Ure Museum Database

There are 16 objects for which Condition contains → though
14.9.13 Dark deposits on outer surface as well as surface scratching and a flake of clay missing. The paint is in good condition though. The paint on the underside is in good condition too. Possible remains of a rim section but not enough to be certain.
14.9.30 Black paint is fading as is the white. Surface is still smooth though.
22.3.35 Fragmentary though well kept overall with minimal chippings or damage.
23.11.27 Well kept, appears to be in one, complete piece, though the outside has had the paint removed in numerous spots. Bottom part has had most of the paint removed, likely caused over time.
25.6.11 Fragmentary though otherwise kept in good condition.
25.6.9 Fragmentary though otherwise kept in good condition.
29.11.11 Incomplete. The sides of the mask have broken away, and the slip is covered in patches of grey/brown deposit. Detail of the face are still evident, but the nose shows areas of wear on the tip. The inside is a pinkish colour, with little evidence of deposit, though the surface feels rough to touch.
67.6.2 Well kept, though part of hair on the back-right appears to be missing and the nose is chipped off. Parts of the paint also appear to be chipped off/missing, particularly on the stand.
73.9.30 Single triangular fragment preserving some of the rim. Good condition, though there is a slight chip on the upper part of it.
79.1.16 Intact, upper portion of handle missing, filling hole shape slightly obscured by missing area of discus. Wash worn in most place, superficial chips in the body blackening along the left side of the shoulder, nozzle and all though the interior.
E.65.6 Intact, although clearly not complete even though it is unclear what it once belonged to. There is however little degridation of the wood.
REDMG:1964.1614.1 Nozzle tip missing, wash and decoration are both worn. Small amount of deposit all over, blackening around the wick hole may have been produced though use.
REDMG:1964.1638 In good condition overall, though inner rim has clearly been scratched a lot, and bottom parts of handles have clearly been broken off, with a large chunk from the outer side missing from one.
T.2012.II.26 Fragmentary with mild chippings around the edge, though overall is well kept.
T.2012.II.27 Fragmentary with mild chippings around the edge and on several areas of the painted parts of the pot, though overall is well kept.
TEMP.2003.7.74 Well kept overall, though inner section has a few points where the paint has been chipped away slightly,and the line at the top also appears to have been worn away over time. Edges on the right side are slightly chipped.
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The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading, RG6 6AH