Reconstruction of blocks I,II amd III of the south frieze of the Parthenon showing procession with seven horses and riders and one marshal.
Reconstruction of blocks IV, V, VI and VII from the south frieze of the Parthenon showing part of procession with eleven riders and eleven horses
Reconstructed cast of blocks VIII, IX, and XI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing part of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. This section shows eleven horses and their riders.
Blocks XVII, XVIII,XIXXX, and XXI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see eleven whole or partial riders on horseback. The front five figures wear petasos (wide-brimmed hats).
(a) Philip; (b) Gordian III; (c) possibly Marc Antony; (d) Agripantuan (South Italian, possibly Greek)