Ure Museum Database

There are 136 objects for which Decoration contains → shield
2005.8.3 Obv.: Boeotian shield; Rev.: Kantharos
2005.8.4 Obv: Boeotian shield. Rev: Kantharos. Inscription
2005.8.5 Obv: Boeotian shield. Rev: Kantharos.
2005.8.6 Obv: Boeotian shield. Rev: Cluster of grapes
2007.10.2.111 2 warriors with shields and a naked male figure standing between them (he may also be a warrior but he isn't wearing any armour and he isn't carrying a shield). The warrior on the right is moving behind a wall so only 1 leg and his shield is visible.
2007.10.2.144 Two figures, male and female. Man is standing and is holding shield and sword, naked except for a clothe covering his loins. Woman sitting, naked with a tunic very loosely wrapped round her, holding an object (?)
2007.10.2.150 Two warriors, naked with helmets. The first is facing left and carries a sward in one hand and a shield in the other; he is on his knees. The second is facing right and he seems to be holding back something with his spear.
2007.10.2.154 Warrior on horse-back. He is carrying a long spear and an oval shield and wears a cape. The horse is standing on its two back legs.
2007.10.2.166 Male soldier, holding a shield, wearing a shield, sitting down, facing a shield (?). Another figure in the background.
2007.10.2.19 Head and shoulders of a young man facing to the right, with small spear and shield to his left
2007.10.2.235 Two figures, both facing towards us, one standing behind the other. The one on the foreground is a warrior, possibly a Greek soldier (because he's naked) carrying a spear and shield and wearing a helmet. Behind him is a fully clothed figure, possibly a goddess.
2007.10.2.237 A group of figures. The centre of the cast is a male figure who appears to be dressed in armour (helmet, shield, and cuirass). He appears to be standing on the deck of a ship. The figure is presenting or showing the head of a bull to a second figure (female) who appears to standing on the quay of a harbour. On the far right of the cast (behind the central male figure) is a second soldier. The scene possibly portrays an encounter between Theseus and Ariadne after the killing of the Minotaur.
2007.10.2.25 A reclining man holding up a shield
2007.10.2.273 Perseus is standing, resting his shield on a pile of what appears to be stones, the shield shows the reflection of Medusa.
2007.10.2.290 A man, possibly a soldier, with a shield and a helmet on, he is standing next to what appears to be a pillar with a snake coiled around it, at the foot of the pillar is a lamb and perched on top of the pillar is a bird.
2007.10.2.298 Naked male figure seated and playing a lyre. The figure is surrounded by armour and weaponry: a helmet to his left, a shield with a face at its centre at his feet to the right, and a sword hanging from some kind of frame or resting against it. The figure is possibly identified as Achilles as he was found by the embassy from Agamemnon at the beginning of book IX of Homer's Iliad.
2007.10.2.318 Possibly the image on a shield. With a chariot and horses in the inner circle and on the outer circle are images of the horoscope star signs.
2007.10.2.319 Oval shaped shield, with chariot and horses on the inner oval, and images of star signs and astrology on the outer oval.
2007.10.2.320 Oval shaped shield, with chariot and horses on the inner oval, and images of star signs and astrology on the outer oval.
2007.10.2.343 A naked soldier wearing a helmet raised on his head so his face is visible and he is carrying a shield and a spear. He is reaching for a statue of a woman in armour, possibly Athena.
2007.10.2.361 Hephaistos, Aphrodite and Eros. Hephaistos is using an anvil and Aphrodite is in the middle holding a trident and Eros is holding her other hand. By Aphrodite's side is a shield with a face protruding out of it.
2007.9.1.111 Displays a shield divided into four sections, each bearing symbols. Surrounded by a border with Gothic Latin writing, unreadable due to the poor quality of the cast.
2007.9.1.112 Displays a shield topped by a crown and divided into three sections, the left depicting a lion with a cross over each shoulder and another at it's feet.
2007.9.1.114 Displays a shield topped by a crown and divided into three sections, the right depicting a lion with a cross over each shoulder.
2007.9.1.115 Displays a shield divided into four sections, possibly bearing the Coat of Arms of the Warren, Stafford and Eaton families. Surrounded by a border with Gothic Latin writing.
2007.9.1.18 Displaying three figures, in the foreground a naked man with a shield pulling the hair of a fallen, half-naked woman, and behind them a man raising a spear.
2007.9.1.34 Displays a naked man kneeling on one leg, possibly Perseus, wearing a helmet and a circular shield depicting a face, possibly Medusa's, facing left.
2007.9.1.45 Displays Athena holding a spear, shield and a wreath, facing left, with Greek writing around the edge.
2007.9.1.54 Displays a seated human figure, facing left, possibly an image of Athena Parthenos holding Victory in one hand and a shield in the other.
2007.9.1.79 Displays a human figure, facing left, carrying a sword and a shield.
2007.9.1.8 Displaying three men in armour on horses, the one in the foreground with a shield, all facing left.
2007.9.2.2 Displays the seated figures of a man and a woman on the left hand side, with a shield bearing the image of two arrows in the foreground, whilst a mostly naked soldier weraing a helmet and cloak and carrying a spear stands on the right hand side. (Box Index = Hektor reprimanding Paris). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 2
2007.9.3.102 Warrior with cape, helmet, shield and spear admiring a statue of a goddess.
2007.9.3.124 Man with a shield defending himself against a man on a horse.
2007.9.3.16 Displays a winged, female sphinx, a shield held under her front right leg.
2007.9.3.84 3 warriors with 1 shield.
2008.2.1.64 A semi-naked female figure stands before a branch, upon which is a disembodied male head. At the foot of the branch is a helmet and a shield. The figure appears to be making some sort of offering from a bowl like object.
2008.2.1.66 Bust of a male figure facing to the right. Over the figure's right shoulder is a shield with an image of a Medusa upon it. A spear is visible over the figure's left shoulder. Upon the figure's head is a helmet decorated with a griffin.
2008.2.1.73 At the center of the scene two horses pull a chariot one figure drives the chariot whilst another figure wearing armour holding a spear and shield stands in the chariot. Another figure is depicted up-side-down next to the chariot possibly knocked over the chariot or fallen out of the chariot. In the bottom right of the scene another figure depicting leaning on a shield. In the center at the top of the scene a figure is shown with their hands aloft possibly celebrating. to the right of this central figure is another clad in armour, it is unclear what this figure is doing.
2008.2.1.75 The image depicts two male figures fighting. the figure on the right stands nude with sword raised with his left hand he is pulling the head of the second figure back. The second figure is facing away from the first figure, on his left knee. In his left hand is a shield. His right hand is held back over his head. He appears to be trying to break the hold the right-hand figure is trying to hold.
2008.2.1.89 On the right there is a standing woman holding a spear in her right hand and a shield on the ground with her left. She is wearing a type of headdress (possibly a helmet) and could either be robed or naked. to her right there is a standing animal, possibly a sheep, on top of whom is standing a winged cherub holding a bow and arrow, possibly cupid. On the far left of the cast there is a large stalk of corn.
2008.2.1.95 An active scene with at least 9 discernible male figures. There are two figures on a raised platform on the far left, one standing wearing armour and the other seated wearing robes. In front of them is a gathering of men, some wearing armour, some only wearing the lower half of their armour, and one, possibly two, who is naked carrying a shield. There appears to be a robed shorter figure among them, possibly a child or adolescent. In the background the outline of a columned building can be seen.
2009.10.2.194 A naked soldier with shield and helmet is holding what might be a bunch of grapes over the head of Eros who is attempting to cease them. A deer tugs at the soldier's shield from behind. Number 66
2009.10.2.234 Nude female (? Aphrodite) ciewed from behind, leaning on a shield covered in drapery with a spear leaning on her left shoulder holding an object in her right hand. Accompanied by winged Eros handing her a helmet Number 24
2009.10.2.255 Nude three graces standing one holding an apple above a shield with a helmet resting on it, another holding a wreath above a flaming altar, with a butterfly next to it. Number 45
2009.10.2.264 Central figure of nude Aphrodite holding an arrow in her right hand and holding a winged Eros' hand in her left, a shield with a face leaning against her left leg and armour on the floor. Winged Eros holding a bow on the right, and kneeling nude Hephaestus on the left with a hammer held above his head and an anvil in front of him. Number 54
2009.10.2.268 Standing nude youth wearing a helmet and holding a spear in his left hand and a shield in his right. Number 58
2009.10.2.270 Armoured male in a two-horse chariot, holding a spear and a shield, accompanied by a dog and a scorpion. Number 60
2009.10.2.271 Large bird or bird-like creature holding a shield and two spears. Number 61
2009.10.2.273 Nude male figure holding a large shield in his left hand, with armour at his feet, accompanied by a semi-nude female figure wearing a cloak or necklace and holding a bow in her right hand. Number 63
2009.10.2.277 Armed Athena wearing an aegis and helmet, holding a spear in her right hand and a shield emblazoned with Medusa's head in her left. Number 67
2009.10.2.319 A scene showing Herakles on the left and a cowering giant on the right. Herakles stands about to strike with club and shield.
2009.10.2.320 A scene depicting two warriors attacking a giant. The central warrior is wearing a helmet and holding a spear and shield.
2009.10.2.347 Profile of seated figure holding a spear on the left with a standing figure behind, faced by a seated figure on the right, also holding a spear, with a third seated figure on the far right, and an armed figure wearing a helmet and holding a shield and spear between the two. Inscriptions around the edges of the image and between the first and second set of facing figures. Number 3
2009.10.2.349 Kapaneus kneeling with his face upturned and a shield on his left arm, an object at his feet and possibly an inscription to the left of his head. Number 5
2009.10.2.350 Kapaneus kneeling with his face upturned and a shield on his left arm, with a sword at his feet and an arrow or spearhead emerging from his back. Number 6
2009.10.2.351 Male warrior, holding a shield, with snakes on it, possibly Medusa's head (?) wears cloak and helmet, also holds a spear
2009.10.2.372 Nude Aphrodite with drapery over her legs, holding object in her hand. There is a tree in the background and a helmet and shield at her feet. One foot is resting on a stone. Number 28
2009.10.2.376 Standing nude male wearing a helmet, holding a shield and a spear. Facing a small sphinx sat on stones/stone wall (?) Possibly Oedipus solving the sphinx's riddle (?). Number 32
2009.10.2.380 Standing nude male figure wearing a helmet and a shield on his right arm, holding the hair of a fallen nude male figure. There is a shield, spear and helmet on the right-hand side, and a pillar topped with an (animal?) figure behind the two males. Number 36
2009.10.2.385 Figure in a chariot drawn by two large serpents, with a nude male figure holding drapery and a shield in the foreground. Number 41
2009.10.2.400 Bearded male centaur lying down, holding a shield above him with his left hand and pulling an arrow from his side with his right. Number 56
2009.10.2.409 Central nude male figure wearing a helmet leaning down towards a jar on the floor, with a nude male holding a staff on the left and an armoured male holding a shield on the right. Number 65
2009.10.2.410 Central male figure wearing a helmet reaching down towards a vase on the floor, with a male figure on the left, an armoured male holding a shield on the right and a pillar with a vase atop behind the central figure. Number 66
2009.10.2.502 A Herakles fighting Antaeus on the whilst on the right stands a figure with a helmet and shield (possibly Athena)
2009.10.2.532 In center, a kneeling warrior, holding a sword and shield, also wearing a helmet. either side stand two male figures wearing helmets, possibly capturing the central figure (?)
2009.8.199 Athena Parthenos with a shield and a spear in one hand and a little Nike in the other. Resembling the statue made by Phidias. Cast number: 53
2009.8.200 Athena Parthenos holding a shield and a spear in one hand, in the other a little Nike. Resembling the statue made by Phidias. Cast number: 54
2009.8.201 A woman wearing a dress holding a spear and a shield. There is a snake at her feet. Probably Athena. Cast number: 55
2009.8.203 Athena wearing a helmet and holding her shield on which is the head of the gorgo Medusa. Cast number: 57
2009.8.204 A woman in a dress holding a spear, leaning against a pole with a shield to her feet. Probably Athena. Cast number: 58
2009.8.205 Athena wearing a helmet, holding a spear in one hand and her shield in the other. Cast number: 59
2009.8.206 A woman in a a dress, wearing a helmet, holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. Probably Athena. Cast number: 60
2009.8.207 Athena in a chariot pulled by two owls, wearing a helmet, holding her shield and a spear. Cast number: 61
2009.8.30 Dying Gaul. Man with wild hair and moustache, a rope around his neck. There is a wound on his chest, lying on his shield. Cast number: 70
2009.8.71 Athena with a helmet, the aegis with the Gorgo Medusa head and a shield. Cast number: 15
2009.8.97 A small man with a beard and a shield fighting against a bird, maybe a stork. Cast number: 41
2009.8.99 A young warrior with a helmet and a sword sitting on a rock balancing a staff in his hand. There is a shield on the bottom. Cast number: 43
2009.9.100 A naked winged young man holding a bow in one hand, with the other he's holding a shield or wheel. Cast number: 33
2009.9.111 A naked winged child is talking to a warrior holding a spear and a shield. Might be refering to Cupid and Mars. Cast number: 44
2009.9.166 Profile of a young man wearing a helmet with a griffin and holding a shield with the head of the gorgon Medusa,looking right. Behind his shoulder the top of a spear or lance can be seen. Maybe referring to Perseus. Cast number: 1
2009.9.169 A naked young man with a cloak and club (?) in his right hand, with the other he touches the shield which lays on a pile of arms. On the shield is the head of the gorgo Medusa. Maybe Perseus. Cast number: 4
2009.9.170 A young naked man holding a cloak in the right hand and with the other he touches a shield lying on a rock with the head of the gorgon Medusa. On his right side, there is a pile of arms. Maybe Perseus. Cast number: 5
2009.9.171 A naked young man with a cloak around his shoulders, holding a sword in his left hand and a human head in the other. Next to his feet, a shield. Cast number: 6
2009.9.193 A fighting scene. The man in the middle is rising his sword to kill the man in front of him who is already falling down. The man on the right side is holding up his shield. There is a crescent moon on the left side above the dying man. Cast number: 28
2009.9.201 A warrior in armour sitting on a rock holding his weapon, his shield lying to his feet. He is struck by lighting or caught in a web. Cast number: 36
2009.9.205 A couple. A man wearing a helmet and holding a stick or spear, behind him a snake and a shield. He is holding hands with a woman wearing a dress, behind her there is also a snake. Above them is a crescent moon and between them a star. Cast number: 40
2009.9.214 A naked old man with a cane and shield on his back. Cast number: 48
2009.9.215 An old naked man leaning on a cane with a shield on his back. Cast number: 50
2009.9.216 A man in armour holding a shield, standing on a barque. There is crane on his left and on his right side. Cast number: 51
2009.9.271 A naked man sitting on a rock holding a shield, behind him a horse. On his left side a tree and next to his feet lies his armour. Cast number: 9
2009.9.282 A warrior in full armour holding a spear and a shield receiving a wreath from a small woman with wings, probably Nike, flying above a lion. Cast number: 20
2009.9.283 A warrior with a beard wearing a helmet and holding a spear and a shield, receiving a wreath from a woman with wings, probably Nike. On the left side next to Nike is a cornucopia, on the right there is a basket with fruits and wheat ears as well as a bird. Cast number: 21
2009.9.31 A monster with an eagle's head, a man's chest and two serpents instead of legs, holding a shield and a scepter. There is a star and a half moon on its right side. There is also a star underneath it. Cast number: 45
2009.9.32 A monster with an eagle's head, a man's chest and two serpents instead of legs, holding a spear and a shield with Greek letters on it. The serpents are surrounding the monster. There are inscriptions on the left and right side as well as underneath the creature. Cast number: 46
23.11.31B Warrior shown in profile to the left, holidng a shield, spear, and helmet. Prominent, wide lege emerge from beneath the shield.
23.11.31D Profile figure facing lef, wearing a helmet and holding a shield. Appears to have once held a spear. Two prominent wide legs emerge from underneath shield. Lead is an off-colour black-grey.
23.11.31F Profile figure facing right. Face visible through a helmet, with a potential eye socket marked out. Complete shield with an ornate bike spokes formation. Appears to have once held a spear. Two prominent thin legs emerge from underneath shield. Lead is an off-colour white-grey.
23.11.31G Profile figure facing right and wearing a helmet. Holding a small shield with a compact bike spokes formation. Lead is off-colour white-grey.
23.11.31H Profile figure facing right wearing a flat helmet. The face is visible, and a marking shows a potential eye socket. He carries a shield which is intact, with no defining pattern. Appears to have once held a spear. Small wide legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is off-colour brown-grey.
23.11.31I Profile figure facing left and wearing a helmet. Holding a shield with a compact bike spokes pattern. Wide legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is an off-colour brown-grey.
23.11.31J It is unclear which side is meant to be the front and whether the figure is intened to be in profile. The shield has an ornate bike spokes pattern. Lead is off-colour brown-grey.
23.11.31M Profile figure wearing a helmet and holding a circular shield with a possible bike spokes pattern. Appears to have once held a spear. Thin legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is an off-colour brown-grey.
23.11.31OO Profile figure facing the direction right. does not appear to be a Spartan warrior. possibly a Persian warrior or leader? face. helm and armour slightly visible though. defining feature is a ponytail at the back of his helm. not clear whether he is carrying any weaponry. representation of Persian King Darius or Xerxes from the Persian Wars? lead figures part of a large relief commemorating the war? or just used for ritual purposes with the flogging at the Temple of Artemis Orthia? pretty good condition. lead is an off-colour brown grey, similar to 23.11.31h. bears no similarity to the other lead warriors, as it is a lot thinner than them and lacks a shield.
25.8.1 Black inside and out but lip reserved. Neck is reserved as is underside of handle. Top of handle was once black with a ridge running down the centre. Shoulder has short bars at base of neck above a lotus bud chain with interlaced stems above a black band. Body shows a hoplite putting on greaves, facing right to a woman holding spear and shield. Two onlookers left and one on right, all facing him. Colour worn but corselet originally red and possibly hair too. Below is black to base, including top of foot, but not side, which is reserved. Base is reserved and concave.
26.12.13 Lip, handle, neck and back of body all black. Reserved panel in front with main design and two sets of parallel, vertical black lines either side of a double row of dots. Horizontal row of tongues at top. Main design of Amazon on horseback with pelta (shield) and two spears, wearing helmet. At the bottom of the panel, running all the way around is a painted red line, now hardly visible. Foot is black on top and side but reserved on resting surface and underside.
26.12.14 Lip, handle, neck and back of body all black. Horizontal row of nine tongues at top, just below neck, above main, reserved panel, with two parallel, vertical black lines either side of panel (shields ?). Main design of warrior facing right, with helmet, shield, and spear. Ivy leaves on stems in field. Foot is black on top and side, but reserved on resting surface.
26.2.96 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of shield with octopus blazon at centre in added white; edge of shield in added red;
26.7.2 The interior of the vessel is streaky black (uneven) except for the tondo (reddish brown), that depicts a (shadow of a) man, in a short chiton, facing right and advancing. He is holding a (thorny) club with his right hand and his himation with the left one (using it as a shield?), while his sword is visible at his right side. Exterior: The lip bears a thin, black line. The surface of the body is reserved (up to the point where the scene ends) but bears decoration in black. The scene is repeated on both sides; the myth of Heracles and the Bull. Herakles has captured the Bull from the head. Hanging in the background (above them) there are Herakles' club, cloak and quiver. The scene is flanked (left and right) by fan-shaped palmettes (voluted at the bottom with long, narrow divisions). The lower part of the handles' external surface is black and under either of them there is an ivy leaf (heart-shaped). Below the scene, there is a streaky black line and, after a reserved, thin band, the vessel is (streaky) black up to the end of the foot, whose side surface is reserved, though. The base is reserved but bears a red thin band at the center of the resting surface. No incisions or added colour have been used.
26.7.4 Top of mouth one thick and four thin bands. Dots appear on side. Four horizontal lines appear on the handle. Daisy pattern on shoulder and below that three bands. Three warriors marching right in snowstorm, spears sloping forwards. Shield of central warrior blazoned with flying bird, other two divided vertically, one half red and the other brown. All figures and shields are incised. Six bands down to base.
29.5.1 Black inside and out with a red rim. Handle is black on top and reserved underneath. Red line, drawn unevenly around base of neck. Shoulder has five-leaved palmette (red and black alternating) between two onlookers dressed in black but holding red objects. Body has a hoplite between two pairs of onlookers. Red for hair, folds of himatia, helmet and greaves. White for shield device which is of a leaf and spots (now faded) on palmette. Bands beneath picture, black to foot and on top of foot. Resting surface and base are reserved.
35.5.15-19 Inside, 20b, meander border broken by cross, small piece of drapery. Outside, 19, two males in himatia facing, standing by a cushioned stool; hanging on the wall a shield and sheathed sword; 20a, tendril and corner of drapery; 21, tendril and part of himation; 22 and 23, bits of himation. No relief contour; brown for border of himation on 12 and 22, markings on seat of stool, cushion, and sword sheath.
35.5.37 Interior side plain black. Exterior black with a red leaf or shield on the left hand side, with a red oval shape to the lower right. There is a curling s-shape red figure work, with a large red area to the right of this - possibly part of a human clothing?
39.9.2 Inside is reserved in body but black fired to red on rim with a reserved band near top. Two handles with vertical grooves to make three section - black on top and reserved underneath. Neck has two rows of palmettes (lower inverted) and lotus buds on cable. Shoulder has framed tongues with ivy leaf and dot at each join. Body has similar scene either side. Side A shows combat of three warriors, with white detail on spear, helmet, shield and armour. Side B is similar but there are no spears, instead they appear to only have shields. Below is a broad band with narrower ones either side. Rays to foot. Foot is black and moulded with a reserved band around side. Base is reserved and conical.
45.10.12 Possible warrior scene. i) black figure decoration. ii) black figure decoration including parts of palmette and lotus. iii) black figure with parts of palmette, lotus and shield-incised lines on shield. iv) decorated with part of shield, incised decoration on parts of shield. v) part of human leg and two small black dots of unknown decoration. vi) part of two different human legs.
45.10.15 18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (rider’s leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
45.10.23 The handle is black. On the shoulder there is a voluted palmette with petal-shaped divisions between two draped male figures facing each other, holding their himatia with their left hands. There is part of a thin line that contours the lower part of the shoulder. The upper part of a warrior is preserved, wearing a red helmet and carrying a shield. There is also the lowest part of a figure's drapery and his feet. He seems to step on two red lines, and the rest of the fragment is black. A fragment shows part of a figure's feet, which also step on two red lines. There is a broad, black band on the foot, with the rest of the underside is reserved.
45.10.29 Fragments that join 45.10.23: a)The handle's back is black. On the shoulder there is a voluted palmette with petal-shaped divisions between two male draped figures that are facing it, holding their himatia? with their left hands. b) There is part of a thin line that contours the lower part of the shoulder. c) The upper part of a warrior, wearing a red helmet and carrying a shield. Behind him , there is part of an object? in added red. d) The right part bears the left part of the previous warrior's shield. The left part of the fragment depicts the upper part of another draped male figure holding a spear.
45.6.14 Lip reserved. Shoulder - 7-leaved palmette between two onlookers. Body: Hoplite leaving home, between two pairs of onlookers with spears. Red for hair, folds of himatia, helmet, four leaves of palmette. White for shield device (4 spokes of wheel)
47.2.27 Some traces of black on shield, neck and arms. Red around forehead, ears and over body.
49.8.3 Interior: black with a central red dot. The underside of the rim has a leftwards laurel leaf pattern above a single red band. Palmette and tendril decoration below both handles. Side A: warrior with shield dressed in hoplite attire (but perhaps an Arimaspian, according to Schauenburg; cf. Hdt. 3.116), facing and fighting a griffin with traces of white on tail and mane. Rosettes in field. Side B: three robed women with yellow necklaces and hair decorations, facing left. Rhomboids with central crosses in field. Below the figures is a wave pattern. Stem, foot and base are black.
49.8.8 Inside and outside of mouth and handle is black as is neck and back of body. At base of neck is a key / meander design between two moulded ridges and only appears on the front. On the body, metope bearing the figure decoration. On the top of the metope. black tongues.Main design is in a panel showing a Quadriga moving to the left. Horses' heads turned towards different directions. One to the left, other three run their heads to the centre facng each other. On the quadriga, hoplites in profile either side both facing right, holding shields and spears and wearing helmets. One of the shields is decorated with a feline picked out in white, only the back part of which can be seen. Behind the quadriga, a hoplite in profile to the right. He is holding his spear and seems ready to attack. He has a shield decorated with three dots with added white, he wears a short chiton, a cuirass and a Corinthian helmet. In front of the chariot, hoplite in profile, moving to the left, having his head turned backwards. He is wearing cuirass, short chiton, a helmet. He is holding his shield and two spears. Added red-purple on reins of horses and headbands and tunic of warriors, as well as contours of the shields. Added white on lion of the shield and decoration of the shield of the second hoplite which is not clear, the edge of the sword of the first hoplite, the dots on the shiled and a band on the body of the last hoplite. Red band at base of panel running all around the vase's body and foot is black on top, but reserved on side. Resting surface reserved.
50.3.1 Red rim, mouth black inside but lower half reserved. Handles are black on top and reserved underneath. In neck zone are palmettes with dots joined by chain. Bars on shoulder. Side A; Dionysos holding wine cup, between two dancing maenads with ivy vines in the field. Side B; two warriors fighting over fallen man with spears and a shield with a leg motif and red details. Palmettes in field are attached to tendrils under the handles. Below are dots joined by zigzags with rays below. Moulded red ridge then black foot with uneven reserved band at base. Base is reserved.
51.4.9 The rim is black, both on the inside and on the outside. The back of the handle is also black, but the underside is reserved. The neck is reserved, but glazed apart from a thick purple band on its lower part. On the sloping junction of the neck with the shoulder, black tongues. Both interrupted at the joining point of the handle to the neck. The shoulder is covered with a guilloche (pattern of interwoven fillets) with teardropped terminations. In the middle of two upper and two lower black lines there are two rows of black dots that begin on the edge of the second left figure of the main scene and stop at the edge of the last person. In the centre of the scene, a male figure in profile to the right with as short mantle, a quiver on his back (Herakles) is attacking a kneeling Amazon. With his left hand, he is gradding her from the air and with the right he is holding a sword, with which he is ready to kill her. The Amazon, in profile to the left, is wearing a helmet, holding a very long spear with her arm and her shiled with the left. From his waist, her sword is hanging. This scene is flanked by two other battle scenes. On the left side, an Amazon is attacking a Greek. He is wearing a cuirass, helmet, he is hloding his spear and his shield and he is shown ready to fall down. Tha Amazon has atteacked him with her spear. She is wearing a helmet and a short chiton. On the right, an Amazon and a Greek are shown in profile running towards the left, projecting their spears. The Amazon is wearing a ahsort chiton and a helmet. She is holding her shield, covering large part of her body. A frontal head of a lion decorates the shield. A sword hanging from her waist. The male warrior wears a short chiton and has a shield and a helmet. The Amazons have long hair and wear helmets with longer and bigger crests. Incisions and added red are used for details. Added red: parts of the chitons of the warriors anad the Amazons, hair of the warrior in the middle, fillets on Amazon's heads and the frame of the shield of the running Amazon. Below the scene, there are two lines (not evenly formed at all in their length) and a band of added red. Below that, the vessel is black, with two concentric circles on the surface of the foot. The resting surface is reserved.
51.7.16 Black mouth inside out, except for reserved top surface of the rim, exterior of handles, interior reserved and underside of the foot black; Between the handles are double (mirrored) lotus-enclosed palmette friezes, enclosed between red lines. Below the ridge at the base of the neck are alternating red and black tongues. Beneath each handle is a vegetal design comprised of three lotus buds, each arranged at right angles to each other, so that their stems form a diamond that encircles a dot, yet extend to four palmettes (two above and two below) that flank the figural zone. Beneath the figural zone is a series of friezes: two lines; a maeander (Greek key) to left; two lines; a frieze of upright leaves interlinked by arcuated stems; two lines; rays extending from the base. The preserved part of the base is entirely black. Side A shows a quadriga (four horse chariot) wheeling around, so that the front of the horses seem to pass a crouching warrior holding out a spear at a near horizontal. The helmeted charioteer holds a large shield. Side B shows a helmeted warrior, standing between two attendants. The warrior holds a shield with a lion-head sema, wears a chlamys, and holds a pair of spears at right angles. The (male) onlookers, both bearded, wear himatia that enclose their arms, and each holds a staff upright. Detail is incised on both designs. Top of foot and side are black and the underneath is concave and black. Added red on horses' manes and the contour of the shield.
52.3.1 Mouth black inside and out, apart from flat exterior. Handles are black on top and sides but reserved underneath. Palmette and swirl pattern in black on neck. Small ridge at base of neck and vertical black tongues on shoulder. Side A: Heracles and Triton or Nereus (both equally possible as monster has tail and old man with staff associated with Nereus, but is unclothed as associated with Triton) with one male draped onlooker in profile to the left carrying a stick. The opposite side (B) is of a warrior (shield emblem chariot body painted in white) between two male draped onlookers carrying sticks. Added red on onlookers mantles, Nereus beard, and white on the shield. Below figures is a double row of large dots, bewteen two narrow bands with rays below to foot.Undr the handles, lotus and palmette . The foot is black and has two steps. Resting surface and conical base are both reserved.
78.12.22 Moulded ring around discus, within is a "Throx" gladiator in relief standing on base-line; helmet, shield, sword, top of greaves distinguishable. Moulded single volutes on either side of the nozzle shaft, at their termination are raised marks towards the base. A faint raised line next to the gladiator on the right. Red slip all over.
84.5.5 Blocks XXII,XXIII,XXIV and XXV of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four complete horses with riders wearing chlamys over a short tunic and boots and petasos. To the far left is the head and neck of a horse. To the right of the cast is a chariot being pulled by two horses and two men on foot- one is carrying a shield.
L.2011.1.56 Raised frontal image of a bearded man in a short tunic and hat, holding a rectangular shield in his left hand and leaning on a (?) club with his right, and with a wheel on his left hand side
REDMG:1926.99.50 Black band on inside of mouth; three black bands on rim; exterior off lip decorated with a series of dots; handle decorated with vertical bars on either side. Daisy petals extend from the neck (each petal is decorated with a white dot), below which are two lines, a warrior frieze, two lines, and a black band . The three warriors, lightly incised, each stand profile to the right, and are indicated by two lines (extending from the top right and bottom left) for the spears, and two more lines (extending below) for the legs; each carries a large round shield decorated with incised circles.
REDMG:1935.87.19 Traces of four (?) bands on mouth and three lines on handle. Tongues on shoulder with two bands below. Main design (starting from below handle going left to right) a human (?) figure on a horse facing right, a lion biting the foot of a warrior who is defending himself with shield, a large creature (possibly a panther), and a man. These pictures are all incised. Dots and rosettes incised with asterisks in field. Five bands around base.
REDMG:1935.87.22 Tongues emerging from mouth between two bands. Dots around the rim and tongues again on shoulder. Zigzag with two dots on handles. Main design is five warrior figures facing left, carrying large shields. Each shield is bisected with incised vertical parallel lines and coloured one half red and the other half yellow. The outer ring of the shield is brown, and the helmets which the warriors appear to be wearing are yellow. The base has two bands around tongues with two bands the other side.
REDMG:1935.87.34 Inside is reserved except for inside of mouth. Top of mouth is red with black wave. Black palmettes on top of handles protrusions. Handles are made of two bars with large square at top. Black between handles and all down body. Side A has an arrow pattern on rim, ivy leaf and dot rosette pattern on lower half of neck, black tongues, warrior in the centre leading two prisoners. Warrior has shield helmet. Rosettes and fillet in field. Double row of dots either side and wave pattern underneath. Side B has an 'SSS' pattern with dots on rim, lower half of neck has ivy leaves with dot rosettes, black band, black tongues, scene of three youths in conversation with crossed circles in field, double row of dots either side and 'SSS' pattern with dots at bottom. Black body, reserved stem, black foot with reserved groove, resevred band at base. Reserved conical base.
REDMG:1947.13.1 Black mouth inside and out, otherwise reserved inside. Below the rim, on the lip, is a white laurel wreath, to right. On neck, between black handles, a 9-leaf palmette, with a black dot for heart and black dot on either side of central petal; black ridge between two black lines; frieze of vertical bars beneath each handle; beneath each handle a large palmette above a pair of volutes, from which emerge vegetal ornament. A: Attenuated ovolo frieze between two black lines; white ribbing (painted); two reserved bands; floral frieze with white head, to left, at centre, emerging from a calyx from which emerge also tendrils, berries, volutes, and blossoms; reserved frieze; scene. B: Continuous maeander to right, between two pairs of lines; black ribbing (painted) between two black lines; flanked by vegetal ornament, from which emerges quarter palmettes and volutes, a female head, profile to left, wearing white stephane, and white sakkos, from which emerges curly black hair, at front and black; white drop earring on an inverted triangle. Below the body zone, around the entire vase, is a decorative band consisting of dotted cross squares (1) alternating with stopt maeanders to left (3) between two reserved bands; black below. Scene, A: A woman, standing in 3/4-view to the right, with head profile to right, hair emerging from the back, a sleeveless, belted chiton, a himation draped over her left arm, a pair of white slippers, holds a palmette fan, with white detail, in her upraised left hand, and a branch (similar to a thyrsos) in her left hand, at a diagonal. She also wears a white stephane and a sakkos with black and white detail, from the back of which emerges a tuft of hair, a white beaded necklace between two thin chains (rendered by black lines), and white snake bracelets on each arm. She faces a naiskos enclosure, decorated in gilded white, with thin Corinthian columns and a black pediment, on a podium decorated with a simple continuous maeander to right, between a two pairs of white lines. Enclosed within the naiskos is a warrior, rendered in white with yellow details, seated in 3/4-view to the left, on a himation, with his legs crossed, and his left elbow resting on the back of his seat. He holds a crested helmet in 3/4-view to the right, at which he stares, and a diagonal spear in his left hand. On the ground below him is a small shield. To the right is a nude youth, standing in a reclining pose, 3/4-view to the left, wearing a white fillet in his hair, and white slippers. He holds a himation, bundled up around his left arm, and an opened box as well as a dotted, fringed sash, in his right hand. A thin rectangular element, perhaps a dagger, emerges from the opened box. A (heart shaped) ivy leaf hangs in the field above him. White dotted lines indicate the groundline between all figures. Details on the shoulder rays and, ornaments in the field, and all figural scenes are rendered in added white, sometimes 'gilded' with yellow wash.
REDMG:1953.25.91 Figure on a horse, moulded both back and front. On back can be seen a circular shield. The front shows the horses mane and the figures face. Red coarse clay with flecks of white. Hole completely through nose of horse perhaps for suspension(?). Horse has two legs, each with a concave base.
TEMP.2007.3.73 Obverse: Laurel draped bust Reverse: PX Roma seated on shield
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