Ure Museum Database

There are 28 objects for which Decoration contains → completely
2007.4.220 Two lines of a wave-like pattern, followed by two further straight lines. Completely gone from half the fragment
2007.4.223 One corner painted completely red, the other two covered with dark red diagonal lines. In the centre of the shard a square has been painted, broken up into a lot more little squares
2007.4.42 Black glaze, completely worn down one side, slightly worn on other
2007.4.55 Black glaze, completely worn on one side
2007.4.61 Black glaze, completely worn on one side, slightly worn on other
2008.9.40 One side is completely covered in a plain black glaze. On the other side, half the fragment is covered in a plain black glaze.
2014.3.1 Fragment of Symposium scene of female lyre player (exterior/convex side). Haimon Group. Black figure pottery. Interior (concave side) completely black.
25.8.6 Lip inside and outside black. Shoulder: five lotus buds separated by spots, body- probably a runner facing left between youthfull onlookers; the figures in the center and on the left completely repainted. Below, thick black band. Rim of foot missing, but remainder is reserved.
26.7.14 Fragment. The top of the fragment has a black line around it, below which is a handle. Shape of the handle is completely round, with a flick on one side. To the right of the handle are two lines of dots that run one above the other. Below the handle are two parallel lines. The inside of the fragment is black, fired red.
27.4.2 Large part of one side smeared(?). The paint is fired red throughout. On the rim is a red band, the inside of the pot is completely red, though the glaze appears black towardes the centre. On the outside, a thick red band lies above two rows of leaves, separated by a thin band. Below the second row of leaves is another thick band, which reaches nearly to the rim of the foot. The foot rim and base are reserved.
34.10.18 Satyr, seated in chair. Completely hollow from bottom. Back slightly curved, traces of white slip. Front, red on white. Paper no. 22 on back.
35.4.3 The top of the rim is reserved with a black line round the edge. The outside is decorated with two vertical bars between two horizontal lines; below which there is a line of black dots. The pot slopes inwards towards the foot and shows a black band. The rim of the foot itself, also has a thin black band round it, which is repeated on the inside of the rim. In the middle of the base of the foot is a roughly drawn black circle. The inside of the pot is completely black.
48.4.1 The rim of the mouth has leaves all round it. The outside of the rim has a thick black band. On the main zone are pairs of ivy leaves (one pointing up the other down), joined by their vines. In between these are pairs of dot flowers. All of this lies between two pairs of horizontal lines. The slight slope towards the foot is black. The top of the foot is reserved but appears to have once been black. The base of the foot is reserved except for a thin black band on the inside of the rim, another about halfway in, and then a small dot in the centre of the base. The inside of the pot is completely black.
49.10.1 Ribbon handle with projecting ends, black and red decoration almost completely lost.
49.8.2 It has a central knob handle with moulded ridges that bears a red spoked wheel and a red band with a reserved rim. Additionally, it has a black and red down moulded handle with two bads at the bottom. Both sides depict a female head with ornate head dress, made of whitish thin bands and dots, shorter and thinner yellow ones, as well as of ovaloid or curving mottifs. A lock falls over, accross the neck. A spiral pattern is used to fill the surface between the end of the kalyptra (hair dress) and the beginning of another motif; a palmette, used as decoration on either side, while a floral pattern fills the space between the chin and the other side of the palmette. One of the heads wears a neclace made of yellow beads, while her earing is painted over the hair with big round spots. Between the two heads there are palmettes (fan-shaped ornament composed of narrow divisions) with added yellow for few details. Around the bottom of the rim there is a wave pattern to the left. The underside is completely reserved.
50.12.18 Fragment of fine clay cup or open dish. Exterior: series of five thin parallel curved lines, cut through by a broader vertical band. The curved lines have faded to orange while the more densely painted horizontal line has faded to dark brown. Interior: three thin parallel curved lines that have faded almost completely in parts. .
50.12.37 White clay fragment slightly curved and the exterior shows detail of a pattern; parallel lines curve accross the fragment to the left there is part of a feather pattern that has a single scroll at the top. On the bottom right the the pattern may be bulb shaped and six curved lines across it. The black paintwork is faded in part while some is still dark. The interior has been painted black while the area below the top has been completely worn.
68.12.3 Black glaze on the exterior of the upper element of the knob, with two rows of short vertical bars on the globular lower element. The attachment of the knob is surrounded by a thick band and a thin line, then tendrils atttaching 5 evenly spaced vegetal elements, namely a lotus bud, an 11-leaf palmette, a 5-leaf palmette, a 10-leaf palmette, and a 6-leaf palmette. This frieze is surrounded by a thick band, a row of dots, and a thicker band. The bevel and underside are completely reserved.
74.7.2 Completely reserved plate. Inside at centre is a stamped design of six leaves, with vein detail, in a circle inside three grooved bands. More grooves towards sides of plate and on rim. Flat base with incised grooves on bottom.
REDMG:1953.25.91 Figure on a horse, moulded both back and front. On back can be seen a circular shield. The front shows the horses mane and the figures face. Red coarse clay with flecks of white. Hole completely through nose of horse perhaps for suspension(?). Horse has two legs, each with a concave base.
REDMG:1964.1638 Artefact is completely grey in colour with no decoration.
REDMG:1964.1660 Completely reserved
REDMG:1964.1662 Completely reserved
REDMG:1964.1663 Completely reserved
REDMG:1964.1681.1 Single fragment, completely reserved, comprising the base and small part of body, probably of a cup. Base is flat and circular on a small foot. Sides slope up towards the top. Inside is a swirled pattern with a central raised section of excess clay. Fragment is completely reserved.
REDMG:1964.1683.1 Rim and handle of cup. Fragment is completely reserved. Handle is small and pinched in a triangular shape. Handle is attached to a lower rim, suggesting that a lid was once present which would sit outside this rim. The higher rim is almost to the top of handle. Towards bottom of fragment, the slope becomes steeper as it gets nearer to base.
REDMG:1964.1709.1 Thin walls. Completely reserved. Main handle is made of two sections adjoined. Around the rim are at least eight protrusions, some are missing, almost looking like a sun with rays. No defined foot and base is slightly concave. Red clay.
TEMP.2002.9.30 Fragment comprising the entire foot, completely reserved underneath. Red band on top with a rosettes in the centre, black to red.
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