Extremely streaky black paint on interior surface. Some black is wearing from the exterior surface but only towards the lower end of the fragment.
Fragment; extremely worn decoration
Fragment; decoration extremely worn.
Incomplete and repaired and appearing to be extremely fragile.
Complete, appears intact. Paint extremely faded. Inside of mouth has over three small chips. There is one noticeable chip on the outside of the lip. The paint on the neck appears to have been worn away, because a pinkish clay is showing which does not appear to be a fading of the black decoration. There are at least two hairline cracks on the shoulder, with some of the clay worn away. The handles are in good condition with no noticeable chips, whereas the body has several chips and cracks. The base has a few small chips but is in very good condition.
Good condition. Appears to be two extremely tiny holes on knob of lid and one on outside black ring of lid.
Single fragment; colour extremely faded so that the pattern hard to distinguish; residue of black streaks on exterior.
Intact. Paint appears extremely dull and matt despite being badly worn. Flaked off from most part of the decoration. Peach colour on small areas inside and corresponding exterior surface. A number of chips on the lower part of the base. The larger allows the clay inclusions (white stones) to show through.
Glaze is extremely shiny. Underside has many deposits and remains of glue residue from a previous repair.