Ure Museum Database

There are 70 objects for which Decoration contains → chariot
11.10.21 Black glaze covers the interior. Exterior of the rim black; black ground line at bottom of figural scene; black on lower part of body and exterior of foot, except for two reserved grooved lines on the top and lower part of foot. Reserved resting surface. Underside decorated with black circle at the center, surrounded by a thin black band. Interior of the foot black . Scene is similar on both sides: between palmettes a charioteer driving a quadriga, or two-horse chariot, to the right. Incised detail on all figures. Careless design, no details.
14.9.48 Brick red paint on pinkish buff clay. Interior surface has Two red bands, on on top of rim and one just below. Main scene is a chariot with three passengers facing to right. The broad band below rim has practically obliterated the heads and shoulders. On outer surface is a red band just below rim.
14.9.49 Brick red paint on pinkish-buff clay. On the exterior surface is a band around the rim and one just below, but broader. Design is a little unclear but perhaps shows the heads and shoulders of two men (perhaps in a chariot ?) wearing clothing patterned with dots. On the underside is a red band around rim leaving the rest reserved.
2001.10.2.139 Pictures a woman on a chariot being pulled by two elephants, two figures are riding the elephants. Number 10.
2007.10.2.155 Achilles dragging the body of Hector around Troy's walls with his chariot.
2007.10.2.255 Three figures, one on a chariot, pulled by two horses. Another figure, a man, wearing a helmet is being handed some sort of cloth by the other figure who appears to be a woman.
2007.10.2.257 A naked and winged female figure riding a chariot pulled by two horses with their front legs reared.
2007.10.2.288 In the foreground there are two horses leading a man on a chariot, in the background there are another two horses most probably pulling another chariot.
2007.10.2.289 Two, decorated griffin-like creatures, leading a chariot. Eros is holding onto the one in the foreground.
2007.10.2.296 Winged female figure driving a chariot drawn by two horses which are rearing up giving the impression of fast movement. The figure is possibly either Nike or Selene.
2007.10.2.303 Possible battle scene, containing five horses and two men, figure to the far left(only wearing a cloak) is on horse back and figure to the right is falling from a chariot (naked), pot at the bottom with contents spilling out, possible bird to its left
2007.10.2.315 Four horses with their front legs reared, with two figures holding each other on a chariot.
2007.10.2.318 Possibly the image on a shield. With a chariot and horses in the inner circle and on the outer circle are images of the horoscope star signs.
2007.10.2.319 Oval shaped shield, with chariot and horses on the inner oval, and images of star signs and astrology on the outer oval.
2007.10.2.320 Oval shaped shield, with chariot and horses on the inner oval, and images of star signs and astrology on the outer oval.
2007.10.2.329 A male figure fallen in the foreground with a chariot with two horses with front legs reared in the background.
2007.9.1.36 Displays a chariot with two riders being pulled by two horses rearing up, one rider controlling the horses and the other in armour holding a spear.
2007.9.1.62 Displays two roosters pulling a chariot, which is ridden by another animal, possibly a mouse, all facing right.
2007.9.1.88 Displays the front view of four horses, with the top half of a human figure appearing above them, altogether possibly representing a four-horse chariot.
2007.9.1.95 Displays the front view of two horses, with the top half of a human figure above them, altogether showing a two-horse chariot.
2007.9.2.10 Displays a man, wearing armour and a wreath and carrying a spear, and a winged woman who is leaning forward, riding in a four-horse chariot. All horses are rearing up. Surrounded by a leafy border. Layer 5, Layer 1, Gem 10
2007.9.3.23 Displays a chariot race in very small, fine detail.
2008.2.1.73 At the center of the scene two horses pull a chariot one figure drives the chariot whilst another figure wearing armour holding a spear and shield stands in the chariot. Another figure is depicted up-side-down next to the chariot possibly knocked over the chariot or fallen out of the chariot. In the bottom right of the scene another figure depicting leaning on a shield. In the center at the top of the scene a figure is shown with their hands aloft possibly celebrating. to the right of this central figure is another clad in armour, it is unclear what this figure is doing.
2009.10.2.104 Figure of a woman riding a chariot drawn by two horses. Number 36.
2009.10.2.137 Pictures a woman riding a chariot pulled by two lions. She appears to be holding a basket of fruit. There are some figures behind the lions holding tools. Number 9.
2009.10.2.139 Figure of a man driving a chariot, holding a whip and a sceptre, led by four horses. Lion pictured underneath. Number 11.
2009.10.2.175 Hermes seated in a chariot, pulled by 2 birds with people bellow.
2009.10.2.197 Figure on a chariot being pulled by another male figure with a shepherd's crook, with two sheep one on either side. star in the top center. Number 69
2009.10.2.250 Hare inside a large ring centrally, figure in a chariot drawn by two birds above and a butterfly on the right hand side. ? flaming torches on either side and inscription below Number 40
2009.10.2.251 Hare inside a large ring centrally, figure in a four-horse chariot above, helmeted head on the left with an inscription, shiled on the right and a ? grasshpopper at the bottom Number 41
2009.10.2.270 Armoured male in a two-horse chariot, holding a spear and a shield, accompanied by a dog and a scorpion. Number 60
2009.10.2.384 Front view of a gem cast showing Medea driving her chariot pulled my her drakones, and there is a male figure in front of them . Number 40
2009.10.2.385 Figure in a chariot drawn by two large serpents, with a nude male figure holding drapery and a shield in the foreground. Number 41
2009.10.2.386 Medea driving a chariot, pulled by her serpents/dragons. Number 42
2009.10.2.4 Ceres in Chariot Pulled by Two Serpents. Number 4
2009.10.2.64 This cast portrays Zeus, with the scepter in his left hand and the thunderbolt in his right one, in the act of driving a chariot and thunderstriking two Giants with snakes for legs, prostrate on the ground, one of whom is brandishing a torch (?).
2009.10.2.97 Man riding chariot, surrounded by a border of the zodiac signs. Gem cast number - 29
2009.8.179 Poseidon, naked and with a beard, riding on a chariot pulled by four horses, holding a trident in one hand. His cloak is blowing in the wind. Cast number: 33
2009.8.180 A naked man with a beard on a chariot pulled by two horses, riding on the water. Probably Poseidon. Cast number: 34
2009.8.186 A naked man with a trident and a woman on a chariot pulled by four horses. Probably Poseidon and Amphitrite. In front on the horses a child, probably Eros. Cast number: 40
2009.8.207 Athena in a chariot pulled by two owls, wearing a helmet, holding her shield and a spear. Cast number: 61
2009.9.126 A winged child walking beside a chariot pulled by two lions. Maybe referring to Nike. Cast number: 60
2009.9.131 A naked winged child standing in a chariot, holding the reins and a whip, pulled by a lion and a goat. Cast number: 65
2009.9.132 A naked child with wings holding a whip and the reins of a chariot pulled by two horses. Cast number: 66
2009.9.133 A naked winged child standing in a chariot pulled by two horses. Beneath the horses is a dog. Cast number: 67
2009.9.134 A naked winged child holding a whip standing in a chariot pulled by four horses. Cast number: 68
2009.9.220 A young naked man holding a torch, riding a chariot pulled by four horses. Beneath them lies a man with a beard turning to a woman holding a vessel. Probably Phaeton shortly before his downfall. Inscription on top. Cast number: 55
2009.9.221 On the upper part, a man falling down with a chariot pulled by 4 horses. On the bottom, a bearded man looks up and three naked women holding twigs. The downfall of Phaeton. Cast number: 56
2009.9.222 A naked man lying on the ground, a chariot pulled by two horses is fleeing the scene. Probably Phaeton after his fall from the chariot. Cast number: 57
2009.9.280 A woman with wings, maybe Nike, and a bearded man wearing a helmet standing in a chariot pulled by two horses. A second woman walking behind the horses. Inscription beneath the chariot. Cast number: 18
26.12.10 Inside black with reserved line at top. Two handles are balck on top but reserved underneath. Outer surface top to bottom, black band on offset rim, ivy leaves, black line, inverted ivy leaves, black band, thin band, main design, three black bands, alternating red and black tongues, red ridge, black foot. Main design is similar both sides and shows a wedded pair in chariot with many onlookers or attendants of both genders. On far side of chariot is a bearded man between two women. Onlookers appear to be mostly in pairs. Women originally had white painted flesh. Clothing detail is incised. Foot is black on top but lowest point of side is reserved. Inner foot ring is black and base is reserved except for a black band in the centre.
26.12.11 Inside black with reserved line round lip and reserved disk with one black circle in the bottom. Handle is black on top and reserved underneath. Outer surface, from top to bottom has black band, ivy leaves, black band, inverted ivy leaves, two black bands, main design, three black bands, broad black band, three narrow bands, red and black alternating bars, black band, red ridge, black foot. The main design is similar both sides of Amazons fleeing a quadriga (four horse chariot). Four sphinxes, facing handles, one each side. Horses are black with detail in red and white. Lower part of side of foot reserved, as is resting surface. Inner foot ring black with base reserved except for a central dot and two rings in black.
29.11.3 The vessel is grey (burnt), apart from the rim, the back of the handle, the lower body and upper foot surface, which are black. There is added white on the lower neck, shoulder and upper body surface. There is also a row of black dots and pointed tongues on the shoulder, as well as the motif two rows of black dots between dividing lines (three), interrupted at the back side of the vessel. The scene depicted is that of a charioteer (woman) ridding a chariot of four horses (quadriga). There is a woman at the horses' tails, another standing on the far side of the horses and another seated at the right of the scene. Added red has been used for the faces of the women and for the ornament of the horses' harness. Below the scene, there is a broad, black band between carelessly executed lines and the rest of the vessel is black, apart from the side surface of the foot and the resting surface, which are reserved.
34.8.5 Mouth black on inside and out but with a reserved rim. Neck and underside of single handle are reserved. Shoulder design is of rays and long, thin buds. Body, from top to bottom, double row of dots joined by zig-zags on white background, black bands, main design, 'key' pattern on white background, black bands and black stem. Main design is, from left to right, a chariot being driven right, a woman facing right, four horses facing right with attendant behind, seated figure facing left, holding a spear. Detail is incised and some parts are picked out in white. Foot is black on top and half the side is black, the rest reserved. The base is reserved.
34.8.7 Cup mouth black inside and out and reserved on the rim. Single handle is black on outside and reserved underneath. Shoulder has inner ring of spots and outer ring of rays. Body has two rows of dots at top above the main design of a chariot with horses galloping right (heads of two horses, five hind legs). Beyond horses is Athena running left. Added white for Athena's flesh and helmet. Bands below and bottom of body os black. Foot is stepped with the side of the lower step reserved. Base reserved.
49.8.8 Inside and outside of mouth and handle is black as is neck and back of body. At base of neck is a key / meander design between two moulded ridges and only appears on the front. On the body, metope bearing the figure decoration. On the top of the metope. black tongues.Main design is in a panel showing a Quadriga moving to the left. Horses' heads turned towards different directions. One to the left, other three run their heads to the centre facng each other. On the quadriga, hoplites in profile either side both facing right, holding shields and spears and wearing helmets. One of the shields is decorated with a feline picked out in white, only the back part of which can be seen. Behind the quadriga, a hoplite in profile to the right. He is holding his spear and seems ready to attack. He has a shield decorated with three dots with added white, he wears a short chiton, a cuirass and a Corinthian helmet. In front of the chariot, hoplite in profile, moving to the left, having his head turned backwards. He is wearing cuirass, short chiton, a helmet. He is holding his shield and two spears. Added red-purple on reins of horses and headbands and tunic of warriors, as well as contours of the shields. Added white on lion of the shield and decoration of the shield of the second hoplite which is not clear, the edge of the sword of the first hoplite, the dots on the shiled and a band on the body of the last hoplite. Red band at base of panel running all around the vase's body and foot is black on top, but reserved on side. Resting surface reserved.
51.4.1 The top surface of the rim is reserved (but glazed), however, the side one bears a black meander pattern. Neck: at the left side there is the front part of a horse (head and two feet) and the right leg (thigh to toe) of the horse-rider, with incisions for detail (denoting also the bridle) and added white. At the other end there are two men, one behind the other. The fragment's termination is at the level of their knees. The first one (right end) has extended his arms, as if being a charioteer. Besides, the back part of the chariot can be seen over his white chiton. The stephane on his hair is executed with red. The black, male figure at the same level behind him makes a gesture as if holding something (invisible). He is wearing a short chiton and he is probably on the chariot too. Interior: There is a red, thin band at the rim and the rest of the surface is black.
51.4.2 The top surface of the rim is reserved (but glossed), however the side bears a black meander pattern. The scene consists of two chariots, the left one with three horses (below their knees the piece is missing) and the right one with four (only two of the heads remain). The left hand side charioteer is not visible, however it is obvious that he was holding and stretching the bridle. The upper part of the chariot is also visible. The second charioteer wears white chiton and red stephane (fillet) on the head and his chariot is visible. Each figure has incisions around its edges, as well as for the depiction of details. Some parts of the horse bodies are emphasized by added red colour. Body: The surface is black. The interior of the neck and body is also black, apart from a red band at the top of the rim.
51.4.3 Rim: There is a meander pattern at the side. Neck: There is the procession of two chariots. On the left chariot 3 horses are visible, however they must have been four (four pairs of legs). In front of them there is a charioteer wearing a chiton (the added white has faded away) and the largest part of the chariot as well as some of the horse's feet and tails are visible. The details have been rendered with added red and incisions (especially for the tails and mane of the horses). There is also a black line below the figures, in order to denote the ground. The body of the vessel is black, as is the interior, apart from the top surface of the rim that is reserved (but glossed) and a red, thin band on the upper neck.
51.7.16 Black mouth inside out, except for reserved top surface of the rim, exterior of handles, interior reserved and underside of the foot black; Between the handles are double (mirrored) lotus-enclosed palmette friezes, enclosed between red lines. Below the ridge at the base of the neck are alternating red and black tongues. Beneath each handle is a vegetal design comprised of three lotus buds, each arranged at right angles to each other, so that their stems form a diamond that encircles a dot, yet extend to four palmettes (two above and two below) that flank the figural zone. Beneath the figural zone is a series of friezes: two lines; a maeander (Greek key) to left; two lines; a frieze of upright leaves interlinked by arcuated stems; two lines; rays extending from the base. The preserved part of the base is entirely black. Side A shows a quadriga (four horse chariot) wheeling around, so that the front of the horses seem to pass a crouching warrior holding out a spear at a near horizontal. The helmeted charioteer holds a large shield. Side B shows a helmeted warrior, standing between two attendants. The warrior holds a shield with a lion-head sema, wears a chlamys, and holds a pair of spears at right angles. The (male) onlookers, both bearded, wear himatia that enclose their arms, and each holds a staff upright. Detail is incised on both designs. Top of foot and side are black and the underneath is concave and black. Added red on horses' manes and the contour of the shield.
52.3.1 Mouth black inside and out, apart from flat exterior. Handles are black on top and sides but reserved underneath. Palmette and swirl pattern in black on neck. Small ridge at base of neck and vertical black tongues on shoulder. Side A: Heracles and Triton or Nereus (both equally possible as monster has tail and old man with staff associated with Nereus, but is unclothed as associated with Triton) with one male draped onlooker in profile to the left carrying a stick. The opposite side (B) is of a warrior (shield emblem chariot body painted in white) between two male draped onlookers carrying sticks. Added red on onlookers mantles, Nereus beard, and white on the shield. Below figures is a double row of large dots, bewteen two narrow bands with rays below to foot.Undr the handles, lotus and palmette . The foot is black and has two steps. Resting surface and conical base are both reserved.
53.8.1 Glazed black except for a reddish band around the omphalos. Relief decoration encircling the omphalos consists of (from centre out) eight raised dots; two ridges, a figural frieze, and a vine wreath. The figural frieze depicts the apotheosis of Herakles (procession to Mount Olympos). Four quadrigae (four-horse chariots) are driven in 3/4-view to the left by winged victories, each with a different passenger: (1) Athena, (2) Herakles, (3) Ares and (4) Dionysos (?). Small flying Erotes hover behind each chariot.
70.3.1 Chimney mouth is black inside and out but with a reserved lip. Neck and underneath of handle reserved. Shoulder has dots, rays. Body, from top to bottom, two rows black dots, scene. Scene shows a chariot travelling right at speed. Behind the chariot figure with long garment and helmet running to left (Athena?). White added to charioteer and back side of chariot. Black to top of stepped foot, the side of which is reserved.Incision carelessly used for horses. The lower part of the body black with the excepton of three thin reserved bands under the decorated zone. Foot reserved. Underside reserved, two incised concentric circles.
84.5.5 Blocks XXII,XXIII,XXIV and XXV of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four complete horses with riders wearing chlamys over a short tunic and boots and petasos. To the far left is the head and neck of a horse. To the right of the cast is a chariot being pulled by two horses and two men on foot- one is carrying a shield.
84.5.6 Block XXVII of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four horses pulling a chariot, there are two men in the chariot and one man on foot with the horses.
L.2005.7.6 Obv: Female head, wearing pendant earring and necklace, hair tied back and up; four dolphins. Rev: Quadriga (four-horse chariot), Nike flying above to crown charioteer; dolphin below.
REDMG:1926.99.54 Mouth black interior and exterior; reserved neck; black on exterior of handle; band of black vertical bars above white band decorated black rays on shoulder, extending to carination. Body, top: white band decorated with two rows of black dots joined by a thin black zigzag (at front, only), above two black lines; figural scene (front only); white band; black band between two black lines; black to foot and on top of foot; otherwise reserved. Figural scene is of a chariot behind which stand three draped female figures (two women, standing profile to right, towards a third figure, standing profile to left. A fourth female figure sits profile to left, in front of the chariot. All four figures are draped, wreathed (with red bands), and have white faces.
TEMP.2003.6.6 The interior is black, but there is a reserved band on the fragments that come from the vessel's rim (a, b, c, d), which also bear a reserved band on the upper internal side of the rim. a) The black colour appears streaky (it varies from reddish brown to brown) on the rim (interior and exterior), as well as on the handle. The colour of the decoration appears brown and reddish brown on some areas. There is a broad band that bears two palmettes (one on either side of the double handle), while the surface between the two springs is reserved. On the left side of the fragment there is the right part of a motif (front legs of horses?). Below, there is part of a black line. b) The rim is black. Below, there is the upper part of a charioteer, riding a chariot with four horses (part of them is preserved). Details of the horses have been rendered with incisions. c) The rim is black, however the black colour is uneven and leaves part of the right edge of the fragment's rim reserved. Underneath a thin, reserved line, there is a palmette and next to it part of the line that contoured the spring of the handle. d) The rim is black. Below, there is a female figure's head and in front of her (at the level of her face) there is part of a curving branch, with dots on either side (part of wreath?). e) Part of a palmette, a black line and a black band. f) There is a dot in the middle of the resting surface, contoured by a circle. There is also part of a wide, band, between thin lines, above which, there is a graffito? in the shape of X.
TEMP.2007.3.83a-f eagle on a and winged woman on b female head surrounded by dolphins on c and chariot on d male head surrounded by dolphins on e and charriot on f
TEMP.2007.3.86a-f a-old male head b-athlete/soldier c- male head surrounded by dolphins d- chariot and winged human above e-female face f-chariot and winged human above
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