Fragment. Flat-topped projecting rim, flaring outwards. Clay is thick at the point where the rim begins to flare outwards.
Lid: tall, conical, flat-topped knob on a sharply sloping conical lid, with plain rim, vertical profile, flat underside, leading to a short flange (0.3) to sit within lekanis.
Lekanis: slightly everted, rounded rim with flat lip, on a deep bowl with straight walls in two parts, separated by a sharp carination near the bottom, attached to a short disk foot, angled on inside and out, with a slightly convex underside. From either side of the rim extends a semicircular horizontal handle, round in section, that rises very slightly, flanked by short pointed spurs or lugs on either side of the handle.
Short cylindrical knob, flat-topped and double-recessed in centre. The short concave stem connects the cylinder to the short domed lid, in a continuous curve. Beyond a gouge the outer 1.8 cm of the lid becomes slightly concave and after two ridges terminates in a slightly rounded edge.The underside is hollowed just below the knob, and has a short flange intended to sits inside the rim of the pyxis to which it would have belonged.
Sloping lid above slightly tapered flange with a rounded rim; flat-topped knob, with sloping sides, at centre.