Glazed black on the interior, except at the bottom of the bowl. Exterior glazed black (dipped) on the rim, handles, except near attachment (but a small line emerges to the front of the bowl, from either handle). The floral frieze consists of: palmette, upright, flanked by curling tendrils from which hang smaller palmettes (side A), a simple enclosed palmette (under missing handle); two upright palmettes with curling tendrils, although the palmette on the right has two curling tendrils at the left and none at the right (side B); simple palmette under handle. Beneath the floral frieze is a thin black band above a band of black dots. Black glaze also on the lower part of the body, stem, and top of foot, and interior surface of the foot (with extra paint spilling over onto the resting surface and the underside).
Fragment preserves part of the lip and also the base of what was a shallow bowl. There is is a darker blue curved line following the angle of the bowl suggesting that there was a decoration at the bottom of the bowl. The piece comes from a spoilt lot from the lower levels of the city, which is suggested by the extra thick layer of glaze that is present on the lip.