Shiny red-brown paint on pale buff clay. On outside is a broad band under rim with a loop with cross-piece in centre hanging from it. Both parts have transverse bars. Below and along fracture is a curved line. The interior surface is reserved in the lower part but has as broad band covering rim at the top.
Head and part of body of woman and siren, both facing left. Shapeless rosettes in field. Red for hair, breast and base of wing of siren and large spot of breast of woman. On top of the rim there are two uneven rows of black dots. The interior is black with a red band along the bottom half of the fragment.
Narrow border of red-blue wool along one edge
Shard painted brown, except along a straight line across shard of material colour
Strip of dark red-brown pain running along sherd
Rim (A-D) has tongues on the top, a design with dots and traigular shapes on the sides, with palmettes below; Side A (H-K) shows a symposion, with a bearded man (Dionysos?) and possibly the hoof of a satyr; Side B (L-N) shows a battle. A, B, C: Rim with tongues, side design and palmettes below; D: Rim with tongues and side design, no palmettes below; E: Fragment from just below the rim with the palmette design; F: Fragment from below the rim, all black with part of a palmette on the lower left; G: Black on both sides; H: Head and shoulders of a bearded man(Dionysos?) with the circle and triangular motif running vertically on the right; I: Arm and torso of the bearded man on the upper part, on the lower part there is another object which could be his couch; J: Left half is black, right half contains an unclear section of the symposion scene; K: Drapery, most likely from the symposion scene, with a drinking horn in the lower right corner and possibly the hoof of a satyr; L: Top half of the battle scene, with a nude man holding a spear, and probably a tree running vertically along the left side. The scene is bounded by the circle and triangle design; M: Lower half of L, with the lower body of the nude man, drapery on the left side; N: Leg of the nude man, with the lower part of the tree running vertically on the left; O-P: Plain black; Q: Black, with part of the circle and triangle design; R: Black, with part of a design on the top; S: Base, tongue design
Two figures with an animal between them. The figure on the right appears to be standing on a platform above a wheel. Possibly being pulled along by the animal.
Exterior: one horizontal dark brown line running along the approximate intersection of shoulder and body. Just below this are two small dark brown dots of similar but different sizes. Above the line is a thick, wavy, erratic, dark brown line that dominates the fragment from the line up utn il just under the rim. Interior: two horizontal parallel dark brown lines. The top one is right up on the edge of the rim, the other slightly removed below it.
Exterior: thick brown horizontal line along the rim, and another similar line along the join of neck and shoulder. Traces of other linear decoration of the same brown color. Interior: thick brown horizontal line along the rim.
Exterior: Fairly widereddish-brown horizontal band overpainted with small ovaloid marks of a similar colour along one edge.
Interior: black overpaint; exterior: along one side of fragment are parallel black lines of overpaint with a spot of black overpaint between them in the centre, on one side of the parallel lines is a parallel line of overpainted black dots
Exterior: black wash. 4 narrowly-spaced horizontal lines engraved along one edge revealing unfinished terracotta beneath.
Exterior: traces of black wash running along one edge.
Interior: brownish wash with a wide band of brownish-grey along 3 of the fragment's edges. Exterior: Black wash with white lines etched depicting an image. 2 leg-like shapes at right-angle to curved edge, joining onto curved lines possibly outling a body.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: one horizontal line overpainted in brownish-black along longest edge of fragment. Underneath this are 4 solid figure-eight marks, forming a parallel line, overpainted in the same colour.
Interior: greyish-black streaked wash. Exterior: horizontal line overpainted in greyish-black. Underneath is a semi-circular line with a solid circle attached to its interior and a small diamond-shape underneath this. there is another curved line along the left-hand edge.
Interior: reddish-black wash. Exterior: redish-black wash with a raised lip of unfinished terracotta along one edge, containing three fairly thick diagonal brush-stroke marks overpainted in a redish-black colour.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: 2 curved narrow parralel lines run along one edge of fragment, the upper overpainted in greyish-black and the lower in brown. Below these are 3 solid crescent shapes overpainted in greyish-black.
Decorated with a circular design in a brown glaze with two thin parallel lines curving along it. The areas to the left and right are decorated with a plain black glaze.
Aeneas, wearing armour, carrying his father Anchises and pulling along his son Ascanius. Cast Number - 963
Exterior: black wash reamains along top edge.
Youth walking right, holding ribboned ball. White on youth's foot. Edge of robe and part of foot of figure right. Above, rectangular object in white, white handle. Below, tray(?) edged with white dots. Line of white dots along ground level. White for bracelet and necklace.
One side is covered with a plain black glaze. The other is slightly concaved and decorated with a thick band of brown glaze along with two separate curved bands of brown glaze.
Large portion of the fragment is decorated with a thick stripe of brown glaze along with a series of thinner bands. Another small detailing appears underneath the large stripe, however, it is undistinguishable if this is part of a larger design.
Black line along rim. 2 small black possibly floral designs with 2 thin wavy lines between them, which have faded from black, on a reserved background. Inside is black with small bits of paint chipped away.
Inside is black except for a reserved rim and a medallion at the center with a dancing woman inside and with bands around the edge. Two handles, black on top and reserved underneath. Side A is a charioteer mounting quadriga, beside horses is a lyre player and at handles is a satyr pursuing woman. Side B is similar, but woman and satyr have changed places. Dots and branches with dots along in the field. Under each handle is a single ivy leaf. Black band, then black stem to foot. Top of foot is black but side is reserved as is the base which is flat except for a central concave black circle.
Exterior creamy ground white with a pattern of nearly parallel brown curves that get increasingly shorter, creating a pie slice shape (perhaps the folds of skin on the neck of a bull, fracing right), along with part of a lower eyelid. Interior black with a red line alone one edge. Right above the red line is a white line. There are also a few other splotches of white, probably white outline of lotus flower (or two) with a red centre.
Incised band along the right hand side of the handle, black wash all over.
Small lines imprinted along ridge, no distinct decoration.
Interior surface has horizontal bands around rim and then black bands to centre . The space in between is reserved. Two horizontal handles, one on each side, are semi-circular with projections and each has a black line running along topside. On exterior surface from handles to base is a row of dots linked by lines, three black bands, leaves with lines inside, black bands, dots around shallow foot. Base is flat and has four triangles with hatching, four leaves in a cruciform shape attached to a central band and dot.
On top is a worn moulded image; a woman's body and face - Artemis with quiver? Handle has worn decoration of two bands along the crest of the handle. Red-orange wash.
Handle in two pieces and entwined in knot and extending out to sides along rim. Mouth is wide and has small rim with moulding around edge. Neck is black and smooth with a ridge at juncture with body. The body has shallow vertical ribs, with a cross incised under handle. Horizontal groove halfway down body. Stem is ruddled above foot and reserved, decorated with a black bad. Upper and lower edge of foot reserved. Foot is conical with reserved resting surface and base, except for a black band inside of foot.
Moulded design on shoulder of a wreath of leaves and buds, three lines run along the crest of the handle. Dark grey wash.
Upper handle has five band incisions, lower has three, equal radiating bands along the shoulder disturbed by the nozzle and the handle. Discus is plain, slightly concave with a small central circular filling hole. Sides of nozzle incline and are slightly raised, forming a triangle of the back of the nozzle. Lower body is plain with smooth surface.
Two bands of laurel leavess with berries on either shoulder between the handle and nozzle, discus decorated in raised moulded relief of a fourteen petal warped rosette. Two very small circles are placed at the body end of the nozzle, on either ridge of its top. Moulded line along the crest of the handle with two small lines either side of it at the front of the handle. The back side of the body, under the handle are three lines; the central is straight and terminates at the base with a bud either side, the other two terminate in volutes. Red wash all over.
Around outer edge of discus is a band of raised dots within two rings. The inner area of the discus is decorated with eight individual circles with concentric circles within each. There is a ring around the filling hole. The ring base also has two lines extending from it along the longest axis of the lamp. Pale buff wash.
Single band incision along the handle, both on the top side and the underside. A band across the handle at the highest point which does not reach all the way around the handle but does have an incision along it.
Shoulder has a radiating decoration, discus has decoration of a krater with vine tendrils and grapes and is outlined by a moulded ring. the handle ha two lined running along it's crest. Reddy-orange wash.
Rectangular palette with frame of incised lines, three along each edge.
Small jug with wide flaring mouth and rim which is reserved inside apart from a long smear of paint. Handle is made of two sections, not quite meeting at the top and extending along the rim. Straight neck with slight ridge at juncture with body. Thin groove at base around foot. Base is flat and black.
Four raised lines run along the frontal ridge of the lamp from the filing hole down to the wick hole. Surface is reserved.
Black glaze all over, ridge along the crest of the handle
Thin moulded line starting on either side of the handle and following the crest of the shoulder along to the nozzle where they both deviate towards the wick hole converging and terminate in a point, either side is a volute pattern. Crest of handle has two decorative lines. Red-orange wash all over.
Moulded decoration around the shoulder from outside in; a depressed ring, three bands of raised dots, (all three disturbed by the handle, one disturbed by the nozzle) a raised moulding of sets of three lines radiating in a band, a moulded ring surrounding the discus. Handle has two lines on its crest extending to the base. The base has lines delineating the base, but also has two small circular indentations along the handle nozzle axis. Dark red wash all over.
Rim section of a bowl. Exterior white with a band consisting of twin brown lines with alternating black and white rectangles interior along the top .3. There are two small blueish sploches marring the otherwise well preserved surface. Interior is black over white. The white shows through in a line along the edge for about .2 and then there is a brown line, and under this the rest of the background is black. Near the top of this black section is a set of white lines with white dots set in between them at regular intervals. Under this pattern is another thin white line. Under this is on part of a triangle pattern consising of a white outlined triangle with a white line forming a second triangle within the first and a red dot at the center of the triangle.
Curved and painted on both sides. The "outer" concave side is painted light beige with two small brown bands running lengthwise along it. One band has another smaller brown band (about twice as thin) running beside it throughout the fragment. The other band has a smiliar smaller band, but only measuring about a quarter of the length and running off into the edge. The "inner" convex side is painted dark brown with two white bands running lengthwise. One of the white bands is dashed, while the other is complete.
Interior decorated in dark brown with a thin light brown stripe along the inside lip. The exterior is light brown with dark brown stripes along the top and bottom part of the lip, and along the bottom part of the fragment.
Fragment, glazed black on both sides. On the outside half way down are two very thin, parallel, slightly faded, white lines. On the inside are two thin, parallel, brown lines along one edge.
Black glaze along one edge part of a geometric band.
decorated top. graffiti (?) on base along with a modern collectors stamp