Ribbon handle with projecting ends. Inside is black with two red bands at centre. On turned-in rim, one black band (level with the bottom of the handle) and one red band. The body is decorated with black lanceolate leaves bordered on the outside by five lines alternating black and red, on inner by two lines and band in black. The foot is decorated with black band and, on the base, a wide red band, two thin black bands, two central bands and a dot.
Shoulder: frieze of bars at base of neck; below, five palmettes, consisting of a central group of three, the middle one inverted, and one at each side with its stem on the side away from the handle. The lower branch of each stem curls into a spiral from the end of which a leaf grows. There are dots in the field. Body: black except for a pair of red lines around the top.
Lip and neck reserved. Shoulder: bars at base of neck; five palmettes (parts of four only remaining). Body: black with a thin red band 3.2 cm from the bottom.
Fragment of a flat base. Chocolate coloured paint inside and out, including a flat base, all glazed. Exterior has 6 horizontal bands of white near the bottom, the lowest one broader than the five upper ones. On base two white parallel lines.
At the top is a triangle of black, with a smaller triangle below leading to a dark brown line. There is a similar line parallel to this one on the left. Both lines are at right angles to a braoder dark brown line. Nestled between two faint brown lines are five white circles with black circles in the centre. There is just a small area of dark brown/black on the bottom right hand corner. Other side is reserved.
Piece of fragment made of red clay with pattern both sides. Fragment is slightly curved, with a small rim at the top suggesting it could be part of a decorative plate or bowl. Side A, which is possible the interior, has a broad black line at the bottom - possibly this was the colour of the interior, with five rough circles in a row, alternating black and red from the left hand side, painted on top of a white background. Side B has a similar broad black line at the bottom, with a broad white line painted at the top and several faded black vertical lines painted over the white. The shape of the fragment is rectangular, and it slopes to a point at the right hand side.
Rim and inner surface painted black. Outer surface may have been painted white. Five raised bands on rim.
Possible battle scene, containing five horses and two men, figure to the far left(only wearing a cloak) is on horse back and figure to the right is falling from a chariot (naked), pot at the bottom with contents spilling out, possible bird to its left
Five black lines going vertically across
Displays a human figure kneeling or lying down, facing right, with five or six pots lined up behind them.
Displays five human figures, two kneeling, two standing and one seated, details are too small to see more.
Surface slipped with red-orange wash. Strap handle sloping inwards; black glazed on the outside; inside in reserve. Row of uniform parallel black lines at the junction of the shoulder and neck. On the shoulder, five black palmettes, the central one inverted, with black tendrils and dots in between. On the body, black glaze misfired with two red parallel lines just below the junction of the shoulder and body.
Exterior: beige glaze overpainted by black horizontal line just under the rim, also four (three thin, one thick) parallel black lines running at a steep angle down from the rim. Rim: five thick black lines parallel to each other and perpendicular to the rim.
Exterior glazed black overpainted by five horizontal parallel lines on the bottom half of the fragment. Three are brown, two are beige. The colors alternate. Interior glazed black.
Interior: black overpaint on entire side of fragment; exterior: across centre of fragment a set of five parallel horizontal overpainted lines, the central line is slightly thicker and a dark red/brown, the adjacent lines are a lighter red/brown colour
Five or six cupids/erotes holding the club of Hercules. Cast number - 948
Image of five men riding horses from the right side.
Cast Number - 960
Five figures of women holding hands in a circle. Number 33
Lip inside and outside black. Shoulder: five lotus buds separated by spots, body- probably a runner facing left between youthfull onlookers; the figures in the center and on the left completely repainted. Below, thick black band. Rim of foot missing, but remainder is reserved.
cream slip; interior unslipped; exterior: black-figure decoration consisting of sphinx (back and haunches with added red remaining) to right; incised rosette with red centre as filling ornament; below, two black bands above parts of five vertical tongues.
white slip; interior: glazed streaky black (fired yellowish brown) with traces of single band in added white; exterior: painted decoration consisting of seated sphinx (part of belly and hind leg remaining), to left; below, pair of narrow glaze (fired brown) bands; below, in handle zone doble saw-edged metope pattern; at right, group of five vertical strokes; part of ancient repair hole on right edge of sherd.
Reddish-brown on pale buff ground. On shoulder, five groups of concentric arcs, three based on outer circumference, one sideways, one base towards neck. Eight black narrow band are nestled between two broad black bands. The pattern repeats itself on the body and base three times, with a variation after the first group where there are three reddish-brown narrow bands in the buff area. The base is buff, with an overlap of a broad black band.
Fine thin fabric of pinkish-buff ground. Inside is purple/black with traces of red bands. Rim flares out and on it is a black band with two thin red bands. Below this are vertical bars in two groups, some longer. One broad black band then three narrow red bands. Five pronged triangular lines radiating from base. Two bands on foot and three on base.
Flat lip with two black bands. Three horizontal lines on handle. On body, from top to bottom, shoulder bare, black band, group of seven thin lines, five thicker bands coloured black but often fading into brick-red. Base reserved, slightly concave.
Decoration faded brick-red. On lip five concentric circles, on handle is a vertical zigzag between two thin lines. On shoulder are two dogs running to the right. On body are a group of four lines, between two bands, then six lines, below which are four bands. The base is reserved and concave with a small central protrusion.
On lip rays and a circle around the outer edge. Rays on shoulder. Five broad reddish-purple bands on the body, each with two thin black lines superimposed. Between bands there are double rows of black scales. Triangular rays radiate from bottom upwards. Slightly concave base. Object is top heavy.
On lip, rays. On handle, two horizontal bands. Shoulder decoration consists of a repeated inverted comma pattern. On body a line, a band, six narrow lines, and, in the main zone, two lions (with traces of a third lion between them), with rosettes between their tails. Four thick black bands, each with thin red bands superimposed. Band of five rays rising from base. Two bands around foot and base coloured black.
The decoration is executed with red colour and incisions. Rim: There are petal-shaped tongues on the top surface and dots at the side one. The back of the handle bears three, almost vertical (the central one is wavy) lines. Below the handle on the body there are five (the one smaller) rosettes (leaved rodakes), with incisions intersecting at the centre. The main design is a swan with outspread wings, facing right. Details are incised and there is some added red on its wings and tail. The swan appears to step on a row of petal-shaped spots that contours the sunk centre of the vessel, serving as a base.
Two bands on top of mouth and one on side. On the handle are five horizontal bars. Shoulder and bottom have a daisy/tongue pattern. On the body are four broad bands, alternating red for black and purple. All other areas are reserved. Base has small central concave circle.
Four handles, three with decoration, one without. Decoration black (mostly fired red) and red (purple) on creamy-buff. Zones of pattern: vertical bars (which go up onto the rim and three handles); zigzag; dotted lozenges; triangles separated by hanging loops or dot rosettes. Red used for thin bands dividing each zone. Stem and foot have five redish/black bands round them. Rim of foot edged with small vertical lines. Foot and stem decorated with two more bands. Inside kylix, two black bands round outside, then three smaller in the middle.
On top of mouth are five bands, one broad. On side of (unflanged) mouth are dots. On handle are two horizontal bars. Quatrefoil, with hatching on body which extends to bottom of object with red petal shapes.
Inside, red rim, black band, red band, black and red band around centre. On outside, red rim, black with two red bands and two more above the reserved zone with vertical lines to base. Red band on outside of foot and five band and a central dot.
Cup mouth black inside and out and reserved on the rim. Single handle is black on outside and reserved underneath. Shoulder has inner ring of spots and outer ring of rays. Body has two rows of dots at top above the main design of a chariot with horses galloping right (heads of two horses, five hind legs). Beyond horses is Athena running left. Added white for Athena's flesh and helmet. Bands below and bottom of body os black. Foot is stepped with the side of the lower step reserved. Base reserved.
The lip is decorated with five bands, of which the middle one is broad. On body, quatrefoil design, where all four leaves have red centres. On back, below handle, eight-rayed star. Bottom patterned with three arches (cf. RM.25.53.42).
Mouth has rays from outer to inner edge. Handle is black (perhaps horizontal bars?) and on that side are three rings, middle one purplish. Five rows of dots join the two sides. The triple band pattern is repeated on opposite side.
Inside and outside of rim is black and there are five dots inside. Main design is two pairs of female heads all wearing head-dresses, facing one another. Detail painted in black. On outer rim are rough dots. Underside of lid is black.
Pale buff ground. Inside is black and red in places. Main design: five women with long plaited hair dancing in a ring, holding wreaths between them. In field are large rosettes with concentric circles at centre and round objects with horizontal incisions between bands of vertical incisions. At base are elongated vertical lines and the foot is coloured red. Five bands on base.
Mouth, handle and the upper part of the neck have been dipped in a brownish, lustreless, uneven glaze. Neck has five vertical, black tongues. The body is patterned in coarse-meshed net which occasionally overlaps onto foot, which is small but uneven. Base flat and reserved.
Interior black glaze, except a reserved band just inside rim. Upper body reserved with darker red and black decoration; Three horizontal brown lines around the outside rim, six sets of five vertical lines spaced evenly around the upper body alternating with four occurrences of three concentric circles surrounding a central dot. Three horizontal lines below it separate this section from the lower body which is black except for one reserved band in the middle. Handles are a darker reddish brown (2.5YR 4/6). There is an incised cross on the inside of one handle only. The slightly flared foot is also black with a reserved resting surface and underside.
The interior, from the lip down, is reserved. There is a thick band on the lip and vertical bars on the exterior of the rim, then five bands, evenly spaced, between the rim and where the handles start. Neck (A,B): Panel between two triglyphs, each consisting of three vertical lines, a band of diagonal lines, and another three vertical lines. Panel filled with a long-legged bird facing left (body outlined and filled with vertical lines), filling splotches, and a horizontal triangle, cross-hatched, to the right. Shoulder (A,B): Seven vertical lines, panel, seven vertical lines. The panels are filled with (A) dog (silhouette) runing to right, with filling ornament, (B) same, but the dog chasing a hare. Horizontal bands cover the exterior of both handles, and the handle zones are outlined with a very thick band. Body: three horizontal bands; close zigzag; seven more bands; a large black band covering the lower part of the body and the foot. Resting surface and underside reserved.
Fragment of fine clay cup or open dish. Exterior: series of five thin parallel curved lines, cut through by a broader vertical band. The curved lines have faded to orange while the more densely painted horizontal line has faded to dark brown. Interior: three thin parallel curved lines that have faded almost completely in parts. .
Above foot, and again half-way up to handles, groups of five fine incised lines.
Black gloss on mouth, neck, shoulder, and handle (dipped). On shoulder, three rows of white spots: seven (tear-shaped) above, five (larger tear-shaped) in the middle, and below, five groups of three dots in a triangular pattern. The body is decorated with a diagonal net pattern of thin black lines with thin white spots inside the lozenges. Thick irregular black band at bottom of body, reserved stem, black foot, including resting surface, but otherwise reserved underside, with a spiral pattern etched at the centre. White paint dots added and traces of red wash over body.
The interior and the exterior of the mouth as well as the handle glazed. On the exterior, the black is fired brown. At base of neck, ridge in place of drip-ring painted purple. Shoulder: ivy leaves on each side of central purple line(six above, seven below); on body five inverted opening lotus flowers with central petals white. Above them row of white dots. Lower half of body and exterior of the foot glazed black (turning red in places). Resting surface and the underside of the foot reserved.
Upper handle has five band incisions, lower has three, equal radiating bands along the shoulder disturbed by the nozzle and the handle. Discus is plain, slightly concave with a small central circular filling hole. Sides of nozzle incline and are slightly raised, forming a triangle of the back of the nozzle. Lower body is plain with smooth surface.
Handle is the stem of the moulded bunch of grapes, extended from the grapes, to the left, are four round circles resembling fish scales; extended from them are five long, thin leaves resembling feathers. Top right of grapes is an opening; a purpose built hole.
Blocks XVII, XVIII,XIXXX, and XXI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see eleven whole or partial riders on horseback. The front five figures wear petasos (wide-brimmed hats).
Decoration in mauve pigment, consisting of two curved lines below five triangles that originate from the edge of the fragment.
A cubic dice, white in colour with numerical symbols etched on and then painted in black. On all bar one side the symbols are made up of one dot surrounded by two concentric circles, the number of these represents the value of that side. On two sides there are five, on two there are four and six on the fifth. The final side has twelve dots although on this side one symbol consists of one dot and one circle rather than two, also the dots are depicted in groups of twos.
Ellisoid offering plate or tray with raised lip, pinkish in colour with appearance of dulled granite. Five models of food offerings on tray (e.g. ox head, bread, vegetables). Channels for drink offerings in T-shape, in one third of tray. These trays were placed the tomb to offer food for the deceased.
At base of shoulders and top of body are incised diagonal bars between bands. Five panels go around the body and are separated by incised chevrons between bands. Two panels show designs of leaves - possibly palm leaves. Two other panels show a collection of pictures which appear to consist of three leaves or feathers, an ear of corn perhaps and other agricultural objects (?). The fifth panel shows similar things to the last two described with the addition of a triangle with horizontal incised lines through it. None of the panels is next to a similar one. There is a flat ridge at the base. Painted to almost have a wood effect.
Three grooves creating two mouldings in the lower part; five incised lines on the flat tip of the knob. In the underneath concentric mouldings.
Daisy pattern on upper surface of rim; vertical bars on lip; crouching sphinx, profile to the left, on the body, with her feet curled down to the base, which is decorated with a 8 'pointed' star, surrounded by four 8-quadrant rosettes (five similar rosettes also in the field). Added colour (red) on the chest, wing, and underside of body. Incisions on figure and rosettes.
Traces of four (?) bands on mouth and three lines on handle. Tongues on shoulder with two bands below. Main design (starting from below handle going left to right) a human (?) figure on a horse facing right, a lion biting the foot of a warrior who is defending himself with shield, a large creature (possibly a panther), and a man. These pictures are all incised. Dots and rosettes incised with asterisks in field. Five bands around base.
Tongues emerging from mouth between two bands. Dots around the rim and tongues again on shoulder. Zigzag with two dots on handles. Main design is five warrior figures facing left, carrying large shields. Each shield is bisected with incised vertical parallel lines and coloured one half red and the other half yellow. The outer ring of the shield is brown, and the helmets which the warriors appear to be wearing are yellow. The base has two bands around tongues with two bands the other side.
Black except for the figural design, with friezes above and below it; reserved but ruddled resting surface. A. Horizontal friezes on neck and below figural scene, consist of two vertical bars alternating with circles, reserved bands above and below. Scene: nude satyr, standing profile to right, with his left foot raised on a rock, faces a draped woman, seated 3/4-view to right, with her head turned profile to left. He raises his right hand towards her, and rests his left arm on his knee. She holds a mirror in her upraised left hand. Five ivy leaves in field between them. B. Horizontal friezes on neck and below figural scene consist of chevrons to left, between reserved bands. Scene: Two draped youths in conversation, face each other on either side of a stele. Yellow and white details: white fillet on satyr, bracelets and necklace on woman, and spots on the mirroron Red wash on reserved areas suggests imitation of Attic red figure. A pair of incised lines run horizontally across side A, and another line runs horizontally across side B; further incised lines around the upper body of the woman indicate that these might be an artists guidelines.
Five bands around mouth, some broader than others; one broad band encircles the exterior of the rim; short tongues emerge from the neck, over the shoulder. Body: quatrefoil pattern at front; four-pointed star at back.
Black rim and neck, except for a thin reserved band just above the join with the body; body decorated with three reserved bands above an egg-and-dot band and another reserved band; row of white dots at top of figural scene. Below, band comprised of stopt maeanders (3) alternating with cross-in-square (1), between two reserved bands; broad reserved band at join of body and foot; reserved band on lowest ridge of foot as well as resting surface and underside.
A: A draped woman runs in 3/4-view to the right but looks back, profile the left. She holds in her lowered right hand a wreath from which a garland hangs and in her upraised left hand a box (decorated with bands, chevrons, and zigzags, as well as white dots above the box), while drapery falls over her left arm. She wears a stephane and a kekryphylon with dangling ribbons, beaded earrings and double necklace (indicated by white dots), double bracelets on each wrist, a belted, sleeveless chiton, and slippers. In the field are a fillet (upper left), a rosette with five white dotted petals and a yellow centre (upper right), and a shrub with berries (lower centre), as well as a white dotted groundline rising slightly to the right. B: Eros, holding a beaded necklace in his extended right hand, is seated in 3/4-view to the left on a flower. The leaves and buds of the same plant elaborately fill the field beneath and around him. He wears attributes that are similar to those of the woman on A: stephane, kekryphylon, earring, double beaded necklace, double bracelets, and slippers. He also wears a beaded baldric diagonally across his chest and ankle bracelets (3 on each ankle) and a baldric comprised of a row of white dots arranged diagonally across his chest, over his left shoulder.
Added white is used for details of Eros' wings as well as the jewelry, box decoration, slippers, vegetation and groundlines, as well as the centre parts of the eggs on the egg-and-dot band.
Entirely black except for reserved line around edge of rim, ribbed zone (comprised of five vertical lines in panel) at front of neck, and figural scene on the front of the body, and reserved underside at front half of lekythos (similarly the front half of the interior is reserved).
Scene: double tendril, with a blossom emerging from the larger tendril; female head, profile to left; rosette in upper right field; small tendril in lower left field. The female wears her hair in a sakkos, tied at the back, from which emerges a tuft of curly hair around the ear. The reserved areas are ruddled, except on the underside. Some of the glaze beneath the handle has fired red.
Black glaze, inside and out. On shoulder, below handle, five close-set red bands between two pairs of thin white lines. Two-thirds down body bands of alternating colour (white, red, white, red, white); trace of red line at top of foot; reserved foot and underside.
Knob: five concentric bands, two with dots. Lid: circle, two bands with chequer pattern, circle, vertical bars on rim.
The piece consists of half of a foot, which is broken about halfway down its length. The half remaining includes all five toes, with slightly curling little toes and a rather stumpy big toe. The foot sits upon a thick sandal. Under this is a chunk of unworked marble, presumably part of the original base of the statue, which takes up about the same amount of mass as the carved foot does. This underside is rough and worn. The break halfway through the foot in fairly clean, leaving a rough, but planar surface.
The interior is black, apart from a reserved line on the upper part of the rim. a) The rim bears a black band. Below, there is a palmette on the left of the fragment (an almost round centre from which emerge petal-shaped divisions), as well as part of a carelessly rendered curving line. On the left there is the right part of a figure next to three barnches with dots on either side. There are also four large dots on the background. b)The rim bears a black band. The rest of the surface appears to be reserved. c)The rim bears a black band. On the right side there is the largest part of a palmette (round center, rendered with added red and petal-shaped divisions). There is part of a black line that contoured the handle (partially covered with adhesives and plaster). On the left, there is another figure (carelessly rendered, between three similar branches (on the right) and part of an (undecipherable) object that consists of black colour, incisions and added red colour. There are also four large dots on the background. d) The rim bears a black band. There is part of the object on the left side of c and on its left there is part of a black dot. e) On the left side there is part of a curving line with a voluted ending (tendril?), which is connected to a palmette (voluted, with round center and petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is an object that consists of three parts. The upper is round and the details are rendered with incisions and added red, the middle part is a small dotted branch and the lowest part is a short, vertical, thin band (thyrsos?). From its middle part emerges another dotted branch. There are five large dots on the background. On the right side of the fragment there is the left part (small part) of a figure? (carelessly rendered). f) The part of the lowest body that is preserved bears the terminations of palmettes? depicted on the body (short, clumsily rendered bands are preserved). There is also a reserved thin line between two broad brown bands. The foot is also brown and so is the inner sude surface of the foot. The rest is reserved, with the exception of five thin, concentric circles on the base. g) The fragment bears the lowest part of a palmette (the left volute and part of the round center)on the left and part of the reserved area between the two brown bands.
Exterior white with brown patterns. Following one edge abour 1.0 down is a set of faded brown lines. Between the edge and these brown lines on one side are five brown lines perpendicular to the two lines, while on the other is a single parallel brown line with 5 short perpendicular lines crossing. Below the two brown lines is a brown blob that looks like it may have once been a horses leg, but is nothing in particular now. Interior is brown.
Five sided fragment. Exterior white with a pattern of parallel brown curves that get increasingly shorter, creating a pie slice shape. Interior black with a red line alone one edge. Right above the red line is a white line. There are also a few other splotches of white.