Ure Museum Database

There are 32 objects for which Decoration contains → fragments
14.9.21 Two fragments joined. Core is reddish-brown. Inside is white with two wavy lines in red. Outside is white as well with two thick and two thin straight lines in red. Curves as though it may have been part of the neck of the vessel.
2003.7.23 Possibly part of the top of a bowl/jar due to the smooth edge at the top. The interior is painted black, and has a smooth texture like the exterior. The exterior has a wide band of white painted on, with a few black marks painted on which are possibly horizontal lines and small blacks squares - similar to other Laconian fragments. Underneath the white is a narrow band of dark red, then an area of black.
2008.9.1 Interior: brownish wash with a wide band of brownish-grey along 3 of the fragment's edges. Exterior: Black wash with white lines etched depicting an image. 2 leg-like shapes at right-angle to curved edge, joining onto curved lines possibly outling a body.
2022.7.8.a the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.b the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.c the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.d the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.e the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.f the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.g the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.h the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.i the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.l the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
2022.7.8.m the inside of fragments is painted with black and opaque paint; the external surface of the fragment is decorated with black and shiny paint; the first big ring of the base is painted with a brownish paint
35.5.34A-Q (a) fragment, three joins. Decoration on both sides. Band of geometric pattern above which is person's foot and bottom of leg standing to the right, wearing a hymation. On the opposite side: floral pattern to the left of bottom half of a person and to the right of this person the hand and lower body of another. (b) curved, palmette on other side black. (c) large roughened patch to the top right where possibly a handle was attached, floral pattern around this. (d) small fragment, on one side band of geometric pattern, on the opposite side floral pattern. (e) large piece, three fragments joined. Bearded man in the centre facing to the right, left arm raised and holding a long stick, right arm tucked into hymation. To the right of the man, the arm of another person and to the left a floral pattern, inside black. (f) Very similar to fragment a. three pieces joined together. On one side in centre bottom half of a person, feet and lower legs facing left and wearing a hymation, to the right floral pattern. Opposite side, band with geometric pattern. (g) On one side to left part of a hymation, to right an arm. Opposite side band with geometric pattern. (h) On one side the feet and legs of a person standing on a platform with the bottom of a stick he/she is possibly holding to the left, in the right hand corner the edge of a geometric pattern. On the opposite side the feet of someone facing to the left wearing a hymation dropping behind them, to the right of them a floral pattern. (i) Small piece of two fragments joined together. Chest of a male with right arm extending, his hymation drapped over his right arm. (j) Head of a male facing left with hymation over his shoulder and part of large palmette to his right. (k) Small frgment, part of hymation. (l) Small fragment part of hymation (m) Small fragment part of hymation. (n,o,p) small fragments with no detail.
45.10.15 18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (rider’s leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
45.10.17 Black-figure fragments (i-xiv). Including palmettes, rays and drapery
45.10.25 fragments of horse and two people
45.10.26 Two small fragments i) two black shapes with incised straight and wavy details. ii) one black shape with incised straight, wavy and circular details
45.10.29 Fragments that join 45.10.23: a)The handle's back is black. On the shoulder there is a voluted palmette with petal-shaped divisions between two male draped figures that are facing it, holding their himatia? with their left hands. b) There is part of a thin line that contours the lower part of the shoulder. c) The upper part of a warrior, wearing a red helmet and carrying a shield. Behind him , there is part of an object? in added red. d) The right part bears the left part of the previous warrior's shield. The left part of the fragment depicts the upper part of another draped male figure holding a spear.
45.10.7A-B Lid: The top surface bears part of a central medallion (dots contoured by double, semi-spherical line), encircled by a black line, a red band, a broader black band and a red line. There is also an ivy spray between the last red line and a similar one. At the rim there is a rather careless tongue pattern, with inner dots (identical to the one of the central medallion, only frammed by thin, black lines). Sides: There is the representation of women pursued by the winged Eros. The naked Eros is flying and his himation with white spots on its top is falling over his forearm. At the level of his face there is an inscription, with white colour KALOS and underneath, KALH, above a bent fillet with thin, short, white lines emerging from its endings. The first of the women is headed right, having extended her right? hand towards Eros and holding and raising slightly her drapery (in order to run faster). Her head is missing, but she is probably looking backwards, to see the advancing Eros. The scene is reproduced again: Anoher Eros pursues another woman, who is running towards an altar? (rectangular, altar-shaped constuction, higher than the figures with a decoration of a large cross and dots in between). Among them there is again the inscribed KALOS, KALH. Many fragments have not survived, however this woman's head is not missing. She is looking backwards and wears a diadema, made of white lines. At the other side of the altar? there is another woman approaching it, having escaped the first Eros, but looking back to see him. She wears a white diadema and the same inscription is between her and the Eros. The scene is framed by two red, concentric lines (above and below the figures). The bottom surface is left reserved. Body: There is decoration of laurel stems and berries around the outer surface with details made of added white. This motif is framed (above and below with red, thick lines). The interior of both pieces is black. The feet have a black band on the side (ca 2 cm below their joining part to the body) and the rest of the surface is left reserved, apart from a black line at the rim. Half way up the inside surface of the feet there is a thin, black band. The base's central part is decorated with a broad black, circular band between thin black lines.
51.4.1 The top surface of the rim is reserved (but glazed), however, the side one bears a black meander pattern. Neck: at the left side there is the front part of a horse (head and two feet) and the right leg (thigh to toe) of the horse-rider, with incisions for detail (denoting also the bridle) and added white. At the other end there are two men, one behind the other. The fragment's termination is at the level of their knees. The first one (right end) has extended his arms, as if being a charioteer. Besides, the back part of the chariot can be seen over his white chiton. The stephane on his hair is executed with red. The black, male figure at the same level behind him makes a gesture as if holding something (invisible). He is wearing a short chiton and he is probably on the chariot too. Interior: There is a red, thin band at the rim and the rest of the surface is black. The interior is reserved (although covered with plaster on most of the fragments), apart from the upper parts of 13, 14 and 15, that are black (unevenly applied). 1) On the left, there is part of a naked male figure (thighs to toe), facing right and next to him there is the lowest part of another similar figure facing right. Below them, there is part of a black band. 2) There is part of the right part of the previous figure (chest to toe). On the right side of the fragment, there is a figure's forearms (projected to the left, the right hand holding a round object) and part of the right knee. 3) Part of a naked male figure, leaning to the left. Details with incisions and added red. 4) Part of a lions's paws and below it part of a broad, black band. 5) A male figure's thighs and part of a bird? (executed with incisions and added red). 6) The right part of the previous bird? and the right tibia of a male figure , facing left. 7) The thighs of a male figure facing right. On the left side of the fragment there is part of a black and red motif? 8) The upper part (chest to thighs) of a naked male figure, facing right. 9) Part of a male figure's thighs, facing right. 10) The previous figures lower part of legs and part of a black band. 11) The biggest part of a bird, executed with black, added red and incisions. 12) On the left, there is the rest of the previous bird. Next there is the lower part of a lion, executed with black, addeed red and incisions. Behind the lion, there is the lower part of another male figure (chest to feet), facing left and behind him there is part of a bird. 13) The upper part of a satyr (head to thighs), facing right. His hair and beard have been rendered in added red. 14) The lower part of the satyr, chasing a maenad on the right (her right leg is only visible). The details of her drapery are in red and her tibia is white. 15) The left left of the running maenad. On the right, another satyr chasing a maenad (lower part of the figures is visible). 16) Part of a broad, black band. 17. Bit of plaster.
84.8.1 30 fragments, largely side B, small part of side A, handle and rim fragments. Side B three youths. a) The top surface of the rim is black and so is the interior, apart from a reserved area at the end of the rim that bears a thin, black line. The neck is decorated with a vague representation of a brach with laurel leaves. The joining point of neck and body that is preserved bears part of a black, thick line. b) The interior and top surface of the rim is black, with the exception of a reserved band on the end of the rim (interior) that bears a thin, black line. c) The handle is black, except for the surface that would not have been visible if it was attached on the vessel, which is reserved (but glazed). Around the spring of the handle there is a motif between two thin lines that resembles the ionic cyma (egg-and-dot). The rest of the vessel is black, both on the outside and the inside. d) The handle is black, apart from the surface that would not have been visible, where there are two dots. Around the spring of the handle there is part of the ionic-cyma motif. e) There is part of the ionic cyma motif that the handle bears around its spring and the rest of the surface is black (interior and exterior), apart from part of a small chess-shaped motif, framed by a line above and two below. f) It is black apart from an area that bears a small part of the motif that contours the springs of the handles, a small, diagonal, reserved band (exterior) and a reserved band (interior). g) The surface is black (interior and exterior) except for three thin lines that are reserved. h) The interior is black. Exterior: Above a double-meander pattern, placed on a reserved band and between two lines, there are two heraldic lion paws, even though the details have fadded away. i) The interior is black. Exterior: The lower part of the drapery and the foot of a figure, surrounded by black colour. j) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of a vertical, reserved thin band is standing on a broad, reserved band that bears between two black lines part of a pattern that consists of a meander and a cross on its right. The cross is contoured by a reserved area (around its sides), while its is executed on a black background. k) The interior bears a thin, reserved band. Exterior: The back part of a male figure's head and shoulder, as well as part of the drapery. l) Black interior. Exterior: The male figure's shoulder and part of his draped body. On his right there is the outer part of the motif that contours the springs of the handles. m) Part of the male figure's leg, knee and tibia, which is projected, as if he is ready to take a step. On the left top side there is part of a vertical, thin, reserved band (upper part of a walking-stick). n) Black interior. Exterior: The lowest part of the figure's drapery and a vague representation of his feet ? He appears to be standing on a pattern that consists of a chess-like motif close to two, double-meander ones, framed by two lines above and one below. o) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of the figure's walking-stick that seems to stand on the double-meander pattern. On the left of the walking-stick, there is part of the back side of another draped figure (male), with the same careless rendering of the feet. p) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the walking-stick and drapery of the second figure. q) Black interior. Exterior: Small part of the second figure's drapery. r) Black interior. Exterior: Small part of the second figure's drapery. s) Small part of the second figure's drapery. t) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the lower termination of the second figure's drapery as well as his right foot? On the left, part of his walking-stick. He seems to be standing on part of the double-meander pattern. u) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the pattern that consists of the chess-like motif, next to part of a double-meander one, on top of which there is the lowest part of a figure's foot? (clumsily rendered). v) Black interior. Exterior: The lower part of the drapery and right foot of another similar figure that satnds on the double-meander pattern. w) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. x) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. y) Black interior. Exterior: Part of the figure's drapery. z) Black interior. Exterior: Part of a male figure's arm and hand. aa, ab and ac) Part of the rim and neck. The exterior bears a broad black band and the interior bears a reserved area between two black bands. ad) There is a reserved line on the interior, while the exterior is black, apart from a reserved spot of unclear shape and another, similar one that bears a thin, black line.
TEMP.2002.9.2 Larger piece (1) is made of three fragments and shows the top of the front panel with a pattern of horizontal palmettes with dots in field above a scene of a woman, with head covered, facing a youth wearing a long tunic and holding a long stick (?). The vertical panel pattern on the left hand side is of two dots, staggered and joined by a line. Detail picked out in watery glaze and black. The inside surface of both pieces is almost ribbed and the glaze is streaky. The smaller piece (2) has remains of a thick handle with a palmette pattern below it. The design on the front has the same horizontal and vertical panels as the other piece but has an old (bearded) man facing left also in long tunic. Both pieces bend upwards to what would have been the mouth and there is a possibility this would have been trefoil shaped.
TEMP.2003.6.10 All of the fragments bear part of the same decoration: the interior surface is glossy black as are the side surfaces of the foot (both on the exterior and interior), apart from a reserved (but glazed line) on the resting surface. The base is glazed so that it appears yellowish-brown and is decorated with four concentric circles and a dot at the central part of the base.
TEMP.2003.6.12 The internal surface of all the fragments is black. External: a) The rim is black, however,it appears red on an area. The back of the handle is black (the inner surface is reserved), but the area between the two parts of the handle creates a horizontal, reserved band. Below that, there is part of a black band and part of a reserved area. b) the rim is black. Below, on the left, there is part of a wavy? vertical black band, while on the right there are two small, black spots, parts of a motif. c) There is part of the black band that decorates the rim. d) There is a black band on a reserved area and part of a motif that resembles a ribbon? below which spring thin lines.
TEMP.2003.6.14 The two fragments bear part of the same decoration, apart from the parts of two lines in added red on top of a (which is preserved higher than b). There is a large black area below which there are two lines in added red. Underneath, there is the upper part of a radial-shaped motif on a reserved, but glazed, surface.
TEMP.2003.6.23 a) The upper part (head to chest) of a draped youth, with a fillet on his head (faded), facing left. b) Another youth (part of his face is missing). He is wearing a himation on his arm and waist and his right hand is extended to the left. c) The rest of the previous figure's face and below, the biggest part of a lyre. The rest of the fragments are black, with the exception of part of a thin line on e.
TEMP.2003.6.6 The interior is black, but there is a reserved band on the fragments that come from the vessel's rim (a, b, c, d), which also bear a reserved band on the upper internal side of the rim. a) The black colour appears streaky (it varies from reddish brown to brown) on the rim (interior and exterior), as well as on the handle. The colour of the decoration appears brown and reddish brown on some areas. There is a broad band that bears two palmettes (one on either side of the double handle), while the surface between the two springs is reserved. On the left side of the fragment there is the right part of a motif (front legs of horses?). Below, there is part of a black line. b) The rim is black. Below, there is the upper part of a charioteer, riding a chariot with four horses (part of them is preserved). Details of the horses have been rendered with incisions. c) The rim is black, however the black colour is uneven and leaves part of the right edge of the fragment's rim reserved. Underneath a thin, reserved line, there is a palmette and next to it part of the line that contoured the spring of the handle. d) The rim is black. Below, there is a female figure's head and in front of her (at the level of her face) there is part of a curving branch, with dots on either side (part of wreath?). e) Part of a palmette, a black line and a black band. f) There is a dot in the middle of the resting surface, contoured by a circle. There is also part of a wide, band, between thin lines, above which, there is a graffito? in the shape of X.
TEMP.2003.7.60 Fragment is made up of six smaller fragments, which have been rejoined, comprising the base of a pot. Interior and exterior are glazed black. Just above rim of base is a strip of red with a black line in the middle. Top and underside of base rim is red. Side of rim is black. Underside of base is concaved, with a red center. The red center, under the base, has a black circle around.
TEMP.2003.7.62A-C Three fragments. Both sides of each fragment are glazed black.
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