Band around rim on top and both sides is fading. Paint faded red from black on the outer surface. Very sharply fracture from vessel. Many surface cracks. The fracture is in two layers and is not a clean break.
Single fragment comprising most of the body of the vessel, and shoulder, with the lower part of the handle attached. Broken off sharply at top and bottom; chipped slightly around the neck; dark gray adhesions and some stains to surface.
Top of vessel only, 3 parts glued together
The vessel has been repaired from ca. 10 fragments, however, part of the lip and three pieces from the shoulder are missing. There is also accumulation of deposits, especially in the interior, as well as some spots that have been pitted off.
Repaired from sixteen pieces, although missing a large fragment (6.0) from one side, including one handle. Decoration very worn. Fabric roughened on one side, where it is more orange than on the rest of the vessel. Interior blackened with dirt.
The vessel consists of two pieces and is repaired. The stem and part of the body are joined together. There are five bits missing from the rim and upper body, as well as bits from the joining parts, where there is also a gouge. In few spots the colour has been peeled off (body of bull, handles).
The neck and handle have been repaired and rejoined to the body. There is a scratch on the upper body surface and two tiny bits that been chipped off. The vessel looks burnt (apparently from a burnt grave).
The handle has been repaired (rejoined with the body at its spring). There are many bits that have been pitted off from the vessel, especially at the lip and handle, as well as a scratch below the handle. Approximately one third of the vessel (lip, neck, handle and left side of almost half the body) is silvery glossy. The rest is glazed.
Intact (tiny bits have chipped off from the rim). There is large loss of paint on the whole of the vessel (parts of the top surface, as well as the greater part of the lion design is lost, as paint has worn away).
Both fragments are badly damaged with i)small section of decoration missing, white deposit possibly material used to glue fragment back together. Cross section shows that the vessel was not fired all the way through. ii) Same as other fragment
There are only 18 fragments preserved from this vessel. These consist of parts of the rim, neck, shoulder and body. a: It is repaired from two fragments, rejoined. Part of the rim (the smallest part of two), neck (including the spring of a triple handle) and shoulder (these consist the second part of this fragment). The fragment is chipped off in many areas (rim: ca. 5 spots/ interior of neck: ca. 10 spots/ neck: ca. 4 spots. There are also gouges on the joining points of the two parts. The upper part (bigger part) of the handle is missing. Apart from tiny bits that have been peeled off from the interior and few deposits, the glaze and colour are preserved in a good condition. b: It consists of three rejoined parts from the vessel's neck. Few bits are missing on the joining point and a spot has even been chipped off, there are deposits and cracking of the colour on the interior, as well as another spot that has been chipped off. Three shallow carvings are also apparent. c: It consists of three parts joined together (two big ones and a small one). Deposits on the interior, three scratches on the exterior, tiny bits that have pitted off and spot that has chipped off from the lower left end. d: Part of the body, colour has fadded away in some spots, and a part has been peeled off. Deposits. e: Part of the body. Deposits but in very good condition, apart from two areas that are chipped off and small bits that are pitted off. f: Part of the body. Apart from deposits in a very good condition. g: Part of the body. Deposits, otherwise in a very good condition. h: Part of the body. Few, tiny bits have been peeled off, also few deposits. i: It consists of two parts of the body. ca. 5 bits have been pitted off and three spots are chipped off; deposits. j: Small fragment in very good condition. k: Small fragment from the body; deposits. l: Small fragment from the body; deposits.
Thirteen fragments from the shoulder, the body, the foot and the base of the same vessel.
Ten fragments that probably belong to the same vessel. a) Tiny bit of the vessel's lower neck, part of the shoulder and the spring of the handle, which is missing. There are scratches on the exterior and two bits that have been chipped off. Deposits and plaster? on the interior. (The rest of the fragments are from the vessel's body) b) Should be rejoined to c. White plaster on the exterior and traces of it on the interior. A small bit has been chipped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. White plaster on the exterior and traces f it on the interior d) Few deposits on both sides and a small bit that has been pitted off from the exterior. e) Few deposits on the interior and traces of white plaster. A tiny bit has been chipped off from the exterior. f) White plaster and deposits on the interior. Two bits have been chipped off from the exterior. g) The decoration appears as if it has been scraped off and there is a spot that has been chipped off from the exterior. h) A small spot has been chipped off. Deposits and traces of plaster on the interior. Added white colour has fadded away. i) There are adhesives on both sides and white plaster on the exterior. The decoration looks as if it has been scraped off, a tiny bit has been pitted off and a small spot has been chipped off. j) Traces of white plaster, especially on the interior. There is a small spot that has been pitted off.
Complete and intact. Black glaze only on neck lip and handle, completely worn away on the rest of the vessel. Chipped around rim.
The vessel is repaired but incomplete, since a large part (1/4) of foot is missing. The lip is also repaired (from two fragments), but a small part is still missing. There is also a cracking on the interior of the rim. Many small bits have been pitted off from the vessel and a few small spots have been chipped off. Additionally, part of the paint on side A is wearing off. There is plaster on the interior of the mouth, as well as plaster and adhesives on other surfaces ((area underneath the rim and on the one handle) and resting surface bears traces of plaster as well and deposits?
The rim has been reconstructed from 2 fragments repaired. The handle has also been rejoined with the vessel and the whole of the upper part (from rim to end of shoulder) has been reattached to the body. The glaze is shiny in places but has begun to crack in others. There are also deposits on the rim, neck, shoulder and foot / base. Several bits have pitted off from the body.
Mended from a number of joining fragments but incomplete; noticeable piece missing from front of vessel. Lustre remains. Deposits on base. Interior worn with small amounts of grey deposit. Slight wear and small chips on the body and the resting surface.
The vessel is reconstructed by many fragments and has been repaired (it has been conservated and parts of the shoulder and body have been filled in). Some bits of the colour have been peeled off (rim, handle, neck, body) and there are some small spots that are pitted off (rim, body). Lastly, there is a gouge under one of the side handles and another one on the central part of the base.
Complete. The body mended from a number of joining fragments. Glaze flaked off on the top of the rim, body and handles. Small chip on one of the horizontal handles. The main zone decoration remains similarly intact, except for a few scratches on the surface, and in small patches, a misty light grey deposit. There is also some of this deposit around the ends of all three handles. Thinly applied glaze, especially on the back side of the vessel, allowing for the colour of the clay to be seen. On the resting surface of the foot is a chalky white deposit.
Almost perfect condition except for slight discolouration of black gloss towards foot and a few tiny chips all over the vessel.
The vessel appears to be cracked in several places and the handle has been rejoined. It is also quite glossy.
Many spots have been pitted off, especially on the mouth, handle and neck. There are also some bits (shallow) that have been chipped off, especially on the shoulder and upper body, however, the vessel is intact.
The vessel is complete, but some of the decoration has peeled off (handle, edge of rim, straps and sole). The white has faded. The underside of the heel has one pit.
Intact and complete. Vessel rests unevenly, blackening aroun the body and the handle, brown deposit and pitting on the body. '306' stamped on the base
Three fragments that belong to the same vessel. a) Should be rejoined to b. Part of the rim, small bit of the neck and part of the handle. Few, tiny bits have been pitted off and a spot has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a. Part of rim and neck. Few, tiny bits have been pitted off. c) Part of the neck. Few, tiny bits have been pitted off.
Four fragments that belong to the same vessel. a) Part of the rim, body and the handle (intact). There is white plaster on the inner surface of the handle and many bits and spots have been pitted off and colour appears peeled off, especially from the back of the handle. b)Should be rejoined to c. Part of the rim and body. Four small bits have been pitted off from the rim (exterior) and there is a bit of plaster. c) Should be rejoined to b. Part of the rim and tiny part of the body. Part of the decoration of the rim has been peeld off. d) Part of the body.
Two fragments probably from the same vessel. (a) Many spots have been pitted off and there are remains of adhesives after some form of restoration. (b) A thick layer of white plaster (after some form of restoration) has been peeled off from some areas and it is cracked, deposits, remains of adhesives and accumulation of residue, especially on the interior.
a) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one handle (the other one is missing) and body of the vessel. Small bits have been pitted off, as well as parts of the colour on some areas. The glaze also seems to be scraped off, apart from the surfaces decorated with palmettes. There are traces of white plaster (on the exterior), especially at the upper part of the handle's springs. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Part of the rim and body of the vessel. The area above the decoration on the body seems scraped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one of the springs of the other handle (that is missing) and part of the vessel's body. White plaster is apparent on most of the external surface. Traces of adhesives? exist on the internal surface of the rim d) Part of the rim and body of the vessel. Adhesives on the rim (interior and exterior). e) Part of the vessel's lower body. Tiny bits have been pitted off from both sides and colour has fadded away on some areas. f) Part of the vessel's resting surface. The foot is missing and there are adhesives and white plaster on the joining point of the foot with the base.
Seven fragments of the rim, body and handles of the same vessel. a) Traces of white plaster. Small bits have been pitted off (interior). d) Few bits have been pitted off. e) Few tiny bits have been pitted off. g) Part of the handle and body. Spots have been pitted off.
Seven fragments that belong to the same vessel. There is white plaster on both sides of each fragment. b) Adhesives on the exterior. The black gloss has been peeled off at some areas. e) Adhesives, especially on the external left side of the fragment. f) Small bits have been pitted off, and a shallow scratch on the lowest part of the body and a cracking on the central part of the resting surface. g) Looks like it has been flaked off from the vessel.
complete rim, rest of vessel missing