Ure Museum Database

There are 291 objects for which Decoration contains → decoration
12.10.1 Mask of woman in high relief with wig-like mass of hair with lightly incised zigzags. Projecting ornament. Perhaps decoration from a portable brazier or perhaps a fireplace decoration.
13.10.10 White-painted, with black linear patterns. At front of neck, female figurine, to hip level. Beak-face, prominent breasts, arms curled round them, hand on mouth. Black linear decor, painted circles resembling eyes, black dots or rings on breasts resembling nipples, zigzag decoration within border at base of figurine.
13.10.13 Marks still apparent from use of wheel but no decoration.
13.10.7 Fired black in patches. Incised decoration: groups of zig-zags and intersecting straight lines which stop at base without meeting.
14.9.11 Painted decoration in dull black on both sides in rectangles with lines inside with cross hatching on the underside. Part of two bored holes at the same end but slightly apart, perhaps for suspension. No finished edges.
14.9.119 Wreath around head. No evidence of painted decoration or metal attachments. She may have been smiling, although there is considerable erosion of the facial features. Ring-shaped decoration covers her ears.
14.9.23 Red with white slip on both sides and traces of red decoration on the exterior surface with a band and then a band with design attached to it. On the interior surface is a red line down one side with a whte 'S' on it. No finished edges.
14.9.25 Pink, with decoration of red stripes on creamy ground on outside. Very coarse material and no decoration on the interior surface. No finished edges.
14.9.28 Fragment of coarse Neolithic pottery, pink with grey core, traces of decoration in red on outside and reserved inside.
14.9.29 Pink surface with white slip on each side. Linear decoration in red. Outside is horizontally striped and inside is half red with half the surface with white diagonal stripes. The fragment is a middle piece as there are no finished edges.
14.9.45 Bottom of false neck has a broad red band. Shoulder has two broad red bands with several narrower bands in between them. The body is squat, with same pattern as the shoulder. Decoration is brick-red on pinkish-buff ground. Smaller band of red near and on the edge of the base, which is undecorated and slightly convex in shape (?). Blackening around hole where true neck has broken off suggests usage as a lamp.
14.9.46 Black decoration on the outer side of the handle finishing in a V shape at the false lid. The lowest part of the false neck also is decorated with black paint which has discoloured in fierinf process. False lid has a black disk surrounded by three concentric circles with reserved areas separating them.
14.9.47 Panel decoration. Broken wave band on neck; below this the end of a broad band and the beginning of a thinner vertical line bordering the panel on the right; within this frame a network composed of papyrus motives, horizontal and facing left with circles in the blank spaces. Inside a broad band extends from the top of the fragment (and presumably from the top of the vase) to the level fo the top of the band on the outside, the rest reserved.
14.9.5 Inside of mouth and rim are black but remainder of interior is reserved. Handles, black on top and reserved underneath. Slight lip to mouth with black band below and then another at base of neck (white spots superimposed on front only). At base of handles are wavy lines and below is a decoration of three black bands. Base is reserved. Graeco-Phoenician.
14.9.73 Pale slip; interior: black, with added red band lined in white; exterior: animal frieze decoration consisting of two goats grazing to left (one hind leg with added red of one and head with antlers, neck with added red, and forelegs of second remaining); crosses, stars, and pinwheel rosette as filling ornament; below, black band above band in added red.
14.9.76 exterior: from left, painted black handle zone; black figure decoration consisting of cloaked woman (only back, tresses and part of cloak in added white remaining), to right.
14.9.77 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of swan confronting siren (only traces swan's head, neck, breast and right wing outstretched, to right; siren's face and neck in added white and breast in added red, to left); the chests of the creatures overlap each other.
14.9.78 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of part of possibly deer or boar (only hind leg remaining), to left; at right, painted streaky black handle zone; below, one narrow band above a wider black and a band in added red;
14.9.79 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of possibly a horse (only haunch and hind leg remaining), to right
14.9.80 exterior: top and right, black frame or panel; in panel black-figure decoration consisting of horse (only part of mane with added red and part of right ear remaining), to right. The other side is reserved.
14.9.84 Interior: reserved band below junction of bowl and lip; below, glazed black; exterior: lip glazed with thin reserved line at join with bowl; below, black figure decoration consisting of horseback riders (only head including mane and reins, neck and breast with added red, shoulder and upper forelegs of one horse and tail of second remaining), to right; at far right, possibly incised pinwheel rosette as filling ornament;
14.9.9 Core red. Surface red, with linear decoration in black on both sides. No finished edges.
2002.9.4 A reconstruction of a barbiton comprised of a heart shaped wooden frame with a horizontal bar at the top to which the seven strings are attached. The strings are arranged vertically and are attached at the bottom where there is a tortoise shell with some sort of drum skin drawn taught across the top. A red ribbon has been added for decoration to the left at the bottom.
2002.9.5 A reconstruction of a kithara. Similarly to the barbitos, wooden frame with a horizontal bar resting across the top to which the seven strings are attached. Ornate carving and curls down each side. The lower part is a thicker section of wood with a bridge (as on our stringed instruments of today) to hold the strings taught. Zig zag carving at base for decoration and a red ribbon for the musician to hold attached to bottom right.
2003.7.16 Curved fragment with rim and stump of handle suggests it was a bowl or cup due to how it open it appears as a shape. The interior is painted entirely in black, with a hint of red (fading?) near the top. The exterior has two black bands, one on the rim and one below the rim which also covers the handle stump. Beneath the handle there is a strip of faded white paint, followed by a red/dark brown stripe, then the rest is white with a thin horizontal black line and possible a thicker vertical black line dividing the white decoration in half.
2004.10.1 Plastic decoration (snake or poppy stems and buds) on body suggests Egyptian influence or origin.
2004.5.1 The face is moulded, with ringlets at forehead, beaded hair at sides, and wavy locks as a beard, tongue protruding from mouth. The face is encircled in a u-shaped element terminating in volutes; petals on the outside. The face and other decoration are painted brown; a painted band beneath the face indicates the top of the dress.
2004.8.2A Black, leaf-shaped decoration, interlaced with thin black lines, with two small, black circles beneath. Black on reverse side of fragment.
2004.8.2B Thick black band, with horizontal incised lines. Tips of black palmette decoration visible. Black on reverse side of fragment.
2005.3.21 Possible decoration on exterior of fragment
2005.3.22 Incised decoration, probably part of an image rather than a pattern, added black or red
2005.3.28A-B A: Whitish slip with bands of decoration, zigzags in added red and straight lines in brown. Interior has a wide band of red at rim, rest is white slip, possibilty of an interior ornament, circular shape in red visible at edge of fragment. B: exterior and interior same as A.
2005.3.30 Black decoration on exterior, double lines, dots and 'eye' shaped block
2005.3.33 White slip with added red decoration, red lines still visible as well as a patch of red at the edge of the fragment
2005.3.8 Surviving section of rim has bands, handle is painted although pattern is unclear, traces of paint around edge of fragment suggests that main body of the vase also carried decoration.
2005.7.13 Geometric decoration principally in linen with small area of wool
2005.7.14 Inlaid thread decoration
2006.12.121 Black paint lines on white paint decoration; heavily worn.
2006.12.13 Inner surface painted black with uncoloured band; outer surface has worn lines perpendicular to rim, with hints of further decoration lower, unidentifiable due to chipping
2006.12.15 One half of outside is grey lines on a white surface, in an unidentifiable pattern; Other half is hatched grey lines on white paint with brown spots in centre and red band just visible at very edge of fragment; all decoration appear faded
2006.12.19 Dots of black paint heavily worn with small bits of black paint in other places, suggesting a heavily worn decoration
2006.12.25 White paint with black decoration. Base has black concentric circles, with rays on the side.
2006.12.32 Inner side painted black. Outer side decoration is very faded, consisting of black, white and red painted bands.
2006.12.36 Decoration mostly faded, but appears to have been bands of black, white and red
2006.12.46 Red/brown decoration with two parallel lines. Above this is what seems to be a leg of an animal, probably a duck or goose. The division of the foot into two toes is indicative of the geometric style.
2006.12.55 Black and brown lines on white background running parallel; near edge of fragment others at perpendicular angle to other lines; worn decoration
2006.12.65 Painted lines black lines perpendicular to rim; other decoration recognisable but not identifiable due to wear.
2006.12.73 Black paint on both inside and outside; outside has four white paint arcs that could be concentric white circles, inside has single white paint arc; decoration worn
2006.12.74 Grooves on inside and outside possibly part of decoration or could simply be relic from manufacure
2006.12.75 Some black paint, possibly a linear decoration but wear makes identification difficult
2006.5.11 Has a rim but no painted decoration
2006.5.13 No decoration, lines texture
2007.10.2.331 Two male figures fighting over a woman who has fallen in-between them. One has a dagger, the other could possibly be protecting her. Both men are wearing helmets and armour. There are vases and decoration in the background.
2007.2.100 No decoration.
2007.2.101 No decoration.
2007.2.105 No decoration.
2007.2.106 No decoration.
2007.2.108 No decoration.
2007.2.110 Small decoration of black glaze.
2007.2.112 No decoration
2007.2.113 No decoration.
2007.2.118 No decoration.
2007.2.121 No decoration.
2007.2.129 No decoration.
2007.2.132 No decoration.
2007.2.133 No decoration.
2007.2.140 No decoration.
2007.2.72 No decoration.
2007.2.75 Both sides are decorated with two stripes of orange glaze. However, areas of the decoration are missing, most likely due to wear.
2007.2.78 No decoration, however, two lines are indented into one side of the fragment.
2007.2.83 No decoration.
2007.2.84 No decoration
2007.2.89 No decoration.
2007.2.94 No decoration
2007.4.116 Very faded black paint lines visible on both inner and outer surface, but not enough to assess decoration
2007.4.124 Black parallel lines next to broken handle; white paint under handle; faded black parallel lines perpendicular to other lines above and below area of handle; decoration worn, faded and chipped
2007.4.71 Scraps of red-brown paint show a decoration was present, but is too unclear to make an identification of what it was
2007.9.3.65 2 naked warriors with the decoration "HERE" and "MAR".
2008.2.1.68 Profile of a female face. The figure has elaborate hair with what appears to be wing decoration.
2008.7.132 No decoration.
2008.7.14 Dark glaze concentric circles possible glaze decoration on exterior and interior
2008.7.148 No decoration. Small singular horizontal line indentation near curved edge.
2008.7.18 Light brown exterior glaze with darker reddish-brown decoration. Seven parallel lines perpendicular to three other lines, all of the reddish-brown color. Also the edge of a rounded design, also reddish-brown. The interior is glazed reddish-brown, but a redder hue than the color from the exterior decoration.
2008.7.186 Exterior: beige/white slip, overpainted by one horizontal maroon lines, traces of black decoration on the very bottom of the fragment. Base(?): continuation of the beige/white slip from the side. Interior: black glaze; continues down onto the interior of the base(?) as well.
2008.7.189 Small patches of possible brown and black decoration on interior and exterior.
2008.7.191 Exterior: possible decoration, but too faded to discern.
2008.7.192 Interior: black overpaint; Exterior: horizontal line made up of two black overpainted dots just under rim of fragment. Possible other decoration but too faded to discern.
2008.7.197 Interior: brown overpaint. Exterior: remnants of part of a line of black overpainted decoration
2008.7.27 Exterior: possible blotchy painting remains and unidentified curving design stamped or inscribed. Interior: slightly raised ovoid decoration.
2008.7.36 Exterior: thick brown horizontal line along the rim, and another similar line along the join of neck and shoulder. Traces of other linear decoration of the same brown color. Interior: thick brown horizontal line along the rim.
2008.7.40 Exterior: series of thick black horizontal lines of varying thickness; interior: probably same or similar decoration to exterior, but extremely worn.
2008.9.50 One side is decorated with black glaze. The same side is incised, depicting furniture; potentially either a chair or table leg. Potentially more decoration, however this could be surface damage.
2016.3.1 Moulded ring around the discus; there is a moulded decoration of a corpulent bearded male figure (satyr), riding a goat, on the discus. The satyr is grasping the animal's horn with the right and the tail with the left hand. Scene is depicted in left side view. Three punched dots decorate the shoulder in the section of the nozzle. Incised ring around the base with Greek inscription at centre.
22.11.1 Handles and flase lid are red and there is a band around the top and bottom of spout. Red decoration on body is broad and narrow bands.
22.3.38 On the outside are several patterns, likely painted on as part of a larger decoration upon the original artefact as a complete object. The inside has a single large, slightly curved light orange line; again, potentially part of a larger pattern on the interior of the artefact.
22.3.39 Black glaze but slightly silvery front and back. Bands of decoration from top to bottom; white 'v' shapes and dots, two thin bands, white 's' shapes facing right, two narrow bands, blocks of red and white, two bands, white dots with swirls and circular leaf pattern, red band, indistinguishable circular pattern due to break.
22.3.41 Painted exterior decoration in dark brown and dark red on a cream ground. Below a broad brown band is a red band, between two white lines, and then another brown band. The lower body is decorated with a series of vertical brown lines, between pairs of red and brown bands, all between two curvilinear patterns each comprised of two concentric circles around a single dot. This entire motif is enclosed in a lens-shaped space, between dark brown patches, underlined by more red bands between white lines. The flat bottom is decorated with a curvilinear diamond crossing a cross, both in dark brown, inscribed in a dark brown circle.
22.9.1 Black lines decorate the body in geometric patterns. Front, from bottom to top: vertical rays, two horizontal bands, 7 vertical rays; two horizontal bands; 6 vertical zigzags; 2 horizontal bands; 12 or 13 short rays; one horizontal band (across maximum width, where 'arms' are extended); necklace consisting of horizontal band with pendant (disk with line extending from bottom). Head decoration is limited to wavy hair (5 vertical zigzags all around), 7 rays on the polos, 3 horizontal bands on the coil; and two eyes, on either side of the 'nose'. Otherwise reserved.
22.9.11 No decoration present.
22.9.12 Singular black stripe on convexed side of fragment. No other decoration present.
22.9.13 One side of fragment decorated with thick stripes of black glaze. A small loop of decoration goes against the direction of the stripes. the other side has no decoration.
22.9.22 No decoration visible.
25.6.9 Black line on rim. Black painted decoration on reserved background, not enough for obvious design. Inside painted black, fading slightly to red.
25.9.3 The vessel bears impressed (stamped) decoration and is black inside, as well as outside. There is a rope-shaped plastic motif above the shoulder of the vessel and the body is ribbed (long, tongue-shaped motives). Below the handle there are ten impressed palmettes (voluted with narrow divisions), arranged in an inverted triangle. The resting surface bears traces of a red line, its shallow inner side bears a black band, the central part is red and there is a black circle with a dot at the centre.
26.12.1 On mouth two concentric circles. Three horizontal bands on the handle. No shoulder decoration. On body, six (or seven?) thin bands above three thick ones. Base is slightly concave and reserved.
26.12.26 The vessel bears an uneven black glaze, but it is partly fired red. There is a wide groove at the rim and two more at the upper part of the neck, from which seem to be hanging seven, double, semi-circular, white lines, each one flanked by vertical ones. There are also two grooves that contour the upper part of the vessel's shoulder. The latter bears decoration in white, of a branch with double-leaved (teardropped) motives. There is one last groove below that pattern.
26.12.28 Clay pale buff. Decoration streaky brownish-black, in parts fired to red. On shoulder, two wave bands between two straight. Rest of vase black. Bars across handle, black line round lip. Side of foot and bottom reserved.
26.12.3 Handle with hole for suspension. On top of mouth are three concentric circles. On side is a band. Neck has daisy petal pattern. Body: bands above and below the main design of a man attacking a lion. At back large black circle with black centre. In field rosettes with incisions intersecting at centre and dots. Added red for decoration. Many bands on base.
26.12.7 Lip decorated with black vertical lines. Interior: Three concentric bands of red, each approximately 1.3 wide. There are three narrower concentric red bands at centre. Four small, round handles, arranged symetricaly, are decorated with the same vertical lines as on the rim. The body is decorated on with three bands: (1) vertical lines in red; (2) triangles filled in with cross-hatching alternating with small loops, each made up of three concentric semi-circles around a dot; (3) triangles inscribed with smaller triangles. Each band of decoration is separated by a triglyph compased of two thin red bands on either side of a thicker red band. There is a thicker red band towards the bottom of the foot. The edge of the foot is decorated with red vertical lines. Inside the flat resting surface are two concentric red bands.
26.2.10 interior glazed black; exterior: from top: part of black lip band; black-figure decoration consisting of lotus flower with added red at end of long wavy stalk emerging from handle root; glazed zone with band in added white;
26.2.100 interior black; exterior black with garland of leaves around neck in added white and yellow; below at right, part of undetermined pendent motif in added white; below modelled junction of neck and shoulder, traces of undetermined decoration in added white.
26.2.2 interior: glazed black; exterior: part of interlaced stems of lotus chain decoration in handle zone; below, series of narrow and wide bands, mostly painted black but three in added red;
26.2.20 white slip; interior: black with added red band lined in white; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of lion with added red on neck and belly (head, legs, and part of tail missing) to left; pinwheel rosette, dots, and dashes as filling ornament.
26.2.22 white slip; interior black with added red band lined in white; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of feline (hind claw, belly, and right forleg joint remaining) to right; half pinwheel rosette and one splinter rosette as filling ornament; below, maeander frieze between wide black bands; at bottom of sherd, tips of possible tongues or dot frieze. Rough drill hole.
26.2.3 exterior: inside ring hole, traces of black; around ring hole, traces of narrow and wide painted black concentric bands with incised lines across the wide bands; around edge, black-figure decoration consisting of horse riders (only incision marks and traces of black remaining) to left;
26.2.31 The underside is reserved except for both sides of the foot ring which are black. The upper part is reserved apart from the decoration. This consists of a red band with three red, narrower ones below it. This forms the outline to the central medallion of black lotus buds and goups of palmette leaves which radiate from (missing) centre.
26.2.38 Glaze fired brown; pale slip; interior: from outside, part undetermined black fire decoration; black band; maeander frieze between two wide black bands with added red bands lined in white; exterior: ring foot glazed; on underside, two narrow bands.
26.2.45 pale slip; exterior: from top, frieze of short tongues; below, part of large palmette and tendril decoration with part of spoked rosette and small crosses as filling ornament; below, three bands (one black, one in added white and one in added red)
26.2.46 pale slip; exterior: from top, part of frieze of tongues; below from left, black-figure decoration consisting of possibly part of a wing with added red; to right, part of large palmette with pinwheel and dot rosettes and dashes as filling ornament; below, black band with superimposed band in added white;
26.2.47 glaze fired orange-brown; pale slip; from top, black figure decoration, possibly a duck; maeander frieze between wide bands with traces of bands in added white and red; glazed area;
26.2.48 pale slip; exterior, from top: frieze with black-figure decoration consisting of breast and right foreleg of crounching feline to right; on right, possible blob rosette as filling ornament; below, wide black band with traces of bands in added white and red; below, animal procession to left in silhouette style (rump, tail, and part of hind legs of possible goat remaining); part two rosettes and dashes as filling ornament.
26.2.49 white slip; black-figure decoration consisting of confronted winged creatures (only breast with added red and leg of bird or siren to right, and breast with added red of bird or siren to left remaining); incised splinter rosettes and dots as filling ornament;
26.2.51 pale slip; exterior, from top: traces of undetermined decoration; band with added red and white lines; black-figure frieze of sphinxes (one with face and forelegs missing, and face, chest and forelegs of second remaining) to left; splinter rosettes and dots as filling ornament; below, second band, then frieze with animal procession in silhouette style consisting of goat grazing to left (horn, shoulders and back remaining); short vertical bars, dot, and maeander cross as filling ornament;
26.2.52 white slip; from top, frieze of tongues; narrow band (fired brown); black-figure decoration consisting of goat to left (rump with added red, one hind leg with added red, and part of tail remaining); large incised shaded rosettes as filling ornament.
26.2.54 cream slip; interior unslipped; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of sphinx (back and haunches with added red remaining) to right; incised rosette with red centre as filling ornament; below, two black bands above parts of five vertical tongues.
26.2.62 white slip; interior: glazed streaky black (fired yellowish brown) with traces of single band in added white; exterior: painted decoration consisting of seated sphinx (part of belly and hind leg remaining), to left; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, in handle zone doble saw-edged metope pattern; at right, group of five vertical strokes; part of ancient repair hole on right edge of sherd.
26.2.73 white slip; interior glazed streaky black with wide band in added red lined in white below rim; below, band in white above one in red; top of rim glazed; exterior: frieze of vertical black strokes at rim, some in added red; below, two narrow black bands; below, from left, part of possibly dot rosette; vertical band of dots between narrow vertical bands; painted decoration consisting of part of pendent lotus bud and part of lotus flower petal; dot rosette as filling ornament;
26.2.76 exterior: frieze of vertical tongues painted in black and in added red; below, black-figure decoration consisting of Herakles (top of head remaining) to left;
26.2.83 pale slip; interior: black-figure decoration consisting of part of Gorgoneion's head and hair with added red; exterior: from outside, parts of frieze of short verticals; black band; two narrow dilute bands; broad black band with added red and white bands on top; three dilute bands; dot frieze;
26.2.85 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of animal (one hind leg of goat or deer remaining) to right; incised blob and splinter rosettes as filling ornament; below, band in added red and black band;
26.2.86 interior: glazed streaky black; exterior: frieze of wavy vertical strokes between pairs of black bands at rim;below, black-figure decoration consisting of animal frieze (back and part of rump of possibly feline remaining) to right; dots as filling ornament;
26.2.87 exterior: painted decoration consisting of part of quatrefoil motif; around base, series of short strokes;
26.2.89 on top, black figure decoration consisting of dolphin (back, dorsal fin, and part of tail missing) to left; incised splinter rosette as filling ornament; black around edges with band of added red; black with traces of red on underside;
26.2.90 glaze mostly fired red-brown; interior: glazed with traces of one band of added red; on top of rim, chain of incised lotuses and palmettes; on handle-plate, black-figure decoration consisting of winged creature (rump feathers remaining) to left; on edge of rim, frieze of stepped zigzags; traces of painted band at junction of rim and shoulder; reserved shoulder.
26.2.91 pale red slip; interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of winged creature, possibly a bird or siren with outspread wings (breast with added red and right wing remaining) to right; incised dotted rosette with red as filling ornament.
26.2.92 pale red slip; interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of animal frieze to left (hindlegs and part of belly of one deer or horse and legs and feet of winged creature); below, wide painted black band with added red band lined in white; cruciform rosette as filling ornament.
26.2.93 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of animal motif (possibly lion's paw) to right; incised blob rosette with added red as filling ornament.
26.2.94 interior: part of tondo decoration within glazed wall; frieze of alternate black and red tongues within a double dot band framed by triple lines; exterior: glazed black below; triple lines above, and band delimiting handle zone.
26.2.95 interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of possible warrior scene (left thigh and right leg of warrior lunging to left; one hind leg and part of hoof from foreleg of horse in the foreground, to right).
26.2.96 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of shield with octopus blazon at centre in added white; edge of shield in added red;
26.2.97 exterior: on shoulder, trace of tendril decoration; below junction of shoulder and body, triple dot band between pairs of narrow black bands; below, black-figure decoration consisting of horse (top of head with ear and mane with added red remaining) to right.
26.7.2 The interior of the vessel is streaky black (uneven) except for the tondo (reddish brown), that depicts a (shadow of a) man, in a short chiton, facing right and advancing. He is holding a (thorny) club with his right hand and his himation with the left one (using it as a shield?), while his sword is visible at his right side. Exterior: The lip bears a thin, black line. The surface of the body is reserved (up to the point where the scene ends) but bears decoration in black. The scene is repeated on both sides; the myth of Heracles and the Bull. Herakles has captured the Bull from the head. Hanging in the background (above them) there are Herakles' club, cloak and quiver. The scene is flanked (left and right) by fan-shaped palmettes (voluted at the bottom with long, narrow divisions). The lower part of the handles' external surface is black and under either of them there is an ivy leaf (heart-shaped). Below the scene, there is a streaky black line and, after a reserved, thin band, the vessel is (streaky) black up to the end of the foot, whose side surface is reserved, though. The base is reserved but bears a red thin band at the center of the resting surface. No incisions or added colour have been used.
27.3.5 Decoration faded brick-red. On lip five concentric circles, on handle is a vertical zigzag between two thin lines. On shoulder are two dogs running to the right. On body are a group of four lines, between two bands, then six lines, below which are four bands. The base is reserved and concave with a small central protrusion.
27.3.8 On lip, rays. On handle, two horizontal bands. Shoulder decoration consists of a repeated inverted comma pattern. On body a line, a band, six narrow lines, and, in the main zone, two lions (with traces of a third lion between them), with rosettes between their tails. Four thick black bands, each with thin red bands superimposed. Band of five rays rising from base. Two bands around foot and base coloured black.
27.3.9 The decoration above the shoulder is unclear. A fish is probably depicted on the shoulder. On the body, black bands of varying thicknesses, range from top to bottom. The base is reserved and almost flat. Shallow groove between slight footing and central flat disk.
27.4.6 The bowl shows linear decoration in black (fired orange-red) and (purple) red on buff. Groups of four bars on rim and inside, a thin band just underneath the lip. Large red/orange disk in centre of bowl. Outside of bowl features a pattern of wave-like pattern beginning underneath the handles, with one thin band either side. Below this, more plain bands are evident, one thick, the rest thin until the base. Foot contains one thin band right at the top, and then a thick one on the inside.
29.5.3 The decoration is executed with red colour and incisions. Rim: There are petal-shaped tongues on the top surface and dots at the side one. The back of the handle bears three, almost vertical (the central one is wavy) lines. Below the handle on the body there are five (the one smaller) rosettes (leaved rodakes), with incisions intersecting at the centre. The main design is a swan with outspread wings, facing right. Details are incised and there is some added red on its wings and tail. The swan appears to step on a row of petal-shaped spots that contours the sunk centre of the vessel, serving as a base.
29.5.43 Small lines imprinted along ridge, no distinct decoration.
29.8.43 No decoration.
30.4.1 Clay buff, coarse. Decoration: brick-red to brown on creamy buff. Zones of pattern: Step pattern between handles, chevron and dot under handle; bands; zig-zag; bands; wave pattern; bands; thick black band to foot. Underside of foot reserved except for three thin bands. Top side of handles has band pattern on then. Inside body, seven thin bands on a reserved backing. Leaf pattern on rim.
33.4.1 Four handles, three with decoration, one without. Decoration black (mostly fired red) and red (purple) on creamy-buff. Zones of pattern: vertical bars (which go up onto the rim and three handles); zigzag; dotted lozenges; triangles separated by hanging loops or dot rosettes. Red used for thin bands dividing each zone. Stem and foot have five redish/black bands round them. Rim of foot edged with small vertical lines. Foot and stem decorated with two more bands. Inside kylix, two black bands round outside, then three smaller in the middle.
33.4.2 Black, often fired to brick-red, and purple-red decoration on creamy-buff. On top of rim and handles groups of bars. Main zone, palmettes in panels (divided by vertical herring-bone bands). Stem has two bands at top, two at bottom. Inside bowl, three broad bands. Rim and base of foot reserved.
34.8.4 Lip reserved. The neck, side and base of foot are coloured with red. Shoulder has two rows of radiating bars, the first row are shorter. On front of body only are bands of decoration, separated with a single black line, alternating with black grille, black key, grille, key, grille, black 'zzzzz'. Three reserved bands on black to base. Foot is black on top.
35.4.4 The vessel is decorated with impressed (stamped) decoration. Shoulder: there are six inverted palmettes (voluted with narrow divisions), linked with incised curving lines. There is also a ridge at the junction of the shoulder and body, below which there is the motif of ellipsoid tongues (eggs) contoured by a line each. Body: At about the middle, there are six, widely spread double-leaved motives (teardropped leaves) and a continuous, incised line that goes through them. The joining point of the body and foot is reserved and so is the edge of the foot and the resting surface.
35.5.34A-Q (a) fragment, three joins. Decoration on both sides. Band of geometric pattern above which is person's foot and bottom of leg standing to the right, wearing a hymation. On the opposite side: floral pattern to the left of bottom half of a person and to the right of this person the hand and lower body of another. (b) curved, palmette on other side black. (c) large roughened patch to the top right where possibly a handle was attached, floral pattern around this. (d) small fragment, on one side band of geometric pattern, on the opposite side floral pattern. (e) large piece, three fragments joined. Bearded man in the centre facing to the right, left arm raised and holding a long stick, right arm tucked into hymation. To the right of the man, the arm of another person and to the left a floral pattern, inside black. (f) Very similar to fragment a. three pieces joined together. On one side in centre bottom half of a person, feet and lower legs facing left and wearing a hymation, to the right floral pattern. Opposite side, band with geometric pattern. (g) On one side to left part of a hymation, to right an arm. Opposite side band with geometric pattern. (h) On one side the feet and legs of a person standing on a platform with the bottom of a stick he/she is possibly holding to the left, in the right hand corner the edge of a geometric pattern. On the opposite side the feet of someone facing to the left wearing a hymation dropping behind them, to the right of them a floral pattern. (i) Small piece of two fragments joined together. Chest of a male with right arm extending, his hymation drapped over his right arm. (j) Head of a male facing left with hymation over his shoulder and part of large palmette to his right. (k) Small frgment, part of hymation. (l) Small fragment part of hymation (m) Small fragment part of hymation. (n,o,p) small fragments with no detail.
37.11.8 The decoration is executed in a colour varying from dull black to brown, on pale buff ground. Rim: Concentric circles on the upper surface and spots (tongues) on the side one (stephane). At the joining point of rim and neck there is a band and at the upper part of the neck a horizontal row of spots. Central handle: Decorated with short, thick, leaning lines. Neck: An olive wreath, the ends of which meet at the front where there is a cluster of olives (?) (dots). Shoulder: There is another horizontal row of dots immediately below neck that seem to be hanging from a line. At the join of shoulder and body, there is a broad band in the middle of two thin, concentric lines. Body: In the front, between the two handles, an olive-tree branch, framed by (left and right) a vertical motif of a row of dots, a line, two rows of larger, ovaloid dots and another line. This motif can also be found at the other side of the handles, used to frame a linear pattern (from a short line appear to be emerging three longer ones. On either side a vertical line, which leans slightly towards the motif in the middle. From the centre of this line emerges a long, wavy line. Below: there are two, concentric bands and three more that are not very obvious(?). The handles are ornamented with large dots. The foot is black, but the colour looks uneven. Interior of neck: Two concentric circles.
38.4.1 Black glaze except for added white decoration: (A) a bearded man running profile to the rightright but with his head turned back, cloak over his arm; (B) a man standing profile to the right, wearing a himation and holding a wreath. Wavy lines and spray of leaves on each side of figures.
38.4.4 Decoration matte brownish-black on pale buff ground; horizontal bands and lines. Spout open-topped, painted black at sides and underneath. Broad black band around rim inside and out.
38.4.9 Blackglaze except for white decoration and reserved base of the foot. A: grotesque bearded god with large head reclining on ground; bird perched on right hand, budding stick as sceptre in left. B. Hermes wearing petasos and short chiton leaning on stick; caduccus in field behind him. Retrograde inscription; letters shown look like W,H,I,O...
39.9.1 Short narrow neck of jug is glazed black. Handle begins at top of neck and carries on to top of the body. The part of the jug joining the neck and the body, has a palmette design on it, in a circle. This circle is broken for the black part of the handle. There is a large palmatee decoration underneath the handle, where it ends on the body of the jug. Body of jug has red-figures on it. Starting from right-hand side of the handle, going from left to right: First figure looks like a women in traditional Greek clothing, kneeling down. She is facing right. The figure to the right of her looks like a naked man with wings. He is standing on one leg and facing right. He is reaching one of his arms out. Underneath that arm there appears to be a duck. To the right-hand side of the duck, there is a man sitting on a stool. He is in traditional Greek cloting and is holding a large box. This figure is also facing right.Underneath the box there seems to be another object, but it is unclear. Perhaps it is a head? Or perhaps it is where the black glaze has been rubbed away, to reveal a patch which looks like decoration on the jug. He has a winged man kneeling in front of him. This man is facing left, towards the sitting figure. The next figure looks like a women in traditional Greek clothing, kneeling down. She appears to be holding something in her hand, perhaps a mirror. She is facing right. Inbetween her and the next figure there is a bird, facing right. The next figure looks like another women in traditional Greek clothing. She is standing on one leg, with her right arm reaching out. She is facing left. Behind her is a 'T' shaped object, perhaps a stool?. Rim of the base is a red/terracotta colour. underside of base is slightly concaved, with many black rings inside. There is a black dot in the centre of the bottom of the base.
42.9.1 The rim (stephane) is decorated with a double horizontal bulleted strap. The neck of side A has a broad band ornamented with elleipsoid lines with lotus leaf-shaped endings. Body: Side A: Dionysos holding leafless vine branch and kantharos between 2 dancing maenads, one of whom wears a spotted skin over her drapery. The scene is surrounded (left and right) by vertical, bulleted zones in the form of antae that seem to support a horizontal band with tongues over the heads of the figures, making the scene look as if under a building. B: 3 youths (but with beards?) wrapped in himatia, with a pair of halteres hanging between the second and third youths, relief contour on A none on B, outline of hair (and beards?) reserved. The same decoration surrounds the 3.
43.11.2 Black-glazed surface decoration all over
44.1.1 Rim: There are black tongues around the aperture and dots on the side surface of the rim. On the back of the handle there is a row of dots, framed by two, vertical lines. The neck and the surface below the handle is left reserved. At the base of the neck there are black, petal-shaped spots. Top surface: The aperture in the centre of the ring is black with additional concentric, black lines between reserved areas and a row of dots. Some of the lines have incised diagonal lines across. The reverse side bears a similar decoration but without the row of dots. Side surface of body: The main design is of an Ibex and Lion facing a central rock, made of horizontal bands. Added red is used for some parts of the ibex's body as well as for the some of the bands of the rock.
45.10.1 Entirely black, except reserved on the underside, and the resting surface. Red figure decoration begins at the lower part of the neck, with a band of rays, in imitation of ribbing. The shoulder has palmettes, rosettes and circles with central dots with added white. Wave on rim. Body decorated with white: chevrons between dot rosettes. Red band on lowest part of body, above foot.
45.10.12 Possible warrior scene. i) black figure decoration. ii) black figure decoration including parts of palmette and lotus. iii) black figure with parts of palmette, lotus and shield-incised lines on shield. iv) decorated with part of shield, incised decoration on parts of shield. v) part of human leg and two small black dots of unknown decoration. vi) part of two different human legs.
45.10.15 18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (rider’s leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
45.10.21 (i) exterior mostly black slip with a small part of black line decoration. ii) small solid black slip decoration with more black lines.
45.10.30 exterior: the red surface is decorated in the upper part with a black band, then there is a key decoration running left, under the key there is a thin, horizontal, black line, below that there is the head of an Amazon in profile facing left, wearing helmet. The head of the Amazon is painted in white.
45.10.7A-B Lid: The top surface bears part of a central medallion (dots contoured by double, semi-spherical line), encircled by a black line, a red band, a broader black band and a red line. There is also an ivy spray between the last red line and a similar one. At the rim there is a rather careless tongue pattern, with inner dots (identical to the one of the central medallion, only frammed by thin, black lines). Sides: There is the representation of women pursued by the winged Eros. The naked Eros is flying and his himation with white spots on its top is falling over his forearm. At the level of his face there is an inscription, with white colour KALOS and underneath, KALH, above a bent fillet with thin, short, white lines emerging from its endings. The first of the women is headed right, having extended her right? hand towards Eros and holding and raising slightly her drapery (in order to run faster). Her head is missing, but she is probably looking backwards, to see the advancing Eros. The scene is reproduced again: Anoher Eros pursues another woman, who is running towards an altar? (rectangular, altar-shaped constuction, higher than the figures with a decoration of a large cross and dots in between). Among them there is again the inscribed KALOS, KALH. Many fragments have not survived, however this woman's head is not missing. She is looking backwards and wears a diadema, made of white lines. At the other side of the altar? there is another woman approaching it, having escaped the first Eros, but looking back to see him. She wears a white diadema and the same inscription is between her and the Eros. The scene is framed by two red, concentric lines (above and below the figures). The bottom surface is left reserved. Body: There is decoration of laurel stems and berries around the outer surface with details made of added white. This motif is framed (above and below with red, thick lines). The interior of both pieces is black. The feet have a black band on the side (ca 2 cm below their joining part to the body) and the rest of the surface is left reserved, apart from a black line at the rim. Half way up the inside surface of the feet there is a thin, black band. The base's central part is decorated with a broad black, circular band between thin black lines.
45.6.2 Brownish-buff ground. Inside is black with traces of red lines. Outside from top to bottom, vertical black (now red) wavy lines, two red, one black, two narrow black, wide red, two narrow black, wide black, two narrow black bands. Foot is brown and base has four concentric circles. iddle thick band red, rest of decoration brownish-black. Worms in handle zone, then two thin bands.
45.6.3 Decoration black and red. Central star; rays; tongues; bands. On raised rim, cone pattern between bands. Underneath, rim moulding and moulding on base red, foot-ring black. Pattern on rim is triangular shapes with curved edges, some inverted so they tessalate.
45.6.70 On top is a worn moulded image; a woman's body and face - Artemis with quiver? Handle has worn decoration of two bands along the crest of the handle. Red-orange wash.
45.9.2 The mouth, neck, handle are black. The body of the vase was treated with a white slip (colours probably indicated the straps of the sandal, yet such decoration only remains on the edges of the sole).
46.9.2 Ivy wreath on rim, dots on ridge below. Decoration on main body consists of an ivy wreath with dots in between ivy leaves. Below: one band of horse shoes, one band of dots, and one band of curved lines. Below is black to the foot, which has one reserved line. Base reserved but with two thin black concentric lines around a small circle in the centre.
47.2.4 The vessel's tondo is ornated with impressed (stamped) decoration, of thirteen ellipsoid motives (eggs, some not fully formed) that seem to be hanging from an impressed circle, on whose border rest thirteen palmettes (voluted with narrow divisions) on stalks. There is a reserved, but glazed line at the lowest part of the body and the concave area of the base is reserved, but glazed, apart from two, concentric, reddish brown lines with a dot in the centre.
47.2.5 Black glaze covers the entire vessel, except for underside of the resting surface. It is not lustrous, of not good quality and on the interior it is mostly fired reddish, as well as on small parts of the exterior. Reddish paint is applied on the underside, which is decorated with a black dot at the centre, surrounded by two concentric thin black band at a distance of ca. 1 cm. VEry close to the external band, a thin band of thinned glaze. The interior of the bidy is has stamped decoration. Four stamped spindly palmettes arround a small circle.
47.2.6 Black gloss except reserved resting surface and underside, decorated with a black dot at the centres, surrounded by two black concentric thin bands and a broaded black band. Reserved band on the junction of the ring foot and the body. Stamped decoration in the centre of the bowl, comprised of seven palmettes between two concentric bands of stamped eggs framed by parallel grooves.
47.2.8 Black gloss except reserved bands at junction of foot and body, on resting surface, and on underside. Black concentric band on interior of foot ring; centre of underside decorated with two black circles and a central black dot within a black band. Interior decoration: at centre, 8 stamped palmettes, linked at their bases; outer band of 20 stamped palmettes, also linked at their bases; each palmette band inscribed by a band of eggs.
47.6.2A-B Lid: Straight sides and a moulded rim at the top and bottom, both red. The plastic ring at the top of the lid black. The top is decorated with a depiction of a male figure, perhaps Dionysus (Ure) or Pan (Boardman) with horns springing from his head. He wears an animal skin (brownish dots) over his shoulders, with a hoof dangling. He seems to be stepping or sitting on another animal skin. In raised left hand he holds an indeterminate instrument (Ure: handleless fork; Boardman: syrinx) and he rests his right hand, brought before his body, on an oar-shaped object (trumpet; Ure: winnowing fan; Boardman: 'lagobolon'). To his left is the forepart of a pig (or dog?), and to his right, a basket with three corn stalks. There is also a red, thin line at the joining point of the plastic ring and the lid. The decoration of the side surface of the lid is a motif of vertical, hanging, wavy tongues, between reddish brown bands. There is also one inverted heart-shaped motif at some point between the tongues. Body: There is a red line at the rim and another one at half the way up the body, both on the inside and the outside. On the interior there are two, concentric, reddish-brown circles. Exterior: There is also a red line at the bottom of the body, while the disk-shaped ring is reddish-brown. Wide rim at base. Underside is reserved and central section flat.
48.12.2 Black decoration. Interior: uneven band round rim; ring in base with ill-made join. Exterior: uneven band at rim; beneath it is a wavy line (decoration ceases temporarily above handles); paint thinner in places. Black band where the body tapers to the base, and another band around the foot. Base reserved.
48.12.3 Interior black glaze, except a reserved band just inside rim. Upper body reserved with darker red and black decoration; Three horizontal brown lines around the outside rim, six sets of five vertical lines spaced evenly around the upper body alternating with four occurrences of three concentric circles surrounding a central dot. Three horizontal lines below it separate this section from the lower body which is black except for one reserved band in the middle. Handles are a darker reddish brown (2.5YR 4/6). There is an incised cross on the inside of one handle only. The slightly flared foot is also black with a reserved resting surface and underside.
48.12.4 Decoration brownish-black. On mouth, one broad ring, one narrow. Ring around outer edge. On shoulder are tongues. From top to bottom: bands, double row of dots, 3 bands, double row of dots, 3 bands. Two bands on base.
48.2.1 The interior is glazed black. There are two zones of decoration. Top (A): water bird, horseman with dog, lion; top (B): lion, horseman, waterbird. Bottom: seven swans, three decorated with incisions, above a ray base. A few rosettes and a dotted rhombus in the field. The base and rim of the foot are reserved.
49.1.1 Interior reserved except for red central interior surrounded by thin red and black bands. The vertical part of the interior of the rim has black and brownish bands. Decoration of thin red and black bands, with dots at edge of mouth and outlined tongues round shoulder. Outside of handle black. The underside of the foot decorated with three concentric black bands and dot at the centre. The ring on the interior and exterior covered with brownish paint. The resting surface has two thin concentric brownish bands. Sloping part of the body two thin brown bands. Above the ridge, brown band and that part covered with brown paint.
49.10.1 Ribbon handle with projecting ends, black and red decoration almost completely lost.
49.8.2 It has a central knob handle with moulded ridges that bears a red spoked wheel and a red band with a reserved rim. Additionally, it has a black and red down moulded handle with two bads at the bottom. Both sides depict a female head with ornate head dress, made of whitish thin bands and dots, shorter and thinner yellow ones, as well as of ovaloid or curving mottifs. A lock falls over, accross the neck. A spiral pattern is used to fill the surface between the end of the kalyptra (hair dress) and the beginning of another motif; a palmette, used as decoration on either side, while a floral pattern fills the space between the chin and the other side of the palmette. One of the heads wears a neclace made of yellow beads, while her earing is painted over the hair with big round spots. Between the two heads there are palmettes (fan-shaped ornament composed of narrow divisions) with added yellow for few details. Around the bottom of the rim there is a wave pattern to the left. The underside is completely reserved.
49.8.3 Interior: black with a central red dot. The underside of the rim has a leftwards laurel leaf pattern above a single red band. Palmette and tendril decoration below both handles. Side A: warrior with shield dressed in hoplite attire (but perhaps an Arimaspian, according to Schauenburg; cf. Hdt. 3.116), facing and fighting a griffin with traces of white on tail and mane. Rosettes in field. Side B: three robed women with yellow necklaces and hair decorations, facing left. Rhomboids with central crosses in field. Below the figures is a wave pattern. Stem, foot and base are black.
49.8.4 On the mouth, tonges framed by black bands. On the shoulder, tongues. Neck reserved. Lip has dots around the edge. On the handle, the decoration is hardly preserved, probably black bands zig-zag. Body has three purple bands with double rows of vertical dashes between them. There is a zone of tongues around the base, above of which thin brown line. On the underside of the base, black dot at the centre and traces of black band around it.
49.8.8 Inside and outside of mouth and handle is black as is neck and back of body. At base of neck is a key / meander design between two moulded ridges and only appears on the front. On the body, metope bearing the figure decoration. On the top of the metope. black tongues.Main design is in a panel showing a Quadriga moving to the left. Horses' heads turned towards different directions. One to the left, other three run their heads to the centre facng each other. On the quadriga, hoplites in profile either side both facing right, holding shields and spears and wearing helmets. One of the shields is decorated with a feline picked out in white, only the back part of which can be seen. Behind the quadriga, a hoplite in profile to the right. He is holding his spear and seems ready to attack. He has a shield decorated with three dots with added white, he wears a short chiton, a cuirass and a Corinthian helmet. In front of the chariot, hoplite in profile, moving to the left, having his head turned backwards. He is wearing cuirass, short chiton, a helmet. He is holding his shield and two spears. Added red-purple on reins of horses and headbands and tunic of warriors, as well as contours of the shields. Added white on lion of the shield and decoration of the shield of the second hoplite which is not clear, the edge of the sword of the first hoplite, the dots on the shiled and a band on the body of the last hoplite. Red band at base of panel running all around the vase's body and foot is black on top, but reserved on side. Resting surface reserved.
50.10.6 Front: in handle zone, white eggs, with incised line above; then, between pairs of incised lines, wavy white line; below this, row of white dots. Red vine branch with dendant grape-clusters, leaves and tendrils. Incised line all round below. Back: pair of lines of white dots with double incised line in between tapering to single line. Incised line continued from below decoration on side A. Handles and interior black. Bottom portion of body and top of footring red with single black band near top. Side of footring black, underside reserved.
50.12.12 Although there is no decoration, there appears to be a line painted just that has faded to the colour of the clay. Below the rim is a roughened area where a handle may have placed. The outer surface of the pot might have been burnished while the inside is less smooth.
50.12.19 Exterior: decoration in black, comprised of three black curved lines above and a thin (faded) horozontal line below; to the right a tiny black mark. Interior: reserved
50.12.27 rim and neck of large plain storage vessel, very ale clay, no painted decoration
50.12.3 Red slip inside and out; no other decoration.
50.12.47 On exterior, traces of decoration, including dots and some lines but decoration indistinctive.
50.4.14 Entirely glossed black. Just below the middle the body a zone of stamped palmette decoration framed by parallel incised lines. Row of eggs below the lower line. The underside of the foot is decorated with three incised concentric circles.
50.4.4 Face is painted white and hair has dulled to brown. Holes at the ends of the fringe indicate that some added decoration may have been lost.
50.4.5 Interior of the neck until almost the beginning of the shoulder black. The rest of the interior reserved. On the exterior, neck and handle black. The lower part of the neck is decorated with a row of eggs. The lower part of the handle, at the height of the shoulder bears part of the decoration of a palmette the rest of which covers the body and is hown upside down. The body is decorated in black figure with a palmette-lotus frieze below with double-chevron palmette heart. The lower part of the body remains black fired brownish.
50.4.7 The exterior and interior of the mouth, as well as exterior of handle are painted black. The top of the mouth and the underside of the handle reserved. Shoulder decorated with two rows of blakc painted rays. Those of the upper row are short. The body is decorated in the white-ground technique. Decoration on front of body; at top a band with geometric meander pattern, framed by thin black bands. In a square framed by thin black bands, net pattern. The lower of the body, the small stem and the upper part of the base are black. On the lower part of the body, the glae has not been applied carefully leaving thin lines on the colour of the clay. The exterior of the foot and the underisde are reserved.
50.5.5 The interior is black, as is the exterior, except for a band of waves under the rim, the figural decoration in the body zone, and wide reserved bands around the handle zone. Both sides portray a female head facing left. Side A: Laurel wreath encircling head; groups of three white dots in the field and on the back of the head; beaded necklace. Single thick leaves rise from the base on either side of the head. Side B: Plain band encircling head; groups of three white dots in the field and on the back of the head; two beaded necklaces. Single thick leaves (of different sizes) rise from the base on either side of the head. Disk in lower left field. White for hair ornaments and on the upper necklace on side B. Beneath each handle is a palmette beneath circles surrounding dots.
51.1.2 Interior and exterior of the mouth, neck exterior of handles black, fired mostly reddish brown. The underside of the rim has a reserved band. Underside of the handles reserved. The body is all black apart from the metope carryint the figure decoration and a reserved band decorated with radial-shaped motif beofre the black foot, decorated with two red concentric bands. Resting surface, underside of the foot. The top surface of the rim is decorated with two, concentric, red lines. Another marks the junction of the neck with the shoulder. The neck is black (reddish brown on the reverse side). The main scene begins from the top of the shoulder (under a red line), down the main part of the body. There are two confronted bulls with their heads bent downwards. Added red on partsof their bodies. Between them, there is an ivy leaf (heart-shaped). They step on a thin, black line, which separates the shoulder zone from the body metope. On the body, two warriors attack other two. All warriors have spears with teardroped terminations (three terminations are visible, the fourth is on a missing area) and wear helmets with coverings for the cheeks (only the right pair's are visible) with details (dots for the first and fillet for the second warrior) in added white (now fadded away). They all held shields as well. All are round, except for one. The right pair's episemata on the shields are visible (upper part of seated lion / tripod, rendered with added white that has fadded away), while the other pair's shields' interior is visible and so the porpax (handle) can be seen on the left warrior. Additionally, they all wear greaves. Added red on the contour of the shields, the interior of the shileds, helmest, one hoplite's greaves. Between the pairs there is an eight-pointed star. There are also two horizontal red lines below running around the body of the vase. Two horizontal red lines frame the reserved lower zone decorated with the linear motif. The foot is black, with two red horizontal lines. The base is reserved.
51.4.5 Decoration in black and purplish-brown over a pale slip, with incised decoration on the back. At the top of the body is a broad band between two pairs of narrow bands. Above this is some evidence of a frieze of vertical bars. Below is a figural frieze, decorated at front with a geometricising bird flying profile to the right, holding a wavy line in his beak. He is surrounded by two crosses and two clusters of 8 dots (rudimentary rosettes) in the field. A floral decoration at the back is comprised of four interlocking palmettes, with purplish-brown petals and brownish-black hearts separated by incisions, with tendrils terminating in volutes emanating from either side of each sideways palmette. The lower part of the body is decorated with a thick black band between a pair of thin bands, above, and a thin band, below.
51.4.8 Neck and mouth, inside and outside, are black. Decoration in a panel. The top of th epanel is decorated with small balck tongues. Under them,lotus buds and flowers, purple patch on each flower, with a row of black dots above them. Cock to the right faces swan to the left, with extended wings. Added purple on wings. Above cock, dots and small line, ramines of an unidentified decorative pattern as background decoration? The rest of the body and three handles are black. The resting surface and interior of vessel are reserved. The glazed interior of the neck is decorated with 3 thin purple bands. Under the decorated panel, two thin purple bands, running all around the body of the vessel. Underside of the handles reserved.
51.7.12 Originally two handles, now only one remains, but they were both black, as are the interior walls. Exterior design shows a similar picture on both sides of a youth wrapped in leimation. Beneath each handle is a palmette with spiraling tendrils and serrated leaf below. Bottom of body below decoration black. Reserved ring on top of foot. Footring black inside and out, base is reserved with central dot and two circles drawn by hand.
51.7.15 Reserved except for black glaze on the interior hollow and geometricising decoration: on one side, within two black bands, branches arranged in a radiate fashion; on the other side, within two black bands, radiate bands, some at various angles, intersecting; on the exterior 10 horizontal lines, each intersected by 7 short vertical bars.
51.7.5 Interior reserved; black glaze on mouth and upper half of neck, as well as upper half of handle; lower part of neck decorated with tongues that suggest ribbing; shoulder decorated (except under handle) with an egg-and-dot frieze between two black lines; reserved space at lower part of handle and handle attachment (interior) suggest that the mouth and neck were dipped. Body decorated with a frieze consisting of 7 clusters of three white dots at the top of a figural scene (arranged in upside down triangle shapes): a female figure, standing in 3/4-view to the left, in a relaxed posture with her left leg crossing her right, and her left elbow resting on a pillar (the curvy element in added white suggests that this is meant to represent natural rock). She wears a hairband and kekrphylon on her head, triple-dot earrings, two or three necklaces (two strands of white beads beneath a black line), two white bracelets on each wrist; a belted sleeveless chiton, and white slippers. She holds, in her upraised right hand, a mirror surrounded by white dots, and, in her left hand, a phiale that is surrounded by white beads, as well as a beaded sash. A large palmette, with a white dot on the heart and white dots on each volute, fills the space beneath the handle. From each volute emerges tendrils and floral decoration that frame the image of the woman. A 6-petal rosette fills the space to the right of the woman; to her left are a window and a dotted circle (cog-wheel?) in the upper left field, and an olive branch in the lower left field. On the body, beneath the figural scene, are a single reserved band and a thicker black band. The foot is reserved on the top element, and glazed black on the ridge and lower element; the underside and resting surface are reserved.
51.7.7 Black glaze, except for the reserved underside and a rough band on the resting surface. Decoration on both sides in superposed orange, red-washed. Side A: vertical bars, line, detached waves rightward, line, palmettes, line, waves rightward. Side B: vertical bars, line, chevrons leftward, line, simple key leftward, two lines, dotted waves rightward.
53.8.1 Glazed black except for a reddish band around the omphalos. Relief decoration encircling the omphalos consists of (from centre out) eight raised dots; two ridges, a figural frieze, and a vine wreath. The figural frieze depicts the apotheosis of Herakles (procession to Mount Olympos). Four quadrigae (four-horse chariots) are driven in 3/4-view to the left by winged victories, each with a different passenger: (1) Athena, (2) Herakles, (3) Ares and (4) Dionysos (?). Small flying Erotes hover behind each chariot.
53.8.2 Polished black surface. Relief decoration (exterior): three ridges with incised zig-zags on the middle ridge; four lions (incised details, especially on faces and tails) alternating with four moulded tongues; three ridges with incised zig-zags on the middle ridge.
53.8.4 Molded, downturned rim with a flange (for lid); incurved horizontal round handles; deep body with nearly vertical sides that are slightly concave above the handles and convex below, curving sharply at the bottom into a broad, short stem, on top of a molded disc foot, recessed underneath in two degrees. Black gloss with red figure decoration. Side A: a female head profile to left, with small dotted circles in the upper field on either side; side B: palmette. Interior: a reserved band within the rim. Exterior: a band of vertical bars under the rim (with applied red wash); a reserved band around each handle attachment (also with red wash); a stemless ivy beneath each handle; narrow reserved band beneath figural scene; reserved band on the upper part of the foot; underside of foot is reserved and stained with red wash.
54.2.36 No decoration.
58.2.4 The lip of the jug is decorated with black lines compartmentalising the area; within every other compartment there is a design of lines of black dots. This design is carried on part way into the interior of the vase and onto the spur. The underneath of the rim is delineated with a black line. The neck is decorated with three compartments of decoration of unequal size. The compartments are divided by two black lines which enclose crosses surrounded by diamonds. Within two of the compartments there is decoration consisting of lines of vertical dots hemmed in by horizontal lines on either side; underneath are crosses with dots in each section and above is a mixture of crosshatching, lines and dots. The third section is undecorated apart from six groups of three diagonal lines, which form a vertical stripe of decoration under the handle. The body has decoration of long and short double lines containing cross-hatching reaching for the base (within the gaps there is a cross with dots in each section), below two such lines enclosing a string of continuous horizontal diamonds. The base is decorated on both faces with lines and circles. The handle is also decorated with black lines.
58.2.5 Incised decoration on the spout and handle consisting of sets of lines. The shoulder is decorated with a set of dots within two incised lines. Red slip
60.8.2 Decoration in panel, shoulder: Two black lotus flowers (fired red) with white sepals alternating with buds (purple). Body: mantled woman in profile standing to right holding wreath between two mantled male figures. Black dots decorate part of their garments. The rest of the body is very patchy and is both red and black. Base is reserved. Reddish-brown spinal decoration.
61.6.4 Decoration fired medium-dark reddish-brown rather than black, except at the centre of the front. Interior glazed, except for a narrow reserved band at the top. Exterior glazed on rim, exterior of handles, lower part of body, exterior and interior of foot, and thick band around a bull's eye on underside (namely a band around a dot. Body decorated on either side with a tall 5-petalled lotus between two 15-18-petalled palmettes. A single ivy leaf, upright, floats beneath each handle. Beneath the palmettes and ivy leaves are two black bands.
62.5.1 Decoration is dark (brownish-black fading to red) on a light ground. The interior is decorated with bands around the rim and in the bowl (with an ill-made join). The exterior is decorated with a band around the rim, brown fading to red on the exterior of the handle, and another band where the cup tapers to the base, beneath which six narrow bands in dilute glaze are evenly spaced to the foot, the exterior of which is red.
65.6.1 The mouth (exterior and interior), larger upper part of the neck and the handle are black (uneven and at most areas reddish brown) apart from the upper surface of the rim, which is red. There is a grey line on the neck and the surface of the shoulder bears decoration of voluted palmettes with narrow divisions and tendrils, widely spread to fill the space. The upper part of the body bears a meander pattern between two pairs of brown lines (above and below). Every fourth meander the pattern is interrupted by a saltive cross with a dot on each one of the triangular surfaces around it. The meander pattern continues as far as the scene below it is depicted. Main scene: A young man, wearing underwear? is seated on his himation, at the left side of a two-stepped tomb or pedimental funerary monument (grave-stele). At the right of the scene, a woman wearing a black and red peplos is bringing offerings. There is a brown line below them and the rest of the vessel is black, with the exception of two exteremely thin lines that are reserved at the joining point of the foot to the body and the side surface of the foot that is red, although the slip has not been evenly applied on the whole of the surface. Lastly, the resting surface is reserved.
71.12.2 Circular with flared edges which are fanned. There are concentric circles around the central carved dot of the vessel: A small, incised one, two larger, that seem to be in low relief and one that contours the others, incised. There is also a carved line that separates the rim from the body (exterior), which becomes double at some point. In the centre one small hole, on the surface of the bronze two incised grooves and four smaller holes positioned symetrically around the bigger hole in the centre. Inscised petal decoration around the centre hole. Four fine grooves around the centre decoration and then twelve further holes around the edge the same size as the four smaller holes. Edges fanned with large grooves.
71.6.1 Relief decoration consists of a double frame inscribing the upper rectangular part and, below, the face of a satyr, with an ivy wreath, furrowed brow, upraised eyebrows, large eyes, pointed nose, and long, rectangular beard, striated.
73.6.5 Decoration is minimal, though on one side it is shaded in gray, and on the other is more its natural colour, with the top part of it having the gray shade.
73.9.38 Concaved side covered in a plain black glaze. Convexed side decorated with a solid black stripe and circular decoration.
73.9.4 Figure of a dog or goat (head missing), stands under missing handle, bordered with spots. Behind the dog's tail, we can see the edge of a palmette. The figure of the dog stands on a black band, below this, there is the edge of a black circle. Rosette and palmette decoration.
76.6.1 Exterior of the handle and upper part of the body, the interior of the trefoil mouth and the back side of the neck are painted black. On the front side of the neck, decoration on a metope. Probably black painted horizontal bands (?). On the shoulder is a row of large black, irregular dots. Body has as chevron design and base is decorated with a cross hatch pattern all over.
78.12.15 Moulded ring around the discus, moulded decoration of an oak garland on the discus. Single volutes on both sides of the nozzle. Red wash all over, certain patches are darker than others.
78.12.20 Discus is surrounded by three moulded rings, inside is a moulded decoration of a hare, facing right, 'nibbling' foliage. Single volutes decorate either side of the nozzle. Red wash all over.
79.1.17 Moulded decoration between main discus and nozzle indecipherable; could be birds heads.
79.1.4 Moulded radial decoration on three quarters of the shoulder, moulded ring around the discus. Small single volutes demarcate he sides of the nozzle. Dark brown wash.
79.1.6 Shoulder has a radiating decoration, discus has decoration of a krater with vine tendrils and grapes and is outlined by a moulded ring. the handle ha two lined running along it's crest. Reddy-orange wash.
79.1.7 Discus outlined by three moulded rings. Within the discus just below the filling hole; moulded decoration of a galley on waves. Single volutes on the side of each nozzle. Red-brown wash.
79.1.8 Moulded leaf decoration on the shoulder.
83.2.3 No apparent decoration upon the artefact.
83.9.2 Decorated on the interior of the bowl with stamped palmettes and rouletted decoration.
83.9.23 Stamped decoration: four spindly palmettes joined at their bases to a small incised circle
85.3.1 All around the neck (except where the handles would have been attached) is a band of chained together, inverted teardrop shapes and dots within two black lines. Main decoration on body consists of two bordered figural scenes; Side A: Dionysus on donkey led by boy; Side B: Hephaistos (Dionysos, according to Mannack) on donkey led by boy. Both scenes are bordered by two lines of vertical dots between three vertical black lines at the sides, and a series of alternating thick and thin vertical black lines above. At the bottom of the body is a band of upward pointing rays.
E.23.17 Face comprises top third of piece, angular. Detail on face uses black pigment (beard. eyebrows and what may be hair). Face and clothing in light coloured pigment, green is used around the eyes, the upper body decoration consists of a large red band, a smaller black band of dashes, a blank band, a light blue band, another black dash band, a thick black band, another dash band, another thick red band, another dash band, another blank band, another thin dash band, and finally a thick band made of black tear shaped vertical stripes. There is also some black pigment on what appears to have represented the shoulders.
E.23.18 Head only (more rounded than E23.17 and heavier) and part of the headdress. Brown pigment on face, black and white pigment for eyes. It is unclwear what kind of decoration there was on the headdress, however both the carved and painted facial features are very distinct.
E.23.35 Small red jar with a large lip and thus a small mouth. The shoulder is the widest part of the body and descends to the flat base with a constant gradient. There is no discernable decoration.
E.23.53 Originally green in colour although little remains. The shabti is decorated in black pigment the details being a hieroglyph inscription up/down the legs, a crook, a basket (both denoting work and being'held' by the figure) and some kind of head decoration.
E.23.9 Wide mouth with pronounced lip, slightly rounded shoulders, very flat base. Small wavy handles on either side (rudimentary, perhaps only for decoration). Buff coloured, except for a wavy design in a darker colour, which suggests that the material is sand-based.
E.62.14 Decoration in mauve pigment, consisting of two curved lines below five triangles that originate from the edge of the fragment.
E.62.31 Large red vase. Rounded body with rounded base; no neck, narrow lip and flat rim. Large lugs, on either side, are perforated to take thread. There are splashes of red all over the pot, it is unclear if this is part of the original decoration or somehow added later, since the splashes have no discernable pattern.
E.62.33 For grinding malachite, gelena and other cosmetics. Double-bird design; each head has hole for missing inaly eye. Spiked decoration between heads. Hole for threading in top centre.
E.62.38 Alabaster, flat base. Slightly elliptical, with straight lip. No decoration.
E.62.45 Alabaster kohl pot of distinctive 18th Dynasty shape. Finer than E62.39, with moulded base, pronounced shoulders, wide, fluted mouth. Flat, circular lid. No decoration.
E.62.51 Head of a cobra, dark wood, some traces of dark red and black pigments. Very little decoration remains, only small remnants of the original pigment.
E.62.54 Alabaster vase; sunken, flat base and small neck with pronounced lip. No decoration.
E.62.56 Glazed dark (black), with relief decoration around the neck
E.63.13B Fragment preserves part of the lip and also the base of what was a shallow bowl. There is is a darker blue curved line following the angle of the bowl suggesting that there was a decoration at the bottom of the bowl. The piece comes from a spoilt lot from the lower levels of the city, which is suggested by the extra thick layer of glaze that is present on the lip.
E.63.26 Pointed base and no neck. A possible inscription approximately one third of the way down, although it appears to say "MOM" so is probably modern. This is backed up by the fact that there is no other decoration on the pot.
E.65.3 Dark red polished bowl with flat base and flaring sides. Inside decorated with white/yellow pigment; sylized leaves shaped like chevrons from base to point halfway up inside. Traces of similar decoration from inside of lip down.
L.2011.1.42 Decorative pattern in low-relief on the edge of the body (floral, with two six-foils alternated to little plaints, and another one inscribed in a square); decoration in low-relief on the central discus.
REDMG:1935.87.27 Two handles, partially painted black. Inside is a red rim, then black with two red bands superimposed. Outside (from top to bottom) are two thin bands, three rows of uneven dots, middle row red, three bands, two rows of small dots, three bands, broad area left clear, three bands around foot, foot red. Highly ornate base with dots, red band (repeated) and in centre is a cross with four dots around it. The base has moulded ridges for added decoration.
REDMG:1951.131.1 Black rim and neck, except for a thin reserved band just above the join with the body; body decorated with three reserved bands above an egg-and-dot band and another reserved band; row of white dots at top of figural scene. Below, band comprised of stopt maeanders (3) alternating with cross-in-square (1), between two reserved bands; broad reserved band at join of body and foot; reserved band on lowest ridge of foot as well as resting surface and underside. A: A draped woman runs in 3/4-view to the right but looks back, profile the left. She holds in her lowered right hand a wreath from which a garland hangs and in her upraised left hand a box (decorated with bands, chevrons, and zigzags, as well as white dots above the box), while drapery falls over her left arm. She wears a stephane and a kekryphylon with dangling ribbons, beaded earrings and double necklace (indicated by white dots), double bracelets on each wrist, a belted, sleeveless chiton, and slippers. In the field are a fillet (upper left), a rosette with five white dotted petals and a yellow centre (upper right), and a shrub with berries (lower centre), as well as a white dotted groundline rising slightly to the right. B: Eros, holding a beaded necklace in his extended right hand, is seated in 3/4-view to the left on a flower. The leaves and buds of the same plant elaborately fill the field beneath and around him. He wears attributes that are similar to those of the woman on A: stephane, kekryphylon, earring, double beaded necklace, double bracelets, and slippers. He also wears a beaded baldric diagonally across his chest and ankle bracelets (3 on each ankle) and a baldric comprised of a row of white dots arranged diagonally across his chest, over his left shoulder. Added white is used for details of Eros' wings as well as the jewelry, box decoration, slippers, vegetation and groundlines, as well as the centre parts of the eggs on the egg-and-dot band.
REDMG:1951.132.1 Metallic black gloss on entire surface (dipped) except for reserved (and ruddled) upper part of foot and underside, including resting surface. In addition to moulded mask, and ribbed shoulder decoration (see above), incised (although glazed) cross under spout.
REDMG:1951.134.1 Black interior and handle; beneath each handle a palmette, flanked by tendrils; on each side a wave band, to right, above a woman's head, profile to left, surrounded by tendrils. Banded decoration below is comprised of a reserved band just below the figural scene, a pair of red bands above the foot, a red band on the upper surface of the foot, and reserved area at the centre of the underside. The common use of red stain to effect a red (ruddled) surface on reserved areas is highlighted in this example by the almost complete loss of black glaze towards the foot, where the ruddled intervening bands strongly contrast with the buff/reserved (formerly black glazed) areas.
REDMG:1951.141 Black on interior except for a reserved band just below the lip. Black on exterior, except for a frieze of tongues underneath the rim on both sides, but not above handles; figural scenes on body. A: Partridge profile to the left; tendrils in lower left field; circle and tendrils in upper right field. B: Satyr head, profile to left; tendrils in lower left and right fields; quarter palmette in upper left field; single palm leaf in upper right field. Although female heads are more popular in such contexts, the large red element in place of the ear is probably a horn and indicates that this is a representation of a satyr. The decoration in the lower left field of the B side indicates the addition of a second layer of black glaze, in a manner than changes the image (from a large tendril to a small tendril below an L-shaped element.
REDMG:1951.144.1 Exterior black glaze with red figure decoration all over; underside reserved, except for broad black band at curve from plate to stem, black on exterior and interior vertical surfaces of foot, and broad black band around pointed centre of plate. 12-petal rosette in central well, surrounded by red band, wave pattern to left, and black and red bands; figural scene showing three different types of fish (bream in profile, xxx and cuttle fish, shown from above) advancing to the left. Mussel and 6-petal rosette in field, on either side of the xxx. Rim decorated with red band above a laurel band to left floral motif. Red parts of decorative bands ruddled, whereas streaky brown has been used for artistic effect (shading to render a three-dimensional impression) on the fish. Some details on central rosettes and fish rendered with added white and yellow.
REDMG:1951.147.1 Entirely black, except reserved on the inside of the spout and the underside including resting surface, and red figure decoration: line at middle of neck; ray band at lowest part of neck, above dots; figural scene between two sideways palmettes, enclosed, from the outside bottom of each emerges tendrils; short ray band at interior of lower handle attachment; 10-leaf palmette at exterior of lower handle attachment; flange decorated with egg-and-dot band, beneath a black line; the sides are decorated with an ivy design, effected through incision (tendrils) and added white (leaves). Reserved line band just below join of body and foot. The figural scene on the shoulder depicts seated youth seated profile to the right, facing a woman, seated profile to the right, but turning profile to the left. The youth, nude except for a hairband, sits on drapery, alongside which he hangs his left arm, and reaches a wreath, held in his left hand, towards the woman; she, wearing a crenellated stephane and a belted chiton, is seated perhaps on a cushion (comprised of dots), helds her right arm, slightly lowered, towards the wreath, and holds a box in her slightly raised left hand. A four-petal rosette is beneath her right arm.
REDMG:1951.148 Black interior, handles, neck and body except for decoration in panels (black figure in neck panels; red figure in body panels). Upper surface of rim decorated with ivy spray, with 3-dot clusters between ivy leaves; palmettes on tops of handles; ivy spray on lip, with palmettes at tops of handles; wave pattern to right on overhanging lip. Neck panels decorated with double ivy spray, on which 8-dot clusters alternate with leaves. Body panels bordered by rays (above), double rows of dots between black lines (sides), and band of stopt meander (4) alternating with dotted cross-in-square (1) (below). A: Youth wearing hairband, short-sleeved, belted chiton, and mid-calf boots, stands in 3/4-view to the right; he holds a pair of spears upright in his right hand and a wreath in his left hand, held slightly ahead of him; a chlamys is draped over his bent left arm. A warrior is seated 3/4-view to left, on a curvilinear seat (stones?). He is dressed identically to the youth, although with a plumed conical helmet. He holds a large phiale in his outstretched right hand, and his pair of spears in his upraised left hand. Behind him stands a woman in 3/4-view to the left. She wears a belted, sleeveless chiton, a kekryphylon (hair), pearl earrings, a beaded necklace, two bracelets on each wrist, and holds a fillet in her outstretched right hand and a situla in her lowered left hand. In the field above the figures are a four-petal rosette between two boucrania. B: Three draped youths in conversation, the middle one, standing profile to left, leans on a staff with his outstretched right hand; the other two youths face him. Halteres in upper left field and and bull’s-eye in upper right field. Much of the interior and side B are misfired orange.
REDMG:1953.25.106 Large fragment of coloured relief from a larger work (building or fireplace for example). Flat upper surface. Decoration, from top to bottom: red line; band of red with semi-circular patterns with leaf patterns; band divided into blocks painted into different colours (blue, red, green from left to right). Inside the red panel is a drawing in white of a four legged animal with a tail, possibly a bull.
REDMG:1953.25.16 Black glazed, except for interior (beyond mouth), lower part of body, and underside. Superimposed (faded) decoration: dotted spray around lower part of neck; mask falling between two dotted sprays; red band on reserved area at lower part of body.
REDMG:1953.25.30 Black glaze (mostly fired red) on mouth, upper part of neck, lower body, and upper surface of foot; vertical surface of foot and underside reserved. White-ground on lower part of shoulder and body, with traces of red decoration.
REDMG:1953.25.4 Exterior: white zone extending down 2.0 cm, perhaps with further decoration. Black below handles, on which two red bands are painted, just below the red zone. Red band on exterior of foot; otherwise foot and underside reserved. Interior: black with red bands, one half way down the wall, the other encircling the bottom.
REDMG:1953.25.43 Black glaze (mostly disappeared). Incised decoration: a large double palmette and three rosettes (of which two remain).
REDMG:1964.1609.1 Viewed from the nozzle; circular raised moulded rings around the discus, moulded decoration within however indistinguishable. two bands on the crest of the handle. Moulded line from the handle going across the discus decoration and ending to the right of the nozzle.
REDMG:1964.1615.1 Moulded decoration around the shoulder from outside in; a depressed ring, three bands of raised dots, (all three disturbed by the handle, one disturbed by the nozzle) a raised moulding of sets of three lines radiating in a band, a moulded ring surrounding the discus. Handle has two lines on its crest extending to the base. The base has lines delineating the base, but also has two small circular indentations along the handle nozzle axis. Dark red wash all over.
REDMG:1964.1616.1 Viewed from the nozzle; circular raised moulded rings around the discus, moulded decoration within however indistinguishable. Two bands on the crest of the handle. Moulded line from the handle going across the discus decoration and ending to the right of the nozzle.
REDMG:1964.1638 Artefact is completely grey in colour with no decoration.
REDMG:1964.1649 Black glaze on handle, lower body, and foot, excluding underside. White-ground on shoulder and body, with slight traces of red decoration
REDMG:1964.1705.1 Flaring lip tapering to straight cylindrical neck. Two small round vertical handles (string-holes) at base of neck, joining almost spherical body. Black slip but fired red on the base. Some incised decoration representing segments, with dotted infill.
RM.87.35.22 Decoration on the whole body, handle, mouth and beneath the aryballos. On the body you can see warriors marching right, carrying shields. On the underside and on the mouth, a floral design is visible (leafs). The handle has a zig-zag line design, with dots in the middle.
T.2012.II.26 No visible decoration on the inside or outside, though on the base part there is a slight fade to the design, which could simply be put down to fading of pigment over time.
T.2012.II.27 No visible decoration on the inside or outside. Whole outer part appears to be singular shade of black glaze.
TEMP.2003.6.10 All of the fragments bear part of the same decoration: the interior surface is glossy black as are the side surfaces of the foot (both on the exterior and interior), apart from a reserved (but glazed line) on the resting surface. The base is glazed so that it appears yellowish-brown and is decorated with four concentric circles and a dot at the central part of the base.
TEMP.2003.6.14 The two fragments bear part of the same decoration, apart from the parts of two lines in added red on top of a (which is preserved higher than b). There is a large black area below which there are two lines in added red. Underneath, there is the upper part of a radial-shaped motif on a reserved, but glazed, surface.
TEMP.2003.6.6 The interior is black, but there is a reserved band on the fragments that come from the vessel's rim (a, b, c, d), which also bear a reserved band on the upper internal side of the rim. a) The black colour appears streaky (it varies from reddish brown to brown) on the rim (interior and exterior), as well as on the handle. The colour of the decoration appears brown and reddish brown on some areas. There is a broad band that bears two palmettes (one on either side of the double handle), while the surface between the two springs is reserved. On the left side of the fragment there is the right part of a motif (front legs of horses?). Below, there is part of a black line. b) The rim is black. Below, there is the upper part of a charioteer, riding a chariot with four horses (part of them is preserved). Details of the horses have been rendered with incisions. c) The rim is black, however the black colour is uneven and leaves part of the right edge of the fragment's rim reserved. Underneath a thin, reserved line, there is a palmette and next to it part of the line that contoured the spring of the handle. d) The rim is black. Below, there is a female figure's head and in front of her (at the level of her face) there is part of a curving branch, with dots on either side (part of wreath?). e) Part of a palmette, a black line and a black band. f) There is a dot in the middle of the resting surface, contoured by a circle. There is also part of a wide, band, between thin lines, above which, there is a graffito? in the shape of X.
TEMP.2003.7.34 Interior painted in black. Exterior has a black and purple decoration in the centre. The purple is in the shape of a cemi-circle, with black around it which has small incisions. The black at the top is almost in a knot-like shape. The clay is a red-brown.
TEMP.2003.7.51 Front of fragment has red-figure decoration on it, however the design is unclear. Underside of fragment is glazed black.
TEMP.2005.1.3 No decoration.
TEMP.2005.1.5 Black striped decoration on body and top by opening. Plain black glaze on neck.
TEMP.2005.1.6 Small detail of protruding band at top of neck and small line visible on body. No painted decoration.
TEMP.2005.1.7 Black glaze all over with some areas having been worn away. No distinct decoration visible.
TEMP.2005.8.1 Decoration in relief: On lower part of wall is a frieze including two tall birds (cranes?), the first in 3/4-view to left with wings outspread and head turned to the right, the second advancing profile to the left. They are enclosed in a rectangle outlined with relief dots. Below a row of relief dots, on lower part of body, is a floral frieze, consisting of inverted lotus buds, tendrils, and rising acanthus leaves.
TEMP.2007.2.4 Plain black glaze all over, no distinct decoration.
TEMP.2012.11.36 incised decoration on inside and circular pattern on outside, possible base of circular vessel
TEMP.2014.9.19 No decoration, no incised lines or stamps. Grey residue on the interior. Section missing from lip. Evidence of use of a pottery wheel in making.
Temp.2022.7.1 no decoration, jug for domestic and daily use
temp.2014.12.2 no decoration, for domestic an daily use
temp.2022.7.1 no decoration, jug for domestic and daily use
temp.2022.7.3 no decoration, domestic use
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