. The rest is reserved, with the exception of five thin, concentric circles on the base. g) The fragment bears the lowest part of a palmette (the left volute and part of the round center)on the left and part of the reserved area between the two brown bands.
Interior white with a pattern of brown waves set in between sets of two thin yellow lines which begin .2 below the rim. There is a small bit of brown that seems to be part of some other pattern at the bottom of the fragment. Interior is brown/black with remnants of a white fan or floral pattern, which is heavily worn. A good deal of the interior is worn down to the original terracotta.
Fragment, clay beige colour. Side b has a small area of black at the bottom. Side a has a small area of black at the top, and a little at the bottom, with an area of red int the middle.
Five sided fragment. Exterior white with a pattern of parallel brown curves that get increasingly shorter, creating a pie slice shape. Interior black with a red line alone one edge. Right above the red line is a white line. There are also a few other splotches of white.
Curved and painted on both sides. The "outer" concave side is painted light beige with two small brown bands running lengthwise along it. One band has another smaller brown band (about twice as thin) running beside it throughout the fragment. The other band has a smiliar smaller band, but only measuring about a quarter of the length and running off into the edge. The "inner" convex side is painted dark brown with two white bands running lengthwise. One of the white bands is dashed, while the other is complete.
Front of fragment has red-figure decoration on it, however the design is unclear. Underside of fragment is glazed black.
Small fragment. Pointed at each end. Both sides glazed black.
Small fragment. Black glazed on both sides. One side has slightly raised area. Perhaps it would have been the start of a handle.
On the exterior is a light brown line, followed by a cream line, and another brown one, followed by a lighter brown one and brown dots on a cream background. Then another light brown line and more cream until a dark brown circular shape (unclear because the fragment ends here). On the other side the background is dark brown, almost black, with white lines, almost like petals, with light brown dots in them.
Fragment is made up of six smaller fragments, which have been rejoined, comprising the base of a pot. Interior and exterior are glazed black. Just above rim of base is a strip of red with a black line in the middle. Top and underside of base rim is red. Side of rim is black. Underside of base is concaved, with a red center. The red center, under the base, has a black circle around.
Three fragments. Both sides of each fragment are glazed black.
Fragment from the neck of a closed shape, with a flat, thick rim (1.4cm). Flat, top of rim seems to have been painted white. The side of the rim has a pattern around it. The pattern has a thin, black line parting small 'U' shapes. The top half of the pattern has 'U' shapes in it, which have tiny, verticle, red lines inside them. The bottom half is the same, however the 'U' shapes are up-side-down. The neck and small piece of the body, on the fragment, is glazed black and appears to have once had white paint on it. The fragment has a small piece of the pot's body on either side of the neck. One of the sides of the fragment of the body has the top of two figures on it. The right hand side figure is the top of a head but its features are unclear. The left-hand-side figure appears to be a women, with her left arm raised. The underside of fragment is terracotta colour. The inside of rim is glazed black and the inside of the pot appears to have been left terracotta.
Single rim fragment
The interior of the rim is black with a double stripe near the lip. The convex side of the fragment is reserved except for the handle.
Fragment of a handle and a rim of a kylix. Concave side is black with a reserved (unpainted) stripe at the lip. The convex side is reserved except for a small black stripe running horizontally at the top base of the handle, and for a larger stripe at the lower part of the fragment.
Fragment of a rim of a Kylix. The concave side is black with a reserved stripe at the lip. The convex side is mostly reserved with the exception of a black stripe at the tip of the lip, the bottom of the lip, and the end of the fragment. There is also a small black non-representational design on the convex side of the rim.
Fragment of a rim and handle of a kylix. Exterior is black with reserved stripe at lip. Interior is reserved with the exeption of a black stripe running horizontally to the top of the stump of the broken-off handle.
Fragment from the central part of a bowl. Interior brown, with three pairs of white lines beginning about 1.5 from the top, 3.0 from the top, and 4.0 from the top. Under the second set of lines, are three white tear drop shapes that used to surround the center. Exterior white with pattern of alternating red and yellow/brown lines .2 to .8 apart.
Rim fragment decorated with orangey-brown on the exterior and light brown on the interior, with two orangey-brown stripes running across horizontally.
Rim fragment from a kylix with some of the handle. The exterior is dark brown with a light brown tip at the lip of the rim. The interior is light brown with a dark brown tip at the lip.
Interior decorated in dark brown with a thin light brown stripe along the inside lip. The exterior is light brown with dark brown stripes along the top and bottom part of the lip, and along the bottom part of the fragment.
A thick fragment of a pot with black gloss on either side, with small chips throughout.
Terracotta fragment, shaped roughly like an arrowhead. Black gloss on both sides, slightly shiny.
Fragment, glazed black on both sides. On the outside half way down are two very thin, parallel, slightly faded, white lines. On the inside are two thin, parallel, brown lines along one edge.