Brownnish-black on pale buff. Design consisting of lozenges or perhaps triangles filled with trefoils, the vacant spaces being filled with waved parallel lines.
Central circular knob with painted black cross and sides filled with lines. Side has bars and the stem of the handle is black. Three black bands, two roes of staggered bars, black bands, diagonal lines with dots above and below, black bands, horizontal bars in two rows but are entwined, black bands. Inside is reserved and with a rim so it sits inside the base section.
Very small fragment, interior (side a) is painted black. The exterior, side b, has a narrow red band at the top, with a white background beneath it and two narrow black bands, a strip of small black dots and a black filled in shape at the bottom.
Cast of horse hea. Horse made to look stressed with pinned-back ears, gaping jaw, flared nostrils, and bulging eyes and veins. The original is part of the sculptures in the east pediment of the Parthenon showed the birth of Athena from the head of her father Zeus, a momentous event witnessed by the gods. The corners of this pediment were filled with the chariots of Helios and Selene, the gods of the sun and moon, this horse is one of Selene's. The original is now in the British Museum.
Lip decorated with black vertical lines. Interior: Three concentric bands of red, each approximately 1.3 wide. There are three narrower concentric red bands at centre. Four small, round handles, arranged symetricaly, are decorated with the same vertical lines as on the rim. The body is decorated on with three bands: (1) vertical lines in red; (2) triangles filled in with cross-hatching alternating with small loops, each made up of three concentric semi-circles around a dot; (3) triangles inscribed with smaller triangles. Each band of decoration is separated by a triglyph compased of two thin red bands on either side of a thicker red band. There is a thicker red band towards the bottom of the foot. The edge of the foot is decorated with red vertical lines. Inside the flat resting surface are two concentric red bands.
Clay pale and rough. Three rough ovals on shoulder and top of body. upper part filled in with black.
Black glazed except below the neck on the interior, on the friezes (between handles) on the exterior, and on the underside. Just above the handles a short frieze consists of a series of short bars, vertically arranged; below these is a frieze filled with a pair of sideways 7- to 9-petalled palmettes, and either side of upright palm fronds, which enclose an upright 9-petalled palmette. A pair of tendrils emerge from either side of each palmette.
The interior, from the lip down, is reserved. There is a thick band on the lip and vertical bars on the exterior of the rim, then five bands, evenly spaced, between the rim and where the handles start. Neck (A,B): Panel between two triglyphs, each consisting of three vertical lines, a band of diagonal lines, and another three vertical lines. Panel filled with a long-legged bird facing left (body outlined and filled with vertical lines), filling splotches, and a horizontal triangle, cross-hatched, to the right. Shoulder (A,B): Seven vertical lines, panel, seven vertical lines. The panels are filled with (A) dog (silhouette) runing to right, with filling ornament, (B) same, but the dog chasing a hare. Horizontal bands cover the exterior of both handles, and the handle zones are outlined with a very thick band. Body: three horizontal bands; close zigzag; seven more bands; a large black band covering the lower part of the body and the foot. Resting surface and underside reserved.
Exterior of handles black, interior reserved. resting surface reserved. Underside of foot reserved apart from black dot at the centre, surrounded by black thin band. Body black apart from handle zone, a reserved band c. 1cm below the main design and a reserved band at the junction of the body with the foot. Handle zone decorated with Protocorinthian black butterfly pattern three times front and back, recesses filled with chevrons. One butterfly recesses with leaves. Interior of the vase black.
Interior: black not carefully applied , not lustrous. Purple band towards the the edge framed by two thinner black bands. Exterior: around rim black band with white dots; Animal frieze on the bowl. Four swans (water birds), facing right, alternating with incised rosettes. Background filled with small decorative patterns of undefined shape that often bear incisions. Black band below. Black stem and upper surface of foot; reserved groove on vertical surface of foot; reserved underside. Added purple and white on the birds' wings and the rosettes.
Rim and neck covered in black glaze; circumscribed palmette frieze on shoulder, with intervening triangles above and below (where two are outlined but not filled in); main body (white ground) decorated with net pattern between narrow reddish-black lines; the upper black band is decorated with white dots. Black glazed on lower part of body and foot, except for reserved underside, including resting surface.
Decorated with geometric designs in medium brown paint: stripes in two directions on the head; two horizontal bands around neck, above vertical bands; scalloped designs on chest of bird; wings delineated with two bands on either side, filled with s-pattern; horizontal bands on neck; bands on either side of an x behind the handle; top of tail filled with tall zigzags. Reddened inside mouth and around the neck