Black decoration on exterior, double lines, dots and 'eye' shaped block
Black rays on white background with black and red block below
Block of black paint, adjacent area with red and white lines and other patterns but difficult to identify due to wear
Red painted pattern on one side, starting at the top with pale red line, followed by a section of darker red block colour, then red zigzags going down, then another section of red block colour and finally orangey red stripes
Reserved on interior, starting ca. 5 cm below rim; otherwise black glazed, with some (modern?) white overpaint: traces of white vertical strokes around lip; two white bands around neck above groove; body pattern is in (modern) white flower motif inside oblong block pattern.
Handles all black. Mouth has wide rim, inside is all black but streaky. Reserved band under rim. Design is similar both sides and shows a woman's head facing left with ornate head dress and jewellry on in white and yellow added paint. Under handles on body is a red block between white lines with dots down originally. Stem is long and has a moulded band around centre. Foot has three steps all black (faded to red). Base is also stepped inside but reserved.