Single piece, intact, and seemingly complete, except eroded at the edges of the blade, on either side, particularly in the middle third of the piece. Blackish-brown with green patches throughout.
Good, one handle slightly worn, rim worn away round edges. Large amounts of browny-grey deposit around the rim (exterior and interior), causing wearing of some of the interior decoration. Small string tied to handle (modern)
Two pieces, each intact, seemingly not missing any parts. The mirror is in better condition, with only a few worn and/or green patches, while the lid is damaged at the edges and is covered on the underside with whitish-green deposits. The lid has one cracked, running from the edge toward the centre.
Paint wearing off from topside. Large chip to surface of underside - perhpas caused by an air bubble. Evidence of charring (?) on underside. No finished edges.
Small dots of deposit on the white slip and also on the fracture edges. The interior red colour appears a little streaky, but this was probably since production.
Deposits on exposed edges and on both sides.
Joined unevenly due to erosion of the edges. Small spots of dark deposit on exterior surface. Surface damage to underside where paint has been rubbed away.
Creamy coloured deposits on edges. Dark spots of deposit on top surface. Red lines are irregular.
The stripes are irregularly spaced. White deposit on underside and exposed edges. Darker deposits on topside.
Dark spots of deposit on exterior surface and exposed edges.
No finished edges allowing the inclusions in the clay to be seen. Brown deposits on the outside.
White deposits all over fragment. Black paint fading to red at the edges.
Surface chips have taken away some paint and the part that has suffered most has the main design. Hardly any deposits apart from some dusty parts on the fractured edges.
Fragment. Some white deposit on edges.
No finished edges. The paint on the interior surface remains clearer and in better condition than the exterior. Spots of deposit on the exterior surface too.
Single fragment of four sides (kite shaped). The reserved background has an incision (L. 1.6) which cuts into the sixth palmette. Five palmettes are partially faded in colour. On the reverse of the fragment, the black paint has been eroded along the edges of breakage.
Scratched and worn on the edges
Chipped with the glaze worn away around the edges
Quite a lot missing from edges of scene
Only centre of gem remains, edges of the scene are missing
Fragment broken in half glaze worn edges chipped
Fragment, chipped along edges. Black wash worn on one side.
Fragment, chipped along edges. Wash is scratched. Illegible handwritten pencil marks on interior.
Fragment, chipped along edges. Wash is worn away and scratched.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Wash is chipped, scratch along centre of exterior. 'Orvieto' handwritten in pencil on interior.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Wash is chipped and faded.
Fragment; edges worn and chipped; something handwritten in pencil on the exterior.
Fragment , chipped at edges. Wash on interior and exterior has almost entirely worn away.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Wash is worn, especially on interior.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Long scratches on exterior wash. Wash chipped on interior.
Fragment, large chips at edges. A number is handwritten faintly in black ink on interior.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Wash on exterior is heavily scratched. Interior is chipped and scratched. On interior are illegible handwritten pencil marks and 'III' handwritten in ink.
Fragment, chipped at edges. One large chip on bottom left-hand edge. Other small spots and stains on interior and exterior. On interior is handwritten in ink 'A3 2.5 1.V.31 LS'.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Wash on exterior is chipped and scratched. On interior is handwritten in ink: '31 M IV 1-15' and '8L5'.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Interior is heavily scratched.
Fragment, chipped at edges, wash on interior is chipped, some scaratches on exterior. On interior is handwritten in ink: '1930 E4-3 I-II'.
Fragment, heavily chipped around edges. Wash has some small chips and scratches. Handwritten in pencil on interior is: 'I-II'.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Most of the etched lines on the exterior have been worn away.
Fragment, edges and faces chipped.
Fragment, chipped on faces and edges.
Fragment, chipped at edges.
Fragment, edges are chipped. Deoration on interior and exterior is heavily worn. On exterior there is spotting of a darker colour. Below the handle is handwritten in pencil 'Hernion'. On interior is written '13 Argive Hernion'.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Wash on interior, and desgin on exterior is worn. On interior, 'Hern Ar' is handwritten in pencil.
Fragment broken on five edges very scratched and worn glaze, edges are worn smooth
Fragment; decoration well worn in all areas, especially near break edges and on rim.
Fragment; well worn, especially exterior decoratio and around the broken edges; dirt deposits throughout, worse on interior.
Frragment; well worn, especially near break edges; dirt deposits throughout.
Fragment; well worn, especially on the exterior and around the break edges; dirt deposits throughout.
Fragment; very well worn, especially around broken edges; extensive dirt deposits on remaining decoration.
Fragment; well worn, especially exterior and around broken edges; some dirt deposits.
Fragment; worn, especially near broken edges; dirt deposits throughout; if there was any decoration, it has been worn off completely.
Fragment; well worn, especially near break edges and exterior; dirt deposits, especially on interior.
Fragment; well worn, especially near break edges and on exterior; dirt deposits, worse on interior.
Fragment; heavily worn, decoration worn down until almost unrecognizble, expecially around edges of fragment.
Fragment; fading of decoration throughout, worse on the interior, some other slight chipping; "Aphrodite Aegina" handwritten in pencil on the broken edges of the fragment.
Chipped and worn. Wash chipped. 'Aphrodite' and 'Aegina' handwritten in pencil on two different edges of fragment.
Fragment broken on six sides; interior: black overpaint slightly worn at edges of fragment; interior: chips to the end of the fragment with the vertical curvature and both lines of black overpaint
Single fragment, broken on three sides, with decoration worn towards edges.
Interior: some of the black overpaint on the fragment edges is chipped; exterior: there are some chips to the surface of the fragment and some of the detail is worn away
Fragment broken on three edges chipped glaze
Fragment, chipped along edges. Wash ischipped and worn.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Extensive white spotting on interior. Exterior wash is worn away in places.
Fragment, chipped at edges.
Fragment, chipped at edges.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Decoration is faded.
Fragment; chips throughout; white material (plaster? glue?) on broken edges.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Sediment covering all of the interior.
Damaged around the edges
Slightly worn image and damaged around the edges
Slightly damaged around the edges and a small circular hole in the bottom left corner
Quite chipped around the edges
Slightly damaged edges and worn image
Slightly damaged edges
The holes along the edge may have been made to bind the tablet to a lid or another tablet with cord. The grooves may be where excess wax was scraped off the stylus. There are several perforations down one edge, which would have allowed several such tablets to be strung together to form a book. One of the raised edges has been broken off. Some surface wear and staining.
Outside fragment 5.5 x 6 has a chip to longest part of palmette. Inside has slight chipping to edges.
Inside streaky black, soiled on edges.
Outside soiled. Inside: Streaky dark brown, white/grey soil deposits, chipping at edges
Fragmentary with numerous chips across the edges of the exterior and interior of the artefact, the face of the object and its handle. Countless, small chunks of paint are missing from both the outer and inner faces of the artefact.
Fragmented around the edges with the shield in good condition. Fragmented and incomplete spear, helmet, face, and legs.
The legs have broken off at mid-thigh level, and there is some chipping to the extremities of the pipe and draperies. There are broken edges at top and bottom of the right fist.
Single fragment with break scars on the shoulder and bottom edges.
Small fragment with some chippings around the edges, and numerous spots where small sections of paint has been removed.
Fragment with small chip on one edge, otherwise edges are smooth.
There are six fragments probably from the body of the same closed-shape vase (amphora). i) Small bits of the colour have been peeled off and few small spots have been pitted off. ii) The fragment has been burnt. Tiny bits are pitted off. iii) The colour has faded away and has been peeled off from spots. Chips are missing from the edges. iv) The colour has faded away on the contour of the motives. v) The fragment is burnt. Bits of colour have been pitted off. vi) Bits of the colour have been pitted off, especially at the top and right side of the fragment.
Two small fragments that Annie Ure has catalouged as coming from same vessel.i) chips along the edges of the exterior of the fragment as well as on black decoration, White deposits on both external and inrternal sides. ii) exterior shows damage and places where the decoration has rubbed off
Two large chips around rim and two small ones. Base broken and chipped. Black glaze worn on edges.
Rim and lip badly chipped and broken on one side. Glaze very worn on surface particularly on lower body and edges, surface scratched and covered in areas with a grey deposit.
Rim and lip broken and badly chipped, handle broken. Glaze worn and patchy on lower body, base and edges.
Incomplete. One handle and part of side missing. Surface of body in fairly good condition, showing only very small chips and small amount of greyish deposit underneath the handles. Inside the remaining handle is small amount of white deposit. The handle itself is slightly bumpy and chipped on the edges.
Two large chips on the rim; glaze missing from edges of lip and foot; terracotta worn and grainy.
Complete and intact, but in fairly bad condition. It has been badly fired, which has left the glaze patchy, especially on the back of the body. Fired to reddish brown. Around the rim of the mouth, the glaze has been worn and scratched away to reveal the reserved clay, as it has around the handles. The decoration on the main zone is still fairly visible, but is worn in patches and flaking around the edges. At many parts, clay flaked off. Around the top of the foot is greyish white deposit, also evident around the handles. There is a large chip in the foot. White has faded.
Fragment. Broken at the edges, bronze slightly corroded. Green with some rust on the underside. The colour varies from red, to reddish brown and green.
Fragment. Both the inside and outside edges of the rim are worn, and there is a small chip. The outside surface is chipped slightly, and has a few small areas of a grey deposit.
Five fragments: (a) Base of the skyphos, with glue around the broken edges and scratches and deposits on the inside and outside surfaces (b) Handle, rim and handle base (c) Body fragment (d) Rim (e) Rim.
Single fragment. The reserved areas on the base of the foot are chipped. The black gloss from the interior is flaking around the edges.
A large amount of skin coloured paint has chipped of, particularly around the bottom and edges of the object. The paint on the chest is quite well preserved. There is a large fragment missing from the right shoulder which also removes part of the lower right hand side of the pace. The nose and eye work has been removed or fallen off. A large amount of black paint has chipped of the top of the object. There is also a hole in top of the head and a large crack originating on the lefthand side of 'hair' and ending near the base of the face.
Intact, no damage but some brown deposit around the edges on the top side.
Intact, if it did have ivory handle it is no longer there. There is a small amount of brown deposit around the edges of the artefact.
Intact and complete. Some of the black pigment has gone and several edges have slight scratches. The most significant damage is a scratch on the side with twelve dots that goes from one side in a straight line to the other.
The coulouring (perhaps a wash)has worn off in some small patches, particularly around the edges. There are some shallow cracks around the details of Hat-Hor.
Shell is chipped at edges and small shard of inner surface has come away but remains with the shell.
Intact. Much chipping to edge and colour deterioration of surface but more round the edges than in the centre.
Fragmentary, chipped around the edges with glaze scraped off.
damaged, a large chip on one of the faces and around the edges
Fragment. Burn marks on the edges of the lip and covered in a light brown sediment. Scorch marks on the body and chips on the lip.
worn and slightly chipped around the edges
Worn, and slightly scratched around the edges with multiple patches of grey discolouration across the front
Quite intact, with one vertex missing; roughly hewn on the underside and chipped around the edges.
worn on edges and both faces
Green in colour; worn on edges; complete;Images worn
Fragment; broken off at ca. 2/3 of foot. Grey-brownish deposits on foot and older fracture edges, which are limited to two sides at the foot section. The other fracture edges are younger. The black paint is slightly worn but well preserved for the most part.
Fragmentary and mildly chipped across its face and the edges, with small parts of paint having been rubbed off over time.
Deposits and discolouration on the fractured edges. Paint remains clear and pattern visible although surface between has become dull.
Large flake missing from topside over zigzags. Thin deposits on edges. Black fading to red.
The paint on the underside is in very bad condition; streaky, dull and flaking away at the edges. The paint on the topside is dull but not flaking. Paint has worn badly from rim. Deposits are on the edges.
Worn around the edges with chips on the base and top.
Well kept overall, though inner section has a few points where the paint has been chipped away slightly,and the line at the top also appears to have been worn away over time. Edges on the right side are slightly chipped.
Single fragment with faded colours: black band faded to grey; black glaze on the either side a few small patches revealing the terracotta beneath. Grey and black deposits on edges.
very well preserved; worn around the edges; slight chunk missing on one side
fairly good condition; around edges and in the centre of the reverse
very well preserved; edges slightly worn; chips around the edge but mainly complete
red in colour, but well preserved; only worn around edges; 2 small dents on edge but mainly complete
Slightly worn; edges are chipped
Red in colour with slight green weathering; failry worn; edges are chipped all the way around
Fragmentary and chipped at points around the edges.
Small, fragmentary, and chipped around the edges.
Fragmentary, with chipped edges.
Fragmentary but bulky, with chipped edges.