Ure Museum Database

There are 49 objects for which Decoration contains → possible
2003.7.15 Piece of fragment made of red clay with pattern both sides. Fragment is slightly curved, with a small rim at the top suggesting it could be part of a decorative plate or bowl. Side A, which is possible the interior, has a broad black line at the bottom - possibly this was the colour of the interior, with five rough circles in a row, alternating black and red from the left hand side, painted on top of a white background. Side B has a similar broad black line at the bottom, with a broad white line painted at the top and several faded black vertical lines painted over the white. The shape of the fragment is rectangular, and it slopes to a point at the right hand side.
2003.7.16 Curved fragment with rim and stump of handle suggests it was a bowl or cup due to how it open it appears as a shape. The interior is painted entirely in black, with a hint of red (fading?) near the top. The exterior has two black bands, one on the rim and one below the rim which also covers the handle stump. Beneath the handle there is a strip of faded white paint, followed by a red/dark brown stripe, then the rest is white with a thin horizontal black line and possible a thicker vertical black line dividing the white decoration in half.
2005.3.21 Possible decoration on exterior of fragment
2005.3.36 White slip, zigzag and line in added red, possible bands on interior
2005.7.19 None, although possible area of selvedge
2005.7.8 Possible foliate design on bands; one area of selvedge/looped border
2006.12.48 Thick brown lines with narrower lines joining at right angles, with a possible ray joining one of the bands
2006.12.81 Engraved deep groves, possible clothes/dress
2007.10.2.301 A naked man kneeling, both hands raised to another head(possibly wearing head-dress)body missing (possibly because of damage)branch above the figures (possible with fruit)
2007.10.2.303 Possible battle scene, containing five horses and two men, figure to the far left(only wearing a cloak) is on horse back and figure to the right is falling from a chariot (naked), pot at the bottom with contents spilling out, possible bird to its left
2007.10.2.494 Cast has concave shape to it, contains a possible a figure wearing a turban and long robe, possibly holding a vase it its left hand.
2007.10.2.496 Semi naked man, his head facing to his right (our left), leaning on what is possibly a harp on his left hand side. A smaller figure is situated at his right, a possible statue possibly wearing a helmet and holding a spear in its right hand.
2007.10.2.503 Right sided profile of long haired women, wearing possible headband of flowers on her forehead
2007.10.2.504 Worn, a naked man's back as he climbs on to a possible step/rock
2007.4.119 Outer surface deocration heavily worn, possible scraps of white and black paint but no discernable pattern; inner surface has irregular black paint tongues on rim and black and white paint bands on inner surface, worn
2008.2.1.63 There are seven figures depicted, one the far right there appears to be a winged figure possible Eros. The male figure on the right next to the winged figure is sitting naked on a donkey, he is holding his right arm in the air above his head possibly in celebration. On the far left there is a male and a female figure possibly dancing, the female figure is holding what appears to be a cup. The third figure on the left is sitting on the floor and appears to be eating or drinking from a cup or bowl. The fourth figure from the left is playing a flute, on the right to this figure there is a woman holding a cup up in the air in her right hand and in her left hand she is holding a staff. They appear to be engaging in a celebration, possibly a drunken procession. The naked male figure riding the donkey is possibly identified as Dionysus.
2008.7.105 Interior: black wash. Exterior: Greyish-black wash. Very faint traces of a possible horizontal stripe overpainted in a darker colour.
2008.7.14 Dark glaze concentric circles possible glaze decoration on exterior and interior
2008.7.176 Possible small brown mark on interior near broken edge.
2008.7.187 Exterior: possible brown slip, entire surface is a series of parallel ridges.
2008.7.189 Small patches of possible brown and black decoration on interior and exterior.
2008.7.191 Exterior: possible decoration, but too faded to discern.
2008.7.192 Interior: black overpaint; Exterior: horizontal line made up of two black overpainted dots just under rim of fragment. Possible other decoration but too faded to discern.
2008.7.194 Interior: red/brown overpaint; Exterior: possible horizontal line red/brown overpaint across centre of fragment, but too faded to discern
2008.7.27 Exterior: possible blotchy painting remains and unidentified curving design stamped or inscribed. Interior: slightly raised ovoid decoration.
2008.7.53 Exterior has six thin horizontal parallel brown overpainted lines; interior glazed brown, with one or two possible thin reddish brown horizontal lines (could just be faded wash).
2008.7.6 Light yellow slip as relief patterns surrounded by darker orange slip for highlights. Lines with possible archs and possible figures.
22.9.7 Black, mostly fired to orange-red, on buff ground. Possible added colour (white?) in groups of stripes. Mouth: broad band between two narrow bands. On the exterior of the mouth, band; shoulder: tongues. Body: three bands at top; deep painted zone divided vertically by incised lines (two parallel) dissecting into segments; four bands below. Base reserved. The exterior of the ring foot painted.
23.11.31M Profile figure wearing a helmet and holding a circular shield with a possible bike spokes pattern. Appears to have once held a spear. Thin legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is an off-colour brown-grey.
25.6.12 Two black bands on and two black dots with a possible third mostly chipped off on a reserved background. Inside painted black and largely faded to red.
26.2.22 white slip; interior black with added red band lined in white; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of feline (hind claw, belly, and right forleg joint remaining) to right; half pinwheel rosette and one splinter rosette as filling ornament; below, maeander frieze between wide black bands; at bottom of sherd, tips of possible tongues or dot frieze. Rough drill hole.
26.2.36 No finished edges. The underside is reserved but there is a small trace of a band in the lowest corner. The topside has possible traces of creamy slip. In the centre are six red on black alternating tongues and these are between two stalked and dotted rosettes. Above is the remains of a band with superimposed white and red on black and a similar band is below.
26.2.48 pale slip; exterior, from top: frieze with black-figure decoration consisting of breast and right foreleg of crounching feline to right; on right, possible blob rosette as filling ornament; below, wide black band with traces of bands in added white and red; below, animal procession to left in silhouette style (rump, tail, and part of hind legs of possible goat remaining); part two rosettes and dashes as filling ornament.
26.2.95 interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of possible warrior scene (left thigh and right leg of warrior lunging to left; one hind leg and part of hoof from foreleg of horse in the foreground, to right).
29.11.5 Inside is black, as is the outer rim and the outside of the two oblong handles, although the inside is reserved. Thin red band runs under black rim on outside of pot. The main design is the same on both sides and is of two cattle (bulls ?) one grazing between palmettes. Possible traces of coloured bands on black portion. Black band beneath and then the stem is also black. The foot is black on top, side, resting surface and part of underneath, although centre is reserved.
38.4.3 Black detail faded to brown on pale buff background. Interior of mouth has faded remains of a 0.6 cm thick black circular band. The rest of the interior is reserved. The lip has indications of one, possible two extremely narrow black bands around the circumference. The neck shows signs of either having a very thick black band or several narrow black bands painted closely together. On the shoulder there are two narrow bland bands, then an 1.5 cm area of cross hatching which is surrounded on both sides by a broad black band. The handles appear to have been painted in black on the top and side, and reserved underneath. The main body of the pyxis consists of two narrow brown bands separated by the reserve, then a black band, the pattern is repeated once to the base. The base itself has a black band which overlaps from the body, then two groups of concentric rings, three in the inner circle, and four in the outer circle.
45.10.12 Possible warrior scene. i) black figure decoration. ii) black figure decoration including parts of palmette and lotus. iii) black figure with parts of palmette, lotus and shield-incised lines on shield. iv) decorated with part of shield, incised decoration on parts of shield. v) part of human leg and two small black dots of unknown decoration. vi) part of two different human legs.
45.10.15 18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (rider’s leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
52.3.1 Mouth black inside and out, apart from flat exterior. Handles are black on top and sides but reserved underneath. Palmette and swirl pattern in black on neck. Small ridge at base of neck and vertical black tongues on shoulder. Side A: Heracles and Triton or Nereus (both equally possible as monster has tail and old man with staff associated with Nereus, but is unclothed as associated with Triton) with one male draped onlooker in profile to the left carrying a stick. The opposite side (B) is of a warrior (shield emblem chariot body painted in white) between two male draped onlookers carrying sticks. Added red on onlookers mantles, Nereus beard, and white on the shield. Below figures is a double row of large dots, bewteen two narrow bands with rays below to foot.Undr the handles, lotus and palmette . The foot is black and has two steps. Resting surface and conical base are both reserved.
73.9.6 A small fragment with possible figure of bird (front part and head missing) and above this, a circle design with a dot in the centre. The back of the fragment is covered in black glaze.
78.12.18 Obvious wheel marks which could constitute pattern.(?) Possible wire marks on sides and underside.
E.23.2 Funerary stele with vulture wings surrounding the solar disk, common during the time period. Below the wings is the text of the stele, surviving intact. Two men are depicted adoring the god Re-Horakhty, whose presence is indicated not only by the uraeus and sun disk but also his name inscribed in the text. It has been suggested that the dress of the figures indicates that they are Nubians; this is confirmed by the oddity of their personal names. The sky is depicted above the winged disk, each end being supported by the symbol of the west (on the left, only the top of the feather survives) and the east (on the right, more or less complete). A signature, possibly belonging to Flinders Petrie has been found above the head of the right hand figure. There is only one viable interpretation possible, when one combines the depictions with the details found within the text. The stele depicts the man Serep and his son Tkr-Irt-Hrw, not as has been assumed Serep with his Ka. A personal Ka has no need of the title m33 khrw, which is a title of the deceased, thus two deceased are depicted. There is no question that Serep is a man as he is depicted in male dress and has the male symbol after his name. There is enough evidence to show that the stele was once painted. Red pigment on the sun disk of the god is the most apparent, though a similar (if not the same) is found in several of the hieroglyphics and on the deceased as well as faint traces on the column to the right. A yellow stain remains in the first two columns, which could be remains of the paint used to fill in the columns. The combination of colours matches well with the red pigment found in the glyphs.
E.23.4 Inscribed band marking line of shoulder, three uneven lines around middle possibly created by string. Darker areas on the body denote a possible pattern/picture that has now warn away. Below this are four circular, grey patches with darker centres.
E.63.26 Pointed base and no neck. A possible inscription approximately one third of the way down, although it appears to say "MOM" so is probably modern. This is backed up by the fact that there is no other decoration on the pot.
L.2013.10.9 Obv: Man facing right inscription around the edge Rev: Two standing figures facing each other. Smaller figure flies between them (top) with an alter or cup between them (bottom). There is an inscription around the top, possible inscription 'CONCORDIA'.
TEMP.2003.6.25 Fragment of the middle segment of a plate(?) chalice(?) with the stem that would have held it up broken off. Exterior, white, interior black with two slightly faded relatively thin white lines that would have made a circle, with a white blob (part of an X?) and a red dot on and in between the lines of the possible X within the circles.
TEMP.2007.2.27 Black glaze, badly chipped. Possible area unglazed or with different colour, chipping makes it difficult to tell
TEMP.2007.2.51 Black glaze, possible fire damage
TEMP.2012.11.36 incised decoration on inside and circular pattern on outside, possible base of circular vessel
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