Single piece, Intact, but broken off at the pointed end. The surface has dulled to a mottled medium brown with flecks of dark grey (slightly lighter in colour on one side).
Small dots of deposit on the white slip and also on the fracture edges. The interior red colour appears a little streaky, but this was probably since production.
Colour in good condition and the surface has no significant deposit or damage.
The red and white colour from the exterior surface are badly faded to only traces remain. Dot of black paint on edge and also touching exposed clay at fracture - possibly modern.
Small flakes of paint worn from underside. Not at all a clean break. The colour and design on front remains in good condition.
Glaze remains good on both surfaces but better ont he interior. Delicate incision and colour is clear and in good condition.
Incomplete and repaired. Glaze has lost lustre, and much has eroded, especially over the 'tail' end, leaving greyish-buff colour. A later segment has been added to body to replace a missing piece.
Single fragment of four sides (kite shaped). The reserved background has an incision (L. 1.6) which cuts into the sixth palmette. Five palmettes are partially faded in colour. On the reverse of the fragment, the black paint has been eroded along the edges of breakage.
Single, four sided fragment, roughly broken on three sides. The black paint on the rim itself has been worn in patches, but the thick black band around the rim has preserved its colour and paint. The reserved background has surface scratces and is worn in places. The reverse of the fragmnent is black in colour with five minute chips to the surface paint.
Fragment, edges are chipped. Deoration on interior and exterior is heavily worn. On exterior there is spotting of a darker colour. Below the handle is handwritten in pencil 'Hernion'. On interior is written '13 Argive Hernion'.
Intact. Chalky white deposits. Colour remains good. Very minimal surface damage.
Slightly fragmented, but still in good condition (e.g. face visible), despite chipped-off spear; thin legs visible from beneath shield. Colour whitish-grey.
Fragmented, cracked, and chipped, with no clear defining features except shield. Brownish-grey colour.
Black paint has worn on base and mouth. Main design remains clear. Colour varies on back from pink to cream.
Complete and intact. Very small chip on base. Black has faded to reddish brown colour. Paint and gloss worn of on some areas of the body.
Painted bands on underside are wearing away considerably compared to the topside which has retained most of its colour apart from some white but it is now a little dull. Surfaces are all still smooth with no significant damage.
Underside has some discolouration, deposits and scratches. Topside has good colour remaining but some of the surface has rubbed away.
Restored from many separate pieces. Glaze on the rim is slightly worn, as are the handles. The outer surface is worn. There is a greyish-white deposit in patches all over the surface, especially around the spurs and the reserved area of the main zone, as well as the top of the foot. On the top ridge of the foot, there is a hole. Colour on the inside of the pot has mostly worn away, leaving only more of the same grey deposit. Lid missing.
Almost intact but for a chip out of base. Deposits inside the kothon. Paint worn but colour does remain.
The vessel consists of two pieces and is repaired. The stem and part of the body are joined together. There are five bits missing from the rim and upper body, as well as bits from the joining parts, where there is also a gouge. In few spots the colour has been peeled off (body of bull, handles).
Half the mouth is missing as is a fraction of the handle. Paint is worn but some colour patches of red remain. Intact.
Most of mouth restored so paint has been lost. A good amount of colour remains on the body.
Complete; repaired from seven pieces. The rim is uneven, and contains two small but definite chips. All over the surface are small scratches and patches of wear. The pattern on the rim contains few subtle patches of red, the same colour as patches on the handles. Patterns in the centre of the bowl appear to have rubbed away in patches. Underneath, the patterns remain more prominant, but again small patches of wear are evident, especially around the rim. Inside the foot are greyish white deposits, that are also found underneath the rim in small patches near the handles.
Complete and intact. Slight chip on lip, colour of decoration faded from black to red.
Intact. The rim, inside of the bowl and handles, all show evidence of wear, and there are considerable patches where all of the glaze has been removed. There are also small chips to be found on the handles, and on the inside of the rim. Where the glaze has been rubbed away, it has revealed a grey colour. There is also a thin crack running from the edge of the rim, to half way down the first black band. The well in the centre of the bowl is also slightly worn, to reveal a whitish grey colour, as well as a small crack running across the side. On the underside of the bowl, there is more evidence of general wear, including a chip just under the rim next to one of the handles. The bottom rim of the foot also reveals small chips, as well as a crack running across the middle.
Intact. Some of the glaze appears faded through use, with patches of wear around the top of the rim. Red/orange disk in the centre has big patches of wear in it that has rubbed away the colour. The handles contain small chips and one has a patch of brown deposit. The outside shows one or two small holes and small chips. The base shows small areas of grey deposit and small flakes have been knocked away through use.
Incomplete. The sides of the mask have broken away, and the slip is covered in patches of grey/brown deposit. Detail of the face are still evident, but the nose shows areas of wear on the tip. The inside is a pinkish colour, with little evidence of deposit, though the surface feels rough to touch.
Reconstructed by many fragments, there are a few gouges and many small bits of colour have fallen off, especially from the interior.
Complete but not intact it has been pieced back together. On the inside, there are small scratches on the surface and patches where the glaze has faded to red or even its reserved colour. The glaze has also faded on the handles, and the edge of the rim is chipped. There is evidence of a greyish/white deposit on the inside of the rim. On the outside, the decoration is much more worn and faded, and the surface has small chips and flakes. The resting surface of the foot is chipped and in the centre of the foot has been scratched the letters T and I.
Worn paint on mouth. Some wearing on goat but added colour remains. Shinier glazse remains on the base of the object than on the top.
There are some bits that have been pitted off and some spots that have been chipped off, especially from the rim (exterior and interior), the neck and the handle. There are also some scratches on the white colour area, whereas the foot has been repaired and rejoined to the body.
Complete. The white slip has worn away in places, and there is a smooth grey deposit evident in patches. Also, the munsell colour shows through. The features of the face are still fairly clear, but the eyes seem worn. The surface all over feels smooth, but the base of the neck is slightly uneven and a bit chipped.
Badly cobered with deposits. Top part is missing. Much surface colour lost and detail have eroded away making relief hard to distinguish.
Comprised of one large piece and three small pieces at the bottom, which have been rejoined. Missing the left foot and lower left portion of the figurine (previously restored or reattached: traces of glue and modern white plaster remain. Almost no traces of colour remain, except red on some of the head. White surface covered with grayish-tan deposits. Chipped on the back of the top of the head.
Much colour loss and erosion of relief makes it hard to see. Some small parts have crumbled away at the base. Dark deposits in small amounts all over.
In good condition, complete ands intact. Large chip of 2.5cm on lip as well as a few smaller ones. One large chip on base. Scratches, faded colour and some white deposits on body.
The handle has been rejoined to the lid, whose colour has been peeled off from many spots (underneath). The body has been reconstructed by 6 fragments. There are some bits missing at the joining points of the fragments, as well as from the incurved surface of the rim. Few bits have been chipped off from the base. The colour is wearing off from many spots, especially at the body. The deposits under the lid and inside the body almost obscure the glaze.
In two places, part of the rim has broken away. There is also a deep crack in side A, from the part of the rim next to one handle, almost up to the part where the other handle springs from. Colour has peeled off in some places, especially the interior. The body of the satyr to the right of the amphora was a bit damaged when paint was still wet.
Sixteen fragments that belong to the same kylix. There are parts of the rim and body (a,b,g,k,l,m,n) of the body (c,h,i,j,o) of rim, body and part of the handles (d,e,f), and the base (p). a) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Layer of white plaster and small bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Interior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and small spots that have been chipped off from the left and bottom edge of the fragment. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: White plaster and two areas that have been chipped off from the top edge of the fragment. Exterior: White plaster and two small spots that have been chipped off. d) Should be rejoined to e. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the rim and bottom part, as well as some pitting off (rim). Exterior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the upper part of the body. The handle is also missing, apart from its lowest part. e) Should be rejoined to d. Interior: There are two spots (rim, bottom) that have been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Most of the handle is also missing. f) Should be rejoined to g and h. Interior: There is a layer of white plaster, few tiny bits that have been pitted off and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Exterior: There is white plaster, a spot that has been chipped off from the top right side and some peeling off of the colour on the handle, whose largest part is also missing. g) Should be rejoined to f and h. Tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior. h) Should be rejoined to f and g. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. i) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. j) White plaster on the interior. k) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: tiny bits that have been pitted off and slight traces of plaster. l) Could be rejoined to n. Interior: White plaster and a spot that has been pitted off. Exterior: White plaster and some bits that have been pitted off. m) Interior: Layer of plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the bottom left edge. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off from the bottom right edge. n) Could be rejoined to l. Interior: White plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster, some pitting off and a large spot that has been chipped off from the decorated area. o) Traces of white plaster on both sides. p) Slightly faded, with a few surface chips on interior and on foot.
Thirteen fragments that belong to the same amphora. i Traces of white plaster (exterior) and adhesives (interior). ii) It has been burnt. iii) There are traces of adhesives and added white colour has fadded away. iv) Should be rejoined to xiii Traces of adhesives (interior). v) Should be rejoined to iv and ix. Adhesives inside. vi) Traces of adhesives. vii) Should be rejoined to ix. White plaster (exterior) and adhesives (interior). viii) Plaster on the exterior. ix) Should be rejoined to v, vii and x. Plaster (exterior) and adhesives (interior). Part of the slip has been peeled off and shallow bits have been pitted off. x) Should be rejoined to ix. Plaster on the exterior. xi) Plaster on the exterior. xii) Adhesives on the interior. xiii) Should be rejoined to iv. Plaster on the exterior. xiv) Plaster on the exterior, some scratches and few tiny bits that have been pitted off. xv) Plaster on the exterior.
Fragment from the rim and neck. There is white plaster on both surfaces. Colour has been pitted off, especially on the external surface of the rim, and peeled off from several spots. The decoration is fadded away on some areas.
There are six fragments probably from the body of the same closed-shape vase (amphora). i) Small bits of the colour have been peeled off and few small spots have been pitted off. ii) The fragment has been burnt. Tiny bits are pitted off. iii) The colour has faded away and has been peeled off from spots. Chips are missing from the edges. iv) The colour has faded away on the contour of the motives. v) The fragment is burnt. Bits of colour have been pitted off. vi) Bits of the colour have been pitted off, especially at the top and right side of the fragment.
There are only 18 fragments preserved from this vessel. These consist of parts of the rim, neck, shoulder and body. a: It is repaired from two fragments, rejoined. Part of the rim (the smallest part of two), neck (including the spring of a triple handle) and shoulder (these consist the second part of this fragment). The fragment is chipped off in many areas (rim: ca. 5 spots/ interior of neck: ca. 10 spots/ neck: ca. 4 spots. There are also gouges on the joining points of the two parts. The upper part (bigger part) of the handle is missing. Apart from tiny bits that have been peeled off from the interior and few deposits, the glaze and colour are preserved in a good condition. b: It consists of three rejoined parts from the vessel's neck. Few bits are missing on the joining point and a spot has even been chipped off, there are deposits and cracking of the colour on the interior, as well as another spot that has been chipped off. Three shallow carvings are also apparent. c: It consists of three parts joined together (two big ones and a small one). Deposits on the interior, three scratches on the exterior, tiny bits that have pitted off and spot that has chipped off from the lower left end. d: Part of the body, colour has fadded away in some spots, and a part has been peeled off. Deposits. e: Part of the body. Deposits but in very good condition, apart from two areas that are chipped off and small bits that are pitted off. f: Part of the body. Apart from deposits in a very good condition. g: Part of the body. Deposits, otherwise in a very good condition. h: Part of the body. Few, tiny bits have been peeled off, also few deposits. i: It consists of two parts of the body. ca. 5 bits have been pitted off and three spots are chipped off; deposits. j: Small fragment in very good condition. k: Small fragment from the body; deposits. l: Small fragment from the body; deposits.
Ten fragments that probably belong to the same vessel. a) Tiny bit of the vessel's lower neck, part of the shoulder and the spring of the handle, which is missing. There are scratches on the exterior and two bits that have been chipped off. Deposits and plaster? on the interior. (The rest of the fragments are from the vessel's body) b) Should be rejoined to c. White plaster on the exterior and traces of it on the interior. A small bit has been chipped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. White plaster on the exterior and traces f it on the interior d) Few deposits on both sides and a small bit that has been pitted off from the exterior. e) Few deposits on the interior and traces of white plaster. A tiny bit has been chipped off from the exterior. f) White plaster and deposits on the interior. Two bits have been chipped off from the exterior. g) The decoration appears as if it has been scraped off and there is a spot that has been chipped off from the exterior. h) A small spot has been chipped off. Deposits and traces of plaster on the interior. Added white colour has fadded away. i) There are adhesives on both sides and white plaster on the exterior. The decoration looks as if it has been scraped off, a tiny bit has been pitted off and a small spot has been chipped off. j) Traces of white plaster, especially on the interior. There is a small spot that has been pitted off.
Complete and intact, variations in colour with black glaze wearing thin in most areas; white deposits on rim and interior.
Top of mouth broken, chipped on base, chipped and scratched on surface. Neck a darker brown colour and black blemish. white and black deposits on surface.
Intact. Rim has small chips, the body has chips of varying sizes and also small holes which do not appear to go all the way through the fabric. There is a piece of debris in one of the handles. Colour is fading in some places, maybe due to firing process.
The mouth is a little chipped and the neck has been repaired. There are bits missing from the shoulder, too. The largest part of the white bands has worn away, as has some of the paint on the foot. There are white and gritty deposits in the mouth and under the handle. The glaze below the meander is streaky. There is also colour loss on the back of the body but this appears to be due to firing.
Intact. Small chip on the neck. Gloss is shiny and picture remains clear. On the back side of the body, gloss is faded. Paint worn on handle and under mouth rim. White paint has faded. white deposits on the top of the foot. Colour remains clear.
Fragment; Colour on the interior is partially rubbed off.
Single fragment; colour extremely faded so that the pattern hard to distinguish; residue of black streaks on exterior.
Comprised of four fragments, rejoined. Gray adhesions on the surface, much gray and white flaking off from inside and outside. No other traces of colour remain.
Intact. Paint appears extremely dull and matt despite being badly worn. Flaked off from most part of the decoration. Peach colour on small areas inside and corresponding exterior surface. A number of chips on the lower part of the base. The larger allows the clay inclusions (white stones) to show through.
The vessel is reconstructed by many fragments and has been repaired (it has been conservated and parts of the shoulder and body have been filled in). Some bits of the colour have been peeled off (rim, handle, neck, body) and there are some small spots that are pitted off (rim, body). Lastly, there is a gouge under one of the side handles and another one on the central part of the base.
Comprised of two fragments joining. Colour and incised detail remain clear. Glaze still a little shiny on interior but not so much on exterior surface.
Complete. The body mended from a number of joining fragments. Glaze flaked off on the top of the rim, body and handles. Small chip on one of the horizontal handles. The main zone decoration remains similarly intact, except for a few scratches on the surface, and in small patches, a misty light grey deposit. There is also some of this deposit around the ends of all three handles. Thinly applied glaze, especially on the back side of the vessel, allowing for the colour of the clay to be seen. On the resting surface of the foot is a chalky white deposit.
Chips on the shoulder, body. Glaze on the rim large part of the foot and handle flaked off. Red colour faded. Occasional scratches on the body.
Complete but part of the rim has been repaired and reattached. Areas of colour loss on the piece particularly around side B.
Intact. Very small chips on the rim. Extensive areas of colour loss mostly around the handle and body of the piece.
Good red colour.
One handle and the attached part of the rim are missing. The black colour misfired to red in certain places (e.g. at the handle and at the external side of the rim, underside of the foot, tongues, below the tongues, where the thin line is now reddish-yellow). There are deposits on the exterior of the body and the underside of the foot. Small chips to the rim.
Incomplete. The figure has broken in half and been glued back together, however, at the back, there is a chip missing still. The grey colour is interspersed with deposit of a dark brown colour, which is even more prominant on the back. The features of the face have almost all worn away, except for the nose. Around the front and sides of the base are white and dark grey deposits.
Fragment. Broken at the edges, bronze slightly corroded. Green with some rust on the underside. The colour varies from red, to reddish brown and green.
Two holes have been restored with transparent material. The end of the strigil is damaged. Discolouration of bronze to green, blue and black. Only a couple of areas of the true bronze colour remains. A couple of cracks have appeared making the object fragile.
Large parts of bronze have broken away from the sides of the curved section. The most important aspect to note is the deterioration in colour to blue, green, black and brown. Only in a couple of areas does the true colour of the bronze show through. Deposits under the handle where it joins the body. Small hole to one side of the curved section.
Single fragment. The surface reveals few, tiny scratches, but does have a big flake missing on the palmette. There is also some deposit of a grey/brown colour. The inside gloss shows some scratches that run with the grain of the material, as well as some small flakes missing.
The surface of the fragment appears to be in fairly good condition, except for a few small areas of grey deposit. The back of the fragment varies in colour, moving from red to black and then grey. The surface however is again in fairly good condition with no real evidence of wear except for a few small scratches.
Incomplete, only a small amount of the cup remains, including one handle. Two pieces are glued back together. The glaze on the outside edge of the rim has completley worn away, and there are small scratches all over the surface. Both inside and out, there are traces of a whitish deposit, except on the foot where the deposit is more of a pinky colour.
Two fragments. (a)The glaze on the rim and the inside of the fragment shows a few small scratches. On the rim and the outside of the fragment there are a few small areas of milky/white deposit. The black blob reveals an area which may have been the base of a handle. The colour of the clay inside here, is a more pink colour. Like the first fragment, fragment (b) shows evidence of small scratches on the glaze, both inside and out, but seems in fairly good condition, with no evidence of deposit.
Complete. Has been glued back together from two pieces. Is entirely covered by dark deposit, possibly from the action of fire. Thought to be from a burnt grave. There is a lot of flaking, revealing white. The features of the face are distinguishable, but are worn in places. The back is much lighter in colour, but still covered in brown/green deposit and feels rough to the touch.
Handle broken off. Damage at mouth of spout. Rough surface on base. Colour on outer surface is worn in places.
a) There are some spots that have been pitted off, especially at the edge of the rim, as well as some shallow scratches. There is a bit that has been chipped off from the neck and few deposits. b) Many small spots have been pitted off from the edge of the rim, few bits have been chipped off from the neck and there are traces of deposits. c) Should be rejoined to d. Few parts have been chipped off and there are deposits. d) Should be rejoined to c and e. Tiny bits have been peeled off, there is a cracking on the internal surface and traces of deposits. e) Should be rejoined to d. There are some scratches on the exterior and some parts have been chipped off from both sides. f) Should be rejoined to c. Some spots have been chipped off and at some areas the colour has been peeled off. g) Tiny bits have been pitted off, two spots have been chipped off. h) Traces of plaster, especially on the interior. The colour has been peeled off from some areas and there are spots that have been chipped off. i) Traces of white plaster, streaky black on the interior andtwo small spots that have been chipped off. j) White plaster on both sides, streaky black on the interior and many spots that have been pitted off from the exterior. k) Should be rejoined to l. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. l) Should be rejoined to k, m and n. Few, small bits have been pitted off. m) Should be rejoined to l, n, p and o. There are some scratches on the external surface, as well as some bits that have been pitted off from both sides. Two spots have also been chipped off from the interior. n) Should be rejoined to l, m and o. Many shallow, small scratches and few, tiny bits that have been pitted off. Also, a spot that has been chipped off from the external surface and a smaller one from the internal. o) Should be rejoined to m,n and p. There are some scratches on the external surface, some tiny bits have been pitted off and a spot has been chipped off. p) Should be rejoined to m, o and q. Few tiny, shallow bits have been pitted off. q) Should be rejoined to p and r. Two small spots have been chipped off from the interior. r) Should be rejoined to q and possibly s? s) Could be rejoined to r? t) Should be rejoined to o. There are some tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior,as well as a shallow gouge and two scratches. u) Should be rejoined to v. White plaster on the interior. v) Should be rejoined to u and w. There are some scratches, some bits have been pitted off and few spots have been chipped off. w) Should be rejoined to v and possibly x? Some scratches on the exterior and a shallow gouge. x) Could be rejoined to w? There is a shallow gouge and three spots that have been chipped off from the exterior. y) Tiny bits have been pitted off. z) Small bit has been pitted off. aa) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and surface seems to have been scraped off? on the top. ab) Should be rejoined to aa and ac. Bits have been pitted off and colour seems to be scraped off? on the top. ac) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and colour seems to have been scraped off on the top. ac) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and the top seems to have been scraped off? ad) Small spots have been pitted off.
Right foreleg and part of tail missing. Left foreleg has been restored. Traces of white slip. The once probably black colour of the decoration is now brown/red. The surface of the figurine is worn and scratched in places.
The actual pallete is covered with many small scratches, which, combined with the reside of pigments, have left it a light grey colour. There are chips missing from two corners of the base, one larger than the other, with two other chips in diagonal corners of the trapazoid.
There is quite a large chip on one corner, and a chip removed from the same side. There is quite a large amount of black deposit all over the object obscuring it's natural colour.
At least nine beads have a good glaze remaining. Some have deposits and at least one has lost colour. Small cracks in a couple of beads.
Intact, but one end has been broken of, the snap mark is visible. Also the glaze has totally worn off although the colour remians.
Intact although the glaze has greatly worn as has the blue colour in the same areas.
Intact, the glaze has worn away leading to some loss of the blue colour.
Serious rusting means the loop on the hinge no longer moves nor do the tweezer arms. The colour is red and brown and the surface is uneven and rough.
Most of the beads have lost their original sheen and several of them have a brown deposit on them. Since there are very few details on any of the beads/amulets it is difficult to say if any have been lost. Several of the objects have lost some of their original colour but all remain intact and complete.
Complete but the feet have been reattatched, the crack is evident. Most if the glaze is gone, as has most of the green colour. The hieroglyphs are incomplete as are most of the other black details.
Intact and complete, the glaze has worn away as has a lot of the green colour particularly around the head and shoulders.
Intact. There is a large area where the top layer of limestone has worn away revealing the orginal colour of the limestone. There is a large amount of brown deposit all over the artefact.
All pieces intact. Still sit nicely together. White deposits on bottom part around rim and on the underside of the ring. Dark deposits (or remains of kohl) caught in the ribbing in base. Sandy deposits on outer surface of base have changed the colour considerably.
Teeth are all different lengths and there are deposits caught between teeth. The bottom of the comb appears darker in colour, perhaps slightly damp.
Intact and complete. Much of the glaze and colour has rubbed away particularly on the right side of the front. There is also some dark miscolouration at the top of the head-dress. Compared to it's partner the details of the face are much more vague.
Intact and complete. The blue glaze is largely intact although where it has worn away the blue colour has also gone and there is only a light brown rough surface remaining.
Intact and complete, the glaze is still present although the light green colour is somewhat faded. Aside from one crack and two small chips on the facade no detail has been lost.
Intact. Much chipping to edge and colour deterioration of surface but more round the edges than in the centre.
Intact but a fragment, the glaze is gone as has much of the colour, there is an obvious crack near the foot of the fragment and it is clear from both ends of the fragment it has been snapped off.
Intact if fragmentary, no colour is lost although the surface is rough in some areas suggesting a loss in glaze, one end displays characteristics of having been snapped of a larger object.
Intact and complete, chip in the lip, several shallow indentations on the surphace showing a different colour of clay.
Green in colour; worn on edges; complete;Images worn
Good amount of colour remains. No lid preserved.
Complete and intact. One chip underneath the rim. Areas of colour loss can be found around the rim, handles and the main body of the krater. Part of the foot and has a layer of deposit.
Superposed colour faded and glaze worn on widest part of body, scratched on rim, handle, and body, small chip on mouth.
Missing two chips from the base, and cracked on the underside; glaze dulled in places and cracking around the handle attachments; light grey deposits on side B; added colour very well preserved.
Glaze around mouth and neck is worn away leaving a dark grey colour.
Fragment broken off from a larger item. There is a large amount of white pigment remaining on the suface; this suggests that it was originally white in colour. The nose is quite short, perhaps because it has been worn down.
Entire neck and mouth missing and base badly chipped. Deposits inside and out - greyish colour. Small surface scratches.
Four fragments that belong to the same vessel. a) Part of the rim, body and the handle (intact). There is white plaster on the inner surface of the handle and many bits and spots have been pitted off and colour appears peeled off, especially from the back of the handle. b)Should be rejoined to c. Part of the rim and body. Four small bits have been pitted off from the rim (exterior) and there is a bit of plaster. c) Should be rejoined to b. Part of the rim and tiny part of the body. Part of the decoration of the rim has been peeld off. d) Part of the body.
Two uneven parts of a double handle. The glaze appears greenish or streaky at places and there are spots that the colour looks peeled off. There are also traces of white plaster.
Two joining fragments of the lower part of the body of an amphora. White plaster on both sides (thicker on the interior). There are areas where the colour has been peeled off, as well as some pitting off from the left edge of the fragment. There are also adhesives.
Fifteen fragments that belong to the same kylix. There are parts of the rim and body (a,b,g,k,l,m,n) of the body (c,h,i,j,o) and of rim, body and part of the handles (d,e,f). a) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Layer of white plaster and small bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Interior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and small spots that have been chipped off from the left and bottom edge of the fragment. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: White plaster and two areas that have been chipped off from the top edge of the fragment. Exterior: White plaster and two small spots that have been chipped off. d) Should be rejoined to e. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the rim and bottom part, as well as some pitting off (rim). Exterior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the upper part of the body. The handle is also missing, apart from its lowest part. e) Should be rejoined to d. Interior: There are two spots (rim, bottom) that have been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Most of the handle is also missing. f) Should be rejoined to g and h. Interior: There is a layer of white plaster, few tiny bits that have been pitted off and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Exterior: There is white plaster, a spot that has been chipped off from the top right side and some peeling off of the colour on the handle, whose largest part is also missing. g) Should be rejoined to f and h. Tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior. h) Should be rejoined to f and g. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. i) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. j) White plaster on the interior. k) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: tiny bits that have been pitted off and slight traces of plaster. l) Could be rejoined to n. Interior: White plaster and a spot that has been pitted off. Exterior: White plaster and some bits that have been pitted off. m) Interior: Layer of plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the bottom left edge. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off from the bottom right edge. n) Could be rejoined to l. Interior: White plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster, some pitting off and a large spot that has been chipped off from the decorated area. o) Traces of white plaster on both sides.
a) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one handle (the other one is missing) and body of the vessel. Small bits have been pitted off, as well as parts of the colour on some areas. The glaze also seems to be scraped off, apart from the surfaces decorated with palmettes. There are traces of white plaster (on the exterior), especially at the upper part of the handle's springs. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Part of the rim and body of the vessel. The area above the decoration on the body seems scraped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one of the springs of the other handle (that is missing) and part of the vessel's body. White plaster is apparent on most of the external surface. Traces of adhesives? exist on the internal surface of the rim d) Part of the rim and body of the vessel. Adhesives on the rim (interior and exterior). e) Part of the vessel's lower body. Tiny bits have been pitted off from both sides and colour has fadded away on some areas. f) Part of the vessel's resting surface. The foot is missing and there are adhesives and white plaster on the joining point of the foot with the base.
Intact, left arm is missing, shallow chips on the body revealing lighter colour of the stones.
Single fragment. Convex side's colour is worn out almost completely (there is a hint of brown coloring near its bottom). The colour on the interior is faded and severely scratched.
Single fragment comprises a kylix handle with some of the rim. Colour intact on the the concave side of the fragment.
Single fragment with surface worn and scratched, in some areas colour has worn to a light grey.
Complete and intact. On the right, top area of hair terracotta is chipped to reveal orange colour.
red in colour, clear on the reverse, worn away on the obverse; worn on right side of obverse; complete
well preserved, reatined colour; not very worn, still clear; images complete
red in colour, but well preserved; only worn around edges; 2 small dents on edge but mainly complete
red in colour; worn on on edge; complete
red in colour; very smoothed and worn; complete
red in colour, white in recesses; not too worn, reverse is good; 3 small cuts and uneven edge in general
Red in colour with slight green weathering; failry worn; edges are chipped all the way around