Ure Museum Database

There are 5 objects for which Decoration contains → corners
2023.11.1 Cast of horse hea. Horse made to look stressed with pinned-back ears, gaping jaw, flared nostrils, and bulging eyes and veins. The original is part of the sculptures in the east pediment of the Parthenon showed the birth of Athena from the head of her father Zeus, a momentous event witnessed by the gods. The corners of this pediment were filled with the chariots of Helios and Selene, the gods of the sun and moon, this horse is one of Selene's. The original is now in the British Museum.
E.62.12 Blue scarab on a flat base, which has vertical lines down the top of the beetle from its throat, and patterned legs. The wings are detached, both with spanned wing decorations. Base is plain. There are 6 small holes on the points of the compass, with 2 at East and at West by the side of the scarab, and three holes on each of the wings. These are at the corners of the joining part to the body of the scarab and one at each end of the wing spans.
E.62.53 One of four hawks from corners of a sarcophagus. Disk on head is missing. The minat (counterpoise) hangs at back of collar. Painted all over in dark red pigment; traces of white pigment on face and breast.
REDMG:1951.159.1 On neck, between black handles, an enclosed palmette (11 petals on A and 9 petals on B; with two concentric arcs for heart on A, black dot for heart on B), black dot on either side of central petal, and black dot in the upper corners; black ridge below black line; frieze of vertical bars below each handle attachment; beneath each handle two superimposed palmettes, with a pair of volutes between, from which emerge tendrils, sprouting quarter palmettes. A: egg-and-dot frieze, between two black lines; white ribbing (painted); two reserved bands; floral frieze on shoulder (four volutes from which emerge flowers, tendrils and secondary volutes) emerging from the lower right; two reserved bands; scene. B: Continuous maeander to right, between two black lines; black ribbing (painted) between two pairs of black lines; a female head, profile to left, wearing a sakkos, from which emerges curly black hair, at front and back. Below the body zone, around the entire vase, is a decorative band consisting of dotted broken stopt maeanders to left (pattern doesn’t match up on side B, to the left) between two reserved bands; black below. Scene, A: A naiskos comprised of two Corinthian columns supporting a tapered epistyle and black pediment, on top of a podium (white maeander on a brown background, between alternating black and white horizontal bands). Two white female figures stand within the naiskos. The figure at left, standing in 3/4-view to the right, wears a himation over her left arm and hips, over a peplos (decorated with two vertical purple bands on the chest). Her hair is bound in a sakkos from which emerges hair at front and back; her jewelry includes a beaded necklace and two bracelets on each wrist. She holds a fan in her raised left hand as well as a wreath in her lowered right hand. She faces another woman (probably the deceased) who is seated in 3/4-view to the left on a stool (diphros) and rests her feet on a footrest (hypopodion). She wears a short sleeved chiton and a purple himation that she holds above her right shoulder in an unveiling gesture (anakalypteria). Her hair too is bound in a sakkos, from which emerges hair at the back; she wears two necklaces, one beaded, and two bracelets on each arm. A small ornament (or pures) hovers in the field between the two women. On either side of the naiskos is a kalathos (basket), below a rosette (red with added yellow and white), above a pair of white balls interspersed with clusters of three white dots, and above a double line of white dots. Each basket (both are identical) is decorated with a cross-square with intervening triangles (top) and alternating bands of zigzags, and white and black lines, as well as a band of vertical bars.
TEMP.2003.7.61 One side glazed black. Other side glazed black, with a strip of red in one of the corners.
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