Black all over, but glaze is lacking luster and brownish.
Black glaze covers the interior. Exterior of the rim black; black ground line at bottom of figural scene; black on lower part of body and exterior of foot, except for two reserved grooved lines on the top and lower part of foot. Reserved resting surface. Underside decorated with black circle at the center, surrounded by a thin black band. Interior of the foot black . Scene is similar on both sides: between palmettes a charioteer driving a quadriga, or two-horse chariot, to the right. Incised detail on all figures. Careless design, no details.
Exterior: 8 petals of a palmette in Six's technique; interior: brush strokes in a dilute glaze.
Black glaze all over
Inside and outside is black glaze. Curved foot is black on outside. Resting surface is reserved. Inside foot ring is black. Base, from middle to outside, has central dot and circle in thinned glaze and broad band in black, then a reserved band.
Black glaze on exterior; interior decorated with rouletted ring, stamped palmettes, and irregular circle at centre.
Red clay with white slip, orange-red glaze. On shoulder part of harp and two narrow bands. On body broad band 1.3 cm wide, and close beneath it second band 0.5 cm wide.
Clear buff clay with brownish-black paint. Outside broad band at rim with some red showing through. Below, on body are linked spirals with red glaze appearing through black. Inside the rim is black with the lower part of the fragment reserved. There is however, the start of a line running downwards at right.
On the outside trace of a groundline in black glaze followed by a narrow line in reserve, a stripe of 0.5 cm in black glaze, another narrow line in reserve and black glaze for the remaining surface. Inside is unadorned with 3 horizontal wheel marks.
Black glaze
Covered in black glaze, applied in a streaky spiral on the underside.
Black glaze fired to dark brown, fingerprint is visble on one side of the vessel
Black glaze on exterior and interior
Black glaze; three cords
Chequered pattern on rim with large squares; brown glaze over main body of fragment. There is a thick layer of red/brown glaze on the inside.
Black glaze
Black glaze with red band on inner surface; worn red and black paint on rim; black paint on outer surface, slightly worn and chipped
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze with strip of later glaze on edge of fragment.
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Plain black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Exterior side of fragment is coated in a plain black glaze; some wear is visible.
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
BLack glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
exterior of fragment is decorated in a plain black glaze; a band of wear is visible.
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Decorated with a plain black glaze.
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
One striped band of orange glaze decorates the flat surface.
One side is decorated with a small stripes of orange glaze.
single area covered with a small amount of brow/orange glaze; no distinct pattern. flat fragment with cylindrical shape protruding from it.
Small decoration of black glaze.
Half of one side is covered in a plain black glaze.
Decorated with a circular pattern of orange glaze, appears to be part of a larger design.
Plain orange glaze covers the fragment.
One side is decorated with a thick stripe of a brown glaze.
One side is decorated with a design of two bands of orange glaze; one is solid and the other appears to be striped.
Both sides are decorated in an orange glaze.
One side is decorated with an plain red/orange glaze.
One side decorated is with a striped light brown glaze.
One side decorated with two bands of brown glaze.
One side is decorated with a black glaze that shows signs of wear.
One side of the fragment is decorated with a black glaze.
Both side of the fragment are decorated in a light brown glaze. No distinctive pattern.
One side decorated with a solid black glaze.
Some areas decorated with a brown glaze. No distinct pattern.
One side of fragment covered in a plain black glaze.
One side is covered with a solid black glaze. Concaved side of fragment is decorated with a thick stripe of black glaze.
Decorated with a plain black glaze, signs of wear is visible.
Plain black glaze decorates the whole fragment apart from one band that is not covered.
Concaved side of fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze, some areas are worn away. Convexed side is decorated with a single thick band of black glaze.
One side has a thick solid band of black glaze.
Two thick stripes of brown glaze decorated one side of the fragment.
Decorated with a band of orange glaze on both sides; convexed side is also decorated with two stripes of black.
One side of the fragment is partially decorated with a thick stripe of black glaze.
Both sides are decorated with two stripes of orange glaze. However, areas of the decoration are missing, most likely due to wear.
One side decorated with a orange glaze, which is no faded.
One side is decorated with three bands of a dark orange glaze; one a thick straight band, then two thin parallel bands that curve in the opposite direction to the large band.
One side is decorated with a plain black glaze; no distinct pattern.
One side is decorated with a solid band of black glaze. the other decorated with the same glaze, but all over.
both sides decorated with a singular stripe of brown glaze.
Thick stripe of orange glaze that covers the lip of the piece.
Faded orange glaze decorated the whole of the fragment, it is indistinguishable if there is a distinct pattern.
One side decorated with a plain black glaze. The other with a singular stripe of glaze.
Both sides of the fragment are decorated with a plain orange glaze.
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, ridge around top
Black glaze
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, very worn on one side
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, completely worn down one side, slightly worn on other
Black glaze, very worn
Black glaze
Black glaze, very worn
Black glaze
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, very worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, very worn on one side
Black glaze, slightly worn, ridged on one side
Black glaze, completely worn on one side
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, very worn
Evidence of black glaze, very worn
Black glaze, completely worn on one side, slightly worn on other
Black glaze, very worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Black glaze, slightly worn
Some sort of red glaze or paint; fire damage makes identification more difficult
Black glaze on interior and exterior except on interior of handle
Thick and thin alternating bands of brown glaze
Black glaze throughout
Surface slipped with red-orange wash. Strap handle sloping inwards; black glazed on the outside; inside in reserve. Row of uniform parallel black lines at the junction of the shoulder and neck. On the shoulder, five black palmettes, the central one inverted, with black tendrils and dots in between. On the body, black glaze misfired with two red parallel lines just below the junction of the shoulder and body.
Exterior: black glaze; interior: black glaze
Bands of orange glaze smoe outlined in darker glaze on exterior
Exterior: dark grey glaze.
Interior: dark grey/black glaze; exterior: probably dark grey/black glaze.
Black glaze throughout.
Black glaze on exterior and Interior incised scratches on exterior for pattern
Black Brown and Purple alternating strips of glaze
Dark glaze concentric circles possible glaze decoration on exterior and interior
Interior: cream wash with 4 parallel horizontal lines overpainted in greyish-black creating 2 bands of pattern, one twice the width of the other. The narrower band contains 5 semi-circles, and the narrower a more irregular pattern of intersecting curved and straight lines. Exterior: Cream wash with narrow, evenly-spaced parallel horizontal lines overpainted in greyish-black. Patches of brownish glaze remain.
Black glaze on interior and exterior, Black and red glaze concentric circles on base
Black glaze pattern on exterior, lines and squares
Exterior: white glaze overpainted by one thick horizontal red line and one thin horizontal black line just above it, traces of other horizontal lines of indeterminate color; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: white/beige glaze overpainted by thin horizontal brown lines, small brown specks, and black round marks; rim(?): black line?; interior: brown glaze with one thick black line.
Black glaze on the outside of the fragment.
Exterior: white/beige glaze overpainted by thin black horizontal lines, small black specks, and one large black round mark; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: reddish brown glaze; interior: same reddish brown glaze.
Exterior: white/beige glaze overpainted by one thick horizontal red line, three black horizontal lines, and one vertical black line that extends downwards from the bottom horizontal black line; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: whitish glaze; interior: whitish glaze overpainted by one horizontal black line and four vertical brown/black lines.
Exterior: white/beige glaze overpainted by brown zig-zag pattern; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: white glaze overpainted by two black lines; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: brown glaze? bits of red pigment; interior: black glaze? brown or black curved lines?
Exterior: several (at least eight) horizontal parallel thin brown(?) lines; interior: brown glaze?
Light brown exterior glaze with darker reddish-brown decoration. Seven parallel lines perpendicular to three other lines, all of the reddish-brown color. Also the edge of a rounded design, also reddish-brown. The interior is glazed reddish-brown, but a redder hue than the color from the exterior decoration.
Exterior: white glaze overpainted by horizontal brown lines and one red band; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: white glaze with two (or three) overpainted parallel horizontal black lines; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: white glaze with two overpainted parallel reddish-brown dashed(?) lines; interior: black glaze.
Exterior: beige/white slip, overpainted by one horizontal maroon lines, traces of black decoration on the very bottom of the fragment. Base(?): continuation of the beige/white slip from the side. Interior: black glaze; continues down onto the interior of the base(?) as well.
Exterior: white/beige glaze overpainted by two sets of two parallel thin black lines. Interior: black glaze.
Black glaze on interior of fragment, with circles incised (?) on the base of the fragment.
Exterior light-brown glaze. Overpainted by eleven dark-brown (black?) vertical lines that end in two parallel brown lines. There are six further brown horizontal lines parallel to these. All of the lines are of roughly the same thickness (ca. 0.2). Interior is reddish-brown glazed.
On the exterior three parallel brown lines. Also, three curved reddish-brown lines (concentric circles?). On the interior, a dark brown glaze.
Exterior is half natural baked color, half brown. Four parralel brown and reddish-brown horizontal lines overpainted of uniform thickness (ca. 0.1), one on brown half and three on natural half. Interior dark-brown or black glaze, nine brown and reddish-brown overpainted parallel horizontal lines of varying thickness.
Exterior beige glaze overpainted by two black lines and one brown line (darker in the middle). Interior glazed black.
Exterior: beige glaze overpainted by black horizontal line just under the rim, also four (three thin, one thick) parallel black lines running at a steep angle down from the rim. Rim: five thick black lines parallel to each other and perpendicular to the rim.
9 parallel lines of brown slip beside which there is black glaze. Brown slip on sides of fragment
Exterior glazed a streaky brown/green/orange. Bottom of base has part of this glaze around the edges, but appears otherwise undecorated.
Exterior: three parallel black horizontal lines on the bottom of the fragment, a squiggly irregular black lines on the side of the rim, and a black line following the exterior edge of the rim; rim: seven parallel short brown lines, all perpendicular to the rim; interior: reddish-brown glaze, darker near the rim and fading slightly down the fragment.
Black glaze on exterior and interior of pot but not on underside of stand
Glaze appears to be of a darker brown on the rim than elsewhere on the fragment
Black glaze with inscribed semi-circle pattern motif mixed with red dots and lines
Wide bands of brown glaze
Black glaze on interior and exterior
Outside of fragment covered in a plain white ground. Red glaze seen on the top right area of the fragment; potentially the start of a depiction? Thin horizontal stripe of black glaze at the top of the fragment; start of the neck of the vessel.
Plain black glaze covers both sides of the fragment.
Black glaze covers one side of the fragment.
Inner side decorated with four horizontal bands alternating between black glaze and natural fired colouring. The outer side is also decorated with four horizontal bands of alternating black glaze and natural fired colouring.
Black glaze throughout
Both sides of the fragment are covered in a plain black glaze.
Both sides of the fragment are covered with a plain black glaze.
Both sides are decorated with a plain black glaze.
Both sides of the fragment are covered in a plain black glaze.
One side is completely covered in a plain black glaze. On the other side, half the fragment is covered in a plain black glaze.
Decorated with a circular design in a brown glaze with two thin parallel lines curving along it. The areas to the left and right are decorated with a plain black glaze.
One side of the fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze. On the other side, half of the fragment is decorated with a plain black glaze.
Black glaze throughout
One side is decorated with black glaze. The same side is incised, depicting furniture; potentially either a chair or table leg. Potentially more decoration, however this could be surface damage.
Black glaze throughout.
The fragment bears the depiction of a youth in three-quarter face, while drawing a bow. What is illustrated is the face, except for part of the hair (left side), part of an himation over his left shoulder, the arms (the right one before the hands, the left one before the forearm), the chest and the left side of the abdominals?, behind which emerges the ending of the himation. The cheek and the back have been executed with relief contour, whereas thinned brown glaze has been used for part of the hair. The interior is black, with a reserved band ca. 1 cm wide.
Black glaze but slightly silvery front and back. Bands of decoration from top to bottom; white 'v' shapes and dots, two thin bands, white 's' shapes facing right, two narrow bands, blocks of red and white, two bands, white dots with swirls and circular leaf pattern, red band, indistinguishable circular pattern due to break.
Glaze fired partly to red and partly to greyish-black. Inside is reserved. Two high, curved handles black on top and reserved below. Under handles are crosses between pairs of vertical lines. On each side are four palmettes standing on four larger, inverted palmettes all joined with a chian and half a palmette at each end. In some areas are groups of very short incised vertical grooves. Below pattern are three bands and then black (faded to red) to foot and including top and side of foot. Resting surface is reserved as is base.
Black glaze except for reserved base. Incised horizontal ivy branch (slightly sloping to the right) on neck, from which descend four streams over the shoulder. Painted leaves and three dot berry groups, once white but now faded.
Black glaze all over interior and exterior.
Glaze fired red throughout. On the body below flanged rim, is key below a broad band, on reserved base an incised spiral. Inside is reserved with a broad band immediately inside the rim and a line below it, at the centre are two concentric circles. Lid: around the rim the pattern consists of leaves surroundered by parallel lines. A broad band separates another pattern of palmettes and decorative tendrils. Another broad band of concentric circles leading up to an acorn shaped knob with ridge at its base. Knob is red around bottom but reserved at top. There are also areas of white and black deposits on knob and inside on the underside of the lid and at base.
One side is covered with a plain black glaze. The other is slightly concaved and decorated with a thick band of brown glaze along with two separate curved bands of brown glaze.
One side of fragment decorated with thick stripes of black glaze. A small loop of decoration goes against the direction of the stripes. the other side has no decoration.
Small amount of brown glaze coving fragment, no distinct pattern.
Small area decorated with a plain glaze.
Black glaze. Cup appears to have been coloured with a strip of red, large strip of black, then small srtip of red, large strip of black continuing until a small rim of red paint situated on foot of base. Base has indented strips around it with a concaved underside.
Large portion of the fragment is decorated with a thick stripe of brown glaze along with a series of thinner bands. Another small detailing appears underneath the large stripe, however, it is undistinguishable if this is part of a larger design.
Black glaze inside and outside. Purple band on exterior of rim; narrower white band below. Reserved on underside.
Reddish-brown glaze outside and inside; two red stripes outside
Black glaze inside and outside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze inside and outside
Black glaze
Light glaze, red design
Black glaze pattern outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Black glaze outside and inside; two white stripes outside, on upper body; one white strip inside, also on upper body.
Reddish-brown glaze outside and inside; two white stripes below rim outside; one white strip below rim inside
Black glaze outside and inside
Top of neck, back on handle, base of body, top of foot and edge of lower step of foot all black but have a streaky glaze. Rim of mouth reserved. Shoulder design is two rows of bars, the first shorter than the second. Body from top to bottom is three rows of black dots separated by lines. Symposium: Man reclining, woman lyre-player seated at foot of couch. At each side, woman on animal (perhaps mule [looks like llama]). Incised detail on drapery (black robes) and on lyre. Below are reserved bands on black glaze. Foot black on top and on lower edge, reserved in the middle. Base reserved.
The inside is black at the base and reserved up the interior walls. On the upper surface around mouth are alternating black and red tongues surrounded by double row of dots between lines. Outside these is black around the curved body down the stem to the foot. Black glaze badly fired revealing many colours. Side of foot is reserved as is resting surface and central base section which is flat but raised a long way inside the footring which is black inside.
The vessel bears an uneven black glaze, but it is partly fired red. There is a wide groove at the rim and two more at the upper part of the neck, from which seem to be hanging seven, double, semi-circular, white lines, each one flanked by vertical ones. There are also two grooves that contour the upper part of the vessel's shoulder. The latter bears decoration in white, of a branch with double-leaved (teardropped) motives. There is one last groove below that pattern.
The inside is streaky black, the outside is unpainted except the ledge at the bottom of the body which is streaky black. The flange supports the lid. The lid fits over the body to rest on the flange. The top of the lid is also flanged. From the middle of this flange rises a cut-off, grooved cone. The main surface of the lid is decorated with a streaky glaze with a repetitive pattern: two reserved vertical lines followed by a reserved oval. This seems to have been repeated around the whole body but one half of the glaze/pattern is missing.
Pale clay; greyish glaze, uneven reserved patches between handles (at join with body), inside of handles also reserved, reserved band above footring (possibly unintentional). Footring black with narrow reserved resting surface. Base reserved with large black disk in centre.
Burnt; dull greyish black; where glaze has flaked off, dull grey beneath. Ring handle with triple grooves, groove round lip; flat wide lip. Sharp bend between upper and lower part of body. Large flat resting surface. Underneath reserved.
Handle has black glaze on the outside. Shoulder: broad band at base of neck. Between two dolphins a crossed rosette with white dots round edge. White also for line at back of head of dolphins. Body: two panthers facing, necks red. Three shapeless blobs in field. Below main zone, thick black band onto top of foot. Resting surface of foot reserved.
Fragment A:
interior glazed black; exterior: palmette and lotus frieze with added red between pairs of narrow glaze (fire brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands.
Fragment B:
interior glazed black; exterior: lotus and palmette frieze with added red on calyxes; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands.
Glaze fired brown; pale slip; interior: from outside, part undetermined black fire decoration; black band; maeander frieze between two wide black bands with added red bands lined in white; exterior: ring foot glazed; on underside, two narrow bands.
glaze fired orange-brown; pale slip; from top, black figure decoration, possibly a duck; maeander frieze between wide bands with traces of bands in added white and red; glazed area;
white slip; interior: glazed streaky black (fired yellowish brown) with traces of single band in added white; exterior: painted decoration consisting of seated sphinx (part of belly and hind leg remaining), to left; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, in handle zone doble saw-edged metope pattern; at right, group of five vertical strokes; part of ancient repair hole on right edge of sherd.
glaze mostly fired red-brown; interior: glazed with traces of one band of added red; on top of rim, chain of incised lotuses and palmettes; on handle-plate, black-figure decoration consisting of winged creature (rump feathers remaining) to left; on edge of rim, frieze of stepped zigzags; traces of painted band at junction of rim and shoulder; reserved shoulder.
On main zone, both A and B show a spray of leaves in applied white. There is a long stem leading down to the foot, the base of which has a thin wash of glaze on it.
Large part of one side smeared(?). The paint is fired red throughout. On the rim is a red band, the inside of the pot is completely red, though the glaze appears black towardes the centre. On the outside, a thick red band lies above two rows of leaves, separated by a thin band. Below the second row of leaves is another thick band, which reaches nearly to the rim of the foot. The foot rim and base are reserved.
On top, the helmeted head of Athena Parthenos in relief, very worn. Body grooved around the relief. Handle grooved and rises above body. Piece is black glazed throughout, including base. Surface pitted with a good deal of flaking of the glaze.
Dipped black glaze throughout, although perhaps not on the resting surface (unclear in the current state of preservation).
Black glaze; purple stripe outside; purple top
Black glaze
Dipped black glaze on top of lid, stem, and knob, spilling over with some drips on the underside.
Glaze fired red except around mouth and in patches on body. Two grooves below lip. One each side of moulding at base of neck and two round top of body, with glaze rubbed off. On shoulder incised horse shoes. Below shoulder on body two groves.
Thick groove around the shoulder. Black glaze all over interior and exterior except for a reserved base.
Green glaze shabti, black pigment detail. There is a head-dress and the figure appears to be holding something in each hand which is depicted as a straight line going to each shoulder and meeting around the back of the neck.
Inside, 8, meander border, part of head and shoulder of a woman wearing saccos, chiton (a very small part of the neck border alone remains), and himation; 9, bottom of himation with one foot. Outside, surface destroyed, leaving only a tiny piece of tendril. Relief contour for foot; relief lines for ear, saccos, folds, and ankle; thinned brown glaze for bottom edge of himation and line of dots ornamenting saccos.
Black glaze all over except base and narrow resting surface which are ruddled and reserved respectively. Heavy foot ring, black all over. Black central dot and circle on base.
Black gloss covers the entire vessel, except for the underside of the foot. The gloss is not lustrous and on the exterior towards the foot is fired brownish. Inside the bottom of bowl, a brownish band caused by foot of another vase fired within it in the kiln. Inside is stamped design of four palmettes outside two concentric circles with an egg and dot pattern attached to the second one. Red paint is applied on the underside of the foot. It is decorated with a wide black band and a black dot at the centre. Between them, two thin concentric circles of almost invisible thinned glaze.
Black glaze except resting surface. Red paint applied. Black dot at the centre surrounded by two black concentric bands. Distance 0,4. The external is wider. Stamped inside with four small palmettes set crosswise.
Mouth is black inside, outside and on rim, as is handle and neck. Body has black glaze apart from design on front which is a sphinx with face and hind feet missing. Below is an egg frieze. A diluted glaze has been used for fine dots and strolus on wing. Foot is unevenly glazed on side. Resting surface and raised base are ruddled and flat.
Black glaze except for added white decoration: (A) a bearded man running profile to the rightright but with his head turned back, cloak over his arm; (B) a man standing profile to the right, wearing a himation and holding a wreath. Wavy lines and spray of leaves on each side of figures.
The inner surface is framed by a reserved line. Design shows part of a left arm and body of male seated on cushioned stool and playing a lyre. Relief contour, diluted glaze, very pale, for marking on arm and less pale for pattern on cushion and hatching. Outer surface is black and shiny.
Short narrow neck of jug is glazed black. Handle begins at top of neck and carries on to top of the body. The part of the jug joining the neck and the body, has a palmette design on it, in a circle. This circle is broken for the black part of the handle. There is a large palmatee decoration underneath the handle, where it ends on the body of the jug. Body of jug has red-figures on it. Starting from right-hand side of the handle, going from left to right: First figure looks like a women in traditional Greek clothing, kneeling down. She is facing right. The figure to the right of her looks like a naked man with wings. He is standing on one leg and facing right. He is reaching one of his arms out. Underneath that arm there appears to be a duck. To the right-hand side of the duck, there is a man sitting on a stool. He is in traditional Greek cloting and is holding a large box. This figure is also facing right.Underneath the box there seems to be another object, but it is unclear. Perhaps it is a head? Or perhaps it is where the black glaze has been rubbed away, to reveal a patch which looks like decoration on the jug. He has a winged man kneeling in front of him. This man is facing left, towards the sitting figure. The next figure looks like a women in traditional Greek clothing, kneeling down. She appears to be holding something in her hand, perhaps a mirror. She is facing right. Inbetween her and the next figure there is a bird, facing right. The next figure looks like another women in traditional Greek clothing. She is standing on one leg, with her right arm reaching out. She is facing left. Behind her is a 'T' shaped object, perhaps a stool?. Rim of the base is a red/terracotta colour. underside of base is slightly concaved, with many black rings inside. There is a black dot in the centre of the bottom of the base.
Black lip above reserved neck which has black tongues below fine ridge at base. Single handle is black on top and reserved underneath. Black lotus flowers with white outer petals alternating with black buds border the flat shoulder. The body has shiny black glaze with two red lines at top and another just above bottom of body. Disk foot is reserved around edge. Base reserved.
Clay and surface of vase ferruginous buff, black glaze fired in parts to a pale orange brown. Inside is black with traces of red bands and there are red bands on the inner rim. The upper surface has circular patterns of dots (lotuses?) alternating with vertical rows of dots. Below these and above the handle are three bands, red between two black. Below handles are two bands and another around foot. Three bands on base with central dot.
18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (riders leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
Black glaze with two small brown stripes.
Large portion of fragment covered in plain black glaze. Two thin parallel black stripes decorate the same side.
3 stripes of black glaze. Two small patterned triangles and curved black shapes; potentially the beginning of a depiction.
Large portion decorated in a plain black glaze. Small area appears to be part of a depiction. In-between these two areas is a stripe of brown glaze.
A plain black glaze covers most of the fragment with a small brown stripe and dotted pattern also present.
Black lip on mouth. Neck is reserved as is the underside of the single handle. Black tongues under fine ridge at base of neck followed by a circle of black lotus flowers with white outer petals alternating with black buds. Body has black glaze, rather ruddled. Two thin red lines at top of body just below shoulder and one two thirds of the way down the body. Black disk foot with edge reserved. Base flat and reserved except for a concave central circle.
Black mouth, black inside, reserved lip. Single curved handle black outside and reserved underneath. Bars at base of neck and lotus buds. At top of body are two rows of dots alternating black and white between black bands. Main design is of man reclining between two seated women. On couch beside him is a naked hetaira. Remains of branches with white fruit just visible. Figures are robed and detail is in white. Two reserved bands below on black glaze. Foot is stepped, side of both steps reserved. Base is reserved.
Mouth, handle and the upper part of the neck have been dipped in a brownish, lustreless, uneven glaze. Neck has five vertical, black tongues. The body is patterned in coarse-meshed net which occasionally overlaps onto foot, which is small but uneven. Base flat and reserved.
Shallow, flat interior with a hole in the centre and two black concentric bands around the hole in the centre. Rim flat and reserved. Body neck and foot black glaze. High foot andon circular base which is sloping and broken.
Fabric heavy and glaze is silvered. Two curved handles on opposite sides beginning at widest part of body and ending at top of neck. On either side of neck is a garland and hanging branch of white leaves on incised tendrils. Moulded rim around foot. Base reserved.
Patchy brownish-black glaze fired red in places.
Streaky black glaze applied through dipping, so that a reserved band remains in the middle of the body. Reserved also on resting surface, interior face of foot, and underside. Streaky appearance and reserved section of belly suggest the presence of kiln supports during firing, as found on the example in Toronto (see discussion of dating, below). Black on the interior of the mouth.
Slightly iridescent greyish-black glaze. Lip imprinted with horseshoe shapes (24 on the lip and 5 in the centre). The foot is flat underneath, heavily ruddled, except for a small hollow cone at centre, which is black.
Wide flarred lip, very hollow, flat interior. Flat resting surface with raised base, reserved. Black glaze ciovering only on part of the interior and exterior of the bowl, an elongated semi circle. The bowl is possibly marked from something else or this could be a burn mark rather than remians of a black glaze.
Black Glaze over exterior and interior, even on the inside of the tube in the centre of the reservoir the top of this tube is reserved, base is reserved but has some black markings.
Incision around discus. Black glaze on the interior and the exterior, the base of the foot is reserved.
Mouth coloured black inside, outside, neck red. Handle black on outside and reserved underneath. On shoulder, black rays below fine ridge at base of neck, then lotus flowers - white outer petals alternating with black buds. Body has a silvery black glaze with two red lines at top, another just under the figure scene and another just in the junction with the base. In added white, bearded charioteer with two galloping horses. They are in profile to the left. He is holding the reigns of the horses. Naked with fillet on hair and belt, both shown incised. Row of white dots above the scene. Details of man's body and horses' incised. Disk foot has reserved edge, base is reserved.
Clay reddish, glaze thin and streaky. In upper part two pairs of vertical bands; in lower a broad horizontal band. Inside black to depth of 2.0cm from lip, rest reserved. Handles black on outside. Foot reserved.
Black glaze all over.
Black glaze covers the entire vessel, except for underside of the resting surface. It is not lustrous, of not good quality and on the interior it is mostly fired reddish, as well as on small parts of the exterior. Reddish paint is applied on the underside, which is decorated with a black dot at the centre, surrounded by two concentric thin black band at a distance of ca. 1 cm. VEry close to the external band, a thin band of thinned glaze. The interior of the bidy is has stamped decoration. Four stamped spindly palmettes arround a small circle.
Dull brownish-black glaze all over. Ribbed handles with bearded masks instead of spurs, handles divided in two between mask and body. In handle zone, incised band of tendrils on straight stalk. White dots (v. worn) above and below. Round top of lower band some evidence of what was a wavy pattern. Lower band black as is base and the rest of the vessel.
Flared mouth, black inside, with flat rim which is reserved. Outside of mouth and handle black but neck and underside of handle reserved. Shoulder has two rings, the inner of dots and the outer of rays or lotus buds. Body is black with lustrious glaze except for a reserved band at top and bottom of main design which is a woman walking to right with her hand extended. Stem and foot are black and side of foot is reserved. Base is flat and reserved.
Interior black glaze, except a reserved band just inside rim. Upper body reserved with darker red and black decoration; Three horizontal brown lines around the outside rim, six sets of five vertical lines spaced evenly around the upper body alternating with four occurrences of three concentric circles surrounding a central dot. Three horizontal lines below it separate this section from the lower body which is black except for one reserved band in the middle. Handles are a darker reddish brown (2.5YR 4/6). There is an incised cross on the inside of one handle only. The slightly flared foot is also black with a reserved resting surface and underside.
Black glaze
The jug is decorated with black glaze, turning to red in places, on the upper half but is otherwise reserved.
The mouth is black inside and out with a reserved rim. The back of the handle is also black. The neck and underside of the handle are ruddled, as is the shoulder which has black dots and radial-shaped motif. There is a white band at the upper body surface with a yellow meander pattern, between yellow lines. The main design is that of a flying Nike facing right with a mirror in her left hand and a globular object in her right. She wears a kalyptra (head dress) and she is draped. Additionally, thinned glaze and black paint has been used for detail. Below the scene there is a similar meander pattern on a white band. The rest of the vessel is black.
Fragment of wall of krater or other open bowl. Pale clay, white slip inside and out. Glaze yellow to brown for black. Interior broad black band. Exterior, bands of curved and straight lines.
Black glaze is rather silvered. Rim offset outside and inside. Two oblong, horizontal handles bending upwards, one higher than the other. Resting surface and underside of the base are reserved with a dot and black painted band around it. Foot is moulded in ridges.
Black glaze except for underside, which is reserved and reddened.
Black glaze. Palmette design stamped on both sides of neck. Vertical tongue design covering body of bowl.
Black glaze all over except reserved resting surface. Rim stamped with sixteen horseshoe designs resting on a line. Base is black and depressed.
Entirely covered with black glaze. Ribbed body (visible on interior). Incised cross below handle. Incised spiral on interior of base (not visible on exterior).
Exterior and interior of neck in black glaze, base is reserved. Fourteen, unevenly spaced vertical incisions around the lower body. From above, the lip and handle appear to form a grape leaf shape.
Entirely covered in black glaze.
Glaze is dark brown, sometimes with a reddish hue. Glazed on rim, neck (interior and exterior), handles, at junction of body and stand, and on exterior of foot. Cartoon-ish black-figure scenes on body and stand, with incised detail. Body, side A: Legless horseman, with arms spread on either side, to right on a horse held by a bearded man in a short tunic, with a dagger at his right side, who stands to his left. Behind him stands another bearded man wearing a short tunic, who holds a branch in his outstretched right hand, and bends his left arm at his side. Body, side B: Another legless horseman advances to the right, also with arms outstretched, on a horse, galloping towards a bearded, male figure, wearing a long tunic, who stands profile to the left. Stand, side A: Two confronting water birds, with 3 flecks behind the right water bird. Stand, side B: Two male figures in profile to the right, with a dagger at his left side; the second figure, who is shorter, seems to be bound.
Black handle, mouth, neck and back of body. Around shoulder at front is a tongue pattern. Below is main design of a nude youth riding a horse to the left, white for reins and thinned glaze for black detail. Below is meander strip broken by two crosses (white on black). Black to base.
Swan with added white and incisions. Above, dot, white on black. Beneath handle, palmette flanked by tall tendrils. Glaze silvery. Mouth, upper part of neck, top of handle, black. Also lower part of body and foot, including resting surface.
Reserved except for black glaze on the interior hollow and geometricising decoration: on one side, within two black bands, branches arranged in a radiate fashion; on the other side, within two black bands, radiate bands, some at various angles, intersecting; on the exterior 10 horizontal lines, each intersected by 7 short vertical bars.
Interior reserved; black glaze on mouth and upper half of neck, as well as upper half of handle; lower part of neck decorated with tongues that suggest ribbing; shoulder decorated (except under handle) with an egg-and-dot frieze between two black lines; reserved space at lower part of handle and handle attachment (interior) suggest that the mouth and neck were dipped. Body decorated with a frieze consisting of 7 clusters of three white dots at the top of a figural scene (arranged in upside down triangle shapes): a female figure, standing in 3/4-view to the left, in a relaxed posture with her left leg crossing her right, and her left elbow resting on a pillar (the curvy element in added white suggests that this is meant to represent natural rock). She wears a hairband and kekrphylon on her head, triple-dot earrings, two or three necklaces (two strands of white beads beneath a black line), two white bracelets on each wrist; a belted sleeveless chiton, and white slippers. She holds, in her upraised right hand, a mirror surrounded by white dots, and, in her left hand, a phiale that is surrounded by white beads, as well as a beaded sash. A large palmette, with a white dot on the heart and white dots on each volute, fills the space beneath the handle. From each volute emerges tendrils and floral decoration that frame the image of the woman. A 6-petal rosette fills the space to the right of the woman; to her left are a window and a dotted circle (cog-wheel?) in the upper left field, and an olive branch in the lower left field. On the body, beneath the figural scene, are a single reserved band and a thicker black band. The foot is reserved on the top element, and glazed black on the ridge and lower element; the underside and resting surface are reserved.
Black glaze, except for the reserved underside and a rough band on the resting surface. Decoration on both sides in superposed orange, red-washed. Side A: vertical bars, line, detached waves rightward, line, palmettes, line, waves rightward. Side B: vertical bars, line, chevrons leftward, line, simple key leftward, two lines, dotted waves rightward.
Lustrous black glaze all over except for lower part of foot and underside.
Covered in lustrous black glaze, except for a red band at the rim.
Interior reserved, except for a narrow band of black glaze at the top. Exterior: black-glazed rim and handles, including handle attachment points, lower part of body, and foot. The shoulder is decorated with pendant leaves, vertically arranged, divided by a narrow black band from the body frieze which consists of, on either side, a 12-petalled horizontal palmette between two sideways 14-petalled palmettes central. Lines of dots emerge from either side of the middle leaf on each palmette. Underside reserved.
Black glaze (dipped) except lower part of body and underside of pyxis foot reserved.
Black glaze (dipped) except interior of lid reserved.
Black glaze interior and exterior. Reserved resting surface and underside, except two concentric black circles around a central black dot.
Glazed black on the interior, except at the bottom of the bowl. Exterior glazed black (dipped) on the rim, handles, except near attachment (but a small line emerges to the front of the bowl, from either handle). The floral frieze consists of: palmette, upright, flanked by curling tendrils from which hang smaller palmettes (side A), a simple enclosed palmette (under missing handle); two upright palmettes with curling tendrils, although the palmette on the right has two curling tendrils at the left and none at the right (side B); simple palmette under handle. Beneath the floral frieze is a thin black band above a band of black dots. Black glaze also on the lower part of the body, stem, and top of foot, and interior surface of the foot (with extra paint spilling over onto the resting surface and the underside).
Decoration is dark (brownish-black fading to red) on a light ground. The interior is decorated with bands around the rim and in the bowl (with an ill-made join). The exterior is decorated with a band around the rim, brown fading to red on the exterior of the handle, and another band where the cup tapers to the base, beneath which six narrow bands in dilute glaze are evenly spaced to the foot, the exterior of which is red.
Black band on the interior of the rim, underneath of which a red line. On the interior, bust of a female figure drawn in outline and shown in profile to the left. She has a freckled face (six spots rather than the usual three found on faces in the Sam Wide Group). Her hair is bound up with a spotted kekryphylon (scarf) tied over her forehead. She wears a pine-cone shaped earring and a beaded necklace. Her drapery is clumsily rendered: a himation decorated with a banded (tongues?) border (shown on her left shoulder) over a thin dark chiton (shown on her right shoulder). She holds a thymiaterion (incense burner) out of which streams some smoke (six strands in diluted glaze). The remaining handle is dipped black on the side. On the exterior of the rim, a frieze of black tongues below the rim, with a thin line below. The foot is reserved, except for the interior of the sloping ring.
Decorated with streaky black glaze, which becomes dark red in placces. Knob black glazed on exterior of two recesses, side, and underside, as well as stem and inner part of domed top. Beyond this a frieze of 9-leaf palmettes alternating with water birds, profile to the left, with intervening spots between palmettes and swan. This frieze is surrounded by a band of vertical bars between two glazed bands. The underside is reserved.
Black glaze on the exterior of the upper element of the knob, with two rows of short vertical bars on the globular lower element. The attachment of the knob is surrounded by a thick band and a thin line, then tendrils atttaching 5 evenly spaced vegetal elements, namely a lotus bud, an 11-leaf palmette, a 5-leaf palmette, a 10-leaf palmette, and a 6-leaf palmette. This frieze is surrounded by a thick band, a row of dots, and a thicker band. The bevel and underside are completely reserved.
Applied red wash except lower body, foot and base, which are reserved. Black glaze is applied to the interior in a swirl and the rim is also black. Handles and large semicircular spaces under each handle were also treated with black glaze. Both sides depict an owl flanked by olive sprays.
one side covered in a plain black glaze, reverse side decorated with small patterns
One side is covered in a plain black glaze. Reverse side is decorated with three lines of black glaze.
Handle, three quaters black glaze, situated above ivy leaf standing on tendrils and tips of two leaves of palmette on right. There is a thick black band around the rim and two thinner black bands beneath the ivy leaf.
Fragment with both red and black on it. On the surface (depending which way up you hold it!?)On the left there is the edge of a curve with two black dots inside it, to the right of this is a vertical line. To the right of this line are what could be the edge of two big petals or leaves., in the centre of the first there is a dot and a line. Underneath all of these shapes is the edge of what seems to be a big circle in a red coloured gloss. The back of the fragment is covered in a black glaze that has come out as red in patches(?)
Plain black glaze on one side with some areas worn away. reverse side covered in floral pattern made from black glaze.
Plain black glaze covering one side. Other side is decorated with a band of black glaze with floral pattern underneath. Appears to be part of the same pattern as seen on 73.9.24
One side covered in a plain black glaze. Other side is decorated with a thin-banded striped pattern around the lip. Main body is decorated with a floral design.
Singular arm of handle remains, outside of which has a black glaze, the inside does not. Remains of rim, same colour as this handle. Dot rosette and dotted swastika below handle, tip of palmette leaf on right of handle. Two dark brown bands at bottom edge of fragment.
Concaved side covered in a plain black glaze. Convexed side decorated with a solid black stripe and circular decoration.
Each side is decorated with a thick stripe of black glaze; concaved side has an additional thin stripe, convexed has a small circle of black glaze.
Each side detailed with a thick stripe of glaze, appears to use different levels of coating: thin amount of applications for the brown stripes, heavier application for dark/black stripes.
A small fragment with possible figure of bird (front part and head missing) and above this, a circle design with a dot in the centre. The back of the fragment is covered in black glaze.
Hemispherical cup with horizontal strap handle with a single groove, attached just below flat lip; ring base. Entirely covered with black glaze.
Two handles on opposite sides at top. Inside black with convex centre. Around rim are incised pendants on side A and two parallel lines with row of white dots above and below on side B. Below pendants is a pair of incised lines, a row of red dots, a grape vine with pendant grapes, leaves and tendrils. At base are three uneven circular shapes above reserved band. Black band around rim of foot. Base reserved and raised. Glaze partly faded.
Black glaze on exterior and interior, red in parts.
Black glaze all over, redish in places probably due to firing.
Moulded ring around the filling hole, depressed ring outside the moulded ring. Black glaze on the interior which has leaked out of the wick hole and run down part of the nozzle.
Broad moulded ring around the edge of the discus, Black Glaze on interior and exterior.
Balck glaze all over interior and exterior. raised ring around the filling hole.
The upper side of the fragment is decorated with an imprinted floral pattern. The underside decorated with a plain black glaze.
The underside consists of a series of circular stipes of brown glaze. The upper surface is decorated with an imprinted floral pattern.
One side is decorated with black glaze in a circular pattern; consisting of a thicker and thinner stripe. Other side decorated with an imprinted pattern.
Black glaze with centre stamped with seven palmettes surrounded by a circular ray design.
Black glaze with centre stamped with 5 palmettes surrounded by a circular ray design.
Covered with a brown glaze on both sides of the fragment. One side is imprinted with a floral pattern.
One side is decorated with a black glaze with a singular stripe of brown. The other is decorated with a black glaze and an imprinted pattern of a circular floral design. Further into the middle of the fragment is a banded pattern.
Black glaze on the outside and inside, the surface shiny.
One side of this fragment is all glazed black and has three flowers on it. It also has two rounded lines, with up-side-down 'U' shapes inside them. The other side of this fragment also has a black glaze and seems to have a rim coming out of it, which could have been part of a base of a pot.
Plain black glaze across most of the fragment. A small line is imprinted on the outside.
Cylindrical bead, light blue glaze, the bead is thickest at one end and tapers to it's thinnest at the other end.
Cylindrical bead, blue glaze. The bead is shaped somewhat like a bone in that the ends are bulbous either side of a thinner middle.
Cylindrical bead in blue glaze
Green glaze shabti wearing a headress.
Blue glaze
Fragment preserves part of the lip and also the base of what was a shallow bowl. There is is a darker blue curved line following the angle of the bowl suggesting that there was a decoration at the bottom of the bowl. The piece comes from a spoilt lot from the lower levels of the city, which is suggested by the extra thick layer of glaze that is present on the lip.
Blue glaze fragment, once the lip of a flat dish or bowl. The top of the bowl was apparently decorated with two sculpted concentric lines, one following the lip of the bowl one just below. The interior is flat.
Blue glaze fragment, part of the lip of a flat dish or bowl. On the exterior two concentric ridges encircle the lip. On the interior a series of darker blue lines run parallel to the exterior ridges.
Terracotta fragment coated in a black glaze.
Glass fragment with a raised ridge across the middle and remains of a pearl-white glaze
Evidence of pearlescent blue glaze in the upper part, golden in the lower part; white sediments all over.
Black glaze
black and jade green glaze inside, green outside.
Red glaze. Two figures in low-relief: on the right a human figure with legs outturned, on the left a human face (mask) with a sort of base or plate on the head; above the plate two legs of an incomplete human figure. On the sides of this composition two vertical patterns, composed by short horizontal signs with below a six-ends star.
Few traces of different coloured paints. Few, small black or dark brown flecks allover the surface, a little more at the saddle, belly and mane. There are very few traces of green glaze at the top of the nose and front part of belly and saddle (and white as well as red-brownish flecks at the rare part) on the right.
Black glaze on interior and exterior. A band of incised lines surrounds the inner centre of the bowl.
The interior and the rim are coated with a streaky black glaze. Exterior: dots, black band, floral zone comprised of inverted lotuses alternating with palmettes, both rising from volutes, black band, double band of alternating black dots. Reserved resting surface and underside, except for two concentric red bands, one on interior vertical wall.
Black glaze around the base and on the neck. Shows a slave woman and a draped youth standing on either side of a tombstone.
Thinly applied black glaze on interior, handles, and lower part of bowl, as well as a narrow band at the bottom of the lip, and the exterior surface of the foot.
Black glaze all over, although patchy (perhaps as a result of poor firing) on the lower part of the body and foot.
Black glaze except for reserved band at join with foot and underside, including resting surface. At the front of the body, the shoulder is decorated with an incised ovolo grieze between two incised lines; this frieze is accentuated with white inscribing the eggs and white dots between the eggs. Beneath is another pair of incised lines between two rows of white dots. The body is decorated with a red band from which emerges, above and below, (ivy) sprays, in added white gilded with yellow; two clusters of grapes (again white gilded with yellow) hang from this band. Some clusters of three red dots on lower part of body.
Metallic black glaze except reserved band where body joins foot, slightly streaked above; reserved underside.
Handles painted black on the top and reserved underneath. Reserved thin line inside lip and on outer side and bottom of footring. Ring foot is black although underneath is ruddled, except for black centre and one small black ring. Streaky glaze in places.
Inside black, reserved line at lip. Two kylix handles, black on the top and reserved underrneath. Main picture is in handle zone and is similar on both sides. Shows Dionysos seated, flanked by palmettes with vines running either side of him. Detail picked out in red and white. Foot rind reserved outside, black inside. Base reserved with central dot, small ring in dripped glaze, thick black ring and near circumference also fire circles in thinned glaze.
Black glaze on interior and ends of handles (dipped) as well as vertical surface of the rim, the lower body, and the lower element of the foot, as well as the interior side wall of the foot. Otherwise reserved, except for vertical bars in handle zone, on either side.
Black glaze on top 2/3 of body; some accidental drips descend over the remaining third of the body, at the back. Some areas fired red.
The surface is treated with a metallic black glaze, applied more casually (streaky) on the lower part of the body; reserved band just above foot and reserved (matte grey) underside except for a black concentric circle. There is a single incised concentric circle in the tondo.
The iridescence and matte grey areas suggest that the lower part of the vase was (inadvertently?) exposed to (too much) heat, either in the factory or afterwards.
Black interior and handle; beneath each handle a palmette, flanked by tendrils; on each side a wave band, to right, above a woman's head, profile to left, surrounded by tendrils. Banded decoration below is comprised of a reserved band just below the figural scene, a pair of red bands above the foot, a red band on the upper surface of the foot, and reserved area at the centre of the underside.
The common use of red stain to effect a red (ruddled) surface on reserved areas is highlighted in this example by the almost complete loss of black glaze towards the foot, where the ruddled intervening bands strongly contrast with the buff/reserved (formerly black glazed) areas.
Black on interior except for a reserved band just below the lip. Black on exterior, except for a frieze of tongues underneath the rim on both sides, but not above handles; figural scenes on body. A: Partridge profile to the left; tendrils in lower left field; circle and tendrils in upper right field. B: Satyr head, profile to left; tendrils in lower left and right fields; quarter palmette in upper left field; single palm leaf in upper right field.
Although female heads are more popular in such contexts, the large red element in place of the ear is probably a horn and indicates that this is a representation of a satyr. The decoration in the lower left field of the B side indicates the addition of a second layer of black glaze, in a manner than changes the image (from a large tendril to a small tendril below an L-shaped element.
Exterior black glaze with red figure decoration all over; underside reserved, except for broad black band at curve from plate to stem, black on exterior and interior vertical surfaces of foot, and broad black band around pointed centre of plate. 12-petal rosette in central well, surrounded by red band, wave pattern to left, and black and red bands; figural scene showing three different types of fish (bream in profile, xxx and cuttle fish, shown from above) advancing to the left. Mussel and 6-petal rosette in field, on either side of the xxx. Rim decorated with red band above a laurel band to left floral motif.
Red parts of decorative bands ruddled, whereas streaky brown has been used for artistic effect (shading to render a three-dimensional impression) on the fish. Some details on central rosettes and fish rendered with added white and yellow.
Black glaze all over, except for red rim, two superimposed decorative friezes at the base of the neck (ribbing between two black lines, egg-and-dots between two black lines, yellow dots below); figural frieze between tendrils; beneath handle one palmette sits atop a second palmette enclosed in tendrils that terminate above in volutes from which emerge further tendrils, ending in volutes, that sprout yet another set of tendrils; egg frieze between two reserved bands encircles the entire body and serves as a groundline for the figures; reserved underside.
The scene depicts a youth, nude except for two bands in his hair and a chlamys draped over his bent left arm, advancing (dancing?) in 3/4-view to the right, following two maenads, all advancing in 3/4-view to the right, although the last two maenads turn their heads profile to the left. All three maenads wear two bands in their hair (the last, however, appears as a single thick band), beaded necklaces, belted, sleeveless chitons, and snake bracelets on their left arms (the first maenad has a similar bracelet on her right arm). The youth and the first two maenads hold thyrsoi in their left hands. The third maenad holds a wreath in her lowered left hand.
All red surfaces are ruddled, except for the underside, including resting surface. Some added white and yellow highlight details on heads, jewelery and thyrsoi.
Rim and neck covered in black glaze; circumscribed palmette frieze on shoulder, with intervening triangles above and below (where two are outlined but not filled in); main body (white ground) decorated with net pattern between narrow reddish-black lines; the upper black band is decorated with white dots. Black glazed on lower part of body and foot, except for reserved underside, including resting surface.
Entirely black except for reserved line around edge of rim, ribbed zone (comprised of five vertical lines in panel) at front of neck, and figural scene on the front of the body, and reserved underside at front half of lekythos (similarly the front half of the interior is reserved).
Scene: double tendril, with a blossom emerging from the larger tendril; female head, profile to left; rosette in upper right field; small tendril in lower left field. The female wears her hair in a sakkos, tied at the back, from which emerges a tuft of curly hair around the ear. The reserved areas are ruddled, except on the underside. Some of the glaze beneath the handle has fired red.
Black glaze except underside.
Black glaze, inside and out. On shoulder, below handle, five close-set red bands between two pairs of thin white lines. Two-thirds down body bands of alternating colour (white, red, white, red, white); trace of red line at top of foot; reserved foot and underside.
Black glaze but reserved band just above foot and reserved underside; red bands on lip, above and below moulded ridge; incised pairs of vertical lines radiating across shoulder; two white lines, each above a red band, at lower part of shoulder; red bands on lower third of body and exterior surface of foot.
Black glaze all over; red band between two white lines on shoulder; red band at middle of body; lack-gloss over entire surface; two red bands around body.
Black glaze on top 2/3 of body; some accidental drips descend over the remaining third of the body, at the back. Some areas fired red.
Black glaze except at centre of disk on either side and lower part of knob.
Black glaze (mostly fired red) on mouth, upper part of neck, lower body, and upper surface of foot; vertical surface of foot and underside reserved. White-ground on lower part of shoulder and body, with traces of red decoration.
Black glaze except for resting surface and underside, which is decorated with a central black dot and two bblack concentric bands. Black on inner wall of foot.
Black glaze on mouth and upper part of neck (dipped); handle zone surrounded by black band; 8 black tongues on neck, reserved shoulder except for two neck tongues that extend down to the body on either side of the handle, black band at height of lower handle attachment. The remainder of the body is covered with a net pattern of fine, irregular black lines and tiny white dots where lines cross. Broad black band (thin glaze) around bottom of body and top of foot; resting surface and underside reserved. Glaze is misfired red on one side.
Black glaze on interior, rim, and most of handles (dipped) as well as vertical surface of the rim, the lower body, and the lower element of the foot. Otherwise reserved, except for vertical bars in handle zone, on either side.
Metallic black glaze all over except on reserved resting surface and inside of foot.
Black glaze exept for reserved underside and some of the foot (where glaze shows signs of having been unevenly dipped); resting surface ruddled.
Black glaze (mostly disappeared). Incised decoration: a large double palmette and three rosettes (of which two remain).
Interior: black line above reserved band on rim, below which entire surface is glazed black. Exterior: black line and reserved band at rim; black line at top of body; reserved band in handle zone; indications of black glaze at outer parts of handles (dipped?); glazed black below (glaze is thin in sections).
Black glaze except reserved panels under handles, on interior of handles; foot is reserved and reddened, except for black on the interior vertical surface and a small black concentric circle at the centre of the underside.
Black glaze except reserved panels under handles, on interior of handles; foot is reserved and reddened, except for black on the interior vertical surface and a small black concentric circle and dot at the centre of the underside.
Black glaze (thin on lower part) except reserved line just within rim, panels under handles and interior of handles; foot reserved and reddened, except for black on the interior vertical surface and a small black concentric circle and dot at the centre of the underside.
Black glaze, with red lip, two red lines between two white lines at shoulder; red line on lower part of body; red band on outside of foot. Underside reserved; trace of black on the resting surface.
Black glaze (mostly dulled) except for reserved lower part of body and underside.
Black glaze, fired red in places. Red band on lower part of lip; traces of white palmette, with tendrils, on shoulder; red line between two white lines at shoulder; red band just below middle of body. Underside reserved.
Black glaze inside mouth and on entire exterior (fired red in parts), except for reserved lower part of foot and underside.
Black glaze, except on underside and resting surface.
Black glaze except reserved underside; eight incised bands horizontal lines around body.
Black glaze except for reserved underside, interior of foot ring, and resting surface. Red patches, especially on foot, are due to misfiring.
Black glaze fired red in places; ghost of a palmette from the bottom of which emerge two volutes, in added white on shoulder at front; red band between two white lines on shoulder, just below handle attachment; red band on widest part of body; underside reserved except some black glaze overlapping from the sides.
Black glaze (mostly lost) except for reserved lower part of body and underside, including resting surface.
Glaze fired red in places, now changed to brown, through secondary burning.
Reserved except for black glaze on the handle top(s) (dipped), two black lines on shoulder, a narrow black band above a broader black band just above the foot, and a black band on the exterior of the foot.
Black glaze on exterior except for a reserved band inscribing the top of the knob, two reserved bands in the middle of the top, two reserved bands at the join with the flange, and one reserved band at the rim. Interior reserved.
Black glaze except reserved resting surface.
Black glaze except reserved at join of body and foot.
Ovoid or tongue mouldings on the shoulder, not no the areas covered by the nozzle volutes or the area of the handle. Discus is surrounded by four concentric moulded rings, the filling hole is surrounded by three concentric moulded rings. The nozzles have on their outer edges large volutes, these terminate at the body with horse heads instead of the usual ? the termination by the tip is in the usual form. Within the base are three concentric moulded rings with a small nodule at the centre. Red glaze all over
Black glaze all over interior and exterior.
Black glaze except reserved handle zone and upper part of foot, and lowest part of body, decorated with net pattern. Traces of white ribbing pattern on lower third of glazed portion. Underside reserved except for concentric black band and black central dot.
Decorated entirely in black glaze except for the decorated tondo, the reserved resting surface (and perhaps also reserved handle zones which are, however, unclear because it is obscured by deposits). The centre of the bowl is decorated with a reserved circle in which is seated an abstracted human figure, perhaps a Scythian (wearing a mitra), holding a drinking horn.
Black glaze except reserved on the lower part of the foot, resting surface, and udnerside. Red figure palmette (11 leaves) with tendrils and leaves rising from either side. Small, dotted circle on left side, above tendril; round groundline.
Traces of parallel vertical bars on shoulder and upper part of side walls; white ground on upper 2/3 of body; black glaze below; foot reserved on vertical surface and underside.
The interior and the rim are coated with a black glaze. On the exterior of the lip, a band of vertical bars, interrupted in each handle zone, where the surface is reserved. Each handle is glazed black on the exterior; under each handle is a palmette with 13 leaves (14 on right side), outlined, with a dotted hemicircle at its heart. Each palmette is flanked by a tendril from which emerges a lotus blossom. On each side a female head, profile to left: stephanai with 6 white spikes, grape-cluster earring, beaded necklace; kekryphylon. The woman on A has a Roman nose; on B has a ski-jump nose.
Black glaze on both the interior and exterior surfaces.
Black glaze all over, ridge along the crest of the handle
Black glaze on both interior and exterior
Traces of black glaze, inside mouth and down top half of object, including handle.
Black glaze, fired red on one side; small patches at lowest part of body and on underside are reserved.
Dipped (black glaze). Interior: black glaze with red band on rim. Exterior: black (fired red in places) on upper 2/3, but reserved below.
Traces of glaze indicate that the entire surface was glazed black, but fired red in places, especially towards the bottom.
Black glaze, on which are superimposed two pairs of purple-red lines, one around the bottom of the handle-zone, and the other on the grooves at the junction of body and foot.
Black glaze except reserved on lowest part of body and underside.
Rim of object remains, as does circular handle, placed horizontally just below rim. Traces of black glaze.
Circular, horizontal handle attached to rim of a cup or skyphos. Thin material. Traces of black colouring suggesting a black glaze. Handle is not moulded out of, but stuck on to, the body of the object.
Black glaze on handle, lower body, and foot, excluding underside. White-ground on shoulder and body, with slight traces of red decoration
Thin neck. Reserved inside. Top half of body is black glaze and the bottom half is reserved although the line between the two halves is uneven. Foot flares out and base is flat.
Shiny dark red glaze with black areas fired.
Black glaze except reserved on lower third of body and underside.
Black glaze all over, especially lustrous on the interior.
Appears to have had a black glaze. Triangular fragment which seems to have one edge that may have been a rim.
Remains of black glaze on underside and around the rim suggest that the entire piece may have been glazed.
Black glaze (mostly dulled) except for reserved lower part of body and underside.
Decorated in black glaze except: narrow reserved band on interior, just within rim; tondo, reserved except for two concentric black circles at the centre; reserved interior of handles and handle zones; decorative frieze comprised of palmettes above chain, on both sides; narrow reserved band in lower part of bowl; reserved resting surface and interior of stem. Added white dots superposed on chain, at the centre of each link. Misfiring has rendered the lower part of the bowl, stem, and foot on one side streaky red.
Black glaze entirely, except perhaps on base.
No visible decoration on the inside or outside. Whole outer part appears to be singular shade of black glaze.
Black glaze on both sides
Bowl with two handles, the rim has a black band around the top which goes both inside and outside the bowl. Below this on the inside, is a very thick black band that stops to leave an empty circle in the centre of the bowl. The handles begin about an inch below the rim on the outside of the bowl, but curve up and out to finish roughly on level with the rim. They are painted with black glaze only on the underside. Above the base of the handles there is a subtle ridge, below which there are three lines of pattern, which look like petals. Below these, there is a thin black band, a small space, and then a thick black band which goes down to the ridge of the foot. The foot itself appears to consist of two flattish disks, the lower with a black band round it. On the bottom of the foot, there is another black band part way in, and then a smaller one with a black dot in the middle.
Larger piece (1) is made of three fragments and shows the top of the front panel with a pattern of horizontal palmettes with dots in field above a scene of a woman, with head covered, facing a youth wearing a long tunic and holding a long stick (?). The vertical panel pattern on the left hand side is of two dots, staggered and joined by a line. Detail picked out in watery glaze and black. The inside surface of both pieces is almost ribbed and the glaze is streaky. The smaller piece (2) has remains of a thick handle with a palmette pattern below it. The design on the front has the same horizontal and vertical panels as the other piece but has an old (bearded) man facing left also in long tunic. Both pieces bend upwards to what would have been the mouth and there is a possibility this would have been trefoil shaped.
Top rounded, may have been rim to a pot. Black glaze on both sides.
Black glaze along one edge part of a geometric band.
Black glaze in the left corner some fine black lines on a red background possibly part of a himation.
Black glaze on both sides.
On one side black glaze, on the other side a band of black glaze and reserved on either side of the black band.
Some small areas of black glaze; presumably once covered whole pot. No distinct pattern can be determined.
Black striped decoration on body and top by opening. Plain black glaze on neck.
Black glaze all over with some areas having been worn away. No distinct decoration visible.
black glaze all over however worn away in areas. No distinct pattern visible.
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black Glaze
Black glaze
Black Glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black Glaze
Black glaze
Black Glaze
TEMP.2007. 2.69
Black glaze, slightly worn and chipped; cords
TEMP.2007.2 29
Black glaze with fire damage
Black glaze, badly chipped. Possible area unglazed or with different colour, chipping makes it difficult to tell
Black glaze; chipped
Black glaze, worn; possibly some red pigment
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze, some of which is chipped off
Black glaze; band of undecorated terracotta
Black glaze and unglazed
Black glaze; three bands
Black glaze
Black glaze, chipped; some yellowed areas, probably from previous repair work
Plain black glaze all over, no distinct decoration.
Black glaze
Black glaze on both sides
Black glaze on both sides, with a strip of reddish glaze on the top of the exterior
Black glaze on both sides
Black glaze on both sides
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze, faded to a pale grey
Black glaze
Black glaze, damaged by fire and chipped
Black glaze with a thin band of red glaze
Black glaze, possible fire damage
Black glaze, fire damage
Black glaze
Black glaze, chipped badly on one side with very minor damage on other
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze with fire damage
Black glaze
Black glaze on both sides
Black glaze on both sides
Black glaze on rim; either worn black glaze or brown paint on body with some chipping
Black glaze on both sides
Black glaze
Black glaze
Black glaze; on one side the glaze appears to be banded - unknown if intentional or due to wearing
Black glaze
Black glaze
Exterior is decorated in a plain black glaze.
Black glaze
black glaze