Ure Museum Database

There are 2 objects for which Decoration contains → showed
2007.10.2.242 A tall and slender female figure carrying a bow and depicted with a stag, possibly identifying the figure as Artemis. The unusual dress might suggest that the gem showed an unknown female depicted as Artemis.
2023.11.1 Cast of horse hea. Horse made to look stressed with pinned-back ears, gaping jaw, flared nostrils, and bulging eyes and veins. The original is part of the sculptures in the east pediment of the Parthenon showed the birth of Athena from the head of her father Zeus, a momentous event witnessed by the gods. The corners of this pediment were filled with the chariots of Helios and Selene, the gods of the sun and moon, this horse is one of Selene's. The original is now in the British Museum.
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