Ure Museum Database

There are 18 objects for which Decoration contains → tongue
2004.5.1 The face is moulded, with ringlets at forehead, beaded hair at sides, and wavy locks as a beard, tongue protruding from mouth. The face is encircled in a u-shaped element terminating in volutes; petals on the outside. The face and other decoration are painted brown; a painted band beneath the face indicates the top of the dress.
2007.7.1A-S Rim (A-D) has tongues on the top, a design with dots and traigular shapes on the sides, with palmettes below; Side A (H-K) shows a symposion, with a bearded man (Dionysos?) and possibly the hoof of a satyr; Side B (L-N) shows a battle. A, B, C: Rim with tongues, side design and palmettes below; D: Rim with tongues and side design, no palmettes below; E: Fragment from just below the rim with the palmette design; F: Fragment from below the rim, all black with part of a palmette on the lower left; G: Black on both sides; H: Head and shoulders of a bearded man(Dionysos?) with the circle and triangular motif running vertically on the right; I: Arm and torso of the bearded man on the upper part, on the lower part there is another object which could be his couch; J: Left half is black, right half contains an unclear section of the symposion scene; K: Drapery, most likely from the symposion scene, with a drinking horn in the lower right corner and possibly the hoof of a satyr; L: Top half of the battle scene, with a nude man holding a spear, and probably a tree running vertically along the left side. The scene is bounded by the circle and triangle design; M: Lower half of L, with the lower body of the nude man, drapery on the left side; N: Leg of the nude man, with the lower part of the tree running vertically on the left; O-P: Plain black; Q: Black, with part of the circle and triangle design; R: Black, with part of a design on the top; S: Base, tongue design
2009.9.125 One naked child sitting on a bear or a boar holding a whip or a stick, wearing a cloak. Another child is sitting in front of the animal, pulling its tongue and holding a torch in his hand. Cast number: 59
22.3.21 Lower part of draped woman facing left towards a stele. Framed on right by vertical reserved band containing double row of joined dots between lines. Below, egg and tongue pattern covered with streaky black.
26.2.77 exterior: from left, painted black handle zone; two vertical tongues, one in black and one in added red and part of another red tongue.
26.2.82 white slip; interior: tongue pattern at rim, some black, others with traces of added red; exterior: two bands above triple pomegranate pattern frieze with red dots on the fruit;
39.9.3 Black exterior, except the inner side and beneath handles. Black interior, with gorgoneion framed with red line. The hair of the Gorgon is black and red alternate and the tongue is red. Stem has a red band around it. Foot is reserved on outside with a black band on inside. Base is raised and reserved with black dot and circle in centre.
45.10.15 18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (rider’s leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
45.10.7A-B Lid: The top surface bears part of a central medallion (dots contoured by double, semi-spherical line), encircled by a black line, a red band, a broader black band and a red line. There is also an ivy spray between the last red line and a similar one. At the rim there is a rather careless tongue pattern, with inner dots (identical to the one of the central medallion, only frammed by thin, black lines). Sides: There is the representation of women pursued by the winged Eros. The naked Eros is flying and his himation with white spots on its top is falling over his forearm. At the level of his face there is an inscription, with white colour KALOS and underneath, KALH, above a bent fillet with thin, short, white lines emerging from its endings. The first of the women is headed right, having extended her right? hand towards Eros and holding and raising slightly her drapery (in order to run faster). Her head is missing, but she is probably looking backwards, to see the advancing Eros. The scene is reproduced again: Anoher Eros pursues another woman, who is running towards an altar? (rectangular, altar-shaped constuction, higher than the figures with a decoration of a large cross and dots in between). Among them there is again the inscribed KALOS, KALH. Many fragments have not survived, however this woman's head is not missing. She is looking backwards and wears a diadema, made of white lines. At the other side of the altar? there is another woman approaching it, having escaped the first Eros, but looking back to see him. She wears a white diadema and the same inscription is between her and the Eros. The scene is framed by two red, concentric lines (above and below the figures). The bottom surface is left reserved. Body: There is decoration of laurel stems and berries around the outer surface with details made of added white. This motif is framed (above and below with red, thick lines). The interior of both pieces is black. The feet have a black band on the side (ca 2 cm below their joining part to the body) and the rest of the surface is left reserved, apart from a black line at the rim. Half way up the inside surface of the feet there is a thin, black band. The base's central part is decorated with a broad black, circular band between thin black lines.
45.10.9 A: Draped youth playing pipes and draped man holding a branch; B: group, probably in a procession, including a draped youth with a staff and a draped man with a branch. The interior is reserved. The details that form the folds of the figure(s) drapery are rendered with thin, black and red lines. a) Black with part of a tongue motif on the top (tongues flanked by thin lines, on a reserved but glazed band). b) Part of a draped male figure's neck, shoulder and bust. c) Part of the figure's himation folds. d) Lower part of a male figure's drapery folds and part of feet? (carelessly rendered). e) Part of a draped figure's folds, next to a black area. f) Part of a draped figure's folds. g) Part of a figure's arm, forearm and hand, with the largest part of a flute. h) On the right side there is part of a figure's drapery folds. On a black area on the left side there is a figure's hand that holds a komos or sprig with added white, short diagonal lines around it. i) On top of a meander pattern with a black line on top there is part of a red band with traces of thin, black lines (a figure's foot?). j) On the left, there is part of a figure's drapery folds and part of his walking-stick. On the right side there is part of another figure's folds?
49.4.2 Woman with a fan and a ball, seated in a naiskos; kalathos on either side. The inner side of the rim bears a broad band (in the middle of the surface). The top surface bears traces of carelessly applied red colour. The edge is also black and its side surface bears a reserved line and a black line underneath, from which seem to be hanging short, vertical lines. The upper part of the neck is reserved, but bears a black band on its lower part. The rest of the neck is decorated with black colour, on top of which there is a tongue pattern in yellow (faded away) that contours the vessel (long, pointed on the bottom tongues). Below, there is a reserved line. Side A: The main scene depicts a female figure seated in a naiskos (monument with pediment, from whose upper part emerge palmettes and tendrils, epistylion, an ionic column on either side an top of a stylobates or crepis, the latter represented with a perpetual pattern of voluted motives and dots in between, framed by white lines, thin, black bands and white bands), on a diphros okladias. The woman is facing left, she is wearing a peplos, holding a fan with her right hand and a round object with the left one, below which there is a row of dots. She also wears a kalyptra and has her hair in a bun, from which emerge two wavy lines with round terminations. Behind her, at the level of her head, there is a window (square object with the middle part riddled). The naiskos is flanked by a kalathos on either side, decorated with black and yellow horizontal lines, tendrils and branches, as well as yellow tongues and yellow meander pattern. There is a row of yellow dots below each kalathos and a rosette on top. Below the row of dots underneath the left kalathos there is another rosette, whereas underneath the row of dots below the right kalathos there is a phiale. The details are executed with added yellow. The handles are black. The reverse is decorated with floral motifs: the area underneath the vertical handle is black, with an H-shaped black motif divided in two by a vertical line, on a round, brown background. The surface below the vertical handle depicts two fan-shaped palmettes, from which emerge elaborate, voluted floral patterns that expand to the surface below the horizontal handles. The lower part of the body is contoured by a wavy-like pattern on a brown background. The area below is black, although streaky on some areas, while the lowest part of the body is reserved but glazed. The foot is black, with a reserved resting surface.
50.4.15 Black glaze. Palmette design stamped on both sides of neck. Vertical tongue design covering body of bowl.
51.4.7 Interior surface is black. The exterior surface is black for top half and there is traces of a design on the lower half. It appears to be a lion attacking a goat. The necks of both and the tongue of the lion are purple.
51.7.1 Black handle, mouth, neck and back of body. Around shoulder at front is a tongue pattern. Below is main design of a nude youth riding a horse to the left, white for reins and thinned glaze for black detail. Below is meander strip broken by two crosses (white on black). Black to base.
52.3.2 Flared, cup mouth, black in and out and on rim. Neck is black, as is handle, except for a palmette pattern at base. Intricate tongue pattern around base of neck with a circular palmette pattern below. Main design, from left to right, shows Eutychia (EUTUXIA) standing to the right, holding a box in her left hand, with a string of embossed flowers (?) hanging down from her right hand. Beside her is a diphros with a cushion. Aphrodite ([A]FRODITH) sits, profile to left, in the centre and to left is small Himeros (IMEROS) in white, holding a wreath. To her right is a standing Makaria ([MAK]ARIA). Black egg pattern beneath main design. Moulded foot ring with grooves around the side. Black on top but reserved underneath.
53.8.3 Lip and interior glazed black, except a ram protome, profile to right, at the centre of a reserved tondo, outlined with an orange band. Exterior: lotus petals on the rim, interrupted only by the glazed handles and lugs, above a a thin glazed band at the carination (mostly orange-red), an invertedanimal frieze on the body or bowl, above a pair of thin bands above a thick band; bands decorating the foot on exterior and interior vertical surfaces; underside decorated with concentric circles (black between two lighter orange circles, enclosed by two darker orange circles). The animal frieze shows (from just above the black handle): a panther advancing to the right, head frontal, licking the horns of a grazing deer, profile to the left, between two pinecones, with a dotted line above his back; a panther advancing to the left, head turned frontal, a dotted lozenge, a lion advancing to the right, tongue licking the horns of a deer grazing profile to the left, with a row of chevrons above; a dotted lozenge. Below each creature is a dotted bull's eye (comprised of central dot, surrounded by a band, surrounded by a circle of dots). Additional ornaments, including dots and chevrons, in the field.
REDMG:1935.87.17 (a) Pyxis: unpainted inside. From top to bottom, bands, tongue pattern repeated, bands (red and black of varying widths: two broad red bands within a group of four thin black lines; lower, a black band), red foot; concave base. (b) Lid: central knob with bands and bands on neck. Shoulder pattern is tongues with alternating red and black coloured centres. Bands on edge of lid.
REDMG:1953.25.77 Ovoid or tongue mouldings on the shoulder, not no the areas covered by the nozzle volutes or the area of the handle. Discus is surrounded by four concentric moulded rings, the filling hole is surrounded by three concentric moulded rings. The nozzles have on their outer edges large volutes, these terminate at the body with horse heads instead of the usual ? the termination by the tip is in the usual form. Within the base are three concentric moulded rings with a small nodule at the centre. Red glaze all over
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