Ure Museum Database

There are 93 objects for which Decoration contains → horse
14.9.79 exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of possibly a horse (only haunch and hind leg remaining), to right
14.9.80 exterior: top and right, black frame or panel; in panel black-figure decoration consisting of horse (only part of mane with added red and part of right ear remaining), to right. The other side is reserved.
14.9.84 Interior: reserved band below junction of bowl and lip; below, glazed black; exterior: lip glazed with thin reserved line at join with bowl; below, black figure decoration consisting of horseback riders (only head including mane and reins, neck and breast with added red, shoulder and upper forelegs of one horse and tail of second remaining), to right; at far right, possibly incised pinwheel rosette as filling ornament;
14.9.85 Interior black and glazed. Exterior is black above the scene of a youth riding a horse. Only top third of horse is visible. Added red on hair, horses mane, tail and flank.
14.9.91 Bearded man riding horse at left, dark featureless figure at right.
2007.10.1.12 Naked man with a club trying to knock person off a lunging horse
2007.10.1.17 Man fighting big animal (possibly horse) with tree in background (on right hand side) Cast Number 81
2007.10.2.103 Man riding a horse. Under the horse is a wild boar which the man looks to be trying to spear.
2007.10.2.109 2 male figures and a horse. The men are shaking hands and both carry staffs.
2007.10.2.112 Animal fight. It appears to be a horse being attacked by wolves.
2007.10.2.128 Winged Child riding a horse. Profile facing right.
2007.10.2.154 Warrior on horse-back. He is carrying a long spear and an oval shield and wears a cape. The horse is standing on its two back legs.
2007.10.2.172 3 heads: ram, horse, bull
2007.10.2.173 3 heads: ram, horse, bull
2007.10.2.174 A depiction of the wooden horse entering Troy.
2007.10.2.176 A horse, profile facing left
2007.10.2.287 A horse galloping.
2007.10.2.303 Possible battle scene, containing five horses and two men, figure to the far left(only wearing a cloak) is on horse back and figure to the right is falling from a chariot (naked), pot at the bottom with contents spilling out, possible bird to its left
2007.10.2.311 A large female figure reclines in the centre of the scene. She is dressed in robes and is wearing either a helmet or a cap (Phyrigian cap?). Her left arm is resting on a disembodied (bearded male) head and her left hand holds a staff which rests against her upper-arm or shoulder. Beneath the large female figure and to the left of the male head are two shapes which possibly represent boats or ships. These shapes might indicate that the portion of the scene below the female figure is in fact a river or the sea. In turn this might suggest that the disembodied head is emerging from the water (possibly identifying it as a river god). To the left of the scene a very small figure appears to be presenting the large female figure with something, possibly a basket or urn. A slightly larger figure, leaning on a stick, looks on from beneath a tree. Above the very small figures head are two animals (presumably intended to appear to be further off in the background). One at least of these animals is certainly a horse. To the right of the large female figure's head there is a representation of a stag. At the top of the scene in a central position are three shapes. It is unclear exactly what these are (possibly huts or houses of some description?).
2007.10.2.334 Naked woman riding on the back of a half horse half sea serpent, holding a trumpet.
2007.9.1.64 Displays a man inspecting the foot of a horse, possibly re-shoeing it.
2007.9.1.74 Displays a winged horse.
2007.9.1.75 Displays a four-legged creature, possibly feline (a lion) or canine or a horse.
2007.9.1.81 Displays an abstract winged creature, possibly a horse or a cat.
2007.9.1.84 Displays the poorly defined figure of a horse with its head bowed.
2007.9.1.89 Displays a man riding a horse.
2007.9.1.90 Displays a man riding a horse, both poorly defined.
2007.9.3.124 Man with a shield defending himself against a man on a horse.
2008.2.1.65 A group of six figures. In the centre of the image are three figures, an older male figure who is seated; there is a female figure to either side of him. The female figure to the left is embracing the seated male. To the left of this central group is a young man holding the reins of a horse, which is on the extreme left of the image. To the extreme right of the image are two elderly male figures standing in the background. There is a temple in the background.
2009.10.1.15 Naked male figure swinging a club or sword, with a horse rearing either side and a man and a horse laying on the floor. Possibly Hercules and the Mares of Diomedes. Cast Number - 962
2009.10.1.4 Left side view of galloping horse and male figure with spear. Cast Number - 951
2009.10.2.282 Male figure wearing a helmet and holding a spear, leading a horse through a doorway or between pillars. Number 72
2009.10.2.346 The image shows the left side of a man making a statue, which has a head and a torso. There is a sheep looking on from the left and a horse looking on from the right. Number 2
2009.10.2.355 Winged horse, Pegasus (?) . Number 11
2009.10.2.356 Winged horse, Pegasus (?). Number 12
2009.10.2.357 Winged horse, Pegasus (?). Number 13
2009.10.2.358 Winged horse, Pegasus (?) number 14
2009.10.2.381 Seated semi-nude bearded male with a female figure on the left leaning over him with her hands on his shoulders. A male figure with his left hand raised and leading a horse is on the left of the figures, and a standing female figure on the right holding drapery. There is a temple behind the figures and a tree on either side, with two bearded male figures under the right-hand tree. Number 37
2009.10.2.67 Zeus is sitting with a sceptre, within a temple. There are 2 columns on either side of Zeus and the pediment is adorned with an eagle and a man riding a horse on the top. Number 67
2009.8.122 A warrior from behind sitting on a horse, holding a spear and wearing a helmet. Cast number: 66
2009.8.172 A woman sitting on the back of creature that is half horse and half serpent. Cast number: 26
2009.8.182 A naked man with a trident behind a woman also holding a trident, riding on a horse. Maybe Poseidon and Amphitrite. In front of the horse Eros. Cast number: 36
2009.8.184 A man with a stick in his hand and a wreath in his wavy hair, meeting a man with a horse. Cast number: 38
2009.8.191 Profile of a woman with a helmet with a winged horse on it, looking left. Probably Athena Inscription on the left side. Cast number: 45
2009.8.273 Two naked man, holding a stick, each standing on one side. In the middle a horse, above it a crescent moon. Cast number: 4
2009.8.32 A winged horse with a man on its back. Maybe Pegasus with Bellerophon. There is also an inscription on the bottom. Cast number: 11
2009.8.94 A winged horse. Maybe Pegasus. Cast number: 38
2009.9.129 A boy with wings holding a stick riding a horse. Cast number: 63
2009.9.130 A young man with wings holding a whip/stick riding a horse or lama. Cast number: 64
2009.9.142 A naked winged man is riding a sea-horse (horse torso, serpent body). Cast number: 76
2009.9.143 A naked winged child riding a sea-horse (horse torso, serpent body). Cast number: 77
2009.9.176 A young naked man wearing a cloak, holding the reins of a horse with wings standing next to him. There is a tree on the right side. Maybe Perseus and Pegasus. Cast number: 11
2009.9.177 A horse with wings grazing next to a tree. Probably Pegasus. Cast number: 12
2009.9.194 A naked man wearing a cloak around his shoulders, standing next to a horse which has a little figure on his head. Cast number: 29
2009.9.271 A naked man sitting on a rock holding a shield, behind him a horse. On his left side a tree and next to his feet lies his armour. Cast number: 9
2009.9.272 A naked man sitting on rock or stool, behind him a horse. Cast number: 10
2023.11.1 Cast of horse hea. Horse made to look stressed with pinned-back ears, gaping jaw, flared nostrils, and bulging eyes and veins. The original is part of the sculptures in the east pediment of the Parthenon showed the birth of Athena from the head of her father Zeus, a momentous event witnessed by the gods. The corners of this pediment were filled with the chariots of Helios and Selene, the gods of the sun and moon, this horse is one of Selene's. The original is now in the British Museum.
22.9.8 Horse and rider - man (?monkey). Solid. Clay pinkish, decorated in black stripes, both vertical and horizontal on horse. Man has a band round waist, arms and back. The top of his head is black.
23.4.1 Black inside, with 8 ivy leaves reserved on rim joined by a stem and with groups of white berries. At the base of the inside is a stamped pattern of 5 linked palmettes around a horse shoe pattern with ovules inside, and there are ovules around the outside between bands. Side A is a youth with discus and athlete holding aryballos and side B is an athlete and youth with a discus hanging on the wall. Below each handle is a group of three palmettes. Moulded ridge above foot, which is black all over. Base is reserved in centre with three black bands, two broad and one narrow.
26.12.11 Inside black with reserved line round lip and reserved disk with one black circle in the bottom. Handle is black on top and reserved underneath. Outer surface, from top to bottom has black band, ivy leaves, black band, inverted ivy leaves, two black bands, main design, three black bands, broad black band, three narrow bands, red and black alternating bars, black band, red ridge, black foot. The main design is similar both sides of Amazons fleeing a quadriga (four horse chariot). Four sphinxes, facing handles, one each side. Horses are black with detail in red and white. Lower part of side of foot reserved, as is resting surface. Inner foot ring black with base reserved except for a central dot and two rings in black.
26.12.16 Probably Kleinmeister type. Forepart of horse?, woman to right in mantle decorated with purple, white and incisions, facing man to left in black mantle. Lower part only of figures preserved. Below a black band. Interior is black.
26.2.3 exterior: inside ring hole, traces of black; around ring hole, traces of narrow and wide painted black concentric bands with incised lines across the wide bands; around edge, black-figure decoration consisting of horse riders (only incision marks and traces of black remaining) to left;
26.2.4 On top of mouth frieze of dots between narrow black bands; dots on edge; horizontal strokes between narrow black bands down outside of handle; ring hole painted black; around ring hole, wide and narrow black bands with incision lines; around edge, black-figure decoration;consisting of horse riders (only incision marks of horse's head and traces of black remaining) to left;
26.2.92 pale red slip; interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of animal frieze to left (hindlegs and part of belly of one deer or horse and legs and feet of winged creature); below, wide painted black band with added red band lined in white; cruciform rosette as filling ornament.
26.2.95 interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of possible warrior scene (left thigh and right leg of warrior lunging to left; one hind leg and part of hoof from foreleg of horse in the foreground, to right).
26.2.97 exterior: on shoulder, trace of tendril decoration; below junction of shoulder and body, triple dot band between pairs of narrow black bands; below, black-figure decoration consisting of horse (top of head with ear and mane with added red remaining) to right.
29.11.1 Mouth black inside and out with a reserved rim. Neck and underside of single curved handle are reserved. Shoulder has bars at base of neck with a ring of lotus buds on edge - circular mistake between rows. Thin black band around edge of shoulder. Body design has two men each leading a horse to right. Both wear cloaks, first helmet, second petasos. Red for beards, manes, tails and peytrels. White on helmet and design on horses, but badly faded. Black band followed by reserved band, then black stem. Disk foot is black on top but reserved on the edge with a flat, reserved base with a central circular concave section.
29.11.6 The vessel is divided in three horizontal zones by lines of unequal width. There are also very thin, vertical lines at the sides of and beneath the handles. A (above): A youth (servant?), making a gesture as if offering something (perhaps a branch, which extends from the servant's wrist) to a bearded, draped man (possibly Dionysos), at centre. He holds a large kantharos and leans against a rock. Behind him is another youth, who is perhaps supporting the rock. On either side of the scene there are palmettes that seem to have sprung from the handles. B (above): Similar to side A, except that the man reclines on a couch, and the vessel is offered to him by a (servant?) woman in front of him. The youth behind him looks to the left. The scene is framed vertically on both sides by a series of dots as well as the same palmettes as on side A. A-B (below): A band of palmettes, every second one inverted; two lines; a band of of tongues; reserved band. Base black, with black concentric circles on the underside. Interior: reserved band within lip. At centre, tondo decorated with the winged horse, Pegasus, advancing to the right.
31.6.1 Inside is black with a reserved band around rim and a central reserved circle with a black band and a black dot in the centre. Two rounded handles, black on the top and reserved underneath. Offset rim, is black and a small ridge separates this from the first bands of lotus and palmettes linked by chains with dots between. Below this is a band with group of narrow bands either side. Next band has animals (panther and horse / deer / goat / boar) some standing, some sitting and some appear to be fighting. Finally there is a red band with a group of black bands either side. Final band has rays, alternately oblique and outlined. Bands then red band around top of stem and black foot on top and side. Resting surface is reserved and the base is conical with a black band around rim.
34.10.9 Glaze fired red except around mouth and in patches on body. Two grooves below lip. One each side of moulding at base of neck and two round top of body, with glaze rubbed off. On shoulder incised horse shoes. Below shoulder on body two groves.
38.4.7 Inside is reserved with black rim inside and with crosses on the outside. Handle has horizontal bars and crosses. On neck, grazing horse with degenerate long-legged bird between each pair of legs. From shoulder to base bands, lozenge and other ornaments in the field, flanked by vertical lines, slanting bars and horizontal zigzags. Horizontal handles, attached halfway down body, decorated with vertical bars. Lower part of base is black to foot. Base is concave and reserved.
45.10.25 fragments of horse and two people
46.9.2 Ivy wreath on rim, dots on ridge below. Decoration on main body consists of an ivy wreath with dots in between ivy leaves. Below: one band of horse shoes, one band of dots, and one band of curved lines. Below is black to the foot, which has one reserved line. Base reserved but with two thin black concentric lines around a small circle in the centre.
47.6.1 The Gorgon Medusa, in both shoulder panels. Area under handles is black. Side A: Achilles on black horse, alongside a red horse with an attendant riding on black horse behind. Troilos lies on ground. Side B: Achilles carrying Troilos toward alter made of bricks with incised lines (the altar might also be interpreted as a fountainhouse). Shrub in front of altar (fountainhouse) Pictures are in red, black, white with detail incised. Below shoulder zone are red and black chevron-palmettes; below this, animal frieze with goats, panther, winged creature and lion. Triangles radiating from base, foot is black and base reserved. Zones separated by bands.
51.4.1 The top surface of the rim is reserved (but glazed), however, the side one bears a black meander pattern. Neck: at the left side there is the front part of a horse (head and two feet) and the right leg (thigh to toe) of the horse-rider, with incisions for detail (denoting also the bridle) and added white. At the other end there are two men, one behind the other. The fragment's termination is at the level of their knees. The first one (right end) has extended his arms, as if being a charioteer. Besides, the back part of the chariot can be seen over his white chiton. The stephane on his hair is executed with red. The black, male figure at the same level behind him makes a gesture as if holding something (invisible). He is wearing a short chiton and he is probably on the chariot too. Interior: There is a red, thin band at the rim and the rest of the surface is black.
51.4.11 Glaze is dark brown, sometimes with a reddish hue. Glazed on rim, neck (interior and exterior), handles, at junction of body and stand, and on exterior of foot. Cartoon-ish black-figure scenes on body and stand, with incised detail. Body, side A: Legless horseman, with arms spread on either side, to right on a horse held by a bearded man in a short tunic, with a dagger at his right side, who stands to his left. Behind him stands another bearded man wearing a short tunic, who holds a branch in his outstretched right hand, and bends his left arm at his side. Body, side B: Another legless horseman advances to the right, also with arms outstretched, on a horse, galloping towards a bearded, male figure, wearing a long tunic, who stands profile to the left. Stand, side A: Two confronting water birds, with 3 flecks behind the right water bird. Stand, side B: Two male figures in profile to the right, with a dagger at his left side; the second figure, who is shorter, seems to be bound.
51.4.2 The top surface of the rim is reserved (but glossed), however the side bears a black meander pattern. The scene consists of two chariots, the left one with three horses (below their knees the piece is missing) and the right one with four (only two of the heads remain). The left hand side charioteer is not visible, however it is obvious that he was holding and stretching the bridle. The upper part of the chariot is also visible. The second charioteer wears white chiton and red stephane (fillet) on the head and his chariot is visible. Each figure has incisions around its edges, as well as for the depiction of details. Some parts of the horse bodies are emphasized by added red colour. Body: The surface is black. The interior of the neck and body is also black, apart from a red band at the top of the rim.
51.4.6 A, top: Horse grazing: white on mare, purple on body. A, below: Foot-race. Youth central, purple hair, parts of two others. Interior: reserved line inside rim. Part of border of large medallion: double row of dots between two
51.7.1 Black handle, mouth, neck and back of body. Around shoulder at front is a tongue pattern. Below is main design of a nude youth riding a horse to the left, white for reins and thinned glaze for black detail. Below is meander strip broken by two crosses (white on black). Black to base.
51.7.16 Black mouth inside out, except for reserved top surface of the rim, exterior of handles, interior reserved and underside of the foot black; Between the handles are double (mirrored) lotus-enclosed palmette friezes, enclosed between red lines. Below the ridge at the base of the neck are alternating red and black tongues. Beneath each handle is a vegetal design comprised of three lotus buds, each arranged at right angles to each other, so that their stems form a diamond that encircles a dot, yet extend to four palmettes (two above and two below) that flank the figural zone. Beneath the figural zone is a series of friezes: two lines; a maeander (Greek key) to left; two lines; a frieze of upright leaves interlinked by arcuated stems; two lines; rays extending from the base. The preserved part of the base is entirely black. Side A shows a quadriga (four horse chariot) wheeling around, so that the front of the horses seem to pass a crouching warrior holding out a spear at a near horizontal. The helmeted charioteer holds a large shield. Side B shows a helmeted warrior, standing between two attendants. The warrior holds a shield with a lion-head sema, wears a chlamys, and holds a pair of spears at right angles. The (male) onlookers, both bearded, wear himatia that enclose their arms, and each holds a staff upright. Detail is incised on both designs. Top of foot and side are black and the underneath is concave and black. Added red on horses' manes and the contour of the shield.
83.11.2 Part of body of horse, with one leg and part of tail. Traces of white and red paint.
83.11.3 Part of leg of horse, painted with black horizontal bars.
83.11.4 Part of leg of horse. Traces of white paint.
83.11.5 Part of leg of horse. Painted with horizontal stripes in reddish-brown.
87.2.1 Horse decorated with white slip on pale orange, with dark red (for black?) stripes on chest, legs, mane, tail, and harness. Head and mouth of the horse shows representation of bridle, with thin horizontal bands down the neck representing the mane. There are two horizontal bands around the main torso of the horse. Horizontal bands also decorate the legs, chest and tail of the horse figurine. Front legs are slightly projected forward, as are the rear legs backwards. The legs are straight and disproportionately long compared to the head and torso.
L.2005.7.5 Obv: Youth restraining bull. Rev: Bridled horse galloping, in incuse square.
L.2016.3.27 Obverse: ?, reverse: one person (barely discernible) is riding a horse to the right
REDMG:1935.87.19 Traces of four (?) bands on mouth and three lines on handle. Tongues on shoulder with two bands below. Main design (starting from below handle going left to right) a human (?) figure on a horse facing right, a lion biting the foot of a warrior who is defending himself with shield, a large creature (possibly a panther), and a man. These pictures are all incised. Dots and rosettes incised with asterisks in field. Five bands around base.
REDMG:1953.25.77 Ovoid or tongue mouldings on the shoulder, not no the areas covered by the nozzle volutes or the area of the handle. Discus is surrounded by four concentric moulded rings, the filling hole is surrounded by three concentric moulded rings. The nozzles have on their outer edges large volutes, these terminate at the body with horse heads instead of the usual ? the termination by the tip is in the usual form. Within the base are three concentric moulded rings with a small nodule at the centre. Red glaze all over
REDMG:1953.25.91 Figure on a horse, moulded both back and front. On back can be seen a circular shield. The front shows the horses mane and the figures face. Red coarse clay with flecks of white. Hole completely through nose of horse perhaps for suspension(?). Horse has two legs, each with a concave base.
TEMP.2003.7.44 One broad band with horse shoe pattern, beneath diamond to the right with rope pattern in the centre, to either side, floral pattern-leaf.
TEMP.2003.7.47 Obverse: head of Augustus Caesar, facing right, wearing a laurel wreath. Reverse: a man riding a horse and holding a sword.
TEMP.2007.3.51 Obverse: head of Roma, no text, very ornate; Reverse: Dioscuri riding a horse, second horse and rider behind, stars above and below horse there is barley;
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