Narrow red wool strip with arrow design; small red medallion
A: Between sphinxes, both facing right, Athena attacking a giant. Branches and grape clusters in the field. B: Similar, but mainly missing. Under each handle is the tail of a sphinx. Interior, reserved band at lip. Medallion very worn, but seems to depict a figure. Added white.
Inside is black except for a reserved rim and a medallion at the center with a dancing woman inside and with bands around the edge. Two handles, black on top and reserved underneath. Side A is a charioteer mounting quadriga, beside horses is a lyre player and at handles is a satyr pursuing woman. Side B is similar, but woman and satyr have changed places. Dots and branches with dots along in the field. Under each handle is a single ivy leaf. Black band, then black stem to foot. Top of foot is black but side is reserved as is the base which is flat except for a central concave black circle.
Inside is black with reserved rim and central medallion outlined with bands and has a picture of a man with a staff. Figures in black with incised detail. Two handles, one on each side, are black on the top and reserved underneath. Below each handle is a single ivy leaf. The outer surface has a similar picture both sides of a satyr attacking a maenad between two palmettes. Branches with fruit in the field.
The underside is reserved except for both sides of the foot ring which are black. The upper part is reserved apart from the decoration. This consists of a red band with three red, narrower ones below it. This forms the outline to the central medallion of black lotus buds and goups of palmette leaves which radiate from (missing) centre.
Inside, a fine reserved line round rim; 5b, a pair of reserved lines framing a medallion; 6b, part of the outer line of this fram; 7b, shoulder and lower part of face of bearded man. Outside, 4 and 5a, part of palmette complex around handle; 6a, part of figure wearing chlamys, tendril, and lotus; 7a, foot, two reserved lines beneath figure zone. Relief contour for most of the tendrils, but not for drapery nor palmette leaves nor lotus. Remains of red ochre on the reserved patch under the handle.
Inside, reserved line around the rim; in a medallion framed by a key pattern broken by a chequered square, a male in himation leaning on a stick in conversation with an athlete (legs only). Outside, between palmettes an athlete with his arm resting on a pillar over which his cloak falls; on his right a man with a stick, on his left another male (face missing). Relief contour for pillar, walking sticks, and back of neck of all the figures. Hair contour reserved. Added colour, probably red, for fillet of bearded man, white for garland of the clothed figure in the medallion.
Interior surface is black with a medallion, with meander pattern around the edge and two youths facing each other in the centre. The handles are missing from the exterior surface but there are palmette patterns on opposite sides, suggesting this is where the handles were originally. On one side is a stele with a youth either side, the left with his hands outstretched and the other holding a cloth and a strigil. The other side shows remains of a very similar picture.
Lid: The top surface bears part of a central medallion (dots contoured by double, semi-spherical line), encircled by a black line, a red band, a broader black band and a red line. There is also an ivy spray between the last red line and a similar one. At the rim there is a rather careless tongue pattern, with inner dots (identical to the one of the central medallion, only frammed by thin, black lines). Sides: There is the representation of women pursued by the winged Eros. The naked Eros is flying and his himation with white spots on its top is falling over his forearm. At the level of his face there is an inscription, with white colour KALOS and underneath, KALH, above a bent fillet with thin, short, white lines emerging from its endings. The first of the women is headed right, having extended her right? hand towards Eros and holding and raising slightly her drapery (in order to run faster). Her head is missing, but she is probably looking backwards, to see the advancing Eros. The scene is reproduced again: Anoher Eros pursues another woman, who is running towards an altar? (rectangular, altar-shaped constuction, higher than the figures with a decoration of a large cross and dots in between). Among them there is again the inscribed KALOS, KALH. Many fragments have not survived, however this woman's head is not missing. She is looking backwards and wears a diadema, made of white lines. At the other side of the altar? there is another woman approaching it, having escaped the first Eros, but looking back to see him. She wears a white diadema and the same inscription is between her and the Eros. The scene is framed by two red, concentric lines (above and below the figures). The bottom surface is left reserved. Body: There is decoration of laurel stems and berries around the outer surface with details made of added white. This motif is framed (above and below with red, thick lines). The interior of both pieces is black. The feet have a black band on the side (ca 2 cm below their joining part to the body) and the rest of the surface is left reserved, apart from a black line at the rim. Half way up the inside surface of the feet there is a thin, black band. The base's central part is decorated with a broad black, circular band between thin black lines.
Small circle, fired red, at the centre of the medallion on the underside. Black gloss except where noted; half of interior and some of exterior misfired red.
A, top: Horse grazing: white on mare, purple on body. A, below: Foot-race. Youth central, purple hair, parts of two others. Interior: reserved line inside rim. Part of border of large medallion: double row of dots between two
Black glazed, with the interior decorated with a reserved medallion circumscribed by a red stripe.