Naked standing female in relief. The figure has short hair, fastened up, broad shoulders, arms close to her sides, and legs together.
Man with large animal between his legs (perhaps fighting). Animal holding man's leg.
Cast Number 83
Warrior on horse-back. He is carrying a long spear and an oval shield and wears a cape. The horse is standing on its two back legs.
"Trinacria". Symbol of Sicily representing the head of a Medusa-like woman with three legs in a running position.
Fighting scene. A creature with female body and a serpent instead of legs grabbing a man, naked and on his knees
Older man, bold and overweight, standing with the help of a staff. He is in front of a boy who is pouring water on his feet. The man only has a cloth draped around his legs and the boy is naked.
Man with hairy legs kneeling at someones feet, with buildings in background
A giant (man with snakes for legs) wrestling with some kind of creature
A naked and winged female figure riding a chariot pulled by two horses with their front legs reared.
(A fraction of a gem) a pair of legs are shown with an ancient Greek inscription to the left of them.
A man with a beard, legs look snake-like possibly a giant. It's difficult to see the image in the lower part
A male figure stands over another figure, prostrate on the ground. The standing figure (probably male) is dressed in a cloak and tunic and holds a blade or scythe in his right hand. The standing figure appears to be holding the decapitated head of the second figure in his left hand. Behind the figure prostrate on the ground is an ox whose front legs are raised from the ground. To the right of the cast a tree or bush is depicted with a large bird (possibly a peacock) perched on one of its branches. At the centre of the cast there is what appears to be a standard or post with two serpents coiled about it. The serpent's heads face each other at the top of the post.
Four horses with their front legs reared, with two figures holding each other on a chariot.
A male figure fallen in the foreground with a chariot with two horses with front legs reared in the background.
A sea monster with the torso and head of a woman and many legs, possibly in the form of snakes, with wild beasts emerging from her body. She's carrying an oar like a weapon. There's a person tangled in her tentacle-like legs. She could be a representation of Scylla.
Muscular naked man with snakes as his legs
Displays a lion sitting back on its hind legs, tail in the air, surrounded by a single line border.
Displays a modern style lion on its hind legs (although only the top half is visible) holding a cross with a large crown above its head. Surrounded by a simple lined border.
Displays four pigs, one on all fours facing right in the foreground, the other three are in the background on their hind legs facing upwards.
Displays a lion facing forwards, its front legs resting on a sphere.
Displays a dog sitting on its hind legs in front of a small shrine.
Displays a horned cow, front legs raised on a rock, head bowed and looking back behind it, two calves stand underneath.
Displays a centaur sitting on his hind legs, his arms around a man standing next to him, whilst another figure in the background plays a pipe.
Exterior: 2 front legs of an animal, joining onto a body is overpainted in greysh-black. 5 short vertical lines are etched across the body and a few other etched lines define the back legs and chest of the animal. 2 back legs and a tail are partially present. A thick horizontal band and below a thinner band run parallel to the bottom-edge of the fragment. The animal appears to be standing on the thinner band, and there are 2 circle between the front and back legs, and two circles to the right of it.
Figure of a man with wings and a beard, lying down with a cloth draped over his legs, holding and looking at a sword, with an open book next to him.
Number 10.
Figure of Aphrodite from behind, with a cloth draped around her legs. She is holding a pot.
Number 5
Nude Aphrodite with drapery over her legs sat on a rock, wearing a necklace and bracelet and accompanied by a flying Eros. With an inscription.
Number 30
Standing nude male figure wearing a helmet and a cloak, holding a spear in his right hand and embracing a semi-nude female figure with his left. Female figure has drapery over her legs and is resting her right foot on a ball.
Number 66
Nude Aphrodite with drapery over her legs, holding object in her hand. There is a tree in the background and a helmet and shield at her feet. One foot is resting on a stone. Number 28
Nude male figure stooped over and lifting a large rock between his legs, with a sword at his feet
Number 47
Bearded male centaur rearing up on his back legs and aiming a bow and arrow to the right.
Number 58
Semi-nude female (Venus?) with drapery across her legs and holding drapery behind her seated on ram which is flying over the sea, and accompanied by a winged Cupid on the left.
Number 67
Figure of Jupiter (?) with staff and other object in left hand, a large bird. some greek lettersby his legs. Number 55
This cast portrays Zeus, with the scepter in his left hand and the thunderbolt in his right one, in the act of driving a chariot and thunderstriking two Giants with snakes for legs, prostrate on the ground, one of whom is brandishing a torch (?).
A naked winged child with crossed legs is leaning against a rake. Cast number: 38
A naked winged child with crossed legs is leaning against a rake or a trombone. Cast number: 39
A woman sitting on a flower chair holding a scepter and point her hand to her mouth. Opposite her an animal, looking like a lion on standing on its hind legs, streching its front legs out to the woman. They are both in a skiff which has a ram's head on its left end. Cast number: 34
A dogish creature wearing a robe, standing on its hind legs, looking left, surrounded by Greek letters. Cast number: 36
A monster with an eagle's head, a man's chest and two serpents instead of legs, holding a shield and a scepter. There is a star and a half moon on its right side. There is also a star underneath it. Cast number: 45
A monster with an eagle's head, a man's chest and two serpents instead of legs, holding a spear and a shield with Greek letters on it. The serpents are surrounding the monster. There are inscriptions on the left and right side as well as underneath the creature. Cast number: 46
Monkey like figure with a long penis between its legs, holding up both arms with fingers that look like feathers. A bird maybe even a hawk sitting on its head. There are stars above each hand and a twig above the head. Cast number: 52
A wolf or jackal with a shaggy fur and an erect penis, standing on its hind legs. Cast number: 77
A jackal standing on its hind legs with an erect penis. Cast number: 78
Two capricorns or goats standing on their hind legs, pushing their fron legs on the stem of a tree that it between them. Cast number: 79
A woman with a flowery crown covering her breasts with her arm, wearing a robe around her legs and a naked winged child is standing beside her, maybe Cupid. Cast number: 23
Inside: reserved. Outside: legs of youth holding stick - thyssos?; woman robed from neck to foot, running or dancing. Meander and dotted square pattern. Ruddled.
Profile figure facing lef, wearing a helmet and holding a shield. Appears to have once held a spear. Two prominent wide legs emerge from underneath shield. Lead is an off-colour black-grey.
Profile figure facing right. Face visible through a helmet, with a potential eye socket marked out. Complete shield with an ornate bike spokes formation. Appears to have once held a spear. Two prominent thin legs emerge from underneath shield. Lead is an off-colour white-grey.
Profile figure facing right wearing a flat helmet. The face is visible, and a marking shows a potential eye socket. He carries a shield which is intact, with no defining pattern. Appears to have once held a spear. Small wide legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is off-colour brown-grey.
Profile figure facing left and wearing a helmet. Holding a shield with a compact bike spokes pattern. Wide legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is an off-colour brown-grey.
Profile figure wearing a helmet and holding a circular shield with a possible bike spokes pattern. Appears to have once held a spear. Thin legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is an off-colour brown-grey.
white slip; interior: black with added red band lined in white; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of lion with added red on neck and belly (head, legs, and part of tail missing) to left; pinwheel rosette, dots, and dashes as filling ornament.
pale slip; exterior, from top: frieze with black-figure decoration consisting of breast and right foreleg of crounching feline to right; on right, possible blob rosette as filling ornament; below, wide black band with traces of bands in added white and red; below, animal procession to left in silhouette style (rump, tail, and part of hind legs of possible goat remaining); part two rosettes and dashes as filling ornament.
pale red slip; interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of animal frieze to left (hindlegs and part of belly of one deer or horse and legs and feet of winged creature); below, wide painted black band with added red band lined in white; cruciform rosette as filling ornament.
Standing nude male, arms at sides. Legs apart, right knee slightly bent. Clay light brown. Plentiful red colouring. Solid; rectangular base.
Cup mouth black inside and out and reserved on the rim. Single handle is black on outside and reserved underneath. Shoulder has inner ring of spots and outer ring of rays. Body has two rows of dots at top above the main design of a chariot with horses galloping right (heads of two horses, five hind legs). Beyond horses is Athena running left. Added white for Athena's flesh and helmet. Bands below and bottom of body os black. Foot is stepped with the side of the lower step reserved. Base reserved.
Meander border, showing corner of drapery. (1) Exterior showing part of palmette complex with heel on extreme right. (2) Legs with very pale diluted gloss for markings. (3) Volute and 2 leaves of a palmette; relief contour for most of the tendrils and central
Inside, 21, 22, meander border broken by square (rubbed and indistinct). Outside, 20, arm and part of body of woman dancing, the sleeve of her chiton pulled down over her hand; watching her a male in himation with stick, behind him a dropping lotus; 21, legs of male in himation with stick; 22, palmette. No relief contour; brown for bottom edge of himation.
Inside, reserved line around the rim; in a medallion framed by a key pattern broken by a chequered square, a male in himation leaning on a stick in conversation with an athlete (legs only). Outside, between palmettes an athlete with his arm resting on a pillar over which his cloak falls; on his right a man with a stick, on his left another male (face missing). Relief contour for pillar, walking sticks, and back of neck of all the figures. Hair contour reserved. Added colour, probably red, for fillet of bearded man, white for garland of the clothed figure in the medallion.
(a) fragment, three joins. Decoration on both sides. Band of geometric pattern above which is person's foot and bottom of leg standing to the right, wearing a hymation. On the opposite side: floral pattern to the left of bottom half of a person and to the right of this person the hand and lower body of another. (b) curved, palmette on other side black. (c) large roughened patch to the top right where possibly a handle was attached, floral pattern around this. (d) small fragment, on one side band of geometric pattern, on the opposite side floral pattern. (e) large piece, three fragments joined. Bearded man in the centre facing to the right, left arm raised and holding a long stick, right arm tucked into hymation. To the right of the man, the arm of another person and to the left a floral pattern, inside black. (f) Very similar to fragment a. three pieces joined together. On one side in centre bottom half of a person, feet and lower legs facing left and wearing a hymation, to the right floral pattern. Opposite side, band with geometric pattern. (g) On one side to left part of a hymation, to right an arm. Opposite side band with geometric pattern. (h) On one side the feet and legs of a person standing on a platform with the bottom of a stick he/she is possibly holding to the left, in the right hand corner the edge of a geometric pattern. On the opposite side the feet of someone facing to the left wearing a hymation dropping behind them, to the right of them a floral pattern. (i) Small piece of two fragments joined together. Chest of a male with right arm extending, his hymation drapped over his right arm. (j) Head of a male facing left with hymation over his shoulder and part of large palmette to his right. (k) Small frgment, part of hymation. (l) Small fragment part of hymation (m) Small fragment part of hymation. (n,o,p) small fragments with no detail.
Inside is reserved with black rim inside and with crosses on the outside. Handle has horizontal bars and crosses. On neck, grazing horse with degenerate long-legged bird between each pair of legs. From shoulder to base bands, lozenge and other ornaments in the field, flanked by vertical lines, slanting bars and horizontal zigzags. Horizontal handles, attached halfway down body, decorated with vertical bars. Lower part of base is black to foot. Base is concave and reserved.
Possible warrior scene. i) black figure decoration. ii) black figure decoration including parts of palmette and lotus. iii) black figure with parts of palmette, lotus and shield-incised lines on shield. iv) decorated with part of shield, incised decoration on parts of shield. v) part of human leg and two small black dots of unknown decoration. vi) part of two different human legs.
(i) There is a small part of a motif (partially covered with plaster) that consists of wavy lines. Below it, there are two lines and underneath there are parts of two inverted, palmettes (voluted with petal-shaped divisions) that flank a three-pointed flower with two dots to represent pollen. ii) Between two pairs of lines there is a guilloche (fillets with teardropped terminations interwoven together) with dots among the lines. Below, there is a broad black band, which seems to be interrupted at the right side. (iii) At the left, three parts of vertical, black bands and incisions create part of an object (garment hanging from chair or couch?) In the middle, there is an object- as if it was a grave-stele with a cross-shaped ? ending above which spring two heraldic, white, voluted palmettes (now fadded away), a chiastic motif with dots and horizontal lines on top- but inverted (leg of a bed or couch?). Next to that, there are a figure's part of thighs, knees and calves, close to part of a palmette. (iv) A bearded satyr (seilinos) plays a chorded instrument (lyre), while his himation is hanging in the background. Next to him there is a draped female figure (Demeter?), holding a wreath (black circle) and branches with dots on both sides that surround her. The details on her drapery have been executed with added red and so are those for her head-dress. There are also traces of added white on her neck. On top of the fragment there is part of a motif of tongues contoured with ellipsoid lines and a line that encircles this pattern. v) On the left, there is part of the satyr's lower legs (above the knees towards the feet) and the lower end of his himation. Next to him there is the termination of the female figure's branch, close to a similar inverted grave-stele? and part of an object that resembles an animal paw (lion-shaped foot of chair or couch) . Below these, there is a line on which they seem to step on. Next, a guilloche between two pairs of lines and at the bottom part of a radial-shaped motif with a line that contours it on top. vi) A line and black, teardropped spot. vii) There is a line on whose right top side stands a rectangular object with a rectangular surface in the middle being reserved. Below, part of two lines on top of part of the guilloche. viii) Small part of shoulder and neck: there is a black spot, a thin band, a red line on top of a plastic ring (joining point of neck and shoulder) and part of a tongue-shaped pattern contoured by a line on the shoulder. There is also a part of two lines in the interior. ix) Part of the guilloche, the two lines underneath and the radial-shaped motif at the bottom. x) Tiny bit of the guilloche and the two lines below it and part of the radial-shaped motif. xi) Part of voluted palmette and tongue-shaped motif. xii) Part of the floral motif (of a three-pointed flower)? with lines that form a rhombus with a dot in the middle. xiii) Part of the shoulder and the spring of a handle. On the top there is the tongue-shaped motif, encicled by a line and below it an inverted palmette. The spring of the handle is black and next to it there are short, diagonal incisions. There is also a tiny spot of black colour in the interior. xiv) On the left, part of leaf-shaped (heart-like) motives (part of thyrsos?), close to a band of black colour, of undecipherable shape. Next to that, there is the lower part of a female draped figure, with small crosses on it. At the right side there is black and white colour that forms ovaloid shapes (?). xv) A black band and on the left part of the female drapery.
18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (riders leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
a: The upper surface of the rim is reserved, although glazed. However, the side surfaces (internal and external) are black (apart from a reserved area that would not have been visible if the handle was not missing). The neck is also black on the inside, however, there is a perpetual motif of palmettes on the external surface. These are double palmettes (5 narrow divisions upwards and 5 similar ones downwards) that look as if chained together by a horizontal row of small rings and each such palmette is separated from the other by a vertical line with wider endings, while thin, curved lines (above and below) frame each palmette. The sides of the handle bear a black band each and there is also a thin line underneath them that contours the end of the neck. On the carination that divides the neck from the shoulder there is a thin line with added red colour. The shoulder bears a motif of tongues, divided by vertical lines, while a line underneath contours them. The motif does not appear under the surface of the handle. At some point underneath this pattern there is the beginning of another motif (black with 3 dots of added red and scale-like incisions). The interior of the rest of the vessel is reserved, since it is an amphora. b: It bears exactly the same motif as the previous neck bit. c: From the branch of a three-peaked floral motif there emerge two curved lines that are downwards and upwards, each forming an ellipsoid-shaped frame from whose lower (in the case of the curved line that goes downwards) or upper (in the case of the other line) endings form one floral motif each. The left one is a voluted palmette with 5 petal shaped divisions and the right one is a three-pointed flower, similar to the central floral motif, but bigger. Although the upper part of this pattern is not preserved apart from the starting point of the motives, it is certain that this would have been the heraldic motif depicted. Underneath this area there is a thin, black line and below that, a pattern of guilloche ( branches with tear dropped endings interwoven together) with a row of dots, framed (above and below) by two pairs of concentric lines. Towards the end of the fragment (which is also towards the end of the vessel) there is a radial-shaped motif, two lines and the rest of the surface is black. d: It is a part of the body's area that bears the guilloche pattern and the radial-shaped motif underneath, but one third of it is not preserved. e: On the left there is the upper part of probably a palmette (two endings of petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is the depiction of a draped lower body part. The drapery is formed by the incisions on a black surface. There are diagonal incisions and wavy endings to denote the folds of an himation, as well as the lower termination of the chiton, which is suggested by two almost horizontal incisions, a wavy line and another horizontal incision. the drawing is detailed and clear. f: The part between the surface above the knees and a bit below the calf of a male figure that wears a short chiton (incised, wavy folds are visible above the knee), as well as grieves with out curving terminations (Hermes?) of added red colour, now fadded away. On his left there is the upper part of a palmette and on his left there is a diagonal line, with rows of dots on either side (characteristic of Dionysus). Very clear drawing. g: Half of the three-peaked flower, a bit of a black line and two petal-shaped motives. On the side, there is part of the dotted branch and what appears to be part of a figure's drapery (upper right body part ?), with some incisions used to render details. h: Between the lower body part of two figures there is part of the dotted branch. What is preserved from the right figure is incised lines and circles on a black surface. The left figure's drapery (peplos and himation ?) is preserved (below the waist), consisting of incised diagonal and wavy lines to denote the folds. i: A central male figure's (Dionysus) body from shoulder to legs is visible and surrounded by a dotted branch. He is standing between two figures. The male figure (there is part of beard with added red) on the left holds part of the branch with his palm (upper body without the head is preserved). The only visible part of the draped figure on the right is part of the legs. Incisions are used to render details. j: Apollo playing his lyre (kithara). The head (in profile, facing right), right hand and part of the god's front side of the body is visible, as well as the largest part of the lyre. Part of a dotted branch exists in the background. Incisions have been used to render the chords of the lyre as well as for the eye, contour of hair, ear and contour of the god's body, while a taenia (fillet) on his head is in added black colour. k: Only part of a thin, black line is preserved. l: two broad black bands that overlap at some point. Incisions and the ending of a dotted branch (part of draped figure?). H & J on display in symposium
Rim: There is a meander pattern at the side. Neck: There is the procession of two chariots. On the left chariot 3 horses are visible, however they must have been four (four pairs of legs). In front of them there is a charioteer wearing a chiton (the added white has faded away) and the largest part of the chariot as well as some of the horse's feet and tails are visible. The details have been rendered with added red and incisions (especially for the tails and mane of the horses). There is also a black line below the figures, in order to denote the ground. The body of the vessel is black, as is the interior, apart from the top surface of the rim that is reserved (but glossed) and a red, thin band on the upper neck.
Lower part of boy. Two legs and one arm wrapped in cloak. Clay orange. Traces of red on legs. Apparently seated. Mould-made, probably with flat back.
Both have incised beetle features such as clypus and legs, underside engraved with hieroglyphs, both have longitudinal holes for threading.
Standing male youth, nude. Grey, apparently from burnt grave; small depression in base. Traces of white slip, colour lost, but probably once red. Standing with arms by sides, elbows pressed back, legs apart, right knee slightly bent. Rectangular base. Paper slip marked 'Thebes' on back.
Fragment appears to be showing two characters, though only their legs and part of the robes they are wearing are visible; it could be part of a story being told. Beneath the feet of the characters are two circular lines which, probably part of a pattern. On the left side of the fragment are several lines with dots around the outside of them which could be a visual representation of grape vines. Around both the vines and next to one of the characters are several larger black dots that could be larger fruits. The right side of the fragment appears to portray another pattern consisting of several wavy lines, though this one is harder to fully make out than the others.
The interior is reserved (although covered with plaster on most of the fragments), apart from the upper parts of 13, 14 and 15, that are black (unevenly applied). 1) On the left, there is part of a naked male figure (thighs to toe), facing right and next to him there is the lowest part of another similar figure facing right. Below them, there is part of a black band. 2) There is part of the right part of the previous figure (chest to toe). On the right side of the fragment, there is a figure's forearms (projected to the left, the right hand holding a round object) and part of the right knee. 3) Part of a naked male figure, leaning to the left. Details with incisions and added red. 4) Part of a lions's paws and below it part of a broad, black band. 5) A male figure's thighs and part of a bird? (executed with incisions and added red). 6) The right part of the previous bird? and the right tibia of a male figure , facing left. 7) The thighs of a male figure facing right. On the left side of the fragment there is part of a black and red motif? 8) The upper part (chest to thighs) of a naked male figure, facing right. 9) Part of a male figure's thighs, facing right. 10) The previous figures lower part of legs and part of a black band. 11) The biggest part of a bird, executed with black, added red and incisions. 12) On the left, there is the rest of the previous bird. Next there is the lower part of a lion, executed with black, addeed red and incisions. Behind the lion, there is the lower part of another male figure (chest to feet), facing left and behind him there is part of a bird. 13) The upper part of a satyr (head to thighs), facing right. His hair and beard have been rendered in added red. 14) The lower part of the satyr, chasing a maenad on the right (her right leg is only visible). The details of her drapery are in red and her tibia is white. 15) The left left of the running maenad. On the right, another satyr chasing a maenad (lower part of the figures is visible). 16) Part of a broad, black band. 17. Bit of plaster.
Torso of seated female figurine, and legs to just below knees. Right arm (articulated). Blobs representing (?) jewlery arranged in a saltine cross over front of body, and horizontal row at waist. Tow incised lines on left thigh. Clay orange pink.
Horse decorated with white slip on pale orange, with dark red (for black?) stripes on chest, legs, mane, tail, and harness. Head and mouth of the horse shows representation of bridle, with thin horizontal bands down the neck representing the mane. There are two horizontal bands around the main torso of the horse. Horizontal bands also decorate the legs, chest and tail of the horse figurine. Front legs are slightly projected forward, as are the rear legs backwards. The legs are straight and disproportionately long compared to the head and torso.
Three small pointed legs, of which two are on the shoulders (one on either side of the mouth).
Originally green in colour although little remains. The shabti is decorated in black pigment the details being a hieroglyph inscription up/down the legs, a crook, a basket (both denoting work and being'held' by the figure) and some kind of head decoration.
Blue scarab on a flat base, which has vertical lines down the top of the beetle from its throat, and patterned legs. The wings are detached, both with spanned wing decorations. Base is plain. There are 6 small holes on the points of the compass, with 2 at East and at West by the side of the scarab, and three holes on each of the wings. These are at the corners of the joining part to the body of the scarab and one at each end of the wing spans.
In the central discus one reclining figure recumbent on its right side; right leg bent, left leg outstretched. Behind the legs a fish tail. At the back of the figure a drapery, like a semi-circular frame around the head. (possibly a Nereid riding a sea-bull?). On the edge parallel lines in low-relief. On the underneath inscription and a small half-moon shaped stamp.
Red glaze. Two figures in low-relief: on the right a human figure with legs outturned, on the left a human face (mask) with a sort of base or plate on the head; above the plate two legs of an incomplete human figure. On the sides of this composition two vertical patterns, composed by short horizontal signs with below a six-ends star.
Black band on inside of mouth; three black bands on rim; exterior off lip decorated with a series of dots; handle decorated with vertical bars on either side. Daisy petals extend from the neck (each petal is decorated with a white dot), below which are two lines, a warrior frieze, two lines, and a black band . The three warriors, lightly incised, each stand profile to the right, and are indicated by two lines (extending from the top right and bottom left) for the spears, and two more lines (extending below) for the legs; each carries a large round shield decorated with incised circles.
Black mouth inside and out, otherwise reserved inside. Below the rim, on the lip, is a white laurel wreath, to right. On neck, between black handles, a 9-leaf palmette, with a black dot for heart and black dot on either side of central petal; black ridge between two black lines; frieze of vertical bars beneath each handle; beneath each handle a large palmette above a pair of volutes, from which emerge vegetal ornament. A: Attenuated ovolo frieze between two black lines; white ribbing (painted); two reserved bands; floral frieze with white head, to left, at centre, emerging from a calyx from which emerge also tendrils, berries, volutes, and blossoms; reserved frieze; scene. B: Continuous maeander to right, between two pairs of lines; black ribbing (painted) between two black lines; flanked by vegetal ornament, from which emerges quarter palmettes and volutes, a female head, profile to left, wearing white stephane, and white sakkos, from which emerges curly black hair, at front and black; white drop earring on an inverted triangle. Below the body zone, around the entire vase, is a decorative band consisting of dotted cross squares (1) alternating with stopt maeanders to left (3) between two reserved bands; black below.
Scene, A: A woman, standing in 3/4-view to the right, with head profile to right, hair emerging from the back, a sleeveless, belted chiton, a himation draped over her left arm, a pair of white slippers, holds a palmette fan, with white detail, in her upraised left hand, and a branch (similar to a thyrsos) in her left hand, at a diagonal. She also wears a white stephane and a sakkos with black and white detail, from the back of which emerges a tuft of hair, a white beaded necklace between two thin chains (rendered by black lines), and white snake bracelets on each arm. She faces a naiskos enclosure, decorated in gilded white, with thin Corinthian columns and a black pediment, on a podium decorated with a simple continuous maeander to right, between a two pairs of white lines. Enclosed within the naiskos is a warrior, rendered in white with yellow details, seated in 3/4-view to the left, on a himation, with his legs crossed, and his left elbow resting on the back of his seat. He holds a crested helmet in 3/4-view to the right, at which he stares, and a diagonal spear in his left hand. On the ground below him is a small shield. To the right is a nude youth, standing in a reclining pose, 3/4-view to the left, wearing a white fillet in his hair, and white slippers. He holds a himation, bundled up around his left arm, and an opened box as well as a dotted, fringed sash, in his right hand. A thin rectangular element, perhaps a dagger, emerges from the opened box. A (heart shaped) ivy leaf hangs in the field above him.
White dotted lines indicate the groundline between all figures.
Details on the shoulder rays and, ornaments in the field, and all figural scenes are rendered in added white, sometimes 'gilded' with yellow wash.
Interior and mouth glazed black with two reserved bands at top and bottom of rim. On exterior, below rim, a frieze of tendrils, with lotus buds above and below. Black handles, with reserved bands between attachments, and enclosed half palmettes below, from the sides of which emerge tendrils with volutes that encroach in the figural scenes. Below the figural scenes is a band of slanted zs, between two reserved bands. Black below, except for the recessed element at the top of the foot, which is reserved, a narrow band at the bottom of the foot on the exterior, and the reserved underside. The reserved parts of the volute frieze and figural scenes are reddened.
Scene, A: A woman standing in 3/4-view to the right, wears a black beaded necklace, a sleeveless belted chiton, and two black bracelets on each wrist. Her hair is tied in a ponytail. She holds a torch in her advanced left hand, while her right hand, downturned, is also slightly raised. She faces a youth, nude except for a chlamys draped over his left arm and slippers, who stands in 3/4 view to the left, reaching toward the woman with his right hand. Between the figures, in the upper field, is a window frame, while a large tendril, with volute, emerges from the ground, between them. In the field behind him is a leaf. B: Two robed youths, standing profile, with their right legs advanced, face eachother across a narrow stele. Above them is a circle with a black line vertically through the centre and an 'H' drawn on top (probably halteres).
Mounted horseman to right. Horses legs moulded onto flat background. Brown clay. Hollow with a hole in flat, unmoulded back, possibly for hanging.
Figure on a horse, moulded both back and front. On back can be seen a circular shield. The front shows the horses mane and the figures face. Red coarse clay with flecks of white. Hole completely through nose of horse perhaps for suspension(?). Horse has two legs, each with a concave base.
The interior is black, but there is a reserved band on the fragments that come from the vessel's rim (a, b, c, d), which also bear a reserved band on the upper internal side of the rim. a) The black colour appears streaky (it varies from reddish brown to brown) on the rim (interior and exterior), as well as on the handle. The colour of the decoration appears brown and reddish brown on some areas. There is a broad band that bears two palmettes (one on either side of the double handle), while the surface between the two springs is reserved. On the left side of the fragment there is the right part of a motif (front legs of horses?). Below, there is part of a black line. b) The rim is black. Below, there is the upper part of a charioteer, riding a chariot with four horses (part of them is preserved). Details of the horses have been rendered with incisions. c) The rim is black, however the black colour is uneven and leaves part of the right edge of the fragment's rim reserved. Underneath a thin, reserved line, there is a palmette and next to it part of the line that contoured the spring of the handle. d) The rim is black. Below, there is a female figure's head and in front of her (at the level of her face) there is part of a curving branch, with dots on either side (part of wreath?). e) Part of a palmette, a black line and a black band. f) There is a dot in the middle of the resting surface, contoured by a circle. There is also part of a wide, band, between thin lines, above which, there is a graffito? in the shape of X.
Small figurine, possibly an animal. Pinkish colour, with remnants of black paint on the back, on the left arm and on the main body. Appears to be scratching head with the right arm, and the feet are distinguishable from the legs because they are at an angle.
Person standing to the left, feet and lower legs, wearing a himation standing on a platform to the right, another person (part of a himation).