Ure Museum Database

There are 16 objects for which Provenance contains → memphis
E.62.3 Memphis
E.63.1 Temple of Ptah, Memphis
E.63.12 Memphis
E.63.13A Memphis, from a large spoilt lot found in the lower levels of the city
E.63.13B Memphis
E.63.13C Memphis, part of a spoilt lot found in the lower levels of the city.
E.63.13D Memphis, from a spoilt load in the lower levels of the city.
E.63.15 Memphis
E.63.18 Memphis
E.63.19 Memphis
E.63.20 Memphis
E.63.21 Memphis
E.63.22 Memphis
E.63.27 Memphis
E.63.28 Memphis
E.63.29 Memphis
The Ure Museum is part of
The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading, RG6 6AH