Ure Museum Database

There are 16 objects for which Decoration contains → procession
14.9.72 Fragment with no finished edges. Exterior: animal procession consisting grazing goats (only head, part of one antler and one foreleg of one and one hind leg of second ramaining)to right; dashes, quatrefoil, and hooked swastikas as filling ornament; below, black band and part of lower frieze - antlers of goat to left; dashes as filling ornament; at right, possibly more antlers.
2008.2.1.63 There are seven figures depicted, one the far right there appears to be a winged figure possible Eros. The male figure on the right next to the winged figure is sitting naked on a donkey, he is holding his right arm in the air above his head possibly in celebration. On the far left there is a male and a female figure possibly dancing, the female figure is holding what appears to be a cup. The third figure on the left is sitting on the floor and appears to be eating or drinking from a cup or bowl. The fourth figure from the left is playing a flute, on the right to this figure there is a woman holding a cup up in the air in her right hand and in her left hand she is holding a staff. They appear to be engaging in a celebration, possibly a drunken procession. The naked male figure riding the donkey is possibly identified as Dionysus.
2009.9.159 Procession of four naked winged children and one wearing a dress. The one on the left side is trying to sit down on a daybed, the one behind him is carrying a torch, they are both looking over their shoulders to the last two children. The third child is accompanied with a child wearing a dress, they are standing very close together. The last child is carrying a basket with fruits over his head. Cast number: 93
26.2.48 pale slip; exterior, from top: frieze with black-figure decoration consisting of breast and right foreleg of crounching feline to right; on right, possible blob rosette as filling ornament; below, wide black band with traces of bands in added white and red; below, animal procession to left in silhouette style (rump, tail, and part of hind legs of possible goat remaining); part two rosettes and dashes as filling ornament.
26.2.51 pale slip; exterior, from top: traces of undetermined decoration; band with added red and white lines; black-figure frieze of sphinxes (one with face and forelegs missing, and face, chest and forelegs of second remaining) to left; splinter rosettes and dots as filling ornament; below, second band, then frieze with animal procession in silhouette style consisting of goat grazing to left (horn, shoulders and back remaining); short vertical bars, dot, and maeander cross as filling ornament;
45.10.9 A: Draped youth playing pipes and draped man holding a branch; B: group, probably in a procession, including a draped youth with a staff and a draped man with a branch. The interior is reserved. The details that form the folds of the figure(s) drapery are rendered with thin, black and red lines. a) Black with part of a tongue motif on the top (tongues flanked by thin lines, on a reserved but glazed band). b) Part of a draped male figure's neck, shoulder and bust. c) Part of the figure's himation folds. d) Lower part of a male figure's drapery folds and part of feet? (carelessly rendered). e) Part of a draped figure's folds, next to a black area. f) Part of a draped figure's folds. g) Part of a figure's arm, forearm and hand, with the largest part of a flute. h) On the right side there is part of a figure's drapery folds. On a black area on the left side there is a figure's hand that holds a komos or sprig with added white, short diagonal lines around it. i) On top of a meander pattern with a black line on top there is part of a red band with traces of thin, black lines (a figure's foot?). j) On the left, there is part of a figure's drapery folds and part of his walking-stick. On the right side there is part of another figure's folds?
51.4.3 Rim: There is a meander pattern at the side. Neck: There is the procession of two chariots. On the left chariot 3 horses are visible, however they must have been four (four pairs of legs). In front of them there is a charioteer wearing a chiton (the added white has faded away) and the largest part of the chariot as well as some of the horse's feet and tails are visible. The details have been rendered with added red and incisions (especially for the tails and mane of the horses). There is also a black line below the figures, in order to denote the ground. The body of the vessel is black, as is the interior, apart from the top surface of the rim that is reserved (but glossed) and a red, thin band on the upper neck.
51.4.4 Rim: The side surface bears a black, meander pattern. Neck: A procession of two chariots, each with four horses (four pairs of feet) but only the first charioteer is visible, wearing a chiton, whose added white colour has faded away. There are incisions to denote the details, as well as added red (especially for the tails and mane of the horses).There is a black line under the scene, to render the ground. Body: It is black and so is the interior, apart from the top surface of the rim that is reserved (but glazed) and a red, thin band at the upper neck.
53.8.1 Glazed black except for a reddish band around the omphalos. Relief decoration encircling the omphalos consists of (from centre out) eight raised dots; two ridges, a figural frieze, and a vine wreath. The figural frieze depicts the apotheosis of Herakles (procession to Mount Olympos). Four quadrigae (four-horse chariots) are driven in 3/4-view to the left by winged victories, each with a different passenger: (1) Athena, (2) Herakles, (3) Ares and (4) Dionysos (?). Small flying Erotes hover behind each chariot.
54.8.1 Inside has a ribbed texture and is reserved apart from thin bands around rim with vertical bars overlapping the rim. Single ribbon handle which is unevenly bent, has horizontal lines down back and is reserved underneath. Procession of seven mourning women, in profile all facing right, framed by wavy lines, with two bands above and below and three vertical lines at right and left of panel. In front of the sevnth woman there ae three loop patterns, with dots. The women are wearing long garments, have long hair and ftech one arm over their head, as a mourning gesture. Face drawn in outline. No use of incision for any details. Below 'SSSS' pattern, then horizontal lines. Moulded ridge and groove below around foot. Base is flat and reserved.
84.5.1 Reconstruction of blocks I,II amd III of the south frieze of the Parthenon showing procession with seven horses and riders and one marshal.
84.5.2 Reconstruction of blocks IV, V, VI and VII from the south frieze of the Parthenon showing part of procession with eleven riders and eleven horses
84.5.3 Reconstructed cast of blocks VIII, IX, and XI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing part of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. This section shows eleven horses and their riders.
84.5.4 Blocks XVII, XVIII,XIXXX, and XXI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see eleven whole or partial riders on horseback. The front five figures wear petasos (wide-brimmed hats).
84.5.5 Blocks XXII,XXIII,XXIV and XXV of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four complete horses with riders wearing chlamys over a short tunic and boots and petasos. To the far left is the head and neck of a horse. To the right of the cast is a chariot being pulled by two horses and two men on foot- one is carrying a shield.
84.5.6 Block XXVII of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four horses pulling a chariot, there are two men in the chariot and one man on foot with the horses.
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