Ure Museum Database

There are 8 objects for which Decoration contains → chlamys
2009.8.43 Apollo Belvedere. A young man with wavy hair, nacked except for the chlamys around his neck. Inscription on the bottom. Cast number: 19
35.5.30-33 Inside, a fine reserved line round rim; 5b, a pair of reserved lines framing a medallion; 6b, part of the outer line of this fram; 7b, shoulder and lower part of face of bearded man. Outside, 4 and 5a, part of palmette complex around handle; 6a, part of figure wearing chlamys, tendril, and lotus; 7a, foot, two reserved lines beneath figure zone. Relief contour for most of the tendrils, but not for drapery nor palmette leaves nor lotus. Remains of red ochre on the reserved patch under the handle.
51.7.16 Black mouth inside out, except for reserved top surface of the rim, exterior of handles, interior reserved and underside of the foot black; Between the handles are double (mirrored) lotus-enclosed palmette friezes, enclosed between red lines. Below the ridge at the base of the neck are alternating red and black tongues. Beneath each handle is a vegetal design comprised of three lotus buds, each arranged at right angles to each other, so that their stems form a diamond that encircles a dot, yet extend to four palmettes (two above and two below) that flank the figural zone. Beneath the figural zone is a series of friezes: two lines; a maeander (Greek key) to left; two lines; a frieze of upright leaves interlinked by arcuated stems; two lines; rays extending from the base. The preserved part of the base is entirely black. Side A shows a quadriga (four horse chariot) wheeling around, so that the front of the horses seem to pass a crouching warrior holding out a spear at a near horizontal. The helmeted charioteer holds a large shield. Side B shows a helmeted warrior, standing between two attendants. The warrior holds a shield with a lion-head sema, wears a chlamys, and holds a pair of spears at right angles. The (male) onlookers, both bearded, wear himatia that enclose their arms, and each holds a staff upright. Detail is incised on both designs. Top of foot and side are black and the underneath is concave and black. Added red on horses' manes and the contour of the shield.
84.5.5 Blocks XXII,XXIII,XXIV and XXV of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four complete horses with riders wearing chlamys over a short tunic and boots and petasos. To the far left is the head and neck of a horse. To the right of the cast is a chariot being pulled by two horses and two men on foot- one is carrying a shield.
REDMG:1951.148 Black interior, handles, neck and body except for decoration in panels (black figure in neck panels; red figure in body panels). Upper surface of rim decorated with ivy spray, with 3-dot clusters between ivy leaves; palmettes on tops of handles; ivy spray on lip, with palmettes at tops of handles; wave pattern to right on overhanging lip. Neck panels decorated with double ivy spray, on which 8-dot clusters alternate with leaves. Body panels bordered by rays (above), double rows of dots between black lines (sides), and band of stopt meander (4) alternating with dotted cross-in-square (1) (below). A: Youth wearing hairband, short-sleeved, belted chiton, and mid-calf boots, stands in 3/4-view to the right; he holds a pair of spears upright in his right hand and a wreath in his left hand, held slightly ahead of him; a chlamys is draped over his bent left arm. A warrior is seated 3/4-view to left, on a curvilinear seat (stones?). He is dressed identically to the youth, although with a plumed conical helmet. He holds a large phiale in his outstretched right hand, and his pair of spears in his upraised left hand. Behind him stands a woman in 3/4-view to the left. She wears a belted, sleeveless chiton, a kekryphylon (hair), pearl earrings, a beaded necklace, two bracelets on each wrist, and holds a fillet in her outstretched right hand and a situla in her lowered left hand. In the field above the figures are a four-petal rosette between two boucrania. B: Three draped youths in conversation, the middle one, standing profile to left, leans on a staff with his outstretched right hand; the other two youths face him. Halteres in upper left field and and bull’s-eye in upper right field. Much of the interior and side B are misfired orange.
REDMG:1951.150.1 Black except for decorative bands and figural scene on either side, and reserved band at lowest part of foot, as well as reserved underside. Neck decorated on either side with a laurel band, between two reserved bands. Beneath figural scenes are decorative bands, comprised of stopt maeanders (3) alternating with saltire squares (1). A: A female figure, juggling 8 eggs and advancing profile to right, faces a youth, advancing in 3/4-view to the right, but turning his head profile to the left. The woman, wearing a sakkos, tear-drop earring, beaded necklace, belted, sleeveless chiton, and two bracelets on each arm. The youth, nude except for a wreath around his head and a chlamys slung over his left arm, holds a large palm frond in his left hand and a phiale, at waist level, in his right hand. Above the phiale are 7 eggs (slightly smaller than those juggled by the woman). Bull’s eye (above) and tendril (below) in field between them. B: Two draped youths, face each other in conversation; between them a window (above) and a stele (below); the figure on the right supports himself on a staff that he holds in his right hand. Added white and goldish-yellow on side A, for jewelry, balls, phiale, wreath, and vegetation. The saltire square have short lines in place of dots. The right-most saltire square on A is replaced with a box of vertical lines.
REDMG:1951.151.1 Black glaze all over, except for red rim, two superimposed decorative friezes at the base of the neck (ribbing between two black lines, egg-and-dots between two black lines, yellow dots below); figural frieze between tendrils; beneath handle one palmette sits atop a second palmette enclosed in tendrils that terminate above in volutes from which emerge further tendrils, ending in volutes, that sprout yet another set of tendrils; egg frieze between two reserved bands encircles the entire body and serves as a groundline for the figures; reserved underside. The scene depicts a youth, nude except for two bands in his hair and a chlamys draped over his bent left arm, advancing (dancing?) in 3/4-view to the right, following two maenads, all advancing in 3/4-view to the right, although the last two maenads turn their heads profile to the left. All three maenads wear two bands in their hair (the last, however, appears as a single thick band), beaded necklaces, belted, sleeveless chitons, and snake bracelets on their left arms (the first maenad has a similar bracelet on her right arm). The youth and the first two maenads hold thyrsoi in their left hands. The third maenad holds a wreath in her lowered left hand. All red surfaces are ruddled, except for the underside, including resting surface. Some added white and yellow highlight details on heads, jewelery and thyrsoi.
REDMG:1951.160.1 within. Interior and mouth glazed black with two reserved bands at top and bottom of rim. On exterior, below rim, a frieze of tendrils, with lotus buds above and below. Black handles, with reserved bands between attachments, and enclosed half palmettes below, from the sides of which emerge tendrils with volutes that encroach in the figural scenes. Below the figural scenes is a band of slanted ‘z’s, between two reserved bands. Black below, except for the recessed element at the top of the foot, which is reserved, a narrow band at the bottom of the foot on the exterior, and the reserved underside. The reserved parts of the volute frieze and figural scenes are reddened. Scene, A: A woman standing in 3/4-view to the right, wears a black beaded necklace, a sleeveless belted chiton, and two black bracelets on each wrist. Her hair is tied in a ponytail. She holds a torch in her advanced left hand, while her right hand, downturned, is also slightly raised. She faces a youth, nude except for a chlamys draped over his left arm and slippers, who stands in 3/4 view to the left, reaching toward the woman with his right hand. Between the figures, in the upper field, is a window frame, while a large tendril, with volute, emerges from the ground, between them. In the field behind him is a leaf. B: Two robed youths, standing profile, with their right legs advanced, face eachother across a narrow stele. Above them is a circle with a black line vertically through the centre and an 'H' drawn on top (probably halteres).
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