The outine of the front of a temple, depicting a pediment resting on two columns. A female figure covering most of the space in between holds a bow.
Displays a shield topped by a crown and divided into three sections, the left depicting a lion with a cross over each shoulder and another at it's feet.
Displays a shield topped by a crown and divided into three sections, the right depicting a lion with a cross over each shoulder.
Displays a coin depicting a large bird, possibly an eagle, with unrecognisable writing around the outside.
Displays a naked man kneeling on one leg, possibly Perseus, wearing a helmet and a circular shield depicting a face, possibly Medusa's, facing left.
At the center of the scene two horses pull a chariot one figure drives the chariot whilst another figure wearing armour holding a spear and shield stands in the chariot. Another figure is depicted up-side-down next to the chariot possibly knocked over the chariot or fallen out of the chariot. In the bottom right of the scene another figure depicting leaning on a shield. In the center at the top of the scene a figure is shown with their hands aloft possibly celebrating. to the right of this central figure is another clad in armour, it is unclear what this figure is doing.
Exterior: Greyish-black overpainting depicting 2 standing birds with curved necks. The bird on the right has wings spread and short horizontal lines on the wing and tail suggesting feathers. There is a reddish stripe overpainted across the body and across the tail. The bird on the left is cut off half-way across the body, but the same red body stripe and feather markings are present. Above the birds is a semicircle of thin bulb-shaped parallel vertical lines and around the birds are several circles of varying sizes.
Interior: brownish wash with a wide band of brownish-grey along 3 of the fragment's edges. Exterior: Black wash with white lines etched depicting an image. 2 leg-like shapes at right-angle to curved edge, joining onto curved lines possibly outling a body.
One side is decorated with black glaze. The same side is incised, depicting furniture; potentially either a chair or table leg. Potentially more decoration, however this could be surface damage.
A scene depicting from left to right: Hercules , Athena, and a clothed woman. The two figures on the outside are looking towards a helmeted Athena who is holding an olive branch and spear.
A scene depicting Herakles facing left. In his left hand he holds his club and in his right he has a bowl (possibly the one given to him by Helios, the sun god)
A scene depicting two figures. Herakles is holding his club on the right, standing next to a bound woman (on the left).
A scene depicting two warriors attacking a giant. The central warrior is wearing a helmet and holding a spear and shield.
A scene depicting a Hydra fighting the Hydra.
A scene depicting Herakles with club. The Basket on the left hand side is possibly the container of the golden apples from the garden of hesperides.
A scene depicting a man Herakles carrying a bull Cretan Bull.
A scene depicting Herkales carrying the skin of the Nemean lion.
A scene depicting a lion, possibly the Nemean lion.
A scene depicting showing Herakles (distinguished by his club) shooting two birds (possibly the Stymphalian birds)