Wide mouth with flat rim with one band followed by two thin bands. Single handle with one horizontal bar. On the shoulder is a thin daisy pattern. Body has eight bands, the fifth from top is broad. On bottom are two small circles.
Fragment of thick clay with rim attached. Buff clay with black paint. Inside is painted black. The Outside has a black narrow band at rim with a coiled leaf pattern below, followed by blurry bands.
Series of banded sections on pale buff background. Top section plain painted band faded to brown, followed by band of small black dots between two lines, then thick black band and 2 thin black lines then another black band that has faded to red and finally a thin black line with one further band that covers the corner and is visible on the bottom. The rest of the bottom is the pale buff of the clay. Inside has traces of brown paint particularly near the top.
Series of bands; 1 thin followed by a thick red band with several darker lines through it, 2 rows of dots set between three faint red lines followed by a thick darker band and 2 thin bands all on pale buff surface. Outer edge has traces of painted line and underside is reserved.
Outer edge has row of dark brown dots. On top, first band is same dark brown colour which is followed by 3 redder bands, a row of dots the same colour and 3 more reddish bands. All the bands are approx. the same width.Background is pale buff. Underside is reserved.
Thich black band with thinner one very close, then faded line, followed by wide red band, and then black geometric pattern of squared horizontal interlaced S shapes between 2 lines, all on pale buff background. Inside painted black somewhat washily.
Yellow band, followed by brown band, then black irregular shape (possibly a flower) with a thick S shape next to it both partially obscured by red band. This is followed by three pale bands and 7 black line at right angles to these, 6 of which reach down to the 2nd pale band passing over the 3rd and the last only reaches the 3rd band. Background is pale buff. Inside painted black.
Curved fragment with rim and stump of handle suggests it was a bowl or cup due to how it open it appears as a shape. The interior is painted entirely in black, with a hint of red (fading?) near the top. The exterior has two black bands, one on the rim and one below the rim which also covers the handle stump. Beneath the handle there is a strip of faded white paint, followed by a red/dark brown stripe, then the rest is white with a thin horizontal black line and possible a thicker vertical black line dividing the white decoration in half.
Possibly the top of a jar/bowl due to the smooth edge at the top and way it is curved at the middle. The interior is painted black, with a smooth surface similar to the exterior. The exterior is half painted in white, with narrow, parellel lines of black dots or bands, and a black square inbetween two black lines. There is a line of dark red below this, followed by an overlap of white then a black area.
On the outside trace of a groundline in black glaze followed by a narrow line in reserve, a stripe of 0.5 cm in black glaze, another narrow line in reserve and black glaze for the remaining surface. Inside is unadorned with 3 horizontal wheel marks.
Red painted pattern on one side, starting at the top with pale red line, followed by a section of darker red block colour, then red zigzags going down, then another section of red block colour and finally orangey red stripes
Two lines of a wave-like pattern, followed by two further straight lines. Completely gone from half the fragment
Exterior: base has an area of black overpaint, which is followed by 3 thick lines of black overpaint towards the top of fragment; Interior patchy area of black overpaint
One broad black band and four narrow concentric bands. Interior: remains of black, red and white bands followed by rosette of black dots and a centre of two small circles, followed by bands then followed b
The edge of the rim bears short, thick black lines. The interior of the plate is decorated with two rows of white lotus leaves (heraldic), separated by a reserved, thin line. Next, there is, a black, thick line, followed by a wave pattern around a reserved line that contours the central scene of a female head,in profile, facing left with a head dress (kalyptra) showing white details and her hair in a bun. Above her head, there are two ivy leaves and behind her is a tendril and small, fan-shaped palmette. In front of her there is a circular motif divided in four parts. The exterior is black apart from the edge of the rim , which is reserved and the lowest part of the body snd short stem. The foot (interior and exterior) is also black, with the exception of the reserved resting surface. The concave area is reserved, but bears a large, black round motif on the centre.
The inside is streaky black, the outside is unpainted except the ledge at the bottom of the body which is streaky black. The flange supports the lid. The lid fits over the body to rest on the flange. The top of the lid is also flanged. From the middle of this flange rises a cut-off, grooved cone. The main surface of the lid is decorated with a streaky glaze with a repetitive pattern: two reserved vertical lines followed by a reserved oval. This seems to have been repeated around the whole body but one half of the glaze/pattern is missing.
Brownish buff ground. The underside has three evenly sized and spaced bands. The parts between are reserved. The topside has red band around rim, with bands of white-red-white on black below with a meander pattern in red followed by another set of red and white bands on black. There are the tips of tongues at the fracture coloured black and red.
Mouth black inside and out with a reserved rim. Neck and underside of single curved handle are reserved. Shoulder has bars at base of neck with a ring of lotus buds on edge - circular mistake between rows. Thin black band around edge of shoulder. Body design has two men each leading a horse to right. Both wear cloaks, first helmet, second petasos. Red for beards, manes, tails and peytrels. White on helmet and design on horses, but badly faded. Black band followed by reserved band, then black stem. Disk foot is black on top but reserved on the edge with a flat, reserved base with a central circular concave section.
18 fragments (i-xviii) of an Attic black figure Amphora, showing palmette-lotus neck decoration, with crude tongues below, parts of a central scene of female riders on horseback (possible Amazons) with male figures all facing right, below are upright lotus buds, and possibly the end of rays at the base of the vase. i) part of neck and lip, lip is black glaze with red band below with evidence of black decoration, the reverse is black glaze on neck, no glaze on the reverse of lip. ii) triangular fragment of neck with part of palmette-lotus chain decoration. Reverse black glaze. iii) triangular fragment of neck , part of palmette decoration. The reverse is mostly unglazed. iv) fragment of neck and shoulder with bottom part of black neck decoration and two sets of vertical line (tongue) decoration. v) larger part of shoulder and body showing a male head and shoulders facing right with vines on either side of the head, above a row of vertical line (tongue) decoration. vi) small fragment of neck with part of palmette decoration, reverse black glaze. vii) part of neck and body, with four vertical lines above, head of female with helmet and white face, the eye and eyebrow of the female is incised with added pigment, facing right, part of horse head and neck, with white hand of female holding on. The helmet of the rider shows incised decoration and a red band, the horse head also has incised decoration showing bridle and reigns. Vine decoration between female head and horse and behind female head. viii) largest fragment of body showing lower body and legs of one horse and rider (riders leg white so possibly female) behind this is the front lower half of the second horse with white legged rider, there is a vine between the two horses, below are two horizontal register lines and then a frieze of upright lotus buds. ix) fragment of belly with lower part of a horse and top front legs, with white thigh, knee and lower leg of the rider. Incisions on horse. Other decoration to the right in black. x) fragment of belly, in the centre is a vertical vine, to the left is a black mark possibly a leaf, part of a circle (possible shield) with two black straight shapes coming from the bottom. To the right of the vine is a thick black line running vertically and to the bottom right of the fragment is a curved line in black. xi) fragment of belly with black line on far left followed by a vertical vine, leaf, and long black line, black leaf followed by another vertical vine, on the far right of the fragment is the bottom hindquarters of a horse xii) small fragments with black decoration that has incisions, vine and leaf. xiii) small fragment with thick vertical line, possibly a leg xiv) fragment from the body with black decoration incised and a vine pattern. xv) triangular fragment with a male head and shoulder, in black figure with eyes and hairline incised facing right. Small amounts of vine decoration at the top of the fragment. Semi-circular damage to the vessel on the left-hand side. xvi) small semi-circle in black with incised lines (joins with x) that forms a shield, to the right is part of a vine and another bit of black decoration. xvii) bottom part of belly, above the register line for main decoration, are legs/feet and other unknown, below two register lines are upright lotus buds, and below two more register line are the beginning ray decoration. xviii) section of the bottom of body, two register lines with upright lotus below, and two further register lines with the beginning of ray decoration.
Finer fabric than RM.87.35.13 and 29.9.2. Black interior with reserved band on rim. Exterior of rim is black followed beneath by further reserved band. Black band above handles followed by reserved band. Handles black on outside only. Lower body and foot black. Reserved resting surface and inside of foot.
Black lip on mouth. Neck is reserved as is the underside of the single handle. Black tongues under fine ridge at base of neck followed by a circle of black lotus flowers with white outer petals alternating with black buds. Body has black glaze, rather ruddled. Two thin red lines at top of body just below shoulder and one two thirds of the way down the body. Black disk foot with edge reserved. Base flat and reserved except for a concave central circle.
Black circle where knob would have been followed by incised groove. Around rim black dots on reserved ground. Ivy wreath, leaves reserved and outlined in white, stems incised, with clusters of berries painted in white. Underside is reserved.
Rim of the neck is painted red on the inner side, the outer surface of the neck is painted brown. Two black lines on a white wash decorate the shoulder, the handles are painted black on their outer surface. The upper body is decorated with a red band at the top then (on one side) a white wash, followed (on both sides) by six black bands with reserved areas between them. The rest of the lower body is decorated with a dark red wash.
Mouth and rim all black. Single handle is black on the outside and reserved on the underside. Neck is reserved. Shoulder has a row of rays and a row of lotus flowers. Body design is 10 rows of debased chequerboard. There are irregular drops of paint on the back. The decorated part of the body is followed by a narrow black band followed by black stem. The foot is black on the top but reserved on the side. Base is reserved.
Vertical strap handle from rim to bottom ridge, extending over the rim, has parallel horizontal lines. Towards the top,a double bar cross. Inside is reserved except for the rim decorated with four groups of 8/10 vertical black lines, framed by a thin line above and two below, extnding to the upper part fo the body.The body has a zone of hanging spirals to the left,framed by two black lines. It is followed by a meander and four parallel black bands below, a zone of herring-bone. Either side of handle are three vertical lines. Herring-bone pattern sits on ridge which has two bands below. Base is flat and reserved.
One side of fragment is glazed black with a palmette design. Flowers are situated around a small, indented circle with six tiny indented 'U' shapes inside it. The other side of the fragment is mostly rserved, with a black band at the rounded part of the piece. Near the pointed part of the fragment there is an outer black circle, followed by a smaller black inner circle. Inside the inner circle there is a black dot.
Inside black except reserved band at rim 0.5cm wide. Red and black band around rim, beneath which is a reserved band. Thin black and red band just above handle followed by further wide reserved band approximately 1.2 cm wide. One handle reddish brown, the other black, both dipped. Lower body black with one dark red-brown patch below redddish brown handle. White deposits on joint between body and foot. Flared foot also black with reserved base and broad resting surface.
On the exterior is a light brown line, followed by a cream line, and another brown one, followed by a lighter brown one and brown dots on a cream background. Then another light brown line and more cream until a dark brown circular shape (unclear because the fragment ends here). On the other side the background is dark brown, almost black, with white lines, almost like petals, with light brown dots in them.
Floral pattern. Black band followed by reserved band followed by black band followed by a row of small dots above which are larger ones between which are fine elongated semi-circular lines.