Ure Museum Database

There are 122 objects for which Decoration contains → half
14.9.15 Part of base and side of vessel with a white core. The interior surface is pink. Exterior surface is white with horizontal stripes on right half in red, and red line at base of side all on a white slip. What is the base is apparently reserved.
14.9.29 Pink surface with white slip on each side. Linear decoration in red. Outside is horizontally striped and inside is half red with half the surface with white diagonal stripes. The fragment is a middle piece as there are no finished edges.
14.9.82 Head and part of body of woman and siren, both facing left. Shapeless rosettes in field. Red for hair, breast and base of wing of siren and large spot of breast of woman. On top of the rim there are two uneven rows of black dots. The interior is black with a red band along the bottom half of the fragment.
2003.7.16 Curved fragment with rim and stump of handle suggests it was a bowl or cup due to how it open it appears as a shape. The interior is painted entirely in black, with a hint of red (fading?) near the top. The exterior has two black bands, one on the rim and one below the rim which also covers the handle stump. Beneath the handle there is a strip of faded white paint, followed by a red/dark brown stripe, then the rest is white with a thin horizontal black line and possible a thicker vertical black line dividing the white decoration in half.
2003.7.22 Possibly top part of a bowl/jug due to smooth edge of rim and the way it curves half way down. The interior side is painted in black. The exterior has the top half painted in white, with two lines of small black dots parellel to each other at the edges of the white paint. There are two dark brown/faded blakc parellel lines which have two black squares at either end of them. There is a narrow red line beneath the white, with a black area beneath that. The clay is quite smooth.
2003.7.24 Possibly the top of a jar/bowl due to the smooth edge at the top and way it is curved at the middle. The interior is painted black, with a smooth surface similar to the exterior. The exterior is half painted in white, with narrow, parellel lines of black dots or bands, and a black square inbetween two black lines. There is a line of dark red below this, followed by an overlap of white then a black area.
2003.7.26 Probably part of a jar due to the way the bottom of the fragment juts out at an angle - possibly the body of the jar. The interior is painted black/dark red, although most has rubbed off. The top half of the exterior has been painted white (barely visible), with parallel lines of small black dots, and black squares in between these two lines. The rest of the fragment is painted black.
2004.10.2 Part of a female figure, half draped, seated profile to the right, reaching to the left with a wreath; vegetal ornament.
2004.8.1 Lower half of a man leaning on staff, partially visible palmette, thick black band with a horizontal incision. Unknown black objects on the left side.
2006.12.15 One half of outside is grey lines on a white surface, in an unidentifiable pattern; Other half is hatched grey lines on white paint with brown spots in centre and red band just visible at very edge of fragment; all decoration appear faded
2007.1.10.40 Naked man sitting down with his arm on a half crouching woman
2007.10.2.107 Male figure holding a bow. To his right is a column with the bottom half in the shape of a female.
2007.10.2.146 Male figure reclining on a carrage, surrounded by winged children one pushing the wheel, the other holding reigns and a whip, the third being embraced by the male figure, who is half naked. A tree trunk on the fair right of the cast, with branches stretching above the figures.
2007.10.2.149 Bearded male seated figure in front of a pillar, half naked, learning towards a young male figure emerging from a vase.
2007.10.2.167 Bottom half of a female head, in profile facing left.
2007.10.2.198 Europa being abducted by the bull (Zeus) the image is cut in half
2007.10.2.200 A half naked seated woman playing with Cupid
2007.10.2.264 Two figures, a half-nude female seated, with her hand outstretched toward Eros, who is half hovering in the air before her, his arms outstretched towards her hand as if reaching for her. She is possibly Aphrodite.
2007.10.2.334 Naked woman riding on the back of a half horse half sea serpent, holding a trumpet.
2007.10.2.500 Cast is very worn, figure appears to be half man and half of the sea, holding a trumpet in his left and and a net in his right. Posiibly Posiedon
2007.10.2.97 2 figures, 1 of which appears to be half man and half snake. The hybrid seems to be carrying the other figure. To the left is an inscription.
2007.2.114 Half of one side is covered in a plain black glaze.
2007.4.130 On one side, light red on the botom half and dark red on the other half. On the other side, a pale red background with evidence of a darker red pattern
2007.4.220 Two lines of a wave-like pattern, followed by two further straight lines. Completely gone from half the fragment
2007.4.222 Three black lines going vertically, joined on the bttom half by three black lines going horizontally
2007.4.84 Outer surface half reddy brown, half black
2007.7.1A-S Rim (A-D) has tongues on the top, a design with dots and traigular shapes on the sides, with palmettes below; Side A (H-K) shows a symposion, with a bearded man (Dionysos?) and possibly the hoof of a satyr; Side B (L-N) shows a battle. A, B, C: Rim with tongues, side design and palmettes below; D: Rim with tongues and side design, no palmettes below; E: Fragment from just below the rim with the palmette design; F: Fragment from below the rim, all black with part of a palmette on the lower left; G: Black on both sides; H: Head and shoulders of a bearded man(Dionysos?) with the circle and triangular motif running vertically on the right; I: Arm and torso of the bearded man on the upper part, on the lower part there is another object which could be his couch; J: Left half is black, right half contains an unclear section of the symposion scene; K: Drapery, most likely from the symposion scene, with a drinking horn in the lower right corner and possibly the hoof of a satyr; L: Top half of the battle scene, with a nude man holding a spear, and probably a tree running vertically along the left side. The scene is bounded by the circle and triangle design; M: Lower half of L, with the lower body of the nude man, drapery on the left side; N: Leg of the nude man, with the lower part of the tree running vertically on the left; O-P: Plain black; Q: Black, with part of the circle and triangle design; R: Black, with part of a design on the top; S: Base, tongue design
2007.9.1.110 Displays a modern style lion on its hind legs (although only the top half is visible) holding a cross with a large crown above its head. Surrounded by a simple lined border.
2007.9.1.33 Displays a very fine image of a half naked woman, her lower half draped in cloth, standing next to a pedestal and carrying a spherical object.
2007.9.1.35 Displays a half naked woman holding a mirror, possibly Aphrodite.
2007.9.1.53 Displays the figure of a half naked woman, facing left, holding a staff and possibly a basket.
2007.9.1.88 Displays the front view of four horses, with the top half of a human figure appearing above them, altogether possibly representing a four-horse chariot.
2007.9.1.93 Displays a lion, the front half of its body lowered, surrounded by a simple lined border
2007.9.1.95 Displays the front view of two horses, with the top half of a human figure above them, altogether showing a two-horse chariot.
2007.9.2.29 Displays a half naked woman, her right arm held up, obscuring most of her head, holding a small jug in the same hand, and a cup in the left. (Box Index = Head of Hebe).
2007.9.2.6 Displays a mostly naked woman, her lower half draped in cloth, who is seated and holding the right arm of a cherub standing in front of her. A small flowering plant, a bee and two birds are also visible. (Box Index = Venus with crying Cupid who has been stung by a bee). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 6
2007.9.2.7 Displays a winged man, crouching down on one knee, a quiver of arrows on his back and a bow at his feet are visible, whilst a woman reclines on the ground, only her lower half covered in cloth, resting her upper body agaist his knee. (Box Index = Amore e Psiche or Love and Psyche). Box 5, Layer 1, Gem 7
2008.2.1.95 An active scene with at least 9 discernible male figures. There are two figures on a raised platform on the far left, one standing wearing armour and the other seated wearing robes. In front of them is a gathering of men, some wearing armour, some only wearing the lower half of their armour, and one, possibly two, who is naked carrying a shield. There appears to be a robed shorter figure among them, possibly a child or adolescent. In the background the outline of a columned building can be seen.
2008.7.143 Exterior: greyish wash, 3 narrow, non-parallel ridges towards top half of fragment.
2008.7.22 Exterior is half natural baked color, half brown. Four parralel brown and reddish-brown horizontal lines overpainted of uniform thickness (ca. 0.1), one on brown half and three on natural half. Interior dark-brown or black glaze, nine brown and reddish-brown overpainted parallel horizontal lines of varying thickness.
2008.7.34 Exterior glazed black overpainted by five horizontal parallel lines on the bottom half of the fragment. Three are brown, two are beige. The colors alternate. Interior glazed black.
2008.9.13 Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: wide greyish-black band overpainted, taking up roughly half the exterior. Above this is a narrower parallel strip of unfinished terracotta containing 14 small dots in a horizontal line towards the top if it. And above this, half of another parallel band overpainted in greyish-black is present.
2008.9.15 Interior: greyish-black wash with a band of unfinished terracotta running parallel to longest edge of fragment. Several narrowly and irregularly spaced parallel horizontal lines overpainted on the wash and unfinished section. Exterior: greyish-black wash overpainted, covering roughly half of exterior of fragment. Next to this is a band of unfinished terracotta bordered above and below by parallel lines overpained in a brownish-red colour.
2008.9.28 Interior: greyish-black wash covers half of the interior, the other half is left unfinished. Exterior: A wide pinkish-red strip is overpainted across the centre of the exterior. Above this is the remains of a parallel greyish-black line with 4 greyish black vertical lines attached to it. Below are 2 unfinshed circles, bordered by a greyish-black outline.
2008.9.3 Exterior: back half of a quadraped animal is painted black with ribs, muscles, and tail inscribed on the object but unpainted. Animal is standing on a thin black line, below which is a thick black line. One other thin black line above the animal, and various round black decorations underneath the animal but above the black line base.
2008.9.40 One side is completely covered in a plain black glaze. On the other side, half the fragment is covered in a plain black glaze.
2008.9.42 One side of the fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze. On the other side, half of the fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze.
2008.9.9 Interior: reddish-brown wash. Exterior: reddish-brown wash. One half of fragment forms a horizontal raised lip with 2 vertical narrow ridges within this at 90 degrees.
2009.10.1.12 Zeus seated and half clothed, wearing a helmet or sun rays, holding a staff in his right hand and a club in his left. Cast Number - 959
2009.8.172 A woman sitting on the back of creature that is half horse and half serpent. Cast number: 26
2009.9.161 A naked winged child, with a quiver hanging over his shoulder, a bow lying next to his feet, embracing a half naked woman wearing a robe. Maybe Cupid and Psyche. Cast number: 95
2009.9.164 A naked man with wings, a quiver and a bow are lying next to his feet, is kissing a winged half naked woman. Inscription on the right side. Cast number: 98
2009.9.165 A naked boy with wings is embracing and kissing a winged half naked girl. Cast number: 99
2009.9.198 A naked winged boy or statue standing on a rostrum with an inscription. On the left side are a half naked satyr who is touching the statues arm and a woman who is touching its wings. On the right side is a warrior but might also be female. Cast number: 33
2009.9.218 A creature half woman, half bird playing the lyre. In the left corner, there is a star. Cast number: 53
2009.9.237 Profile of a man with short hair. Only the upper half of his face is still visible. Cast number: 77
2009.9.25 Profile of a man wearing an aureole and some kind of wear. The top of his cloak can be seen, looking right. There is a "C" or a half moon on the right side. Cast number: 39
2009.9.31 A monster with an eagle's head, a man's chest and two serpents instead of legs, holding a shield and a scepter. There is a star and a half moon on its right side. There is also a star underneath it. Cast number: 45
2009.9.33 A naked man with wings and a crown, holding two spears in his right hand. There are two stars on his right side and a half moon on his upper left side. He is standing in a skiff. Cast number: 47
2009.9.36 A naked man wearing an aureole, holding a scepter, standing next to a fire. There is a half moon on the left side. Cast number: 50
2009.9.70 A herme with the torso of a satyr with an erect penis, an ecstatically dancing half naked woman holding a puppet or little man playing the flute in a hand. On her right side a small man sitting in some kind of basket playing another musical instrument. Cast number: 3
2009.9.71 An ecstatic dancing half naked woman turned to a herme of a satyr. Cast number: 4
22.3.2 Inside is black apart from reserved rim. Two oblong handles, black on top and reserved underneath. Black rim runs around outside of the rim which is slightly offset. Main design is a satyr and maenad with tree between flanked by palmettes. Thin black band and black stem. Foot is black on top and reserved side. Resting surface is reserved and inside is half black and half reserved. Small central dot and circle.
22.3.4 Glaze fired partly to red and partly to greyish-black. Inside is reserved. Two high, curved handles black on top and reserved below. Under handles are crosses between pairs of vertical lines. On each side are four palmettes standing on four larger, inverted palmettes all joined with a chian and half a palmette at each end. In some areas are groups of very short incised vertical grooves. Below pattern are three bands and then black (faded to red) to foot and including top and side of foot. Resting surface is reserved as is base.
22.9.4 Top half of cup glazed black; bottom half and inside red. Inside has 2 discoloured patches.
26.12.15 Inside is black with a reserved line halfway down rim and a reserved centre circle with a black band and a central dot. The rim is vertical and offset slightly. Two handles are black all over. Outside design, from top to bottom is, black rim, lotus bud and dots linked with chain, black band with narrower bands either side, alternating buds and dots slighlty diagonal, black band with narrower bands either side, rays. At top is a red ridge that then leads to a ribbed and reserved stem. The lower half is black as is the top of the foot and the side. The foot has a thicker ridge around the edge resulting in a channel effect going all the way around it. The resting surface and conical base are reserved apart from the inner ring of the foot which is black.
26.12.27 The inside is streaky black, the outside is unpainted except the ledge at the bottom of the body which is streaky black. The flange supports the lid. The lid fits over the body to rest on the flange. The top of the lid is also flanged. From the middle of this flange rises a cut-off, grooved cone. The main surface of the lid is decorated with a streaky glaze with a repetitive pattern: two reserved vertical lines followed by a reserved oval. This seems to have been repeated around the whole body but one half of the glaze/pattern is missing.
26.2.21 white slip; interior: black; exterior: at left, a part of springing goat (only underbelly remaining) to left; decorative motif consisting of half pin-wheel rosette and part of one spoked rosette and a cross as filling ornament; below, frieze of dots between two wide black bands with added red band lined in white.
26.2.22 white slip; interior black with added red band lined in white; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of feline (hind claw, belly, and right forleg joint remaining) to right; half pinwheel rosette and one splinter rosette as filling ornament; below, maeander frieze between wide black bands; at bottom of sherd, tips of possible tongues or dot frieze. Rough drill hole.
26.2.24A-B Interlaced black lotuses and palmettes with details in red and incision, bordered above and below by two lines of thinned black less than a half centimeter apart, on yellowish buff ground. Underneith the second red line on the bottom there are three .1 width lines, with the bottom line bleeding into a broad black zone which contains two 2 thin .5 width red bands .5 apart from each other, the first starting immediately under the last of the three small black lines, while everything underneith and between the red lines is black. Inside black.
26.2.68 Exterior white with one small red/brown section of a pattern at the highest point and one thick almost 1 red/brown line abour half way from the top. Interior is black/brown with a pair(?) of thin faded white lines 0.5 cm from the top edge; below, a repeating pattern of black teardrops, and below that a pattern of white lotus buds interspliced with red dots.
26.7.4 Top of mouth one thick and four thin bands. Dots appear on side. Four horizontal lines appear on the handle. Daisy pattern on shoulder and below that three bands. Three warriors marching right in snowstorm, spears sloping forwards. Shield of central warrior blazoned with flying bird, other two divided vertically, one half red and the other brown. All figures and shields are incised. Six bands down to base.
27.4.5 Black band round rim. Handles also have a black gaze, but only on their upper half. Inside the bowl are two seperate thick black bands. On the outside are two more black bands, though roughly half the width of the first, starting just below the handles. The smallest ridge on the foot is glazed as an extention of the band that surrounds it. Heavy fabric.
28.9.1 Black inside rim but reserved in body. Neck is black. Shoulder is reasonably flat and has red and black tongues above a combat scene of seven warriors. Incised white and added red detail. Two horizontal handles all black, as is back of body. Front has panel belween two rows of ivy leaves. Scene is of horses and warriors facing right. Warriors are not mounted on horses but stood behind. Below this is a panel showing a lion facing a boar between palmettes. Bands above and below this. Black band to rays at foot. Side of foot is black half way with bottom half reserved. Base reserved.
34.10.10 Around the base of the neck is a string of tiny round impressions. Below handle are twenty-one stamped eggs arranged in an inverted triangle. Body is ribbed vertically. Moulded groove around foot. Object is black all over, although top half of body is lighter, almost brown.
34.8.5 Mouth black on inside and out but with a reserved rim. Neck and underside of single handle are reserved. Shoulder design is of rays and long, thin buds. Body, from top to bottom, double row of dots joined by zig-zags on white background, black bands, main design, 'key' pattern on white background, black bands and black stem. Main design is, from left to right, a chariot being driven right, a woman facing right, four horses facing right with attendant behind, seated figure facing left, holding a spear. Detail is incised and some parts are picked out in white. Foot is black on top and half the side is black, the rest reserved. The base is reserved.
35.5.34A-Q (a) fragment, three joins. Decoration on both sides. Band of geometric pattern above which is person's foot and bottom of leg standing to the right, wearing a hymation. On the opposite side: floral pattern to the left of bottom half of a person and to the right of this person the hand and lower body of another. (b) curved, palmette on other side black. (c) large roughened patch to the top right where possibly a handle was attached, floral pattern around this. (d) small fragment, on one side band of geometric pattern, on the opposite side floral pattern. (e) large piece, three fragments joined. Bearded man in the centre facing to the right, left arm raised and holding a long stick, right arm tucked into hymation. To the right of the man, the arm of another person and to the left a floral pattern, inside black. (f) Very similar to fragment a. three pieces joined together. On one side in centre bottom half of a person, feet and lower legs facing left and wearing a hymation, to the right floral pattern. Opposite side, band with geometric pattern. (g) On one side to left part of a hymation, to right an arm. Opposite side band with geometric pattern. (h) On one side the feet and legs of a person standing on a platform with the bottom of a stick he/she is possibly holding to the left, in the right hand corner the edge of a geometric pattern. On the opposite side the feet of someone facing to the left wearing a hymation dropping behind them, to the right of them a floral pattern. (i) Small piece of two fragments joined together. Chest of a male with right arm extending, his hymation drapped over his right arm. (j) Head of a male facing left with hymation over his shoulder and part of large palmette to his right. (k) Small frgment, part of hymation. (l) Small fragment part of hymation (m) Small fragment part of hymation. (n,o,p) small fragments with no detail.
44.6.2 Glazed black on interior and top half of exterior.
45.10.15 18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (rider’s leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
45.10.22 a: The upper surface of the rim is reserved, although glazed. However, the side surfaces (internal and external) are black (apart from a reserved area that would not have been visible if the handle was not missing). The neck is also black on the inside, however, there is a perpetual motif of palmettes on the external surface. These are double palmettes (5 narrow divisions upwards and 5 similar ones downwards) that look as if chained together by a horizontal row of small rings and each such palmette is separated from the other by a vertical line with wider endings, while thin, curved lines (above and below) frame each palmette. The sides of the handle bear a black band each and there is also a thin line underneath them that contours the end of the neck. On the carination that divides the neck from the shoulder there is a thin line with added red colour. The shoulder bears a motif of tongues, divided by vertical lines, while a line underneath contours them. The motif does not appear under the surface of the handle. At some point underneath this pattern there is the beginning of another motif (black with 3 dots of added red and scale-like incisions). The interior of the rest of the vessel is reserved, since it is an amphora. b: It bears exactly the same motif as the previous neck bit. c: From the branch of a three-peaked floral motif there emerge two curved lines that are downwards and upwards, each forming an ellipsoid-shaped frame from whose lower (in the case of the curved line that goes downwards) or upper (in the case of the other line) endings form one floral motif each. The left one is a voluted palmette with 5 petal shaped divisions and the right one is a three-pointed flower, similar to the central floral motif, but bigger. Although the upper part of this pattern is not preserved apart from the starting point of the motives, it is certain that this would have been the heraldic motif depicted. Underneath this area there is a thin, black line and below that, a pattern of guilloche ( branches with tear dropped endings interwoven together) with a row of dots, framed (above and below) by two pairs of concentric lines. Towards the end of the fragment (which is also towards the end of the vessel) there is a radial-shaped motif, two lines and the rest of the surface is black. d: It is a part of the body's area that bears the guilloche pattern and the radial-shaped motif underneath, but one third of it is not preserved. e: On the left there is the upper part of probably a palmette (two endings of petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is the depiction of a draped lower body part. The drapery is formed by the incisions on a black surface. There are diagonal incisions and wavy endings to denote the folds of an himation, as well as the lower termination of the chiton, which is suggested by two almost horizontal incisions, a wavy line and another horizontal incision. the drawing is detailed and clear. f: The part between the surface above the knees and a bit below the calf of a male figure that wears a short chiton (incised, wavy folds are visible above the knee), as well as grieves with out curving terminations (Hermes?) of added red colour, now fadded away. On his left there is the upper part of a palmette and on his left there is a diagonal line, with rows of dots on either side (characteristic of Dionysus). Very clear drawing. g: Half of the three-peaked flower, a bit of a black line and two petal-shaped motives. On the side, there is part of the dotted branch and what appears to be part of a figure's drapery (upper right body part ?), with some incisions used to render details. h: Between the lower body part of two figures there is part of the dotted branch. What is preserved from the right figure is incised lines and circles on a black surface. The left figure's drapery (peplos and himation ?) is preserved (below the waist), consisting of incised diagonal and wavy lines to denote the folds. i: A central male figure's (Dionysus) body from shoulder to legs is visible and surrounded by a dotted branch. He is standing between two figures. The male figure (there is part of beard with added red) on the left holds part of the branch with his palm (upper body without the head is preserved). The only visible part of the draped figure on the right is part of the legs. Incisions are used to render details. j: Apollo playing his lyre (kithara). The head (in profile, facing right), right hand and part of the god's front side of the body is visible, as well as the largest part of the lyre. Part of a dotted branch exists in the background. Incisions have been used to render the chords of the lyre as well as for the eye, contour of hair, ear and contour of the god's body, while a taenia (fillet) on his head is in added black colour. k: Only part of a thin, black line is preserved. l: two broad black bands that overlap at some point. Incisions and the ending of a dotted branch (part of draped figure?). H & J on display in symposium
45.10.7A-B Lid: The top surface bears part of a central medallion (dots contoured by double, semi-spherical line), encircled by a black line, a red band, a broader black band and a red line. There is also an ivy spray between the last red line and a similar one. At the rim there is a rather careless tongue pattern, with inner dots (identical to the one of the central medallion, only frammed by thin, black lines). Sides: There is the representation of women pursued by the winged Eros. The naked Eros is flying and his himation with white spots on its top is falling over his forearm. At the level of his face there is an inscription, with white colour KALOS and underneath, KALH, above a bent fillet with thin, short, white lines emerging from its endings. The first of the women is headed right, having extended her right? hand towards Eros and holding and raising slightly her drapery (in order to run faster). Her head is missing, but she is probably looking backwards, to see the advancing Eros. The scene is reproduced again: Anoher Eros pursues another woman, who is running towards an altar? (rectangular, altar-shaped constuction, higher than the figures with a decoration of a large cross and dots in between). Among them there is again the inscribed KALOS, KALH. Many fragments have not survived, however this woman's head is not missing. She is looking backwards and wears a diadema, made of white lines. At the other side of the altar? there is another woman approaching it, having escaped the first Eros, but looking back to see him. She wears a white diadema and the same inscription is between her and the Eros. The scene is framed by two red, concentric lines (above and below the figures). The bottom surface is left reserved. Body: There is decoration of laurel stems and berries around the outer surface with details made of added white. This motif is framed (above and below with red, thick lines). The interior of both pieces is black. The feet have a black band on the side (ca 2 cm below their joining part to the body) and the rest of the surface is left reserved, apart from a black line at the rim. Half way up the inside surface of the feet there is a thin, black band. The base's central part is decorated with a broad black, circular band between thin black lines.
47.2.12 Small circle, fired red, at the centre of the medallion on the underside. Black gloss except where noted; half of interior and some of exterior misfired red.
47.6.2A-B Lid: Straight sides and a moulded rim at the top and bottom, both red. The plastic ring at the top of the lid black. The top is decorated with a depiction of a male figure, perhaps Dionysus (Ure) or Pan (Boardman) with horns springing from his head. He wears an animal skin (brownish dots) over his shoulders, with a hoof dangling. He seems to be stepping or sitting on another animal skin. In raised left hand he holds an indeterminate instrument (Ure: handleless fork; Boardman: syrinx) and he rests his right hand, brought before his body, on an oar-shaped object (trumpet; Ure: winnowing fan; Boardman: 'lagobolon'). To his left is the forepart of a pig (or dog?), and to his right, a basket with three corn stalks. There is also a red, thin line at the joining point of the plastic ring and the lid. The decoration of the side surface of the lid is a motif of vertical, hanging, wavy tongues, between reddish brown bands. There is also one inverted heart-shaped motif at some point between the tongues. Body: There is a red line at the rim and another one at half the way up the body, both on the inside and the outside. On the interior there are two, concentric, reddish-brown circles. Exterior: There is also a red line at the bottom of the body, while the disk-shaped ring is reddish-brown. Wide rim at base. Underside is reserved and central section flat.
48.12.9 The jug is decorated with black glaze, turning to red in places, on the upper half but is otherwise reserved.
50.12.40 Interior unpainted. Exterior, upper half; two bands painted black, faded to dark brown. Lower half; a section of a crossed-hatched motif.
50.3.1 Red rim, mouth black inside but lower half reserved. Handles are black on top and reserved underneath. In neck zone are palmettes with dots joined by chain. Bars on shoulder. Side A; Dionysos holding wine cup, between two dancing maenads with ivy vines in the field. Side B; two warriors fighting over fallen man with spears and a shield with a leg motif and red details. Palmettes in field are attached to tendrils under the handles. Below are dots joined by zigzags with rays below. Moulded red ridge then black foot with uneven reserved band at base. Base is reserved.
51.4.7 Interior surface is black. The exterior surface is black for top half and there is traces of a design on the lower half. It appears to be a lion attacking a goat. The necks of both and the tongue of the lion are purple.
51.7.5 Interior reserved; black glaze on mouth and upper half of neck, as well as upper half of handle; lower part of neck decorated with tongues that suggest ribbing; shoulder decorated (except under handle) with an egg-and-dot frieze between two black lines; reserved space at lower part of handle and handle attachment (interior) suggest that the mouth and neck were dipped. Body decorated with a frieze consisting of 7 clusters of three white dots at the top of a figural scene (arranged in upside down triangle shapes): a female figure, standing in 3/4-view to the left, in a relaxed posture with her left leg crossing her right, and her left elbow resting on a pillar (the curvy element in added white suggests that this is meant to represent natural rock). She wears a hairband and kekrphylon on her head, triple-dot earrings, two or three necklaces (two strands of white beads beneath a black line), two white bracelets on each wrist; a belted sleeveless chiton, and white slippers. She holds, in her upraised right hand, a mirror surrounded by white dots, and, in her left hand, a phiale that is surrounded by white beads, as well as a beaded sash. A large palmette, with a white dot on the heart and white dots on each volute, fills the space beneath the handle. From each volute emerges tendrils and floral decoration that frame the image of the woman. A 6-petal rosette fills the space to the right of the woman; to her left are a window and a dotted circle (cog-wheel?) in the upper left field, and an olive branch in the lower left field. On the body, beneath the figural scene, are a single reserved band and a thicker black band. The foot is reserved on the top element, and glazed black on the ridge and lower element; the underside and resting surface are reserved.
58.2.1 Side of rim painted brownish black, two bands on neck. Three bands of thin, brownish paint on upper half of body. Bottom reserved.
67.7.3 Long aulos (probably the right half of a double aulos, a wind instrument played through [missing] reeds) which appears to have an inner surface of wood (?) with a bronze sheath and silver mounting (in four sections). Mouth is silver and has two grooves towards rim. Neck has small hole below mouth and no silver. Bulbous section to neck with bronze section between two silver sections below. Four holes down the length of the body, one apart from the lower three with a fifth on the reverse side in the gap. The hole of the reverse has a small thumb plate around it. Bronze section below which may have originally been silver, with a grooved silver section flaring slightly to end. Hollow inside.
71.12.1 The interior and the exterior of the mouth as well as the handle glazed. On the exterior, the black is fired brown. At base of neck, ridge in place of drip-ring painted purple. Shoulder: ivy leaves on each side of central purple line(six above, seven below); on body five inverted opening lotus flowers with central petals white. Above them row of white dots. Lower half of body and exterior of the foot glazed black (turning red in places). Resting surface and the underside of the foot reserved.
73.6.4 On the outside surface is a figure zone, on the left edge of which appears to be the edge of a square. To the right of this is the lower half of what appears to be a swastika and below, a dot rosette. A vertical palmette is figured in the middle of the surface, to the right of which is the tail end of a bird, the head and neck missing. Below all of this, is a curved black line, and then the edge of what could be a circle. The inside is covered in black gloss.
73.9.7 The inside is black with a reserved band around the inside of the rim and again roughly half way down the inside. In the centre is the remains of a brown disk. On the outside, only part of the rim and main zone of skyphos remains, as well as one handle. The handle is mostly black, but reserved on the inside. The main zone shows: parts of three palmettes, one upright, one reversed, then another upright in black. A thick black band runs round the outside of the rim, a thin one underneath the main zone. The stem is black as is the upper ridge of rim of the foot. The lower ridge is reserved, as is the base of the foot, except for a band of red/brown about half a cm in. The inside of the foot is hollow and reserved, except for a very thin red/brown band, and a dot in the centre.
77.9.1 About half foot and side to H. of c.1.5 cm, of small cup. Clay pink. Red for black inside and out, with res about 1 cm wide running diagonally across side and foot. Underneath, broad purple ring in centre, and groove near edge. Outside, two narrow pu
83.9.30 One side of fragment has two patches of black, which continue off the piece. This side has a reserved patch in between the black and two small back dots. The other side is black and appears to have two small flowers on it. Also there is a third half of a flower, which continues off piece.
83.9.32 On one side of fragment it is mostly terracotta with a small patch of black gloss, located on the end which is squared off. In, almost, the centre of this side there is a small, black circle with a tiny, black dot in the middle. On the other side of this fragment it is glazed black with a palmette design on. The flower pattern has a circle around half of it. This circle has 'U' shapes on it and appears as if it would have continued around the pot, from which the fragment came.
E.23.40.1-4 One is a complete ring with an oblong panel on the top / front. The second piece is half a ring with what appears to be a crocodile (?) moulded on to the front. The third piece presumably was the top of the ring and is an oblong panel with incisions. All three are blue and glazed.
E.62.55 There are two concentric rings lightly incised around the lower half of the body.
REDMG:1935.87.22 Tongues emerging from mouth between two bands. Dots around the rim and tongues again on shoulder. Zigzag with two dots on handles. Main design is five warrior figures facing left, carrying large shields. Each shield is bisected with incised vertical parallel lines and coloured one half red and the other half yellow. The outer ring of the shield is brown, and the helmets which the warriors appear to be wearing are yellow. The base has two bands around tongues with two bands the other side.
REDMG:1935.87.3 Black inside, outside and rim. Handle is black all over as is top half of neck. Lower half of neck has an umbrella pattern with 12 tongues on top. Large palmette with tendrils under handle on body and tendrils either side of scene. Scene is a woman standing, facing right, holding mirror in right hand and a box in left looking at seated Eros who is holding a mirror in his right hand. Added yellow over white, and white on Eros's wings, mirrors, box and headresses. Traces of miltos. Reserved band beneath scene. Black foot but reserved resting surface and base. (Modern) red cross drawn on base.
REDMG:1935.87.32 There is a broad, black band at the interior of the rim. On the top of the rim there are black tongues, apart from the surface of the handles, decorated with palmettes. Waves are used to decorate the edge of the rim, while the handles bear small palmettes on their sides and the rest is painted black, as is the body between. Both neck panels have ivy and dots joined by vine. Both sides of the body show a female head, facing left and wearing a decorated cap with a spiked stephane over it. There is a small window (rectangular motif with black vertical line), top right on both sides. Side A, however, has a strigil with wavy endings above the head, top left. Side B has a knot of hair emerging through the apex of the cap. On both sides there are volute-shaped motives at the end of the cap and below the woman's chin. Side A: The woman wears a black earing (a circle and hanging dots) and a neclace of black beads. A hair with a heart-shaped ending falls vertically over her neck. On the other hand, the woman on side B wears a similar but yellow earing and a neclace made of yellow beads. Both women are framed by two vertical red bands, decorated with two similar motives of a vertical row of dots between thin lines. These columnar patterns seem to support a horizontal red band over the head, ornated with tongues between thin lines (one above and two below). However, the surface under the heads is not identical for both sides. Side A has a red band with dots between lines and side B has two parallel lines and the wave pattern. Both the scenes are partly ruddled and added yellow is used to render the details. Miltos apparently was applied last.The lower half of foot is ruddled.
REDMG:1935.87.34 Inside is reserved except for inside of mouth. Top of mouth is red with black wave. Black palmettes on top of handles protrusions. Handles are made of two bars with large square at top. Black between handles and all down body. Side A has an arrow pattern on rim, ivy leaf and dot rosette pattern on lower half of neck, black tongues, warrior in the centre leading two prisoners. Warrior has shield helmet. Rosettes and fillet in field. Double row of dots either side and wave pattern underneath. Side B has an 'SSS' pattern with dots on rim, lower half of neck has ivy leaves with dot rosettes, black band, black tongues, scene of three youths in conversation with crossed circles in field, double row of dots either side and 'SSS' pattern with dots at bottom. Black body, reserved stem, black foot with reserved groove, resevred band at base. Reserved conical base.
REDMG:1951.157.1 Entirely black except for reserved line around edge of rim, ‘ribbed’ zone (comprised of five vertical lines in panel) at front of neck, and figural scene on the front of the body, and reserved underside at front half of lekythos (similarly the front half of the interior is reserved). Scene: double tendril, with a blossom emerging from the larger tendril; female head, profile to left; rosette in upper right field; small tendril in lower left field. The female wears her hair in a sakkos, tied at the back, from which emerges a tuft of curly hair around the ear. The reserved areas are ruddled, except on the underside. Some of the glaze beneath the handle has fired red.
REDMG:1951.160.1 within. Interior and mouth glazed black with two reserved bands at top and bottom of rim. On exterior, below rim, a frieze of tendrils, with lotus buds above and below. Black handles, with reserved bands between attachments, and enclosed half palmettes below, from the sides of which emerge tendrils with volutes that encroach in the figural scenes. Below the figural scenes is a band of slanted ‘z’s, between two reserved bands. Black below, except for the recessed element at the top of the foot, which is reserved, a narrow band at the bottom of the foot on the exterior, and the reserved underside. The reserved parts of the volute frieze and figural scenes are reddened. Scene, A: A woman standing in 3/4-view to the right, wears a black beaded necklace, a sleeveless belted chiton, and two black bracelets on each wrist. Her hair is tied in a ponytail. She holds a torch in her advanced left hand, while her right hand, downturned, is also slightly raised. She faces a youth, nude except for a chlamys draped over his left arm and slippers, who stands in 3/4 view to the left, reaching toward the woman with his right hand. Between the figures, in the upper field, is a window frame, while a large tendril, with volute, emerges from the ground, between them. In the field behind him is a leaf. B: Two robed youths, standing profile, with their right legs advanced, face eachother across a narrow stele. Above them is a circle with a black line vertically through the centre and an 'H' drawn on top (probably halteres).
REDMG:1953.25.25 Reserved neck; band of black vertical bars above a band of black rays on shoulder, extending to carination. Body: maeander to right (only at front), between two pairs of black lines; figural scene (front only); black band; black to foot and on top of foot, and top half of vertical surface of foot; otherwise reserved. Figural scene is of four seated figures, seemingly two women profile to right, the second playing a lyre, face a man reclining in 3/4-view to left on a kline (couch), with another female figure, profile to left, at his right. Dotted branches extend from the male figure (perhaps Dionysos) on either side. Added white for female flesh (faces) and fruit; incisions for drapery and fillets.
REDMG:1953.25.4 Exterior: white zone extending down 2.0 cm, perhaps with further decoration. Black below handles, on which two red bands are painted, just below the red zone. Red band on exterior of foot; otherwise foot and underside reserved. Interior: black with red bands, one half way down the wall, the other encircling the bottom.
REDMG:1953.25.81 The piece consists of half of a foot, which is broken about halfway down its length. The half remaining includes all five toes, with slightly curling little toes and a rather stumpy big toe. The foot sits upon a thick sandal. Under this is a chunk of unworked marble, presumably part of the original base of the statue, which takes up about the same amount of mass as the carved foot does. This underside is rough and worn. The break halfway through the foot in fairly clean, leaving a rough, but planar surface.
REDMG:1953.25.90 Upper half of female in pointed cap carrying child in similar cap on left arm. Solid with back flat.
REDMG:1958.19.1 Tip of the spout is painted black. Black-painted horizontal stripes around the base of the neck and around the centre of the body. Black-painted diagonal stripes and triangle patterns around the upper half of the body. Set of black vertical and horizontal stripes that cross each other in the centre on the lower body.
REDMG:1964.1625 Traces of black glaze, inside mouth and down top half of object, including handle.
REDMG:1964.1650.1A The inside and outer top half is reserved and the lower part has a black band around foot. Base is reserved and is concave.
REDMG:1964.1650.1B Top half of 1650.64 which is the base. Mouth has flat, reserved rim on top and then flares out and is wide at top with a thin neck with curved handle all painted black. Shoulder and rest is reserved.
REDMG:1964.1658.1 Thin neck. Reserved inside. Top half of body is black glaze and the bottom half is reserved although the line between the two halves is uneven. Foot flares out and base is flat.
REDMG:1964.1659.1 Mouth has thin, flat rim coloured black. Neck is thin and shoulder slopes sharply. Lower half of body is reserved. Foot and base are missing so cannot be described.
REDMG:1964.1695.1 Sharply curving. Exterior surface appears to have been brown on one half. Thin incised lines go aroung the other half. Clay is greenish. The interior surface is darker with deposits.
REDMG:1964.1719.1 Cylindrical shape - the lower half of an alabastron. Heavy object. Patterning appears to be naturally formed into lines, giving different colours and texture. Rounded base means the object does not stand.
TEMP.2003.6.26 Fragment of the bottom part of the cup of a chalice(?)or bowl(?). Exterior white with one small red/brown section of a pattern at the highest point and one thick almost 1 red/brown line abour half way from the top. Interior is black/brown with a pair(?) of thin faded white lines .5 from the top edge, below that a repeating pattern of black teardrops, and below that a pattern of white sploches interspliced with red dots.
TEMP.2003.6.27 Exterior white with small chips. Interior black with a pair of white lines at one edge and a small white half circle from the exterior line to the edge. Parallel to these white lines towards the opposite edge is a incised line.
TEMP.2003.7.30 Small figurine, features not at all defined. Figure is very simple, small rounded shapes for head and arms. Both the back and front are relatively flat and smooth - the front is the side which has the base sticking out further than the back. There are indications that something was painted on it - black line by the right arm, on the front at the bottom, and on the back on the lower half of the body - here there are three vertical lines, the middle line being the longest. There are four black blobs on the square base.
TEMP.2003.7.38 Side b, interior, is black, with part of a geometric border in the left half, with a small area of red to the far left. Side a, the exterior is covered in circular and oval shapes, presumably part of a larger design.
TEMP.2003.7.64 Fragment from the neck of a closed shape, with a flat, thick rim (1.4cm). Flat, top of rim seems to have been painted white. The side of the rim has a pattern around it. The pattern has a thin, black line parting small 'U' shapes. The top half of the pattern has 'U' shapes in it, which have tiny, verticle, red lines inside them. The bottom half is the same, however the 'U' shapes are up-side-down. The neck and small piece of the body, on the fragment, is glazed black and appears to have once had white paint on it. The fragment has a small piece of the pot's body on either side of the neck. One of the sides of the fragment of the body has the top of two figures on it. The right hand side figure is the top of a head but its features are unclear. The left-hand-side figure appears to be a women, with her left arm raised. The underside of fragment is terracotta colour. The inside of rim is glazed black and the inside of the pot appears to have been left terracotta.
TEMP.2003.7.78 Fragment, glazed black on both sides. On the outside half way down are two very thin, parallel, slightly faded, white lines. On the inside are two thin, parallel, brown lines along one edge.
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