Red core with both surfaces covered in white. The fragment is curved in two directions suggesting it is part of the neck of a vessel. Convex curve white and the concave curve is white with a red zigzag. No finished edges.
Sherd with fragment of handle attached. Interior surface is reserved showing the pale clay. The exterior is covered with dull black paint and has superimposed bands of white with the suggestion that there is some pattern inside the band. Small section of handle is black as well. No finished edges.
Fragment of rim of vase. Interior is reserved except for a black band around rim. The exterior is painted dark brown with four horizontal bands of red covered with white dots. There is a narrow band of orange just below rim. The walls thin at the rim.
Two lines, one black and one red, towards one end of the fragment; covered with a white ground, which has worn of around the edges revealing the darker coloured terracotta underneath. Black glazed on the interior.
Covered in black glaze, applied in a streaky spiral on the underside.
Head of woman profile facing left. She has her hair covered by headscarf.
single area covered with a small amount of brow/orange glaze; no distinct pattern. flat fragment with cylindrical shape protruding from it.
Half of one side is covered in a plain black glaze.
One side of fragment covered in a plain black glaze.
One side is covered with a solid black glaze. Concaved side of fragment is decorated with a thick stripe of black glaze.
Plain black glaze decorates the whole fragment apart from one band that is not covered.
One corner painted completely red, the other two covered with dark red diagonal lines. In the centre of the shard a square has been painted, broken up into a lot more little squares
Displays a young woman with her head covered, apparently airborne without wings, and holding a cross in her left hand, whilst a cherub in the lower right corner leans on his trumpet. (Box Index = A happy soul flying to the sky). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 12
Displays a winged man, crouching down on one knee, a quiver of arrows on his back and a bow at his feet are visible, whilst a woman reclines on the ground, only her lower half covered in cloth, resting her upper body agaist his knee. (Box Index = Amore e Psiche or Love and Psyche). Box 5, Layer 1, Gem 7
Female head in profile, facing right. Her head is covered and complex hairstyle indicates she's a women of the upper class.
Bust of a woman with her face turned slightly to her left. Her hair curly and covered by a head-dress. One breast is exposed.
Covered in a brown glaze/wash
Outer side of fragment covered in a plain white ground.
Outside of fragment covered in a plain white ground. Red glaze seen on the top right area of the fragment; potentially the start of a depiction? Thin horizontal stripe of black glaze at the top of the fragment; start of the neck of the vessel.
Both sides of the fragment are covered in a plain black glaze.
Both sides of the fragment are covered with a plain black glaze.
Both sides of the fragment are covered in a plain black glaze.
One side is completely covered in a plain black glaze. On the other side, half the fragment is covered in a plain black glaze.
Nude female (? Aphrodite) ciewed from behind, leaning on a shield covered in drapery with a spear leaning on her left shoulder holding an object in her right hand. Accompanied by winged Eros handing her a helmet
Number 24
Male figure covered with drapery, holding object in his right hand and drapery in his left. His foot is resting on a rock. number 23
A cresent moon or a barque surrounded by stars covered with letters. Inscriptions on the barque. Cast number: 80
Rock covered with foliage, leaning against it a club, part of a tendril.
Lower part of draped woman facing left towards a stele. Framed on right by vertical reserved band containing double row of joined dots between lines. Below, egg and tongue pattern covered with streaky black.
Upper part of neck and handle dipped in black. On lower part of neck are 16 narrow tongues and these are repeated on base of handle. Handle is enclosed in a heavy black loop. Egg and dot pattern on shoulder between thin bands. Enire body covered with net pattern with white dots in intersections. Heavy black band above and around the foot, with a reserved band in between. Resting surface and base are reserved and slightly convex.
One side is covered with a plain black glaze. The other is slightly concaved and decorated with a thick band of brown glaze along with two separate curved bands of brown glaze.
Heavy fabric. Cup mouth (with vertical sides) and neck are black. The shoulder is decorated with a ring of dots. Below the rim, is a frieze of radiating leaves. Body zone is covered with a white ground and is decorated with diagonal lines criss-crossing one another (net pattern), with thin bands at the top and bottom. Below where the handle would have been the body is reserved. Below is black, except for the reserved foot.
Covered in white slip with traces of red on right arm and polos.
Surface covered with a white slip.
Female mask or protome; suspension hole in top. Clay brown, covered with white slip.
Black mouth (despite flat reserved rim), exterior of handle, lower part of body, and top of foot. Neck reserved, as is underside of the handle. Two bands of tongues on shoulder. Body covered with firm white slip with Greek 'key' / meander to right at top of body, between two pairs of lines; single line. Side of foot reserved in groove at top.
(i) There is a small part of a motif (partially covered with plaster) that consists of wavy lines. Below it, there are two lines and underneath there are parts of two inverted, palmettes (voluted with petal-shaped divisions) that flank a three-pointed flower with two dots to represent pollen. ii) Between two pairs of lines there is a guilloche (fillets with teardropped terminations interwoven together) with dots among the lines. Below, there is a broad black band, which seems to be interrupted at the right side. (iii) At the left, three parts of vertical, black bands and incisions create part of an object (garment hanging from chair or couch?) In the middle, there is an object- as if it was a grave-stele with a cross-shaped ? ending above which spring two heraldic, white, voluted palmettes (now fadded away), a chiastic motif with dots and horizontal lines on top- but inverted (leg of a bed or couch?). Next to that, there are a figure's part of thighs, knees and calves, close to part of a palmette. (iv) A bearded satyr (seilinos) plays a chorded instrument (lyre), while his himation is hanging in the background. Next to him there is a draped female figure (Demeter?), holding a wreath (black circle) and branches with dots on both sides that surround her. The details on her drapery have been executed with added red and so are those for her head-dress. There are also traces of added white on her neck. On top of the fragment there is part of a motif of tongues contoured with ellipsoid lines and a line that encircles this pattern. v) On the left, there is part of the satyr's lower legs (above the knees towards the feet) and the lower end of his himation. Next to him there is the termination of the female figure's branch, close to a similar inverted grave-stele? and part of an object that resembles an animal paw (lion-shaped foot of chair or couch) . Below these, there is a line on which they seem to step on. Next, a guilloche between two pairs of lines and at the bottom part of a radial-shaped motif with a line that contours it on top. vi) A line and black, teardropped spot. vii) There is a line on whose right top side stands a rectangular object with a rectangular surface in the middle being reserved. Below, part of two lines on top of part of the guilloche. viii) Small part of shoulder and neck: there is a black spot, a thin band, a red line on top of a plastic ring (joining point of neck and shoulder) and part of a tongue-shaped pattern contoured by a line on the shoulder. There is also a part of two lines in the interior. ix) Part of the guilloche, the two lines underneath and the radial-shaped motif at the bottom. x) Tiny bit of the guilloche and the two lines below it and part of the radial-shaped motif. xi) Part of voluted palmette and tongue-shaped motif. xii) Part of the floral motif (of a three-pointed flower)? with lines that form a rhombus with a dot in the middle. xiii) Part of the shoulder and the spring of a handle. On the top there is the tongue-shaped motif, encicled by a line and below it an inverted palmette. The spring of the handle is black and next to it there are short, diagonal incisions. There is also a tiny spot of black colour in the interior. xiv) On the left, part of leaf-shaped (heart-like) motives (part of thyrsos?), close to a band of black colour, of undecipherable shape. Next to that, there is the lower part of a female draped figure, with small crosses on it. At the right side there is black and white colour that forms ovaloid shapes (?). xv) A black band and on the left part of the female drapery.
Originally covered in a black slip. The top of the mouth is a darker brown, the inside and outside of the walls of the mouth are a darker colour.
Large portion of fragment covered in plain black glaze. Two thin parallel black stripes decorate the same side.
Red tinge to body, suggesting originally covered in red wash. Black horizontal stripes across body and above left arm. Vertical black stripes on lower body. Black on back of head.
Black gloss covers the entire body, except for resting surface, and within ridge on underside. Underside is covered with red paint and further decorated on reserved area with dot at the centre, central circle, and two thinner concentric circles. Much of exterior misfired brownish.
Interior reserved except for red central interior surrounded by thin red and black bands. The vertical part of the interior of the rim has black and brownish bands. Decoration of thin red and black bands, with dots at edge of mouth and outlined tongues round shoulder. Outside of handle black. The underside of the foot decorated with three concentric black bands and dot at the centre. The ring on the interior and exterior covered with brownish paint. The resting surface has two thin concentric brownish bands. Sloping part of the body two thin brown bands. Above the ridge, brown band and that part covered with brown paint.
The vessel is covered in black except for decorative bands at the lower part of the neck (red with black vertical lines) and the shoulder (egg-and-dot), the figural scene in the body zone, a frieze (stopt maeanders alternating with cross squares) below the figural zone, narrow bands at the join of body and foot as well as on each step of the foot, and the underside. The scene depicts a nude youth standing in a relaxed pose, 3/4-view to the right. He holds drapery, bunched up, under his left arm, and seems to converse with a drapped woman seated to the left on an undulating rock. She holds a mirror in her right hand. Both are diademed. A small, winged Eros flutters above them, and he has crowned the youth. A single branch emerges from behind the rock. Next comes an older Eros (depicted as an adolescent) seated near profile to the left (the seat is no longer visible), holding an opened box (the type that was used to house alabastra such as that which he decorates, according to Trendall and Cambitoglou 2.605). In the upper left field there is a rectangular motif with a short, black, vertical band on it (perhaps a window), and in the upper right field (behind Eros) a four-part rosette (rodakas) next to a strigil. Below, there is more vegetation. Relief dots detail xxx and added white has been used for xxx.
Rim: There are three narrow, black bands (on a reserved area) between two thicker ones. The side of the rim, the neck and the underside of the handle are all reserved, however there are parallel horizontal bands framed by two thinner vertical lines on the back of the handle. The shoulder is decorated with black tongues. The body is covered with a scale-like motif and each of the scales is rendered with two incised lines at the edge. Additionally, each alternate column has a large purple dot and the columns between have a very small, incised dot. Above and below the scales there are two, broad, black bands, separated by reserved lines. The lower part of the body towards the foot is decorated with tongues (radial-shaped motif). The foot and the base and underside are reserved.
Entirely covered with black glaze. Ribbed body (visible on interior). Incised cross below handle. Incised spiral on interior of base (not visible on exterior).
Entirely covered in black glaze.
All black except rim, which is covered with a whitish slip and decorated with a zone of stpe patterns framed by two lines above and below. Base reserved with two incised concentric rings.
The rim is black, both on the inside and on the outside. The back of the handle is also black, but the underside is reserved. The neck is reserved, but glazed apart from a thick purple band on its lower part. On the sloping junction of the neck with the shoulder, black tongues. Both interrupted at the joining point of the handle to the neck. The shoulder is covered with a guilloche (pattern of interwoven fillets) with teardropped terminations. In the middle of two upper and two lower black lines there are two rows of black dots that begin on the edge of the second left figure of the main scene and stop at the edge of the last person. In the centre of the scene, a male figure in profile to the right with as short mantle, a quiver on his back (Herakles) is attacking a kneeling Amazon. With his left hand, he is gradding her from the air and with the right he is holding a sword, with which he is ready to kill her. The Amazon, in profile to the left, is wearing a helmet, holding a very long spear with her arm and her shiled with the left. From his waist, her sword is hanging. This scene is flanked by two other battle scenes. On the left side, an Amazon is attacking a Greek. He is wearing a cuirass, helmet, he is hloding his spear and his shield and he is shown ready to fall down. Tha Amazon has atteacked him with her spear. She is wearing a helmet and a short chiton. On the right, an Amazon and a Greek are shown in profile running towards the left, projecting their spears. The Amazon is wearing a ahsort chiton and a helmet. She is holding her shield, covering large part of her body. A frontal head of a lion decorates the shield. A sword hanging from her waist. The male warrior wears a short chiton and has a shield and a helmet. The Amazons have long hair and wear helmets with longer and bigger crests. Incisions and added red are used for details. Added red: parts of the chitons of the warriors anad the Amazons, hair of the warrior in the middle, fillets on Amazon's heads and the frame of the shield of the running Amazon.
Below the scene, there are two lines (not evenly formed at all in their length) and a band of added red. Below that, the vessel is black, with two concentric circles on the surface of the foot. The resting surface is reserved.
Covered in lustrous black glaze, except for a red band at the rim.
Black inside and out except for an egg-and-dot band framed by two black lines at the front of the base of the neck, the figural design, and the reserved underside. Body: A satyr seated between two similar palmettes (the left one larger; each is comprised of a flower in the middle of two volutes framed by a short half-heart-shaped pattern on either side). The satyr is seated in 3/4-view to the left on a rocky mass that is spotted (perhaps it is covered with an animal skin). He looks profile to the left and he wears a taenia or band on his head, as well as a long, beaded necklace over his left shoulder and across his chest. He holds a phiale (its rim is marked with yellowish dots) in his left hand and a fillet in his right hand. The fillet is purple. The taenia, necklace, and rim of the phiale are coloured white with yellow wash. On the back a drip of (probably accidental) white paint.
The inside of the mouth is black and the aperture is marked by a thin, black line. The lip is decorated with black tongues, with intervening white dots. There is also a zig-zag band on the vertical surface of the rim. The neck is black. The back of the handle is decorated with a voluted palmette (incised) with tongues (black and reddish) on the top. From the ankle, just below the neck, emerge alternating black and red tongues (contoured with black lines). The foot itself is entirely covered in a thonged sandal that ties at the front with a ring-shaped knot. The sandal is indicated with relief straps that are painted in reddish-brown colour. The edge of the sole (crepis) is decorated with two rows of black dots. The base is reserved.
The top of the knob is covered with brown paint, apart from the central part.The knob is decorated with three parallel brown bands ; reserved at join with lid; 9 rays radiating from the edge of the knob.Two thin concentric brown lines, red-brownish bands framing a band of double dots. Black line at the edge of the lid fired brown. The edge of the rim is painted black, fired to brown. The underside is reserved.
On the outside surface is a figure zone, on the left edge of which appears to be the edge of a square. To the right of this is the lower half of what appears to be a swastika and below, a dot rosette. A vertical palmette is figured in the middle of the surface, to the right of which is the tail end of a bird, the head and neck missing. Below all of this, is a curved black line, and then the edge of what could be a circle. The inside is covered in black gloss.
one side covered in a plain black glaze, reverse side decorated with small patterns
One side is covered in a plain black glaze. Reverse side is decorated with three lines of black glaze.
Fragment with both red and black on it. On the surface (depending which way up you hold it!?)On the left there is the edge of a curve with two black dots inside it, to the right of this is a vertical line. To the right of this line are what could be the edge of two big petals or leaves., in the centre of the first there is a dot and a line. Underneath all of these shapes is the edge of what seems to be a big circle in a red coloured gloss. The back of the fragment is covered in a black glaze that has come out as red in patches(?)
Plain black glaze on one side with some areas worn away. reverse side covered in floral pattern made from black glaze.
One side covered in a plain black glaze. Other side is decorated with a thin-banded striped pattern around the lip. Main body is decorated with a floral design.
Concaved side covered in a plain black glaze. Convexed side decorated with a solid black stripe and circular decoration.
A small fragment with possible figure of bird (front part and head missing) and above this, a circle design with a dot in the centre. The back of the fragment is covered in black glaze.
Hemispherical cup with horizontal strap handle with a single groove, attached just below flat lip; ring base. Entirely covered with black glaze.
Female protome, burnt. Brown clay, covered with white slip. Suspension hole in top. Label on back 'Thebes' in P.N. Ure's writing.
The interior is reserved (although covered with plaster on most of the fragments), apart from the upper parts of 13, 14 and 15, that are black (unevenly applied). 1) On the left, there is part of a naked male figure (thighs to toe), facing right and next to him there is the lowest part of another similar figure facing right. Below them, there is part of a black band. 2) There is part of the right part of the previous figure (chest to toe). On the right side of the fragment, there is a figure's forearms (projected to the left, the right hand holding a round object) and part of the right knee. 3) Part of a naked male figure, leaning to the left. Details with incisions and added red. 4) Part of a lions's paws and below it part of a broad, black band. 5) A male figure's thighs and part of a bird? (executed with incisions and added red). 6) The right part of the previous bird? and the right tibia of a male figure , facing left. 7) The thighs of a male figure facing right. On the left side of the fragment there is part of a black and red motif? 8) The upper part (chest to thighs) of a naked male figure, facing right. 9) Part of a male figure's thighs, facing right. 10) The previous figures lower part of legs and part of a black band. 11) The biggest part of a bird, executed with black, added red and incisions. 12) On the left, there is the rest of the previous bird. Next there is the lower part of a lion, executed with black, addeed red and incisions. Behind the lion, there is the lower part of another male figure (chest to feet), facing left and behind him there is part of a bird. 13) The upper part of a satyr (head to thighs), facing right. His hair and beard have been rendered in added red. 14) The lower part of the satyr, chasing a maenad on the right (her right leg is only visible). The details of her drapery are in red and her tibia is white. 15) The left left of the running maenad. On the right, another satyr chasing a maenad (lower part of the figures is visible). 16) Part of a broad, black band. 17. Bit of plaster.
Covered with a brown glaze on both sides of the fragment. One side is imprinted with a floral pattern.
Leaf Green, covered in pearly iridescence
Rim and neck covered in black glaze; circumscribed palmette frieze on shoulder, with intervening triangles above and below (where two are outlined but not filled in); main body (white ground) decorated with net pattern between narrow reddish-black lines; the upper black band is decorated with white dots. Black glazed on lower part of body and foot, except for reserved underside, including resting surface.
Black glaze on mouth and upper part of neck (dipped); handle zone surrounded by black band; 8 black tongues on neck, reserved shoulder except for two neck tongues that extend down to the body on either side of the handle, black band at height of lower handle attachment. The remainder of the body is covered with a net pattern of fine, irregular black lines and tiny white dots where lines cross. Broad black band (thin glaze) around bottom of body and top of foot; resting surface and underside reserved. Glaze is misfired red on one side.
Ovoid or tongue mouldings on the shoulder, not no the areas covered by the nozzle volutes or the area of the handle. Discus is surrounded by four concentric moulded rings, the filling hole is surrounded by three concentric moulded rings. The nozzles have on their outer edges large volutes, these terminate at the body with horse heads instead of the usual ? the termination by the tip is in the usual form. Within the base are three concentric moulded rings with a small nodule at the centre. Red glaze all over
Headdress with decorative segmented fillets reaching to shoulders. Hand-made thick club-like arms with individual fingers, right hand lost, probably held offering. Area object covered suggests it was larger than a tambourine. Traces of red paint, especially on right lower body and one breast painted red.
Three concentric bands of dots on the shoulder, two moulded lines on the crest of the handle. Covered in red wash.
Covered with wash, fired alternately red and black; vertical ridges (ribbing) at the bottom of the shoulder.
Larger piece (1) is made of three fragments and shows the top of the front panel with a pattern of horizontal palmettes with dots in field above a scene of a woman, with head covered, facing a youth wearing a long tunic and holding a long stick (?). The vertical panel pattern on the left hand side is of two dots, staggered and joined by a line. Detail picked out in watery glaze and black. The inside surface of both pieces is almost ribbed and the glaze is streaky. The smaller piece (2) has remains of a thick handle with a palmette pattern below it. The design on the front has the same horizontal and vertical panels as the other piece but has an old (bearded) man facing left also in long tunic. Both pieces bend upwards to what would have been the mouth and there is a possibility this would have been trefoil shaped.
The interior is entirely black apart from a, which, although black, bears a reserved band on the interior of the rim. a) The rim is black. Below that, the vessel bears the depiction of a symposium scene. On the left, there is the upper part of two draped male figures facing each other. Between them there is a carelessly rendered figure (background); a servant? and a branch with dots on either side. Another, identical branch can be found behind the person on the right. Next to that, there is the upper part of another figure (servant?) from whose arm another branch is hanging. He is facing right, towards a palmette (voluted with petal-shaped divisions), from which the beginning of a tendril seems to spring. There is also part of the bad that covered the back of the handle. b) The lower part of the male figures that face each other. They are draped and seated on similar chairs (diphros okladias). Below them there is a thick line and underneath, the beginning of a band. c) The lower part of another seated (on a similar chair), draped figure, with part of the thick line and the band below. d) The back of the handle is covered with black colour (carelessly rendered at some areas and streaky). The rest of the surface is reserved (but glazed), however, there are some spots on the handles's inner surface. e) The back of the handle is black, but the black colour is streaky at some areas, There is part of a branch on the right side. f) The back bears black colour. g) The back of the handle is black, although streaky on some areas.
The interior is black, apart from a reserved line on the upper part of the rim. a) The rim bears a black band. Below, there is a palmette on the left of the fragment (an almost round centre from which emerge petal-shaped divisions), as well as part of a carelessly rendered curving line. On the left there is the right part of a figure next to three barnches with dots on either side. There are also four large dots on the background. b)The rim bears a black band. The rest of the surface appears to be reserved. c)The rim bears a black band. On the right side there is the largest part of a palmette (round center, rendered with added red and petal-shaped divisions). There is part of a black line that contoured the handle (partially covered with adhesives and plaster). On the left, there is another figure (carelessly rendered, between three similar branches (on the right) and part of an (undecipherable) object that consists of black colour, incisions and added red colour. There are also four large dots on the background. d) The rim bears a black band. There is part of the object on the left side of c and on its left there is part of a black dot. e) On the left side there is part of a curving line with a voluted ending (tendril?), which is connected to a palmette (voluted, with round center and petal-shaped divisions). Next to that there is an object that consists of three parts. The upper is round and the details are rendered with incisions and added red, the middle part is a small dotted branch and the lowest part is a short, vertical, thin band (thyrsos?). From its middle part emerges another dotted branch. There are five large dots on the background. On the right side of the fragment there is the left part (small part) of a figure? (carelessly rendered). f) The part of the lowest body that is preserved bears the terminations of palmettes? depicted on the body (short, clumsily rendered bands are preserved). There is also a reserved thin line between two broad brown bands. The foot is also brown and so is the inner sude surface of the foot. The rest is reserved, with the exception of five thin, concentric circles on the base. g) The fragment bears the lowest part of a palmette (the left volute and part of the round center)on the left and part of the reserved area between the two brown bands.
Side b, interior, is black, with part of a geometric border in the left half, with a small area of red to the far left. Side a, the exterior is covered in circular and oval shapes, presumably part of a larger design.
Some small areas of black glaze; presumably once covered whole pot. No distinct pattern can be determined.