Shoulder: frieze of bars at base of neck; below, five palmettes, consisting of a central group of three, the middle one inverted, and one at each side with its stem on the side away from the handle. The lower branch of each stem curls into a spiral from the end of which a leaf grows. There are dots in the field. Body: black except for a pair of red lines around the top.
Fragment with no finished edges. Exterior: animal procession consisting grazing goats (only head, part of one antler and one foreleg of one and one hind leg of second ramaining)to right; dashes, quatrefoil, and hooked swastikas as filling ornament; below, black band and part of lower frieze - antlers of goat to left; dashes as filling ornament; at right, possibly more antlers.
Pale slip; interior: black, with added red band lined in white; exterior: animal frieze decoration consisting of two goats grazing to left (one hind leg with added red of one and head with antlers, neck with added red, and forelegs of second remaining); crosses, stars, and pinwheel rosette as filling ornament; below, black band above band in added red.
Interior: glazed black with traces of narrow bands in added white; exterior: from top, part of wide vertical black band between pairs of dilute lines; two dilute lines; guilloche pattern; at right, two narrow vertical black bands flanking black handle root; below; wide black band between two narrow dilute bands; part of meander frieze.
The upper overhanging section is decorated with an egg pattern; on the broad middle section is a laurel wreath, to left; on the narrow section are is a band of black dots above a thin line. The neck is decorated with a lotus-palmette frieze. The interior is glazed black.
Heavy fabric. Cup mouth (with vertical sides) and neck are black. The shoulder is decorated with a ring of dots. Below the rim, is a frieze of radiating leaves. Body zone is covered with a white ground and is decorated with diagonal lines criss-crossing one another (net pattern), with thin bands at the top and bottom. Below where the handle would have been the body is reserved. Below is black, except for the reserved foot.
pale slip; interior: reserved at top of rim; black below, with band in added red lined in white; exterior: frieze of vertical black bars with added red at rim; below, black band above black-figure animal frieze: at left, part of lion or sphinx (rump and tail remaining) to left; on the right, part of large palmette with added red; dashes, star, and dots as filling ornament.
white slip; interior: black; exterior: at left, a part of springing goat (only underbelly remaining) to left; decorative motif consisting of half pin-wheel rosette and part of one spoked rosette and a cross as filling ornament; below, frieze of dots between two wide black bands with added red band lined in white.
white slip; interior black with added red band lined in white; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of feline (hind claw, belly, and right forleg joint remaining) to right; half pinwheel rosette and one splinter rosette as filling ornament; below, maeander frieze between wide black bands; at bottom of sherd, tips of possible tongues or dot frieze. Rough drill hole.
Fragment A:
interior glazed black; exterior: palmette and lotus frieze with added red between pairs of narrow glaze (fire brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands.
Fragment B:
interior glazed black; exterior: lotus and palmette frieze with added red on calyxes; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, black with traces of two narrow red bands.
pale slip; interior black with added red band lined in white; exterior: narrow metopal frieze of crosses, diagonal dashes and squares between two wide red-fired zones.
pale slip; interior: black band on short up-turned rim, extending slightly inside; on floor, from outside, key maeander frieze; black band with added red band lined in white; large black dot rosette; further similar band; exterior: accidental black line extending from rim; four narrow black bands and wide band;
pale slip; interior: frieze framed by bands with added red bands lined in white; three concentric circles with central dot, flanked to left by triple horizontal lines with petals either side, part of frieze; exterior: three black bands.
Glaze fired brown; pale slip; interior: from outside, part undetermined black fire decoration; black band; maeander frieze between two wide black bands with added red bands lined in white; exterior: ring foot glazed; on underside, two narrow bands.
On top of mouth frieze of dots between narrow black bands; dots on edge; horizontal strokes between narrow black bands down outside of handle; ring hole painted black; around ring hole, wide and narrow black bands with incision lines; around edge, black-figure decoration;consisting of horse riders (only incision marks of horse's head and traces of black remaining) to left;
pale slip; exterior: black band on ridge at neck join; below, animal frieze consisting of deer (head, forlegs, and rump missing) to left; four petalled rosette and dots as filling ornament; at right, decorative motif consisting of two vertical wavy lines (or tail of bull?); below, two lines.
yellowish slip; exterior: part of two animal friezes consisting of grazing goats, separated by band with aded red line; of upper frieze head, ear, antler and one foreleg of one goat and one hind leg of second remain, to right; part of dot rosette and lozenges as filling ornament; lower frieze preserves shoulder, back, and antler of one goat to left, with triangles and dot rosettes as filling ornament.
pale slip; exterior:frieze of tongues, some with added red; below, narrow band above frieze with floral motif consisting of part of large palmette and tendril; part of spoked rosette, dots, and dashes as filling ornament.
pale slip; exterior: from top, frieze of short tongues; below, part of large palmette and tendril decoration with part of spoked rosette and small crosses as filling ornament; below, three bands (one black, one in added white and one in added red)
pale slip; exterior: from top, part of frieze of tongues; below from left, black-figure decoration consisting of possibly part of a wing with added red; to right, part of large palmette with pinwheel and dot rosettes and dashes as filling ornament; below, black band with superimposed band in added white;
glaze fired orange-brown; pale slip; from top, black figure decoration, possibly a duck; maeander frieze between wide bands with traces of bands in added white and red; glazed area;
pale slip; exterior, from top: frieze with black-figure decoration consisting of breast and right foreleg of crounching feline to right; on right, possible blob rosette as filling ornament; below, wide black band with traces of bands in added white and red; below, animal procession to left in silhouette style (rump, tail, and part of hind legs of possible goat remaining); part two rosettes and dashes as filling ornament.
white slip; exterior: below shoulder and neck join, frieze of tongues with added red; black zone at right below handle; below, wide black band with band in added white; frieze below in black-figure consisting of feline to left (part of back, rump, left hind leg and right hind thigh and tail remaining); dots and incised splinter rosettes as filling ornament; below, part of wide black band with bands in added white and red;
pale slip; exterior, from top: traces of undetermined decoration; band with added red and white lines; black-figure frieze of sphinxes (one with face and forelegs missing, and face, chest and forelegs of second remaining) to left; splinter rosettes and dots as filling ornament; below, second band, then frieze with animal procession in silhouette style consisting of goat grazing to left (horn, shoulders and back remaining); short vertical bars, dot, and maeander cross as filling ornament;
white slip; from top, frieze of tongues; narrow band (fired brown); black-figure decoration consisting of goat to left (rump with added red, one hind leg with added red, and part of tail remaining); large incised shaded rosettes as filling ornament.
white slip; large brown palmette and tendrils and dot; below, dividing band consisting of short vertical bars between pairs of narrow brown bands; below, maeander and square pattern frieze.
white slip; interior: black at top with traces of two narrow bands in added white; on top of rim, maeander frieze; on edge of rim, short vertical bars; exterior: neck glazed; below ridge at shoulder and neck join frieze of short vertical tongues above black-figure frieze consisting of winged creature (only tip of wing remaining) to left; part of incised splinter rosette as filling ornament;
pale slip; interior: black band at top of wall, reserved below; stepped maeander frieze on top of rim, edge glazed; black band below neck and shoulder join; on shoulder, large floral/star pattern at left; maeander or square pattern at right;
white slip; interior: reserved band at rim, glazed black below; band of added white dots above frieze of petals in black and red lined in white; exterior reserved with one probably unintentional unslipped band.
whitish yellow slip; interior: reserved band at rim, glazed black below; dot frieze in added white between pairs of white lines; below, part of lotus bud in white and red; exterior: dot frieze (fired brown) at rim between narrow bands.
white slip; interior glazed streaky black with wide band in added red lined in white below rim; below, band in white above one in red; top of rim glazed; exterior: frieze of vertical black strokes at rim, some in added red; below, two narrow black bands; below, from left, part of possibly dot rosette; vertical band of dots between narrow vertical bands; painted decoration consisting of part of pendent lotus bud and part of lotus flower petal; dot rosette as filling ornament;
Part of both panels preserved together with handle zone; at top of shoulder, frieze of tongues in black and red between narrow black bands; below part of panel with red object, part of Nereus's tail fin, overlapping handle zone.
exterior: frieze of vertical tongues painted in black and in added red; below, black-figure decoration consisting of Herakles (top of head remaining) to left;
interior: neck painted black, reserved below; exterior: black (fired red) on neck; narrow band in added red at turn to shoulder; four framed tongues preserved of frieze above panel below; handle zone to right painted;
interior and top of rim black; exterior of rim slipped creamy white; from top: frieze of black triangles above large broken maeander band between rows of black dots; neck glazed.
dull black paint inside; traces of band in added white; frieze of tongues with incised outline on top of rim, alternating black, added white, and added red; second similar frieze on shoulder.
interior: glazed at least at top (worn); exterior: glazed with frieze of tongues, alternating added white, black, and added red; below, lines in added white and red;
white slip; interior: tongue pattern at rim, some black, others with traces of added red; exterior: two bands above triple pomegranate pattern frieze with red dots on the fruit;
pale slip; interior: black-figure decoration consisting of part of Gorgoneion's head and hair with added red; exterior: from outside, parts of frieze of short verticals; black band; two narrow dilute bands; broad black band with added red and white bands on top; three dilute bands; dot frieze;
interior: glazed streaky black; exterior: frieze of wavy vertical strokes between pairs of black bands at rim;below, black-figure decoration consisting of animal frieze (back and part of rump of possibly feline remaining) to right; dots as filling ornament;
glaze mostly fired red-brown; interior: glazed with traces of one band of added red; on top of rim, chain of incised lotuses and palmettes; on handle-plate, black-figure decoration consisting of winged creature (rump feathers remaining) to left; on edge of rim, frieze of stepped zigzags; traces of painted band at junction of rim and shoulder; reserved shoulder.
pale red slip; interior glazed black; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of animal frieze to left (hindlegs and part of belly of one deer or horse and legs and feet of winged creature); below, wide painted black band with added red band lined in white; cruciform rosette as filling ornament.
interior: part of tondo decoration within glazed wall; frieze of alternate black and red tongues within a double dot band framed by triple lines; exterior: glazed black below; triple lines above, and band delimiting handle zone.
Glazed black on the interior, except for a reserved band within 0.4 cm of the top edge. Exterior black glazed except, in the handle zone, a frieze decorated on each side with a pair of eyes between 5-petalled palmettes, above another reserved band. Each palmette is joined to the corresponding handle by a tendril. Each eye consists of a white circle within a black eye shape, surmounted by a black eyebrow decorated with white dots, and above a plain black curving line that mirrors the shape of the eyebrow. Between each pair of eyes is a straight vertical band, indicative of a nose, decorated with a row of white dots. Between the handle attachments and below each handle is a set of four sloppy spots arranged in a diamond form.
The interior is black, but reserved at the bottom of the bowl. There is a red line around the lip. The body is decorated with figural scenes. A: Two sphinxes. B: A female figure (Artemis or 'Mistress of animals'?) between two lions (alternate stripes of white and red indicate the ribs and hindquarters of the lions). Beneath each handle stands a water bird (swan?) facing to the right. Rosettes and rows of dots in the field. Below the figural zone are two red lines, then a black band, a frieze of narrow black rays (slightly overlapping the black band above). The ring foot is black on the exterior and resting surface. The central part of the underside is decorated with a black dot at centre, surrounded by a black dircle and, farther out, a red circle. White is used on parts of the lions, necks and breasts of sphinxes and woman, and parts of the wings of birds.
Black glazed except below the neck on the interior, on the friezes (between handles) on the exterior, and on the underside. Just above the handles a short frieze consists of a series of short bars, vertically arranged; below these is a frieze filled with a pair of sideways 7- to 9-petalled palmettes, and either side of upright palm fronds, which enclose an upright 9-petalled palmette. A pair of tendrils emerge from either side of each palmette.
Mouth is black inside, outside and on rim, as is handle and neck. Body has black glaze apart from design on front which is a sphinx with face and hind feet missing. Below is an egg frieze. A diluted glaze has been used for fine dots and strolus on wing. Foot is unevenly glazed on side. Resting surface and raised base are ruddled and flat.
Upper part of bowl decorated with roller-stamped frieze, with three ridges above and one below. High stem, ridge moulding under top and bottom. Wide flaring foot. Stamp (apparently): figure seated to right in high-backed chair, standing female with win
The Gorgon Medusa, in both shoulder panels. Area under handles is black. Side A: Achilles on black horse, alongside a red horse with an attendant riding on black horse behind. Troilos lies on ground. Side B: Achilles carrying Troilos toward alter made of bricks with incised lines (the altar might also be interpreted as a fountainhouse). Shrub in front of altar (fountainhouse) Pictures are in red, black, white with detail incised. Below shoulder zone are red and black chevron-palmettes; below this, animal frieze with goats, panther, winged creature and lion. Triangles radiating from base, foot is black and base reserved. Zones separated by bands.
The vessel is covered in black except for decorative bands at the lower part of the neck (red with black vertical lines) and the shoulder (egg-and-dot), the figural scene in the body zone, a frieze (stopt maeanders alternating with cross squares) below the figural zone, narrow bands at the join of body and foot as well as on each step of the foot, and the underside. The scene depicts a nude youth standing in a relaxed pose, 3/4-view to the right. He holds drapery, bunched up, under his left arm, and seems to converse with a drapped woman seated to the left on an undulating rock. She holds a mirror in her right hand. Both are diademed. A small, winged Eros flutters above them, and he has crowned the youth. A single branch emerges from behind the rock. Next comes an older Eros (depicted as an adolescent) seated near profile to the left (the seat is no longer visible), holding an opened box (the type that was used to house alabastra such as that which he decorates, according to Trendall and Cambitoglou 2.605). In the upper left field there is a rectangular motif with a short, black, vertical band on it (perhaps a window), and in the upper right field (behind Eros) a four-part rosette (rodakas) next to a strigil. Below, there is more vegetation. Relief dots detail xxx and added white has been used for xxx.
Interior glazed black. The rim is decorated with black dots (possibly modern?). The walls are decorated with a floral frieze, consisting of 9-petal palmettes alternating with vertical tendrils (one of which is single and 5 of which are comprised of interlocking ss), framed above and below by two black bands. The lower part of the body is decorated with a thick black band, between two reserved bands. The foot ring is decorated with black bands on the vertical surfaces. The underside is decorated with a narrow black band around a central black dot.
Interior of the neck until almost the beginning of the shoulder black. The rest of the interior reserved. On the exterior, neck and handle black. The lower part of the neck is decorated with a row of eggs. The lower part of the handle, at the height of the shoulder bears part of the decoration of a palmette the rest of which covers the body and is hown upside down. The body is decorated in black figure with a palmette-lotus frieze below with double-chevron palmette heart. The lower part of the body remains black fired brownish.
Glazed on the interior. Exterior: thick band on underside of rim and top of body; a figural and floral frieze, between a pair of thin bands. depict vertical 6-7 petalled palmettes, alternating between upright and inverted, joined by tendrils, and a silhouetted rearing lion, profile to right. Lower part of body glazed black, fading to brownish-orange; brownish-orange band overlapping from inside of foot to resting surface.
Decoration in black and purplish-brown over a pale slip, with incised decoration on the back. At the top of the body is a broad band between two pairs of narrow bands. Above this is some evidence of a frieze of vertical bars. Below is a figural frieze, decorated at front with a geometricising bird flying profile to the right, holding a wavy line in his beak. He is surrounded by two crosses and two clusters of 8 dots (rudimentary rosettes) in the field. A floral decoration at the back is comprised of four interlocking palmettes, with purplish-brown petals and brownish-black hearts separated by incisions, with tendrils terminating in volutes emanating from either side of each sideways palmette. The lower part of the body is decorated with a thick black band between a pair of thin bands, above, and a thin band, below.
Black mouth inside out, except for reserved top surface of the rim, exterior of handles, interior reserved and underside of the foot black; Between the handles are double (mirrored) lotus-enclosed palmette friezes, enclosed between red lines. Below the ridge at the base of the neck are alternating red and black tongues. Beneath each handle is a vegetal design comprised of three lotus buds, each arranged at right angles to each other, so that their stems form a diamond that encircles a dot, yet extend to four palmettes (two above and two below) that flank the figural zone. Beneath the figural zone is a series of friezes: two lines; a maeander (Greek key) to left; two lines; a frieze of upright leaves interlinked by arcuated stems; two lines; rays extending from the base. The preserved part of the base is entirely black. Side A shows a quadriga (four horse chariot) wheeling around, so that the front of the horses seem to pass a crouching warrior holding out a spear at a near horizontal. The helmeted charioteer holds a large shield. Side B shows a helmeted warrior, standing between two attendants. The warrior holds a shield with a lion-head sema, wears a chlamys, and holds a pair of spears at right angles. The (male) onlookers, both bearded, wear himatia that enclose their arms, and each holds a staff upright. Detail is incised on both designs. Top of foot and side are black and the underneath is concave and black. Added red on horses' manes and the contour of the shield.
Interior reserved; black glaze on mouth and upper half of neck, as well as upper half of handle; lower part of neck decorated with tongues that suggest ribbing; shoulder decorated (except under handle) with an egg-and-dot frieze between two black lines; reserved space at lower part of handle and handle attachment (interior) suggest that the mouth and neck were dipped. Body decorated with a frieze consisting of 7 clusters of three white dots at the top of a figural scene (arranged in upside down triangle shapes): a female figure, standing in 3/4-view to the left, in a relaxed posture with her left leg crossing her right, and her left elbow resting on a pillar (the curvy element in added white suggests that this is meant to represent natural rock). She wears a hairband and kekrphylon on her head, triple-dot earrings, two or three necklaces (two strands of white beads beneath a black line), two white bracelets on each wrist; a belted sleeveless chiton, and white slippers. She holds, in her upraised right hand, a mirror surrounded by white dots, and, in her left hand, a phiale that is surrounded by white beads, as well as a beaded sash. A large palmette, with a white dot on the heart and white dots on each volute, fills the space beneath the handle. From each volute emerges tendrils and floral decoration that frame the image of the woman. A 6-petal rosette fills the space to the right of the woman; to her left are a window and a dotted circle (cog-wheel?) in the upper left field, and an olive branch in the lower left field. On the body, beneath the figural scene, are a single reserved band and a thicker black band. The foot is reserved on the top element, and glazed black on the ridge and lower element; the underside and resting surface are reserved.
Interior: black spots on lip; alternating black and reserved bands on interior (restored), surrounding a tondo decorated with sphinx, profile to the right. Exterior: Rim decorated with a band of zigzags, slanted to the right; body decorated with an animal frieze, above two thick black bands; exterior of handles and foot glazed black (restored). The animal frieze shows (from under the preserved handle): a water bird, left wing outspread, profile to the right; billy-goats (4) grazing profile to left, alternating with panthers (3), profile to the right, each with left forepaw raised and head frontal; spots of varying sizes in the field.
Glazed black except for a reddish band around the omphalos. Relief decoration encircling the omphalos consists of (from centre out) eight raised dots; two ridges, a figural frieze, and a vine wreath. The figural frieze depicts the apotheosis of Herakles (procession to Mount Olympos). Four quadrigae (four-horse chariots) are driven in 3/4-view to the left by winged victories, each with a different passenger: (1) Athena, (2) Herakles, (3) Ares and (4) Dionysos (?). Small flying Erotes hover behind each chariot.
Lip and interior glazed black, except a ram protome, profile to right, at the centre of a reserved tondo, outlined with an orange band. Exterior: lotus petals on the rim, interrupted only by the glazed handles and lugs, above a a thin glazed band at the carination (mostly orange-red), an invertedanimal frieze on the body or bowl, above a pair of thin bands above a thick band; bands decorating the foot on exterior and interior vertical surfaces; underside decorated with concentric circles (black between two lighter orange circles, enclosed by two darker orange circles). The animal frieze shows (from just above the black handle): a panther advancing to the right, head frontal, licking the horns of a grazing deer, profile to the left, between two pinecones, with a dotted line above his back; a panther advancing to the left, head turned frontal, a dotted lozenge, a lion advancing to the right, tongue licking the horns of a deer grazing profile to the left, with a row of chevrons above; a dotted lozenge. Below each creature is a dotted bull's eye (comprised of central dot, surrounded by a band, surrounded by a circle of dots). Additional ornaments, including dots and chevrons, in the field.
Interior reserved, except for a narrow band of black glaze at the top. Exterior: black-glazed rim and handles, including handle attachment points, lower part of body, and foot. The shoulder is decorated with pendant leaves, vertically arranged, divided by a narrow black band from the body frieze which consists of, on either side, a 12-petalled horizontal palmette between two sideways 14-petalled palmettes central. Lines of dots emerge from either side of the middle leaf on each palmette. Underside reserved.
Interior: black not carefully applied , not lustrous. Purple band towards the the edge framed by two thinner black bands. Exterior: around rim black band with white dots; Animal frieze on the bowl. Four swans (water birds), facing right, alternating with incised rosettes. Background filled with small decorative patterns of undefined shape that often bear incisions. Black band below. Black stem and upper surface of foot; reserved groove on vertical surface of foot; reserved underside. Added purple and white on the birds' wings and the rosettes.
Glazed black on interior, except for a reserved concentric band in the middle of the bowl. Exterior: Black-glazed rim, exterior of handles, lowest part of body, stem, and upper part of foot. The lower part of the body is decorated with a floral frieze, consisting of (on either side) three palmettes. On side A, and the right palmette on side B, each palmette is dotted on either side of the central petal. The right-most palmette on side A has a vertical band (drip?) to its right. The left-most palmette on side B has a vertical worm on either side of it. Under each handle is an upright ivy leaf. Below this frieze are two narrow black bands.
Mouth, top portion of neck and exterior of handle black; vertical black lines on neck; thick black band and band of waves on shoulder; frieze on body of three palmettes between three lotuses; black band below except reserved groove between body and foot and reserved base.
Glazed black on the interior, except at the bottom of the bowl. Exterior glazed black (dipped) on the rim, handles, except near attachment (but a small line emerges to the front of the bowl, from either handle). The floral frieze consists of: palmette, upright, flanked by curling tendrils from which hang smaller palmettes (side A), a simple enclosed palmette (under missing handle); two upright palmettes with curling tendrils, although the palmette on the right has two curling tendrils at the left and none at the right (side B); simple palmette under handle. Beneath the floral frieze is a thin black band above a band of black dots. Black glaze also on the lower part of the body, stem, and top of foot, and interior surface of the foot (with extra paint spilling over onto the resting surface and the underside).
Black-glazed inside of rim and lip; broad black band at top of shoulder, above the handles; between the handles, on either side, a frieze of thin rays, a line of fine dots, and a simple maeander. Around the body two broad black bands, and black-glazed upper element of exterior of foot, but otherwise reserved. A faint rouletting marks the junction of the body and foot. Handle zones reserved but handles dipped in black-glaze, which drips from the left side of one handle. Under each handle a design comprised of a vertical band (?) above a series of four chevrons.
Black band on the interior of the rim, underneath of which a red line. On the interior, bust of a female figure drawn in outline and shown in profile to the left. She has a freckled face (six spots rather than the usual three found on faces in the Sam Wide Group). Her hair is bound up with a spotted kekryphylon (scarf) tied over her forehead. She wears a pine-cone shaped earring and a beaded necklace. Her drapery is clumsily rendered: a himation decorated with a banded (tongues?) border (shown on her left shoulder) over a thin dark chiton (shown on her right shoulder). She holds a thymiaterion (incense burner) out of which streams some smoke (six strands in diluted glaze). The remaining handle is dipped black on the side. On the exterior of the rim, a frieze of black tongues below the rim, with a thin line below. The foot is reserved, except for the interior of the sloping ring.
Decorated with streaky black glaze, which becomes dark red in placces. Knob black glazed on exterior of two recesses, side, and underside, as well as stem and inner part of domed top. Beyond this a frieze of 9-leaf palmettes alternating with water birds, profile to the left, with intervening spots between palmettes and swan. This frieze is surrounded by a band of vertical bars between two glazed bands. The underside is reserved.
Black glaze on the exterior of the upper element of the knob, with two rows of short vertical bars on the globular lower element. The attachment of the knob is surrounded by a thick band and a thin line, then tendrils atttaching 5 evenly spaced vegetal elements, namely a lotus bud, an 11-leaf palmette, a 5-leaf palmette, a 10-leaf palmette, and a 6-leaf palmette. This frieze is surrounded by a thick band, a row of dots, and a thicker band. The bevel and underside are completely reserved.
Interior glazed black, except a reserved band around the bottom of the bowl. Lip, lugs and exterior of handles also glazed black. Exterior: a band of lotus leaves on the rim, and a figural frieze on the body, with black bands above and below it; another black band just above the foot; the exterior and interior sides of the foot ring are black, while the resting surface is reserved; the underside is reserved, except for a black dot with black and red circles (one each) around it. The figural frieze shows: two confronting sirens, in profile, on either side of an inverse lotus bud; a water bird, profile to the left, turning its head profile to the right, back over its bod; two confronting panthers, both turning their heads to the front, on either side of an inverse lotus bud; another water bird, similar to the first except its beak touches its back. A 6-pointed star decorates the field beneath each creature.
Reconstruction of blocks I,II amd III of the south frieze of the Parthenon showing procession with seven horses and riders and one marshal.
Reconstruction of blocks IV, V, VI and VII from the south frieze of the Parthenon showing part of procession with eleven riders and eleven horses
Reconstructed cast of blocks VIII, IX, and XI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing part of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. This section shows eleven horses and their riders.
Blocks XVII, XVIII,XIXXX, and XXI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see eleven whole or partial riders on horseback. The front five figures wear petasos (wide-brimmed hats).
Black band on inside of mouth; three black bands on rim; exterior off lip decorated with a series of dots; handle decorated with vertical bars on either side. Daisy petals extend from the neck (each petal is decorated with a white dot), below which are two lines, a warrior frieze, two lines, and a black band . The three warriors, lightly incised, each stand profile to the right, and are indicated by two lines (extending from the top right and bottom left) for the spears, and two more lines (extending below) for the legs; each carries a large round shield decorated with incised circles.
Black glaze except for reserved band at join with foot and underside, including resting surface. At the front of the body, the shoulder is decorated with an incised ovolo grieze between two incised lines; this frieze is accentuated with white inscribing the eggs and white dots between the eggs. Beneath is another pair of incised lines between two rows of white dots. The body is decorated with a red band from which emerges, above and below, (ivy) sprays, in added white gilded with yellow; two clusters of grapes (again white gilded with yellow) hang from this band. Some clusters of three red dots on lower part of body.
Black mouth inside and out, otherwise reserved inside. Below the rim, on the lip, is a white laurel wreath, to right. On neck, between black handles, a 9-leaf palmette, with a black dot for heart and black dot on either side of central petal; black ridge between two black lines; frieze of vertical bars beneath each handle; beneath each handle a large palmette above a pair of volutes, from which emerge vegetal ornament. A: Attenuated ovolo frieze between two black lines; white ribbing (painted); two reserved bands; floral frieze with white head, to left, at centre, emerging from a calyx from which emerge also tendrils, berries, volutes, and blossoms; reserved frieze; scene. B: Continuous maeander to right, between two pairs of lines; black ribbing (painted) between two black lines; flanked by vegetal ornament, from which emerges quarter palmettes and volutes, a female head, profile to left, wearing white stephane, and white sakkos, from which emerges curly black hair, at front and black; white drop earring on an inverted triangle. Below the body zone, around the entire vase, is a decorative band consisting of dotted cross squares (1) alternating with stopt maeanders to left (3) between two reserved bands; black below.
Scene, A: A woman, standing in 3/4-view to the right, with head profile to right, hair emerging from the back, a sleeveless, belted chiton, a himation draped over her left arm, a pair of white slippers, holds a palmette fan, with white detail, in her upraised left hand, and a branch (similar to a thyrsos) in her left hand, at a diagonal. She also wears a white stephane and a sakkos with black and white detail, from the back of which emerges a tuft of hair, a white beaded necklace between two thin chains (rendered by black lines), and white snake bracelets on each arm. She faces a naiskos enclosure, decorated in gilded white, with thin Corinthian columns and a black pediment, on a podium decorated with a simple continuous maeander to right, between a two pairs of white lines. Enclosed within the naiskos is a warrior, rendered in white with yellow details, seated in 3/4-view to the left, on a himation, with his legs crossed, and his left elbow resting on the back of his seat. He holds a crested helmet in 3/4-view to the right, at which he stares, and a diagonal spear in his left hand. On the ground below him is a small shield. To the right is a nude youth, standing in a reclining pose, 3/4-view to the left, wearing a white fillet in his hair, and white slippers. He holds a himation, bundled up around his left arm, and an opened box as well as a dotted, fringed sash, in his right hand. A thin rectangular element, perhaps a dagger, emerges from the opened box. A (heart shaped) ivy leaf hangs in the field above him.
White dotted lines indicate the groundline between all figures.
Details on the shoulder rays and, ornaments in the field, and all figural scenes are rendered in added white, sometimes 'gilded' with yellow wash.
Black interior to bottom of rim. Laurel wreath, to right, on neck, above a row of widely spaced dots. Body decorated with egg-and-dot frieze, between reserved bands, which stops short of the handle on either side; figural zone except beneath handle (palmette with floral blossom at centre, three vertical lines at heart, vegetal ornament and flowing tendrils on either side); inverted waves, to right. Exterior surface of foot is ruddled on the upper part. Reserved resting surface and underside except for black circle at centre, surrounded by broad ruddled band, and black on inner foot ring.
The figural scene shows a female figure, dressed in a belted, sleeveless chiton, reclining on her front, profile to right, reaching towards a phiale held by Eros, who advances profile to left, crouched and holding a wreath in his lowered right hand and a phiale in his upraised left hand. Both wear their hair identically: spike stephanai, sakkoi, and pony tails. Behind Eros a bird, profile to the right, on a perirrhanterion (pedestal basin). Added white, gilded with yellow, on floral and vegetal ornament, headdresses, wings, and basin.
Black glazed except for reserved areas: lower part of body, reserved (interrupted by a black line); upper part of foot, and underside (resting surface glazed black except for a reserved band). Back decorated with a (white) wavy ivy garland beneath handle; front decorated with two incised lines, egg-and-dot frieze on which eggs are surrounded by incised lines; another pair of incised lines; waves to right, garland from which hang alternating fronds and bunches of grapes, with longer sprays at sides; on a pair of dotted groundlines stands a bird (wren?), profile to left, between two flowers.
Upper surface of rim reserved, black ridge, and outer edge of lip decorated with a wave pattern to right; black below lip, on neck and on handles except forward handle attachments (on horizontal handles) decorated with rays; reserved patches beneath horizontal handles. Lower part of neck decorated at front with a short laurel wreath, to left, between two narrow reserved bands. Beneath the figural scene is a groundline comprised of a frieze of alternating maeanders (three) and saltire squares (one). Narrow reserved line at join with base, bottom edge of base, and underside. The figural scene is framed between a tendril, above the left handle, and a larger vegetal ornament, from which emerges a lotus bud. A Youth stands in 3/4-view to the right. He is nude, except for drapery slung over his bent right arm and held in his lowered left hand, and a white taenia on his head. He also holds a staff in his slightly upraised right hand. At centre is a bird (crane), seated in a perirhanterion (basin), supported by a fluted, tapered column, with a dotted capital, on a two-stepped base. The steps are decorated with small black spots and thin diagonal lines that suggest a marbled appearance. On the other side of the perirhanterion stands a woman, in 3/4-view to the left, with her weight on her right leg and her left leg relaxed. She wears a belted, sleeveless chiton, double bracelets on each wrist, a beaded necklace, and a spiked stephane, as well as a short pony tail. She extends her right hand to the bird and holds a box, decorated on the sides with black spots and lines, and three white spots on top, in her slightly upraised right hand. Above the bird is a rectangular frame (sometimes called a window but perhaps a votive plaque); above the box is a cogwheel. Most of the reserved areas are darkened with red wash, and the jewelry and other details in added white.
Black on interior except for a reserved band just below the lip. Black on exterior, except for a frieze of tongues underneath the rim on both sides, but not above handles; figural scenes on body. A: Partridge profile to the left; tendrils in lower left field; circle and tendrils in upper right field. B: Satyr head, profile to left; tendrils in lower left and right fields; quarter palmette in upper left field; single palm leaf in upper right field.
Although female heads are more popular in such contexts, the large red element in place of the ear is probably a horn and indicates that this is a representation of a satyr. The decoration in the lower left field of the B side indicates the addition of a second layer of black glaze, in a manner than changes the image (from a large tendril to a small tendril below an L-shaped element.
Large black dot in centre of inset top, surrounded by concentric bands/lines: one black band, one black line, one red band, one black line; frieze of alternating/interlocking 'L' shapes; two black lines and then the red flange. Walls decorated with red band between two pairs of black bands, with intervening black lines. Red rim. Interior reserved, except for (accidental) red smear just beyond rim.
Black glaze all over, except for red rim, two superimposed decorative friezes at the base of the neck (ribbing between two black lines, egg-and-dots between two black lines, yellow dots below); figural frieze between tendrils; beneath handle one palmette sits atop a second palmette enclosed in tendrils that terminate above in volutes from which emerge further tendrils, ending in volutes, that sprout yet another set of tendrils; egg frieze between two reserved bands encircles the entire body and serves as a groundline for the figures; reserved underside.
The scene depicts a youth, nude except for two bands in his hair and a chlamys draped over his bent left arm, advancing (dancing?) in 3/4-view to the right, following two maenads, all advancing in 3/4-view to the right, although the last two maenads turn their heads profile to the left. All three maenads wear two bands in their hair (the last, however, appears as a single thick band), beaded necklaces, belted, sleeveless chitons, and snake bracelets on their left arms (the first maenad has a similar bracelet on her right arm). The youth and the first two maenads hold thyrsoi in their left hands. The third maenad holds a wreath in her lowered left hand.
All red surfaces are ruddled, except for the underside, including resting surface. Some added white and yellow highlight details on heads, jewelery and thyrsoi.
Rim and neck covered in black glaze; circumscribed palmette frieze on shoulder, with intervening triangles above and below (where two are outlined but not filled in); main body (white ground) decorated with net pattern between narrow reddish-black lines; the upper black band is decorated with white dots. Black glazed on lower part of body and foot, except for reserved underside, including resting surface.
Interior of mouth black; lip decorated with concentric bands (black, reserved, purple, reserved, black); rim black; three brownish-black horizontal bars on handle; neck, reserved for black band just above bulge, frieze of tongues on upper part of bulge; brown band on lower part of bulge; body decorated with purple band, brownish-black band; reserved band decorated with three rows of brownish-black dots; thin purple band between two broader brownish-black bands; reserved on lower part of body and base.
On neck, between black handles, an enclosed palmette (11 petals on A and 9 petals on B; with two concentric arcs for heart on A, black dot for heart on B), black dot on either side of central petal, and black dot in the upper corners; black ridge below black line; frieze of vertical bars below each handle attachment; beneath each handle two superimposed palmettes, with a pair of volutes between, from which emerge tendrils, sprouting quarter palmettes. A: egg-and-dot frieze, between two black lines; white ribbing (painted); two reserved bands; floral frieze on shoulder (four volutes from which emerge flowers, tendrils and secondary volutes) emerging from the lower right; two reserved bands; scene. B: Continuous maeander to right, between two black lines; black ribbing (painted) between two pairs of black lines; a female head, profile to left, wearing a sakkos, from which emerges curly black hair, at front and back. Below the body zone, around the entire vase, is a decorative band consisting of dotted broken stopt maeanders to left (pattern doesnt match up on side B, to the left) between two reserved bands; black below.
Scene, A: A naiskos comprised of two Corinthian columns supporting a tapered epistyle and black pediment, on top of a podium (white maeander on a brown background, between alternating black and white horizontal bands). Two white female figures stand within the naiskos. The figure at left, standing in 3/4-view to the right, wears a himation over her left arm and hips, over a peplos (decorated with two vertical purple bands on the chest). Her hair is bound in a sakkos from which emerges hair at front and back; her jewelry includes a beaded necklace and two bracelets on each wrist. She holds a fan in her raised left hand as well as a wreath in her lowered right hand. She faces another woman (probably the deceased) who is seated in 3/4-view to the left on a stool (diphros) and rests her feet on a footrest (hypopodion). She wears a short sleeved chiton and a purple himation that she holds above her right shoulder in an unveiling gesture (anakalypteria). Her hair too is bound in a sakkos, from which emerges hair at the back; she wears two necklaces, one beaded, and two bracelets on each arm. A small ornament (or pures) hovers in the field between the two women. On either side of the naiskos is a kalathos (basket), below a rosette (red with added yellow and white), above a pair of white balls interspersed with clusters of three white dots, and above a double line of white dots. Each basket (both are identical) is decorated with a cross-square with intervening triangles (top) and alternating bands of zigzags, and white and black lines, as well as a band of vertical bars.
Interior and mouth glazed black with two reserved bands at top and bottom of rim. On exterior, below rim, a frieze of tendrils, with lotus buds above and below. Black handles, with reserved bands between attachments, and enclosed half palmettes below, from the sides of which emerge tendrils with volutes that encroach in the figural scenes. Below the figural scenes is a band of slanted zs, between two reserved bands. Black below, except for the recessed element at the top of the foot, which is reserved, a narrow band at the bottom of the foot on the exterior, and the reserved underside. The reserved parts of the volute frieze and figural scenes are reddened.
Scene, A: A woman standing in 3/4-view to the right, wears a black beaded necklace, a sleeveless belted chiton, and two black bracelets on each wrist. Her hair is tied in a ponytail. She holds a torch in her advanced left hand, while her right hand, downturned, is also slightly raised. She faces a youth, nude except for a chlamys draped over his left arm and slippers, who stands in 3/4 view to the left, reaching toward the woman with his right hand. Between the figures, in the upper field, is a window frame, while a large tendril, with volute, emerges from the ground, between them. In the field behind him is a leaf. B: Two robed youths, standing profile, with their right legs advanced, face eachother across a narrow stele. Above them is a circle with a black line vertically through the centre and an 'H' drawn on top (probably halteres).
Body: band of vertical bars; two bands, animal frieze with three dogs running profile to the right; two bands. One band encircles the underside.
Black band on the inside of the mouth; reserved on rim; black exterior of mouth; reserved neck; black exterior of handle; shoulder decorated with two friezes of vertical lines. Body ( from top to bottom): simple maeander between two black lines, black neck frieze between two black bands, band of vertical lines between two black lines black line; two black bands; black zone reaches to foot, which is decorated with a black band above a black line; foot reserved on underside and interior.
Decorated in black glaze except: narrow reserved band on interior, just within rim; tondo, reserved except for two concentric black circles at the centre; reserved interior of handles and handle zones; decorative frieze comprised of palmettes above chain, on both sides; narrow reserved band in lower part of bowl; reserved resting surface and interior of stem. Added white dots superposed on chain, at the centre of each link. Misfiring has rendered the lower part of the bowl, stem, and foot on one side streaky red.
Black on interior and exterior of mouth; reserved upper lip; restored neck; handle black on exterior; shoulder: band of vertical bars above black rays pointing toward the carination. Body: double lotus-palmette frieze, bilaterally arranged, on either side of a 'chain' (row of dotted circles inscribing incised circles. Incisions also used for palmettes; attenuated white lines (side leaves of lotuses) arc over the palmettes. Below the main zone is a thin black band, a thick black band, and a black zone that extends to the top of the foot. The foot is also decorated with a black line at the lowest part of the vertical edge of the foot, and is reserved on the underside and resting surface.
Decoration in relief: On lower part of wall is a frieze including two tall birds (cranes?), the first in 3/4-view to left with wings outspread and head turned to the right, the second advancing profile to the left. They are enclosed in a rectangle outlined with relief dots. Below a row of relief dots, on lower part of body, is a floral frieze, consisting of inverted lotus buds, tendrils, and rising acanthus leaves.