Rounded, deep fat body with a small down turning discus and a large filling hole in the centre, small 'kick' at the bottom of the reservoir. Straight sided flat long nozzle with a slightly oval wick hole. Small foot with a slightly concave base.
Restricted lateral ellipsoid body, long convex shoulder shallow lower body. Large filling hole in the center of the body. Beginnings of a flat nozzle with concave side and a circular wick tube. Moderate straight sided foot with concave base, leading to a 'kick' on the internal side of the base.
Deep circular body with a large circular filling hole in the centre of the discus. Flat long nozzle with a small circular wick hole and a rounded tip. Circular raised foot, slightly concave with a ring in the middle. "Kick" on the inside at the bottom of the reservoir.
Very small almost circular body, convex shoulder with large circular filling hole. Nozzle affects the circular shape of the body, almost forming a lip to the lamp, oval wick hole is pierced though lip and shoulder. Large circular foot, base is unturned and has wire cutting marks. Small kick in the base of the interior.
Main body; circular with long nozzle, low girth, rim of large circular filling hole is stepped down from the shoulder. Nozzle is smooth and cylindrical with one side deeper than the other. Large circular, high vertical handle attached to the shoulder opposite the nozzle. Small slightly of centre foot is circular and has a concave base. Kick on the interior of the base.
Main body; circular with long nozzle, low girth, rim of large circular filling hole is stepped down from the shoulder. Nozzle has concave sides, tip is splayed, large oval wick hole. Large circular, high vertical handle attached to the shoulder opposite the nozzle. Small foot is circular and has a concave base very small kick on the interior of the base.