Large bell krater with a downturned rim, two recurved handles on the upper part of the body, lower body sloping to a thick stem and a molded pedestal foot.
Large krater with wide, downturned rim that extends sharply from the top of the body; two upcurving handles high on the body, which narrows to a short, cylindrical stem; hollowed pedestal foot, ridged just below the top of the foot. The resting surface is concave and the underside undulates smoothly up to the bottom of the bowl.
A large bell krater with a downturned, rounded rim, two recurved horizontal handles high on the body, the lower body sloping sharply to a thick stem, and a thick, molded, angled pedestal foot.
Small pseudo-panathenaic amphora with downturned rim (and skewed mouth), offset neck divided from the sloping shoulder by a ridge, vertical strap handles curving up from the bottom of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, ovoid body tapering to a thick stem, and a curved pedestal foot that is highly concave on the interior.
Slightly everted lip, wide neck, bulbous body, and everted pedestal foot with concave base.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset slightly from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a slightly diagonal shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from just below the mouth and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is slightly convex; the slightly concave underside has a conical indentation at centre.
Cup mouth, cylindrical neck, to which inside of handle is attached and rises, rejoining at the shoulder; body with straight sides descending from carination at bottom of shoulder; lower body curves in to join molded pedestal foot, with slightly sloping upper surface, scotia above torus on vertical surface, and flat underside.
Large pseudo-panathenaic amphora with a cup-shaped mouth terminating in an outturned rim; offset neck divided from the shoulder by a plastic ring from which rise two vertical strap handles that curve down to the bottom of the sloping shoulder; ovoid body tapering to a thick stem on a pedestal base (not original).
Slim alabastron with narrow mouth, projecting rim, slightly convex on the upper surface, and beveled at the edge, flat on the underside; tall, slightly concave neck, offset from a tall ovoid body, with two small lug handles on the upper 1/4 of the body; molded pedestal foot is comprised of a tapering upper element broadening into a disk foot, with a diagonal outer surface, with three ridges, a flat resting surface, and a conical indentation on the underside.
Broad rim, slightly convex on upper surface, ridged at the outside edge, with overhanging lip; neck, concave in profile, broadens to a nearly flat shoulder that curves sharply to an ovoid body, which narrows sharply at the bottom, where it is joined to a moulded pedestal foot with a splayed base and concave underside; upper part of foot has tapering straight sides; the profile of the base is decorated with two ridges. Two incurving horizontal handles, round in sectiona, are attached to the upper third of the body; a vertical handle, also round in section, emerges from the top of the neck and curves down to the lower part of the shoulder.
Flaring rounded rim with flat lip, narrowing to a funnel-shaped body that curves sharply in the lower part to a broad stem that flares into a molded pedestal base, with a slanted exterior, ridged on the upper part, and a concave underside, pointed at the centre; two incurving horizontal round handles are attached just above the centre of the body.
Flaring rim, curving continuously from the exterior, with an overhanging, convex lip, curving on the underside into a short, thick neck that broadens to a baggy body, sharply joined to a broad pedestal foot, flat on the upper surface, convex on the vertical surface, and hollowed slightly interior, with a cyma molding leading up to a flat underside.The triple-ridged strap handles rise up from the sides of the neck and rejoin at the shoulders.
Large pseudo-panathenaic amphora with an offset neck divided from the shoulder by a plastic ring from which rise two vertical strap handles that curve down to the bottom of the sloping shoulder; ovoid body tapering to a thick stem on a pedestal base (not original).
Large krater with everted mouth and downturned rim, two recurved horizontal round handles attached to the upper part of the cylindrical body, which narrows to ashort, broad stem that curves into a pedestal foot, with a recessed band above slightly tapering sides, hollowed within.
Overhanging everted lip with rounded rim curves sharply a near cylindrical body, narrowing to a tapering stem, which in turn is joined to a hollowed, moulded pedestal base;.the upper surface of the base is nearly flat, surrounded by a ridge and then a groove from which the nearly vertical sides descend; two incurving round horizontal handles are attached just above the middle of the body.
Chimney mouth with everted lip, slightly concave on the upper surface, and ridged on the lower surface, offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, slightly flaring at the shoulder, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, comprised of a scotia above a torus; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is concave above convex; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a slightly diagonal shoulder. Small strap handle rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering gently towards the base, which is attached to a moulded pedestal foot, tapering down, with a profile that is slightly convex; the underside has a conical indentation at centre.
Narrow neck (mostly missing), broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving in to a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot with a raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
Narrow neck (mostly missing) broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving sharply into a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot, tapering down, with a slightly raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
White-ground lekythos, group iii. Conical mouth with flat rim, slightly offset from cylindrical neck which curves sharply into nearly diagonal shoulder; vertical strap handle (missing) reached from top of neck to bottom of the shoulder, below which a carination marks the join with the straight body that tapers down to a high, molded, pedestal foot, grooved at the top of the slightly convex vertical surface, concave on the underside, with a nipple at the centre.
Outturned rounded rim , narrowing to a nearly cylindrical body (broadens slightly below) that narrows sharply to a short, nearly cylindrical stem, attached to a pedestal foot, hollow within, slightly angled on the upper surface, nearly vertical on the sides, flaring to a slighted everted base, with a rounded resting surface
White-ground lekythos, group iii. Tall cylindrical neck broadening to a diagonal shoulder. Vertical strap handle rises from top of neck to bottom of the shoulder, where it broadens. Below the handle attachment a carination marks the join with the straight body, which narrows at the base to a molded pedestal foot with a slightly concave outer edge, convex underside, indented in the centre.
Thick rounded rim, slightly overhanging, above a baggy bowl that narrows sharply to a tapering, slightly concave pedestal foot, with a flat base. The interior of the bowl is concave at the centre. Some irregularities such as uneven edge of base.
Cup mouth, with a slightly convex upper surface; tall cylindrical neck, from which rises a thin vertical strap handle, that rejoins the diagonal shoulder just above the carination; straight sides, taper gently towards the base, to which is attached a molded pedestal foot, slightly concave on the underside, with a cylindrical depression at centre.