Squatting satyr, with large phallus, hands across stomach. Whitish/pale yellow clay, with traces of pinkish-red slip all over. Back not moulded. Resting surface curved in a horseshoe shape. Facial features mostly distinguishable. Satyr wears an angry expression.
Inner side likely painted black, although is now mostly gone. Outer side has black ring in center with concentric white ring. Black rays extend out from white circle.
Decoration mostly faded, but appears to have been bands of black, white and red
Black paint; mostly worn
Naked male figure facing into the scene of the cast, his back to the 'viewer'. The figure appears to be holding a staff which is mostly obscured behind his body. The attention of the figure is on something in the bottom left of the scene; however, the detail is not clear enough to reliably identify what it is.
Mostly worn black paint on inside and outside
Displays a winged man who is holding onto a mostly naked woman who is reclining on the ground and whose arms are held up around his head. Similar to the statue of Cupid and Psyche by Canova. (Box Index = Amore, e Psiche / Love and Psyche).
Displays the seated figures of a man and a woman on the left hand side, with a shield bearing the image of two arrows in the foreground, whilst a mostly naked soldier weraing a helmet and cloak and carrying a spear stands on the right hand side. (Box Index = Hektor reprimanding Paris). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 2
Displays three women, standing together with their arms around each other, mostly naked except for one piece of cloth wrapped around them. Some Greek writing around the outside. (Box Index = The Three Graces).
Displays a mostly naked woman, her lower half draped in cloth, who is seated and holding the right arm of a cherub standing in front of her. A small flowering plant, a bee and two birds are also visible. (Box Index = Venus with crying Cupid who has been stung by a bee). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 6
Displays the head of a mostly bald and bearded man, profile facing right.
Profile male facing left. Bearded and mostly bald hair at base of skull.
Black, mostly fired to orange-red, on buff ground. Possible added colour (white?) in groups of stripes. Mouth: broad band between two narrow bands. On the exterior of the mouth, band; shoulder: tongues. Body: three bands at top; deep painted zone divided vertically by incised lines (two parallel) dissecting into segments; four bands below. Base reserved. The exterior of the ring foot painted.
Two black bands on and two black dots with a possible third mostly chipped off on a reserved background. Inside painted black and largely faded to red.
Inside black with reserved line at top. Two handles are balck on top but reserved underneath. Outer surface top to bottom, black band on offset rim, ivy leaves, black line, inverted ivy leaves, black band, thin band, main design, three black bands, alternating red and black tongues, red ridge, black foot. Main design is similar both sides and shows a wedded pair in chariot with many onlookers or attendants of both genders. On far side of chariot is a bearded man between two women. Onlookers appear to be mostly in pairs. Women originally had white painted flesh. Clothing detail is incised. Foot is black on top but lowest point of side is reserved. Inner foot ring is black and base is reserved except for a black band in the centre.
interior: glazed black; exterior: part of interlaced stems of lotus chain decoration in handle zone; below, series of narrow and wide bands, mostly painted black but three in added red;
glaze mostly fired red-brown; interior: glazed with traces of one band of added red; on top of rim, chain of incised lotuses and palmettes; on handle-plate, black-figure decoration consisting of winged creature (rump feathers remaining) to left; on edge of rim, frieze of stepped zigzags; traces of painted band at junction of rim and shoulder; reserved shoulder.
The rim on the outside has a thick black band round it, which stops at the top of the handles. On both sides of the handle, the same images are repeated, showing the figure of a bird in between two palmettes with stems ending in a curling ventril with a pendant pointing down towards the foot. Beneath each handle is an ivy leaf with a curled stem. Below these images, is a thin black band, and then a thick one that also encompasses the top side of the foot. The edge of the foot is grooved and reserved, as is the outer rim of the base of the foot. On the base of the foot, there is a well approx 3.8cm wide and 1.5cm deep. The inside of this well and a rim around the edge is fired black, but is mostly red. The inside of the Kylix shows a thin black band that has been extended from the outside. Then there is a thin reserved band, the rest of the inside entirely glazed, except for a small reserved circle in the centre.
The rim turns sharply out and has a thick black band round it, below which is a thick reserved band. The interior is mostly black with a well (approx 3.7 cm) in the centre of the dish that has a thin reserved band just outside it, and a small reserved disk in the centre. The handles are rounded at the far end, and have black tips. On the main zone; A: Curling tendril and leaf between upright palmettes. B to A, with addition of vertical wavy line between palmette on right and handle. Below is a thin coloured band, a reserved band, and then colour down to and including the stem of the foot. The edge of the foot has two ridges on it, the lower of which is black, the upper one reserved. The base of the rim is also reserved. The base of the foot slopes inwards, the walls of the slope are red, then the centre is reserved except for a thin red band and a red dot in the centre.
Four handles, three with decoration, one without. Decoration black (mostly fired red) and red (purple) on creamy-buff. Zones of pattern: vertical bars (which go up onto the rim and three handles); zigzag; dotted lozenges; triangles separated by hanging loops or dot rosettes. Red used for thin bands dividing each zone. Stem and foot have five redish/black bands round them. Rim of foot edged with small vertical lines. Foot and stem decorated with two more bands. Inside kylix, two black bands round outside, then three smaller in the middle.
White (?) slip has burned, and mostly flaked off.
18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (riders leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
(i) exterior mostly black slip with a small part of black line decoration. ii) small solid black slip decoration with more black lines.
Black glaze covers the entire vessel, except for underside of the resting surface. It is not lustrous, of not good quality and on the interior it is mostly fired reddish, as well as on small parts of the exterior. Reddish paint is applied on the underside, which is decorated with a black dot at the centre, surrounded by two concentric thin black band at a distance of ca. 1 cm. VEry close to the external band, a thin band of thinned glaze. The interior of the bidy is has stamped decoration. Four stamped spindly palmettes arround a small circle.
Polished black surface all over. Gloss remains mostly lustrous with the exception of the stem and the underside of the foot, where more rough.
Shoulder: two cocks facing each other, heads downwards. Purple for comb and wattles. Body: two swans facing each other with their heads down and wings open: Added red on wings. It has faded on the left one. Added white bands on wings of swand and cocks that has mostly faded. The rest of the body is black, fired to brown. Ring on the junction of neck and shoulder, foot and handle black. Underside of the foot reserved.
Interior and exterior of the mouth, neck exterior of handles black, fired mostly reddish brown. The underside of the rim has a reserved band. Underside of the handles reserved. The body is all black apart from the metope carryint the figure decoration and a reserved band decorated with radial-shaped motif beofre the black foot, decorated with two red concentric bands. Resting surface, underside of the foot. The top surface of the rim is decorated with two, concentric, red lines. Another marks the junction of the neck with the shoulder. The neck is black (reddish brown on the reverse side). The main scene begins from the top of the shoulder (under a red line), down the main part of the body. There are two confronted bulls with their heads bent downwards. Added red on partsof their bodies. Between them, there is an ivy leaf (heart-shaped). They step on a thin, black line, which separates the shoulder zone from the body metope.
On the body, two warriors attack other two. All warriors have spears with teardroped terminations (three terminations are visible, the fourth is on a missing area) and wear helmets with coverings for the cheeks (only the right pair's are visible) with details (dots for the first and fillet for the second warrior) in added white (now fadded away). They all held shields as well. All are round, except for one. The right pair's episemata on the shields are visible (upper part of seated lion / tripod, rendered with added white that has fadded away), while the other pair's shields' interior is visible and so the porpax (handle) can be seen on the left warrior. Additionally, they all wear greaves. Added red on the contour of the shields, the interior of the shileds, helmest, one hoplite's greaves. Between the pairs there is an eight-pointed star. There are also two horizontal red lines below running around the body of the vase. Two horizontal red lines frame the reserved lower zone decorated with the linear motif. The foot is black, with two red horizontal lines. The base is reserved.
Lid: The centre of the top of the lid is reserved, surrounded by two concentric bandsone red, one reserved then a red circle, from which a band of tongues radiates. This is surrounded by a scallopped black band (fired red on one side), then an inverse wave pattern (waves leaning to the right), and finally a reserved band. The outer edge of the flange and the upper part of the body are glazed black. The remainder of the body is decorated with an egg and dot band (for which each eggs is a thick u circumscribed with a thin u), then a black band, then a wave band (with waves leaning to the right). The lower rim is reserved. The interior is glazed black, misfired to red on the underside of the top. Pyxis: Entirely glazed, fired mostly black on the exterior (with some red patches on the flange and the top of the body), and red on the interior.
Lip and interior glazed black, except a ram protome, profile to right, at the centre of a reserved tondo, outlined with an orange band. Exterior: lotus petals on the rim, interrupted only by the glazed handles and lugs, above a a thin glazed band at the carination (mostly orange-red), an invertedanimal frieze on the body or bowl, above a pair of thin bands above a thick band; bands decorating the foot on exterior and interior vertical surfaces; underside decorated with concentric circles (black between two lighter orange circles, enclosed by two darker orange circles). The animal frieze shows (from just above the black handle): a panther advancing to the right, head frontal, licking the horns of a grazing deer, profile to the left, between two pinecones, with a dotted line above his back; a panther advancing to the left, head turned frontal, a dotted lozenge, a lion advancing to the right, tongue licking the horns of a deer grazing profile to the left, with a row of chevrons above; a dotted lozenge. Below each creature is a dotted bull's eye (comprised of central dot, surrounded by a band, surrounded by a circle of dots). Additional ornaments, including dots and chevrons, in the field.
On the exterior of the rim, S pattern. A fight of three warriors between onlookers; on the left, an onlooker between two runners, on the right, a runner between two onlookers and at the back a floral motif (lotus-palmette cross?): Two semi-spherical palmettes chained in the middle by circular bands, dotted in the centre, and held on a columnar motif with similar (only more conical) palmettes as endings (top and bottom) by black strips. Many of the figures appear to be holding spears (in the case of warriors) or have in front of them the same attribute (long, thin, vertical or diagonal lines). There are variations in the rendering of armour, hairstyles and drapery, mostly executed by incisions.
The scene is framed by bands, top and bottom. Above the top band is a reserved circle, a thin, red, circular band and then the vessel is black up to the base where there is another red circular band. The interior of the footring is black. The broad, reserved base has a black circle inside a black band in the centre. Additionally, there are six dots (four are bigger) placed randomly on the reserved area of the bottom.
Interior: The surface is black from the rim to the tondo, except for two, red, concentric bands approximately 1 cm within the carination, and a similar red band framing the tondo. Inside the tondo is a representaion of a cock in profile to the right with a flower-bud emerging in the background. Red paint: tail, wings. Moreover, incised over the red ring surrounding the tondo there is a mercantile graffito (?).
The handles are black but reserved within.
The underside of the foot decorated with black dot at the centre, surrounded by black band and 6 black dots around it, uncanonically placed
The inside is black with a reserved band around the inside of the rim and again roughly half way down the inside. In the centre is the remains of a brown disk. On the outside, only part of the rim and main zone of skyphos remains, as well as one handle. The handle is mostly black, but reserved on the inside. The main zone shows: parts of three palmettes, one upright, one reversed, then another upright in black. A thick black band runs round the outside of the rim, a thin one underneath the main zone. The stem is black as is the upper ridge of rim of the foot. The lower ridge is reserved, as is the base of the foot, except for a band of red/brown about half a cm in. The inside of the foot is hollow and reserved, except for a very thin red/brown band, and a dot in the centre.
One side of fragment is glazed black with a palmette design. Flowers are situated around a small, indented circle with six tiny indented 'U' shapes inside it. The other side of the fragment is mostly rserved, with a black band at the rounded part of the piece. Near the pointed part of the fragment there is an outer black circle, followed by a smaller black inner circle. Inside the inner circle there is a black dot.
On one side of fragment it is mostly terracotta with a small patch of black gloss, located on the end which is squared off. In, almost, the centre of this side there is a small, black circle with a tiny, black dot in the middle. On the other side of this fragment it is glazed black with a palmette design on. The flower pattern has a circle around half of it. This circle has 'U' shapes on it and appears as if it would have continued around the pot, from which the fragment came.
Inside of mouth and exterior of rim black, while lip is reserved. Body is mostly reserved. Handles are black on the outside, and reserved on the insides. Below the handles are three thin black bands. The top of the foot and a thick band above it are black, but resting surface and base are reserved.
Black glaze (mostly fired red) on mouth, upper part of neck, lower body, and upper surface of foot; vertical surface of foot and underside reserved. White-ground on lower part of shoulder and body, with traces of red decoration.
Black glaze (mostly disappeared). Incised decoration: a large double palmette and three rosettes (of which two remain).
Black glaze (mostly dulled) except for reserved lower part of body and underside.
Black glaze (mostly lost) except for reserved lower part of body and underside, including resting surface.
Black glaze (mostly dulled) except for reserved lower part of body and underside.
Fragment of a rim of a Kylix. The concave side is black with a reserved stripe at the lip. The convex side is mostly reserved with the exception of a black stripe at the tip of the lip, the bottom of the lip, and the end of the fragment. There is also a small black non-representational design on the convex side of the rim.