Wears headdress and possibly earcaps. Incision for hair to show braiding or patterning.
Yellow band, followed by brown band, then black irregular shape (possibly a flower) with a thick S shape next to it both partially obscured by red band. This is followed by three pale bands and 7 black line at right angles to these, 6 of which reach down to the 2nd pale band passing over the 3rd and the last only reaches the 3rd band. Background is pale buff. Inside painted black.
Fragment with no finished edges. Exterior: animal procession consisting grazing goats (only head, part of one antler and one foreleg of one and one hind leg of second ramaining)to right; dashes, quatrefoil, and hooked swastikas as filling ornament; below, black band and part of lower frieze - antlers of goat to left; dashes as filling ornament; at right, possibly more antlers.
exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of part of possibly deer or boar (only hind leg remaining), to left; at right, painted streaky black handle zone; below, one narrow band above a wider black and a band in added red;
exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of possibly a horse (only haunch and hind leg remaining), to right
Interior: reserved band below junction of bowl and lip; below, glazed black; exterior: lip glazed with thin reserved line at join with bowl; below, black figure decoration consisting of horseback riders (only head including mane and reins, neck and breast with added red, shoulder and upper forelegs of one horse and tail of second remaining), to right; at far right, possibly incised pinwheel rosette as filling ornament;
Piece of fragment made of red clay with pattern both sides. Fragment is slightly curved, with a small rim at the top suggesting it could be part of a decorative plate or bowl. Side A, which is possible the interior, has a broad black line at the bottom - possibly this was the colour of the interior, with five rough circles in a row, alternating black and red from the left hand side, painted on top of a white background. Side B has a similar broad black line at the bottom, with a broad white line painted at the top and several faded black vertical lines painted over the white. The shape of the fragment is rectangular, and it slopes to a point at the right hand side.
Possibly part of rim and body of a bowl/jar, due to the smoothness of the top of the fragment. Side is shows indication of being the interior, due to the plain black colour painted on. The exterior, side B, has been painted in white with a narrow area of black at the bottom. There is indication of two parallel lines of small black dots, in between which are two narrow parallel black bands with squares of black between them.
Possibly top part of a bowl/jug due to smooth edge of rim and the way it curves half way down. The interior side is painted in black. The exterior has the top half painted in white, with two lines of small black dots parellel to each other at the edges of the white paint. There are two dark brown/faded blakc parellel lines which have two black squares at either end of them. There is a narrow red line beneath the white, with a black area beneath that. The clay is quite smooth.
Possibly part of the top of a bowl/jar due to the smooth edge at the top. The interior is painted black, and has a smooth texture like the exterior. The exterior has a wide band of white painted on, with a few black marks painted on which are possibly horizontal lines and small blacks squares - similar to other Laconian fragments. Underneath the white is a narrow band of dark red, then an area of black.
Possibly the top of a jar/bowl due to the smooth edge at the top and way it is curved at the middle. The interior is painted black, with a smooth surface similar to the exterior. The exterior is half painted in white, with narrow, parellel lines of black dots or bands, and a black square inbetween two black lines. There is a line of dark red below this, followed by an overlap of white then a black area.
Probably part of a jar due to the way the bottom of the fragment juts out at an angle - possibly the body of the jar. The interior is painted black/dark red, although most has rubbed off. The top half of the exterior has been painted white (barely visible), with parallel lines of small black dots, and black squares in between these two lines. The rest of the fragment is painted black.
Small fragment, possibly part of a jar. Interior (side a) is painted black and curves slightly at the top - possibly a rim? The rest of the fragment has been painted in white, with four black narrow parallel lines, and a black square nestled inbetween the first two lines. There is also a dark red line at the bottom of the fragment.
Possibly very worn black paint on one side, but could be general damage.
Three brown painted bands with two lines joining them at right angle, with two small lines at right angle at edge of fragment, possibly an animal's leg
Possibly black lines on white background on both sides; heavily worn
Black and white paint on both sides; heavily worn but possibly a line pattern
Grooves on inside and outside possibly part of decoration or could simply be relic from manufacure
Some black paint, possibly a linear decoration but wear makes identification difficult
Engraved grooves, possibly folds of clothing
Possibly Hercules holding the skin of the Nemean Lion with Cupid hovering at his back
Possibly Hercules holding the skin of the Nemean Lion with Cupid hovering at his back
Possibly Hercules kneeling with Cupid on his back holding a pole
Possibly Hercules holding the skin of Nemean Lion with club and cupid on his shoulder
Possibly Hercules kneeling holding the skin of the Nemean Lion with Cupid on his shoulder
Possibly Hercules holding a dagger sitting on a lion skin, and possibly cupid on the left
Possibly Hercules holding a dagger sitting on lion skin, to the left of him there are some letters in Greek, possibly a mini sphinx by his left foot
Possibly Hercules sitting on a lion skin and holding a dagger
Portrait of profile of man facing to the right, with lion's skin on his head. (Possibly Hercules).
Man with another figure (possibly a bearded man shaking hands).
Cast number 78.
Man fighting big animal (possibly horse) with tree in background (on right hand side)
Cast Number 81
Man with wings possibly. Has something draped from his left shoulder to his right side.
Cast number 85
Two figures standing next to each other. Figure on the left possibly holding fruit.
Naked man holding possibly cloth in both arms. A small winged child behind him (on the left)
Cast number 90
Possibly Hercules on the left, holding a club and Aphrodite on the right. Tree behind Aphrodite with snake coiled round.
Possibly Hercules capturing the Cretan bull
Possibly Theseus killing the Minotaur with a club
Naked male figure facing left. He is carrying something, possibly a small child, in his arms.
Satyr holding something in his arms, possibly a baby.
Woman facing left with a vase by her feet, possibly washing
Male, sitting down, bare chested, caring a cornucopia in one hand and a branch with leaves (possibly olive), iconography suggests figure is a god.
Female head, profile facing right, elaborate hair stye, possibly with a hair band containing a jewel, near the head is an ear of corn or grain.
A God, possibly Zeus, pondering. A bull is in the background
Possibly Poseidon coming out of the water, surrounding by sea creatures holding a trident
Bust of middle-aged or older woman. Possibly smiling or laughing. Frontal aspect possibly revealing her left breast. Elaborate hair-style.
2 figures. Figure on left bearded with horns (possibly a Satyr). Figure on right (possibly young male) seen from back, struggling with the other figure.
Head of female in profile facing to the right. Hair tied up. Possibly wearing ear-rings. Face turned downwards, possibly representing modesty.
2 male figures, one seated (left figure) and one standing (right figure). Seated figure carrying a staff, possibly denoting older age or social class. Standing figure is wearing a cape, possibly suggesting that he, or both figures, are travellers. He also appears to be stirring a pot at the feet of both figures. On the far right of the scene there is a pole with a serpent wrapped around it.
Decorated tripod stand possibly holding a jar or pot. Concave surface.
Bust of male in profile facing the right wearing a helmet. Helmet decorated with an animal, possibly a big cat (lion etc).
Standing naked male figure. Looking at what appears to be a small statue. Something has been placed at the foot of the statue, possibly an offering of some description. Detail too shallow to identify.
Bust of figure facing to the right wearing what appears to be a 'Phrygian Cap' or possibly a helmet. Clothing suggests that the figure might be female (possibly Athena if the head dress is in fact a helmet). Not enough of hair-style visible to conclusively decide gender.
Frontal bust of young female figure (3/4). Facing to the right. Loose hair (possibly wet). Dress fixed with broach or clasp at the shoulder.
Seated male figure, bearded and naked from the waist up. He is holding what appears to be a scythe (possibly identifying him as Kronos). Elaborate seat, possibly a throne. Detail at bottom left of cast is possibly a temple on the summit of a hill or mountain.
Bust of possibly Athena's profile facing right, wearing a helmet and the aegis.
A naked male figure carrying a club in his right hand and a bow in the left hand, (possibly Heracles)
A bust of a figure's profile facing right showing the back of the shoulder, possibly a woman. She is touching her long hair with her right hand and wearing some form of headpiece.
Two figures, both facing towards us, one standing behind the other. The one on the foreground is a warrior, possibly a Greek soldier (because he's naked) carrying a spear and shield and wearing a helmet. Behind him is a fully clothed figure, possibly a goddess.
A powerfully built male figure kneeling with one arm (right) raised, his hand making a fist. The other arm is lowered and appears to bound (possibly) behind his back. His head is bowed. The figure appears to have a small winged figure upon his back. It is not clear if he is carrying the second figure or if there is some sort of struggle in process.
A group of figures. The centre of the cast is a male figure who appears to be dressed in armour (helmet, shield, and cuirass). He appears to be standing on the deck of a ship. The figure is presenting or showing the head of a bull to a second figure (female) who appears to standing on the quay of a harbour. On the far right of the cast (behind the central male figure) is a second soldier. The scene possibly portrays an encounter between Theseus and Ariadne after the killing of the Minotaur.
Bust of a female figure facing to the right. Her hair is tied up. There is possibly a double-headed (battle) axe represented at her back.
Single figure of a young winged (male) child holding a bow and club in his left hand, the club rests over his shoulder. His quivver is possibly depicted on the ground at his feet. The figure is presumably Eros or Cupid, although the club is an unusual addition (possibly indicating the imitation of Herakles, as in examples found at Pompeii).
A tall and slender female figure carrying a bow and depicted with a stag, possibly identifying the figure as Artemis. The unusual dress might suggest that the gem showed an unknown female depicted as Artemis.
Depiction of a slender figure (almost certainly female) with right arm raised and hand possibly reaching towards the back of the head or hair. Behind the figure is what appears to be a 'Capricornus'. Both figures are facing to the right.
A female figure in short knee-length dress is depicted resting against something in the background of the scene, however, it is unclear whether it is vegetation or a structure. The figure appears to have a quivver on her shoulder, possibly identifying her as Artemis.
A bearded, muscular, and semi-naked seated figure. His clothing is possibly an animal skin (paws seem to be apparent). He appears to be resting as his right arm rests on his knee and his right hand supports his bowed head. He is also holding an unidentified object in his right hand which also rests against his leg. His other hand appears to be holding a further (unidentified) object which rests across his lap. A club rests against his left thigh in the foreground of the scene. There is either a bull or cow depicted by the figure's right leg at the bottom-left of the scene.
The figure shown is almost certainly Herakles, possibly resting after one his labours (herding the cattle of Geryon?).
Bust facing forward of a young figure, possibly male with curly hair.
A Bull, decorated with vine leaves, possibly prepared for sacrifice.
Two figures, a half-nude female seated, with her hand outstretched toward Eros, who is half hovering in the air before her, his arms outstretched towards her hand as if reaching for her. She is possibly Aphrodite.
Three male figures positioned under a tree, two sitting and the one in the middle who appears to be younger is standing on a rock. They are possibly shepherds as one is holding a staff.
Three men, semi-naked carrying shields, piled on and alongside each other, possibly the result of a battle.
A male head, with lots of curly, wild hair covering the face. In the top right there is what appears to be a pointed ear or a horn, it could possibly be the god Pan or a faun.
Profile of a man facing left wearing a helmet, possibly Apollo, as the Greek inscription beside him says.
A baby sat up, facing to the right, possibly sucking his thumb.
Bust of a man facing to the left, he has pointed ears an a smile on his face, possibly has horns as well, could be a faun.
Profile of a bearded man facing to the right, possibly Zeus with an ancient Greek inscription on his right side.
Three figures, a woman and a man semi-nude, and beside the man is Eros. Possibly Eros, Ares and Aphrodite.
A man, possibly a soldier, with a shield and a helmet on, he is standing next to what appears to be a pillar with a snake coiled around it, at the foot of the pillar is a lamb and perched on top of the pillar is a bird.
A young winged figure seated on the ground (probably Eros). The figure's body is facing to the left while the head is turned back looking to the right. The figure is possibly looking at a stand to its right which has a complete set of armour placed upon it.
Winged female figure driving a chariot drawn by two horses which are rearing up giving the impression of fast movement. The figure is possibly either Nike or Selene.
Naked male figure facing to the right and carrying, or struggling with, an animal (possibly a goat).
Naked male figure seated and playing a lyre. The figure is surrounded by armour and weaponry: a helmet to his left, a shield with a face at its centre at his feet to the right, and a sword hanging from some kind of frame or resting against it. The figure is possibly identified as Achilles as he was found by the embassy from Agamemnon at the beginning of book IX of Homer's Iliad.
A man with a beard, legs look snake-like possibly a giant. It's difficult to see the image in the lower part
A naked man kneeling, both hands raised to another head(possibly wearing head-dress)body missing (possibly because of damage)branch above the figures (possible with fruit)
A male figure wearing a skin (possibly a lion skin) struggles with a bull. The bull's head is lowered perhaps indicating that it is charging. Behind the bull, to the right of the cast, there is what appears to be a statue (possibly of female form) with two faces in profile, one facing left and the other right. The animal skin (if it is lion) perhaps identifies the male as Herakles. The scene might be a representation of one of Herakles tasks (yoking of the bulls).
A male figure stands over another figure, prostrate on the ground. The standing figure (probably male) is dressed in a cloak and tunic and holds a blade or scythe in his right hand. The standing figure appears to be holding the decapitated head of the second figure in his left hand. Behind the figure prostrate on the ground is an ox whose front legs are raised from the ground. To the right of the cast a tree or bush is depicted with a large bird (possibly a peacock) perched on one of its branches. At the centre of the cast there is what appears to be a standard or post with two serpents coiled about it. The serpent's heads face each other at the top of the post.
A bearded male figure crouches before a large handled urn. The urn is decorated with a simple line pattern. The figure appears to be holding a small hammer in his right hand, which he is possibly in the process of using (his gaze/concentration appears fixed upon it). To the far right of cast a tree is depicted, perhaps to simply denote the scene is an exterior one (rural rather than urban might also be suggested).
A bearded male crouches in front of a large handled urn. He appears to be holding a small hammer in his right hand which he is possibly using (gaze/concentration are directed towards it). The urn is decorated with what is possibly a sphynx. Very similar image to cast no.597.
A large female figure reclines in the centre of the scene. She is dressed in robes and is wearing either a helmet or a cap (Phyrigian cap?). Her left arm is resting on a disembodied (bearded male) head and her left hand holds a staff which rests against her upper-arm or shoulder. Beneath the large female figure and to the left of the male head are two shapes which possibly represent boats or ships. These shapes might indicate that the portion of the scene below the female figure is in fact a river or the sea. In turn this might suggest that the disembodied head is emerging from the water (possibly identifying it as a river god). To the left of the scene a very small figure appears to be presenting the large female figure with something, possibly a basket or urn. A slightly larger figure, leaning on a stick, looks on from beneath a tree. Above the very small figures head are two animals (presumably intended to appear to be further off in the background). One at least of these animals is certainly a horse. To the right of the large female figure's head there is a representation of a stag. At the top of the scene in a central position are three shapes. It is unclear exactly what these are (possibly huts or houses of some description?).
There are four figures, two standing, two sitting. Possibly shepherds, due to their staffs and a dog.
Cherub, possibly Eros, holding onto a swan by its neck.
Archway of a temple with the image of possibly the Pantheon inside.
Possibly the image on a shield. With a chariot and horses in the inner circle and on the outer circle are images of the horoscope star signs.
Possibly of a tomb with a sarcophogus in the foreground and weapons in the background.
Man holding a goat by the head, he is possibly a shepherd. There is a tree in the background.
Cherub possibly Eros, riding a lion and playing a harp.
Man tied up and on his knees, with a cherub, possibly Eros, holding him up and helping him.
Female riding on the back of a male centaur, possibly abduction of Deianeira by Nessus.
Two male figures fighting over a woman who has fallen in-between them. One has a dagger, the other could possibly be protecting her. Both men are wearing helmets and armour. There are vases and decoration in the background.
Profile of a man, possibly Zeus.
A male centaur, possibly a shepherd, holding a staff with a sheep beside him. There is a cherub (possibly Eros) hovering over the sheep.
A naked soldier wearing a helmet raised on his head so his face is visible and he is carrying a shield and a spear. He is reaching for a statue of a woman in armour, possibly Athena.
Possibly a Rabbit beside what appears to be vegetation.
A human skull surrounded by indistinct objects, though one of them is definitely a pot, possibly representing burial.
A woman sitting on an elaborate chair, possibly a throne. There are two heads 'decorating' the backrest of the chair, and the woman's head is surrounded by stars.
A sea monster with the torso and head of a woman and many legs, possibly in the form of snakes, with wild beasts emerging from her body. She's carrying an oar like a weapon. There's a person tangled in her tentacle-like legs. She could be a representation of Scylla.
Cast has concave shape to it, contains a possible a figure wearing a turban and long robe, possibly holding a vase it its left hand.
Right profile of a figures body, with a long robe flowing behind, possibly wearing a small headress, holding a piece of material in frount of itself.
Semi naked man, his head facing to his right (our left), leaning on what is possibly a harp on his left hand side. A smaller figure is situated at his right, a possible statue possibly wearing a helmet and holding a spear in its right hand.
Kneeling man, facing right, with something possibly around his neck, from facial expression seems to be in pain
Cast is made concave, has the image of possibly outline of a temples fround, with wreath at the top of the arch. There is a figure inside, holding a bow in its left hand and possibly reaching for an arrow from its back with its right hand. This is possibly Apollo.
3 winged infants working in some sort of workshop. There are objects hanging on the wall, possibly either weapons or musical instruments.
Portrait in profile of man (possibly Zeus) facing right
Male figure carrying a staff, possibly wearing a theatrical mask.
Winged female figure holding a plate in 1 hand and some sort of fruit (?) in the other. Possibly Nike.
Male head facing forward. He has a pointed crown (possibly the sun god Helios).
Bearded male sitting on a grand looking chair, possibly a throne. He holds a tall stick in one hand and some sort of disk in the other. By his feet is an animal.
Male figure leaning against a wall. Some sort of bird, possibly an eagle, is pecking from his hand.
Black paint on inside; some bits of black paint including a line on outside but possibly worn
Rim (A-D) has tongues on the top, a design with dots and traigular shapes on the sides, with palmettes below; Side A (H-K) shows a symposion, with a bearded man (Dionysos?) and possibly the hoof of a satyr; Side B (L-N) shows a battle. A, B, C: Rim with tongues, side design and palmettes below; D: Rim with tongues and side design, no palmettes below; E: Fragment from just below the rim with the palmette design; F: Fragment from below the rim, all black with part of a palmette on the lower left; G: Black on both sides; H: Head and shoulders of a bearded man(Dionysos?) with the circle and triangular motif running vertically on the right; I: Arm and torso of the bearded man on the upper part, on the lower part there is another object which could be his couch; J: Left half is black, right half contains an unclear section of the symposion scene; K: Drapery, most likely from the symposion scene, with a drinking horn in the lower right corner and possibly the hoof of a satyr; L: Top half of the battle scene, with a nude man holding a spear, and probably a tree running vertically along the left side. The scene is bounded by the circle and triangle design; M: Lower half of L, with the lower body of the nude man, drapery on the left side; N: Leg of the nude man, with the lower part of the tree running vertically on the left; O-P: Plain black; Q: Black, with part of the circle and triangle design; R: Black, with part of a design on the top; S: Base, tongue design
Displays an Egyptian god, possibly Amun, facing left, with an ankh on the right.
Displays a shield divided into four sections, possibly bearing the Coat of Arms of the Warren, Stafford and Eaton families. Surrounded by a border with Gothic Latin writing.
Displays a coin depicting a large bird, possibly an eagle, with unrecognisable writing around the outside.
Displays a naked woman, possibly Aphrodite, leaning on a post whilst reaching for her foot.
Displays a naked man kneeling on one leg, possibly Perseus, wearing a helmet and a circular shield depicting a face, possibly Medusa's, facing left.
Displays a half naked woman holding a mirror, possibly Aphrodite.
Displays the figure of a half naked woman, facing left, holding a staff and possibly a basket.
Displays a seated human figure, facing left, possibly an image of Athena Parthenos holding Victory in one hand and a shield in the other.
Displays a naked human figure riding a hippocampus, probably a Nereid, holding a cornucopia and possibly wearing a helmet, both facing left.
Displays a large animal, possibly a panther, with a staff visible in the background, possibly piercing the animal.
Displays two roosters pulling a chariot, which is ridden by another animal, possibly a mouse, all facing right.
Displays a man inspecting the foot of a horse, possibly re-shoeing it.
Displays a four-legged creature, possibly feline (a lion) or canine or a horse.
Displays a human figure, kneeling facing right, holding a sack possibly made from a cows udder.
Displays an abstract winged creature, possibly a horse or a cat.
Displays the front view of four horses, with the top half of a human figure appearing above them, altogether possibly representing a four-horse chariot.
Displaying the head of a man with a beard, possibly wearing a wreath, profile facing right.
Displays Thoth holding the eye of Horus, possibly on an amulet.
Displays a scarab beetle and an Egyptian god, possibly Sobek.
Displays the head of a man, possibly Hermes, profile facing right, wearing a winged hat. (Box Index = Head of Perseus).
Displays the head of a man, possibly Hermes, wearing a hat, profile facing left. (Box Index = Head of Paris).
Man with eagle. Possibly Prometheus.
Animal suckling an infant. Possibly the she-wolf with either Romulus or Remus.
Male head in profile facing right. He has a wreath tied round his head. Possibly Augustus.
Male head in profile facing left. He looks to have a lion's skin on his head. Possibly Hercules.
Female head wearing a helmet, in profile to the left. Possibly Athena.
Naked male figure holding musical instrument, possibly a lyre.
Two naked men, possibly wrestling. The figure on the left is wearing a helmet.
Four male figures; One kneeling, two standing and one seated. The kneeling figure is holding a bowl, possibly an offering. The standing male on the left looks to be holding a flaming torch.
Front view of a bald headed male with beard. Looks like he has horns. Possibly Pan.
A large man wearing Greek attire and a beard, sacrificing a female infront of another female. Possibly the depiction of Agamemnon sacrificing Iphigenia, his daughter, infront of Clytemnestra (carrying an axe).
Kneeling male with a sword, possibly with bow and arrow across his back.
Displays a man slightly crouched and bent over, possibly about to throw a discus.
Displays a standing woman (left) and a seated man (right) who is possibly wearing a crown.
2 youthful male figures on the left, look at 1 other on the right.all have short curly hair. on the left there is a vase, on the right there possibly a scroll.
Two figures with an animal between them. The figure on the right appears to be standing on a platform above a wheel. Possibly being pulled along by the animal.
Male head in profile facing right. Looks to have a lions skin on his head, so possibly Hercules.
Hercules wrestling an animal, possibly the bull from his seventh labour.
Naked female figure seated and resting against a column. To the right of the figure is a small winged boy who seems to have his hands cupped round his mouth, suggesting that he is shouting at the female figure. It is possibly a representation of Eros waking Psyche.
A large bird, possibly a swan.
Frontal depiction of a small winged male figure with wings spread. The figure is holding what appears to be a container in his left hand. The figure seems to be dangling what is possibly a bunch of grapes over a bird (possibly a goose).
Profile bearded male bust, possibly Homer or philosopher
Large group gathering with some offerings which they are placing at a statue in front of a building, possibly a temple.
Seated robed woman focused on something in her left hand, possibly reading a piece of parchment. Her right hand is held upright.
Short haired woman holding and gazing at the head of a bearded male, possibly a drama mask.
Robed woman standing next to a pillar. Her right hand is resting on the pillar and is holding two long, straight objects connected near the top, possibly a scroll.
A male figure standing on one leg, possibly dancing. His arms are outstretched, over his right arm there is an animal skin and in his left hand he is holding an elaborate staff. His head is thrown back against his left shoulder.
Three male figures, the left male figure is playing the flute and the middle male figure is playing the lyre whilst seated. The figure on the far right is standing under a tree and restraining an animal, possibly a sheep.
There are a large group of 10 figures, 5 are standing and 5 are seated. They are engaged in festivities; the second and third figures from the left are holding bowls and appear to be offering them. Behind the seated figures are two standing women who appear to be balancing baskets of fruit on their heads. The two figures on the far right of the scene appear to be playing musical instruments. The scene is framed by two trees, with their branches intertwined above the group of figures. Above the figures there are two small winged figures, possibly cupids.
A bull from the left side, appears to be standing on a long staff. The bull seems to have something tied around its chest, possibly vine leaves. It's head is bowed and it's front right leg is raised from the ground.
There are seven figures depicted, one the far right there appears to be a winged figure possible Eros. The male figure on the right next to the winged figure is sitting naked on a donkey, he is holding his right arm in the air above his head possibly in celebration. On the far left there is a male and a female figure possibly dancing, the female figure is holding what appears to be a cup. The third figure on the left is sitting on the floor and appears to be eating or drinking from a cup or bowl. The fourth figure from the left is playing a flute, on the right to this figure there is a woman holding a cup up in the air in her right hand and in her left hand she is holding a staff. They appear to be engaging in a celebration, possibly a drunken procession. The naked male figure riding the donkey is possibly identified as Dionysus.
portrait of female face, with elaborate hair possibly snakes coiled with the hair. the figure can possibly be identified as Medusa.
At the center of the scene two horses pull a chariot one figure drives the chariot whilst another figure wearing armour holding a spear and shield stands in the chariot. Another figure is depicted up-side-down next to the chariot possibly knocked over the chariot or fallen out of the chariot. In the bottom right of the scene another figure depicting leaning on a shield. In the center at the top of the scene a figure is shown with their hands aloft possibly celebrating. to the right of this central figure is another clad in armour, it is unclear what this figure is doing.
To the left of the scene is a semi-naked male figure appears to be sitting upon a table, there is a second male figure on his knees in front of the other fully clothes and bearded he seems to be much elder than the first. This figure is grasping the seated figures knees possibly in an act of supplication. Behind these figures two further male figures on look, one of these throws his hand out, he's mouth is open suggesting he is surprised or angry. The background setting is heavily draped so is perhaps the interior of a tent.
On the right there is a standing woman holding a spear in her right hand and a shield on the ground with her left. She is wearing a type of headdress (possibly a helmet) and could either be robed or naked. to her right there is a standing animal, possibly a sheep, on top of whom is standing a winged cherub holding a bow and arrow, possibly cupid. On the far left of the cast there is a large stalk of corn.
Profile of a female facing right possibly wearing a type of decorated cap. The hair can be seen in a bun at the nape of the neck. The top of a dress or robe can be seen around her shoulders.
An active scene with at least 9 discernible male figures. There are two figures on a raised platform on the far left, one standing wearing armour and the other seated wearing robes. In front of them is a gathering of men, some wearing armour, some only wearing the lower half of their armour, and one, possibly two, who is naked carrying a shield. There appears to be a robed shorter figure among them, possibly a child or adolescent. In the background the outline of a columned building can be seen.
Profile view of a woman sitting in a chair facing left. She is wearing robes and has long hair that is possibly braided and pulled back. At her feet is a vase on a pedestal. Under the illustration is an unreadable inscription.
Exterior: black wash/glaze, possibly used to cover entire fragment but has now worn off on interior of handle fragment
Interior: black overpaint; Exterior: remnants of some black overpainted dots. One larger dot in the centre of the fragment, and smaller dots under what could possibly be the rim of the fragment.
Interior: brownish wash with a wide band of brownish-grey along 3 of the fragment's edges. Exterior: Black wash with white lines etched depicting an image. 2 leg-like shapes at right-angle to curved edge, joining onto curved lines possibly outling a body.
Naked male figure swinging a club or sword, with a horse rearing either side and a man and a horse laying on the floor. Possibly Hercules and the Mares of Diomedes. Cast Number - 962
Left side view of a woman, probably Demeter, holding a cornucopia and a statue of a boy, possibly Eros, and surrounded by two ears of wheat. Cast Number - 964
Naked figure of a man (possibly Hermes) holding objects (possibly Hermes' helmet and caduceus; same as 24. Number 25.
Cloaked figure holding some form of rod (possibly a sword) and another object, with a basket at his feet on the left side. Number 30
Clothed man wearing a hat standing next to a post (possibly a tree). Number 31
Hermes with caduceus bent over and carrying objects (possibly a jar). Number 36
Hermes wearing cloak and carrying caduceus bent over carrying objects (possibly a jar). Number 37
Clothed Hermes carrying a sickle and caduceus and wearing a winged hat and sandals standing near a bull, a bird and a body on the ground (possibly dead). Number 38
Group of people possibly collect the harvest.
Nude female figure with drapery over her shoulders, holding an arrow in her right hand, accompanied by winged Eros and an animal, possibly standing on a snake
Number 25
A scene depicting Herakles facing left. In his left hand he holds his club and in his right he has a bowl (possibly the one given to him by Helios, the sun god)
A man facing left and holding a bowl (possibly Herakles)
A scene showing a man, possibly the titan Crius, facing left. He is holding a ram's head.
A scene depicting Herakles with club. The Basket on the left hand side is possibly the container of the golden apples from the garden of hesperides.
A scene shoeing a man, possibly Herakles, carrying a bull (possibly the Cretan Bull)
A scene depicting a lion, possibly the Nemean lion.
A man (possibly Herakles) is shown crushing a Antaeus's chest.
Frontal image of a nude male, leaning to the left, possibly scraping oil from his right leg with a strigil, with an inscription down the left hand side.
Number 4
Kapaneus kneeling with his face upturned and a shield on his left arm, an object at his feet and possibly an inscription to the left of his head.
Number 5
Male warrior, holding a shield, with snakes on it, possibly Medusa's head (?) wears cloak and helmet, also holds a spear
Pegasus flying above a male figure, possibly Bellerophon (?) who is running, holding a spear and drapery. Number 18
Male figure is being attacked by a sphinx, possibly showing the sphinxs attacking Thebes (?)
number 29
Male figure is lying on the floor, a sphinx is on top of him, male figure is being attacked (?) Possibly attacking the people of Thebes (?). Number 30
Standing nude male wearing a helmet, holding a shield and a spear. Facing a small sphinx sat on stones/stone wall (?) Possibly Oedipus solving the sphinx's riddle (?). Number 32
Standing nude male figure, facing a small sphinx sitting on some stones/stone wall. Possibly Oedipus solving the sphinx's riddle (?). Number 33
Nude male wearing a cloak and helmet, standing near a pillar with a small sphinx onto of it. Possibly Oedipus solving the riddle of the Spinx (?). Number 34
A Herakles fighting Antaeus on the whilst on the right stands a figure with a helmet and shield (possibly Athena)
A scene depicting showing Herakles (distinguished by his club) shooting two birds (possibly the Stymphalian birds)
A scene showing Herakles (distinguished by his club) shooting three birds (possibly the Stymphalian birds) with a bow.
In center, a kneeling warrior, holding a sword and shield, also wearing a helmet. either side stand two male figures wearing helmets, possibly capturing the central figure (?)
Profile figure facing the direction right. does not appear to be a Spartan warrior. possibly a Persian warrior or leader? face. helm and armour slightly visible though. defining feature is a ponytail at the back of his helm. not clear whether he is carrying any weaponry. representation of Persian King Darius or Xerxes from the Persian Wars? lead figures part of a large relief commemorating the war? or just used for ritual purposes with the flogging at the Temple of Artemis Orthia? pretty good condition. lead is an off-colour brown grey, similar to 23.11.31h. bears no similarity to the other lead warriors, as it is a lot thinner than them and lacks a shield.
Black line along rim. 2 small black possibly floral designs with 2 thin wavy lines between them, which have faded from black, on a reserved background. Inside is black with small bits of paint chipped away.
Black inside and out but lip reserved. Neck is reserved as is underside of handle. Top of handle was once black with a ridge running down the centre. Shoulder has short bars at base of neck above a lotus bud chain with interlaced stems above a black band. Body shows a hoplite putting on greaves, facing right to a woman holding spear and shield. Two onlookers left and one on right, all facing him. Colour worn but corselet originally red and possibly hair too. Below is black to base, including top of foot, but not side, which is reserved. Base is reserved and concave.
Pale clay; greyish glaze, uneven reserved patches between handles (at join with body), inside of handles also reserved, reserved band above footring (possibly unintentional). Footring black with narrow reserved resting surface. Base reserved with large black disk in centre.
white slip; interior: unclear decorative motif, possibly part of black lotus flower petal; to the centre, dotted triangular pattern with dot and cross as filling ornament; exterior: two bands fired orange-brown;
pale slip; exterior: from top, part of frieze of tongues; below from left, black-figure decoration consisting of possibly part of a wing with added red; to right, part of large palmette with pinwheel and dot rosettes and dashes as filling ornament; below, black band with superimposed band in added white;
glaze fired orange-brown; pale slip; from top, black figure decoration, possibly a duck; maeander frieze between wide bands with traces of bands in added white and red; glazed area;
white slip; interior glazed streaky black with wide band in added red lined in white below rim; below, band in white above one in red; top of rim glazed; exterior: frieze of vertical black strokes at rim, some in added red; below, two narrow black bands; below, from left, part of possibly dot rosette; vertical band of dots between narrow vertical bands; painted decoration consisting of part of pendent lotus bud and part of lotus flower petal; dot rosette as filling ornament;
interior: glazed streaky black; exterior: frieze of wavy vertical strokes between pairs of black bands at rim;below, black-figure decoration consisting of animal frieze (back and part of rump of possibly feline remaining) to right; dots as filling ornament;
pale red slip; interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of winged creature, possibly a bird or siren with outspread wings (breast with added red and right wing remaining) to right; incised dotted rosette with red as filling ornament.
exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of animal motif (possibly lion's paw) to right; incised blob rosette with added red as filling ornament.
The vessel is divided in three horizontal zones by lines of unequal width. There are also very thin, vertical lines at the sides of and beneath the handles.
A (above): A youth (servant?), making a gesture as if offering something (perhaps a branch, which extends from the servant's wrist) to a bearded, draped man (possibly Dionysos), at centre. He holds a large kantharos and leans against a rock. Behind him is another youth, who is perhaps supporting the rock. On either side of the scene there are palmettes that seem to have sprung from the handles.
B (above): Similar to side A, except that the man reclines on a couch, and the vessel is offered to him by a (servant?) woman in front of him. The youth behind him looks to the left. The scene is framed vertically on both sides by a series of dots as well as the same palmettes as on side A.
A-B (below): A band of palmettes, every second one inverted; two lines; a band of of tongues; reserved band. Base black, with black concentric circles on the underside.
Interior: reserved band within lip. At centre, tondo decorated with the winged horse, Pegasus, advancing to the right.
Lip reserved. Inside is black. Single curved handle is black on top and reserved underneath. Shoulder has bars at base of neck with lotus buds at edge. Main zone of body is drawn on cream ground. Part of the way around the body is a double row of black dots. Charioteer driving four (?) horses to right at speed with a person (possibly Athena ?)running beside in the background. Below are black bands. Foot steps down twice and the lower step is black. Base is reserved and concave in the center.
(27) Interior, remnants of black background, geometric border at the bottom. Exterior, clothes of a human, possibly male to the left, with signs of another human beside the person to the right. (28) Interior is reserved, with a line around the rim. Exterior, head and shoulder of youth; tablets hanging on wall, strings in added red; also a head of another youth. (29) Interior black, with signs of a border in red at the bottom left. Exterior, pattern of swirls and leaves iin red - covers entire fragment.
(a) fragment, three joins. Decoration on both sides. Band of geometric pattern above which is person's foot and bottom of leg standing to the right, wearing a hymation. On the opposite side: floral pattern to the left of bottom half of a person and to the right of this person the hand and lower body of another. (b) curved, palmette on other side black. (c) large roughened patch to the top right where possibly a handle was attached, floral pattern around this. (d) small fragment, on one side band of geometric pattern, on the opposite side floral pattern. (e) large piece, three fragments joined. Bearded man in the centre facing to the right, left arm raised and holding a long stick, right arm tucked into hymation. To the right of the man, the arm of another person and to the left a floral pattern, inside black. (f) Very similar to fragment a. three pieces joined together. On one side in centre bottom half of a person, feet and lower legs facing left and wearing a hymation, to the right floral pattern. Opposite side, band with geometric pattern. (g) On one side to left part of a hymation, to right an arm. Opposite side band with geometric pattern. (h) On one side the feet and legs of a person standing on a platform with the bottom of a stick he/she is possibly holding to the left, in the right hand corner the edge of a geometric pattern. On the opposite side the feet of someone facing to the left wearing a hymation dropping behind them, to the right of them a floral pattern. (i) Small piece of two fragments joined together. Chest of a male with right arm extending, his hymation drapped over his right arm. (j) Head of a male facing left with hymation over his shoulder and part of large palmette to his right. (k) Small frgment, part of hymation. (l) Small fragment part of hymation (m) Small fragment part of hymation. (n,o,p) small fragments with no detail.
Interior side plain black. Exterior black with a red leaf or shield on the left hand side, with a red oval shape to the lower right. There is a curling s-shape red figure work, with a large red area to the right of this - possibly part of a human clothing?
Black inside and on top and sides of handles. Underside of handles and the body in between is reserved. Lip on outer surface is black with a reserved groove incised below. Two handles, horizontal and one either side curve slightly upwards. Below each is an ivy leaf with three long petals below and on either side of both handles is a horizontal palmette with grapes (?) attached. Both sides have a similar design of a satyr pursuing a woman (possibly a maenad), whose flesh is white. Dot rosette on peplos of A with red tunic and skirt and satyrs tail, beard and hair. Below design is black band, separated from black foot by a reserved band. Foot has black sides, inside and out but reserved resting surface.
A. Athlete with strigil and youth, B: 2 athletes, one holding fillet, the other strigil, beneath each handle, palmette with side tendrils. Relief contour for face and neck, white fillets, surface almost disappeared from figures on B, inside 6 stamped palmettes framed in incised circles. Foot-ring black, resting surface reserved, underneath reserved with on ebroad and two fine rings in black; possibly another ring nearer the centre, where the surface has worn.
18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (riders leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
(i) horizonal black band with two red lines with two vertical lines (possibly part of ray design). 2) part of three seperate ray designs
Wide flarred lip, very hollow, flat interior. Flat resting surface with raised base, reserved. Black glaze ciovering only on part of the interior and exterior of the bowl, an elongated semi circle. The bowl is possibly marked from something else or this could be a burn mark rather than remians of a black glaze.
Interior glazed black. The rim is decorated with black dots (possibly modern?). The walls are decorated with a floral frieze, consisting of 9-petal palmettes alternating with vertical tendrils (one of which is single and 5 of which are comprised of interlocking ss), framed above and below by two black bands. The lower part of the body is decorated with a thick black band, between two reserved bands. The foot ring is decorated with black bands on the vertical surfaces. The underside is decorated with a narrow black band around a central black dot.
Standing woman, left arm akimbo, holding palm leaf far in right hand. Wearing head dress and robes. Possibly portrayed as pregnant (?).
Fragment of base of cup-skyphos (or possibly stemless kylix). Arrowhead graffiti underneath. Red splotch inside when another vase rested in kiln. Inside base, black bands and central spot.
(a) fragment of base of bottle, and part of neck, shape resembling 91.11.2. Opaque opalescent lustre. H. (pres.) 4 cm (b) fragment of neck, possibly from same bottle (though glass appears thinner). Max L. 2.7 cm
(a) Philip; (b) Gordian III; (c) possibly Marc Antony; (d) Agripantuan (South Italian, possibly Greek)
Funerary stele with vulture wings surrounding the solar disk, common during the time period. Below the wings is the text of the stele, surviving intact. Two men are depicted adoring the god Re-Horakhty, whose presence is indicated not only by the uraeus and sun disk but also his name inscribed in the text. It has been suggested that the dress of the figures indicates that they are Nubians; this is confirmed by the oddity of their personal names. The sky is depicted above the winged disk, each end being supported by the symbol of the west (on the left, only the top of the feather survives) and the east (on the right, more or less complete). A signature, possibly belonging to Flinders Petrie has been found above the head of the right hand figure.
There is only one viable interpretation possible, when one combines the depictions with the details found within the text. The stele depicts the man Serep and his son Tkr-Irt-Hrw, not as has been assumed Serep with his Ka. A personal Ka has no need of the title m33 khrw, which is a title of the deceased, thus two deceased are depicted. There is no question that Serep is a man as he is depicted in male dress and has the male symbol after his name.
There is enough evidence to show that the stele was once painted. Red pigment on the sun disk of the god is the most apparent, though a similar (if not the same) is found in several of the hieroglyphics and on the deceased as well as faint traces on the column to the right. A yellow stain remains in the first two columns, which could be remains of the paint used to fill in the columns. The combination of colours matches well with the red pigment found in the glyphs.
Inscribed band marking line of shoulder, three uneven lines around middle possibly created by string. Darker areas on the body denote a possible pattern/picture that has now warn away. Below this are four circular, grey patches with darker centres.
Notch at end possibly a handle, serrated on cutting (bottom) edge. Grey in colour, one flat side with the word scraper written on it.
At base of shoulders and top of body are incised diagonal bars between bands. Five panels go around the body and are separated by incised chevrons between bands. Two panels show designs of leaves - possibly palm leaves. Two other panels show a collection of pictures which appear to consist of three leaves or feathers, an ear of corn perhaps and other agricultural objects (?). The fifth panel shows similar things to the last two described with the addition of a triangle with horizontal incised lines through it. None of the panels is next to a similar one. There is a flat ridge at the base. Painted to almost have a wood effect.
On the shoulder a herring-bone pattern in relief; in the central discus a figure in relief, possibly part of a chi-rho monogram.
On the shoulder floral pattern (quatrefoil figures). In the central discus part of a cross symbol, possibly a chi-rho monogram.
In the central discus one reclining figure recumbent on its right side; right leg bent, left leg outstretched. Behind the legs a fish tail. At the back of the figure a drapery, like a semi-circular frame around the head. (possibly a Nereid riding a sea-bull?). On the edge parallel lines in low-relief. On the underneath inscription and a small half-moon shaped stamp.
The discus contains a frontal, bearded figure of Zeus Sarapis behind an eagle with outstretched wings. A continuous border of volutes, possibly foliate, interspersed with dots with volutes enclosing the round nozzle. Three swastikas evenly spaced around the underside of the lamp.
Traces of four (?) bands on mouth and three lines on handle. Tongues on shoulder with two bands below. Main design (starting from below handle going left to right) a human (?) figure on a horse facing right, a lion biting the foot of a warrior who is defending himself with shield, a large creature (possibly a panther), and a man. These pictures are all incised. Dots and rosettes incised with asterisks in field. Five bands around base.
Hollow figure showing head and shoulders of bearded male figure, head tilted to one side. Possibly a satyr(?). Coarse material with small stone inclusions.
Large fragment of coloured relief from a larger work (building or fireplace for example). Flat upper surface. Decoration, from top to bottom: red line; band of red with semi-circular patterns with leaf patterns; band divided into blocks painted into different colours (blue, red, green from left to right). Inside the red panel is a drawing in white of a four legged animal with a tail, possibly a bull.
Mouth black inside and out, with a reserved lip; reserved neck; black on exterior of handle; band of black vertical bars above band of black rays on shoulder. Body, top: black line. Body (at front, only): black line; two rows of black dots alternating with white dots; two black lines; figural scene. Body, below: two black lines, black band, black line, black to foot and on top of foot; black on torus; otherwise reserved. Figural scene depicts a charioteer, dressed in a white tunic, driving a quadriga profile to right; the horses raise their forelegs as they pass a white meta (post). Another figure, possibly Athena, with helmet and spear, runs alongside the horses, so that (s)he is obscured by them.
Mounted horseman to right. Horses legs moulded onto flat background. Brown clay. Hollow with a hole in flat, unmoulded back, possibly for hanging.
Circular handle attached to a rim - possibly of a cup or skyphos. Traces of black/brown paint suggest the object may have been glazed (?)
Possibly the base of a handle where it joins the object (?) Reserved on both sides but the outer surface has a build up of deposits. Small section of pot attached making it hard to distinguish a shape.
Wide mouth with curved rim and a curved rim around neck. Curved handle joins top of neck and shoulder. Globular body. Small foot with raised base underneath. Unsure of colour - possibly was glazed but reserved (?). Dark colour present now appears to be deposits rather than paint.
Small figurine, possibly an animal, because the nose/mouth is pointed like a snout. Has two small holes for the eyes, and three holes above them. The neck is thinner than the head, and the arms are clearly defined, although are broken. The figure is of a red colour, with remants of black paint on the head and lower back.
Small figurine, possibly an animal. Pinkish colour, with remnants of black paint on the back, on the left arm and on the main body. Appears to be scratching head with the right arm, and the feet are distinguishable from the legs because they are at an angle.
Black glaze in the left corner some fine black lines on a red background possibly part of a himation.
Black glaze, worn; possibly some red pigment