Surface chips have taken away some paint and the part that has suffered most has the main design. Hardly any deposits apart from some dusty parts on the fractured edges.
Single fragment of five sides, broken sharply. The lower part of the fragment decoration is well preserved, but the upper portion has suffered cosiderable ware, although, the absent upper torsos of the youths can be seen on the terracotta below (due to the paint having preserved the ware to some extent before it was rubbed off).
Intact. Large flake from surface taken from towards base. Colours remain strong. Black paint at bottom of body has suffered the worst.
Neck has been repaired. Object is complete. Surface is badly damaged and paint has suffered from age on all areas. Nike herself, remains clear and undamaged.
Intact, with only slight chips on the base. The design remains very clear and the glaze is shiny and complete. Only the white paint has suffered a little. There are deposits inside the rim.