Ure Museum Database

There are 54 objects for which Decoration contains → incisions
11.10.5 On mouth four bands; on body, wingless sphinx. One rosette with incisions crossing at centre. Some traces of added colour, now lost. On bottom (rather flat) three circles. Spherical bead with an incision around the girth, and parallel lines of 2 or 3 incisions either side of the girth. Three parallel lines of incisions in diamond shapes on the surface of the bead Incisions and dots on the surface. Pattern is such that the dots are in between two parallel, vertical lines. Incision around the girth too. Sets of three parallel lines of incisions all over the whole object. Triangular incisions either side of the girth. At the top and the bottom of the bead there are incisions as well as around the girth.
14.9.83 Interior black, with two concentric red circles; flat rim is decorated with three uneven rows of black dots; exterior decorated with a black band, just below rim; in figural zone, two confronting sirens with rosettes in field; below, two horizontal lines, above rays. Red for breast and base of wing of both and for streak across body of siren on left. Incisions.
2005.3.23 Incisions and added black, probably part of an image rather than a pattern
26.12.16 Probably Kleinmeister type. Forepart of horse?, woman to right in mantle decorated with purple, white and incisions, facing man to left in black mantle. Lower part only of figures preserved. Below a black band. Interior is black.
26.12.3 Handle with hole for suspension. On top of mouth are three concentric circles. On side is a band. Neck has daisy petal pattern. Body: bands above and below the main design of a man attacking a lion. At back large black circle with black centre. In field rosettes with incisions intersecting at centre and dots. Added red for decoration. Many bands on base.
26.12.5 On top of mouth, very broad band between two thin ones and a band on the side. Shoulder design is radiating lines with a band below, double row of dots, another band. Body: Lotus-palmette design (with traces of red/purple) flanked by two ducks whose tails overlap. Rosettes, one with double incised circle at centre, others with cross incisions in field. Below design are bands. Foot is black and base has three bands.
26.2.37 Underside has two red (for black) bands on creamy slipped ground, framed by foot-ring in brownish black. Upper side, on same ground, slight remains of figured zone with incisions, broad band with white-red-white on black, key pattern, broad band with slight raised moulding on inner circumference.
26.2.40 Underside, black, turning to red within the double foot-ring; resting surface reserved. Upper side, winged feline (with incisions and applied red markings in the shape of inverted commas on soulder and down foreleg) to right with left paw raised above what may be the tail of a sitting bird or siren, red and incisions on field ornaments. Cream slip. Bands of red and white superimposed on black.
26.7.2 The interior of the vessel is streaky black (uneven) except for the tondo (reddish brown), that depicts a (shadow of a) man, in a short chiton, facing right and advancing. He is holding a (thorny) club with his right hand and his himation with the left one (using it as a shield?), while his sword is visible at his right side. Exterior: The lip bears a thin, black line. The surface of the body is reserved (up to the point where the scene ends) but bears decoration in black. The scene is repeated on both sides; the myth of Heracles and the Bull. Herakles has captured the Bull from the head. Hanging in the background (above them) there are Herakles' club, cloak and quiver. The scene is flanked (left and right) by fan-shaped palmettes (voluted at the bottom with long, narrow divisions). The lower part of the handles' external surface is black and under either of them there is an ivy leaf (heart-shaped). Below the scene, there is a streaky black line and, after a reserved, thin band, the vessel is (streaky) black up to the end of the foot, whose side surface is reserved, though. The base is reserved but bears a red thin band at the center of the resting surface. No incisions or added colour have been used.
27.4.10 On neck and bottom daisy pattern. On front of body, two cocks facing; between them a small swan. At back (very faded) above cocks' tails inverted lotus, below small duck. Field rosettes of early type. Incisions, added red.
29.5.3 The decoration is executed with red colour and incisions. Rim: There are petal-shaped tongues on the top surface and dots at the side one. The back of the handle bears three, almost vertical (the central one is wavy) lines. Below the handle on the body there are five (the one smaller) rosettes (leaved rodakes), with incisions intersecting at the centre. The main design is a swan with outspread wings, facing right. Details are incised and there is some added red on its wings and tail. The swan appears to step on a row of petal-shaped spots that contours the sunk centre of the vessel, serving as a base.
30.4.2 On top of mouth thin fields between two groups of circles; side, row of small dots between bands. Three horizontal lines on handles. Bearded goat to left, head erect, added red on neck and stomach. Field rosettes mainly cruciform with diagonal incisions crossing at centre. Below goat, three bands around base with a gap before four more circles meeting at centre of base. Partly white style, where a large area remains free of design.
34.10.1 Top of mouth four even bands, side one band. Three warriors on one side of body. On opposite side, right to left, two vertical leaves / bars, a squat cross, a large circle with dot in centre, a smaller squat cross, with incisions. Shields divided by incisions. Four bands around base with a dot in the centre.
38.4.8 Mouth black inside and out with red lip. Shoulder has ivy leaf at front upright between two inverted lotus flowers. Body has a siren between two draped (male) onlookers, the right one holding a spear upright. No added colour, no incisions. Beneath figural zone is a horizontal band and then solid back to the top of the foot. Side of foot and underside reserved.
45.10.13 (i) There is a small part of a motif (partially covered with plaster) that consists of wavy lines. Below it, there are two lines and underneath there are parts of two inverted, palmettes (voluted with petal-shaped divisions) that flank a three-pointed flower with two dots to represent pollen. ii) Between two pairs of lines there is a guilloche (fillets with teardropped terminations interwoven together) with dots among the lines. Below, there is a broad black band, which seems to be interrupted at the right side. (iii) At the left, three parts of vertical, black bands and incisions create part of an object (garment hanging from chair or couch?) In the middle, there is an object- as if it was a grave-stele with a cross-shaped ? ending above which spring two heraldic, white, voluted palmettes (now fadded away), a chiastic motif with dots and horizontal lines on top- but inverted (leg of a bed or couch?). Next to that, there are a figure's part of thighs, knees and calves, close to part of a palmette. (iv) A bearded satyr (seilinos) plays a chorded instrument (lyre), while his himation is hanging in the background. Next to him there is a draped female figure (Demeter?), holding a wreath (black circle) and branches with dots on both sides that surround her. The details on her drapery have been executed with added red and so are those for her head-dress. There are also traces of added white on her neck. On top of the fragment there is part of a motif of tongues contoured with ellipsoid lines and a line that encircles this pattern. v) On the left, there is part of the satyr's lower legs (above the knees towards the feet) and the lower end of his himation. Next to him there is the termination of the female figure's branch, close to a similar inverted grave-stele? and part of an object that resembles an animal paw (lion-shaped foot of chair or couch) . Below these, there is a line on which they seem to step on. Next, a guilloche between two pairs of lines and at the bottom part of a radial-shaped motif with a line that contours it on top. vi) A line and black, teardropped spot. vii) There is a line on whose right top side stands a rectangular object with a rectangular surface in the middle being reserved. Below, part of two lines on top of part of the guilloche. viii) Small part of shoulder and neck: there is a black spot, a thin band, a red line on top of a plastic ring (joining point of neck and shoulder) and part of a tongue-shaped pattern contoured by a line on the shoulder. There is also a part of two lines in the interior. ix) Part of the guilloche, the two lines underneath and the radial-shaped motif at the bottom. x) Tiny bit of the guilloche and the two lines below it and part of the radial-shaped motif. xi) Part of voluted palmette and tongue-shaped motif. xii) Part of the floral motif (of a three-pointed flower)? with lines that form a rhombus with a dot in the middle. xiii) Part of the shoulder and the spring of a handle. On the top there is the tongue-shaped motif, encicled by a line and below it an inverted palmette. The spring of the handle is black and next to it there are short, diagonal incisions. There is also a tiny spot of black colour in the interior. xiv) On the left, part of leaf-shaped (heart-like) motives (part of thyrsos?), close to a band of black colour, of undecipherable shape. Next to that, there is the lower part of a female draped figure, with small crosses on it. At the right side there is black and white colour that forms ovaloid shapes (?). xv) A black band and on the left part of the female drapery. Interior: Black, apart from a thin band at the joining point of the rim and neck, and the top surface of the rim, which are reserved. Exterior: The rim is black and there is a thin reddish brown line below it. Neck: There is a thin, black line. Below, there is a fan-shaped palmette (three divisions, a central rectangular part, and the details have been rendered with incisions), between two parts of motifs. The left one may be a palmette (a petal-shaped division in the middle and below, two round? or voluted? motifs almost faded away. The right one could be part of a similar motif. Interior: The rim is reserved and the neck is black. Exterior: There is a red line on the plastic ring that joins the rim with the neck. Neck: There is a black line, below which, on the left of the fragment, there is the right part of a fan-shaped? palmette (three, short divisions and a rectangular central part, the details rendered with incisions). On the right, there is part of a floral motif: part of a petal (vertical) and part of another one (horizontal).
45.10.15 18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (rider’s leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
45.10.22 a: The upper surface of the rim is reserved, although glazed. However, the side surfaces (internal and external) are black (apart from a reserved area that would not have been visible if the handle was not missing). The neck is also black on the inside, however, there is a perpetual motif of palmettes on the external surface. These are double palmettes (5 narrow divisions upwards and 5 similar ones downwards) that look as if chained together by a horizontal row of small rings and each such palmette is separated from the other by a vertical line with wider endings, while thin, curved lines (above and below) frame each palmette. The sides of the handle bear a black band each and there is also a thin line underneath them that contours the end of the neck. On the carination that divides the neck from the shoulder there is a thin line with added red colour. The shoulder bears a motif of tongues, divided by vertical lines, while a line underneath contours them. The motif does not appear under the surface of the handle. At some point underneath this pattern there is the beginning of another motif (black with 3 dots of added red and scale-like incisions). The interior of the rest of the vessel is reserved, since it is an amphora. b: It bears exactly the same motif as the previous neck bit. c: From the branch of a three-peaked floral motif there emerge two curved lines that are downwards and upwards, each forming an ellipsoid-shaped frame from whose lower (in the case of the curved line that goes downwards) or upper (in the case of the other line) endings form one floral motif each. The left one is a voluted palmette with 5 petal shaped divisions and the right one is a three-pointed flower, similar to the central floral motif, but bigger. Although the upper part of this pattern is not preserved apart from the starting point of the motives, it is certain that this would have been the heraldic motif depicted. Underneath this area there is a thin, black line and below that, a pattern of guilloche ( branches with tear dropped endings interwoven together) with a row of dots, framed (above and below) by two pairs of concentric lines. Towards the end of the fragment (which is also towards the end of the vessel) there is a radial-shaped motif, two lines and the rest of the surface is black. d: It is a part of the body's area that bears the guilloche pattern and the radial-shaped motif underneath, but one third of it is not preserved. e: On the left there is the upper part of probably a palmette (two endings of petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is the depiction of a draped lower body part. The drapery is formed by the incisions on a black surface. There are diagonal incisions and wavy endings to denote the folds of an himation, as well as the lower termination of the chiton, which is suggested by two almost horizontal incisions, a wavy line and another horizontal incision. the drawing is detailed and clear. f: The part between the surface above the knees and a bit below the calf of a male figure that wears a short chiton (incised, wavy folds are visible above the knee), as well as grieves with out curving terminations (Hermes?) of added red colour, now fadded away. On his left there is the upper part of a palmette and on his left there is a diagonal line, with rows of dots on either side (characteristic of Dionysus). Very clear drawing. g: Half of the three-peaked flower, a bit of a black line and two petal-shaped motives. On the side, there is part of the dotted branch and what appears to be part of a figure's drapery (upper right body part ?), with some incisions used to render details. h: Between the lower body part of two figures there is part of the dotted branch. What is preserved from the right figure is incised lines and circles on a black surface. The left figure's drapery (peplos and himation ?) is preserved (below the waist), consisting of incised diagonal and wavy lines to denote the folds. i: A central male figure's (Dionysus) body from shoulder to legs is visible and surrounded by a dotted branch. He is standing between two figures. The male figure (there is part of beard with added red) on the left holds part of the branch with his palm (upper body without the head is preserved). The only visible part of the draped figure on the right is part of the legs. Incisions are used to render details. j: Apollo playing his lyre (kithara). The head (in profile, facing right), right hand and part of the god's front side of the body is visible, as well as the largest part of the lyre. Part of a dotted branch exists in the background. Incisions have been used to render the chords of the lyre as well as for the eye, contour of hair, ear and contour of the god's body, while a taenia (fillet) on his head is in added black colour. k: Only part of a thin, black line is preserved. l: two broad black bands that overlap at some point. Incisions and the ending of a dotted branch (part of draped figure?). H & J on display in symposium
45.6.1 Pale buff ground. Inside is black and red in places. Main design: five women with long plaited hair dancing in a ring, holding wreaths between them. In field are large rosettes with concentric circles at centre and round objects with horizontal incisions between bands of vertical incisions. At base are elongated vertical lines and the foot is coloured red. Five bands on base.
48.12.6 Rim decorated with three bands, the the central one with added purple. Horizontal bars on handle. Long tongues on shoulder; figural zone framed by bands. Main design is of three crouching lions, facing right, with long tails forming s-curves above them, each reaching back to link to the next lion. Incisions and added purple on necks and shoulders. Base reserved.
48.2.1 The interior is glazed black. There are two zones of decoration. Top (A): water bird, horseman with dog, lion; top (B): lion, horseman, waterbird. Bottom: seven swans, three decorated with incisions, above a ray base. A few rosettes and a dotted rhombus in the field. The base and rim of the foot are reserved.
48.5.2 The interior of the mouth is reserved except for a black band on its top. On the mouth, three horizontal parallel lines. On the neck, zig-zag pattern. Shoulder: A:goose/swan and B: panther. Incised rosettes and dots for the filling. Four black bands. Body: deer flanked by panthers whose tails almost meet. In field: rosettes with spoke incisions, and some with circular centres; also dots. Some added purple on animals. Scene rests on a broad black band framed by two narrow black bands. Triangular spokes point upwards from the base to the lower black band. Foot is black, but base is reserved.
50.4.20 Exterior and interior of neck in black glaze, base is reserved. Fourteen, unevenly spaced vertical incisions around the lower body. From above, the lip and handle appear to form a grape leaf shape.
51.4.1 The top surface of the rim is reserved (but glazed), however, the side one bears a black meander pattern. Neck: at the left side there is the front part of a horse (head and two feet) and the right leg (thigh to toe) of the horse-rider, with incisions for detail (denoting also the bridle) and added white. At the other end there are two men, one behind the other. The fragment's termination is at the level of their knees. The first one (right end) has extended his arms, as if being a charioteer. Besides, the back part of the chariot can be seen over his white chiton. The stephane on his hair is executed with red. The black, male figure at the same level behind him makes a gesture as if holding something (invisible). He is wearing a short chiton and he is probably on the chariot too. Interior: There is a red, thin band at the rim and the rest of the surface is black.
51.4.2 The top surface of the rim is reserved (but glossed), however the side bears a black meander pattern. The scene consists of two chariots, the left one with three horses (below their knees the piece is missing) and the right one with four (only two of the heads remain). The left hand side charioteer is not visible, however it is obvious that he was holding and stretching the bridle. The upper part of the chariot is also visible. The second charioteer wears white chiton and red stephane (fillet) on the head and his chariot is visible. Each figure has incisions around its edges, as well as for the depiction of details. Some parts of the horse bodies are emphasized by added red colour. Body: The surface is black. The interior of the neck and body is also black, apart from a red band at the top of the rim.
51.4.3 Rim: There is a meander pattern at the side. Neck: There is the procession of two chariots. On the left chariot 3 horses are visible, however they must have been four (four pairs of legs). In front of them there is a charioteer wearing a chiton (the added white has faded away) and the largest part of the chariot as well as some of the horse's feet and tails are visible. The details have been rendered with added red and incisions (especially for the tails and mane of the horses). There is also a black line below the figures, in order to denote the ground. The body of the vessel is black, as is the interior, apart from the top surface of the rim that is reserved (but glossed) and a red, thin band on the upper neck.
51.4.4 Rim: The side surface bears a black, meander pattern. Neck: A procession of two chariots, each with four horses (four pairs of feet) but only the first charioteer is visible, wearing a chiton, whose added white colour has faded away. There are incisions to denote the details, as well as added red (especially for the tails and mane of the horses).There is a black line under the scene, to render the ground. Body: It is black and so is the interior, apart from the top surface of the rim that is reserved (but glazed) and a red, thin band at the upper neck.
51.4.5 Decoration in black and purplish-brown over a pale slip, with incised decoration on the back. At the top of the body is a broad band between two pairs of narrow bands. Above this is some evidence of a frieze of vertical bars. Below is a figural frieze, decorated at front with a geometricising bird flying profile to the right, holding a wavy line in his beak. He is surrounded by two crosses and two clusters of 8 dots (rudimentary rosettes) in the field. A floral decoration at the back is comprised of four interlocking palmettes, with purplish-brown petals and brownish-black hearts separated by incisions, with tendrils terminating in volutes emanating from either side of each sideways palmette. The lower part of the body is decorated with a thick black band between a pair of thin bands, above, and a thin band, below.
51.4.9 The rim is black, both on the inside and on the outside. The back of the handle is also black, but the underside is reserved. The neck is reserved, but glazed apart from a thick purple band on its lower part. On the sloping junction of the neck with the shoulder, black tongues. Both interrupted at the joining point of the handle to the neck. The shoulder is covered with a guilloche (pattern of interwoven fillets) with teardropped terminations. In the middle of two upper and two lower black lines there are two rows of black dots that begin on the edge of the second left figure of the main scene and stop at the edge of the last person. In the centre of the scene, a male figure in profile to the right with as short mantle, a quiver on his back (Herakles) is attacking a kneeling Amazon. With his left hand, he is gradding her from the air and with the right he is holding a sword, with which he is ready to kill her. The Amazon, in profile to the left, is wearing a helmet, holding a very long spear with her arm and her shiled with the left. From his waist, her sword is hanging. This scene is flanked by two other battle scenes. On the left side, an Amazon is attacking a Greek. He is wearing a cuirass, helmet, he is hloding his spear and his shield and he is shown ready to fall down. Tha Amazon has atteacked him with her spear. She is wearing a helmet and a short chiton. On the right, an Amazon and a Greek are shown in profile running towards the left, projecting their spears. The Amazon is wearing a ahsort chiton and a helmet. She is holding her shield, covering large part of her body. A frontal head of a lion decorates the shield. A sword hanging from her waist. The male warrior wears a short chiton and has a shield and a helmet. The Amazons have long hair and wear helmets with longer and bigger crests. Incisions and added red are used for details. Added red: parts of the chitons of the warriors anad the Amazons, hair of the warrior in the middle, fillets on Amazon's heads and the frame of the shield of the running Amazon. Below the scene, there are two lines (not evenly formed at all in their length) and a band of added red. Below that, the vessel is black, with two concentric circles on the surface of the foot. The resting surface is reserved.
51.7.14 Swan with added white and incisions. Above, dot, white on black. Beneath handle, palmette flanked by tall tendrils. Glaze silvery. Mouth, upper part of neck, top of handle, black. Also lower part of body and foot, including resting surface.
56.8.6 Interior: black not carefully applied , not lustrous. Purple band towards the the edge framed by two thinner black bands. Exterior: around rim black band with white dots; Animal frieze on the bowl. Four swans (water birds), facing right, alternating with incised rosettes. Background filled with small decorative patterns of undefined shape that often bear incisions. Black band below. Black stem and upper surface of foot; reserved groove on vertical surface of foot; reserved underside. Added purple and white on the birds' wings and the rosettes. The interior is reserved (although covered with plaster on most of the fragments), apart from the upper parts of 13, 14 and 15, that are black (unevenly applied). 1) On the left, there is part of a naked male figure (thighs to toe), facing right and next to him there is the lowest part of another similar figure facing right. Below them, there is part of a black band. 2) There is part of the right part of the previous figure (chest to toe). On the right side of the fragment, there is a figure's forearms (projected to the left, the right hand holding a round object) and part of the right knee. 3) Part of a naked male figure, leaning to the left. Details with incisions and added red. 4) Part of a lions's paws and below it part of a broad, black band. 5) A male figure's thighs and part of a bird? (executed with incisions and added red). 6) The right part of the previous bird? and the right tibia of a male figure , facing left. 7) The thighs of a male figure facing right. On the left side of the fragment there is part of a black and red motif? 8) The upper part (chest to thighs) of a naked male figure, facing right. 9) Part of a male figure's thighs, facing right. 10) The previous figures lower part of legs and part of a black band. 11) The biggest part of a bird, executed with black, added red and incisions. 12) On the left, there is the rest of the previous bird. Next there is the lower part of a lion, executed with black, addeed red and incisions. Behind the lion, there is the lower part of another male figure (chest to feet), facing left and behind him there is part of a bird. 13) The upper part of a satyr (head to thighs), facing right. His hair and beard have been rendered in added red. 14) The lower part of the satyr, chasing a maenad on the right (her right leg is only visible). The details of her drapery are in red and her tibia is white. 15) The left left of the running maenad. On the right, another satyr chasing a maenad (lower part of the figures is visible). 16) Part of a broad, black band. 17. Bit of plaster.
78.12.2 Upper handle has five band incisions, lower has three, equal radiating bands along the shoulder disturbed by the nozzle and the handle. Discus is plain, slightly concave with a small central circular filling hole. Sides of nozzle incline and are slightly raised, forming a triangle of the back of the nozzle. Lower body is plain with smooth surface.
E.23.32 Jar perhaps coloured with a white wash. There is a purplish-brown band in the shape of a 2 x 2 grid around the shoulder and also in two bands around the neck. There are marks in this pigment elsewhere on the body, particularly around one of the handles. There are also concentric incisions, perhaps wheel marks.
E.23.40.1-4 One is a complete ring with an oblong panel on the top / front. The second piece is half a ring with what appears to be a crocodile (?) moulded on to the front. The third piece presumably was the top of the ring and is an oblong panel with incisions. All three are blue and glazed.
REDMG:1926.99.52 Daisy pattern on upper surface of rim; vertical bars on lip; crouching sphinx, profile to the left, on the body, with her feet curled down to the base, which is decorated with a 8 'pointed' star, surrounded by four 8-quadrant rosettes (five similar rosettes also in the field). Added colour (red) on the chest, wing, and underside of body. Incisions on figure and rosettes.
REDMG:1935.87.31B Lid: on the rim of the knob, black silhouetted triangles pointing outwards; below teh knob, black rays; four circles, the second and fourth red; round the edge below the animal zone a black band between two black lines; on the vertical rim a red band, and again a black band between lines. In the animal zone, on one side a palmette-lotus complex, flanked by a pair of sirens; on the other a siren flanked by a panther on the left and a lion on the right. Small incised circles on the body of teh panther, incisions on the lion. Field ornaments include rings of dots with or without a circle at the centre, scattered dots, amorphous and cruciform rosettes with incisions crossing at centre, rosettes with incisions forming small arcs facing away from the center. Some remains of added red on neck, breast, and tail of sphinxes, heart of palmette and petals of lotus. Inside of lid reserved.
REDMG:1951.130.1 Black band on interior, reaching to ca. 1.0 cm. below the lip; black neck and handle. Shoulder: reserved tongues, alternatively red and black at centre, on a black band (tongues extend partly over the upper ridge, on the right side). Body: komos comprised of eight nude male dancers with purple hair and incisions delineating hair, eyes, muscular and other bodily details; under handle, black column krater (decorated with two incised lines on shoulder, purple band and incised rays band between incised lines on body); in field between dancers, seven rosettes with single or double incised central circle and incised petals. Below, broad black band between two black lines; black rays emerge from base. Foot black on exterior, otherwise reserved.
REDMG:1953.25.23 Mouth black outside; reserved neck; black on exterior of handle; band of black vertical bars above band of black rays on shoulder. Body (at front, only): black line; two rows of black dots alternating with white dots; two black lines; figural scene. Body, below: black band, black line, broad black band, black line, black to foot and on top of foot; black band on lower part of concave element; otherwise reserved. Figural scene depicts a male figure wrestling a bull. The figures are flanked by trees with black and white fruits and thin vines. The hero’s clothes hang on the left tree and his quiver hangs above him. While this scene might depict either Herakles with the Cretan bull or Theseus with the (same) bull of Marathon, the incisions on the head covering (slightly stippled) suggest that this is a schematic rendering of Herakles’ lion-scalp helmet. Added white is used for the rendering of details such as fruit on trees, as well as the forepart of the bull, and his tail, while incision is used to indicate the drapery, quiver, and musculature of the hero, as well as his head covering. On attribution, cf. CVA Cambridge 1, pls. 22, 21.
REDMG:1953.25.25 Reserved neck; band of black vertical bars above a band of black rays on shoulder, extending to carination. Body: maeander to right (only at front), between two pairs of black lines; figural scene (front only); black band; black to foot and on top of foot, and top half of vertical surface of foot; otherwise reserved. Figural scene is of four seated figures, seemingly two women profile to right, the second playing a lyre, face a man reclining in 3/4-view to left on a kline (couch), with another female figure, profile to left, at his right. Dotted branches extend from the male figure (perhaps Dionysos) on either side. Added white for female flesh (faces) and fruit; incisions for drapery and fillets.
REDMG:1961.150.4 Glazed all over (so that fabric colour is indeterminate) and burnished to red (2.5YR 4/6) and black (GLEY 1 2.5/N). Linear ornament (incisions) on handle
REDMG:1997.209.4 Mouth black on inside, with reserved lip, black exterior; outer part of handle black but otherwise reserved; shoulder reserved with band of dots above a band of rays reaching to the carination. Body: band of fat palmettes, decorated with slender white lines arcing over the the palmettes, and incisions, alternating with long lotus petals, above a 'cable'; black band; reserved band; black zone in lowest part of body and upper part of foot; lower part of foot and underside reserved.
REDMG:2004.98.1 Black on interior and exterior of mouth; reserved upper lip; restored neck; handle black on exterior; shoulder: band of vertical bars above black rays pointing toward the carination. Body: double lotus-palmette frieze, bilaterally arranged, on either side of a 'chain' (row of dotted circles inscribing incised circles. Incisions also used for palmettes; attenuated white lines (side leaves of lotuses) arc over the palmettes. Below the main zone is a thin black band, a thick black band, and a black zone that extends to the top of the foot. The foot is also decorated with a black line at the lowest part of the vertical edge of the foot, and is reserved on the underside and resting surface.
TEMP.2003.2.1 Fragment with the head and torso of a figure, white marking on the figure's head. Quite deep incisions to outline the figure.
TEMP.2003.6.6 The interior is black, but there is a reserved band on the fragments that come from the vessel's rim (a, b, c, d), which also bear a reserved band on the upper internal side of the rim. a) The black colour appears streaky (it varies from reddish brown to brown) on the rim (interior and exterior), as well as on the handle. The colour of the decoration appears brown and reddish brown on some areas. There is a broad band that bears two palmettes (one on either side of the double handle), while the surface between the two springs is reserved. On the left side of the fragment there is the right part of a motif (front legs of horses?). Below, there is part of a black line. b) The rim is black. Below, there is the upper part of a charioteer, riding a chariot with four horses (part of them is preserved). Details of the horses have been rendered with incisions. c) The rim is black, however the black colour is uneven and leaves part of the right edge of the fragment's rim reserved. Underneath a thin, reserved line, there is a palmette and next to it part of the line that contoured the spring of the handle. d) The rim is black. Below, there is a female figure's head and in front of her (at the level of her face) there is part of a curving branch, with dots on either side (part of wreath?). e) Part of a palmette, a black line and a black band. f) There is a dot in the middle of the resting surface, contoured by a circle. There is also part of a wide, band, between thin lines, above which, there is a graffito? in the shape of X.
TEMP.2003.6.8 The interior is black, apart from a reserved line on the upper part of the rim. a) The rim bears a black band. Below, there is a palmette on the left of the fragment (an almost round centre from which emerge petal-shaped divisions), as well as part of a carelessly rendered curving line. On the left there is the right part of a figure next to three barnches with dots on either side. There are also four large dots on the background. b)The rim bears a black band. The rest of the surface appears to be reserved. c)The rim bears a black band. On the right side there is the largest part of a palmette (round center, rendered with added red and petal-shaped divisions). There is part of a black line that contoured the handle (partially covered with adhesives and plaster). On the left, there is another figure (carelessly rendered, between three similar branches (on the right) and part of an (undecipherable) object that consists of black colour, incisions and added red colour. There are also four large dots on the background. d) The rim bears a black band. There is part of the object on the left side of c and on its left there is part of a black dot. e) On the left side there is part of a curving line with a voluted ending (tendril?), which is connected to a palmette (voluted, with round center and petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is an object that consists of three parts. The upper is round and the details are rendered with incisions and added red, the middle part is a small dotted branch and the lowest part is a short, vertical, thin band (thyrsos?). From its middle part emerges another dotted branch. There are five large dots on the background. On the right side of the fragment there is the left part (small part) of a figure? (carelessly rendered). f) The part of the lowest body that is preserved bears the terminations of palmettes? depicted on the body (short, clumsily rendered bands are preserved). There is also a reserved thin line between two broad brown bands. The foot is also brown and so is the inner sude surface of the foot. The rest is reserved, with the exception of five thin, concentric circles on the base. g) The fragment bears the lowest part of a palmette (the left volute and part of the round center)on the left and part of the reserved area between the two brown bands.
TEMP.2003.7.34 Interior painted in black. Exterior has a black and purple decoration in the centre. The purple is in the shape of a cemi-circle, with black around it which has small incisions. The black at the top is almost in a knot-like shape. The clay is a red-brown.
temp.2022.7.2 the upper part of the body is decorated with sinous and concentric incisions
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