Approximately 1/3 of the original remains (lower right corner), which has been restored with modern plaster, mostly undecorated. Where original paint remains it has been dulled and is scratched.
Good, but original gem was incomplete
Intact, apparent damage possible from original gem stone
Intact, image is of poor quality, but most likely due to the cast or original gem.
Cast seems to be complete, but original object was most likely broken, as the back half of the ship and half of one of the harpies is missing. Metal hook attached to top of cast for hanging.
Conserved in 2023. In good condtion, made to look like damaged original.
Single fragment, worn down to the original terracotta on much of the interior.
Original lid is missing. However does have a fake/modern lid. Paint badly worn except for three good patches. Sides remain smooth and unchipped. Couple of cracks in surface and one inside. Deposits inside.
Comprised of many rejoined piecesby (ca. 10 for the body and 25 for the lid), with some patches reconstructed. One of the legs and large areas of the base, body and lid are restored and repainted. The surface decoration on original pieces is largely intact, with faded white details, and some dark deposits. Decoration worn on the lower flange and the rim of the body, as well as the lower edge of the lid.
Mouth broken, base chipped. Original grey worn away to show then pale orange terracotta.
Intact; string not original, and therefore striking ball may not be original. Surface worn, with medium-brown deposits.
Paint has worn badly on the mouth and the handle. The paint on the body remains clear depite the original mistakes by the decorator. Chip on the base, smaller around the rim. Depositions around the stem. Gloss applied carelessly on the exterior of the mouth.
Comprised of 40 or more pieces, rejoined, with some restroations, but missing handle and lugs on one side. Much repainting on handle, rim, and interior, but animal details are largely original. Complete apart from one of the handles. It has been reconstructed from many pieces and parts are modern fillings.The contours of the black bands inside are fired red. Badly restored.
All that remains of the mummified cat is the head and neck, from which most wrappings have been removed. The head is in a good state of preservation, showing whiskers & teeth. Enclosed note written in pencil on the back of a printed piece of paper is also well preserved and legible. Cork stopper, seemingly original to the 1890s acquisition of the head, is covered in newspaper which is also well preserved and legible.
Fine.It's artist has copied the broken original head.
Intact and complete. The blue glaze is quite worn in some areas, most notably at the top of the crown where it has toally worn away and reveals the original terracotta material. This is slightly true also around the ears.
Most of the beads have lost their original sheen and several of them have a brown deposit on them. Since there are very few details on any of the beads/amulets it is difficult to say if any have been lost. Several of the objects have lost some of their original colour but all remain intact and complete.
Intact and complete although it is presumed that the necklace has been restrung. Most of the beads have lost their original glaze and have a slight brown deposit on them.
Intact but missing the original gemstones, the bronze is slightly discoloured in some areas, particularly on the underside of the bottom triangle.
Single fragment intact and well preserved although it is unclear how much of the original object is preserved.
Intact but not complete, the original base part has been lost. Also the body is pitted with shallow chips in the surface of the pottery.
The mouth has been repaired from five or more fragments, each handle from three fragments (with some parts missing and restored on the left handle). The body is reconstructed from 15 or more fragments and the foot has been restored in wood. There is a hole (perhaps original). In the base. Slightly chipped on the mouth, pitted, and scratched; traces of white plaster on the external surface, while the interior and bottom are covered with plaster. Faded decoration in patches.
Mouth missing, broken off at the top of the neck, where the joins to handles and body are cracked and scratched. The lower part of the amphora has been restored, using wood (for the foot) and plaster (still visible on the interior and around the joint between handles and neck). Some pitting on body, surface abrasion on stem.Parts of original base in 4.2.7
18 rejoined fragments comprising 90% of the original object, with some painted plaster sections, now chipped. Sheen on surface has eroded, especially on the inside of one handle; scratched elsewhere.
Nose is missing (as it probably is from the original). Hair is uneven as parts of the cast are missing from one side. Cast is placed on a black stand, also made of plaster.